209 lines
6.2 KiB
209 lines
6.2 KiB
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* This is a pseudo description of the grammar of Kuroko in
* EBNF form. It is not necessarily a complete and accurate
* grammar and should not be used to develop parsers, but
* instead as an overview of how the existing Pratt parser
* handles precedence and recursion.
* <identifier>, <string>, and <indentation> are special token
* types from the scanner. <indentation> has special rules
* regarding width that must remain consistent throughout
* a block which can not be easily represented in an EBNF
* grammar like this. Python opts for using an "indent" and
* "dedent" symbol...
<primary> ::= <number> | <string> | <identifier> | "True" | "False" | "None"
<number> ::= <octal> | <hexadecimal> | <binary> | <integer> | <float>
<octal> ::= "0" ("o" | "o") [0-7]+
<hexadecimal> ::= "0" ("x" | "X") ([0-9] | [a-f] | [A-F])+
<binary> ::= "0" ("b" | "B") ("0" | "1")+
<integer> ::= [0-9]+
<float> ::= [0-9]+ "." [0-9]+
<expression> ::= <assignment>
<assignment> ::= <ternary>
( ("=" <assignment>)
| ("|=" <assignment>)
| ("^=" <assignment>)
| ("&=" <assignment>)
| ("<<=" <assignment>)
| (">>=" <assignment>)
| ("+=" <assignment>)
| ("-=" <assignment>)
| ("*=" <assignment>)
| ("**=" <assignment>)
| ("/=" <assignment>)
| ("%=" <assignment>)
| ("++")
| ("--") )?
<ternary> ::= <or> ("if" <or> "else" <ternary>)?
<or> ::= <and> ("or" <or>)?
<and> ::= <comparison> ("and" <and>)?
<comparison> ::= <bitor>
( ("<" <comparison>)
| (">" <comparison>)
| ("<=" <comparison>)
| (">=" <comparison>)
| ("in" <comparison>)
| ("not" "in" <comparison>)
| ("!=" <comparison>)
| ("==" <comparison>)
| ("is" <comparison>)
<bitor> ::= <bitxor> ("|" <bitor>)?
<bitxor> ::= <bitand> ("^" <bitxor>)?
<bitand> ::= <shift> ("&" <bitand>)?
<shift> ::= <term>
( ("<<" <shift>)
| (">>" <shift>) )?
<term> ::= <factor>
( ("+" <term>)
| ("-" <term>) )?
<factor> ::= <unary>
( ("*" <factor>)
| ("/" <factor>)
| ("%" <factor>) )?
<unary> ::= <exponent>
| ("!" <unary>)
| ("-" <unary>)
| ("not" <unary>)
| <primary>
| <grouping>
| <tuple>
| <list>
| <dict>
| <set>
| <lambda>
<lambda> ::= "lambda" (<identifier> ("," <identifier>)* )? ":" <expression>
<exponent> ::= <call> ("**" <exponent>)?
<call> ::= <unary>
( ("." <identifier>)
| ("(" <argumentlist> ")")
| ("[" <expression> "]")
| ("[" (<expression>)? ":" (<expression>)? "]") )?
<argumentlist> ::= <argumententry> ("," <argumententry>)*
<argumententry> ::= (<identifier> "=" <expression>)
| <expression>
| ("*" <expression>)
| ("**" <expression>)
<grouping> ::= "(" <expression> ")"
<comprehension> ::= <identifiers> "in" <or> ("if" <or>)?
<identifiers> ::= <identifier> ("," <identifier>)*
<tuple> ::= "()"
| ( "(" <expression> "," ")" )
| ( "(" <expression> "," <expression> ("," <expression>)* (",")? ")" )
| ( "(" <expression> "for" <comprehension> ")" )
<list> ::= "[]"
| ( "[" <expression> ("," <expression>)* (",")? "]" )
| ( "[" <expression> "for" <comprehension> "]" )
<dict> ::= "{}"
| ( "{" <expression> ":" <expression> ("," <expression> ":" <expression>)* (",")? "}" )
| ( "{" <expression> ":" <expression> "for" <comprehension> "}" )
<set> ::= ("{" <expression> ("," <expression>)* "}")
| ("{" <expression> "for" <comprehension> "}")
<declaration> ::= <def> | <let> | <class> | <decorator> | <statement> | "\n"
<def> ::= "def" <identifier> <function>
<function> ::= "(" <signaturearguments> ")" ":" <block>
<signaturearguments> ::= <args> ("," <stararg>)?
<args> ::= (<identifier> ("," <identifier>)*)
| ( (<identifier> ("," <identifier>)* ",")? <identifier> "=" <expression> ("," <identifier> "=" <expression>)* )
<stararg> ::= ("*" <identifier>)
| ("**" <identifier>)
| ("*" <identifier> "," "**" <identifier>)
<let> ::= "let" <identifier> ("," <identifier>)* ("=" <expression> ("," <expression>)*)?
<class> ::= "class" <identifier> "(" (<expression>)? ")" ":" <classblock>
<classblock> ::= "\n" (<indentation> <method>)*
<method> ::= "\n"
| <decorator>
| (<identifier> "=" <expression> "\n")
| ("pass" "\n")
| <def>
<decorator> ::= "@" <expression> "\n" (<decorator> | <def> | <class>)
<statement> ::= <if>
| <while>
| <for>
| <try>
| <with>
| (<simplestatement> "\n")
<simplestatement> ::= (<simplestatement> ";" <simplestatement>)
| ("raise" <expression>)
| (<return> (<expression>)?)
| <import>
| <fromimport>
| "break"
| "continue"
| "pass"
| <del>
| <expression>
<if> ::= "if" <ifbody>
<ifbody> ::= <expression> ":" <block> (<else>)?
<else> ::= ("else" "if" <ifbody>)
| ("elif" <ifbody>)
| ("else" ":" <block>)
<while> ::= "while" <expression> ":" <block>
<for> ::= ("for" <identifier> ("," <identifier>)* "in" <expression> ":" <block>)
| ("for" <identifier> ("=" <expression>)? ("," <identifier> ("=" <expression>)?)* ";" <expression> (";" <expression> ("," <expression>)*)? ":" <block>
<try> ::= "try" ":" <block> ("except" (<expression>)? ("as" <identifier>)? ":" <block>)?
<with> ::= "with" <expression> ("as" <identifier>)? ":" <block>
<import> ::= "import" <dottedname> ("as" <identifier>)? ("," <dottedname> ("as" <identifier>)?)*
<fromimport> ::= "from" <dottedname> "import" <identifier> ("as" <identifier>)? ("," <identifier> ("as" <identifier>)?)*
<dottedname> ::= <identifier> ("." <identifier>)*
<del> ::= "del" <expression> ("," <expression>)*
<block> ::= ("\n" (<indentation> <declaration>)*) | <statement>