- Can now register a userspace file descriptor as the output for kernel print statements through kprintf() - Can set logging levels for debug print messages, which are separate from kernel log events and meant to be more readily visible. Log events are recorded in a buffer to be viewed later, though nothing actually using logging at the moment. - Serial output is disabled by default now. You can enable it yourself by appending the logtoserial argument to the kernel on boot.
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/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab
* Processes
* Internal format format for a process and functions to spawn
* new processes and manage the process tree.
#include <system.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <tree.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <logging.h>
tree_t * process_tree; /* Parent->Children tree */
list_t * process_queue; /* Ready queue */
list_t * reap_queue; /* Processes to reap */
volatile process_t * current_process = NULL;
static uint8_t volatile ready_lock;
static uint8_t volatile reap_lock;
static uint8_t volatile tree_lock;
/* Default process name string */
char * default_name = "[unnamed]";
* Initialize the process tree and ready queue.
void initialize_process_tree() {
process_tree = tree_create();
process_queue = list_create();
reap_queue = list_create();
* Recursively print a process node to the console.
* @param node Node to print.
* @param height Current depth in the tree.
void debug_print_process_tree_node(tree_node_t * node, size_t height) {
/* End recursion on a blank entry */
if (!node) return;
/* Indent output */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) { kprintf(" "); }
/* Get the current process */
process_t * proc = (process_t *)node->value;
/* Print the process name */
kprintf("[%d] %s", proc->id, proc->name);
if (proc->description) {
/* And, if it has one, its description */
kprintf(" %s", proc->description);
if (proc->finished) {
kprintf(" [zombie]");
/* Linefeed */
foreach(child, node->children) {
/* Recursively print the children */
debug_print_process_tree_node(child->value, height + 1);
* Print the process tree to the console.
void debug_print_process_tree() {
debug_print_process_tree_node(process_tree->root, 0);
* Retreive the next ready process.
* XXX: POPs from the ready queue!
* @return A pointer to the next process in the queue.
process_t * next_ready_process() {
node_t * np = list_dequeue(process_queue);
assert(np && "Ready queue is empty.");
process_t * next = np->value;
return next;
process_t * next_reapable_process() {
node_t * np = list_dequeue(reap_queue);
if (!np) { return NULL; }
process_t * next = np->value;
return next;
* Reinsert a process into the ready queue.
* @param proc Process to reinsert
void make_process_ready(process_t * proc) {
foreach(node, process_queue) {
if (node->value == proc) {
list_append(process_queue, &proc->sched_node);
void make_process_reapable(process_t * proc) {
list_insert(reap_queue, (void *)proc);
* Delete a process from the process tree
* @param proc Process to find and remove.
void delete_process(process_t * proc) {
tree_node_t * entry = proc->tree_entry;
/* The process must exist in the tree, or the client is at fault */
assert(entry && "Attempted to remove a process without a ps-tree entry.");
/* We can not remove the root, which is an error anyway */
assert((entry != process_tree->root) && "Attempted to kill init.");
/* Remove the entry. */
tree_remove(process_tree, entry);
* Spawn the initial process.
* @return A pointer to the new initial process entry
process_t * spawn_init() {
/* We can only do this once. */
assert((!process_tree->root) && "Tried to regenerate init!");
/* Allocate space for a new process */
process_t * init = malloc(sizeof(process_t));
/* Set it as the root process */
tree_set_root(process_tree, (void *)init);
/* Set its tree entry pointer so we can keep track
* of the process' entry in the process tree. */
init->tree_entry = process_tree->root;
init->id = 0; /* Init is PID 1 */
init->group = 0;
init->name = "init"; /* Um, duh. */
init->user = 0; /* UID 0 */
init->group = 0; /* Task group 0 */
init->status = 0; /* Run status */
init->fds = malloc(sizeof(fd_table_t));
init->fds->refs = 1;
init->fds->length = 3; /* Initialize the file descriptors */
init->fds->capacity = 4;
init->fds->entries = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t *) * init->fds->capacity);
/* Set the working directory */
init->wd_node = clone_fs(fs_root);
init->wd_name = malloc(2);
init->wd_name[0] = '/';
init->wd_name[1] = '\0';
/* Heap and stack pointers (and actuals) */
init->image.entry = 0;
init->image.heap = 0;
init->image.heap_actual = 0;
init->image.stack = initial_esp + 1;
init->image.user_stack = 0;
init->image.size = 0;
init->image.shm_heap = 0x20000000; /* Yeah, a bit of a hack. */
/* Process is not finished */
init->finished = 0;
init->started = 1;
init->wait_queue = list_create();
init->shm_mappings = list_create();
init->signal_queue = list_create();
init->signal_kstack = NULL; /* None yet initialized */
init->sched_node.prev = NULL;
init->sched_node.next = NULL;
init->sched_node.value = init;
/* What the hey, let's also set the description on this one */
init->description = "[init]";
return init;
* Get the next available PID
* @return A usable PID for a new process.
pid_t get_next_pid() {
/* Terribly naïve, I know, but it works for now */
static pid_t next = 1;
return (next++);
* Disown a process from its parent.
void process_disown(process_t * proc) {
assert(process_tree->root && "No init, has the process tree been initialized?");
/* Find the process in the tree */
tree_node_t * entry = proc->tree_entry;
/* Break it of from its current parent */
tree_break_off(process_tree, entry);
/* And insert it back elsewhere */
tree_node_insert_child_node(process_tree, process_tree->root, entry);
* Spawn a new process.
* @param parent The parent process to spawn the new one off of.
* @return A pointer to the new process.
process_t * spawn_process(volatile process_t * parent) {
assert(process_tree->root && "Attempted to spawn a process without init.");
/* Allocate a new process */
debug_print(INFO," process_t {");
process_t * proc = malloc(sizeof(process_t));
debug_print(INFO," }");
proc->id = get_next_pid(); /* Set its PID */
proc->group = proc->id; /* Set the GID */
proc->name = default_name; /* Use the default name */
proc->description = NULL; /* No description */
/* Copy permissions */
proc->user = parent->user;
proc->group = parent->group;
/* Zero out the ESP/EBP/EIP */
proc->thread.esp = 0;
proc->thread.ebp = 0;
proc->thread.eip = 0;
/* Set the process image information from the parent */
proc->image.entry = parent->image.entry;
proc->image.heap = parent->image.heap;
proc->image.heap_actual = parent->image.heap_actual;
proc->image.size = parent->image.size;
debug_print(INFO," stack {");
proc->image.stack = (uintptr_t)malloc(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE) + KERNEL_STACK_SIZE;
debug_print(INFO," }");
proc->image.user_stack = parent->image.user_stack;
proc->image.shm_heap = 0x20000000; /* Yeah, a bit of a hack. */
assert(proc->image.stack && "Failed to allocate kernel stack for new process.");
/* Clone the file descriptors from the original process */
proc->fds = malloc(sizeof(fd_table_t));
proc->fds->refs = 1;
proc->fds->length = parent->fds->length;
proc->fds->capacity = parent->fds->capacity;
debug_print(INFO," fds / files {");
proc->fds->entries = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t *) * proc->fds->capacity);
assert(proc->fds->entries && "Failed to allocate file descriptor table for new process.");
debug_print(INFO," ---");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parent->fds->length; ++i) {
proc->fds->entries[i] = clone_fs(parent->fds->entries[i]);
debug_print(INFO," }");
/* As well as the working directory */
proc->wd_node = clone_fs(parent->wd_node);
proc->wd_name = malloc((strlen(parent->wd_name) + 1) * sizeof(char));
assert(proc->wd_name && "Failed to allocate cwd string for new process.");
memcpy(proc->wd_name, parent->wd_name, strlen(parent->wd_name) + 1);
/* Zero out the process status */
proc->status = 0;
proc->finished = 0;
proc->started = 0;
memset(proc->signals.functions, 0x00, sizeof(uintptr_t) * NUMSIGNALS);
proc->wait_queue = list_create();
proc->shm_mappings = list_create();
proc->signal_queue = list_create();
proc->signal_kstack = NULL; /* None yet initialized */
proc->sched_node.prev = NULL;
proc->sched_node.next = NULL;
proc->sched_node.value = proc;
/* Insert the process into the process tree as a child
* of the parent process. */
tree_node_t * entry = tree_node_create(proc);
assert(entry && "Failed to allocate a process tree node for new process.");
proc->tree_entry = entry;
tree_node_insert_child_node(process_tree, parent->tree_entry, entry);
/* Return the new process */
return proc;
uint8_t process_compare(void * proc_v, void * pid_v) {
pid_t pid = (*(pid_t *)pid_v);
process_t * proc = (process_t *)proc_v;
return (uint8_t)(proc->id == pid);
process_t * process_from_pid(pid_t pid) {
assert((pid > 0) && "Tried to retreive a process with PID < 0");
tree_node_t * entry = tree_find(process_tree,&pid,process_compare);
if (entry) {
return (process_t *)entry->value;
} else {
return NULL;
* Wait for children.
* @param process Process doing the waiting.
* @param pid PID to wait for
* @param status [out] Where to put the status conditions of the waited-for process
* @param options Options (unused)
* @return A pointer to the process that broke the wait
process_t * process_wait(process_t * process, pid_t pid, int * status, int options) {
/* `options` is ignored */
if (pid == -1) {
/* wait for any child process */
} else if (pid < 0) {
/* wait for any porcess whose ->group == processes[abs(pid)]->group */
} else if (pid == 0) {
/* wait for any process whose ->group == process->group */
} else {
/* wait for processes[pid] */
return NULL;
* Wake up a sleeping process
* @param process Process to wake up
* @param caller Who woke it up
* @return Don't know yet, but I think it should return something.
int process_wake(process_t * process, process_t * caller) {
return 0;
* Set the directory for a process.
* @param proc Process to set the directory for.
* @param directory Directory to set.
void set_process_environment(process_t * proc, page_directory_t * directory) {
proc->thread.page_directory = directory;
* Are there any processes available in the queue?
* (Queue not empty)
* @return 1 if there are processes available, 0 otherwise
uint8_t process_available() {
return (process_queue->head != NULL);
uint8_t should_reap() {
return (reap_queue->head != NULL);
* Append a file descriptor to a process.
* @param proc Process to append to
* @param node The VFS node
* @return The actual fd, for use in userspace
uint32_t process_append_fd(process_t * proc, fs_node_t * node) {
if (proc->fds->length == proc->fds->capacity) {
proc->fds->capacity *= 2;
proc->fds->entries = realloc(proc->fds->entries, sizeof(fs_node_t *) * proc->fds->capacity);
proc->fds->entries[proc->fds->length] = node;
return proc->fds->length-1;
* dup2() -> Move the file pointed to by `s(ou)rc(e)` into
* the slot pointed to be `dest(ination)`.
* @param proc Process to do this for
* @param src Source file descriptor
* @param dest Destination file descriptor
* @return The destination file descriptor, -1 on failure
uint32_t process_move_fd(process_t * proc, int src, int dest) {
if ((size_t)src > proc->fds->length || (size_t)dest > proc->fds->length) {
return -1;
#if 0
if (proc->fds->entries[dest] != proc->fds->entries[src]) {
proc->fds->entries[dest] = proc->fds->entries[src];
return dest;
int wakeup_queue(list_t * queue) {
int awoken_processes = 0;
while (queue->length > 0) {
node_t * node = list_pop(queue);
if (!((process_t *)node->value)->finished) {
return awoken_processes;
int sleep_on(list_t * queue) {
list_insert(queue, (void *)current_process);
return 0;
int XXX_slow_process_is_queued(process_t * proc) {
foreach(node, process_queue) {
if (node->value == proc)
return 1;
return 0;