/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * * Syscall Tables * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char hostname[256]; static size_t hostname_len = 0; /* * System calls themselves */ void validate(void * ptr) { if (validate_safe(ptr)) { debug_print(ERROR, "SEGFAULT: Invalid pointer passed to syscall. (0x%x < 0x%x)", (uintptr_t)ptr, current_process->image.entry); HALT_AND_CATCH_FIRE("Segmentation fault", NULL); } } int validate_safe(void * ptr) { if (ptr && (uintptr_t)ptr < current_process->image.entry) { return 1; } return 0; } /* * print something to the debug terminal (serial) */ static int print(char * s) { validate((void *)s); kprintf("%s", s); return 0; } /* * Exit the current task. * DOES NOT RETURN! */ static int exit(int retval) { /* Deschedule the current task */ task_exit(retval); while (1) { }; return retval; } static int read(int fd, char * ptr, int len) { if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return -1; } if (current_process->fds->entries[fd] == NULL) { return -1; } validate(ptr); fs_node_t * node = current_process->fds->entries[fd]; uint32_t out = read_fs(node, node->offset, len, (uint8_t *)ptr); node->offset += out; return out; } static int ioctl(int fd, int request, void * argp) { if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return -1; } if (current_process->fds->entries[fd] == NULL) { return -1; } validate(argp); fs_node_t * node = current_process->fds->entries[fd]; return ioctl_fs(node, request, argp); } static int readdir(int fd, int index, struct dirent * entry) { if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return -1; } if (current_process->fds->entries[fd] == NULL) { return -1; } validate(entry); fs_node_t * node = current_process->fds->entries[fd]; struct dirent * kentry = readdir_fs(node, (uint32_t)index); if (!kentry) { free(kentry); return 1; } memcpy(entry, kentry, sizeof(struct dirent)); free(kentry); return 0; } static int write(int fd, char * ptr, int len) { if ((fd == 1 && !current_process->fds->entries[fd]) || (fd == 2 && !current_process->fds->entries[fd])) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)len; ++i) { kprintf("%c", ptr[i]); } return len; } if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return -1; } if (current_process->fds->entries[fd] == NULL) { return -1; } validate(ptr); fs_node_t * node = current_process->fds->entries[fd]; uint32_t out = write_fs(node, node->offset, len, (uint8_t *)ptr); node->offset += out; return out; } static int wait(int child) { process_t * volatile child_task; if (child == 0) { debug_print_process_tree(); child_task = process_get_first_child((process_t *)current_process); } else if (child < 1) { debug_print(WARNING, "Process %d requested group wait, which we can not do!", getpid()); return 0; } else { child_task = process_from_pid(child); } /* If the child task doesn't exist, bail */ if (!child_task) { debug_print(WARNING, "Tried to wait for non-existent process %d by pid %d", child, getpid()); return 0; } debug_print(NOTICE, "pid=%d waiting on pid=%d", current_process->id, child_task->id); while (child_task->finished == 0) { /* Add us to the wait queue for this child */ sleep_on(child_task->wait_queue); } /* Grab the child's return value */ int ret = child_task->status; return ret; } static int open(const char * file, int flags, int mode) { validate((void *)file); debug_print(NOTICE, "open(%s) flags=0x%x; mode=0x%x", file, flags, mode); fs_node_t * node = kopen((char *)file, flags); if (!node && (flags & O_CREAT)) { debug_print(NOTICE, "- file does not exist and create was requested."); /* Um, make one */ if (!create_file_fs((char *)file, mode)) { node = kopen((char *)file, flags); } } if (!node) { debug_print(NOTICE, "File does not exist; someone should be setting errno?"); return -1; } node->offset = 0; int fd = process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, node); debug_print(INFO, "[open] pid=%d %s -> %d", getpid(), file, fd); return fd; } static int access(const char * file, int flags) { validate((void *)file); debug_print(INFO, "access(%s, 0x%x) from pid=%d", file, flags, getpid()); fs_node_t * node = kopen((char *)file, 0); if (!node) return -1; close_fs(node); return 0; } static int close(int fd) { if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return -1; } close_fs(current_process->fds->entries[fd]); return 0; } static int sys_sbrk(int size) { uintptr_t ret = current_process->image.heap; uintptr_t i_ret = ret; while (ret % 0x1000) { ret++; } current_process->image.heap += (ret - i_ret) + size; while (current_process->image.heap > current_process->image.heap_actual) { current_process->image.heap_actual += 0x1000; assert(current_process->image.heap_actual % 0x1000 == 0); alloc_frame(get_page(current_process->image.heap_actual, 1, current_directory), 0, 1); } return ret; } static int sys_getpid() { /* The user actually wants the pid of the originating thread (which can be us). */ if (current_process->group) { return current_process->group; } else { /* We are the leader */ return current_process->id; } } /* Actual getpid() */ static int gettid() { return getpid(); } static int execve(const char * filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]) { validate((void *)argv); validate((void *)filename); validate((void *)envp); debug_print(NOTICE, "%d = exec(%s, ...)", current_process->id, filename); int argc = 0, envc = 0; while (argv[argc]) { ++argc; } if (envp) { while (envp[envc]) { ++envc; } } debug_print(INFO, "Allocating space for arguments..."); char ** argv_ = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (argc + 1)); for (int j = 0; j < argc; ++j) { argv_[j] = malloc((strlen(argv[j]) + 1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(argv_[j], argv[j], strlen(argv[j]) + 1); } argv_[argc] = 0; char ** envp_; if (envp && envc) { envp_ = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (envc + 1)); for (int j = 0; j < envc; ++j) { envp_[j] = malloc((strlen(envp[j]) + 1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(envp_[j], envp[j], strlen(envp[j]) + 1); } envp_[envc] = 0; } else { envp_ = malloc(sizeof(char *)); envp_[0] = NULL; } debug_print(INFO,"Releasing all shmem regions..."); shm_release_all((process_t *)current_process); debug_print(INFO,"Executing..."); /* Discard envp */ exec((char *)filename, argc, (char **)argv_, (char **)envp_); return -1; } static int getgraphicsaddress() { return (int)lfb_get_address(); } static int seek(int fd, int offset, int whence) { if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return -1; } if (fd < 3) { return 0; } if (whence == 0) { current_process->fds->entries[fd]->offset = offset; } else if (whence == 1) { current_process->fds->entries[fd]->offset += offset; } else if (whence == 2) { current_process->fds->entries[fd]->offset = current_process->fds->entries[fd]->length + offset; } return current_process->fds->entries[fd]->offset; } static int stat_node(fs_node_t * fn, uintptr_t st) { struct stat * f = (struct stat *)st; if (!fn) { memset(f, 0x00, sizeof(struct stat)); debug_print(INFO, "stat: This file doesn't exist"); return -1; } f->st_dev = 0; f->st_ino = fn->inode; uint32_t flags = 0; if (fn->flags & FS_FILE) { flags |= _IFREG; } if (fn->flags & FS_DIRECTORY) { flags |= _IFDIR; } if (fn->flags & FS_CHARDEVICE) { flags |= _IFCHR; } if (fn->flags & FS_BLOCKDEVICE) { flags |= _IFBLK; } if (fn->flags & FS_PIPE) { flags |= _IFIFO; } if (fn->flags & FS_SYMLINK) { flags |= _IFLNK; } f->st_mode = fn->mask | flags; f->st_nlink = 0; f->st_uid = fn->uid; f->st_gid = fn->gid; f->st_rdev = 0; f->st_size = fn->length; f->st_atime = fn->atime; f->st_mtime = fn->mtime; f->st_ctime = fn->ctime; if (fn->get_size) { f->st_size = fn->get_size(fn); } return 0; } static int stat_file(char * file, uintptr_t st) { int result; validate((void *)file); validate((void *)st); fs_node_t * fn = kopen(file, 0); result = stat_node(fn, st); if (fn) { close_fs(fn); } return result; } static int sys_chmod(char * file, int mode) { int result; validate((void *)file); fs_node_t * fn = kopen(file, 0); if (fn) { result = chmod_fs(fn, mode); close_fs(fn); return result; } else { return -1; } } static int stat(int fd, uintptr_t st) { validate((void *)st); if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return -1; } fs_node_t * fn = current_process->fds->entries[fd]; return stat_node(fn, st); } static int setgraphicsoffset(int rows) { bochs_set_y_offset(rows); return 0; } static int getgraphicswidth() { return lfb_resolution_x; } static int getgraphicsheight() { return lfb_resolution_y; } static int getgraphicsdepth() { return lfb_resolution_b; } static int mkpipe() { fs_node_t * node = make_pipe(4096 * 2); return process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, node); } static int dup2(int old, int new) { process_move_fd((process_t *)current_process, old, new); return new; } static int getuid() { return current_process->user; } static int setuid(user_t new_uid) { if (current_process->user == USER_ROOT_UID) { current_process->user = new_uid; return 0; } return -1; } static int kernel_name_XXX(char * buffer) { char version_number[1024]; sprintf(version_number, __kernel_version_format, __kernel_version_major, __kernel_version_minor, __kernel_version_lower, __kernel_version_suffix); return sprintf(buffer, "%s %s %s %s %s %s", __kernel_name, version_number, __kernel_version_codename, __kernel_build_date, __kernel_build_time, __kernel_arch); } static int uname(struct utsname * name) { validate((void *)name); char version_number[256]; sprintf(version_number, __kernel_version_format, __kernel_version_major, __kernel_version_minor, __kernel_version_lower, __kernel_version_suffix); char version_string[256]; sprintf(version_string, "%s %s %s", __kernel_version_codename, __kernel_build_date, __kernel_build_time); strcpy(name->sysname, __kernel_name); strcpy(name->nodename, hostname); strcpy(name->release, version_number); strcpy(name->version, version_string); strcpy(name->machine, __kernel_arch); strcpy(name->domainname, ""); return 0; } static int send_signal(pid_t process, uint32_t signal) { process_t * receiver = process_from_pid(process); if (!receiver) { /* Invalid pid */ return 1; } if (receiver->user != current_process->user && current_process->user != USER_ROOT_UID) { /* No way in hell. */ return 1; } if (signal > NUMSIGNALS) { /* Invalid signal */ return 1; } if (receiver->finished) { /* Can't send signals to finished processes */ return 1; } /* Append signal to list */ signal_t * sig = malloc(sizeof(signal_t)); sig->handler = (uintptr_t)receiver->signals.functions[signal]; sig->signum = signal; memset(&sig->registers_before, 0x00, sizeof(regs_t)); if (!process_is_ready(receiver)) { make_process_ready(receiver); } list_insert(receiver->signal_queue, sig); return 0; } static uintptr_t sys_signal(uint32_t signum, uintptr_t handler) { if (signum > NUMSIGNALS) { return -1; } uintptr_t old = current_process->signals.functions[signum]; current_process->signals.functions[signum] = handler; return old; } /* static void inspect_memory (uintptr_t vaddr) { // Please use this scary hack of a function as infrequently as possible. shmem_debug_frame(vaddr); } */ extern void ext2_disk_sync(); static int reboot() { debug_print(NOTICE, "[kernel] Reboot requested from process %d by user #%d", current_process->id, current_process->user); if (current_process->user != USER_ROOT_UID) { return -1; } else { debug_print(NOTICE, "[kernel] Good bye!"); ext2_disk_sync(); /* Goodbye, cruel world */ IRQ_OFF; uint8_t out = 0x02; while ((out & 0x02) != 0) { out = inportb(0x64); } outportb(0x64, 0xFE); /* Reset */ STOP; } return 0; } static int chdir(char * newdir) { char * path = canonicalize_path(current_process->wd_name, newdir); fs_node_t * chd = kopen(path, 0); if (chd) { if ((chd->flags & FS_DIRECTORY) == 0) { return -1; } free(current_process->wd_name); current_process->wd_name = malloc(strlen(path) + 1); memcpy(current_process->wd_name, path, strlen(path) + 1); return 0; } else { return -1; } } static char * getcwd(char * buf, size_t size) { if (!buf) return NULL; validate((void *)buf); memcpy(buf, current_process->wd_name, min(size, strlen(current_process->wd_name) + 1)); return buf; } static int sethostname(char * new_hostname) { if (current_process->user == USER_ROOT_UID) { size_t len = strlen(new_hostname) + 1; if (len > 256) { return 1; } hostname_len = len; memcpy(hostname, new_hostname, hostname_len); return 0; } else { return 1; } } static int gethostname(char * buffer) { memcpy(buffer, hostname, hostname_len); return hostname_len; } static int mousedevice() { extern fs_node_t * mouse_pipe; return process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, mouse_pipe); } static int open_serial(int device) { return process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, serial_device_create(device)); } extern int mkdir_fs(char *name, uint16_t permission); static int sys_mkdir(char * path, uint32_t mode) { return mkdir_fs(path, 0777); } /** * share_fd: Make a file descriptor available to another process. */ static uintptr_t share_fd(int fd, int pid) { if (fd >= (int)current_process->fds->length || fd < 0) { return 0; } fs_node_t * fn = current_process->fds->entries[fd]; fn->shared_with = pid; return (uintptr_t)fn; } /** * get_fd: Retreive a file descriptor (by key == pointer to fs_node_t) from * another proces. */ static int get_fd(uintptr_t fn) { fs_node_t * node = (fs_node_t *)fn; if (node->shared_with == current_process->id || node->shared_with == current_process->group) { return process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, node); } else { return -1; } } /* * Yield the rest of the quantum; * useful for busy waiting and other such things */ static int yield() { switch_task(1); return 1; } /* * System Function */ static int system_function(int fn, char ** args) { /* System Functions are special debugging system calls */ if (current_process->user == USER_ROOT_UID) { switch (fn) { case 1: /* Print memory information */ /* Future: /proc/meminfo */ kprintf("Memory used: %d\n", memory_use()); kprintf("Memory available: %d\n", memory_total()); return 0; case 2: /* Print process tree */ /* Future: /proc in general */ debug_print_process_tree(); return 0; case 3: ext2_disk_sync(); return 0; case 4: /* Request kernel output to file descriptor in arg0*/ kprintf("Setting output to file object in process %d's fd=%d!\n", getpid(), (int)args); kprint_to_file = current_process->fds->entries[(int)args]; break; case 5: debug_print(INFO, "replacing process %d's file descriptors with null devices", getpid()); fs_node_t * nulldev = null_device_create(); while (current_process->fds->length < 3) { process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, nulldev); } current_process->fds->entries[0] = nulldev; current_process->fds->entries[1] = nulldev; current_process->fds->entries[2] = nulldev; break; default: kprintf("Bad system function %d\n", fn); break; } } return -1; /* Bad system function or access failure */ } static int sleep(unsigned long seconds, unsigned long subseconds) { /* Mark us as asleep until */ sleep_until((process_t *)current_process, seconds, subseconds); /* Switch without adding us to the queue */ switch_task(0); if (seconds > timer_ticks || (seconds == timer_ticks && subseconds >= timer_subticks)) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } static int sleep_rel(unsigned long seconds, unsigned long subseconds) { unsigned long s, ss; relative_time(seconds, subseconds, &s, &ss); return sleep(s, ss); } static int sys_umask(int mode) { current_process->mask = mode & 0777; return 0; } static int sys_unlink(char * file) { return unlink_fs(file); } /* * System Call Internals */ static uintptr_t syscalls[] = { /* System Call Table */ (uintptr_t)&exit, /* 0 */ (uintptr_t)&print, (uintptr_t)&open, (uintptr_t)&read, (uintptr_t)&write, /* 4 */ (uintptr_t)&close, (uintptr_t)&gettimeofday, (uintptr_t)&execve, (uintptr_t)&fork, /* 8 */ (uintptr_t)&sys_getpid, (uintptr_t)&sys_sbrk, (uintptr_t)&getgraphicsaddress, (uintptr_t)&uname, /* 12 */ (uintptr_t)&openpty, (uintptr_t)&seek, (uintptr_t)&stat, (uintptr_t)&setgraphicsoffset, /* 16 */ (uintptr_t)&wait, (uintptr_t)&getgraphicswidth, (uintptr_t)&getgraphicsheight, (uintptr_t)&getgraphicsdepth, /* 20 */ (uintptr_t)&mkpipe, (uintptr_t)&dup2, (uintptr_t)&getuid, (uintptr_t)&setuid, /* 24 */ (uintptr_t)&kernel_name_XXX, (uintptr_t)&reboot, (uintptr_t)&readdir, (uintptr_t)&chdir, /* 28 */ (uintptr_t)&getcwd, (uintptr_t)&clone, (uintptr_t)&sethostname, (uintptr_t)&gethostname, /* 32 */ (uintptr_t)&mousedevice, (uintptr_t)&sys_mkdir, (uintptr_t)&shm_obtain, (uintptr_t)&shm_release, /* 36 */ (uintptr_t)&send_signal, (uintptr_t)&sys_signal, (uintptr_t)&share_fd, (uintptr_t)&get_fd, /* 40 */ (uintptr_t)&gettid, (uintptr_t)&yield, (uintptr_t)&system_function, (uintptr_t)&open_serial, /* 44 */ (uintptr_t)&sleep, (uintptr_t)&sleep_rel, (uintptr_t)&ioctl, (uintptr_t)&access, /* 48 */ (uintptr_t)&stat_file, (uintptr_t)&sys_chmod, (uintptr_t)&sys_umask, (uintptr_t)&sys_unlink, /* 52 */ 0 }; uint32_t num_syscalls; typedef uint32_t (*scall_func)(unsigned int, ...); void syscall_handler(struct regs * r) { if (r->eax >= num_syscalls) { return; } uintptr_t location = syscalls[r->eax]; if (!location) { return; } /* Update the syscall registers for this process */ current_process->syscall_registers = r; /* Call the syscall function */ scall_func func = (scall_func)location; uint32_t ret = func(r->ebx, r->ecx, r->edx, r->esi, r->edi); if ((current_process->syscall_registers == r) || (location != (uintptr_t)&fork && location != (uintptr_t)&clone)) { r->eax = ret; } } void syscalls_install() { for (num_syscalls = 0; syscalls[num_syscalls] != 0; ++num_syscalls); debug_print(NOTICE, "Initializing syscall table with %d functions", num_syscalls); isrs_install_handler(0x7F, &syscall_handler); }