Improve final construction of decimal strings

This commit is contained in:
K. Lange 2024-02-28 17:39:47 +09:00
parent f80b5430f8
commit 7ed0cd6823
2 changed files with 179 additions and 173 deletions

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@ -2400,19 +2400,100 @@ KrkValue krk_int_from_float(double val) {
return make_long_obj(&_value);
KrkValue krk_double_to_string(double a, int exact, unsigned int digits, char formatter, int plus) {
#include <assert.h>
static size_t round_to(char * str, size_t len, size_t actual, size_t digits) {
/* Round the result to just 16 or 17 decimal digits, rounding to even. If
* the actual number of digits was already smaller than that, do nothing. */
if (actual > digits) {
int carry = 0;
if (str[digits] == '5' && ((digits ? str[digits-1] : 0) % 2 == 0)) {
/* Because our decimal representation is exact, we can be sure that
* this correctly rounds halfway to even because we know all of the
* digits after the truncated 5 are zero or non-zero. */
int all_zeros = 1;
for (size_t j = actual - 1; j > digits; j--) {
if (str[j] != '0') {
all_zeros = 0;
carry = all_zeros ? 0 : 1;
} else if (str[digits] >= '5') {
/* In other cases, round up if necessary. */
carry = 1;
size_t i = digits;
while (i && carry) {
/* Propogate carry */
if (str[i-1] - '0' + carry > 9) {
str[i-1] = '0';
carry = 1;
} else {
str[i-1] += carry;
carry = 0;
if (carry && i == 0) {
/* Carry results in new digit on left, push all the relevant stuff over. */
for (size_t j = 0; j < digits; ++j) {
str[j+1] = str[j];
/* The new digit is always going to be 1. */
str[0] = '1';
/* Adjust length of resulting valid string; b remains the same, as we
* did not remove any trailing digits at this point. */
return 1;
return 0;
* @brief Convert a double to a KrkString.
KrkValue krk_double_to_string(double a, int exact, unsigned int digits, char formatter, int plus, int forcedigits) {
union { double d; uint64_t u; } val = {.d = a};
int noexp = (formatter | 0x20) == 'f';
int alwaysexp = (formatter | 0x20) == 'e';
int caps = !(formatter & 0x20);
char expch = caps ? 'E' : 'e';
/* Extract sign, mantissa, exponent from double, and handle special cases. */
int sign = (val.u >> 63ULL) ? 1 : 0;
int64_t m = val.u & 0x000fffffffffffffULL;
int64_t e = ((val.u >> 52ULL) & 0x7FF) - 0x3FF;
if (e == 1024) {
if (m) return OBJECT_VAL(S("nan"));
if (sign) return OBJECT_VAL(S("-inf"));
return OBJECT_VAL(S("inf"));
struct StringBuilder sb = {0};
if (sign && !m) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '-');
else if (plus) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '+');
if (m) krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, caps ? "NAN" : "nan", 3);
else krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, caps ? "INF" : "inf", 3);
return krk_finishStringBuilder(&sb);
if (e == -1023 && m == 0) {
struct StringBuilder sb = {0};
if (sign) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '-');
else if (plus) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb,'+');
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '0');
/* For f/F and e/E, always fill in digits? */
if (digits && forcedigits) {
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '.');
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < digits - ((!noexp && !alwaysexp) ? 1 : 0); ++i) {
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '0');
/* Include exponent for e/E */
if (alwaysexp) {
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, expch);
krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, "+00", 3);
return krk_finishStringBuilder(&sb);
if (e == -1023 && m == 0) return OBJECT_VAL(S("0.0"));
/* We need to cache the decimal versions of each necessary division of 10⁵², if we've not seen them before. */
KrkValue float_decimal_parts = NONE_VAL();
@ -2516,181 +2597,97 @@ KrkValue krk_double_to_string(double a, int exact, unsigned int digits, char for
size_t len = 0;
char * str = krk_long_to_decimal_str(&c, &len);
unsigned int odigits = digits;
/* At this point, we want to round the answer to fit a more reasonable number of
* digits. We have the exact value, in decimal, in string form - so we can do
* some truncation and look at the values we are truncating away to determine if
* we should round up (add one and propogate until the carry disappears), or keep
* the truncated value. */
if (!exact) {
/* Figure out how many significant digits we actually have, excluding any
* trailing 0s which will get stripped away later anyway. */
size_t actual = len;
while (actual > 1 && str[actual-1] == '0') actual--;
/* Significant digits */
size_t actual = len;
while (actual > 1 && str[actual-1] == '0') actual--;
if (formatter == 'f') {
if (b > (int)len && b - len <= digits) {
/* Make sure we round? */
digits -= b - len;
} else if (b > (int)len && b - len > digits) {
/* Going to be zero, just return that. */
actual = 0;
len = 0;
b = digits;
} else if (b < (int)len) {
/* Need to account for the whole digits */
digits += len - b;
int ten_exponent = (int)len - b - 1; /* n of e±n */
int print_exponent = 0; /* print e±n */
int whole_digits = ((int)len >= b) ? ten_exponent + 1 : 0; /* digits before radix point */
int missing_digits = (b >= (int)len) ? b - (int)len : 0; /* digits after radix point not in actual */
int trailing_zeros = 0; /* zeros after actual */
/* Round the result to just 16 or 17 decimal digits, rounding to even. If
* the actual number of digits was already smaller than that, do nothing. */
if (actual > digits) {
int carry = 0;
if (str[digits] == '5' && ((digits ? str[digits-1] : 0) % 2 == 0)) {
/* Because our decimal representation is exact, we can be sure that
* this correctly rounds halfway to even because we know all of the
* digits after the truncated 5 are zero or non-zero. */
int all_zeros = 1;
for (size_t j = actual - 1; j > digits; j--) {
if (str[j] != '0') {
all_zeros = 0;
carry = all_zeros ? 0 : 1;
} else if (str[digits] >= '5') {
/* In other cases, round up if necessary. */
carry = 1;
size_t i = digits;
while (i && carry) {
/* Propogate carry */
if (str[i-1] - '0' + carry > 9) {
str[i-1] = '0';
carry = 1;
} else {
str[i-1] += carry;
carry = 0;
/* Reduce the number of digits behind the radix point by the number of
* digits we truncated away, and update the length to the actual length. */
b -= (int)len - digits;
len = digits;
if (carry && i == 0) {
/* Carry results in new digit on left, push all the relevant stuff over. */
for (size_t j = 0; j < digits; ++j) {
str[j+1] = str[j];
/* The new digit is always going to be 1. */
str[0] = '1';
/* Adjust length of resulting valid string; b remains the same, as we
* did not remove any trailing digits at this point. */
/* Now we're going to split up the decimal string into the whole part and the
* fractional part. The whole part, p, is either a prefix of the decimal string,
* or is "0" if there is no whole part. */
char * p = "0";
size_t plen = 1;
if (b < 0) {
p = str;
plen = len;
} else if (b < (int)len) {
p = str;
plen = len - b;
/* The fractional part, s, consists of the rest of the digits. */
char * s = str;
size_t slen = len;
int extra_zeros = b - slen;
if (b < 0) {
s = "0";
slen = 1;
extra_zeros = -b;
} else if (b < (int)len) {
s = str + len - b;
slen = b;
extra_zeros = 0;
/* Now we can remove all of the trailing zeros from s. If s is
* all zeros, we should keep one... */
while (slen > 1 && s[slen-1] == '0') slen--;
if (!slen) {
s = "0";
slen = 1;
/* Now we can take our truncated value and format it to a final output. */
struct StringBuilder sb = {0};
/* First the negative sign. */
if (sign) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '-');
else if (plus) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '+');
if (formatter != 'f' && plen == 1 && *p == '0' && extra_zeros >= 4) {
/* Whole part is 0, fractional part has enough leading zeros to switch
* to exponential notation. Strip leading zeros from fractional part,
* print first digit, then if there are more digits, print dot and
* the remaining digit. Finally, print the exponent. */
while (slen > 1 && *s == '0') slen--, s++;
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, s[0]);
if (slen > 1) {
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '.');
krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, s+1,slen-1);
} else if (formatter != 'f' && plen + extra_zeros > digits) {
/* Whole part is long; switch to exponential notation. Print leading
* non-zero digit of whole part, strip all trailing zeros from s,
* then extra, then p itself, and if there's still non-zero digits
* then print a dot, then the digits from p, then the extra zeros,
* then the digits from s. Finally, print the exponent.
int iplen = plen + extra_zeros - 1;
while (slen && s[slen-1] == '0') slen--; /* All trailing 0s from s, even if it is just 0 */
if (slen == 0) extra_zeros = 0; /* If s is now empty, skip all of the extra zeros */
if (slen == 0 && extra_zeros == 0) { /* There that then results in no digits, strip trailing 0s from p */
while (plen > 1 && p[plen-1] == '0') plen--;
if (plen + extra_zeros + slen > 1) { /* If there are still digits left to print, print them */
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '.');
krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, p+1,plen-1); /* First from p */
while (extra_zeros) { /* Then from extra zeros */
if (!alwaysexp && !noexp) {
/* g/G formatter - rounding is for total digits displayed */
if (digits == 0) digits = 1; /* treat precision of 0 as 1 */
if (actual > digits) {
/* There are more digits than we need to show, so round */
int overflowed = round_to(str, len, actual, digits);
if (overflowed) {
/* If we overflowed, our exponent increases */
ten_exponent += 1;
if (ten_exponent) whole_digits++;
krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, s, slen); /* Then from s */
/* We are going to use exactly the number of digits we have */
actual = digits;
} else {
/* Only add extra zeros if needed */
trailing_zeros = digits - actual;
} else {
/* Whole part and fractional part are within range to use normal notation.
* First print all of the whole digits, then a dot. If there are no digits
* from s and the extra zeros, force a zero to be printed, otherwise print
* those remaining digits.
krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, p, plen);
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '.');
if (slen == 1 && *s == '0') extra_zeros = 0;
if (slen + extra_zeros) {
for (int i = 0; i < extra_zeros; i++) {
krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, s, slen);
/* Take any trailing zeros from the number and transfer them into
* "trailing zeros" so we can remove them if we aren't forcing them. */
while (actual > 1 && str[actual-1] == '0') {
/* Ensure we end with either .0 or some additional number of zeros for the 'f' formatter. */
for (unsigned int i = extra_zeros + slen; i < ((formatter == 'f') ? odigits : 1); i++) {
krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '0');
/* For small numbers, or very big numbers, switch to exponent notation. */
if (ten_exponent < -4 || ten_exponent >= (int)digits) {
print_exponent = 1;
whole_digits = 1;
missing_digits = 0;
} else if (noexp) {
/* f/F - always use fixed point; determine how to round appropriately */
if (missing_digits > (int)digits) {
actual = whole_digits;
missing_digits = digits;
} else if (missing_digits && missing_digits + actual > digits) {
/* Small number but we have digits on or before the rounding point */
if (round_to(str, len, actual, digits - missing_digits)) missing_digits--;
actual = digits - missing_digits;
} else if (!missing_digits && actual - whole_digits > digits) {
/* Number with no missing digits but still space for rounding */
if (round_to(str, len, actual, digits + whole_digits)) whole_digits++;
actual = digits + whole_digits;
} else if (actual == (size_t)whole_digits) {
/* Number with no significant fractional part */
missing_digits = digits;
} else {
/* Number with possibly not enough digits */
trailing_zeros = digits - (actual + missing_digits);
} else if (alwaysexp) {
if (actual > digits) {
if (round_to(str, len, actual, digits + 1)) ten_exponent += 1;
actual = digits + 1;
} else {
trailing_zeros = digits + 1 - actual;
print_exponent = 1;
whole_digits = 1;
missing_digits = 0;
if (!whole_digits) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb,'0');
else krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb,str,whole_digits);
if (forcedigits || actual > (size_t)whole_digits) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '.');
if (missing_digits) for (int i = 0; i < missing_digits; ++i) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '0');
if (actual > (size_t)whole_digits) krk_pushStringBuilderStr(&sb, str + whole_digits, actual - whole_digits);
if (forcedigits) for (int i = 0; i < trailing_zeros; ++i) krk_pushStringBuilder(&sb, '0');
if (print_exponent) {
char expsign = ten_exponent < 0 ? '-' : '+';
int abs_ten_exponent = ten_exponent < 0 ? -ten_exponent : ten_exponent;
krk_pushStringBuilderFormat(&sb, "%c%c%s%d",
expch, expsign, abs_ten_exponent < 10 ? "0" : "", abs_ten_exponent);

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@ -627,9 +627,9 @@ KRK_StaticMethod(float,__new__) {
KRK_Method(float,__int__) { return krk_int_from_float(self); }
KRK_Method(float,__float__) { return argv[0]; }
extern KrkValue krk_double_to_string(double,int,unsigned int,char,int);
extern KrkValue krk_double_to_string(double,int,unsigned int,char,int,int);
KRK_Method(float,__repr__) {
return krk_double_to_string(self,0,16,'g',0);
return krk_double_to_string(self,0,16,'g',0,0);
KRK_Method(float,__format__) {
@ -643,6 +643,7 @@ KRK_Method(float,__format__) {
char formatter = 'g';
int digits = 16;
int forcedigits = opts.alt;
switch (*spec) {
case 0:
@ -650,9 +651,17 @@ KRK_Method(float,__format__) {
/* defaults */
case 'G':
formatter = 'G';
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'e':
case 'E':
digits = 6;
formatter = 'f';
formatter = *spec;
forcedigits = 1;
@ -662,11 +671,11 @@ KRK_Method(float,__format__) {
if (opts.alt || opts.sep) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->valueError, "unsupported option for float");
if (opts.sep) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->valueError, "unsupported option for float");
if (opts.hasPrecision) digits = opts.prec;
if (!opts.align) opts.align = '>';
KrkValue result = krk_double_to_string(self, 0, digits, formatter, opts.sign == '+');
KrkValue result = krk_double_to_string(self, 0, digits, formatter, opts.sign == '+', forcedigits);
if (!IS_STRING(result) || !opts.width) return result;