485 lines
14 KiB
485 lines
14 KiB
* @file kernel/arch/x86_64/smp.c
* @brief Multi-processor Support for x86-64.
* Locates and bootstraps APs using ACPI MADT tables.
* @copyright
* This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms
* of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md
* Copyright (C) 2021 K. Lange
#include <stdint.h>
#include <kernel/string.h>
#include <kernel/process.h>
#include <kernel/printf.h>
#include <kernel/misc.h>
#include <kernel/args.h>
#include <kernel/time.h>
#include <kernel/multiboot.h>
#include <kernel/mmu.h>
#include <kernel/arch/x86_64/acpi.h>
static void __ap_bootstrap(void) {
asm volatile (
".org 0x0\n"
".global _ap_bootstrap_start\n"
/* Enable PAE, paging */
"mov $0xA0, %%eax\n"
"mov %%eax, %%cr4\n"
/* Kernel base PML4 */
".global init_page_region\n"
"mov $init_page_region, %%edx\n"
"mov %%edx, %%cr3\n"
/* Set LME */
"mov $0xc0000080, %%ecx\n"
"or $0x100, %%eax\n"
/* Enable long mode */
"mov $0x80000011, %%ebx\n"
"mov %%ebx, %%cr0\n"
/* Set up basic GDT */
"addr32 lgdtl %%cs:_ap_bootstrap_gdtp-_ap_bootstrap_start\n"
/* Jump... */
"data32 jmp $0x08,$ap_premain\n"
".global _ap_bootstrap_gdtp\n"
".align 16\n"
".word 0\n"
".quad 0\n"
".align 16\n"
"mov $0x10, %%ax\n"
"mov %%ax, %%ds\n"
"mov %%ax, %%ss\n"
"mov $0x2b, %%ax\n"
"ltr %%ax\n"
".extern _ap_stack_base\n"
"mov _ap_stack_base,%%rsp\n"
".extern ap_main\n"
"callq ap_main\n"
".global _ap_bootstrap_end\n"
: : : "memory"
extern char _ap_bootstrap_start[];
extern char _ap_bootstrap_end[];
extern char _ap_bootstrap_gdtp[];
extern size_t arch_cpu_mhz(void);
extern void gdt_copy_to_trampoline(int ap, char * trampoline);
extern void arch_set_core_base(uintptr_t base);
extern void fpu_initialize(void);
extern void idt_ap_install(void);
extern void pat_initialize(void);
extern process_t * spawn_kidle(int);
extern union PML init_page_region[];
* @brief Read the timestamp counter.
* This is duplicated in a couple of places as it's a quick
* inline wrapper for 'rdtsc'.
static inline uint64_t read_tsc(void) {
uint32_t lo, hi;
asm volatile ( "rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi) );
return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | (uint64_t)lo;
* @brief Pause by looping on TSC.
* Used for AP startup.
static void short_delay(unsigned long amount) {
uint64_t clock = read_tsc();
while (read_tsc() < clock + amount * arch_cpu_mhz());
static volatile int _ap_current = 0; /**< The AP we're currently starting up; shared between @c ap_main and @c smp_initialize */
static volatile int _ap_startup_flag = 0; /**< Simple lock, shared between @c ap_main and @c smp_initialize */
uintptr_t _ap_stack_base = 0; /**< Stack address for this AP to use on startup; used by @c __ap_boostrap */
uintptr_t lapic_final = 0; /**< MMIO region to use for APIC access. */
#define cpuid(in,a,b,c,d) do { asm volatile ("cpuid" : "=a"(a),"=b"(b),"=c"(c),"=d"(d) : "a"(in)); } while(0)
* @brief Obtains processor name strings from cpuid
* We store the processor names for each core (they might be different...)
* so we can display them nicely in /proc/cpuinfo
void load_processor_info(void) {
unsigned long a, b, unused;
this_core->cpu_manufacturer = "Unknown";
if (b == 0x756e6547) {
cpuid(1, a, b, unused, unused);
this_core->cpu_manufacturer = "Intel";
this_core->cpu_model = (a >> 4) & 0x0F;
this_core->cpu_family = (a >> 8) & 0x0F;
} else if (b == 0x68747541) {
cpuid(1, a, unused, unused, unused);
this_core->cpu_manufacturer = "AMD";
this_core->cpu_model = (a >> 4) & 0x0F;
this_core->cpu_family = (a >> 8) & 0x0F;
snprintf(processor_local_data[this_core->cpu_id].cpu_model_name, 20, "(unknown)");
/* See if we can get a long manufacturer strings */
cpuid(0x80000000, a, unused, unused, unused);
if (a >= 0x80000004) {
uint32_t brand[12];
cpuid(0x80000002, brand[0], brand[1], brand[2], brand[3]);
cpuid(0x80000003, brand[4], brand[5], brand[6], brand[7]);
cpuid(0x80000004, brand[8], brand[9], brand[10], brand[11]);
memcpy(processor_local_data[this_core->cpu_id].cpu_model_name, brand, 48);
* @brief C entrypoint for APs, called by the bootstrap.
* After an AP has entered long mode, it jumps here, where
* we do the rest of the core setup.
void ap_main(void) {
/* Set the GS base to point to our 'this_core' struct. */
/* Safety check...
* Make sure we're actually the core we think we are...
uint32_t ebx, _unused;
if (this_core->lapic_id != (int)(ebx >> 24)) {
printf("smp: lapic id does not match\n");
/* lidt, initialize local FPU, set up page attributes */
/* Enable our spurious vector register */
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x0F0)) = 0x127;
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x320)) = 0x7b;
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x3e0)) = 1;
/* Time our APIC timer against the TSC */
uint64_t before = arch_perf_timer();
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x380)) = 1000000;
while (*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x390)));
uint64_t after = arch_perf_timer();
uint64_t ms = (after-before)/arch_cpu_mhz();
uint64_t target = 10000000000UL / ms;
/* Enable our APIC timer to send periodic wakeup signals */
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x3e0)) = 1;
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x320)) = 0x7b | 0x20000;
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + 0x380)) = target;
/* Set our pml pointers */
this_core->current_pml = &init_page_region[0];
/* Spawn our kidle, make it our current process. */
this_core->kernel_idle_task = spawn_kidle(0);
this_core->current_process = this_core->kernel_idle_task;
/* Collect CPU name strings. */
/* Inform BSP it can continue. */
_ap_startup_flag = 1;
/* Enter scheduler */
* @brief MMIO write for LAPIC
* @param addr Register address to access
* @param value DWORD to write
void lapic_write(size_t addr, uint32_t value) {
*((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + addr)) = value;
asm volatile ("":::"memory");
* @brief MMIO read for LAPIC
* @param addr Register address to access
* @return DWORD
uint32_t lapic_read(size_t addr) {
return *((volatile uint32_t*)(lapic_final + addr));
* @brief Send an inter-processor interrupt.
* Sends an IPI and waits for the LAPIC to signal the IPI was sent.
* @param int The interrupt to send.
* @param val Flags to control how the IPI should be delivered
void lapic_send_ipi(int i, uint32_t val) {
lapic_write(0x310, i << 24);
lapic_write(0x300, val);
do { asm volatile ("pause" : : : "memory"); } while (lapic_read(0x300) & (1 << 12));
* @brief Quick dumb hex parser.
* Just to support acpi= command line flag for overriding
* the scan address for ACPI tables...
* @param c String of hexadecimal characters, optionally prefixed with '0x'
* @return Unsigned integer interpretation of @p c
uintptr_t xtoi(const char * c) {
uintptr_t out = 0;
if (c[0] == '0' && c[1] == 'x') {
c += 2;
while (*c) {
out *= 0x10;
if (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') {
out += (*c - '0');
} else if (*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'f') {
out += (*c - 'a' + 0xa);
} else if (*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'F') {
out += (*c - 'A' + 0xa);
return out;
* @brief Called on main startup to initialize other cores.
* We always do this ourselves. We support a few different
* bootloader conventions, and most of them don't support
* starting up APs for us.
void smp_initialize(void) {
/* Locate ACPI tables */
uintptr_t scan = 0xE0000;
uintptr_t scan_top = 0x100000;
int good = 0;
extern struct multiboot * mboot_struct;
extern int mboot_is_2;
if (mboot_is_2) {
/* A multiboot2 loader should give us a "firmware table" address
* that should allow us to find the RSDP. */
extern void * mboot2_find_tag(void * fromStruct, uint32_t type);
/* First try for an RSDPv1 */
scan = (uintptr_t)mboot2_find_tag(mboot_struct, 14);
/* If we didn't get one of those, try for an RSDPv2 */
if (!scan) scan = (uintptr_t)mboot2_find_tag(mboot_struct, 15);
/* If we didn't get one of _those_, we should really be bailing here... */
/* Account for the tag header. */
scan += 8;
scan_top = scan + 0x100000;
} else if (mboot_struct->config_table) {
* @warning This is specific to ToaruOS's native loader.
* We steal the config_table entry in our EFI loader to pass the RSDP,
* just like a multiboot2 loader would...
scan = mboot_struct->config_table;
scan_top = scan + 0x100000;
} else if (args_present("acpi")) {
/* If all else fails, you can provide the address yourself on the command line */
scan = xtoi(args_value("acpi"));
scan_top = scan + 0x100000;
/* Look for it the RSDP */
for (; scan < scan_top; scan += 16) {
char * _scan = mmu_map_from_physical(scan);
if (_scan[0] == 'R' &&
_scan[1] == 'S' &&
_scan[2] == 'D' &&
_scan[3] == ' ' &&
_scan[4] == 'P' &&
_scan[5] == 'T' &&
_scan[6] == 'R') {
good = 1;
/* I don't know why we do this here... */
/* Did we still not find our table? */
if (!good) {
dprintf("smp: No RSD PTR found\n");
/* Map the ACPI RSDP */
struct rsdp_descriptor * rsdp = (struct rsdp_descriptor *)mmu_map_from_physical(scan);
/* Validate the checksum */
uint8_t check = 0;
uint8_t * tmp;
for (tmp = (uint8_t *)rsdp; (uintptr_t)tmp < (uintptr_t)rsdp + sizeof(struct rsdp_descriptor); tmp++) {
check += *tmp;
/* Did the checksum fail? */
if (check != 0 && !args_present("noacpichecksum")) {
dprintf("smp: Bad checksum on RSDP (add 'noacpichecksum' to ignore this)\n");
return; /* bad checksum */
/* Was SMP disabled by a commandline flag? */
if (args_present("nosmp")) return;
/* Map the RSDT from the address given by the RSDP */
struct rsdt * rsdt = mmu_map_from_physical(rsdp->rsdt_address);
int cores = 0;
uintptr_t lapic_base = 0x0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (rsdt->header.length - 36) / 4; ++i) {
uint8_t * table = mmu_map_from_physical(rsdt->pointers[i]);
if (table[0] == 'A' && table[1] == 'P' && table[2] == 'I' && table[3] == 'C') {
/* APIC table! Let's find some CPUs! */
struct madt * madt = (void*)table;
lapic_base = madt->lapic_addr;
for (uint8_t * entry = madt->entries; entry < table + madt->header.length; entry += entry[1]) {
switch (entry[0]) {
case 0:
if (entry[4] & 0x01) {
if (cores == 32) { /* TODO define this somewhere better */
printf("smp: too many cores\n");
goto _toomany;
processor_local_data[cores].cpu_id = cores;
processor_local_data[cores].lapic_id = entry[3];
/* TODO: Other entries */
processor_count = cores;
if (!lapic_base) return;
/* Allocate a virtual address with which we can poke the lapic */
lapic_final = (uintptr_t)mmu_map_mmio_region(lapic_base, 0x1000);
if (cores <= 1) return;
/* Get a page we can backup the previous contents of the bootstrap target page to, as it probably has mmap crap in multiboot2 */
uintptr_t tmp_space = mmu_allocate_a_frame() << 12;
memcpy(mmu_map_from_physical(tmp_space), mmu_map_from_physical(0x1000), 0x1000);
/* Map the bootstrap code */
memcpy(mmu_map_from_physical(0x1000), &_ap_bootstrap_start, (uintptr_t)&_ap_bootstrap_end - (uintptr_t)&_ap_bootstrap_start);
for (int i = 1; i < cores; ++i) {
_ap_startup_flag = 0;
/* Set gdt pointer value */
gdt_copy_to_trampoline(i, (char*)mmu_map_from_physical(0x1000) + ((uintptr_t)&_ap_bootstrap_gdtp - (uintptr_t)&_ap_bootstrap_start));
/* Make an initial stack for this AP */
_ap_stack_base = (uintptr_t)valloc(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)+ KERNEL_STACK_SIZE;
_ap_current = i;
/* Send INIT */
lapic_send_ipi(processor_local_data[i].lapic_id, 0x4500);
/* Send SIPI */
lapic_send_ipi(processor_local_data[i].lapic_id, 0x4601);
/* Wait for AP to signal it is ready before starting next AP */
do { asm volatile ("pause" : : : "memory"); } while (!_ap_startup_flag);
/* Copy data back */
memcpy(mmu_map_from_physical(0x1000), mmu_map_from_physical(tmp_space), 0x1000);
dprintf("smp: enabled with %d cores\n", cores);
* @brief Send a soft IPI to all other cores.
* This is called by the scheduler when a process enters the ready queue,
* to give other CPUs a chance to pick it up before their timer interrupt
* fires. This is a soft interrupt: It should be ignored by the receiving
* cores if they are busy with other things - we only want it to wake up
* the HLT in the kernel idle task.
* TODO We could make this more fine-grained and deliver only to processors
* we think are ready, or to specific processors to aid in affinity?
void arch_wakeup_others(void) {
if (!lapic_final || processor_count < 2) return;
/* Send broadcast IPI to others; this is a soft interrupt
* that just nudges idle cores out of their HLT states.
* It should be gentle enough that busy cores dont't care. */
lapic_send_ipi(0, 0x7E | (3 << 18));
* @brief Trigger a TLB shootdown on other cores.
* XXX This is really dumb; we just send an IPI to everyone else
* and they reload CR3...
* @param vaddr Should have the address to flush, but not actually used.
void arch_tlb_shootdown(uintptr_t vaddr) {
if (!lapic_final || processor_count < 2) return;
* We should be checking if this address can be sensibly
* mapped somewhere else before IPIing everyone...
lapic_send_ipi(0, 0x7C | (3 << 18));