2018-12-05 13:01:16 +09:00

174 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
import os
import sys
import subprocess
cflags = "-O3 -g -std=gnu99 -I. -Iapps -pipe -mmmx -msse -msse2 -fplan9-extensions -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter"
class Classifier(object):
dependency_hints = {
# Toaru Standard Library
'<toaru/kbd.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_kbd', []),
'<toaru/list.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_list', []),
'<toaru/hashmap.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_hashmap', ['<toaru/list.h>']),
'<toaru/tree.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_tree', ['<toaru/list.h>']),
'<toaru/pex.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_pex', []),
'<toaru/auth.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_auth', []),
'<toaru/graphics.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_graphics', []),
'<toaru/drawstring.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_drawstring', ['<toaru/graphics.h>']),
'<toaru/jpeg.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_jpeg', ['<toaru/graphics.h>']),
'<toaru/rline.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_rline', ['<toaru/kbd.h>']),
'<toaru/rline_exp.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_rline_exp', ['<toaru/rline.h>']),
'<toaru/confreader.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_confreader', ['<toaru/hashmap.h>']),
'<toaru/markup.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_markup', ['<toaru/hashmap.h>']),
'<toaru/yutani.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_yutani', ['<toaru/kbd.h>', '<toaru/list.h>', '<toaru/pex.h>', '<toaru/graphics.h>', '<toaru/hashmap.h>']),
'<toaru/decorations.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_decorations', ['<toaru/menu.h>', '<toaru/sdf.h>', '<toaru/graphics.h>', '<toaru/yutani.h>']),
'<toaru/termemu.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_termemu', ['<toaru/graphics.h>']),
'<toaru/sdf.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_sdf', ['<toaru/graphics.h>', '<toaru/hashmap.h>']),
'<toaru/icon_cache.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_icon_cache', ['<toaru/graphics.h>', '<toaru/hashmap.h>']),
'<toaru/menu.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_menu', ['<toaru/sdf.h>', '<toaru/yutani.h>', '<toaru/icon_cache.h>', '<toaru/graphics.h>', '<toaru/hashmap.h>']),
'<toaru/textregion.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_textregion', ['<toaru/sdf.h>', '<toaru/yutani.h>','<toaru/graphics.h>', '<toaru/hashmap.h>']),
'<toaru/button.h>': (None, '-ltoaru_button', ['<toaru/graphics.h>','<toaru/sdf.h>', '<toaru/icon_cache.h>']),
# OPTIONAL third-party libraries, for extensions / ports
'<ft2build.h>': ('freetype2', '-lfreetype', []),
'<pixman.h>': ('pixman-1', '-lpixman-1', []),
'<cairo.h>': ('cairo', '-lcairo', ['<ft2build.h>', '<pixman.h>']),
def __init__(self, filename):
self.export_dynamic_hint = False
self.filename = filename
self.includes, self.libs = self._depends()
def _calculate(self, depends, new):
"""Calculate all dependencies for the given set of new elements."""
for k in new:
if not k in depends:
_, _, other = self.dependency_hints[k]
depends = self._calculate(depends, other)
return depends
def _sort(self, depends):
"""Sort the list of dependencies so that elements appearing first depend on elements following."""
satisfied = []
a = depends[:]
while set(satisfied) != set(depends):
b = []
for k in a:
if all([x in satisfied for x in self.dependency_hints[k][2]]):
a = b[:]
return satisfied[::-1]
def _depends(self):
"""Calculate include and library dependencies."""
lines = []
depends = []
with open(self.filename,'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for l in lines:
if l.startswith('#include'):
depends.extend([k for k in list(self.dependency_hints.keys()) if l.startswith('#include ' + k)])
elif l.startswith('/* auto-dep: export-dynamic */'):
self.export_dynamic_hint = True
depends = self._calculate([], depends)
depends = self._sort(depends)
includes = []
libraries = []
for k in depends:
dep = self.dependency_hints[k]
if dep[0]:
includes.append('-I' + 'base/usr/include/' + dep[0])
if dep[1]:
return includes, libraries
def todep(name):
"""Convert a library name to an archive path or object file name."""
if name.startswith("-l"):
name = name.replace("-l","",1)
if name.startswith('toaru'):
return (True, "%s/lib%s.so" % ('base/lib', name))
return (True, "%s/lib%s.so" % ('base/usr/lib', name))
return (False, name)
def toheader(name):
if name.startswith('-ltoaru_'):
return name.replace('-ltoaru_','base/usr/include/toaru/') + '.h'
return ''
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("usage: util/auto-dep.py command filename")
command = sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[2]
c = Classifier(filename)
if command == "--cflags":
print(" ".join([x for x in c.includes]))
elif command == "--libs":
print(" ".join([x for x in c.libs]))
elif command == "--deps":
results = [todep(x) for x in c.libs]
normal = [x[1] for x in results if not x[0]]
order_only = [x[1] for x in results if x[0]]
print(" ".join(normal) + " | " + " ".join(order_only))
elif command == "--build":
subprocess.run("gcc {cflags} {extra} {includes} -o {app} {source} {libraries}".format(
headers=" ".join([toheader(x) for x in c.libs]),
libraries=" ".join([x for x in c.libs]),
includes=" ".join([x for x in c.includes if x is not None]),
extra="-Wl,--export-dynamic" if c.export_dynamic_hint else "",
), shell=True)
elif command == "--buildlib":
libname = os.path.basename(filename).replace(".c","")
_libs = [x for x in c.libs if not x.startswith('-ltoaru_') or x.replace("-ltoaru_","") != libname]
subprocess.run("gcc {cflags} {includes} -shared -fPIC -olibtoaru_{lib}.so {source} {libraries}".format(
headers=" ".join([toheader(x) for x in c.libs]),
libraryfiles=" ".join([todep(x)[1] for x in _libs]),
libraries=" ".join([x for x in _libs]),
includes=" ".join([x for x in c.includes if x is not None])
elif command == "--make":
print("base/bin/{app}: {source} {headers} util/auto-dep.py | {libraryfiles} $(LC)\n\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) {extra} {includes} -o $@ $< {libraries}".format(
headers=" ".join([toheader(x) for x in c.libs]),
libraryfiles=" ".join([todep(x)[1] for x in c.libs]),
libraries=" ".join([x for x in c.libs]),
includes=" ".join([x for x in c.includes if x is not None]),
extra="-Wl,--export-dynamic" if c.export_dynamic_hint else "",
elif command == "--makelib":
libname = os.path.basename(filename).replace(".c","")
_libs = [x for x in c.libs if not x.startswith('-ltoaru_') or x.replace("-ltoaru_","") != libname]
print("base/lib/libtoaru_{lib}.so: {source} {headers} util/auto-dep.py | {libraryfiles} $(LC)\n\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) {includes} -shared -fPIC -o $@ $< {libraries}".format(
headers=" ".join([toheader(x) for x in c.libs]),
libraryfiles=" ".join([todep(x)[1] for x in _libs]),
libraries=" ".join([x for x in _libs]),
includes=" ".join([x for x in c.includes if x is not None])