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2021-03-31 19:27:13 +09:00
if not hasattr(__builtins__,'StopIteration'):
class StopIteration(Exception):
__builtins__.StopIteration = StopIteration
class Awaiter:
def __await__(self):
print(" __await__ called")
yield " Awaiter(): awaitable returns an iterator"
def decorate(func):
print("Decorating", func.__qualname__)
return func
class Baz:
def __init__(self, fromVal):
self.identifier = fromVal
async def asyncMethod(self):
print(" async method on", self.identifier)
return 'a value'
async def decoratedAsyncMethod(self):
print(" decorated async method on", self.identifier)
return 3.141519
async def foo(i):
print(' foo(): hi')
print(' Awaiting result 1:', await i())
print(' Awaiting result 2:', await Awaiter())
print(' Awaiting result 3:', await i())
print(' Awaiting result 4:', await Baz('<baz>').asyncMethod())
print(' Awaiting result 5:', await decoratedAsync())
print(' Awaiting result 6:', await Baz('<foo>').decoratedAsyncMethod())
print(' foo(): bye')
return "done"
async def bar():
print(" bar(): hello, there, I'm an async function")
return 42
async def decoratedAsync():
print(" I am a decorated async function")
return 'decorated result'
def run(coro, scheduled=None, next=None, result=None):
# Okay, let's see.
scheduled = [coro]
print("Starting run loop.")
while scheduled:
print(" Popping from scheduled list.")
next = scheduled.pop(0) # Yes, that's slow, I know.
print(" Calling",type(next))
result = next.send(None)
if result == next:
raise StopIteration(result.__finish__())
print(" Returned with",result)
except StopIteration as e:
# Stop iteration value should be return value from foo()
print('Exception:', type(e), e)
print('Done with run loop.')