/** * @brief Yutani - The ToaruOS Window Compositor. * * Yutani is a canvas-based window compositor and manager. * It employs shared memory to provide clients access to * canvases in which they may render, while using a packet-based * socket interface to communicate actions between the server * and client such as keyboard activity, mouse movement, responses * to client events, etc., as well as to communicate requests from * the client to the server, such as creation of new windows, * movement, resizing, and display updates. * * @copyright * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 K. Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _DEBUG_YUTANI #ifdef _DEBUG_YUTANI #include #define TRACE_APP_NAME "yutani" #else #define TRACE(msg,...) #endif /* Early definitions */ static void mark_window(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window); static void window_actually_close(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w); static void notify_subscribers(yutani_globals_t * yg); static void mouse_stop_drag(yutani_globals_t * yg); /** * Print usage information. */ static int usage(char * argv[]) { fprintf(stderr, "Yutani - Window Compositor\n" "\n" "usage: %s [-n [-g WxH]] [-h]\n" "\n" " -n --nested \033[3mRun in a window.\033[0m\n" " -h --help \033[3mShow this help message.\033[0m\n" " -g --geometry \033[3mSet the size of the server framebuffer.\033[0m\n" "\n" " Yutani is the standard system compositor.\n" "\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /** * Parse arguments */ static int parse_args(int argc, char * argv[], int * out) { static struct option long_opts[] = { {"nested", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"geometry", required_argument, 0, 'g'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {0,0,0,0} }; int index, c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hg:n", long_opts, &index)) != -1) { if (!c) { if (long_opts[index].flag == 0) { c = long_opts[index].val; } } switch (c) { case 'h': return usage(argv); case 'n': yutani_options.nested = 1; break; case 'g': { char * c = strstr(optarg, "x"); if (c) { *c = '\0'; c++; yutani_options.nest_width = atoi(optarg); yutani_options.nest_height = atoi(c); } } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: %c\n", c); break; } } *out = optind; return 0; } static int32_t min(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } static int32_t max(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } static int next_buf_id(void) { static int _next = 1; return _next++; } static int next_wid(void) { static int _next = 1; return _next++; } uint64_t yutani_current_time(yutani_globals_t * yg) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); time_t sec_diff = t.tv_sec - yg->start_time; suseconds_t usec_diff = t.tv_usec - yg->start_subtime; if (t.tv_usec < yg->start_subtime) { sec_diff -= 1; usec_diff = (1000000 + t.tv_usec) - yg->start_subtime; } return (uint64_t)(sec_diff * 1000 + usec_diff / 1000); } uint64_t yutani_time_since(yutani_globals_t * yg, uint64_t start_time) { uint64_t now = yutani_current_time(yg); uint64_t diff = now - start_time; /* Milliseconds */ return diff; } /** * Translate and transform coordinate from screen-relative to window-relative. */ void yutani_device_to_window(yutani_server_window_t * window, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t * out_x, int32_t * out_y) { if (!window) { *out_x = 0; *out_y = 0; return; } *out_x = x - window->x; *out_y = y - window->y; if (!window->rotation) return; double t_x = (double)*out_x - ((double)window->width / 2); double t_y = (double)*out_y - ((double)window->height / 2); double s = sin(-M_PI * (window->rotation/ 180.0)); double c = cos(-M_PI * (window->rotation/ 180.0)); double n_x = t_x * c - t_y * s; double n_y = t_x * s + t_y * c; *out_x = (int32_t)(n_x + ((double)window->width / 2)); *out_y = (int32_t)(n_y + ((double)window->height / 2)); } /** * Translate and transform coordinate from window-relative to screen-relative. */ void yutani_window_to_device(yutani_server_window_t * window, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t * out_x, int32_t * out_y) { if (!window->rotation) { *out_x = window->x + x; *out_y = window->y + y; return; } double t_x = (double)x - ((double)window->width / 2); double t_y = (double)y - ((double)window->height / 2); double s = sin((double)window->rotation * M_PI / 180.0); double c = cos((double)window->rotation * M_PI / 180.0); double n_x = t_x * c - t_y * s; double n_y = t_x * s + t_y * c; *out_x = (int32_t)(n_x + ((double)window->width / 2) + (double)window->x); *out_y = (int32_t)(n_y + ((double)window->height / 2) + (double)window->y); } static list_t * window_zorder_owner(yutani_globals_t * yg, unsigned short index) { switch (index) { case YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM: case YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP: return NULL; case YUTANI_ZORDER_MENU: return yg->menu_zs; case YUTANI_ZORDER_OVERLAY: return yg->overlay_zs; default: return yg->mid_zs; } } /** * Remove a window from the z stack. */ static void unorder_window(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w) { unsigned short index = w->z; w->z = -1; if (index == YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && yg->bottom_z == w) { yg->bottom_z = NULL; return; } if (index == YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP && yg->top_z == w) { yg->top_z = NULL; return; } list_t * zorder_owner = window_zorder_owner(yg, index); node_t * n = list_find(zorder_owner, w); if (!n) return; list_delete(zorder_owner, n); free(n); } /** * Move a window to a new stack order. */ static void reorder_window(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window, uint16_t new_zed) { if (!window) { return; } unorder_window(yg, window); window->z = new_zed; list_t * zorder_owner = window_zorder_owner(yg, new_zed); if (zorder_owner) { list_insert(zorder_owner, window); return; } if (new_zed == YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { if (yg->top_z) { unorder_window(yg, yg->top_z); } yg->top_z = window; return; } if (new_zed == YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM) { if (yg->bottom_z) { unorder_window(yg, yg->bottom_z); } yg->bottom_z = window; return; } } /** * Move a window to the top of if its z stack. */ static void make_top(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w) { unsigned short index = w->z; list_t * zorder_owner = window_zorder_owner(yg, index); if (!zorder_owner) return; node_t * n = list_find(zorder_owner, w); if (!n) return; /* wat */ list_delete(zorder_owner, n); list_append(zorder_owner, n); } /** * Set a window as the focused window. * * Currently, we only support one focused window. * In the future, we should support multiple windows as "focused" to account * for multiple "seats" on a single display. */ static void set_focused_window(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w) { if (w == yg->focused_window) { return; /* Already focused */ } if (yg->focused_window) { /* Send focus change to old focused window */ yutani_msg_buildx_window_focus_change_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_focus_change(response, yg->focused_window->wid, 0); pex_send(yg->server, yg->focused_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } yg->focused_window = w; if (w) { /* Send focus change to new focused window */ yutani_msg_buildx_window_focus_change_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_focus_change(response, w->wid, 1); pex_send(yg->server, w->owner, response->size, (char *)response); make_top(yg, w); mark_window(yg, w); } else { /* * There is no window to focus (we're unsetting focus); * default to the bottom window (background) */ yg->focused_window = yg->bottom_z; } /* Notify all subscribers of window changes */ notify_subscribers(yg); } /** * Get the focused window. * * In case there is no focused window, we return the bottom window. */ static yutani_server_window_t * get_focused(yutani_globals_t * yg) { if (yg->focused_window) return yg->focused_window; return yg->bottom_z; } static int yutani_pick_animation(uint32_t flags, int direction) { if (flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_DIALOG_ANIMATION) { return (direction == 0) ? YUTANI_EFFECT_SQUEEZE_IN : YUTANI_EFFECT_SQUEEZE_OUT; } if (flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_NO_ANIMATION) { return (direction == 0) ? YUTANI_EFFECT_NONE : YUTANI_EFFECT_DISAPPEAR; } return (direction == 0) ? YUTANI_EFFECT_FADE_IN : YUTANI_EFFECT_FADE_OUT; } /** * Create a server window object. * * Initializes a window of the particular size for a given client. */ static yutani_server_window_t * server_window_create(yutani_globals_t * yg, int width, int height, uintptr_t owner, uint32_t flags) { yutani_server_window_t * win = malloc(sizeof(yutani_server_window_t)); win->wid = next_wid(); win->owner = owner; list_insert(yg->windows, win); hashmap_set(yg->wids_to_windows, (void*)(uintptr_t)win->wid, win); list_t * client_list = hashmap_get(yg->clients_to_windows, (void *)owner); list_insert(client_list, win); win->x = 0; win->y = 0; win->z = 1; win->width = width; win->height = height; win->bufid = next_buf_id(); win->rotation = 0; win->newbufid = 0; win->client_flags = 0; win->client_icon = 0; win->client_length = 0; win->client_strings = NULL; win->anim_mode = 0; win->anim_start = 0; win->alpha_threshold = 0; win->show_mouse = 1; win->tiled = 0; win->untiled_width = 0; win->untiled_height = 0; win->default_mouse = 1; win->server_flags = flags; win->opacity = 255; win->hidden = 1; char key[1024]; YUTANI_SHMKEY(yg->server_ident, key, 1024, win); size_t size = (width * height * 4); win->buffer = shm_obtain(key, &size); memset(win->buffer, 0, size); list_insert(yg->mid_zs, win); return win; } /** * Update the shape threshold for a window. * * A shaping threshold is a byte representing the minimum * required alpha for a window to be considered "solid". * Eg., a value of 0 says all windows are solid, while a value of * 1 requires a window to have at least some opacity to it, * and a value of 255 requires fully opaque pixels. * * Not actually stored as a byte, so a value over 255 can be used. * This results in a window that passes through all clicks. */ static void server_window_update_shape(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window, int set) { window->alpha_threshold = set; } /** * Start resizing a window. * * Resizing a multi-stage process. * The client and server agree on a size and the server prepares a buffer. * The client then needs to accept the resize, fill the buffer, and then * inform the server that it is ready, at which point we'll swap the * buffer we are rendering from. */ static uint32_t server_window_resize(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * win, int width, int height) { /* A client has accepted our offer, let's make a buffer for them */ if (win->newbufid) { /* Already in the middle of an accept/done, bail */ return win->newbufid; } win->newbufid = next_buf_id(); { char key[1024]; YUTANI_SHMKEY_EXP(yg->server_ident, key, 1024, win->newbufid); size_t size = (width * height * 4); win->newbuffer = shm_obtain(key, &size); } return win->newbufid; } /** * Finish the resize process. * * We delete the unlink the old buffer and then swap the pointers * for the new buffer. */ static void server_window_resize_finish(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * win, int width, int height) { if (!win->newbufid) { return; } int oldbufid = win->bufid; mark_window(yg, win); win->width = width; win->height = height; win->bufid = win->newbufid; win->buffer = win->newbuffer; win->newbuffer = NULL; win->newbufid = 0; { char key[1024]; YUTANI_SHMKEY_EXP(yg->server_ident, key, 1024, oldbufid); shm_release(key); } mark_window(yg, win); } /** * Mark a screen region as damaged. */ static void mark_screen(yutani_globals_t * yg, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) { yutani_damage_rect_t * rect = malloc(sizeof(yutani_damage_rect_t)); rect->x = x; rect->y = y; rect->width = width; rect->height = height; list_insert(yg->update_list, rect); } /** * Draw the cursor sprite. */ static void draw_cursor(yutani_globals_t * yg, int x, int y, int cursor) { sprite_t * sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite; static sprite_t * previous = NULL; if (yg->resizing_window) { switch (yg->resizing_direction) { case SCALE_UP: case SCALE_DOWN: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_v; break; case SCALE_LEFT: case SCALE_RIGHT: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_h; break; case SCALE_DOWN_RIGHT: case SCALE_UP_LEFT: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_da; break; case SCALE_DOWN_LEFT: case SCALE_UP_RIGHT: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_db; break; default: break; } } else if (yg->mouse_state == YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_MOVING) { sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_drag; } else { switch (cursor) { case YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_DRAG: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_drag; break; case YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_RESIZE_VERTICAL: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_v; break; case YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_RESIZE_HORIZONTAL: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_h; break; case YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_RESIZE_UP_DOWN: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_da; break; case YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_RESIZE_DOWN_UP: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_resize_db; break; case YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_POINT: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_point; break; case YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_IBEAM: sprite = &yg->mouse_sprite_ibeam; break; } } if (sprite != previous) { mark_screen(yg, x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y, MOUSE_WIDTH, MOUSE_HEIGHT); previous = sprite; } if (yg->vbox_pointer > 0) { if (write(yg->vbox_pointer, sprite->bitmap, 48*48*4) > 0) { /* if that was successful, we don't need to draw the cursor */ return; } } draw_sprite(yg->backend_ctx, sprite, x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y); } /** * Determine if a window has a solid pixel at a given screen-space coordinate. * * This is where we evaluate alpha thresholds. We only do this underneath * the cursor, and only when we move the cursor. It's reasonably fast * in those circumstances, but shouldn't be used for large regions. We * do have one debug method that indicates the top window in a box * around the cursor, but it is relatively slow. */ static yutani_server_window_t * check_top_at(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w, uint16_t x, uint16_t y){ if (!w) return NULL; if (w->hidden) return NULL; int32_t _x = -1, _y = -1; yutani_device_to_window(w, x, y, &_x, &_y); if (_x < 0 || _x >= w->width || _y < 0 || _y >= w->height) return NULL; uint32_t c = ((uint32_t *)w->buffer)[(w->width * _y + _x)]; uint8_t a = _ALP(c); if (a >= w->alpha_threshold) { return w; } return NULL; } /** * Find the window that is at the top at a particular screen-space coordinate. * * This walks through each window from top to bottom (foreachr - reverse foreach) * until it finds one with a pixel at this coordinate. Again, we only call this * at the cursor coordinates, and it is not particularly fast, so don't use it * anywhere that needs to hit a lot of coordinates. */ static yutani_server_window_t * top_at(yutani_globals_t * yg, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (check_top_at(yg, yg->top_z, x, y)) return yg->top_z; foreachr(node, yg->menu_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (check_top_at(yg, w, x, y)) return w; } foreachr(node, yg->overlay_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (check_top_at(yg, w, x, y)) return w; } foreachr(node, yg->mid_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (check_top_at(yg, w, x, y)) return w; } if (check_top_at(yg, yg->bottom_z, x, y)) return yg->bottom_z; return NULL; } /** * Get the window at a coordinate and focus it. * * See the docs for the proceeding functions, but added to this * focusing windows is also not particular fast as the reshuffle * is complicated. */ static void set_focused_at(yutani_globals_t * yg, int x, int y) { yutani_server_window_t * n_focused = top_at(yg, x, y); set_focused_window(yg, n_focused); } /* * Convenience functions for checking if a window is in the top/bottom stack. * * In the future, these single-item "stacks" will be replaced with dedicated stacks * so we can have multiple background windows and multiple panels / always-top windows. */ int yutani_window_is_top(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window) { /* For now, just use simple z-order */ return window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP; } int yutani_window_is_bottom(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window) { /* For now, just use simple z-order */ return window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM; } /** * Get a color for a wid for debugging. * * Makes a pretty rainbow pattern. */ uint32_t yutani_color_for_wid(yutani_wid_t wid) { static uint32_t colors[] = { 0xFF19aeff, 0xFFff4141, 0xFFffff3e, 0xFFff6600, 0xFF9ade00, 0xFFd76cff, 0xFF364e59, 0xFF0084c8, 0xFFdc0000, 0xFFff9900, 0xFF009100, 0xFFba00ff, 0xFFb88100, 0xFF9eabb0 }; int i = wid % (sizeof(colors) / sizeof(uint32_t)); return colors[i]; } /** * Determine if a matrix has an identity transformation for its linear component. */ static inline int matrix_is_translation(gfx_matrix_t m) { return (m[0][0] == 1.0 && m[0][1] == 0.0 && m[1][0] == 0.0 && m[1][1] == 1.0); } /** * Blit a window to the framebuffer. * * Applies transformations (rotation, animations) and then renders * the window through alpha blitting. */ static int yutani_blit_window(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window, int x, int y) { if (window->hidden) { return 0; } sprite_t _win_sprite; _win_sprite.width = window->width; _win_sprite.height = window->height; _win_sprite.bitmap = (uint32_t *)window->buffer; _win_sprite.masks = NULL; _win_sprite.blank = 0; _win_sprite.alpha = ALPHA_EMBEDDED; double opacity = (double)(window->opacity) / 255.0; if (window->rotation || window == yg->resizing_window || window->anim_mode) { double m[2][3]; gfx_matrix_identity(m); gfx_matrix_translate(m,x,y); if (window->rotation) { gfx_matrix_translate(m, window->width / 2, window->height / 2); gfx_matrix_rotate(m, (double)window->rotation * M_PI / 180.0); gfx_matrix_translate(m, -window->width / 2, -window->height / 2); } if (window == yg->resizing_window) { double x_scale = (double)yg->resizing_w / (double)yg->resizing_window->width; double y_scale = (double)yg->resizing_h / (double)yg->resizing_window->height; if (x_scale < 0.00001) { x_scale = 0.00001; } if (y_scale < 0.00001) { y_scale = 0.00001; } gfx_matrix_translate(m, (int)yg->resizing_offset_x, (int)yg->resizing_offset_y); gfx_matrix_scale(m, x_scale, y_scale); } if (window->anim_mode) { int frame = yutani_time_since(yg, window->anim_start); if (frame >= yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode]) { /* XXX handle animation-end things like cleanup of closing windows */ if (yutani_is_closing_animation[window->anim_mode]) { list_insert(yg->windows_to_remove, window); return 0; } window->anim_mode = 0; window->anim_start = 0; } else { switch (window->anim_mode) { case YUTANI_EFFECT_SQUEEZE_OUT: case YUTANI_EFFECT_FADE_OUT: { frame = yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode] - frame; } /* fallthrough */ case YUTANI_EFFECT_SQUEEZE_IN: case YUTANI_EFFECT_FADE_IN: { double time_diff = ((double)frame / (float)yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode]); if (window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_DIALOG_ANIMATION) { double x = time_diff; int t_y = (window->height * (1.0 -x)) / 2; gfx_matrix_translate(m, 0, t_y); gfx_matrix_scale(m, 1.0, x); } else { double x = 0.75 + time_diff * 0.25; opacity *= time_diff; if (!(window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_ALT_ANIMATION)) { int t_x = (window->width * (1.0 - x)) / 2; int t_y = (window->height * (1.0 - x)) / 2; gfx_matrix_translate(m, t_x, t_y); gfx_matrix_scale(m, x, x); } } } break; default: break; } } } if (matrix_is_translation(m)) { draw_sprite_alpha(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y, opacity); } else { draw_sprite_transform(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, m, opacity); } } else if (window->opacity != 255) { draw_sprite_alpha(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y, opacity); } else { draw_sprite(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y); } return 0; } /** * VirtualBox Seamless desktop driver. * * Sends rectangles describing all the non-background windows * to the VirtualBox Guest Additions driver for use with the * seamless desktop mode. */ static void yutani_post_vbox_rects(yutani_globals_t * yg) { if (yg->vbox_rects <= 0) return; char tmp[4096]; uint32_t * count = (uint32_t *)tmp; *count = 0; struct Rect { int32_t x; int32_t y; int32_t xe; int32_t ye; } __attribute__((packed)); struct Rect * rects = (struct Rect *)(tmp+sizeof(int32_t)); #define DO_WINDOW(win) if (win && !win->hidden && *count < 255 ) { \ rects->x = (win)->x; \ rects->y = (win)->y; \ rects->xe = (win)->x + (win)->width; \ rects->ye = (win)->y + (win)->height; \ rects++; \ (*count)++; \ } /* Add top window if it exists */ DO_WINDOW(yg->top_z); /* Add regular windows */ foreach (node, yg->mid_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; DO_WINDOW(w); } /* Add overlay windows */ foreach (node, yg->overlay_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; DO_WINDOW(w); } /* Add menu windows */ foreach (node, yg->menu_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; DO_WINDOW(w); } /* * If there were no windows, show the whole desktop * so we can see, eg., the login screen. */ if (*count == 0) { *count = 1; rects->x = 0; rects->y = 0; rects->xe = yg->width; rects->ye = yg->height; } /* Post rectangle data to driver */ write(yg->vbox_rects, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } /** * Blit all windows into the given context. * * This is called for rendering and for screenshots. */ static void yutani_blit_windows(yutani_globals_t * yg) { if (!yg->bottom_z || yg->bottom_z->anim_mode) { draw_fill(yg->backend_ctx, rgb(0,0,0)); } if (yg->bottom_z) yutani_blit_window(yg, yg->bottom_z, yg->bottom_z->x, yg->bottom_z->y); foreach (node, yg->mid_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (w) yutani_blit_window(yg, w, w->x, w->y); } foreach (node, yg->overlay_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (w) yutani_blit_window(yg, w, w->x, w->y); } foreach (node, yg->menu_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (w) yutani_blit_window(yg, w, w->x, w->y); } if (yg->top_z) yutani_blit_window(yg, yg->top_z, yg->top_z->x, yg->top_z->y); } /** * Take a screenshot */ static void yutani_screenshot(yutani_globals_t * yg) { int task = yg->screenshot_frame; yg->screenshot_frame = 0; /* raw screenshots */ FILE * f = fopen("/tmp/screenshot.tga", "w"); if (!f) { TRACE("Error opening output file for screenshot."); return; } uint32_t * buffer = NULL; int width, height; int alpha; if (task == YUTANI_SCREENSHOT_FULL) { buffer = (void *)yg->backend_ctx->backbuffer; width = yg->width; height = yg->height; alpha = 0; } else if (task == YUTANI_SCREENSHOT_WINDOW) { yutani_server_window_t * window = yg->focused_window; buffer = (void *)window->buffer; width = window->width; height = window->height; alpha = 1; } if (buffer) { struct { uint8_t id_length; uint8_t color_map_type; uint8_t image_type; uint16_t color_map_first_entry; uint16_t color_map_length; uint8_t color_map_entry_size; uint16_t x_origin; uint16_t y_origin; uint16_t width; uint16_t height; uint8_t depth; uint8_t descriptor; } __attribute__((packed)) header = { 0, /* No image ID field */ 0, /* No color map */ 2, /* Uncompressed truecolor */ 0, 0, 0, /* No color map */ 0, 0, /* Don't care about origin */ width, height, alpha ? 32 : 24, alpha ? 8 : 0, }; fwrite(&header, 1, sizeof(header), f); for (int y = height-1; y>=0; y--) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { uint8_t buf[4] = { _BLU(buffer[y * width + x]), _GRE(buffer[y * width + x]), _RED(buffer[y * width + x]), _ALP(buffer[y * width + x]), }; fwrite(buf, 1, alpha ? 4 : 3, f); } } } fclose(f); } static void resize_display(yutani_globals_t * yg) { TRACE("Resizing display."); if (!yutani_options.nested) { reinit_graphics_fullscreen(yg->backend_ctx); } else { reinit_graphics_yutani(yg->backend_ctx, yg->host_window); yutani_window_resize_done(yg->host_context, yg->host_window); } TRACE("graphics context resized..."); yg->width = yg->backend_ctx->width; yg->height = yg->backend_ctx->height; yg->backend_framebuffer = yg->backend_ctx->backbuffer; TRACE("Marking..."); yg->resize_on_next = 0; mark_screen(yg, 0, 0, yg->width, yg->height); TRACE("Sending welcome messages..."); yutani_msg_buildx_welcome_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_welcome(response, yg->width, yg->height); pex_broadcast(yg->server, response->size, (char *)response); TRACE("Done."); } /** * Redraw all windows, as well as the mouse cursor. * * This is the main redraw function. */ static void redraw_windows(yutani_globals_t * yg) { int has_updates = 0; /* We keep our own temporary mouse coordinates as they may change while we're drawing. */ int tmp_mouse_x = yg->mouse_x; int tmp_mouse_y = yg->mouse_y; if (yg->resize_on_next) { resize_display(yg); } gfx_clear_clip(yg->backend_ctx); /* If the mouse has moved, that counts as two damage regions */ if ((yg->last_mouse_x != tmp_mouse_x) || (yg->last_mouse_y != tmp_mouse_y)) { has_updates = 2; gfx_add_clip(yg->backend_ctx, yg->last_mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, yg->last_mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y, MOUSE_WIDTH, MOUSE_HEIGHT); gfx_add_clip(yg->backend_ctx, tmp_mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, tmp_mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y, MOUSE_WIDTH, MOUSE_HEIGHT); } yg->last_mouse_x = tmp_mouse_x; yg->last_mouse_y = tmp_mouse_y; if (yg->bottom_z && yg->bottom_z->anim_mode) mark_window(yg, yg->bottom_z); if (yg->top_z && yg->top_z->anim_mode) mark_window(yg, yg->top_z); foreach (node, yg->mid_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (w && w->anim_mode) mark_window(yg, w); } foreach (node, yg->overlay_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (w && w->anim_mode) mark_window(yg, w); } foreach (node, yg->menu_zs) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (w && w->anim_mode) mark_window(yg, w); } /* Calculate damage regions from currently queued updates */ while (yg->update_list->length) { node_t * win = list_dequeue(yg->update_list); yutani_damage_rect_t * rect = (void *)win->value; /* We add a clip region for each window in the update queue */ has_updates = 1; gfx_add_clip(yg->backend_ctx, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height); free(rect); free(win); } /* Render */ if (has_updates) { /* * In theory, we should restrict this to windows within the clip region, * but calculating that may be more trouble than it's worth; * we also need to render windows in stacking order... */ yutani_blit_windows(yg); /* Send VirtualBox rects */ yutani_post_vbox_rects(yg); #if YUTANI_DEBUG_WINDOW_SHAPES #define WINDOW_SHAPE_VIEWER_SIZE 20 /* * Debugging window shapes: draw a box around the mouse cursor * showing which window is at the top and will accept mouse events. */ if (yg->debug_shapes) { int _ly = max(0,tmp_mouse_y/MOUSE_SCALE - WINDOW_SHAPE_VIEWER_SIZE); int _hy = min(yg->height,tmp_mouse_y/MOUSE_SCALE + WINDOW_SHAPE_VIEWER_SIZE); int _lx = max(0,tmp_mouse_x/MOUSE_SCALE - 20); int _hx = min(yg->width,tmp_mouse_x/MOUSE_SCALE + WINDOW_SHAPE_VIEWER_SIZE); for (int y = _ly; y < _hy; ++y) { for (int x = _lx; x < _hx; ++x) { yutani_server_window_t * w = top_at(yg, x, y); if (w) { GFX(yg->backend_ctx, x, y) = yutani_color_for_wid(w->wid); } } } } #endif if (yutani_options.nested) { flip(yg->backend_ctx); /* * We should be able to flip only the places we need to flip, but * instead we're going to flip the whole thing. * * TODO: Do a better job of this. */ yutani_flip(yg->host_context, yg->host_window); yutani_server_window_t * tmp_window = top_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); if (yg->mouse_state == YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_MOVING) { yutani_window_show_mouse(yg->host_context, yg->host_window, YUTANI_CURSOR_TYPE_DRAG); } else if (!tmp_window || tmp_window->show_mouse) { yutani_window_show_mouse(yg->host_context, yg->host_window, tmp_window ? tmp_window->show_mouse : 1); } } else { /* * Draw the cursor. * We may also want to draw other compositor elements, like effects, but those * can also go in the stack order of the windows. */ yutani_server_window_t * tmp_window = top_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); if (!tmp_window || tmp_window->show_mouse) { draw_cursor(yg, tmp_mouse_x, tmp_mouse_y, tmp_window ? tmp_window->show_mouse : 1); } /* * Flip the updated areas. This minimizes writes to video memory, * which is very important on real hardware where these writes are slow. */ if (yg->backend_ctx->size == 0) { extern void gfx_flip_24bit(gfx_context_t * ctx); gfx_flip_24bit(yg->backend_ctx); } else { flip(yg->backend_ctx); } } foreach (node, yg->windows) { yutani_server_window_t * w = node->value; if (w->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_MAX && w != yg->top_z) { if (yutani_is_closing_animation[w->anim_mode]) { list_insert(yg->windows_to_remove, w); } } } /* * If any windows were marked for removal, * then remove them. */ while (yg->windows_to_remove->tail) { node_t * node = list_pop(yg->windows_to_remove); window_actually_close(yg, node->value); free(node); } } if (yg->screenshot_frame) { yutani_screenshot(yg); } } /** * Initialize clipping regions. */ void yutani_clip_init(yutani_globals_t * yg) { yg->update_list = list_create(); } /** * Mark a region within a window as damaged. * * If the window is rotated, we calculate the minimum rectangle that covers * the whole region specified and then mark that. */ static void mark_window_relative(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) { yutani_damage_rect_t * rect = malloc(sizeof(yutani_damage_rect_t)); if (window == yg->resizing_window) { double x_scale = (double)yg->resizing_w / (double)yg->resizing_window->width; double y_scale = (double)yg->resizing_h / (double)yg->resizing_window->height; x *= x_scale; x += yg->resizing_offset_x - 1; y *= y_scale; y += yg->resizing_offset_y - 1; width *= x_scale; height *= y_scale; width += 2; height += 2; } if (window->rotation == 0) { rect->x = window->x + x; rect->y = window->y + y; rect->width = width; rect->height = height; } else { int32_t ul_x, ul_y; int32_t ll_x, ll_y; int32_t ur_x, ur_y; int32_t lr_x, lr_y; yutani_window_to_device(window, x, y, &ul_x, &ul_y); yutani_window_to_device(window, x, y + height, &ll_x, &ll_y); yutani_window_to_device(window, x + width, y, &ur_x, &ur_y); yutani_window_to_device(window, x + width, y + height, &lr_x, &lr_y); /* Calculate bounds */ int32_t left_bound = min(min(ul_x, ll_x), min(ur_x, lr_x)); int32_t top_bound = min(min(ul_y, ll_y), min(ur_y, lr_y)); int32_t right_bound = max(max(ul_x+1, ll_x+1), max(ur_x+1, lr_x+1)); int32_t bottom_bound = max(max(ul_y+1, ll_y+1), max(ur_y+1, lr_y+1)); rect->x = left_bound; rect->y = top_bound; rect->width = right_bound - left_bound; rect->height = bottom_bound - top_bound; } list_insert(yg->update_list, rect); } /** * (Convenience function) Mark a whole a window as damaged. */ static void mark_window(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window) { mark_window_relative(yg, window, 0, 0, window->width, window->height); } /** * Set a window as closed. It will be removed after rendering has completed. */ static void window_mark_for_close(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w) { if (w->hidden) { window_actually_close(yg, w); } else { w->anim_mode = yutani_pick_animation(w->server_flags, 1); w->anim_start = yutani_current_time(yg); } } /** * Remove a window from its owner's child set. */ static void window_remove_from_client(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w) { list_t * client_list = hashmap_get(yg->clients_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)w->owner); if (client_list) { node_t * n = list_find(client_list, w); if (n) { list_delete(client_list, n); free(n); } } } /** * Actually remove a window and free the associated resources. */ static void window_actually_close(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w) { /* Remove from the wid -> window mapping */ hashmap_remove(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)w->wid); /* Remove from the general list of windows. */ list_remove(yg->windows, list_index_of(yg->windows, w)); /* Unstack the window */ unorder_window(yg, w); /* Mark the region where the window was */ mark_window(yg, w); /* And if it was focused, unfocus it. */ if (w == yg->focused_window) { /* find the top z-ordered window */ yg->focused_window = NULL; if (yg->menu_zs->tail && yg->menu_zs->tail->value) { set_focused_window(yg, yg->menu_zs->tail->value); } else if (yg->mid_zs->tail && yg->mid_zs->tail->value) { set_focused_window(yg, yg->mid_zs->tail->value); } } { char key[1024]; YUTANI_SHMKEY_EXP(yg->server_ident, key, 1024, w->bufid); /* * Normally we would acquire a lock before doing this, but the render * thread holds that lock already and we are only called from the * render thread, so we don't bother. */ shm_release(key); } /* Notify subscribers that there are changes to windows */ notify_subscribers(yg); } /** * Generate flags for client advertisements. * * Currently, we only have one flag (focused). */ static uint32_t ad_flags(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * win) { uint32_t flags = win->client_flags; if (win == yg->focused_window) { flags |= 1; } return flags; } /** * Send a result for a window query. */ static void yutani_query_result(yutani_globals_t * yg, uintptr_t dest, yutani_server_window_t * win) { if (win && win->client_length) { yutani_msg_buildx_window_advertise_alloc(response, win->client_length); yutani_msg_buildx_window_advertise(response, win->wid, ad_flags(yg, win), win->client_icon, win->bufid, win->width, win->height, win->client_length, win->client_strings); pex_send(yg->server, dest, response->size, (char *)response); } } /** * Send a notice to all subscribed clients that windows have updated. */ static void notify_subscribers(yutani_globals_t * yg) { yutani_msg_buildx_notify_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_notify(response); list_t * remove = NULL; foreach(node, yg->window_subscribers) { uintptr_t subscriber = (uintptr_t)node->value; if (!hashmap_has(yg->clients_to_windows, (void *)subscriber)) { if (!remove) { remove = list_create(); } list_insert(remove, node); } else { pex_send(yg->server, subscriber, response->size, (char *)response); } } if (remove) { while (remove->length) { node_t * n = list_pop(remove); list_delete(yg->window_subscribers, n->value); free(n); } free(remove); } } static void window_move(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window, int x, int y) { mark_window(yg, window); window->x = x; window->y = y; mark_window(yg, window); yutani_msg_buildx_window_move_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_move(response, window->wid, x, y); pex_send(yg->server, window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } /** * Move and resize a window to fit a particular tiling pattern. * * x and y are 0-based * width_div and height_div are the number of cells in each dimension */ static void window_tile(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window, int width_div, int height_div, int x, int y) { int panel_h = 0; yutani_server_window_t * panel = yg->top_z; if (panel) { panel_h = panel->height; if (panel->y < 1) { panel_h += panel->y; /* We can move the panel up to "hide" it. */ } } if (!window->tiled) { window->untiled_width = window->width; window->untiled_height = window->height; window->untiled_left = window->x; window->untiled_top = window->y; window->tiled = 1; } int w = yg->width / width_div; int h = (yg->height - panel_h) / height_div; int _x = w * x; int _y = panel_h + h * y; if (x == width_div - 1) { w = yg->width - w * x; } if (y == height_div - 1) { h = (yg->height - panel_h) - h * y; } int tile = YUTANI_RESIZE_TILED; /* If not left most */ if (x > 0) { _x -= 1; w++; tile &= ~YUTANI_RESIZE_TILE_LEFT; } /* If not right most */ if (x < width_div-1) { tile &= ~YUTANI_RESIZE_TILE_RIGHT; } /* If not top most */ if (y > 0) { _y -= 1; h++; tile &= ~YUTANI_RESIZE_TILE_UP; } /* If not bottom most */ if (y < height_div-1) { tile &= ~YUTANI_RESIZE_TILE_DOWN; } window_move(yg, window, _x, _y); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize(response, YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER, window->wid, w, h, 0, tile); pex_send(yg->server, window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } /** * Take a previously tiled window and "untile" it, eg. restore its original size. */ static void window_untile(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window) { window->tiled = 0; yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize(response,YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER, window->wid, window->untiled_width, window->untiled_height, 0, 0); pex_send(yg->server, window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } static void window_reveal(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * window) { if (!window->hidden) return; window->hidden = 0; window->anim_mode = yutani_pick_animation(window->server_flags, 0); window->anim_start = yutani_current_time(yg); } /** * Process a key event. * * These are mostly compositor shortcuts and bindings. * We also process key bindings for other applications. */ static void handle_key_event(yutani_globals_t * yg, struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke) { yg->active_modifiers = ke->event.modifiers; yutani_server_window_t * focused = get_focused(yg); if (focused) { #if 1 if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SUPER) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) && (ke->event.keycode == 'z')) { mark_window(yg,focused); focused->rotation -= 5; mark_window(yg,focused); return; } if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SUPER) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) && (ke->event.keycode == 'x')) { mark_window(yg,focused); focused->rotation += 5; mark_window(yg,focused); return; } if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SUPER) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) && (ke->event.keycode == 'c')) { mark_window(yg,focused); focused->rotation = 0; mark_window(yg,focused); return; } #endif if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_ALT) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_F10)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { if (focused->tiled) { window_untile(yg, focused); window_move(yg, focused, focused->untiled_left, focused->untiled_top); } else { window_tile(yg, focused, 1, 1, 0, 0); } return; } } if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_ALT) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_F4)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { yutani_msg_buildx_window_close_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_close(response, focused->wid); pex_send(yg->server, focused->owner, response->size, (char *)response); return; } } #if YUTANI_DEBUG_WINDOW_SHAPES if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SUPER) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) && (ke->event.keycode == 'n')) { yg->debug_shapes = (1-yg->debug_shapes); return; } #endif #if YUTANI_DEBUG_WINDOW_BOUNDS if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SUPER) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) && (ke->event.keycode == 'b')) { yg->debug_bounds = (1-yg->debug_bounds); return; } #endif /* Screenshot key */ if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_PRINT_SCREEN)) { if (ke->event.modifiers & (KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT | KEY_MOD_RIGHT_SHIFT)) { yg->screenshot_frame = YUTANI_SCREENSHOT_WINDOW; } else { yg->screenshot_frame = YUTANI_SCREENSHOT_FULL; } } if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_ESCAPE) && (yg->mouse_state == YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_MOVING)) { mouse_stop_drag(yg); return; } /* * Tiling hooks. * These are based on the compiz grid plugin. */ if ((ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) && (ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SUPER)) { if ((ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_LEFT)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 2, 2, 0, 0); return; } } if ((ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_RIGHT)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 2, 2, 1, 0); return; } } if ((ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_CTRL) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_LEFT)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 2, 2, 0, 1); return; } } if ((ke->event.modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_CTRL) && (ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_RIGHT)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 2, 2, 1, 1); return; } } if ((ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_LEFT)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 2, 1, 0, 0); return; } } if ((ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_RIGHT)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 2, 1, 1, 0); return; } } if ((ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_UP)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 1, 2, 0, 0); return; } } if ((ke->event.keycode == KEY_ARROW_DOWN)) { if (focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM && focused->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { window_tile(yg, focused, 1, 2, 0, 1); return; } } } } /* * External bindings registered by clients. */ uint32_t key_code = ((ke->event.modifiers << 24) | (ke->event.keycode)); if (hashmap_has(yg->key_binds, (void*)(uintptr_t)key_code)) { struct key_bind * bind = hashmap_get(yg->key_binds, (void*)(uintptr_t)key_code); yutani_msg_buildx_key_event_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_key_event(response,focused ? focused->wid : UINT32_MAX, &ke->event, &ke->state); pex_send(yg->server, bind->owner, response->size, (char *)response); if (bind->response == YUTANI_BIND_STEAL) { /* If this keybinding was registered as "steal", we'll stop here. */ return; } } /* Finally, send the key to the focused client. */ if (focused) { yutani_msg_buildx_key_event_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_key_event(response,focused->wid, &ke->event, &ke->state); pex_send(yg->server, focused->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } } /** * Register a new keybinding. * * req - bind message * owner - client to assign the binding to */ static void add_key_bind(yutani_globals_t * yg, struct yutani_msg_key_bind * req, uintptr_t owner) { uint32_t key_code = (((uint8_t)req->modifiers << 24) | ((uint32_t)req->key & 0xFFFFFF)); struct key_bind * bind = hashmap_get(yg->key_binds, (void*)(uintptr_t)key_code); if (!bind) { bind = malloc(sizeof(struct key_bind)); bind->owner = owner; bind->response = req->response; hashmap_set(yg->key_binds, (void*)(uintptr_t)key_code, bind); } else { bind->owner = owner; bind->response = req->response; } } static void adjust_window_opacity(yutani_globals_t * yg, int direction) { yutani_server_window_t * window = top_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); if (window && window->z != YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM) { window->opacity += direction; if (window->opacity < 0) { window->opacity = 0; } if (window->opacity > 255) { window->opacity = 255; } mark_window(yg, window); } } static void mouse_stop_drag(yutani_globals_t * yg) { yg->mouse_window = NULL; yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL; mark_screen(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y, MOUSE_WIDTH, MOUSE_HEIGHT); } static void mouse_start_drag(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * w) { if (yg->mouse_state == YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_RESIZING || yg->mouse_state == YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_ROTATING) return; /* Refuse */ set_focused_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); if (!w) { yg->mouse_window = get_focused(yg); } else { yg->mouse_window = w; } if (yg->mouse_window) { if (yg->mouse_window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM || yg->mouse_window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP || yg->mouse_window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_DISALLOW_DRAG) { yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL; yg->mouse_window = NULL; } else { yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_MOVING; yg->mouse_init_x = yg->mouse_x; yg->mouse_init_y = yg->mouse_y; yg->mouse_win_x = yg->mouse_window->x; yg->mouse_win_y = yg->mouse_window->y; yg->mouse_drag_button = yg->last_mouse_buttons; mark_screen(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y, MOUSE_WIDTH, MOUSE_HEIGHT); make_top(yg, yg->mouse_window); } } } static void mouse_start_rotate(yutani_globals_t * yg) { set_focused_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); yg->mouse_window = get_focused(yg); if (yg->mouse_window) { if (yg->mouse_window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM || yg->mouse_window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP) { /* Prevent rotating panel and wallpaper */ yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL; yg->mouse_window = NULL; return; } yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_ROTATING; yg->mouse_init_x = yg->mouse_x; yg->mouse_init_y = yg->mouse_y; int32_t x_diff = yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - (yg->mouse_window->x + yg->mouse_window->width / 2); int32_t y_diff = yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - (yg->mouse_window->y + yg->mouse_window->height / 2); int new_r = atan2(x_diff, y_diff) * 180.0 / (-M_PI); yg->mouse_init_r = yg->mouse_window->rotation - new_r; make_top(yg, yg->mouse_window); } } static void mouse_start_resize(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_scale_direction_t direction) { set_focused_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); yg->mouse_window = get_focused(yg); if (yg->mouse_window) { if (yg->mouse_window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM || yg->mouse_window->z == YUTANI_ZORDER_TOP || yg->mouse_window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_DISALLOW_RESIZE) { /* Prevent resizing panel and wallpaper */ yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL; yg->mouse_window = NULL; yg->resizing_window = NULL; } else { TRACE("resize starting for wid=%d", yg->mouse_window -> wid); yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_RESIZING; yg->mouse_init_x = yg->mouse_x; yg->mouse_init_y = yg->mouse_y; yg->mouse_win_x = yg->mouse_window->x; yg->mouse_win_y = yg->mouse_window->y; yg->resizing_window = yg->mouse_window; yg->resizing_w = yg->mouse_window->width; yg->resizing_h = yg->mouse_window->height; yg->resizing_offset_x = 0; yg->resizing_offset_y = 0; if (direction == SCALE_AUTO) { /* Determine the best direction to scale in based on simple 9-cell system. */ int32_t x, y; yutani_device_to_window(yg->resizing_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &x, &y); int h_d = 0; int v_d = 0; if (y <= yg->resizing_h / 3) { v_d = -1; } else if (y >= (yg->resizing_h / 3) * 2) { v_d = 1; } if (x <= yg->resizing_w / 3) { h_d = -1; } else if (x >= (yg->resizing_w / 3) * 2) { h_d = 1; } /* Fall back */ if (h_d == 0 && v_d == 0) direction = SCALE_DOWN_RIGHT; else if (h_d == 1 && v_d == 1) direction = SCALE_DOWN_RIGHT; else if (h_d == 1 && v_d == -1) direction = SCALE_UP_RIGHT; else if (h_d == -1 && v_d == 1) direction = SCALE_DOWN_LEFT; else if (h_d == -1 && v_d == -1) direction = SCALE_UP_LEFT; else if (h_d == 1 && v_d == 0) direction = SCALE_RIGHT; else if (h_d == -1 && v_d == 0) direction = SCALE_LEFT; else if (h_d == 0 && v_d == 1) direction = SCALE_DOWN; else if (h_d == 0 && v_d == -1) direction = SCALE_UP; } yg->resizing_direction = direction; make_top(yg, yg->mouse_window); mark_window(yg, yg->resizing_window); } } } static void handle_mouse_event(yutani_globals_t * yg, struct yutani_msg_mouse_event * me) { if (me->type == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_RELATIVE) { yg->mouse_x += me->event.x_difference YUTANI_INCOMING_MOUSE_SCALE; yg->mouse_y -= me->event.y_difference YUTANI_INCOMING_MOUSE_SCALE; } else if (me->type == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_ABSOLUTE) { yg->mouse_x = me->event.x_difference * MOUSE_SCALE; yg->mouse_y = me->event.y_difference * MOUSE_SCALE; } if (yg->mouse_x < 0) yg->mouse_x = 0; if (yg->mouse_y < 0) yg->mouse_y = 0; if (yg->mouse_x > (int)(yg->width) * MOUSE_SCALE) yg->mouse_x = (yg->width) * MOUSE_SCALE; if (yg->mouse_y > (int)(yg->height) * MOUSE_SCALE) yg->mouse_y = (yg->height) * MOUSE_SCALE; switch (yg->mouse_state) { case YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL: { if ((me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) && (yg->active_modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT)) { mouse_start_drag(yg, NULL); } else if ((me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP) && (yg->active_modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT)) { adjust_window_opacity(yg, 8); } else if ((me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN) && (yg->active_modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT)) { adjust_window_opacity(yg, -8); } else if ((me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) && (yg->active_modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT)) { mouse_start_rotate(yg); } else if ((me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE) && (yg->active_modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT)) { yg->resizing_button = YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE; mouse_start_resize(yg, SCALE_AUTO); } else if ((me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) && !(yg->active_modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT)) { yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_DRAGGING; set_focused_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); yg->mouse_window = get_focused(yg); yg->mouse_moved = 0; yg->mouse_drag_button = YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT; if (yg->mouse_window) { yutani_device_to_window(yg->mouse_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &yg->mouse_click_x, &yg->mouse_click_y); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response,yg->mouse_window->wid, yg->mouse_click_x, yg->mouse_click_y, -1, -1, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN, yg->active_modifiers); yg->mouse_click_x_orig = yg->mouse_click_x; yg->mouse_click_y_orig = yg->mouse_click_y; pex_send(yg->server, yg->mouse_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } } else { yg->mouse_window = get_focused(yg); yutani_server_window_t * tmp_window = top_at(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE); if (yg->mouse_window && !(me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)) { int32_t x, y; yutani_device_to_window(yg->mouse_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &x, &y); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response,yg->mouse_window->wid, x, y, -1, -1, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE, yg->active_modifiers); pex_send(yg->server, yg->mouse_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } if (tmp_window) { int32_t x, y; yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event_alloc(response); if (tmp_window != yg->old_hover_window) { yutani_device_to_window(tmp_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &x, &y); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response, tmp_window->wid, x, y, -1, -1, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_ENTER, yg->active_modifiers); pex_send(yg->server, tmp_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); if (yg->old_hover_window) { yutani_device_to_window(yg->old_hover_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &x, &y); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response, yg->old_hover_window->wid, x, y, -1, -1, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_LEAVE, yg->active_modifiers); pex_send(yg->server, yg->old_hover_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } yg->old_hover_window = tmp_window; } if (tmp_window != yg->mouse_window || (me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)) { yutani_device_to_window(tmp_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &x, &y); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response, tmp_window->wid, x, y, -1, -1, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE, yg->active_modifiers); pex_send(yg->server, tmp_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } } } } break; case YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_MOVING: { int button_down = (me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT); int drag_stop = yg->mouse_drag_button != 0 ? (!button_down) : (button_down); if (drag_stop) { mouse_stop_drag(yg); } else { if (yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE < 10) { if (!yg->mouse_window->tiled) { window_tile(yg, yg->mouse_window, 1, 1, 0, 0); } break; } if (yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE < 10) { if (!yg->mouse_window->tiled) { window_tile(yg, yg->mouse_window, 2, 1, 0, 0); } break; } else if (yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE >= ((int)yg->width - 10)) { if (!yg->mouse_window->tiled) { window_tile(yg, yg->mouse_window, 2, 1, 1, 0); } break; } if (yg->mouse_window->tiled) { if ((abs(yg->mouse_x - yg->mouse_init_x) > UNTILE_SENSITIVITY) || (abs(yg->mouse_y - yg->mouse_init_y) > UNTILE_SENSITIVITY)) { /* Untile it */ window_untile(yg,yg->mouse_window); /* Position the window such that it's representative of where it was, percentage-wise, in the untiled window */ float percent_x = (float)(yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - yg->mouse_window->x) / (float)yg->mouse_window->width; float percent_y = (float)(yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - yg->mouse_window->y) / (float)yg->mouse_window->height; window_move(yg, yg->mouse_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - yg->mouse_window->untiled_width * percent_x, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - yg->mouse_window->untiled_height * percent_y); /* reset init_x / init_y */ yg->mouse_init_x = yg->mouse_x; yg->mouse_init_y = yg->mouse_y; yg->mouse_win_x = yg->mouse_window->x; yg->mouse_win_y = yg->mouse_window->y; } } else { int x, y; x = yg->mouse_win_x + (yg->mouse_x - yg->mouse_init_x) / MOUSE_SCALE; y = yg->mouse_win_y + (yg->mouse_y - yg->mouse_init_y) / MOUSE_SCALE; window_move(yg, yg->mouse_window, x, y); } } } break; case YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_ROTATING: { if (!(me->event.buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)) { yg->mouse_window = NULL; yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL; mark_screen(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y, MOUSE_WIDTH, MOUSE_HEIGHT); } else if (yg->mouse_window) { /* Calculate rotation and make relative to initial rotation */ int32_t x_diff = yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - (yg->mouse_window->x + yg->mouse_window->width / 2); int32_t y_diff = yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - (yg->mouse_window->y + yg->mouse_window->height / 2); int new_r = atan2(x_diff, y_diff) * 180.0 / (-M_PI); mark_window(yg, yg->mouse_window); yg->mouse_window->rotation = new_r + yg->mouse_init_r; mark_window(yg, yg->mouse_window); } } break; case YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_DRAGGING: { if (!(me->event.buttons & yg->mouse_drag_button)) { /* Mouse released */ yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL; int32_t old_x = yg->mouse_click_x_orig; int32_t old_y = yg->mouse_click_y_orig; if (yg->mouse_window) { yutani_device_to_window(yg->mouse_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &yg->mouse_click_x, &yg->mouse_click_y); if (!yg->mouse_moved) { yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response,yg->mouse_window->wid, yg->mouse_click_x, yg->mouse_click_y, -1, -1, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_CLICK, yg->active_modifiers); pex_send(yg->server, yg->mouse_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } else { yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response,yg->mouse_window->wid, yg->mouse_click_x, yg->mouse_click_y, old_x, old_y, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_RAISE, yg->active_modifiers); pex_send(yg->server, yg->mouse_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } } } else { yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_DRAGGING; yg->mouse_moved = 1; int32_t old_x = yg->mouse_click_x; int32_t old_y = yg->mouse_click_y; if (yg->mouse_window) { yutani_device_to_window(yg->mouse_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &yg->mouse_click_x, &yg->mouse_click_y); if (old_x != yg->mouse_click_x || old_y != yg->mouse_click_y) { yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_mouse_event(response,yg->mouse_window->wid, yg->mouse_click_x, yg->mouse_click_y, old_x, old_y, me->event.buttons, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_DRAG, yg->active_modifiers); pex_send(yg->server, yg->mouse_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } } } } break; case YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_RESIZING: { int32_t relative_x, relative_y; int32_t relative_init_x, relative_init_y; yutani_device_to_window(yg->resizing_window, yg->mouse_init_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_init_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &relative_init_x, &relative_init_y); yutani_device_to_window(yg->resizing_window, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE, &relative_x, &relative_y); int width_diff = (relative_x - relative_init_x); int height_diff = (relative_y - relative_init_y); mark_window(yg, yg->resizing_window); if (yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_UP || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_DOWN) { width_diff = 0; yg->resizing_offset_x = 0; } if (yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_LEFT || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_RIGHT) { height_diff = 0; yg->resizing_offset_y = 0; } if (yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_LEFT || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_UP_LEFT || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_DOWN_LEFT) { yg->resizing_offset_x = width_diff; width_diff = -width_diff; } else if (yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_RIGHT || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_UP_RIGHT || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_DOWN_RIGHT) { yg->resizing_offset_x = 0; } if (yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_UP || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_UP_LEFT || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_UP_RIGHT) { yg->resizing_offset_y = height_diff; height_diff = -height_diff; } else if (yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_DOWN || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_DOWN_LEFT || yg->resizing_direction == SCALE_DOWN_RIGHT) { yg->resizing_offset_y = 0; } yg->resizing_w = yg->resizing_window->width + width_diff; yg->resizing_h = yg->resizing_window->height + height_diff; /* Enforce logical boundaries */ if (yg->resizing_w < 1) { yg->resizing_w = 1; } if (yg->resizing_h < 1) { yg->resizing_h = 1; } if (yg->resizing_offset_x > yg->resizing_window->width) { yg->resizing_offset_x = yg->resizing_window->width; } if (yg->resizing_offset_y > yg->resizing_window->height) { yg->resizing_offset_y = yg->resizing_window->height; } mark_window(yg, yg->resizing_window); if (!(me->event.buttons & yg->resizing_button)) { int32_t x, y; if (yg->resizing_window->rotation) { /* If the window is rotated, we need to move the center to be where the new center should be, but x/y are based on the unrotated upper left corner. */ /* The center always moves by one-half the resize dimensions */ int32_t center_x, center_y; yutani_window_to_device(yg->resizing_window, yg->resizing_offset_x + yg->resizing_w / 2, yg->resizing_offset_y + yg->resizing_h / 2, ¢er_x, ¢er_y); x = center_x - yg->resizing_w / 2; y = center_y - yg->resizing_h / 2; } else { yutani_window_to_device(yg->resizing_window, yg->resizing_offset_x, yg->resizing_offset_y, &x, &y); } TRACE("resize complete, now %d x %d", yg->resizing_w, yg->resizing_h); window_move(yg, yg->resizing_window, x,y); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize(response,YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER, yg->resizing_window->wid, yg->resizing_w, yg->resizing_h, 0, yg->resizing_window->tiled); pex_send(yg->server, yg->resizing_window->owner, response->size, (char *)response); yg->resizing_window = NULL; yg->mouse_window = NULL; yg->mouse_state = YUTANI_MOUSE_STATE_NORMAL; } } break; default: /* XXX ? */ break; } } static yutani_globals_t * _static_yg; static void yutani_display_resize_handle(int signum) { (void)signum; TRACE("Display change request, one moment."); _static_yg->resize_on_next = 1; signal(SIGWINEVENT, yutani_display_resize_handle); } #define FONT_PATH "/usr/share/fonts/" #define FONT(a,b) {a, FONT_PATH b} struct font_def { char * identifier; char * path; }; /** * TODO: This should be configurable... */ static struct font_def fonts[] = { FONT("sans-serif", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf"), FONT("sans-serif.bold", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"), FONT("sans-serif.italic", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf"), FONT("sans-serif.bolditalic", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf"), FONT("monospace", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf"), FONT("monospace.bold", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf"), FONT("monospace.italic", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf"), FONT("monospace.bolditalic", "truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf"), {NULL, NULL} }; static char * precache_shmfont(char * ident, char * name) { FILE * f = fopen(name, "r"); if (!f) return NULL; size_t s = 0; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); s = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); size_t shm_size = s; char * font = shm_obtain(ident, &shm_size); assert((shm_size >= s) && "shm_obtain returned too little memory to load a font into!"); fread(font, s, 1, f); fclose(f); return font; } static void load_fonts(yutani_globals_t * yg) { int i = 0; while (fonts[i].identifier) { char tmp[100]; sprintf(tmp, "sys.%s.fonts.%s", yg->server_ident, fonts[i].identifier); TRACE("Loading font %s -> %s", fonts[i].path, tmp); if (!precache_shmfont(tmp, fonts[i].path)) { TRACE(" ... failed."); } ++i; } } /** * main */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int argx = 0; int results = parse_args(argc, argv, &argx); if (results) return results; yutani_globals_t * yg = malloc(sizeof(yutani_globals_t)); memset(yg, 0x00, sizeof(yutani_globals_t)); if (yutani_options.nested) { yg->host_context = yutani_init(); yg->host_window = yutani_window_create(yg->host_context, yutani_options.nest_width, yutani_options.nest_height); yutani_window_move(yg->host_context, yg->host_window, 50, 50); yutani_window_advertise_icon(yg->host_context, yg->host_window, "Compositor", "compositor"); yg->backend_ctx = init_graphics_yutani_double_buffer(yg->host_window); } else { char * d = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (d && *d) { fprintf(stderr, "DISPLAY is already set but not running nested. This is probably wrong.\n"); return 1; } _static_yg = yg; signal(SIGWINEVENT, yutani_display_resize_handle); yg->backend_ctx = init_graphics_fullscreen_double_buffer(); } if (!yg->backend_ctx) { free(yg); TRACE("Failed to open framebuffer, bailing."); return 1; } { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); yg->start_time = t.tv_sec; yg->start_subtime = t.tv_usec; } yg->width = yg->backend_ctx->width; yg->height = yg->backend_ctx->height; draw_fill(yg->backend_ctx, rgb(0,0,0)); flip(yg->backend_ctx); yg->backend_framebuffer = yg->backend_ctx->backbuffer; if (yutani_options.nested) { char * name = malloc(sizeof(char) * 64); sprintf(name, "compositor-nest-%d", getpid()); yg->server_ident = name; } else { /* XXX check if this already exists? */ yg->server_ident = "compositor"; } setenv("DISPLAY", yg->server_ident, 1); FILE * server = pex_bind(yg->server_ident); TRACE("pex bound? %d", server); yg->server = server; load_fonts(yg); TRACE("Loading sprites..."); #define MOUSE_DIR "/usr/share/cursor/" load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite, MOUSE_DIR "normal.png"); load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite_drag, MOUSE_DIR "grab.png"); load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite_resize_v, MOUSE_DIR "resize-vertical.png"); load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite_resize_h, MOUSE_DIR "resize-horizontal.png"); load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite_resize_da, MOUSE_DIR "resize-uldr.png"); load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite_resize_db, MOUSE_DIR "resize-dlur.png"); load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite_point, MOUSE_DIR "point.png"); load_sprite(&yg->mouse_sprite_ibeam, MOUSE_DIR "ibeam.png"); TRACE("Done."); TRACE("Initializing variables..."); yg->last_mouse_x = 0; yg->last_mouse_y = 0; yg->mouse_x = yg->width * MOUSE_SCALE / 2; yg->mouse_y = yg->height * MOUSE_SCALE / 2; yg->windows = list_create(); yg->wids_to_windows = hashmap_create_int(10); yg->key_binds = hashmap_create_int(10); yg->clients_to_windows = hashmap_create_int(10); yg->mid_zs = list_create(); yg->menu_zs = list_create(); yg->overlay_zs = list_create(); yg->windows_to_remove = list_create(); yg->window_subscribers = list_create(); yg->last_mouse_buttons = 0; TRACE("Done."); yutani_clip_init(yg); if (!fork()) { if (argx < argc) { TRACE("Starting alternate startup app: %s", argv[argx]); execvp(argv[argx], &argv[argx]); } else { TRACE("Starting application"); char * args[] = {"/bin/glogin", NULL}; execvp(args[0], args); TRACE("Failed to start app?"); } } int fds[4]; int mfd = -1; int kfd = -1; int amfd = -1; int vmmouse = 0; mouse_device_packet_t packet; key_event_t event; key_event_state_t state = {0}; fds[0] = fileno(server); if (yutani_options.nested) { fds[1] = fileno(yg->host_context->sock); } else { mfd = open("/dev/mouse", O_RDONLY); kfd = open("/dev/kbd", O_RDONLY); amfd = open("/dev/absmouse", O_RDONLY); if (amfd < 0) { amfd = open("/dev/vmmouse", O_RDONLY); vmmouse = 1; } yg->vbox_rects = open("/dev/vboxrects", O_WRONLY); yg->vbox_pointer = open("/dev/vboxpointer", O_WRONLY); fds[1] = mfd; fds[2] = kfd; fds[3] = amfd; } uint64_t last_redraw = 0; while (1) { unsigned long frameTime = yutani_time_since(yg, last_redraw); if (frameTime > 15) { redraw_windows(yg); last_redraw = yutani_current_time(yg); frameTime = 0; } if (yutani_options.nested) { int index = fswait2(2, fds, 16 - frameTime); if (index == 1) { yutani_msg_t * m = yutani_poll(yg->host_context); if (m) { switch (m->type) { case YUTANI_MSG_KEY_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke = (void*)m->data; yutani_msg_buildx_key_event_alloc(m_); yutani_msg_buildx_key_event(m_, 0, &ke->event, &ke->state); handle_key_event(yg, (struct yutani_msg_key_event *)m_->data); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_MOUSE_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * me = (void*)m->data; mouse_device_packet_t packet; packet.buttons = me->buttons; packet.x_difference = me->new_x; packet.y_difference = me->new_y; yg->last_mouse_buttons = packet.buttons; yutani_msg_buildx_mouse_event_alloc(m_); yutani_msg_buildx_mouse_event(m_, 0, &packet, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); handle_mouse_event(yg, (struct yutani_msg_mouse_event *)m_->data); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void*)m->data; TRACE("Resize request from host compositor for size %dx%d", wr->width, wr->height); yutani_window_resize_accept(yg->host_context, yg->host_window, wr->width, wr->height); yg->resize_on_next = 1; } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE: case YUTANI_MSG_SESSION_END: { TRACE("Host session ended. Should exit."); yutani_msg_buildx_session_end_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_session_end(response); pex_broadcast(server, response->size, (char *)response); yg->server = NULL; exit(0); } break; default: break; } } free(m); continue; } else if (index > 0) { continue; } } else { int index = fswait2(amfd == -1 ? 3 : 4, fds, 16 - frameTime); if (index == 2) { unsigned char buf[1]; int r = read(kfd, buf, 1); if (r > 0) { if (kbd_scancode(&state, buf[0], &event)) { yutani_msg_buildx_key_event_alloc(m); yutani_msg_buildx_key_event(m,0, &event, &state); handle_key_event(yg, (struct yutani_msg_key_event *)m->data); } } continue; } else if (index == 1) { int r = read(mfd, (char *)&packet, sizeof(mouse_device_packet_t)); if (r > 0) { yg->last_mouse_buttons = packet.buttons; yutani_msg_buildx_mouse_event_alloc(m); yutani_msg_buildx_mouse_event(m,0, &packet, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_RELATIVE); handle_mouse_event(yg, (struct yutani_msg_mouse_event *)m->data); } continue; } else if (amfd != -1 && index == 3) { int r = read(amfd, (char *)&packet, sizeof(mouse_device_packet_t)); if (r > 0) { if (!vmmouse) { packet.buttons = yg->last_mouse_buttons & 0xF; } else { yg->last_mouse_buttons = packet.buttons; } yutani_msg_buildx_mouse_event_alloc(m); yutani_msg_buildx_mouse_event(m,0, &packet, YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); handle_mouse_event(yg, (struct yutani_msg_mouse_event *)m->data); } continue; } else if (index > 0) { continue; } } pex_packet_t * p = calloc(PACKET_SIZE, 1); pex_listen(server, p); yutani_msg_t * m = (yutani_msg_t *)p->data; if (p->size == 0) { /* Connection closed for client */ TRACE("Connection closed for client %x", p->source); list_t * client_list = hashmap_get(yg->clients_to_windows, (void *)p->source); if (client_list) { foreach(node, client_list) { yutani_server_window_t * win = node->value; TRACE("Killing window %d", win->wid); window_mark_for_close(yg, win); } hashmap_remove(yg->clients_to_windows, (void *)p->source); list_free(client_list); free(client_list); } if (hashmap_is_empty(yg->clients_to_windows)) { TRACE("Last compositor client disconnected, exiting."); yg->server = NULL; exit(0); } free(p); continue; } if (m->magic != YUTANI_MSG__MAGIC) { TRACE("Message has bad magic. (Should eject client, but will instead skip this message.) 0x%x", m->magic); free(p); continue; } switch(m->type) { case YUTANI_MSG_HELLO: { TRACE("And hello to you, %p!", p->source); list_t * client_list = hashmap_get(yg->clients_to_windows, (void *)p->source); if (!client_list) { TRACE("Client is new: %p", p->source); client_list = list_create(); hashmap_set(yg->clients_to_windows, (void *)p->source, client_list); } yutani_msg_buildx_welcome_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_welcome(response,yg->width, yg->height); pex_send(server, p->source, response->size, (char *)response); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_NEW: case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_NEW_FLAGS: { struct yutani_msg_window_new_flags * wn = (void *)m->data; TRACE("Client %p requested a new window (%dx%d).", p->source, wn->width, wn->height); yutani_server_window_t * w = server_window_create(yg, wn->width, wn->height, p->source, m->type != YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_NEW ? wn->flags : 0); yutani_msg_buildx_window_init_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_init(response,w->wid, w->width, w->height, w->bufid); pex_send(server, p->source, response->size, (char *)response); if (!(w->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_NO_STEAL_FOCUS)) { set_focused_window(yg, w); } notify_subscribers(yg); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_FLIP: { struct yutani_msg_flip * wf = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wf->wid); if (w) { window_reveal(yg, w); mark_window(yg, w); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_FLIP_REGION: { struct yutani_msg_flip_region * wf = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wf->wid); if (w) { window_reveal(yg, w); mark_window_relative(yg, w, wf->x, wf->y, wf->width, wf->height); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_KEY_EVENT: { /* XXX Verify this is from a valid device client */ struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke = (void *)m->data; handle_key_event(yg, ke); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_MOUSE_EVENT: { /* XXX Verify this is from a valid device client */ struct yutani_msg_mouse_event * me = (void *)m->data; handle_mouse_event(yg, me); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_MOVE: { struct yutani_msg_window_move * wm = (void *)m->data; //TRACE("%08x wanted to move window %d to %d, %d", p->source, wm->wid, (int)wm->x, (int)wm->y); if (wm->x > (int)yg->width + 100 || wm->x < -(int)yg->width || wm->y > (int)yg->height + 100 || wm->y < -(int)yg->height) { TRACE("Refusing to move window to these coordinates."); break; } yutani_server_window_t * win = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void*)(uintptr_t)wm->wid); if (win) { window_move(yg, win, wm->x, wm->y); } else { TRACE("%08x wanted to move window %d, but I can't find it?", p->source, wm->wid); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_MOVE_RELATIVE: { struct yutani_msg_window_move_relative * wm = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * movee = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void*)(uintptr_t)wm->wid_to_move); yutani_server_window_t * base = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void*)(uintptr_t)wm->wid_base); if (!movee || !base) break; /* Map coordinate to new origin location */ int32_t nx, ny; yutani_window_to_device(base, wm->x + movee->width / 2, wm->y + movee->height / 2, &nx, &ny); window_move(yg, movee, nx - movee->width / 2, ny - movee->height / 2); /* Match window rotation to base window */ movee->rotation = base->rotation; } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE: { struct yutani_msg_window_close * wc = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wc->wid); if (w) { window_mark_for_close(yg, w); window_remove_from_client(yg, w); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_STACK: { struct yutani_msg_window_stack * ws = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)ws->wid); if (w) { reorder_window(yg, w, ws->z); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_REQUEST: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wr->wid); if (w) { yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize(response,YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER, w->wid, wr->width, wr->height, 0, w->tiled); pex_send(server, p->source, response->size, (char *)response); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wr->wid); if (w) { yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize(response,YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER, w->wid, wr->width, wr->height, 0, w->tiled); pex_send(server, p->source, response->size, (char *)response); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_ACCEPT: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wr->wid); if (w) { uint32_t newbufid = server_window_resize(yg, w, wr->width, wr->height); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_resize(response,YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_BUFID, w->wid, wr->width, wr->height, newbufid, 0); pex_send(server, p->source, response->size, (char *)response); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_DONE: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wr->wid); if (w) { server_window_resize_finish(yg, w, wr->width, wr->height); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_QUERY_WINDOWS: { yutani_query_result(yg, p->source, yg->bottom_z); foreach (node, yg->mid_zs) { yutani_query_result(yg, p->source, node->value); } /* Exclude menus, overlay windows, top and bottom. */ yutani_query_result(yg, p->source, yg->top_z); yutani_msg_buildx_window_advertise_alloc(response, 0); yutani_msg_buildx_window_advertise(response,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL); pex_send(server, p->source, response->size, (char *)response); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_SUBSCRIBE: { foreach(node, yg->window_subscribers) { if ((uintptr_t)node->value == p->source) { break; } } list_insert(yg->window_subscribers, (void*)p->source); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE: { node_t * node = list_find(yg->window_subscribers, (void*)p->source); if (node) { list_delete(yg->window_subscribers, node); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_ADVERTISE: { struct yutani_msg_window_advertise * wa = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wa->wid); if (w) { if (w->client_strings) free(w->client_strings); w->client_icon = wa->icon; w->client_flags = wa->flags; w->client_length = wa->size; w->client_strings = malloc(wa->size); memcpy(w->client_strings, wa->strings, wa->size); notify_subscribers(yg); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_SESSION_END: { yutani_msg_buildx_session_end_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_session_end(response); pex_broadcast(server, response->size, (char *)response); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS: { struct yutani_msg_window_focus * wa = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wa->wid); if (w) { set_focused_window(yg, w); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_KEY_BIND: { struct yutani_msg_key_bind * wa = (void *)m->data; add_key_bind(yg, wa, p->source); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_DRAG_START: { struct yutani_msg_window_drag_start * wa = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wa->wid); if (w) { /* Start dragging */ mouse_start_drag(yg, w); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_UPDATE_SHAPE: { struct yutani_msg_window_update_shape * wa = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wa->wid); if (w) { /* Set shape parameter */ server_window_update_shape(yg, w, wa->set_shape); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_WARP_MOUSE: { struct yutani_msg_window_warp_mouse * wa = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wa->wid); if (w) { if (yg->focused_window == w) { int32_t x, y; yutani_window_to_device(w, wa->x, wa->y, &x, &y); struct yutani_msg_mouse_event me; me.event.x_difference = x; me.event.y_difference = y; me.event.buttons = yg->last_mouse_buttons; me.type = YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_ABSOLUTE; me.wid = wa->wid; handle_mouse_event(yg, &me); } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_SHOW_MOUSE: { struct yutani_msg_window_show_mouse * wa = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wa->wid); if (w) { if (wa->show_mouse == -1) { w->show_mouse = w->default_mouse; } else if (wa->show_mouse < 2) { w->default_mouse = wa->show_mouse; w->show_mouse = wa->show_mouse; } else { w->show_mouse = wa->show_mouse; } if (yg->focused_window == w) { mark_screen(yg, yg->mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_X, yg->mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE - MOUSE_OFFSET_Y, MOUSE_WIDTH, MOUSE_HEIGHT); } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_RESIZE_START: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize_start * wa = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)wa->wid); if (w) { if (yg->focused_window == w && !yg->resizing_window) { yg->resizing_window = w; yg->resizing_button = YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT; /* XXX Uh, what if we used something else */ mouse_start_resize(yg, wa->direction); } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_SPECIAL_REQUEST: { struct yutani_msg_special_request * sr = (void *)m->data; yutani_server_window_t * w = hashmap_get(yg->wids_to_windows, (void *)(uintptr_t)sr->wid); switch (sr->request) { case YUTANI_SPECIAL_REQUEST_MAXIMIZE: if (w) { if (w->tiled) { window_untile(yg,w); window_move(yg,w,w->untiled_left,w->untiled_top); } else { window_tile(yg, w, 1, 1, 0, 0); } } break; case YUTANI_SPECIAL_REQUEST_PLEASE_CLOSE: if (w) { yutani_msg_buildx_window_close_alloc(response); yutani_msg_buildx_window_close(response, w->wid); pex_send(yg->server, w->owner, response->size, (char *)response); } break; case YUTANI_SPECIAL_REQUEST_CLIPBOARD: { yutani_msg_buildx_clipboard_alloc(response, yg->clipboard_size); yutani_msg_buildx_clipboard(response, yg->clipboard); pex_send(server, p->source, response->size, (char *)response); } break; default: TRACE("Unknown special request type: 0x%x", sr->request); break; } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_CLIPBOARD: { struct yutani_msg_clipboard * cb = (void *)m->data; yg->clipboard_size = min(cb->size, 511); memcpy(yg->clipboard, cb->content, yg->clipboard_size); yg->clipboard[yg->clipboard_size] = '\0'; TRACE("Copied text to clipbard (size=%d)", yg->clipboard_size); } break; default: { TRACE("Unknown type: 0x%8x", m->type); } break; } free(p); } return 0; }