87 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File
87 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
Extract dependencies from kernel modules.
import os
import sys
import subprocess
if os.uname().sysname == "toaru":
prefix = ""
link_ld = '/tmp/link.ld'
mod_dir = '/mod'
o_file = '/tmp/test'
prefix = "i686-elf-"
link_ld = 'kernel/link.ld'
mod_dir = 'hdd/mod'
o_file = '/dev/null'
def processModule(path):
p = subprocess.Popen([prefix+"nm",path,"-p"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,bufsize=1)
symbols, _ = p.communicate()
symbols = symbols.decode('utf-8')
name = [ x[2].replace("module_info_","") for x in [x.strip().split(" ") for x in symbols.split("\n") if len(x.strip().split(" ")) > 2] if x[1] == "D" and x[2].startswith("module_info_") ][0]
dependencies = [ x[2].replace("_mod_dependency_","") for x in [x.strip().split(" ") for x in symbols.split("\n") if len(x.strip().split(" ")) > 2] if x[1] == "d" and x[2].startswith("_mod_dependency_") ]
return path, name, dependencies
modules = {}
files = {}
# Read the symbols from the file.
for module in os.listdir(mod_dir):
if module.endswith(".ko"):
path,name,deps = processModule(mod_dir + "/" + module)
modules[name] = (path,deps)
files[path] = name
# Okay, now let's spit out the dependencies for our module.
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Expected a path to a module (from the root of the build tree), eg. %s/test.ko" % mod_dir, file=sys.stderr)
me = sys.argv[-1]
name = files[me]
deps = modules[name][1]
def calculate(depends, new):
for k in new:
if not k in depends:
_, other = modules[k]
depends = calculate(depends, other)
return depends
depends = calculate([], deps)
satisfied = []
a = depends[:]
while set(satisfied) != set(depends):
b = []
for k in a:
if all([x in satisfied for x in modules[k][1]]):
a = b[:]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
for i in sys.argv[1:-1]:
if i == '--print-deps':
print(name, "→", " ".join(["\033[31m{mod}\033[m".format(mod=x) if not x in deps else x for x in satisfied]))
if i == '--print-files':
for i in satisfied:
print(modules[i][0], "(dep-of-dep)" if i not in deps else "")
if os.path.exists(link_ld) and os.path.exists('toaruos-kernel'):
p = subprocess.Popen([prefix+"ld","-T",link_ld,"-o",o_file,"toaruos-kernel",]+[modules[x][0] for x in satisfied]+[me])