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2020-12-26 16:59:43 +09:00
# Kuroko - A bytecode-compiled scripting language
2020-12-29 15:39:34 +09:00
Kuroko is a bytecode-interpreted, dynamic, strongly-typed language with syntax similar to Python.
2020-12-28 16:08:06 +09:00
2020-12-29 15:39:34 +09:00
The bytecode VM / compiler is substantially based on Robert Nystrom's [_Crafting Interpreters_](https://craftinginterpreters.com/).
2020-12-26 16:59:43 +09:00
2020-12-29 15:39:34 +09:00
At the moment, the intent for this project is to add a proper scripting language to [Bim](https://github.com/klange/bim), to which both configuration scripts and syntax highlighting will be ported.
Kuroko, as its name should imply, will also be made available in [ToaruOS](https://github.com/klange/toaruos) as a general-purpose user language, and some utilities may end up being written in it.
## Features
2020-12-29 15:39:34 +09:00
Kuroko inherits some core features by virtue of following _Crafting Interpreters_, including its basic type system, classes/methods/functions, and the design of its compiler and bytecode VM.
On top of this, Kuroko has:
- Python-style indentation-driven block syntax.
- Importable modules, which run once when first imported and return a value (which should generally be an object).
- `[]` as an overloadable operator (calls `__get__` and `__set__` depending on usage).
- Built-in types for lists (`list`) and hashmaps (`dict`).
- Exception handling with `try`/`except`/`raise`.
- Syntax-highlighted repl based on ToaruOS's `rline` library.
- Native support for iterators with `for VAL in ITER:` syntax.
## Examples
_**NOTE**: Due to limitations with Github's markdown renderer, these snippets will be highlighted as Python code._
### Hello World
Kuroko inherits a print statement from its Lox roots, which is similar to Python's:
print "Hello, world!"
# → Hello, world!
2020-12-30 10:22:10 +09:00
### Basic Types
Kuroko's basic types are integers (which use the platform `long` type), double-precision floats, booleans (`True` and `False`), and `None`.
print 1 + 2 + 3
# → 6
2020-12-30 10:22:10 +09:00
When integer values are used in arithmetic operations, such as division, the result will be an integer as well:
print 1 / 2
# → 0
To get floating-point results, one of the arguments should be explicitly typed or converted:
print 1 / 2.0
# → 0.5
Implicit type conversion occurs late in evaluation, so be careful of integer overflows:
# Probably not what you want:
print 1000000000 * 1000000000 * 1000000000 * 3.0
# → -2.07927e+19
# Try something like this instead:
print 1000000000.0 * 1000000000 * 1000000000 * 3.0
# → 3e+27
### Objects
Objects are values which live on the heap. Basic objects include strings, functions, classes, and instances.
Objects are passed by reference, though strings are immutable so this property is only relevant for other object types.
### Strings
Strings can be concatenated, and other values can be appended to them.
print "Hello, " + 42 + "!"
# → Hello, 42!
### Functions
Function syntax is essentially the same as in Python:
def greet(name):
print "Hello, " + name + "!"
# → Hello, user!
Optional arguments are supported, though as of writing they must default to `None`:
def greet(name=None):
if not name:
print "Hello, world!"
print "Hello, " + name + "!"
# → Hello, world!
# Hello, user!
### Variables
In a departure from Python, Kuroko has explicit variable declaration and traditional scoping rules. Variables are declared with the `let` keyword and take the value `None` if not defined at declaration time:
let foo
print foo
# → None
foo = 1
print foo
# → 1
2020-12-30 10:22:10 +09:00
### Closures
Functions are first-class values and may be returned from functions and stored in variables, producing _closures_.
When a function references local values from an outter scope, such as in the example below, the referenced variables will be captured.
def foo():
let i = 1 # Local to this call to foo()
def bar():
print i # Reference to outer variable
i = i + 1
return bar # Produces a closure
a = foo() # Each copy of `bar` gets its own `i`
b = foo()
c = foo()
a() # So these all print "1" as the first call,
b() # but each one also increments its own copy of i
a() # So further calls will reference that copy
# → 1
# 1
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
### Basic Objects and Classes
Objects and classes in Kuroko work a lot like Python or similar languages in that they have an arbitrary and mutable set of fields, which may be methods or other values.
To create a basic object without methods, the `object` class is provided:
let o = object()
o.foo = "bar"
print o.foo
# → bar
To supply methods, define a class:
class Foo():
def printFoo():
print self.foo
let o = Foo()
o.foo = "bar"
# → bar
The `self` keyword is implicit in all methods and does not need to be supplied in the argument list. You may optionally include it in the method declaration anyway:
class Foo():
def printFoo(self):
print self.foo
let o = Foo()
o.foo = "bar"
# → bar
When a class is instantiated, if it has an `__init__` method it will be called automatically. `__init__` may take arguments as well.
class Foo():
def __init__(bar):
self.foo = bar
def printFoo(self):
print self.foo
let o = Foo("bar")
# → bar
Some other special method names include `__get__`, `__set__`, and `__str__`, which will be explained later.
### Collections
Kuroko has built-in classes for flexible arrays (`list`) and hashmaps (`dict`):
let l = list()
print l
# → [1, 2, three, False]
l[1] = 5
print l
# → [1, 5, three, False]
let d = dict()
d["foo"] = "bar"
d[1] = 2
print d
# → {1: 2, foo: bar}
2020-12-30 09:05:20 +09:00
These built-in collections can also be initialized as expressions, which act as syntactic sugar for the `listOf` and `dictOf` built-in functions:
let l = [1,2,"three",False] # or listOf(1,2,"three",False)
print l
# → [1, 2, three, False]
let d = {"foo": "bar", 1: 2} # or dictOf("foo","bar",1,2)
print d
# → {1: 2, foo: bar}
Lists can also be generated dynamically:
let fives = [x * 5 for x in [1,2,3,4,5]]
print fives
# → [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
### Exceptions
Kuroko provides a mechanism for handling errors at runtime. If an error is not caught, the interpreter will end and print a traceback.
def foo(bar):
print "I expect an argument! " + bar
foo() # I didn't provide one!
# → Wrong number of arguments (1 expected, got 0)
# Traceback, most recent first, 1 call frames:
# File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
To catch exceptions, use `try`/`except`:
def foo(bar):
print "I expect an argument! " + bar
foo() # I didn't provide one!
print "oh no!"
# → oh no!
Runtime exceptions are passed to the `except` block as a special variable `exception`. As of this writing, runtime exceptions from the VM are strings.
def foo(bar):
print "I expect an argument! " + bar
foo() # I didn't provide one!
print "oh no, there was an exception: " + exception
# → oh no, there was an exception: Wrong number of arguments (1 expected, got 0)
Exceptions can also be generated from code:
def login(password):
if password != "supersecret":
raise "Wrong password, try again!"
print "[Hacker voice] I'm in."
# → Wrong password, try again!
# Traceback, most recent first, 2 call frames:
# File "<stdin>", line 5, in <module>
# File "<stdin>", line 3, in login
The `except` block is optional, and an exception may be caught and ignored.
def login(password):
if password != "supersecret":
raise "Wrong password, try again!"
print "[Hacker voice] I'm in."
# → Wrong password, try again!
# Traceback, most recent first, 2 call frames:
# File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module>
# File "<stdin>", line 3, in login
### Modules
Modules allow scripts to call other scripts.
# modules/demomodule.krk
let module = object()
module.foo = "bar"
return module
# demo.krk
import demomodule
print demomodule.foo
# → bar
When modules are imported, they run in a _function local_ context and variables they declare do not live in the global namespace.
To put variables into the global namespace, use the `export` keyword:
# modules/demomodule.krk
let module = object()
foo = "bar"
export foo
return module
# demo.krk
import demomodule
print foo
# → bar
### Loops
Kuroku supports C-style for loops, while loops, and Python-style iterator for loops.
for i = 1, i < 5, i = i + 1:
print i
# → 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
let i = 36
while i > 1:
i = i / 2
print i
# → 18
# 9
# 4
# 2
# 1
let l = list()
for i in l:
print i
# → 1
# 2
# 3
### Iterators
The special method `__iter__` should return an iterator. An iterator should be a function which increments an internal state and returns the next value. If there are no values remaining, return the iterator itself.
An example of an iterator is the `range` built-in class, which is defined like this:
class range:
def __init__(self, min, max):
self.min = min
self.max = max
def __iter__(self):
let me = self
def makeIter(ind):
let l = me
let i = ind
def iter():
if i >= l.max:
return iter
let out = i
i = i + 1
return out
return iter
return makeIter(self.min)
Objects which have an `__iter__` method can then be used with the `for ... in ...` syntax:
for i in range(1,5):
print i
# → 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
### Indexing
Objects with the methods `__get__` and `__set__` can be used with square brackets `[]`:
class Foo:
def __get__(ind):
print "You asked for ind=" + ind
return ind * 5
def __set__(ind, val):
print "You asked to set ind=" + ind + " to " + val
let f = Foo()
print f[4]
f[7] = "bar"
# → You asked for ind=4
# 20
# You asked to set ind=7 to bar
### String Conversion
If an object implements the `__str__` method, it will be called to produce string values when concatenating or printing.
class Foo:
def __str__():
return "(I am a Foo!)"
let f = Foo()
print f
# → (I am a Foo!)