![Kevin Lange](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
BIOS execution is provided through the `v8086` module, which provides software emulation of an 8086 processor. It is not currently working with some BIOSes and may (read: probably will be) replaced with another emulator (x86emu comes to mind) at some point in the near future. In the meantime, the default video mode for QEMU works with this and it's enough to get us on real VESA instead of fake VBE. The `bochs` module will be renamed in a future commit. Userspace programs have been adjusted to work at bitrates other than 32 *POORLY*. If you write pixels left-to-right, they should work fine. They only work with 24-bpp otherwise, and then you need to be careful of what pixels you are writing when, or you will overwrite things in other pixels. You may pass a commandline argument like the following to set display modes: vid=vesa,1024,768 Or for stranger modes under QEMU or Bochs, use the bochs VBE initializer: vid=bochs,1280,720 Note that the address of the linear framebuffer is still found via hackish probing instead of PCI or trusting the VBE information, so if you have things in the wrong memory ranges (0xE0000000+), be prepared to have them get read. Once again, this entire commit is a massive hack. I am happy that it worked, and I will continue to make it less hacky, but in the meantime, this is what we've got. Happy holidays.
265 lines
7.6 KiB
265 lines
7.6 KiB
# ToAruOS Primary Build Script
# This script will pull either clang (with -fcolor-diagnostics), gcc (with no extra options), or cc
CC = `util/compiler`
# Sometimes we just have to use GCC
GCC = gcc
# CFLAGS for core components
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -m32 -O0 -std=c99 -finline-functions -fno-stack-protector -nostdinc -ffreestanding -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter -g
# CFLAGS for native utils
NATIVEFLAGS = -std=c99 -g -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter
# Linker for core
LD = ld -m elf_i386
YASM = yasm
# Feel free to be specific, but I'd rather you not be.
FILESYSTEMS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/fs/*.c))
VIDEODRIVERS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/video/*.c))
DEVICES = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/devices/*.c))
VIRTUALMEM = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/mem/*.c))
MISCMODS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/misc/*.c))
SYSTEM = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/sys/*.c))
DATASTRUCTS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/ds/*.c))
CPUBITS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/cpu/*.c))
REALEMU = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/v8086/*.c))
BINARIES = hdd/bin/hello hdd/bin/echo hdd/bin/yes hdd/bin/cat hdd/bin/sh hdd/bin/clear
UTILITIES = util/bin/readelf util/bin/typewriter
EMU = qemu
GENEXT = genext2fs
DD = dd conv=notrunc
BEG = util/mk-beg
END = util/mk-end
INFO = util/mk-info
ERRORS = 2>>/tmp/.build-errors || util/mk-error
ERRORSS = >>/tmp/.build-errors || util/mk-error
BEGRM = util/mk-beg-rm
ENDRM = util/mk-end-rm
EMUARGS = -kernel toaruos-kernel -m 256 -initrd toaruos-initrd -append "vid=qemu hdd wallpaper=/usr/share/wallpaper.bmp" -serial stdio -vga std -hda toaruos-disk.img
EMUKVM = -enable-kvm
.PHONY: all check-toolchain system clean clean-once clean-hard clean-soft clean-docs clean-bin clean-aux clean-core clean-boot install run docs utils
all: .passed system bootdisk.img docs utils
system: toaruos-initrd toaruos-disk.img toaruos-kernel
install: system
@${BEG} "CP" "Installing to /boot..."
@cp toaruos-kernel /boot/toaruos-kernel
@cp toaruos-initrd /boot/toaruos-initrd
@${END} "CP" "Installed to /boot"
run: system
kvm: system
utils: ${UTILITIES}
@util/check-reqs > /dev/null
@touch .passed
# Documentation #
docs: docs/core.pdf
docs/core.pdf: docs/*.tex
@${BEG} "docs" "Generating documentation..."
@pdflatex -draftmode -halt-on-error -output-directory docs/ docs/core.tex > /dev/null ${ERRORS}
@makeindex -q docs/*.idx ${ERRORS}
@pdflatex -halt-on-error -output-directory docs/ docs/core.tex > /dev/null ${ERRORS}
@${END} "docs" "Generated documentation"
# Kernel #
toaruos-kernel: kernel/start.o kernel/link.ld kernel/main.o ${SUBMODULES}
@${BEG} "LD" "$<"
@${LD} -T kernel/link.ld -o toaruos-kernel kernel/*.o ${SUBMODULES} ${ERRORS}
@${END} "LD" "$<"
@${INFO} "--" "Kernel is ready!"
kernel/start.o: kernel/start.s
@${BEG} "yasm" "$<"
@${YASM} -f elf -o kernel/start.o kernel/start.s ${ERRORS}
@${END} "yasm" "$<"
%.o: %.c
@${BEG} "CC" "$<"
@${CC} ${CFLAGS} -I./kernel/include -c -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "CC" "$<"
# Ram disk #
toaruos-initrd: initrd/boot/kernel initrd/boot/stage2
@${BEG} "initrd" "Generating initial RAM disk"
@# Get rid of the old one
@-rm -f toaruos-initrd
@${GENEXT} -d initrd -q -b 4096 toaruos-initrd ${ERRORS}
@${END} "initrd" "Generated initial RAM disk"
@${INFO} "--" "Ramdisk image is ready!"
### Ram Disk installers...
# Second stage bootloader
initrd/boot/stage2: bootloader/stage2.bin
@mkdir -p initrd/boot
@cp bootloader/stage2.bin initrd/boot/stage2
# Kernel
initrd/boot/kernel: toaruos-kernel
@mkdir -p initrd/boot
@cp toaruos-kernel initrd/boot/kernel
# Hard Disk Images #
# TODO: Install Grub to one of these by pulling newest grub builds
# from the Grub2 website.
@mkdir hdd
toaruos-disk.img: hdd hdd/bs.bmp ${BINARIES}
@${BEG} "hdd" "Generating a Hard Disk image..."
@-rm -f toaruos-disk.img
@${GENEXT} -d hdd -q -b 131072 -N 4096 toaruos-disk.img ${ERRORS}
@${END} "hdd" "Generated Hard Disk image"
@${INFO} "--" "Hard disk image is ready!"
# Utilities #
util/bin/%: util/%.c
@${BEG} "CC" "$<"
@${CC} ${NATIVEFLAGS} -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "CC" "$<"
# Userspace #
loader/crtbegin.o: loader/crtbegin.s
@${BEG} "yasm" "$<"
@${YASM} -f elf32 -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "yasm" "$<"
hdd/bin/%: loader/%.o loader/crtbegin.o loader/syscall.o
@${BEG} "LD" "$<"
@${LD} -T loader/link.ld -s -S -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "LD" "$<"
# Bootloader #
# Stage 1
bootloader/stage1/main.o: bootloader/stage1/main.c
@${BEG} "CC" "$<"
@${GCC} ${CFLAGS} -c -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "CC" "$<"
bootloader/stage1/start.o: bootloader/stage1/start.s
@${BEG} "yasm" "$<"
@${YASM} -f elf32 -p gas -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "yasm" "$<"
bootloader/stage1.bin: bootloader/stage1/main.o bootloader/stage1/start.o bootloader/stage1/link.ld
@${BEG} "LD" "$<"
@${LD} -o bootloader/stage1.bin -T bootloader/stage1/link.ld bootloader/stage1/start.o bootloader/stage1/main.o ${ERRORS}
@${END} "LD" "$<"
# Stage 2
bootloader/stage2/main.o: bootloader/stage2/main.c
@${BEG} "CC" "$<"
@${GCC} ${CFLAGS} -I./kernel/include -c -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "CC" "$<"
bootloader/stage2/start.o: bootloader/stage2/start.s
@${BEG} "yasm" "$<"
@${YASM} -f elf32 -p gas -o $@ $< ${ERRORS}
@${END} "yasm" "$<"
bootloader/stage2.bin: bootloader/stage2/main.o bootloader/stage2/start.o bootloader/stage2/link.ld
@${BEG} "LD" "$<"
@${LD} -o bootloader/stage2.bin -T bootloader/stage2/link.ld bootloader/stage2/start.o bootloader/stage2/main.o ${ERRORS}
@${END} "LD" "$<"
# bootdisk #
bootdisk.img: bootloader/stage1.bin bootloader/stage2.bin util/bin/mrboots-installer
@cat bootloader/stage1.bin bootloader/stage2.bin > bootdisk.img
@${INFO} "--" "Bootdisk is ready!"
# clean #
@${BEGRM} "RM" "Cleaning modules..."
@-rm -f kernel/*.o
@-rm -f ${SUBMODULES}
@${ENDRM} "RM" "Cleaned modules."
@${BEGRM} "RM" "Cleaning documentation..."
@-rm -f docs/*.pdf docs/*.aux docs/*.log docs/*.out
@-rm -f docs/*.idx docs/*.ind docs/*.toc docs/*.ilg
@${ENDRM} "RM" "Cleaned documentation"
@${BEGRM} "RM" "Cleaning bootloader..."
@-rm -f bootloader/stage1.bin
@-rm -f bootloader/stage1/*.o
@-rm -f bootloader/stage2.bin
@-rm -f bootloader/stage2/*.o
@-rm -f -r initrd/boot
@-rm -f bootdisk.img
@${ENDRM} "RM" "Cleaned bootloader"
@${BEGRM} "RM" "Cleaning native binaries..."
@-rm -f initrd/bin/*
@${ENDRM} "RM" "Cleaned native binaries"
@${BEGRM} "RM" "Cleaning auxillary files..."
@-rm -f loader/*.o
@-rm -f util/bin/*
@${ENDRM} "RM" "Cleaned auxillary files"
@${BEGRM} "RM" "Cleaning final output..."
@-rm -f toaruos-kernel
@-rm -f toaruos-initrd
@${ENDRM} "RM" "Cleaned final output"
clean: clean-soft clean-boot clean-core
@${INFO} "--" "Finished soft cleaning"
clean-hard: clean clean-bin clean-aux clean-docs
@${INFO} "--" "Finished hard cleaning"
@${BEGRM} "RM" "Cleaning one-time files..."
@-rm -f .passed
@-rm -f toaruos-disk.img
@${ENDRM} "RM" "Cleaned one-time files"
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