/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2018 K. Lange * * tarfs - Allows read-only mounting of ustar archives */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TARFS_LOG_LEVEL WARNING struct tarfs { fs_node_t * device; unsigned int length; }; struct ustar { char filename[100]; char mode[8]; char ownerid[8]; char groupid[8]; char size[12]; char mtime[12]; char checksum[8]; char type[1]; char link[100]; char ustar[6]; char version[2]; char owner[32]; char group[32]; char dev_major[8]; char dev_minor[8]; char prefix[155]; }; static unsigned int interpret_uid(struct ustar * file) { return ((file->ownerid[0] - '0') << 18) | ((file->ownerid[1] - '0') << 15) | ((file->ownerid[2] - '0') << 12) | ((file->ownerid[3] - '0') << 9) | ((file->ownerid[4] - '0') << 6) | ((file->ownerid[5] - '0') << 3) | ((file->ownerid[6] - '0') << 0); } static unsigned int interpret_gid(struct ustar * file) { return ((file->groupid[0] - '0') << 18) | ((file->groupid[1] - '0') << 15) | ((file->groupid[2] - '0') << 12) | ((file->groupid[3] - '0') << 9) | ((file->groupid[4] - '0') << 6) | ((file->groupid[5] - '0') << 3) | ((file->groupid[6] - '0') << 0); } static unsigned int interpret_mode(struct ustar * file) { return ((file->mode[0] - '0') << 18) | ((file->mode[1] - '0') << 15) | ((file->mode[2] - '0') << 12) | ((file->mode[3] - '0') << 9) | ((file->mode[4] - '0') << 6) | ((file->mode[5] - '0') << 3) | ((file->mode[6] - '0') << 0); } static unsigned int interpret_size(struct ustar * file) { return ((file->size[ 0] - '0') << 30) | ((file->size[ 1] - '0') << 27) | ((file->size[ 2] - '0') << 24) | ((file->size[ 3] - '0') << 21) | ((file->size[ 4] - '0') << 18) | ((file->size[ 5] - '0') << 15) | ((file->size[ 6] - '0') << 12) | ((file->size[ 7] - '0') << 9) | ((file->size[ 8] - '0') << 6) | ((file->size[ 9] - '0') << 3) | ((file->size[10] - '0') << 0); } static unsigned int round_to_512(unsigned int i) { unsigned int t = i % 512; if (!t) return i; return i + (512 - t); } static int ustar_from_offset(struct tarfs * self, unsigned int offset, struct ustar * out); static fs_node_t * file_from_ustar(struct tarfs * self, struct ustar * file, unsigned int offset); #ifndef strncat static char * strncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n) { char * end = dest; while (*end != '\0') { ++end; } size_t i = 0; while (*src && i < n) { *end = *src; end++; src++; i++; } *end = '\0'; return dest; } #endif static int count_slashes(char * string) { int i = 0; char * s = strstr(string, "/"); while (s) { if (*(s+1) == '\0') return i; i++; s = strstr(s+1,"/"); } return i; } static struct dirent * readdir_tar_root(fs_node_t *node, uint32_t index) { if (index == 0) { struct dirent * out = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)); memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(struct dirent)); out->ino = 0; strcpy(out->name, "."); return out; } if (index == 1) { struct dirent * out = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)); memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(struct dirent)); out->ino = 0; strcpy(out->name, ".."); return out; } index -= 2; struct tarfs * self = node->device; /* Go through each file and pick the ones are at the root */ /* Root files will have no /, so this is easy */ unsigned int offset = 0; struct ustar * file = malloc(sizeof(struct ustar)); while (offset < self->length) { int status = ustar_from_offset(self, offset, file); if (!status) { free(file); return NULL; } char filename_workspace[256]; memset(filename_workspace, 0, 256); strncat(filename_workspace, file->prefix, 155); strncat(filename_workspace, file->filename, 100); if (!count_slashes(filename_workspace)) { char * slash = strstr(filename_workspace,"/"); if (slash) *slash = '\0'; /* remove trailing slash */ if (strlen(filename_workspace)) { if (index == 0) { struct dirent * out = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)); memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(struct dirent)); out->ino = offset; strcpy(out->name, filename_workspace); free(file); return out; } else { index--; } } } offset += 512; offset += round_to_512(interpret_size(file)); } free(file); return NULL; } static uint32_t read_tarfs(fs_node_t * node, uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t * buffer) { struct tarfs * self = node->device; struct ustar * file = malloc(sizeof(struct ustar)); ustar_from_offset(self, node->inode, file); size_t file_size = interpret_size(file); if (offset > file_size) return 0; if (offset + size > file_size) { size = file_size - offset; } free(file); return read_fs(self->device, offset + node->inode + 512, size, buffer); } static struct dirent * readdir_tarfs(fs_node_t *node, uint32_t index) { if (index == 0) { struct dirent * out = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)); memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(struct dirent)); out->ino = 0; strcpy(out->name, "."); return out; } if (index == 1) { struct dirent * out = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)); memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(struct dirent)); out->ino = 0; strcpy(out->name, ".."); return out; } index -= 2; struct tarfs * self = node->device; /* Go through each file and pick the ones are at the root */ /* Root files will have no /, so this is easy */ unsigned int offset = node->inode; /* Read myself */ struct ustar * file = malloc(sizeof(struct ustar)); int status = ustar_from_offset(self, node->inode, file); char my_filename[256]; /* Figure out my own filename, with forward slash */ memset(my_filename, 0, 256); strncat(my_filename, file->prefix, 155); strncat(my_filename, file->filename, 100); while (offset < self->length) { ustar_from_offset(self, offset, file); if (!status) { free(file); return NULL; } char filename_workspace[256]; memset(filename_workspace, 0, 256); strncat(filename_workspace, file->prefix, 155); strncat(filename_workspace, file->filename, 100); if (startswith(filename_workspace, my_filename)) { if (!count_slashes(filename_workspace + strlen(my_filename))) { if (strlen(filename_workspace + strlen(my_filename))) { if (index == 0) { char * slash = strstr(filename_workspace+strlen(my_filename),"/"); if (slash) *slash = '\0'; /* remove trailing slash */ struct dirent * out = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)); memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(struct dirent)); out->ino = offset; strcpy(out->name, filename_workspace+strlen(my_filename)); free(file); return out; } else { index--; } } } } offset += 512; offset += round_to_512(interpret_size(file)); } free(file); return NULL; } static fs_node_t * finddir_tarfs(fs_node_t *node, char *name) { struct tarfs * self = node->device; /* find my own filename */ struct ustar * file = malloc(sizeof(struct ustar)); ustar_from_offset(self, node->inode, file); char my_filename[256]; /* Figure out my own filename, with forward slash */ memset(my_filename, 0, 256); strncat(my_filename, file->prefix, 155); strncat(my_filename, file->filename, 100); /* Append name */ strncat(my_filename, name, strlen(name)); if (strlen(my_filename) > 255) { debug_print(CRITICAL, "what"); } unsigned int offset = node->inode; while (offset < self->length) { int status = ustar_from_offset(self, offset, file); if (!status) { free(file); return NULL; } char filename_workspace[256]; memset(filename_workspace, 0, 256); strncat(filename_workspace, file->prefix, 155); strncat(filename_workspace, file->filename, 100); if (filename_workspace[strlen(filename_workspace)-1] == '/') { filename_workspace[strlen(filename_workspace)-1] = '\0'; } if (!strcmp(filename_workspace, my_filename)) { return file_from_ustar(self, file, offset); } offset += 512; offset += round_to_512(interpret_size(file)); } free(file); return NULL; } static int readlink_tarfs(fs_node_t * node, char * buf, size_t size) { struct tarfs * self = node->device; struct ustar * file = malloc(sizeof(struct ustar)); ustar_from_offset(self, node->inode, file); if (size < strlen(file->link) + 1) { debug_print(INFO, "Requested read size was only %d, need %d.", size, strlen(file->link)+1); memcpy(buf, file->link, size-1); buf[size-1] = '\0'; free(file); return size-1; } else { debug_print(INFO, "Reading link target is [%s]", file->link); memcpy(buf, file->link, strlen(file->link) + 1); free(file); return strlen(file->link); } } static fs_node_t * file_from_ustar(struct tarfs * self, struct ustar * file, unsigned int offset) { fs_node_t * fs = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t)); memset(fs, 0, sizeof(fs_node_t)); fs->device = self; fs->inode = offset; fs->impl = 0; char filename_workspace[256]; memcpy(fs->name, filename_workspace, strlen(filename_workspace)+1); fs->uid = interpret_uid(file); fs->gid = interpret_gid(file); fs->length = interpret_size(file); fs->mask = interpret_mode(file); fs->nlink = 0; /* Unsupported */ fs->flags = FS_FILE; if (file->type[0] == '5') { fs->flags = FS_DIRECTORY; fs->readdir = readdir_tarfs; fs->finddir = finddir_tarfs; } else if (file->type[0] == '1') { debug_print(ERROR, "Hardlink detected"); /* go through file and find target, reassign inode to point to that */ } else if (file->type[0] == '2') { fs->flags = FS_SYMLINK; fs->readlink = readlink_tarfs; } else { fs->flags = FS_FILE; fs->read = read_tarfs; } free(file); #if 0 /* TODO times are also available from the file */ fs->atime = now(); fs->mtime = now(); fs->ctime = now(); #endif return fs; } static fs_node_t * finddir_tar_root(fs_node_t *node, char *name) { struct tarfs * self = node->device; unsigned int offset = 0; struct ustar * file = malloc(sizeof(struct ustar)); while (offset < self->length) { int status = ustar_from_offset(self, offset, file); if (!status) { free(file); return NULL; } char filename_workspace[256]; memset(filename_workspace, 0, 256); strncat(filename_workspace, file->prefix, 155); strncat(filename_workspace, file->filename, 100); if (count_slashes(filename_workspace)) { /* skip */ } else { char * slash = strstr(filename_workspace,"/"); if (slash) *slash = '\0'; if (!strcmp(filename_workspace, name)) { return file_from_ustar(self, file, offset); } } offset += 512; offset += round_to_512(interpret_size(file)); } free(file); return NULL; } static int ustar_from_offset(struct tarfs * self, unsigned int offset, struct ustar * out) { read_fs(self->device, offset, sizeof(struct ustar), (unsigned char*)out); if (out->ustar[0] != 'u' || out->ustar[1] != 's' || out->ustar[2] != 't' || out->ustar[3] != 'a' || out->ustar[4] != 'r') { return 0; } return 1; } static fs_node_t * tar_mount(char * device, char * mount_path) { char * arg = strdup(device); char * argv[10]; int argc = tokenize(arg, ",", argv); if (argc > 1) { debug_print(WARNING, "tarfs driver takes no options"); } fs_node_t * dev = kopen(argv[0], 0); free(arg); /* Shouldn't need the filename or args anymore */ if (!dev) { debug_print(ERROR, "failed to open %s", device); return NULL; } /* Create a metadata struct for this mount */ struct tarfs * self = malloc(sizeof(struct tarfs)); self->device = dev; self->length = dev->length; fs_node_t * root = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t)); memset(root, 0, sizeof(fs_node_t)); root->uid = 0; root->gid = 0; root->length = 0; root->mask = 0555; root->readdir = readdir_tar_root; root->finddir = finddir_tar_root; root->flags = FS_DIRECTORY; root->device = self; return root; } static int init(void) { vfs_register("tar", tar_mount); return 0; } static int fini(void) { return 0; } MODULE_DEF(tarfs, init, fini);