2018-03-19 11:38:11 +09:00

189 lines
4.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include <kernel/system.h>
struct ethernet_packet {
uint8_t destination[6];
uint8_t source[6];
uint16_t type;
uint8_t payload[];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ipv4_packet {
uint8_t version_ihl;
uint8_t dscp_ecn;
uint16_t length;
uint16_t ident;
uint16_t flags_fragment;
uint8_t ttl;
uint8_t protocol;
uint16_t checksum;
uint32_t source;
uint32_t destination;
uint8_t payload[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct udp_packet {
uint16_t source_port;
uint16_t destination_port;
uint16_t length;
uint16_t checksum;
uint8_t payload[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct dhcp_packet {
uint8_t op;
uint8_t htype;
uint8_t hlen;
uint8_t hops;
uint32_t xid;
uint16_t secs;
uint16_t flags;
uint32_t ciaddr;
uint32_t yiaddr;
uint32_t siaddr;
uint32_t giaddr;
uint8_t chaddr[16];
uint8_t sname[64];
uint8_t file[128];
uint32_t magic;
uint8_t options[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct dns_packet {
uint16_t qid;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t questions;
uint16_t answers;
uint16_t authorities;
uint16_t additional;
uint8_t data[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct tcp_header {
uint16_t source_port;
uint16_t destination_port;
uint32_t seq_number;
uint32_t ack_number;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t window_size;
uint16_t checksum;
uint16_t urgent;
uint8_t payload[];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct tcp_check_header {
uint32_t source;
uint32_t destination;
uint8_t zeros;
uint8_t protocol;
uint16_t tcp_len;
uint8_t tcp_header[];
#define SOCK_STREAM 1
#define SOCK_DGRAM 2
// Note: Data offset is in upper 4 bits of flags field. Shift and subtract 5 since that is the min TCP size.
// If the value is more than 5, multiply by 4 because this field is specified in number of words
#define TCP_OPTIONS_LENGTH(tcp) (((((tcp)->flags) >> 12) - 5) * 4)
#define TCP_HEADER_LENGTH(tcp) ((((tcp)->flags) >> 12) * 4)
#define TCP_HEADER_LENGTH_FLIPPED(tcp) (((htons((tcp)->flags)) >> 12) * 4)
#define htonl(l) ( (((l) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((l) & 0xFF00) << 8) | (((l) & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | (((l) & 0xFF000000) >> 24))
#define htons(s) ( (((s) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((s) & 0xFF00) >> 8) )
#define ntohl(l) htonl((l))
#define ntohs(s) htons((s))
#define BROADCAST_MAC {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}
#define IPV4_PROT_UDP 17
#define IPV4_PROT_TCP 6
#define DHCP_MAGIC 0x63825363
#define TCP_FLAGS_FIN (1 << 0)
#define TCP_FLAGS_SYN (1 << 1)
#define TCP_FLAGS_RES (1 << 2)
#define TCP_FLAGS_PSH (1 << 3)
#define TCP_FLAGS_ACK (1 << 4)
#define TCP_FLAGS_URG (1 << 5)
#define TCP_FLAGS_ECE (1 << 6)
#define TCP_FLAGS_CWR (1 << 7)
#define TCP_FLAGS_NS (1 << 8)
#define DATA_OFFSET_5 (0x5 << 12)
#define ETHERNET_TYPE_IPV4 0x0800
#define ETHERNET_TYPE_ARP 0x0806
extern uint32_t ip_aton(const char * in);
extern void ip_ntoa(uint32_t src_addr, char * out);
extern uint16_t calculate_ipv4_checksum(struct ipv4_packet * p);
uint16_t calculate_tcp_checksum(struct tcp_check_header * p, struct tcp_header * h, void * d, size_t d_words);
struct tcp_socket {
list_t* is_connected;
uint32_t seq_no;
uint32_t ack_no;
int status;
// Note: for now, not sure what to put in here, so removing from the union to get rid of compiler warnings about empty struct
// struct udp_socket {
// };
struct socket {
uint32_t ip;
uint8_t mac[6];
uint32_t port_dest;
uint32_t port_recv;
list_t* packet_queue;
spin_lock_t packet_queue_lock;
list_t* packet_wait;
int32_t status;
size_t bytes_available;
size_t bytes_read;
void * current_packet;
uint32_t sock_type;
union {
struct tcp_socket tcp_socket;
// struct udp_socket udp_socket;
} proto_sock;
list_t * alert_waiters;
struct sized_blob {
size_t size;
uint8_t blob[];
struct in_addr {
unsigned long s_addr; // load with inet_pton()
struct sockaddr {
uint16_t sa_family;
char sa_data[14];
struct sockaddr_in {
short sin_family; // e.g. AF_INET, AF_INET6
unsigned short sin_port; // e.g. htons(3490)
struct in_addr sin_addr; // see struct in_addr, below
char sin_zero[8]; // zero this if you want to
typedef struct {
uint8_t *payload;
size_t payload_size;
} tcpdata_t;