205 lines
4.0 KiB

* Low-level keyboard interrupt driver.
* vim:tabstop=4
* vim:noexpandtab
* XXX: This should move to a server for handling
* input devices and what have you.
#include <system.h>
struct keyboard_states {
uint32_t shift : 1;
uint32_t alt : 1;
uint32_t ctrl : 1;
} keyboard_state;
typedef void (*keyboard_handler_t)(int scancode);
char kbd_us[128] = {
0, 27,
'\t', /* tab */
0, /* control */
'a','s','d','f','g','h','j','k','l',';','\'', '`',
0, /* left shift */
0, /* right shift */
0, /* alt */
' ', /* space */
0, /* caps lock */
0, /* F1 [59] */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, /* ... F10 */
0, /* 69 num lock */
0, /* scroll lock */
0, /* home */
0, /* up */
0, /* page up */
0, /* left arrow */
0, /* right arrow */
0, /* 79 end */
0, /* down */
0, /* page down */
0, /* insert */
0, /* delete */
0, 0, 0,
0, /* F11 */
0, /* F12 */
0, /* everything else */
char kbd_us_l2[128] = {
0, 27,
'\t', /* tab */
0, /* control */
'A','S','D','F','G','H','J','K','L',':','"', '~',
0, /* left shift */
0, /* right shift */
0, /* alt */
' ', /* space */
0, /* caps lock */
0, /* F1 [59] */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, /* ... F10 */
0, /* 69 num lock */
0, /* scroll lock */
0, /* home */
0, /* up */
0, /* page up */
0, /* left arrow */
0, /* right arrow */
0, /* 79 end */
0, /* down */
0, /* page down */
0, /* insert */
0, /* delete */
0, 0, 0,
0, /* F11 */
0, /* F12 */
0, /* everything else */
void norm(int scancode) {
if (scancode & 0x80) {
if (!kbd_us[scancode]) {
if (keyboard_state.shift) {
} else if (keyboard_state.ctrl) {
int out = (int)(kbd_us_l2[scancode] - 0x40);
if (out < 0 || out > 0x1F) {
} else {
} else {
void shft(int scancode) {
keyboard_state.shift ^= 1;
void altk(int scancode) {
keyboard_state.alt ^= 1;
void ctlk(int scancode) {
keyboard_state.ctrl ^= 1;
void func(int scancode) {
kprintf("[NOTICE] Function key %d pressed\n", scancode);
void spec(int scancode) {
if (scancode & 0x80) {
kprintf("[NOTICE] Special key %d pressed\n", scancode);
keyboard_handler_t key_method[] = {
/* 00 */ NULL, spec, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm,
/* 08 */ norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm,
/* 10 */ norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm,
/* 18 */ norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, ctlk, norm, norm,
/* 20 */ norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm,
/* 28 */ norm, norm, shft, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm,
/* 30 */ norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, norm, shft, norm,
/* 38 */ altk, norm, spec, func, func, func, func, func,
/* 40 */ func, func, func, func, func, spec, spec, spec,
/* 48 */ spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec,
/* 50 */ spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, func,
/* 58 */ func, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec,
/* 60 */ spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec,
/* 68 */ spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec,
/* 70 */ spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec,
/* 78 */ spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec, spec,
struct regs *r
) {
unsigned char scancode;
scancode = inportb(0x60);
keyboard_handler_t handler;
handler = key_method[(int)scancode & 0x7f];
if (handler) {
keyboard_install() {
/* IRQ installer */
irq_install_handler(1, keyboard_handler);
keyboard_buffer_handler = NULL;
keyboard_wait() {
while(inportb(0x64) & 2);
* putch
unsigned char c
) {
if (keyboard_buffer_handler) {
} else {