397 lines
12 KiB
397 lines
12 KiB
#include <system.h>
#include <ext2.h>
#include <fs.h>
#define BLOCKSIZE 1024
#define SECTORSIZE 512
#define DISK_PORT 0x1F0
typedef struct {
uint32_t block_no;
uint32_t last_use;
uint8_t block[BLOCKSIZE];
} ext2_disk_cache_entry_t;
ext2_disk_cache_entry_t ext2_disk_cache[CACHEENTRIES];
ext2_superblock_t * ext2_disk_superblock = NULL;
ext2_bgdescriptor_t * ext2_disk_root_block = NULL;
fs_node_t * ext2_root_fsnode = NULL;
uint32_t ext2_disk_node_from_file(ext2_inodetable_t * inode, ext2_dir_t * direntry, fs_node_t * fnode);
uint32_t ext2_disk_inodes_per_group = 0;
uint32_t ext2_disk_bg_descriptors = 0;
#define BGDS ext2_disk_bg_descriptors
#define SB ext2_disk_superblock
#define BGD ext2_disk_root_block
#define RN ext2_root_fsnode
static uint32_t btos(uint32_t block) {
return block * (BLOCKSIZE / SECTORSIZE);
#if 1
void ext2_disk_read_block(uint32_t block_no, uint8_t * buf) {
if (!block_no) return;
int oldest = -1;
uint32_t oldest_age = UINT32_MAX;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < CACHEENTRIES; ++i) {
if (ext2_disk_cache[i].block_no == block_no) {
ext2_disk_cache[i].last_use = now();
memcpy(buf, &ext2_disk_cache[i].block, BLOCKSIZE);
if (ext2_disk_cache[i].last_use < oldest_age) {
oldest = i;
oldest_age = ext2_disk_cache[i].last_use;
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, btos(block_no) + 0, (uint8_t *)((uint32_t)&(ext2_disk_cache[oldest].block) + 0));
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, btos(block_no) + 1, (uint8_t *)((uint32_t)&(ext2_disk_cache[oldest].block) + SECTORSIZE));
memcpy(buf, &ext2_disk_cache[oldest].block, BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_disk_cache[oldest].block_no = block_no;
ext2_disk_cache[oldest].last_use = now();
uint32_t ext2_disk_inode_block(ext2_inodetable_t * inode, uint32_t block, uint8_t * buf) {
if (block < 12) {
ext2_disk_read_block(inode->block[block], buf);
return inode->block[block];
} else if (block < 12 + (BLOCKSIZE << SB->log_block_size) / sizeof(uint32_t)) {
uint8_t * tmp = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_disk_read_block(inode->block[12], tmp);
uint32_t nblock = ((uint32_t *)tmp)[block - 12];
ext2_disk_read_block(nblock, buf);
return nblock;
} else if (block < 12 + 256 + 256 * 256) {
uint32_t a = block - 12;
uint32_t b = a - 256;
uint32_t c = b / 256;
uint32_t d = b - c * 256;
uint8_t * tmp = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_disk_read_block(inode->block[13], tmp);
uint32_t nblock = ((uint32_t *)tmp)[c];
ext2_disk_read_block(nblock, tmp);
nblock = ((uint32_t *)tmp)[d];
ext2_disk_read_block(nblock, buf);
return nblock;
HALT_AND_CATCH_FIRE("Attempted to read a file block that was too high :(", NULL);
return 0;
ext2_dir_t * ext2_disk_direntry(ext2_inodetable_t * inode, uint32_t index) {
uint8_t * block = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
uint32_t dir_offset;
dir_offset = 0;
uint32_t dir_index;
dir_index = 0;
while (dir_offset < inode->size) {
ext2_dir_t * d_ent = (ext2_dir_t *)((uintptr_t)block + dir_offset);
if (dir_index == index) {
ext2_dir_t * out = malloc(d_ent->rec_len);
memcpy(out, d_ent, d_ent->rec_len);
return out;
dir_offset += d_ent->rec_len;
/* XXX: if dir_offest > BLOCKSIZE, next block!!! */
return NULL;
ext2_inodetable_t * ext2_disk_inode(uint32_t inode) {
uint32_t group = inode / ext2_disk_inodes_per_group;
if (group > BGDS) { return NULL; }
uint32_t inode_table_block = BGD[group].inode_table;
inode -= group * ext2_disk_inodes_per_group;
uint32_t block_offset = ((inode - 1) * SB->inode_size) / BLOCKSIZE;
uint32_t offset_in_block = (inode - 1) - block_offset * (BLOCKSIZE / SB->inode_size);
uint8_t * buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_inodetable_t * inodet = malloc(sizeof(ext2_inodetable_t));
ext2_disk_read_block(inode_table_block + block_offset, buf);
ext2_inodetable_t * inodes = (ext2_inodetable_t *)buf;
memcpy(inodet, &inodes[offset_in_block], sizeof(ext2_inodetable_t));
return inodet;
uint32_t read_ext2_disk (
fs_node_t *node,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t size,
uint8_t *buffer
) {
ext2_inodetable_t * inode = ext2_disk_inode(node->inode);
uint32_t end;
if (offset + size > inode->size) {
end = inode->size;
} else {
end = offset + size;
uint32_t start_block = offset / BLOCKSIZE;
uint32_t end_block = end / BLOCKSIZE;
uint32_t end_size = end % BLOCKSIZE;
uint32_t size_to_read = end - offset;
if (end_size == 0) { end_block--; }
if (start_block == end_block) {
void * buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_disk_inode_block(inode, start_block, buf);
memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t)buf) + offset % BLOCKSIZE), size_to_read);
return size_to_read;
} else {
uint32_t block_offset = start_block;
uint32_t blocks_read = 0;
for (block_offset = start_block; block_offset < end_block; ++block_offset) {
if (block_offset == start_block) {
void * buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_disk_inode_block(inode, block_offset, buf);
memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t)buf) + (offset % BLOCKSIZE)), (BLOCKSIZE - (offset % BLOCKSIZE)));
} else {
void * buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_disk_inode_block(inode, block_offset, buf);
memcpy(buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (offset % BLOCKSIZE), buf, BLOCKSIZE);
void * buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_disk_inode_block(inode, end_block, buf);
memcpy(buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (offset % BLOCKSIZE), buf, end_size);
return size_to_read;
open_ext2_disk (
fs_node_t *node,
uint8_t read,
uint8_t write
) {
// woosh
struct dirent *
readdir_ext2_disk (
fs_node_t *node,
uint32_t index
) {
ext2_inodetable_t * inode = ext2_disk_inode(node->inode);
assert(inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR);
ext2_dir_t * direntry = ext2_disk_direntry(inode, index);
if (!direntry) {
return NULL;
struct dirent * dirent = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent));
memcpy(&dirent->name, &direntry->name, direntry->name_len);
dirent->name[direntry->name_len] = '\0';
dirent->ino = direntry->inode;
return dirent;
fs_node_t *
finddir_ext2_disk (
fs_node_t *node,
char *name
) {
* Find the actual inode in the ramdisk image for the requested file
ext2_inodetable_t * inode = ext2_disk_inode(node->inode);
assert(inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR);
void * block = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ext2_dir_t * direntry = NULL;
ext2_disk_inode_block(inode, 0, block);
uint32_t dir_offset;
dir_offset = 0;
* Look through the requested entries until we find what we're looking for
while (dir_offset < inode->size) {
ext2_dir_t * d_ent = (ext2_dir_t *)((uintptr_t)block + dir_offset);
#if 0
if (strlen(name) != d_ent->name_len) {
dir_offset += d_ent->rec_len;
char * dname = malloc(sizeof(char) * (d_ent->name_len + 1));
memcpy(dname, &d_ent->name, d_ent->name_len);
dname[d_ent->name_len] = '\0';
if (!strcmp(dname, name)) {
direntry = malloc(d_ent->rec_len);
memcpy(direntry, d_ent, d_ent->rec_len);
dir_offset += d_ent->rec_len;
if (!direntry) {
* We could not find the requested entry in this directory.
return NULL;
fs_node_t * outnode = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t));
inode = ext2_disk_inode(direntry->inode);
ext2_disk_node_from_file(inode, direntry, outnode);
return outnode;
uint32_t ext2_disk_node_from_file(ext2_inodetable_t * inode, ext2_dir_t * direntry, fs_node_t * fnode) {
if (!fnode) {
/* You didn't give me a node to write into, go *** yourself */
return 0;
/* Information from the direntry */
fnode->inode = direntry->inode;
memcpy(&fnode->name, &direntry->name, direntry->name_len);
fnode->name[direntry->name_len] = '\0';
/* Information from the inode */
fnode->uid = inode->uid;
fnode->gid = inode->gid;
fnode->length = inode->size;
fnode->mask = inode->mode & 0xFFF;
/* File Flags */
fnode->flags = 0;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFREG) == EXT2_S_IFREG) {
fnode->flags |= FS_FILE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR) == EXT2_S_IFDIR) {
fnode->flags |= FS_DIRECTORY;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFBLK) == EXT2_S_IFBLK) {
fnode->flags |= FS_BLOCKDEVICE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFCHR) == EXT2_S_IFCHR) {
fnode->flags |= FS_CHARDEVICE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFIFO) == EXT2_S_IFIFO) {
fnode->flags |= FS_PIPE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFLNK) == EXT2_S_IFLNK) {
fnode->flags |= FS_SYMLINK;
fnode->read = read_ext2_disk;
fnode->write = NULL; //write_ext2_disk;
fnode->open = open_ext2_disk;
fnode->close = NULL; //close_ext2_disk;
fnode->readdir = readdir_ext2_disk;
fnode->finddir = finddir_ext2_disk;
return 1;
uint32_t ext2_disk_node_root(ext2_inodetable_t * inode, fs_node_t * fnode) {
if (!fnode) {
return 0;
/* Information from the direntry */
fnode->inode = 2;
fnode->name[0] = '/';
fnode->name[1] = '\0';
/* Information from the inode */
fnode->uid = inode->uid;
fnode->gid = inode->gid;
fnode->length = inode->size;
fnode->mask = inode->mode & 0xFFF;
/* File Flags */
fnode->flags = 0;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFREG) == EXT2_S_IFREG) {
fnode->flags |= FS_FILE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR) == EXT2_S_IFDIR) {
fnode->flags |= FS_DIRECTORY;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFBLK) == EXT2_S_IFBLK) {
fnode->flags |= FS_BLOCKDEVICE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFCHR) == EXT2_S_IFCHR) {
fnode->flags |= FS_CHARDEVICE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFIFO) == EXT2_S_IFIFO) {
fnode->flags |= FS_PIPE;
if ((inode->mode & EXT2_S_IFLNK) == EXT2_S_IFLNK) {
fnode->flags |= FS_SYMLINK;
fnode->read = read_ext2_disk;
fnode->write = NULL; //write_ext2_disk;
fnode->open = open_ext2_disk;
fnode->close = NULL; //close_ext2_disk;
fnode->readdir = readdir_ext2_disk;
fnode->finddir = finddir_ext2_disk;
return 1;
void ext2_disk_read_superblock() {
kprintf("Volume '%s'\n", SB->volume_name);
kprintf("%d inodes\n", SB->inodes_count);
kprintf("%d blocks\n", SB->blocks_count);
kprintf("%d free blocks\n", SB->free_blocks_count);
kprintf("0x%x last mount time\n", SB->mtime);
kprintf("0x%x last write time\n", SB->wtime);
kprintf("Mounted %d times.\n", SB->mnt_count);
kprintf("0x%x\n", SB->magic);
void ext2_disk_mount() {
SB = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, btos(1) + 0, (uint8_t *)SB);
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, btos(1) + 1, (uint8_t *)((uint32_t)SB + SECTORSIZE));
assert(SB->magic == EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC);
if (SB->inode_size == 0) {
SB->inode_size = 128;
BGDS = SB->blocks_count / SB->blocks_per_group;
ext2_disk_inodes_per_group = SB->inodes_count / BGDS;
ext2_disk_root_block = malloc(BGDS * sizeof(ext2_bgdescriptor_t *));
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, btos(2) + 0, (uint8_t *)(BGD));
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, btos(2) + 1, (uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(BGD) + SECTORSIZE));
#if 0
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BGDS; ++i) {
kprintf("Block Group Descriptor #%d @ %d\n", i, 2 + i * SB->blocks_per_group);
kprintf(" Block Bitmap @ %d\n", BGD[i].block_bitmap);
kprintf(" Inode Bitmap @ %d\n", BGD[i].inode_bitmap);
kprintf(" Inode Table @ %d\n", BGD[i].inode_table);
kprintf(" Free Blocks = %d\n", BGD[i].free_blocks_count);
kprintf(" Free Inodes = %d\n", BGD[i].free_inodes_count);
ext2_inodetable_t * root_inode = ext2_disk_inode(2);
RN = (fs_node_t *)malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t));
assert(ext2_disk_node_root(root_inode, RN));
fs_root = RN;
void ext2_disk_forget_superblock() {