2011-02-18 22:22:25 -06:00

72 lines
2.3 KiB

#CC = gcc
CC = clang
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -m32 -O0 -std=c99 -finline-functions -fno-stack-protector -nostdinc -ffreestanding -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter
LD = ld -m elf_i386
NASM = nasm
ECHO = `which echo` -e
MODULES = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/core/*.c))
FILESYSTEMS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/core/fs/*.c))
EMU = qemu
GENEXT = genext2fs
DD = dd conv=notrunc
.PHONY: all clean install run
all: toaruos-kernel toaruos-initrd
install: toaruos-kernel toaruos-initrd
@${ECHO} -n "\033[34m -- Installing to /boot...\033[0m"
@cp toaruos-kernel /boot/toaruos-kernel
@cp toaruos-initrd /boot/toaruos-initrd
@${ECHO} "\r\033[34;1m -- Kernel and ramdisk installed.\033[0m"
run: toaruos-kernel toaruos-initrd
${EMU} -kernel toaruos-kernel -initrd toaruos-initrd -serial stdio
# Kernel #
toaruos-kernel: kernel/start.o kernel/link.ld kernel/main.o ${MODULES} ${FILESYSTEMS}
@${ECHO} -n "\033[32m LD $<\033[0m"
@${LD} -T kernel/link.ld -o toaruos-kernel kernel/*.o kernel/core/*.o kernel/core/fs/*.o
@${ECHO} "\r\033[32;1m LD $<\033[0m"
kernel/start.o: kernel/start.asm
@${ECHO} -n "\033[32m nasm kernel/start.asm\033[0m"
@${NASM} -f elf -o kernel/start.o kernel/start.asm
@${ECHO} "\r\033[32;1m nasm kernel/start.asm\033[0m"
%.o: %.c
@${ECHO} -n "\033[32m CC $<\033[0m"
@${CC} ${CFLAGS} -I./kernel/include -c -o $@ $<
@${ECHO} "\r\033[32;1m CC $<\033[0m"
# Ram disk #
toaruos-initrd: initrd bootloader/stage1
@${ECHO} -n "\033[32m initrd Generating initial RAM disk\033[0m"
@-rm -f toaruos-initrd
@${GENEXT} -d initrd -q -b 249 toaruos-initrd
@${DD} if=bootloader/stage1 of=toaruos-initrd 2>/dev/null
@${ECHO} "\r\033[32;1m initrd Generated initial RAM disk image\033[0m"
# Bootloader #
bootloader/stage1: bootloader/stage1.s
@${ECHO} -n "\033[32m nasm bootloader/stage1.s\033[0m"
@${NASM} -f bin -o bootloader/stage1 bootloader/stage1.s
@${ECHO} "\r\033[32;1m nasm bootloader/stage1.s\033[0m"
@${ECHO} -n "\033[31m RM Cleaning...\033[0m"
@-rm -f toaruos-kernel
@-rm -f toaruos-initrd
@-rm -f kernel/*.o
@-rm -f kernel/core/*.o
@-rm -f kernel/core/fs/*.o
@-rm -f bootloader/stage1
@${ECHO} "\r\033[31;1m RM Finished cleaning.\033[0m"