
201 lines
5.8 KiB

* @brief Panel date widget
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <toaru/yutani.h>
#include <toaru/graphics.h>
#include <toaru/menu.h>
#include <toaru/text.h>
#include <toaru/panel.h>
static struct MenuList * calmenu;
static int date_widget_width = 48;
static int days_in_month(struct tm * timeinfo) {
static int days_in_months[] = {
31, 0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31,
31, 30, 31, 30, 31,
if (timeinfo->tm_mon != 1) return days_in_months[timeinfo->tm_mon];
/* How many days in February? */
struct tm tmp;
memcpy(&tmp, timeinfo, sizeof(struct tm));
tmp.tm_mday = 29;
tmp.tm_hour = 12;
time_t tmp3 = mktime(&tmp);
struct tm * tmp2 = localtime(&tmp3);
return tmp2->tm_mday == 29 ? 29 : 28;
static int weeks_in_month(struct tm * timeinfo) {
int line = 0;
int wday = (36 + timeinfo->tm_wday - timeinfo->tm_mday) % 7;
for (int day = 1; day <= days_in_month(timeinfo); day++, (wday = (wday + 1) % 7)) {
if (wday == 6) {
return (wday ? line + 1 : line);
void _menu_draw_MenuEntry_Calendar(gfx_context_t * ctx, struct MenuEntry * self, int offset) {
self->offset = offset;
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
struct tm actual;
struct tm * timeinfo;
timeinfo = localtime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec);
memcpy(&actual, timeinfo, sizeof(struct tm));
timeinfo = &actual;
/* Render heading with Month Year */
char month[20];
strftime(month, 20, "%B %Y", timeinfo);
tt_set_size(font_bold, 16);
tt_draw_string(ctx, font_bold, (self->width - tt_string_width(font_bold, month)) / 2, self->offset + 16, month, rgb(0,0,0));
/* Get ready to draw a table... */
int cell_size = self->width / 7;
int base_left = (self->width - cell_size * 7) / 2;
/* Render weekday abbreviations */
const char * weekdays[] = {"Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa",NULL};
int left = base_left;
tt_set_size(font, 11);
for (const char ** w = weekdays; *w; w++) {
tt_draw_string(ctx, font, left + (cell_size - tt_string_width(font,*w)) / 2,
self->offset + 22 + 13, *w, rgb(0,0,0));
left += cell_size;
int weeks = weeks_in_month(timeinfo);
/* The 1st was a... */
int wday = (36 + timeinfo->tm_wday - timeinfo->tm_mday) % 7;
int line = 0;
left = base_left + cell_size * wday;
tt_set_size(font, 13);
for (int day = 1; day <= days_in_month(timeinfo); day++, (wday = (wday + 1) % 7)) {
char date[12];
snprintf(date, 11, "%d", day);
/* Is this the cell for today? */
if (day == timeinfo->tm_mday) {
draw_rounded_rectangle(ctx, left - 1, self->offset + CALENDAR_BASE_HEIGHT + line * CALENDAR_LINE_HEIGHT - 2, cell_size + 2, CALENDAR_LINE_HEIGHT, 12, SPECIAL_COLOR);
tt_draw_string(ctx, font, left + (cell_size - tt_string_width(font, date)) / 2,
self->offset + CALENDAR_BASE_HEIGHT + 13 + line * CALENDAR_LINE_HEIGHT, date, rgb(255,255,255));
} else {
tt_draw_string(ctx, font, left + (cell_size - tt_string_width(font, date)) / 2,
self->offset + CALENDAR_BASE_HEIGHT + 13 + line * CALENDAR_LINE_HEIGHT, date, (wday == 0 || wday == 6) ? rgba(0,0,0,120) : rgb(0,0,0));
if (wday == 6) {
left = base_left;
} else {
left += cell_size;
static struct MenuEntryVTable calendar_vtable = {
.methods = 3,
.renderer = _menu_draw_MenuEntry_Calendar,
* Special menu entry to display a calendar
struct MenuEntry * menu_create_calendar(void) {
struct MenuEntry * out = menu_create_separator(); /* Steal some defaults */
out->_type = -1; /* Special */
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
out->height = CALENDAR_LINE_HEIGHT * weeks_in_month(localtime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)) + CALENDAR_BASE_HEIGHT + CALENDAR_PAD_HEIGHT;
tt_set_size(font_mono, 13);
out->rwidth = 200; //tt_string_width(font_mono, "XX XX XX XX XX XX XX") + 20;
out->vtable = &calendar_vtable;
return out;
static int weekday_width, date_width;
static char weekday[80], date[80];
static void update_date_widget(void) {
struct timeval now;
struct tm * timeinfo;
/* Get the current time for the clock */
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
timeinfo = localtime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec);
strftime(weekday, 80, "%A", timeinfo);
strftime(date, 80, "%B %e", timeinfo);
tt_set_size(font, 11);
tt_set_size(font_bold, 11);
/* Update date_widget_width */
weekday_width = tt_string_width(font, weekday);
date_width = tt_string_width(font_bold, date);
/* Uh, we need to calculate this elsewhere */
date_widget_width = (weekday_width > date_width ? weekday_width : date_width) + 24; /* A bit of padding... */
static int widget_draw_date(struct PanelWidget * this, gfx_context_t * ctx) {
/* Day-of-week */
int t = (this->width - weekday_width) / 2;
tt_draw_string(ctx, font, t, 13, weekday, calmenu->window ? HILIGHT_COLOR : TEXT_COLOR);
/* Month Day */
t = (this->width - date_width) / 2;
tt_draw_string(ctx, font_bold, t, 23, date, calmenu->window ? HILIGHT_COLOR : TEXT_COLOR);
return 0;
static int widget_click_date(struct PanelWidget * this, struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * evt) {
if (!calmenu->window) {
return 1;
return 0;
static int widget_update_date(struct PanelWidget * this, int * force_updates) {
int width_before = date_widget_width;
this->width = date_widget_width;
return width_before != date_widget_width;
struct PanelWidget * widget_init_date(void) {
calmenu = menu_create();
calmenu->flags |= MENU_FLAG_BUBBLE_CENTER;
menu_insert(calmenu, menu_create_calendar());
struct PanelWidget * widget = widget_new();
widget->width = 92; /* TODO calculate correct width */
widget->draw = widget_draw_date;
widget->click = widget_click_date;
widget->update = widget_update_date;
list_insert(widgets_enabled, widget);
return widget;