/* vim: ts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 K. Lange * * netinit * * Download, decompress, and mount a root filesystem from the * network and run the `/bin/init` contained therein. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NETBOOT_URL "" #include #include #include "../lib/list.c" #include "../lib/hashmap.c" #include "terminal-font.h" extern int mount(char* src,char* tgt,char* typ,unsigned long,void*); #define SIZE 512 struct http_req { char domain[SIZE]; char path[SIZE]; int port; int ssl; }; struct { int show_headers; const char * output_file; const char * cookie; FILE * out; } fetch_options = {0}; #define TRACE(msg,...) do { \ char tmp[512]; \ sprintf(tmp, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ fprintf(stderr, "%s", tmp); \ fflush(stderr); \ print_string(tmp); \ } while(0) static int has_video = 1; static int width, height, depth; static char * framebuffer; static struct timeval start; static int framebuffer_fd; #define char_height 20 #define char_width 9 #define BG_COLOR 0xFF050505 #define FG_COLOR 0xFFCCCCCC #define EX_COLOR 0xFF999999 static void set_point(int x, int y, uint32_t value) { uint32_t * disp = (uint32_t *)framebuffer; uint32_t * cell = &disp[y * width + x]; *cell = value; } static void write_char(int x, int y, int val, uint32_t color) { if (val > 128) { val = 4; } #ifdef number_font uint8_t * c = number_font[val]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < char_width; ++j) { if (c[i] & (1 << (8-j))) { set_point(x+j,y+i,color); } else { set_point(x+j,y+i,BG_COLOR); } } } #else uint16_t * c = large_font[val]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < char_width; ++j) { if (c[i] & (1 << (15-j))) { set_point(x+j,y+i,color); } else { set_point(x+j,y+i,BG_COLOR); } } } #endif } #define BUF_SIZE 255 static void read_http_line(char * buf, FILE * f) { memset(buf, 0x00, BUF_SIZE); fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, f); char * _r = strchr(buf, '\r'); if (_r) { *_r = '\0'; } if (!_r) { _r = strchr(buf, '\n'); /* that's not right, but, whatever */ if (_r) { *_r = '\0'; } } } static unsigned short * textmemptr = (unsigned short *)0xB8000; static void placech(unsigned char c, int x, int y, int attr) { unsigned short *where; unsigned att = attr << 8; where = textmemptr + (y * 80 + x); *where = c | att; } #define LEFT_PAD 40 static int x = LEFT_PAD; static int y = 0; static int vx = 0; static int vy = 0; static void print_string(char * msg) { if (!has_video) { while (*msg) { placech(' ',vx,vy,0); switch (*msg) { case '\n': vx = 0; vy += 1; if (vy == 25) { /* scroll */ memcpy(textmemptr,textmemptr + 80,sizeof(unsigned short) * 80 * 24); memset(textmemptr + 80 * 24, 0, sizeof(unsigned short) * 80); vy = 24; } break; case '\033': msg++; if (*msg == '[') { msg++; if (*msg == 'G') { vx = 0; } if (*msg == 'K') { int last_x = vx; while (vx < 80) { placech(' ',vx,vy,0); vx++; } vx = last_x; } } break; default: placech(*msg,vx,vy,0xF); vx++; break; } placech('_',vx,vy,0xF); msg++; } } else { while (*msg) { write_char(x,y,' ',BG_COLOR); switch (*msg) { case '\n': x = LEFT_PAD; y += char_height; if (y > height - 30) { y = 0; } break; case '\033': msg++; if (*msg == '[') { msg++; if (*msg == 'G') { x = LEFT_PAD; } if (*msg == 'K') { int last_x = x; while (x < width) { write_char(x,y,' ',FG_COLOR); x += char_width; } x = last_x; } } break; default: write_char(x,y,*msg,FG_COLOR); x += char_width; break; } write_char(x,y,'_',EX_COLOR); msg++; } } } void parse_url(char * d, struct http_req * r) { if (strstr(d, "http://") == d) { d += strlen("http://"); char * s = strstr(d, "/"); if (!s) { strcpy(r->domain, d); strcpy(r->path, ""); } else { *s = 0; s++; strcpy(r->domain, d); strcpy(r->path, s); } if (strstr(r->domain,":")) { char * port = strstr(r->domain,":"); *port = '\0'; port++; r->port = atoi(port); } else { r->port = 80; } r->ssl = 0; } else if (strstr(d, "https://") == d) { d += strlen("https://"); char * s = strstr(d, "/"); if (!s) { strcpy(r->domain, d); strcpy(r->path, ""); } else { *s = 0; s++; strcpy(r->domain, d); strcpy(r->path, s); } if (strstr(r->domain,":")) { char * port = strstr(r->domain,":"); *port = '\0'; port++; r->port = atoi(port); } else { r->port = 443; } r->ssl = 1; } else { TRACE("sorry, can't parse %s\n", d); exit(1); } } static void bad_response(void) { TRACE("Bad response.\n"); exit(1); } static char * img = "/tmp/netboot.img"; static void update_video(int sig) { (void)sig; ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_WIDTH, &width); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_HEIGHT, &height); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_DEPTH, &depth); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_ADDR, &framebuffer); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_SIGNAL, NULL); /* Clear the screen */ for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { set_point(x,y,BG_COLOR); } } x = LEFT_PAD; y = 0; if (sig) { TRACE("(video display changed to %d x %d)\n", width, height); } } static volatile int watchdog_success = 0; static void network_error(int is_thread) { TRACE("\n\n"); TRACE("ERROR: Network does not seem to be available, or unable to reach host.\n"); TRACE(" Please check your VM configuration.\n"); if (is_thread) { pthread_exit(0); } else { exit(1); } } static void * watchdog_func(void * garbage) { (void)garbage; int i = 0; while (i < 5) { usleep(1000000); if (watchdog_success) { pthread_exit(0); } i++; } network_error(1); return NULL; } #define BAR_WIDTH 20 #define bar_perc "||||||||||||||||||||" #define bar_spac " " static void draw_progress(size_t content_length, size_t size) { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); TRACE("\033[G%6dkB",(int)size/1024); if (content_length) { int percent = (size * BAR_WIDTH) / (content_length); TRACE(" / %6dkB [%.*s%.*s]", (int)content_length/1024, percent,bar_perc,BAR_WIDTH-percent,bar_spac); } double timediff = (double)(now.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (double)(now.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000000.0; if (timediff > 0.0) { double rate = (double)(size) / timediff; double s = rate/(1024.0) * 8.0; if (s > 1024.0) { TRACE(" %.2f mbps", s/1024.0); } else { TRACE(" %.2f kbps", s); } if (content_length) { if (rate > 0.0) { double remaining = (double)(content_length - size) / rate; TRACE(" (%.2f sec remaining)", remaining); } } } TRACE("\033[K"); } static uint32_t crctab[256] = { 0x00000000, 0x09073096, 0x120e612c, 0x1b0951ba, 0xff6dc419, 0xf66af48f, 0xed63a535, 0xe46495a3, 0xfedb8832, 0xf7dcb8a4, 0xecd5e91e, 0xe5d2d988, 0x01b64c2b, 0x08b17cbd, 0x13b82d07, 0x1abf1d91, 0xfdb71064, 0xf4b020f2, 0xefb97148, 0xe6be41de, 0x02dad47d, 0x0bdde4eb, 0x10d4b551, 0x19d385c7, 0x036c9856, 0x0a6ba8c0, 0x1162f97a, 0x1865c9ec, 0xfc015c4f, 0xf5066cd9, 0xee0f3d63, 0xe7080df5, 0xfb6e20c8, 0xf269105e, 0xe96041e4, 0xe0677172, 0x0403e4d1, 0x0d04d447, 0x160d85fd, 0x1f0ab56b, 0x05b5a8fa, 0x0cb2986c, 0x17bbc9d6, 0x1ebcf940, 0xfad86ce3, 0xf3df5c75, 0xe8d60dcf, 0xe1d13d59, 0x06d930ac, 0x0fde003a, 0x14d75180, 0x1dd06116, 0xf9b4f4b5, 0xf0b3c423, 0xebba9599, 0xe2bda50f, 0xf802b89e, 0xf1058808, 0xea0cd9b2, 0xe30be924, 0x076f7c87, 0x0e684c11, 0x15611dab, 0x1c662d3d, 0xf6dc4190, 0xffdb7106, 0xe4d220bc, 0xedd5102a, 0x09b18589, 0x00b6b51f, 0x1bbfe4a5, 0x12b8d433, 0x0807c9a2, 0x0100f934, 0x1a09a88e, 0x130e9818, 0xf76a0dbb, 0xfe6d3d2d, 0xe5646c97, 0xec635c01, 0x0b6b51f4, 0x026c6162, 0x196530d8, 0x1062004e, 0xf40695ed, 0xfd01a57b, 0xe608f4c1, 0xef0fc457, 0xf5b0d9c6, 0xfcb7e950, 0xe7beb8ea, 0xeeb9887c, 0x0add1ddf, 0x03da2d49, 0x18d37cf3, 0x11d44c65, 0x0db26158, 0x04b551ce, 0x1fbc0074, 0x16bb30e2, 0xf2dfa541, 0xfbd895d7, 0xe0d1c46d, 0xe9d6f4fb, 0xf369e96a, 0xfa6ed9fc, 0xe1678846, 0xe860b8d0, 0x0c042d73, 0x05031de5, 0x1e0a4c5f, 0x170d7cc9, 0xf005713c, 0xf90241aa, 0xe20b1010, 0xeb0c2086, 0x0f68b525, 0x066f85b3, 0x1d66d409, 0x1461e49f, 0x0edef90e, 0x07d9c998, 0x1cd09822, 0x15d7a8b4, 0xf1b33d17, 0xf8b40d81, 0xe3bd5c3b, 0xeaba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0xe4bfb3b6, 0xffb6e20c, 0xf6b1d29a, 0x12d54739, 0x1bd277af, 0x00db2615, 0x09dc1683, 0x13630b12, 0x1a643b84, 0x016d6a3e, 0x086a5aa8, 0xec0ecf0b, 0xe509ff9d, 0xfe00ae27, 0xf7079eb1, 0x100f9344, 0x1908a3d2, 0x0201f268, 0x0b06c2fe, 0xef62575d, 0xe66567cb, 0xfd6c3671, 0xf46b06e7, 0xeed41b76, 0xe7d32be0, 0xfcda7a5a, 0xf5dd4acc, 0x11b9df6f, 0x18beeff9, 0x03b7be43, 0x0ab08ed5, 0x16d6a3e8, 0x1fd1937e, 0x04d8c2c4, 0x0ddff252, 0xe9bb67f1, 0xe0bc5767, 0xfbb506dd, 0xf2b2364b, 0xe80d2bda, 0xe10a1b4c, 0xfa034af6, 0xf3047a60, 0x1760efc3, 0x1e67df55, 0x056e8eef, 0x0c69be79, 0xeb61b38c, 0xe266831a, 0xf96fd2a0, 0xf068e236, 0x140c7795, 0x1d0b4703, 0x060216b9, 0x0f05262f, 0x15ba3bbe, 0x1cbd0b28, 0x07b45a92, 0x0eb36a04, 0xead7ffa7, 0xe3d0cf31, 0xf8d99e8b, 0xf1deae1d, 0x1b64c2b0, 0x1263f226, 0x096aa39c, 0x006d930a, 0xe40906a9, 0xed0e363f, 0xf6076785, 0xff005713, 0xe5bf4a82, 0xecb87a14, 0xf7b12bae, 0xfeb61b38, 0x1ad28e9b, 0x13d5be0d, 0x08dcefb7, 0x01dbdf21, 0xe6d3d2d4, 0xefd4e242, 0xf4ddb3f8, 0xfdda836e, 0x19be16cd, 0x10b9265b, 0x0bb077e1, 0x02b74777, 0x18085ae6, 0x110f6a70, 0x0a063bca, 0x03010b5c, 0xe7659eff, 0xee62ae69, 0xf56bffd3, 0xfc6ccf45, 0xe00ae278, 0xe90dd2ee, 0xf2048354, 0xfb03b3c2, 0x1f672661, 0x166016f7, 0x0d69474d, 0x046e77db, 0x1ed16a4a, 0x17d65adc, 0x0cdf0b66, 0x05d83bf0, 0xe1bcae53, 0xe8bb9ec5, 0xf3b2cf7f, 0xfab5ffe9, 0x1dbdf21c, 0x14bac28a, 0x0fb39330, 0x06b4a3a6, 0xe2d03605, 0xebd70693, 0xf0de5729, 0xf9d967bf, 0xe3667a2e, 0xea614ab8, 0xf1681b02, 0xf86f2b94, 0x1c0bbe37, 0x150c8ea1, 0x0e05df1b, 0x0702ef8d, }; /* This is taken from the kernel/sys/version.c */ #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)) && !(defined(__clang__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)) # define COMPILER_VERSION "gcc " __VERSION__ #elif (defined(__clang__)) # define COMPILER_VERSION "clang " __clang_version__ #else # define COMPILER_VERSION "unknown-compiler how-did-you-do-that" #endif int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int _stdin = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); int _stdout = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_WRONLY); int _stderr = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_WRONLY); if (_stdout < 0) { _stdout = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); _stderr = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); } (void)_stdin; (void)_stdout; (void)_stderr; framebuffer_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDONLY); if (framebuffer_fd < 0) { has_video = 0; memset(textmemptr, 0, sizeof(unsigned short) * 80 * 25); } else { update_video(0); signal(SIGWINEVENT, update_video); } TRACE("\n\nToaruOS-NIH Netinit Host\n\n"); TRACE("ToaruOS-NIH is free software under the NCSA / University of Illinois license.\n"); TRACE(" https://toaruos.org/ https://git.toaruos.org/klange/toaru-nih\n\n"); struct utsname u; uname(&u); TRACE("%s %s %s %s\n", u.sysname, u.nodename, u.release, u.version); { char kernel_version[512] = {0}; int fd = open("/proc/compiler", O_RDONLY); read(fd, kernel_version, 512); if (kernel_version[strlen(kernel_version)-1] == '\n') { kernel_version[strlen(kernel_version)-1] = '\0'; } TRACE(" Kernel was built with: %s\n", kernel_version); } TRACE(" Netinit binary was built with: %s\n", COMPILER_VERSION); TRACE("\n"); if (has_video) { TRACE("Display is %dx%d (%d bpp), framebuffer at 0x%x\n", width, height, depth, (unsigned int)framebuffer); } TRACE("\n"); TRACE("Sleeping for a moment to let network initialize...\n"); sleep(2); #define LINE_LEN 100 char line[LINE_LEN]; FILE * f = fopen("/proc/netif", "r"); while (fgets(line, LINE_LEN, f) != NULL) { if (strstr(line, "ip:") == line) { char * value = strchr(line,'\t')+1; *strchr(value,'\n') = '\0'; TRACE(" IP address: %s\n", value); } else if (strstr(line, "device:") == line) { char * value = strchr(line,'\t')+1; *strchr(value,'\n') = '\0'; TRACE(" Network Driver: %s\n", value); } else if (strstr(line, "mac:") == line) { char * value = strchr(line,'\t')+1; *strchr(value,'\n') = '\0'; TRACE(" MAC address: %s\n", value); } else if (strstr(line, "dns:") == line) { char * value = strchr(line,'\t')+1; *strchr(value,'\n') = '\0'; TRACE(" DNS server: %s\n", value); } else if (strstr(line, "gateway:") == line) { char * value = strchr(line,'\t')+1; *strchr(value,'\n') = '\0'; TRACE(" Gateway: %s\n", value); } else if (strstr(line,"no network") == line){ network_error(0); } memset(line, 0, LINE_LEN); } fclose(f); struct http_req my_req; /* TODO: Extract URL from kcmdline */ parse_url(NETBOOT_URL, &my_req); char file[100]; sprintf(file, "/dev/net/%s:%d", my_req.domain, my_req.port); TRACE("Fetching from %s... ", my_req.domain); fetch_options.out = fopen(img,"w+"); pthread_t watchdog; pthread_create(&watchdog, NULL, watchdog_func, NULL); f = fopen(file,"r+"); if (!f) { network_error(0); } #if 0 char * vbuf = malloc(10240); setvbuf(f,vbuf,_IOLBF,10240); #endif watchdog_success = 1; TRACE("Connection established.\n"); fprintf(f, "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n" "User-Agent: curl/7.35.0\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "\r\n", my_req.path, my_req.domain); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); hashmap_t * headers = hashmap_create(10); /* Parse response */ { char buf[BUF_SIZE]; read_http_line(buf, f); TRACE("[%s]\n", buf); char * elements[3]; elements[0] = buf; elements[1] = strchr(elements[0], ' '); if (!elements[1]) bad_response(); *elements[1] = '\0'; elements[1]++; elements[2] = strchr(elements[1], ' '); if (!elements[2]) bad_response(); *elements[2] = '\0'; elements[2]++; if (strcmp(elements[1], "200")) { TRACE("Bad response code: %s\n", elements[1]); return 1; } } while (1) { char buf[BUF_SIZE]; read_http_line(buf, f); if (!*buf) { TRACE("(done with headers)\n"); break; } /* Split */ char * name = buf; char * value = strstr(buf, ": "); if (!value) bad_response(); *value = '\0'; value += 2; hashmap_set(headers, name, strdup(value)); } #if 1 TRACE("Dumping headers.\n"); list_t * hash_keys = hashmap_keys(headers); foreach(_key, hash_keys) { char * key = (char *)_key->value; TRACE("[%s] = %s\n", key, (char*)hashmap_get(headers, key)); } list_free(hash_keys); free(hash_keys); #endif /* determine how many bytes we should read now */ if (!hashmap_has(headers, "Content-Length")) { TRACE("Don't know how much to read.\n"); return 1; } int bytes_to_read = atoi(hashmap_get(headers, "Content-Length")); size_t bytes_total = (size_t)bytes_to_read; size_t bytes_read = 0; #define RBUF_SIZE 10240 char * buf = malloc(RBUF_SIZE); uint32_t crc32 = 0xffffffff; while (bytes_to_read > 0) { size_t r = fread(buf, 1, bytes_to_read < RBUF_SIZE ? bytes_to_read : RBUF_SIZE, f); fwrite(buf, 1, r, fetch_options.out); for (size_t i = 0; i < r; ++i) { int ind = (crc32 ^ buf[i]) & 0xFF; crc32 = (crc32 >> 8) ^ (crctab[ind]); } bytes_to_read -= r; bytes_read += r; draw_progress(bytes_total, bytes_read); } crc32 ^= 0xffffffff; free(buf); TRACE("\nDone: 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)crc32); fflush(fetch_options.out); fclose(fetch_options.out); #if 0 FILE * xtmp = fopen(img, "r"); crc32 = 0xffffffff; int tab = 0; size_t bytesread = 0; while (!feof(xtmp)) { uint8_t buf[1024]; size_t r = fread(buf, 1, 1024, xtmp); for (size_t i = 0; i < r; ++i) { if (tab & 0x01) { TRACE("%2x ", (unsigned char)buf[i]); } else { TRACE("%2x", (unsigned char)buf[i]); } tab++; if (tab == 32){ tab = 0; TRACE("\n"); } int ind = (crc32 ^ buf[i]) & 0xFF; crc32 = (crc32 >> 8) ^ (crctab[ind]); } bytesread += r; } crc32 ^= 0xffffffff; TRACE("\nDisk crc32: 0x%x (%d)\n", (unsigned int)crc32, bytesread); #endif TRACE("Mounting filesystem... "); int err = 0; if ((err = mount(img, "/", "ext2", 0, NULL))) { TRACE("Mount error: %d; errno=%d\n", err, errno); return 0; } else { TRACE("Done.\n"); } FILE * tmp = fopen("/bin/init","r"); if (!tmp) { TRACE("/bin/init missing?\n"); } else { TRACE("/bin/init exists, filesystem successfully mounted\n"); fclose(tmp); } TRACE("Executing init...\n"); char * const _argv[] = { "/bin/init", argv[1], NULL, }; execve("/bin/init",_argv,NULL); TRACE("ERROR: If you are seeing this, there was a problem\n"); TRACE(" executing the init binary from the downloaded\n"); TRACE(" filesystem. This may indicate a corrupted\n"); TRACE(" download. Please try again.\n"); return 0; }