/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2018 K. Lange * * irc - Internet Relay Chat client */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _ITALIC "\033[3m" #define _END "\033[0m\n" #define VERSION_STRING "0.3.0" /* Theming */ #define TIME_FMT "%02d:%02d:%02d" #define TIME_ARGS hr, min, sec static char * nick = "toaru-user"; static char * host = NULL; static char * pass = NULL; static unsigned short port = 6667; static char * channel = NULL; static int sock_fd; static FILE * sock_r; static FILE * sock_w; struct color_pair { int fg; int bg; }; static void show_usage(int argc, char * argv[]) { fprintf(stderr, "irc - Terminal IRC client.\n" "\n" "usage: %s [-h] [-p port] [-n nick] host\n" "\n" " -p port " _ITALIC "Specify port to connect to" _END " -P pass " _ITALIC "Password for server connection" _END " -n nick " _ITALIC "Specify a nick to use" _END " -h " _ITALIC "Print this help message" _END "\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } static struct termios old; static void set_unbuffered() { tcgetattr(fileno(stdin), &old); struct termios new = old; new.c_lflag &= (~ICANON & ~ECHO); tcsetattr(fileno(stdin), TCSAFLUSH, &new); } static void set_buffered() { tcsetattr(fileno(stdin), TCSAFLUSH, &old); } static int user_color(char * user) { int i = 0; while (*user) { i += *user; user++; } i = i % 5; switch (i) { case 0: return 2; case 1: return 3; case 2: return 4; case 3: return 6; case 4: return 10; } return 0; } static struct color_pair irc_color_to_pair(int fg, int bg) { int _fg = 0; int _bg = 0; if (fg == -1) { _fg = -1; } else { fg = fg % 16; switch (fg) { case 0: _fg = 15; break; case 1: _fg = 0; break; case 2: _fg = 4; break; case 3: _fg = 2; break; case 4: _fg = 9; break; case 5: _fg = 1; break; case 6: _fg = 5; break; case 7: _fg = 3; break; case 8: _fg = 11; break; case 9: _fg = 10; break; case 10: _fg = 6; break; case 11: _fg = 14; break; case 12: _fg = 12; break; case 13: _fg = 13; break; case 14: _fg = 8; break; case 15: _fg = 7; break; } } if (bg == -1) { _bg = -1; } else { bg = bg % 16; switch (bg) { case 0: _bg = 15; break; case 1: _bg = 0; break; case 2: _bg = 4; break; case 3: _bg = 2; break; case 4: _bg = 9; break; case 5: _bg = 1; break; case 6: _bg = 5; break; case 7: _bg = 3; break; case 8: _bg = 11; break; case 9: _bg = 10; break; case 10: _bg = 6; break; case 11: _bg = 14; break; case 12: _bg = 12; break; case 13: _bg = 13; break; case 14: _bg = 8; break; case 15: _bg = 7; break; } } return (struct color_pair){_fg, _bg}; } static void get_time(int * h, int * m, int * s) { time_t rawtime; time(&rawtime); struct tm *tm_struct = localtime(&rawtime); *h = tm_struct->tm_hour; *m = tm_struct->tm_min; *s = tm_struct->tm_sec; } static void print_color(struct color_pair t) { fprintf(stdout, "\033["); if (t.fg == -1) { fprintf(stdout,"39"); } else if (t.fg > 15) { /* TODO */ } else if (t.fg > 7) { fprintf(stdout,"9%d", t.fg - 8); } else { fprintf(stdout,"3%d", t.fg); } fprintf(stdout, ";"); if (t.bg == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "49"); } else if (t.bg > 15) { /* TODO */ } else if (t.bg > 7) { fprintf(stdout,"10%d", t.bg - 8); } else { fprintf(stdout,"4%d", t.bg); } fprintf(stdout, "m"); fflush(stdout); } static void WRITE(const char * fmt, ...) { int bold_on = 0; int italic_on = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char * tmp; vasprintf(&tmp, fmt, args); va_end(args); struct winsize w; ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); fprintf(stdout,"\033[%d;1H\033[K", w.ws_row); int line_feed_pending = 0; char * c = tmp; while (*c) { if (*c == '\n') { if (line_feed_pending) { /* Print line feed */ fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } line_feed_pending = 1; c++; continue; } else { if (line_feed_pending) { line_feed_pending = 0; /* Print line feed */ fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } if (*c == 0x03) { c++; int i = -1; int j = -1; if (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') { i = (*c - '0'); c++; } if (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') { i *= 10; i += (*c - '0'); c++; } if (*c == ',') { c++; if (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') { j = (*c - '0'); c++; } if (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') { j *= 10; j = (*c - '0'); c++; } } struct color_pair t = irc_color_to_pair(i, j); print_color(t); continue; } if (*c == 0x02) { if (bold_on) { fprintf(stdout,"\033[22m"); bold_on = 0; } else { fprintf(stdout,"\033[1m"); bold_on = 1; } c++; continue; } if (*c == 0x16) { if (italic_on) { fprintf(stdout,"\033[23m"); italic_on = 0; } else { fprintf(stdout,"\033[3m"); italic_on = 1; } c++; continue; } if (*c == 0x0f) { fprintf(stdout, "\033[0m"); c++; bold_on = 0; italic_on = 0; continue; } fprintf(stdout, "%c", *c); c++; } if (line_feed_pending) { fprintf(stdout, "\033[0m\033[K\n"); } fflush(stdout); free(tmp); } static void handle(char * line) { char * c = line; while (c < line + strlen(line)) { char * e = strstr(c, "\r\n"); if (e > line + strlen(line)) { break; } if (!e) { /* Write c */ WRITE(c); goto next; } *e = '\0'; if (strstr(c, "PING") == c) { char * t = strstr(c, ":"); fprintf(sock_w, "PONG %s\r\n", t); fflush(sock_w); goto next; } char * user, * command, * channel, * message; user = c; if (user[0] == ':') { user++; } command = strstr(user, " "); if (!command) { WRITE("%s\n", user); goto next; } command[0] = '\0'; command++; channel = strstr(command, " "); if (!channel) { WRITE("%s %s\n", user, command); goto next; } channel[0] = '\0'; channel++; message = strstr(channel, " "); if (message) { message[0] = '\0'; message++; if (message[0] == ':') { message++; } } int hr, min, sec; get_time(&hr, &min, &sec); if (!strcmp(command, "PRIVMSG")) { if (!message) continue; char * t = strstr(user, "!"); if (t) { t[0] = '\0'; } t = strstr(user, "@"); if (t) { t[0] = '\0'; } if (strstr(message, "\001ACTION ") == message) { message = message + 8; char * x = strstr(message, "\001"); if (x) *x = '\0'; WRITE(TIME_FMT " \002* \003%d%s\003\002 %s\n", TIME_ARGS, user_color(user), user, message); } else { WRITE(TIME_FMT " \00314<\003%d%s\00314>\003 %s\n", TIME_ARGS, user_color(user), user, message); } } else if (!strcmp(command, "332")) { if (!message) { continue; } /* Topic */ } else if (!strcmp(command, "JOIN")) { char * t = strstr(user, "!"); if (t) { t[0] = '\0'; } t = strstr(user, "@"); if (t) { t[0] = '\0'; } if (channel[0] == ':') { channel++; } WRITE(TIME_FMT " \00312-\003!\00312-\00311 %s\003 has joined \002%s\n", TIME_ARGS, user, channel); } else if (!strcmp(command, "PART")) { char * t = strstr(user, "!"); if (t) { t[0] = '\0'; } t = strstr(user, "@"); if (t) { t[0] = '\0'; } if (channel[0] == ':') { channel++; } WRITE(TIME_FMT " \00312-\003!\00312\003-\00310 %s\003 has left \002%s\n", TIME_ARGS, user, channel); } else if (!strcmp(command, "372")) { WRITE(TIME_FMT " \00314%s\003 %s\n", TIME_ARGS, user, message ? message : ""); } else if (!strcmp(command, "376")) { /* End of MOTD */ WRITE(TIME_FMT " \00314%s (end of MOTD)\n", TIME_ARGS, user); } else { WRITE(TIME_FMT " \00310%s %s %s %s\n", TIME_ARGS, user, command, channel, message ? message : ""); } next: if (!e) break; c = e + 2; } } static void redraw_buffer(char * buf) { struct winsize w; ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); fprintf(stdout,"\033[%d;1H [%s] ", w.ws_row, channel ? channel : "(status)"); fprintf(stdout,"%s\033[K", buf); fflush(stdout); } void handle_input(char * buf) { fflush(stdout); if (strstr(buf, "/help") == buf) { WRITE("[help] help text goes here\n"); } else if (strstr(buf, "/quit") == buf) { char * m = strstr(buf, " "); if (m) m++; fprintf(sock_w, "QUIT :%s\r\n", m ? m : "https://gitlab.com/toaruos"); fflush(sock_w); fprintf(stderr,"\033[0m\n"); set_buffered(); exit(0); } else if (strstr(buf,"/part") == buf) { if (!channel) { fprintf(stderr, "Not in a channel.\n"); return; } char * m = strstr(buf, " "); if (m) m++; fprintf(sock_w, "PART %s%s%s\r\n", channel, m ? " :" : "", m ? m : ""); fflush(sock_w); free(channel); channel = NULL; } else if (strstr(buf,"/join ") == buf) { char * m = strstr(buf, " "); if (m) m++; fprintf(sock_w, "JOIN %s\r\n", m); fflush(sock_w); channel = strdup(m); } else if (strstr(buf, "/") == buf) { WRITE("[system] Unknown command: %s\n", buf); } else { int hr, min, sec; get_time(&hr, &min, &sec); WRITE("%02d:%02d:%02d \00314<\003\002%s\002\00314>\003 %s\n", hr, min, sec, nick, buf); fprintf(sock_w, "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n", channel, buf); } redraw_buffer(""); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { /* Option parsing */ int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "?hp:n:P:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'n': nick = optarg; break; case 'P': pass = optarg; break; case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': default: show_usage(argc, argv); break; } } if (optind >= argc) { show_usage(argc, argv); } host = argv[optind]; /* Connect */ { char tmphost[512]; sprintf(tmphost, "/dev/net/%s:%d", host, port); sock_fd = open(tmphost, O_RDWR); if (sock_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Connection failed or network not available.\n", argv[0]); return 1; } sock_r = fdopen(sock_fd, "r"); sock_w = fdopen(sock_fd, "w"); } set_unbuffered(); fprintf(stdout, " - Toaru IRC v %s - \n", VERSION_STRING); fprintf(stdout, " Copyright 2015-2018 K. Lange\n"); fprintf(stdout, " https://toaruos.org - https://gitlab.com/toaruos\n"); fprintf(stdout, " \n"); fprintf(stdout, " For help, type /help\n"); if (pass) { fprintf(sock_w, "PASS %s\r\n", pass); } fprintf(sock_w, "NICK %s\r\nUSER %s * 0 :%s\r\n", nick, nick, nick); fflush(sock_w); int fds[] = {sock_fd, STDIN_FILENO, sock_fd}; char net_buf[2048]; memset(net_buf, 0, 2048); int net_buf_p = 0; char buf[1024] = {0}; int buf_p = 0; while (1) { int index = fswait2(2,fds,200); if (index == 1) { /* stdin */ int c = fgetc(stdin); if (c < 0) { continue; } if (c == 0x08) { /* Remove from buffer */ if (buf_p) { buf[buf_p-1] = '\0'; buf_p--; redraw_buffer(buf); } } else if (c == '\n') { /* Send buffer */ handle_input(buf); memset(buf, 0, 1024); buf_p = 0; } else { /* Append buffer, or check special keys */ buf[buf_p] = c; buf_p++; redraw_buffer(buf); } } else if (index == 0) { /* network */ do { int c = fgetc(sock_r); if (c < 0) continue; net_buf[net_buf_p] = c; net_buf_p++; if (c == '\n' || net_buf_p == 2046) { handle(net_buf); net_buf_p = 0; memset(net_buf, 0, 2048); redraw_buffer(buf); } } while (!_fwouldblock(sock_r)); } else { /* timer */ } } }