/* Bim - A Text Editor * * Copyright (C) 2012-2019 K. Lange * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BIM_VERSION "1.7.1" #define BIM_COPYRIGHT "Copyright 2012-2019 K. Lange <\033[3mklange@toaruos.org\033[23m>" #define BLOCK_SIZE 4096 #define ENTER_KEY '\r' #define LINE_FEED '\n' #define BACKSPACE_KEY 0x08 #define DELETE_KEY 0x7F /** * Theming data * * This is all overridden by a load_colorscheme_ method. * The default is to load_colorscheme_ansi, but config * files can be used to set a different default theme. */ const char * COLOR_FG = "@17"; const char * COLOR_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_ALT_FG = "@17"; const char * COLOR_ALT_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_NUMBER_FG = "@17"; const char * COLOR_NUMBER_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_STATUS_FG = "@17"; const char * COLOR_STATUS_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_TABBAR_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_TAB_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_ERROR_FG = "@17"; const char * COLOR_ERROR_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_SEARCH_FG = "@17"; const char * COLOR_SEARCH_BG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_KEYWORD = "@17"; const char * COLOR_STRING = "@17"; const char * COLOR_COMMENT = "@17"; const char * COLOR_TYPE = "@17"; const char * COLOR_PRAGMA = "@17"; const char * COLOR_NUMERAL = "@17"; const char * COLOR_SELECTFG = "@0"; const char * COLOR_SELECTBG = "@17"; const char * COLOR_RED = "@1"; const char * COLOR_GREEN = "@2"; const char * COLOR_BOLD = "@17"; const char * COLOR_LINK = "@17"; const char * COLOR_ESCAPE = "@17"; const char * current_theme = "none"; /** * Syntax highlighting flags. */ #define FLAG_NONE 0 #define FLAG_KEYWORD 1 #define FLAG_STRING 2 #define FLAG_COMMENT 3 #define FLAG_TYPE 4 #define FLAG_PRAGMA 5 #define FLAG_NUMERAL 6 #define FLAG_ERROR 7 #define FLAG_DIFFPLUS 8 #define FLAG_DIFFMINUS 9 #define FLAG_NOTICE 10 #define FLAG_BOLD 11 #define FLAG_LINK 12 #define FLAG_ESCAPE 13 #define FLAG_SELECT (1 << 5) #define FLAG_SEARCH (1 << 6) /** * Convert syntax hilighting flag to color code */ const char * flag_to_color(int _flag) { int flag = _flag & 0xF; switch (flag) { case FLAG_KEYWORD: return COLOR_KEYWORD; case FLAG_STRING: return COLOR_STRING; case FLAG_COMMENT: return COLOR_COMMENT; case FLAG_TYPE: return COLOR_TYPE; case FLAG_NUMERAL: return COLOR_NUMERAL; case FLAG_PRAGMA: return COLOR_PRAGMA; case FLAG_DIFFPLUS: return COLOR_GREEN; case FLAG_DIFFMINUS: return COLOR_RED; case FLAG_SELECT: return COLOR_FG; case FLAG_BOLD: return COLOR_BOLD; case FLAG_LINK: return COLOR_LINK; case FLAG_ESCAPE: return COLOR_ESCAPE; default: return COLOR_FG; } } /** * Line buffer definitions * * Lines are essentially resizable vectors of char_t structs, * which represent single codepoints in the file. */ typedef struct { uint32_t display_width:4; uint32_t flags:7; uint32_t codepoint:21; } __attribute__((packed)) char_t; /** * Lines have available and actual lengths, describing * how much space was allocated vs. how much is being * used at the moment. */ typedef struct { int available; int actual; int istate; int is_current; int rev_status; char_t text[]; } line_t; /** * Global configuration state */ struct { /* Terminal size */ int term_width, term_height; int bottom_size; line_t ** yanks; size_t yank_count; int yank_is_full_lines; int tty_in; const char * bimrc_path; unsigned int hilight_on_open:1; unsigned int initial_file_is_read_only:1; unsigned int can_scroll:1; unsigned int can_hideshow:1; unsigned int can_altscreen:1; unsigned int can_mouse:1; unsigned int can_unicode:1; unsigned int can_bright:1; unsigned int can_title:1; unsigned int can_bce:1; unsigned int history_enabled:1; unsigned int highlight_parens:1; unsigned int smart_case:1; unsigned int can_24bit:1; unsigned int can_256color:1; unsigned int can_italic:1; unsigned int go_to_line:1; unsigned int hilight_current_line:1; unsigned int shift_scrolling:1; unsigned int check_git:1; unsigned int color_gutter:1; int cursor_padding; int split_percent; int scroll_amount; const char * syntax_fallback; uint32_t * search; } global_config = { 0, /* term_width */ 0, /* term_height */ 2, /* bottom_size */ NULL, /* yanks */ 0, /* yank_count */ 0, /* yank is full lines */ STDIN_FILENO, /* tty_in */ "~/.bimrc", /* bimrc_path */ 1, /* hilight_on_open */ 0, /* initial_file_is_read_only */ 1, /* can scroll */ 1, /* can hide/show cursor */ 1, /* can use alternate screen */ 1, /* can mouse */ 1, /* can unicode */ 1, /* can use bright colors */ 1, /* can set title */ 1, /* can bce */ 1, /* history enabled */ 1, /* highlight parens/braces when cursor moves */ 1, /* smart case */ 1, /* can use 24-bit color */ 1, /* can use 265 colors */ 1, /* can use italics (without inverting) */ 1, /* should go to line when opening file */ 1, /* hilight the current line */ 1, /* shift scrolling (shifts view rather than moving cursor) */ 0, /* check git on open and on save */ 1, /* color the gutter for modified lines */ 4, /* cursor padding */ 50, /* split percentage */ 5, /* how many lines to scroll on mouse wheel */ NULL, /* syntax to fall back to if none other match applies */ NULL, /* search text */ }; void redraw_line(int j, int x); int git_examine(char * filename); void search_next(void); void set_preferred_column(void); void quit(const char * message); void close_buffer(void); void set_syntax_by_name(const char * name); void rehilight_search(line_t * line); /** * Special implementation of getch with a timeout */ int _bim_unget = -1; void bim_unget(int c) { _bim_unget = c; } #define bim_getch() bim_getch_timeout(200) int bim_getch_timeout(int timeout) { fflush(stdout); if (_bim_unget != -1) { int out = _bim_unget; _bim_unget = -1; return out; } struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = global_config.tty_in; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int ret = poll(fds,1,timeout); if (ret > 0 && fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { unsigned char buf[1]; read(global_config.tty_in, buf, 1); return buf[0]; } else { return -1; } } #define HISTORY_SENTINEL 0 #define HISTORY_INSERT 1 #define HISTORY_DELETE 2 #define HISTORY_REPLACE 3 #define HISTORY_REMOVE_LINE 4 #define HISTORY_ADD_LINE 5 #define HISTORY_REPLACE_LINE 6 #define HISTORY_MERGE_LINES 7 #define HISTORY_SPLIT_LINE 8 #define HISTORY_BREAK 10 typedef struct history { struct history * previous; struct history * next; int type; int line; int col; union { struct { int lineno; int offset; int codepoint; int old_codepoint; } insert_delete_replace; struct { int lineno; line_t * contents; line_t * old_contents; } remove_replace_line; struct { int lineno; int split; } add_merge_split_lines; } contents; } history_t; /** * Buffer data * * A buffer describes a file, and stores * its name as well as the editor state * (cursor offsets, etc.) and the actual * line buffers. */ typedef struct _env { unsigned short loading:1; unsigned short tabs:1; unsigned short modified:1; unsigned short readonly:1; unsigned short indent:1; unsigned short highlighting_paren:1; unsigned short checkgitstatusonwrite:1; short mode; short tabstop; char * file_name; int offset; int coffset; int line_no; int line_count; int line_avail; int col_no; int preferred_column; struct syntax_definition * syntax; line_t ** lines; history_t * history; history_t * last_save_history; int width; int left; int start_line; int sel_col; } buffer_t; /** * Pointer to current active buffer */ buffer_t * env; buffer_t * left_buffer; buffer_t * right_buffer; /** * Editor modes (like in vim) */ #define MODE_NORMAL 0 #define MODE_INSERT 1 #define MODE_LINE_SELECTION 2 #define MODE_REPLACE 3 #define MODE_CHAR_SELECTION 4 #define MODE_COL_SELECTION 5 #define MODE_COL_INSERT 6 /** * Available buffers */ int buffers_len; int buffers_avail; buffer_t ** buffers; /** * Create a new buffer */ buffer_t * buffer_new(void) { if (buffers_len == buffers_avail) { /* If we are out of buffer space, expand the buffers vector */ buffers_avail *= 2; buffers = realloc(buffers, sizeof(buffer_t *) * buffers_avail); } /* TODO: Support having split buffers with more than two buffers open */ if (left_buffer) { left_buffer->left = 0; left_buffer->width = global_config.term_width; right_buffer->left = 0; right_buffer->width = global_config.term_width; left_buffer = NULL; right_buffer = NULL; } /* Allocate a new buffer */ buffers[buffers_len] = malloc(sizeof(buffer_t)); memset(buffers[buffers_len], 0x00, sizeof(buffer_t)); buffers[buffers_len]->left = 0; buffers[buffers_len]->width = global_config.term_width; buffers_len++; return buffers[buffers_len-1]; } /** * Open the biminfo file. */ FILE * open_biminfo(void) { /* TODO This should probably be configurable line bimrc */ char * home = getenv("HOME"); if (!home) { /* Since it's not, we need HOME */ return NULL; } /* biminfo lives at ~/.biminfo */ char biminfo_path[PATH_MAX+1] = {0}; sprintf(biminfo_path,"%s/.biminfo",home); /* Try to open normally first... */ FILE * biminfo = fopen(biminfo_path,"r+"); if (!biminfo) { /* Otherwise, try to create it. */ biminfo = fopen(biminfo_path,"w+"); } return biminfo; } /** * Fetch the cursor position from a biminfo file */ int fetch_from_biminfo(buffer_t * buf) { /* Can't fetch if we don't have a filename */ if (!buf->file_name) return 1; /* Get the absolute name of the file */ char tmp_path[PATH_MAX+2]; if (!realpath(buf->file_name, tmp_path)) { return 1; } strcat(tmp_path," "); FILE * biminfo = open_biminfo(); if (!biminfo) return 1; /* Scan */ char line[PATH_MAX+64]; while (!feof(biminfo)) { fpos_t start_of_line; fgetpos(biminfo, &start_of_line); fgets(line, PATH_MAX+63, biminfo); if (line[0] != '>') { continue; } if (!strncmp(&line[1],tmp_path, strlen(tmp_path))) { /* Read */ sscanf(line+1+strlen(tmp_path)+1,"%d",&buf->line_no); sscanf(line+1+strlen(tmp_path)+21,"%d",&buf->col_no); if (buf->line_no > buf->line_count) buf->line_no = buf->line_count; if (buf->col_no > buf->lines[buf->line_no-1]->actual) buf->col_no = buf->lines[buf->line_no-1]->actual; return 0; } } return 0; } /** * Write a file containing the last cursor position of a buffer. */ int update_biminfo(buffer_t * buf) { if (!buf->file_name) return 1; /* Get the absolute name of the file */ char tmp_path[PATH_MAX+1]; if (!realpath(buf->file_name, tmp_path)) { return 1; } strcat(tmp_path," "); FILE * biminfo = open_biminfo(); if (!biminfo) return 1; /* Scan */ char line[PATH_MAX+64]; while (!feof(biminfo)) { fpos_t start_of_line; fgetpos(biminfo, &start_of_line); fgets(line, PATH_MAX+63, biminfo); if (line[0] != '>') { continue; } if (!strncmp(&line[1],tmp_path, strlen(tmp_path))) { /* Update */ fsetpos(biminfo, &start_of_line); fprintf(biminfo,">%s %20d %20d\n", tmp_path, buf->line_no, buf->col_no); goto _done; } } if (ftell(biminfo) == 0) { /* New biminfo */ fprintf(biminfo, "# This is a biminfo file.\n"); fprintf(biminfo, "# It was generated by bim. Do not edit it by hand!\n"); fprintf(biminfo, "# Cursor positions and other state are stored here.\n"); } /* Haven't found what we're looking for, should be at end of file */ fprintf(biminfo, ">%s %20d %20d\n", tmp_path, buf->line_no, buf->col_no); _done: fclose(biminfo); return 0; } /** * Close a buffer */ buffer_t * buffer_close(buffer_t * buf) { int i; /* Locate the buffer in the buffer pointer vector */ for (i = 0; i < buffers_len; i++) { if (buf == buffers[i]) break; } /* Invalid buffer? */ if (i == buffers_len) { return env; /* wtf */ } update_biminfo(buf); /* Clean up lines used by old buffer */ for (int i = 0; i < buf->line_count; ++i) { free(buf->lines[i]); } free(buf->lines); if (buf->file_name) { free(buf->file_name); } history_t * h = buf->history; while (h->next) { h = h->next; } while (h) { history_t * x = h->previous; free(h); h = x; } /* Clean up the old buffer */ free(buf); /* Remove the buffer from the vector, moving others up */ if (i != buffers_len - 1) { memmove(&buffers[i], &buffers[i+1], sizeof(*buffers) * (buffers_len - i)); } /* There is one less buffer */ buffers_len--; if (!buffers_len) { /* There are no more buffers. */ return NULL; } /* If this was the last buffer, return the previous last buffer */ if (i == buffers_len) { return buffers[buffers_len-1]; } /* Otherwise return the new last buffer */ return buffers[i]; } /** * Themes */ /* 16-color theme, default */ void load_colorscheme_ansi(void) { COLOR_FG = global_config.can_bright ? "@17" : "@7"; COLOR_BG = global_config.can_bright ? "@9" : "@0"; COLOR_ALT_FG = global_config.can_bright ? "@10" : "@5"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "@9"; COLOR_NUMBER_FG = "@3"; COLOR_NUMBER_BG = "@9"; COLOR_STATUS_FG = global_config.can_bright ? "@17" : "@7"; COLOR_STATUS_BG = "@4"; COLOR_TABBAR_BG = "@4"; COLOR_TAB_BG = "@4"; COLOR_KEYWORD = global_config.can_bright ? "@14" : "@4"; COLOR_STRING = "@2"; COLOR_COMMENT = global_config.can_bright ? "@10" : "@5"; COLOR_TYPE = "@3"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "@1"; COLOR_NUMERAL = "@1"; COLOR_ERROR_FG = global_config.can_bright ? "@17" : "@7"; COLOR_ERROR_BG = "@1"; COLOR_SEARCH_FG = "@0"; COLOR_SEARCH_BG = global_config.can_bright ? "@13" : "@3"; COLOR_SELECTBG = global_config.can_bright ? "@17" : "@7"; COLOR_SELECTFG = "@0"; COLOR_RED = "@1"; COLOR_GREEN = "@2"; COLOR_BOLD = COLOR_FG; /* @ doesn't support extra args; FIXME */ COLOR_LINK = global_config.can_bright ? "@14" : "@4"; COLOR_ESCAPE = global_config.can_bright ? "@12" : "@2"; current_theme = "ansi"; } /* Based on the wombat256 theme for vim */ void load_colorscheme_wombat(void) { if (!global_config.can_256color) return; COLOR_FG = "5;230"; COLOR_BG = "5;235"; COLOR_ALT_FG = "5;244"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "5;236"; COLOR_NUMBER_BG = "5;232"; COLOR_NUMBER_FG = "5;101"; COLOR_STATUS_FG = "5;230"; COLOR_STATUS_BG = "5;238"; COLOR_TABBAR_BG = "5;230"; COLOR_TAB_BG = "5;248"; COLOR_KEYWORD = "5;117"; COLOR_STRING = "5;113"; COLOR_COMMENT = global_config.can_italic ? "5;102;3" : "5;102"; COLOR_TYPE = "5;186"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "5;173"; COLOR_NUMERAL = COLOR_PRAGMA; COLOR_ERROR_FG = "5;15"; COLOR_ERROR_BG = "5;196"; COLOR_SEARCH_FG = "5;234"; COLOR_SEARCH_BG = "5;226"; COLOR_SELECTFG = "5;235"; COLOR_SELECTBG = "5;230"; COLOR_RED = "@1"; COLOR_GREEN = "@2"; COLOR_BOLD = "5;230;1"; COLOR_LINK = "5;117;4"; COLOR_ESCAPE = "5;194"; current_theme = "wombat"; } /* "City Lights" based on citylights.xyz */ void load_colorscheme_citylights(void) { if (!global_config.can_24bit) return; COLOR_FG = "2;151;178;198"; COLOR_BG = "2;29;37;44"; COLOR_ALT_FG = "2;45;55;65"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "2;33;42;50"; COLOR_NUMBER_FG = "2;71;89;103"; COLOR_NUMBER_BG = "2;37;47;56"; COLOR_STATUS_FG = "2;116;144;166"; COLOR_STATUS_BG = "2;53;67;78"; COLOR_TABBAR_BG = "2;37;47;56"; COLOR_TAB_BG = "2;29;37;44"; COLOR_KEYWORD = "2;94;196;255"; COLOR_STRING = "2;83;154;252"; COLOR_COMMENT = "2;107;133;153;3"; COLOR_TYPE = "2;139;212;156"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "2;0;139;148"; COLOR_NUMERAL = "2;207;118;132"; COLOR_ERROR_FG = "5;15"; COLOR_ERROR_BG = "5;196"; COLOR_SEARCH_FG = "5;234"; COLOR_SEARCH_BG = "5;226"; COLOR_SELECTFG = "2;29;37;44"; COLOR_SELECTBG = "2;151;178;198"; COLOR_RED = "2;222;53;53"; COLOR_GREEN = "2;55;167;0"; COLOR_BOLD = "2;151;178;198;1"; COLOR_LINK = "2;94;196;255;4"; COLOR_ESCAPE = "2;133;182;249"; current_theme = "citylights"; } /* Solarized Dark, popular theme */ void load_colorscheme_solarized_dark(void) { if (!global_config.can_24bit) return; COLOR_FG = "2;147;161;161"; COLOR_BG = "2;0;43;54"; COLOR_ALT_FG = "2;147;161;161"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "2;7;54;66"; COLOR_NUMBER_FG = "2;131;148;149"; COLOR_NUMBER_BG = "2;7;54;66"; COLOR_STATUS_FG = "2;131;148;150"; COLOR_STATUS_BG = "2;7;54;66"; COLOR_TABBAR_BG = "2;7;54;66"; COLOR_TAB_BG = "2;131;148;150"; COLOR_KEYWORD = "2;133;153;0"; COLOR_STRING = "2;42;161;152"; COLOR_COMMENT = "2;101;123;131"; COLOR_TYPE = "2;181;137;0"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "2;203;75;22"; COLOR_NUMERAL = "2;220;50;47"; COLOR_ERROR_FG = "5;15"; COLOR_ERROR_BG = "5;196"; COLOR_SEARCH_FG = "5;234"; COLOR_SEARCH_BG = "5;226"; COLOR_SELECTFG = "2;0;43;54"; COLOR_SELECTBG = "2;147;161;161"; COLOR_RED = "2;222;53;53"; COLOR_GREEN = "2;55;167;0"; COLOR_BOLD = "2;147;161;161;1"; COLOR_LINK = "2;42;161;152;4"; COLOR_ESCAPE = "2;133;153;0"; current_theme = "solarized-dark"; } void load_colorscheme_sunsmoke256(void) { if (!global_config.can_256color) return; COLOR_FG = "5;188"; COLOR_BG = "5;234"; COLOR_ALT_FG = "5;244"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "5;236"; COLOR_NUMBER_FG = "5;101"; COLOR_NUMBER_BG = "5;232"; COLOR_STATUS_FG = "5;188"; COLOR_STATUS_BG = "5;59"; COLOR_TABBAR_BG = "5;59"; COLOR_TAB_BG = "5;59"; COLOR_KEYWORD = "5;74"; COLOR_STRING = "5;71"; COLOR_COMMENT = global_config.can_italic ? "5;102;3" : "5;102"; COLOR_TYPE = "5;221"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "5;160"; COLOR_NUMERAL = "5;161"; COLOR_ERROR_FG = "5;15"; COLOR_ERROR_BG = "5;196"; COLOR_SEARCH_FG = "5;234"; COLOR_SEARCH_BG = "5;226"; COLOR_SELECTFG = "5;17"; COLOR_SELECTBG = "5;109"; COLOR_RED = "@1"; COLOR_GREEN = "@2"; COLOR_BOLD = "5;188;1"; COLOR_LINK = "5;74;4"; COLOR_ESCAPE = "5;79"; current_theme = "sunsmoke256"; } /* Custom theme */ void load_colorscheme_sunsmoke(void) { if (!global_config.can_24bit) { load_colorscheme_sunsmoke256(); return; } COLOR_FG = "2;230;230;230"; COLOR_BG = "2;31;31;31"; COLOR_ALT_FG = "2;122;122;122"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "2;46;43;46"; COLOR_NUMBER_FG = "2;150;139;57"; COLOR_NUMBER_BG = "2;0;0;0"; COLOR_STATUS_FG = "2;230;230;230"; COLOR_STATUS_BG = "2;71;64;58"; COLOR_TABBAR_BG = "2;71;64;58"; COLOR_TAB_BG = "2;71;64;58"; COLOR_KEYWORD = "2;51;162;230"; COLOR_STRING = "2;72;176;72"; COLOR_COMMENT = "2;158;153;129;3"; COLOR_TYPE = "2;230;206;110"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "2;194;70;54"; COLOR_NUMERAL = "2;230;43;127"; COLOR_ERROR_FG = "5;15"; COLOR_ERROR_BG = "5;196"; COLOR_SEARCH_FG = "5;234"; COLOR_SEARCH_BG = "5;226"; COLOR_SELECTFG = "2;0;43;54"; COLOR_SELECTBG = "2;147;161;161"; COLOR_RED = "2;222;53;53"; COLOR_GREEN = "2;55;167;0"; COLOR_BOLD = "2;230;230;230;1"; COLOR_LINK = "2;51;162;230;4"; COLOR_ESCAPE = "2;113;203;173"; current_theme = "sunsmoke"; } struct theme_def { const char * name; void (*load)(void); } themes[] = { {"wombat", load_colorscheme_wombat}, {"citylights", load_colorscheme_citylights}, {"solarized-dark", load_colorscheme_solarized_dark}, {"ansi", load_colorscheme_ansi}, {"sunsmoke", load_colorscheme_sunsmoke}, {"sunsmoke256", load_colorscheme_sunsmoke256}, {NULL, NULL} }; struct syntax_state { line_t * line; int line_no; int state; int i; }; #define paint(length, flag) do { for (int i = 0; i < (length) && state->i < state->line->actual; i++, state->i++) { state->line->text[state->i].flags = (flag); } } while (0) #define charat() (state->i < state->line->actual ? state->line->text[(state->i)].codepoint : -1) #define nextchar() (state->i + 1 < state->line->actual ? state->line->text[(state->i+1)].codepoint : -1) #define lastchar() (state->i - 1 >= 0 ? state->line->text[(state->i-1)].codepoint : -1) #define skip() (state->i++) #define charrel(x) (state->i + (x) < state->line->actual ? state->line->text[(state->i+(x))].codepoint : -1) /** * Find keywords from a list and paint them, assuming they aren't in the middle of other words. * Returns 1 if a keyword from the last was found, otherwise 0. */ static int find_keywords(struct syntax_state * state, char ** keywords, int flag, int (*keyword_qualifier)(int c)) { if (keyword_qualifier(lastchar())) return 0; if (!keyword_qualifier(charat())) return 0; for (char ** keyword = keywords; *keyword; ++keyword) { int d = 0; while (state->i + d < state->line->actual && state->line->text[state->i+d].codepoint == (*keyword)[d]) d++; if ((*keyword)[d] == '\0' && (state->i + d >= state->line->actual || !keyword_qualifier(state->line->text[state->i+d].codepoint))) { paint((int)strlen(*keyword), flag); return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Match and paint a single keyword. Returns 1 if the keyword was matched and 0 otherwise, * so it can be used for prefix checking for things that need further special handling. */ static int match_and_paint(struct syntax_state * state, const char * keyword, int flag, int (*keyword_qualifier)(int c)) { if (keyword_qualifier(lastchar())) return 0; if (!keyword_qualifier(charat())) return 0; int i = state->i; int slen = 0; while (i < state->line->actual || *keyword == '\0') { if (*keyword == '\0' && (i >= state->line->actual || !keyword_qualifier(state->line->text[i].codepoint))) { for (int j = 0; j < slen; ++j) { paint(1, flag); } return 1; } if (*keyword != state->line->text[i].codepoint) return 0; i++; keyword++; slen++; } return 0; } /** * Syntax definition for C */ static char * syn_c_keywords[] = { "while","if","for","continue","return","break","switch","case","sizeof", "struct","union","typedef","do","default","else","goto", "alignas","alignof","offsetof","asm","__asm__", /* C++ stuff */ "public","private","class","using","namespace","virtual","override","protected", "template","typename","static_cast","throw", NULL }; static char * syn_c_types[] = { "static","int","char","short","float","double","void","unsigned","volatile","const", "register","long","inline","restrict","enum","auto","extern","bool","complex", "uint8_t","uint16_t","uint32_t","uint64_t", "int8_t","int16_t","int32_t","int64_t","FILE", "ssize_t","size_t","uintptr_t","intptr_t","__volatile__", "constexpr", NULL }; static char * syn_c_special[] = { "NULL", "stdin","stdout","stderr", "STDIN_FILENO","STDOUT_FILENO","STDERR_FILENO", NULL }; static int c_keyword_qualifier(int c) { return isalnum(c) || (c == '_'); } /** * Paints a basic C-style quoted string. */ static void paint_c_string(struct syntax_state * state) { /* Assumes you came in from a check of charat() == '"' */ paint(1, FLAG_STRING); int last = -1; while (charat() != -1) { if (last != '\\' && charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return; } else if (charat() == '\\' && (nextchar() == '\\' || nextchar() == 'n' || nextchar() == 'r')) { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); last = -1; } else if (charat() == '\\' && nextchar() >= '0' && nextchar() <= '7') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); if (charat() >= '0' && charat() <= '7') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); if (charat() >= '0' && charat() <= '7') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } } last = -1; } else if (charat() == '%') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); if (charat() == '%') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else { while (charat() == '-' || charat() == '#' || charat() == '*' || charat() == '0' || charat() == '+') paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); if (charat() == '.') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); if (charat() == '*') paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); else while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } while (charat() == 'l' || charat() == 'z') paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } } else if (charat() == '\\' && nextchar() == 'x') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); while (isxdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else { last = charat(); paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } } static void paint_simple_string(struct syntax_state * state) { /* Assumes you came in from a check of charat() == '"' */ paint(1, FLAG_STRING); while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '\\' && nextchar() == '"') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else if (charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return; } else if (charat() == '\\') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } } /** * Paint a C character numeral. Can be arbitrarily large, so * it supports multibyte chars for things like defining weird * ASCII multibyte integer constants. */ static void paint_c_char(struct syntax_state * state) { /* Assumes you came in from a check of charat() == '\'' */ paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); int last = -1; while (charat() != -1) { if (last != '\\' && charat() == '\'') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return; } else if (last == '\\' && charat() == '\\') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); last = -1; } else { last = charat(); paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } } } /** * These words can appear in comments and should be highlighted. * Since there are a lot of comment highlighters, let's break them out. */ static int common_comment_buzzwords(struct syntax_state * state) { if (match_and_paint(state, "TODO", FLAG_NOTICE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 1; } else if (match_and_paint(state, "XXX", FLAG_NOTICE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 1; } else if (match_and_paint(state, "FIXME", FLAG_ERROR, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Paint a comment until end of line, assumes this comment can not continue. * (Some languages have comments that can continue with a \ - don't use this!) * Assumes you've already painted your comment start characters. */ static int paint_comment(struct syntax_state * state) { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else { paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } return -1; } /** * Paint a classic C comment which continues until terminated. * Assumes you've already painted the starting / and *. */ static int paint_c_comment(struct syntax_state * state) { int last = -1; while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else if (last == '*' && charat() == '/') { paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); return 0; } else { last = charat(); paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } return 1; } /** * Paint a generic C pragma, eg. a #define statement. */ static int paint_c_pragma(struct syntax_state * state) { while (state->i < state->line->actual) { if (charat() == '"') { /* Paint C string */ paint_c_string(state); } else if (charat() == '\'') { paint_c_char(state); } else if (charat() == '\\' && state->i == state->line->actual - 1) { paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); return 2; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_c_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { continue; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_c_types, FLAG_TYPE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { continue; } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '/') { /* C++-style comments */ paint_comment(state); return -1; } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '*') { /* C-style comments */ if (paint_c_comment(state) == 1) return 3; continue; } else { paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); } } return 0; } /** * Paint integers and floating point values with some handling for suffixes. */ static int paint_c_numeral(struct syntax_state * state) { if (charat() == '0' && (nextchar() == 'x' || nextchar() == 'X')) { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isxdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (charat() == '0' && nextchar() == '.') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == 'f') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } else if (charat() == '0') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (charat() >= '0' && charat() <= '7') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else { while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == '.') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == 'f') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } } while (charat() == 'u' || charat() == 'U' || charat() == 'l' || charat() == 'L') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } static int syn_c_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { switch (state->state) { case -1: case 0: if (charat() == '#') { /* Must be first thing on line, but can have spaces before */ for (int i = 0; i < state->i; ++i) { if (state->line->text[i].codepoint != ' ' && state->line->text[i].codepoint != '\t') { skip(); return 0; } } /* Handle preprocessor functions */ paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); while (charat() == ' ') paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); if (match_and_paint(state, "include", FLAG_PRAGMA, c_keyword_qualifier)) { /* Put quotes around */ while (charat() == ' ') paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); if (charat() == '<') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); while (charat() != '>' && state->i < state->line->actual) { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } if (charat() != -1) { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } /* (for "includes", normal pragma highlighting covers that. */ } else if (match_and_paint(state, "if", FLAG_PRAGMA, c_keyword_qualifier)) { /* These are to prevent #if and #else from being highlighted as keywords */ } else if (match_and_paint(state, "else", FLAG_PRAGMA, c_keyword_qualifier)) { /* ... */ } return paint_c_pragma(state); } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '/') { /* C++-style comments */ paint_comment(state); } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '*') { /* C-style comments */ if (paint_c_comment(state) == 1) return 1; return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_c_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_c_types, FLAG_TYPE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_c_special, FLAG_NUMERAL, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (charat() == '\"') { paint_c_string(state); return 0; } else if (charat() == '\'') { paint_c_char(state); return 0; } else if (!c_keyword_qualifier(lastchar()) && isdigit(charat())) { paint_c_numeral(state); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } break; case 1: /* In a block comment */ if (paint_c_comment(state) == 1) return 1; return 0; case 2: /* In an unclosed preprocessor statement */ return paint_c_pragma(state); case 3: /* In a block comment within an unclosed preprocessor statement */ if (paint_c_comment(state) == 1) return 3; return paint_c_pragma(state); } return -1; } static char * c_ext[] = {".c",".h",".cpp",".hpp",".c++",".h++",".cc",".hh",NULL}; static char * syn_py_keywords[] = { "class","def","return","del","if","else","elif","for","while","continue", "break","assert","as","and","or","except","finally","from","global", "import","in","is","lambda","with","nonlocal","not","pass","raise","try","yield", NULL }; static char * syn_py_types[] = { "object","set","dict","int","str","bytes", NULL }; static char * syn_py_special[] = { "True","False","None", NULL }; static int paint_py_triple_double(struct syntax_state * state) { while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); if (charat() == '"' && nextchar() == '"') { paint(2, FLAG_STRING); return 0; } } else { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } return 1; /* continues */ } static int paint_py_triple_single(struct syntax_state * state) { while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '\'') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); if (charat() == '\'' && nextchar() == '\'') { paint(2, FLAG_STRING); return 0; } } else { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } return 2; /* continues */ } static int paint_py_single_string(struct syntax_state * state) { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '\\' && nextchar() == '\'') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else if (charat() == '\'') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return 0; } else if (charat() == '\\') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } return 0; } static int paint_py_numeral(struct syntax_state * state) { if (charat() == '0' && (nextchar() == 'x' || nextchar() == 'X')) { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isxdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (charat() == '0' && nextchar() == '.') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if ((charat() == '+' || charat() == '-') && (nextchar() == 'e' || nextchar() == 'E')) { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (charat() == 'e' || charat() == 'E') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } if (charat() == 'j') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } else { while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == '.') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if ((charat() == '+' || charat() == '-') && (nextchar() == 'e' || nextchar() == 'E')) { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (charat() == 'e' || charat() == 'E') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } if (charat() == 'j') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } if (charat() == 'j') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } while (charat() == 'l' || charat() == 'L') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } static void paint_py_format_string(struct syntax_state * state) { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '\\' && nextchar() == '"') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else if (charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return; } else if (charat() == '\\') { paint(2, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else if (charat() == '{') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == '}') { state->i--; paint(2, FLAG_ERROR); /* Can't do that. */ } else { while (charat() != -1 && charat() != '}') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } } else { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } } static int syn_py_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { switch (state->state) { case -1: case 0: if (charat() == '#') { paint_comment(state); } else if (state->i == 0 && match_and_paint(state, "import", FLAG_PRAGMA, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (charat() == '@') { paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); while (c_keyword_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); return 0; } else if (charat() == '"') { if (nextchar() == '"' && charrel(2) == '"') { paint(3, FLAG_STRING); return paint_py_triple_double(state); } else if (lastchar() == 'f') { /* I don't like backtracking like this, but it makes this parse easier */ state->i--; paint(1,FLAG_TYPE); paint_py_format_string(state); return 0; } else { paint_simple_string(state); return 0; } } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_py_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_py_types, FLAG_TYPE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_py_special, FLAG_NUMERAL, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (charat() == '\'') { if (nextchar() == '\'' && charrel(2) == '\'') { paint(3, FLAG_STRING); return paint_py_triple_single(state); } else { return paint_py_single_string(state); } } else if (!c_keyword_qualifier(lastchar()) && isdigit(charat())) { paint_py_numeral(state); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } break; case 1: /* multiline """ string */ return paint_py_triple_double(state); case 2: /* multiline ''' string */ return paint_py_triple_single(state); } return -1; } static char * py_ext[] = {".py",NULL}; static char * syn_java_keywords[] = { "assert","break","case","catch","class","continue", "default","do","else","enum","exports","extends","finally", "for","if","implements","instanceof","interface","module","native", "new","requires","return","throws", "strictfp","super","switch","synchronized","this","throw","try","while", NULL }; static char * syn_java_types[] = { "var","boolean","void","short","long","int","double","float","enum","char", "private","protected","public","static","final","transient","volatile","abstract", NULL }; static char * syn_java_special[] = { "true","false","import","package","null", NULL }; static char * syn_java_at_comments[] = { "@author","@see","@since","@return","@throws", "@version","@exception","@deprecated", /* @param is special */ NULL }; static int at_keyword_qualifier(int c) { return isalnum(c) || (c == '_') || (c == '@'); } static char * syn_java_brace_comments[] = { "{@docRoot","{@inheritDoc","{@link","{@linkplain", "{@value","{@code","{@literal","{@serial", "{@serialData","{@serialField", NULL }; static int brace_keyword_qualifier(int c) { return isalnum(c) || (c == '{') || (c == '@'); } static int paint_java_comment(struct syntax_state * state) { int last = -1; while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else if (charat() == '@') { if (!find_keywords(state, syn_java_at_comments, FLAG_ESCAPE, at_keyword_qualifier)) { if (match_and_paint(state, "@param", FLAG_ESCAPE, at_keyword_qualifier)) { while (charat() == ' ') skip(); while (c_keyword_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } else { /* Paint the @ */ paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } } else if (charat() == '{') { /* see if this terminates */ if (find_keywords(state, syn_java_brace_comments, FLAG_ESCAPE, brace_keyword_qualifier)) { while (charat() != '}' && charat() != -1) { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } if (charat() == '}') paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } else { paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } else if (charat() == '<') { int is_tag = 0; for (int i = 1; charrel(i) != -1; ++i) { if (charrel(i) == '>') { is_tag = 1; break; } if (!isalnum(charrel(i)) && charrel(i) != '/') { is_tag = 0; break; } } if (is_tag) { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); while (charat() != -1 && charat() != '>') { if (charat() == '/') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); else paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); } if (charat() == '>') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } else { /* Paint the < */ paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } else if (last == '*' && charat() == '/') { paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); return 0; } else { last = charat(); paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } return 1; } static int syn_java_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { switch (state->state) { case -1: case 0: if (!c_keyword_qualifier(lastchar()) && isdigit(charat())) { paint_c_numeral(state); return 0; } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '/') { /* C++-style comments */ paint_comment(state); } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '*') { /* C-style comments; TODO: Needs special stuff for @author; ; etc. */ if (paint_java_comment(state) == 1) return 1; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_java_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_java_types, FLAG_TYPE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_java_special, FLAG_NUMERAL, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (charat() == '\"') { paint_simple_string(state); return 0; } else if (charat() == '\'') { paint_c_char(state); return 0; } else if (charat() == '@') { paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); while (c_keyword_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_PRAGMA); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } break; case 1: if (paint_java_comment(state) == 1) return 1; return 0; } return -1; } static char * java_ext[] = {".java",NULL}; static int syn_diff_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { /* No states to worry about */ if (state->i == 0) { int flag = 0; if (charat() == '+') { flag = FLAG_DIFFPLUS; } else if (charat() == '-') { flag = FLAG_DIFFMINUS; } else if (charat() == '@') { flag = FLAG_TYPE; } else if (charat() != ' ') { flag = FLAG_KEYWORD; } else { return -1; } while (charat() != -1) paint(1, flag); } return -1; } static char * diff_ext[] = {".patch",".diff",NULL}; static int syn_conf_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->i == 0) { if (charat() == ';') { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } else if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } else if (charat() == '[') { paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); while (charat() != ']' && charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); if (charat() == ']') paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); } else { while (charat() != '=' && charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } } return -1; } static char * conf_ext[] = {".conf",".ini",".git/config",NULL}; static char * syn_rust_keywords[] = { "as","break","const","continue","crate","else","enum","extern", "false","fn","for","if","impl","in","let","loop","match","mod", "move","mut","pub","ref","return","Self","self","static","struct", "super","trait","true","type","unsafe","use","where","while", NULL, }; static char * syn_rust_types[] = { "bool","char","str", "i8","i16","i32","i64", "u8","u16","u32","u64", "isize","usize", "f32","f64", NULL, }; static int paint_rs_comment(struct syntax_state * state) { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else if (charat() == '*' && nextchar() == '/') { paint(2, FLAG_COMMENT); state->state--; if (state->state == 0) return 0; } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '*') { state->state++; paint(2, FLAG_COMMENT); } else { paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } return state->state; } static int paint_rust_numeral(struct syntax_state * state) { if (charat() == '0' && nextchar() == 'b') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (charat() == '0' || charat() == '1' || charat() == '_') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (charat() == '0' && nextchar() == 'o') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while ((charat() >= '0' && charat() <= '7') || charat() == '_') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (charat() == '0' && nextchar() == 'x') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isxdigit(charat()) || charat() == '_') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (charat() == '0' && nextchar() == '.') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat()) || charat() == '_') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else { while (isdigit(charat()) || charat() == '_') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == '.') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat()) || charat() == '_') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } } return 0; } static int syn_rust_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { switch (state->state) { case -1: case 0: if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '/') { /* C++-style comments */ paint_comment(state); } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '*') { paint(2, FLAG_COMMENT); state->state = 1; return paint_rs_comment(state); } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_rust_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_rust_types, FLAG_TYPE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (charat() == '\"') { paint_simple_string(state); return 0; } else if (charat() == '\'') { paint_c_char(state); return 0; } else if (!c_keyword_qualifier(lastchar()) && isdigit(charat())) { paint_rust_numeral(state); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } break; default: /* Nested comments */ return paint_rs_comment(state); } return -1; } static char * rust_ext[] = {".rs",NULL}; static char * syn_bimrc_keywords[] = { "history","padding","hlparen","hlcurrent","splitpercent", "shiftscrolling","scrollamount","git","colorgutter", NULL }; static int syn_bimrc_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { /* No states */ if (state->i == 0) { if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } else if (match_and_paint(state, "theme", FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { if (charat() == '=') { skip(); for (struct theme_def * s = themes; s->name; ++s) { if (match_and_paint(state, s->name, FLAG_TYPE, c_keyword_qualifier)) break; } } } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_bimrc_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return -1; } } return -1; } static char * bimrc_ext[] = {".bimrc",NULL}; static int syn_biminfo_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->i == 0) { if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } else if (charat() == '>') { paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); while (charat() != ' ') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); skip(); while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else { while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_ERROR); } } return -1; } static char * biminfo_ext[] = {".biminfo",NULL}; static int syn_gitcommit_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->i == 0 && charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } else if (state->line_no == 0) { /* First line is special */ while (charat() != -1 && state->i < 50) paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_DIFFMINUS); } else if (state->line_no == 1) { /* No text on second line */ while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_DIFFMINUS); } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } return -1; } static char * gitcommit_ext[] = {"COMMIT_EDITMSG", NULL}; static char * syn_gitrebase_commands[] = { "p","r","e","s","f","x","d", "pick","reword","edit","squash","fixup", "exec","drop", NULL }; static int syn_gitrebase_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->i == 0 && charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } else if (state->i == 0 && find_keywords(state, syn_gitrebase_commands, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { while (charat() == ' ') skip(); while (isxdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return -1; } return -1; } static char * gitrebase_ext[] = {"git-rebase-todo",NULL}; static int make_command_qualifier(int c) { return isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.'; } static char * syn_make_commands[] = { "define","endef","undefine","ifdef","ifndef","ifeq","ifneq","else","endif", "include","sinclude","override","export","unexport","private","vpath", "-include", NULL }; static char * syn_make_functions[] = { "subst","patsubst","findstring","filter","filter-out", "sort","word","words","wordlist","firstword","lastword", "dir","notdir","suffix","basename","addsuffix","addprefix", "join","wildcard","realpath","abspath","error","warning", "shell","origin","flavor","foreach","if","or","and", "call","eval","file","value", NULL }; static char * syn_make_special_targets[] = { "all", /* Not really special, but highlight it 'cause I feel like it. */ ".PHONY", ".SUFFIXES", ".DEFAULT", ".PRECIOUS", ".INTERMEDIATE", ".SECONDARY", ".SECONDEXPANSION", ".DELETE_ON_ERROR", ".IGNORE", ".LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME", ".SILENT", ".EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES", ".NOTPARALLEL", ".ONESHELL", ".POSIX", NULL }; static int make_close_paren(struct syntax_state * state) { paint(2, FLAG_TYPE); find_keywords(state, syn_make_functions, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier); int i = 1; while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '(') { i++; } else if (charat() == ')') { i--; if (i == 0) { paint(1,FLAG_TYPE); return 0; } } else if (charat() == '"') { paint_simple_string(state); } paint(1,FLAG_TYPE); } return 0; } static int make_close_brace(struct syntax_state * state) { paint(2, FLAG_TYPE); while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '}') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); return 0; } paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } return 0; } static int make_variable_or_comment(struct syntax_state * state, int flag) { while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '$') { switch (nextchar()) { case '(': make_close_paren(state); break; case '{': make_close_brace(state); break; default: paint(2, FLAG_TYPE); break; } } else if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } else { paint(1, flag); } } return 0; } static int syn_make_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->i == 0 && charat() == '\t') { make_variable_or_comment(state, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else { while (charat() == ' ') { skip(); } /* Peek forward to see if this is a rule or a variable */ int whatisit = 0; for (int i = 0; charrel(i) != -1; ++i) { if (charrel(i) == ':' && charrel(i+1) != '=') { whatisit = 1; break; } else if (charrel(i) == '=') { whatisit = 2; break; } else if (charrel(i) == '#') { break; } } if (!whatisit) { /* Check for functions */ while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_make_commands, FLAG_KEYWORD, make_command_qualifier)) { continue; } else if (charat() == '$') { make_variable_or_comment(state, FLAG_NONE); } else { skip(); } } } else if (whatisit == 1) { /* It's a rule */ while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } else if (charat() == ':') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); make_variable_or_comment(state, FLAG_NONE); } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_make_special_targets, FLAG_KEYWORD, make_command_qualifier)) { continue; } else { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } } } else if (whatisit == 2) { /* It's a variable definition */ match_and_paint(state, "export", FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier); while (charat() != -1 && charat() != '+' && charat() != '=' && charat() != ':' && charat() != '?') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } while (charat() != -1 && charat() != '=') skip(); /* Highlight variable expansions */ make_variable_or_comment(state, FLAG_NONE); } } return -1; } static char * make_ext[] = {"Makefile","makefile","GNUmakefile",".mak",NULL}; #define nest(lang, low) \ do { \ state->state = (state->state < 1 ? 0 : state->state - low); \ do { state->state = lang(state); } while (state->state == 0); \ if (state->state == -1) return low; \ return state->state + low; \ } while (0) static int match_forward(struct syntax_state * state, char * c) { int i = 0; while (1) { if (charrel(i) == -1 && !*c) return 1; if (charrel(i) != *c) return 0; c++; i++; } return 0; } static int syn_json_calculate(struct syntax_state * state); static int syn_xml_calculate(struct syntax_state * state); static int syn_markdown_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->state < 1) { while (charat() != -1) { if (state->i == 0 && charat() == '#') { while (charat() == '#') paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_BOLD); return -1; } else if (state->i == 0) { while (charat() == ' ') skip(); if (charat() == '`' && nextchar() == '`' && charrel(2) == '`') { paint(3, FLAG_STRING); if (match_forward(state, "c")) { nest(syn_c_calculate, 100); } else if (match_forward(state,"c++")) { nest(syn_c_calculate, 100); } else if (match_forward(state,"py") || match_forward(state,"python")) { nest(syn_py_calculate, 200); } else if (match_forward(state, "java")) { nest(syn_java_calculate, 300); } else if (match_forward(state,"json")) { nest(syn_json_calculate, 400); } else if (match_forward(state,"xml")) { nest(syn_xml_calculate, 500); } else if (match_forward(state,"html")) { nest(syn_xml_calculate, 500); // TODO this will be a different highlighter later } else if (match_forward(state,"make")) { nest(syn_make_calculate, 600); } else if (match_forward(state, "diff")) { nest(syn_diff_calculate, 700); } else if (match_forward(state, "rust")) { nest(syn_rust_calculate, 800); /* Keep this at the end for now */ } return 1; } } if (charat() == '`') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '`') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return 0; } paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } else if (charat() == '[') { skip(); while (charat() != -1 && charat() != ']') { paint(1, FLAG_LINK); } if (charat() == ']') skip(); if (charat() == '(') { skip(); while (charat() != -1 && charat() != ')') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } } } else { skip(); return 0; } } return -1; } else if (state->state >= 1) { /* Continuing generic triple-` */ if (state->i == 0) { /* Go backwards until we find the source ``` */ int count = 0; for (int i = state->line_no; i > 0; i--) { if (env->lines[i]->istate < 1) { while (env->lines[i]->text[count].codepoint == ' ') { if (charrel(count) != ' ') goto _nope; count++; } break; } } if (charrel(count) == '`' && charrel(count+1) == '`' && charrel(count+2) == '`' && charrel(count+3) == -1) { paint(count+3,FLAG_STRING); return -1; } } _nope: if (state->state == 1) { while (charat() != -1) paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return 1; } else if (state->state < 199) { nest(syn_c_calculate, 100); } else if (state->state < 299) { nest(syn_py_calculate, 200); } else if (state->state < 399) { nest(syn_java_calculate, 300); } else if (state->state < 499) { nest(syn_json_calculate, 400); } else if (state->state < 599) { nest(syn_xml_calculate, 500); } else if (state->state < 699) { nest(syn_make_calculate, 600); } else if (state->state < 799) { nest(syn_diff_calculate, 700); } else { nest(syn_rust_calculate, 800); } } return -1; } static char * markdown_ext[] = {".md",".markdown",NULL}; static char * syn_json_keywords[] = { "true","false","null", NULL }; static int syn_json_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '"') { int backtrack = state->i; paint_simple_string(state); int backtrack_end = state->i; while (charat() == ' ') skip(); if (charat() == ':') { /* This is dumb. */ state->i = backtrack; paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); while (state->i < backtrack_end-1) { paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); } if (charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); } } return 0; } else if (charat() == '-' || isdigit(charat())) { if (charat() == '-') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == '0') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else { while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } if (charat() == '.') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } if (charat() == 'e' || charat() == 'E') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == '+' || charat() == '-') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } } else if (find_keywords(state,syn_json_keywords,FLAG_NUMERAL,c_keyword_qualifier)) { /* ... */ } else { skip(); return 0; } } return -1; } static char * json_ext[] = {".json",NULL}; // TODO other stuff that uses json static int syn_xml_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { switch (state->state) { case -1: case 0: if (charat() == -1) return -1; if (charat() != '<') { skip(); return 0; } /* Opening brace */ if (charat() == '<' && nextchar() == '!' && charrel(2) == '-' && charrel(3) == '-') { paint(4, FLAG_COMMENT); goto _comment; } paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); /* Fall through */ case 1: /* State 1: We saw an opening brace. */ while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '/') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); if (charat() == '?') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); if (charat() == ' ' || charat() == '\t') skip(); if (isalnum(charat())) { while (isalnum(charat()) || charat() == '-') paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); if (charat() == -1) return 2; goto _in_tag; } else { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } } return -1; _in_tag: case 2: while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '>') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); return 0; } else if (charat() == '"') { paint_simple_string(state); if (charat() == -1 && lastchar() != '"') { return 3; } } else { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } } return 2; case 3: /* In a string in tag */ if (charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return 2; } else { paint_simple_string(state); if (charat() == -1 && lastchar() != '"') { return 3; } } break; _comment: case 4: while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '-' && nextchar() == '-' && charrel(2) == '>') { paint(3, FLAG_COMMENT); return 0; } else { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } } return 4; } return -1; } static char * xml_ext[] = {".xml",".htm",".html",NULL}; // TODO other stuff that uses xml (it's a lot!); FIXME htm/html are temporary; make dedicated SGML ones for this static char * syn_proto_keywords[] = { "syntax","import","option","package","message","group","oneof", "optional","required","repeated","default","extend","extensions","to","max","reserved", "service","rpc","returns","stream", NULL }; static char * syn_proto_types[] = { "int32","int64","uint32","uint64","sint32","sint64", "fixed32","fixed64","sfixed32","sfixed64", "float","double","bool","string","bytes", "enum", NULL }; static char * syn_proto_special[] = { "true","false", NULL }; static int syn_proto_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->state < 1) { if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '/') { paint_comment(state); } else if (charat() == '/' && nextchar() == '*') { if (paint_c_comment(state) == 1) return 1; return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_proto_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_proto_types, FLAG_TYPE, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_proto_special, FLAG_NUMERAL, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (charat() == '"') { paint_simple_string(state); return 0; } else if (!c_keyword_qualifier(lastchar()) && isdigit(charat())) { paint_c_numeral(state); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } return -1; } else { if (paint_c_comment(state) == 1) return 1; return 0; } } static char * proto_ext[] = {".proto",NULL}; static int esh_variable_qualifier(int c) { return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_'); } static int paint_esh_variable(struct syntax_state * state) { if (charat() == '{') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); while (charat() != '}') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); if (charat() == '}') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } else { if (charat() == '?' || charat() == '$' || charat() == '#') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } else { while (esh_variable_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } } return 0; } static int paint_esh_string(struct syntax_state * state) { int last = -1; while (charat() != -1) { if (last != '\\' && charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return 0; } else if (charat() == '$') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); paint_esh_variable(state); last = -1; } else if (charat() != -1) { last = charat(); paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } return 2; } static int paint_esh_single_string(struct syntax_state * state) { int last = -1; while (charat() != -1) { if (last != '\\' && charat() == '\'') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { last = charat(); paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } return 1; } static int esh_keyword_qualifier(int c) { return (isalnum(c) || c == '?' || c == '_' || c == '-'); /* technically anything that isn't a space should qualify... */ } static char * esh_keywords[] = { "cd","exit","export","help","history","if","empty?", "equals?","return","export-cmd","source","exec","not","while", "then","else","echo", NULL }; static int syn_esh_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->state == 1) { return paint_esh_single_string(state); } else if (state->state == 2) { return paint_esh_string(state); } if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } return -1; } else if (charat() == '$') { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); paint_esh_variable(state); return 0; } else if (charat() == '\'') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return paint_esh_single_string(state); } else if (charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return paint_esh_string(state); } else if (match_and_paint(state, "export", FLAG_KEYWORD, esh_keyword_qualifier)) { while (charat() == ' ') skip(); while (esh_keyword_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); return 0; } else if (match_and_paint(state, "export-cmd", FLAG_KEYWORD, esh_keyword_qualifier)) { while (charat() == ' ') skip(); while (esh_keyword_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, esh_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, esh_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (isdigit(charat())) { while (isdigit(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } return -1; } /* Only enable esh highlighting by default on ToaruOS */ static char * esh_ext[] = { #ifdef __toaru__ ".sh", #endif ".eshrc",".yutanirc", NULL }; static char * syn_bash_keywords[] = { /* Actual bash keywords */ "if","then","else","elif","fi","case","esac","for","coproc", "select","while","until","do","done","in","function","time", /* Other keywords */ "exit","return","source","function","export","alias","complete","shopt","local","eval", /* Common Unix utilities */ "echo","cd","pushd","popd","printf","sed","rm","mv", NULL }; static int bash_pop_state(int state) { int new_state = state / 100; return new_state * 10; } static int bash_push_state(int state, int new) { return state * 10 + new; } static int bash_paint_tick(struct syntax_state * state, int out_state) { int last = -1; while (charat() != -1) { if (last != '\\' && charat() == '\'') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return bash_pop_state(out_state); } else if (last == '\\') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); last = -1; } else if (charat() != -1) { last = charat(); paint(1, FLAG_STRING); } } return out_state; } static int bash_paint_braced_variable(struct syntax_state * state) { while (charat() != -1) { if (charat() == '}') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } return 0; } static int bash_special_variable(int c) { return (c == '@' || c == '?'); } static int bash_paint_string(struct syntax_state * state, char terminator, int out_state, int color) { int last = -1; state->state = out_state; while (charat() != -1) { if (last != '\\' && charat() == terminator) { paint(1, color); return bash_pop_state(state->state); } else if (last == '\\') { paint(1, color); last = -1; } else if (terminator != '`' && charat() == '`') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); state->state = bash_paint_string(state,'`',bash_push_state(out_state, 20),FLAG_ESCAPE); } else if (terminator != ')' && charat() == '$' && nextchar() == '(') { paint(2, FLAG_TYPE); state->state = bash_paint_string(state,')',bash_push_state(out_state, 30),FLAG_TYPE); } else if (charat() == '$' && nextchar() == '{') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); bash_paint_braced_variable(state); } else if (charat() == '$') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (bash_special_variable(charat())) { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); continue; } while (c_keyword_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); } else if (terminator != '"' && charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); state->state = bash_paint_string(state,'"',bash_push_state(out_state, 40),FLAG_STRING); } else if (terminator != '"' && charat() == '\'') { /* No single quotes in regular quotes */ paint(1, FLAG_STRING); state->state = bash_paint_tick(state, out_state); } else if (charat() != -1) { last = charat(); paint(1, color); } } return state->state; } static int syn_bash_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->state < 1) { if (charat() == '#') { while (charat() != -1) { if (common_comment_buzzwords(state)) continue; else paint(1, FLAG_COMMENT); } return -1; } else if (charat() == '\'') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return bash_paint_tick(state, 10); } else if (charat() == '`') { paint(1, FLAG_ESCAPE); return bash_paint_string(state,'`',20,FLAG_ESCAPE); } else if (charat() == '$' && nextchar() == '(') { paint(2, FLAG_TYPE); return bash_paint_string(state,')',30,FLAG_TYPE); } else if (charat() == '"') { paint(1, FLAG_STRING); return bash_paint_string(state,'"',40,FLAG_STRING); } else if (charat() == '$' && nextchar() == '{') { paint(2, FLAG_NUMERAL); bash_paint_braced_variable(state); return 0; } else if (charat() == '$') { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (bash_special_variable(charat())) { paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } while (c_keyword_qualifier(charat())) paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); return 0; } else if (find_keywords(state, syn_bash_keywords, FLAG_KEYWORD, c_keyword_qualifier)) { return 0; } else if (charat() == ';') { paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); return 0; } else if (c_keyword_qualifier(charat())) { for (int i = 0; charrel(i) != -1; ++i) { if (charrel(i) == ' ') break; if (charrel(i) == '=') { for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } skip(); /* equals sign */ return 0; } } for (int i = 0; charrel(i) != -1; ++i) { if (charrel(i) == '(') { for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); } return 0; } if (!c_keyword_qualifier(charrel(i)) && charrel(i) != '-' && charrel(i) != ' ') break; } skip(); return 0; } else if (charat() != -1) { skip(); return 0; } } else if (state->state < 10) { /* * TODO: I have an idea of how to do up to `n` (here... 8?) heredocs * by storing them in a static table and using the index into that table * for the state, but it's iffy. It would work well in situations where * someoen used the same heredoc repeatedly throughout their document. */ } else if (state->state >= 10) { /* Nested string states */ while (charat() != -1) { int s = (state->state / 10) % 10; if (s == 1) { state->state = bash_paint_string(state,'\'',state->state,FLAG_STRING); } else if (s == 2) { state->state = bash_paint_string(state,'`',state->state,FLAG_ESCAPE); } else if (s == 3) { state->state = bash_paint_string(state,')',state->state,FLAG_TYPE); } else if (s == 4) { state->state = bash_paint_string(state,'"',state->state,FLAG_STRING); } else if (!s) { return -1; } } return state->state; } return -1; } static char * bash_ext[] = { #ifndef __toaru__ ".sh", #endif ".bash",".bashrc", NULL }; int syn_ctags_calculate(struct syntax_state * state) { if (state->i == 0) { if (charat() == '!') { paint_comment(state); return -1; } else { while (charat() != -1 && charat() != '\t') paint(1, FLAG_TYPE); if (charat() == '\t') skip(); while (charat() != -1 && charat() != '\t') paint(1, FLAG_NUMERAL); if (charat() == '\t') skip(); while (charat() != -1 && !(charat() == ';' && nextchar() == '"')) paint(1, FLAG_KEYWORD); return -1; } } return -1; } static char * ctags_ext[] = { "tags", NULL }; struct syntax_definition { char * name; char ** ext; int (*calculate)(struct syntax_state *); int prefers_spaces; } syntaxes[] = { {"c",c_ext,syn_c_calculate,0}, {"python",py_ext,syn_py_calculate,1}, {"java",java_ext,syn_java_calculate,1}, {"diff",diff_ext,syn_diff_calculate,0}, {"conf",conf_ext,syn_conf_calculate,0}, {"rust",rust_ext,syn_rust_calculate,1}, {"bimrc",bimrc_ext,syn_bimrc_calculate,0}, {"biminfo",biminfo_ext,syn_biminfo_calculate,0}, {"gitcommit",gitcommit_ext,syn_gitcommit_calculate,0}, {"gitrebase",gitrebase_ext,syn_gitrebase_calculate,0}, {"make",make_ext,syn_make_calculate,0}, /* Definitely don't use spaces for Make */ {"markdown",markdown_ext,syn_markdown_calculate,1}, {"json",json_ext,syn_json_calculate,1}, {"xml",xml_ext,syn_xml_calculate,1}, {"protobuf",proto_ext,syn_proto_calculate,1}, {"toarush",esh_ext,syn_esh_calculate,0}, {"bash",bash_ext,syn_bash_calculate,0}, {"ctags",ctags_ext,syn_ctags_calculate,0}, {NULL,NULL,NULL,0}, }; /** * Calculate syntax hilighting for the given line. */ void recalculate_syntax(line_t * line, int line_no) { /* Clear syntax for this line first */ for (int i = 0; i < line->actual; ++i) { line->text[i].flags = 0; } if (!env->syntax) return; /* Start from the line's stored in initial state */ struct syntax_state state; state.line = line; state.line_no = line_no; state.state = line->istate; state.i = 0; while (1) { state.state = env->syntax->calculate(&state); if (state.state != 0) { rehilight_search(line); if (line_no + 1 < env->line_count && env->lines[line_no+1]->istate != state.state) { env->lines[line_no+1]->istate = state.state; if (env->loading) return; recalculate_syntax(env->lines[line_no+1], line_no+1); rehilight_search(env->lines[line_no+1]); if (line_no + 1 >= env->offset && line_no + 1 < env->offset + global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { redraw_line(line_no + 1 - env->offset, line_no + 1); } } break; } } } /** * Recalculate tab widths. */ void recalculate_tabs(line_t * line) { if (env->loading) return; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < line->actual; ++i) { if (line->text[i].codepoint == '\t') { line->text[i].display_width = env->tabstop - (j % env->tabstop); } j += line->text[i].display_width; } } /** * TODO: * * The line editing functions should probably take a buffer_t * * so that they can act on buffers other than the active one. */ void recursive_history_free(history_t * root) { if (!root->next) return; history_t * n = root->next; recursive_history_free(n); switch (n->type) { case HISTORY_REPLACE_LINE: free(n->contents.remove_replace_line.contents); /* fall-through */ case HISTORY_REMOVE_LINE: free(n->contents.remove_replace_line.old_contents); break; default: /* Nothing extra to free */ break; } free(n); root->next = NULL; } #define HIST_APPEND(e) do { \ e->col = env->col_no; \ e->line = env->line_no; \ if (env->history) { \ e->previous = env->history; \ recursive_history_free(env->history); \ env->history->next = e; \ e->next = NULL; \ } \ env->history = e; \ } while (0) /** * Mark a point where a complete set of actions has ended. */ void set_history_break(void) { if (!global_config.history_enabled) return; if (env->history->type != HISTORY_BREAK && env->history->type != HISTORY_SENTINEL) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_BREAK; HIST_APPEND(e); } } /** * Insert a character into an existing line. */ line_t * line_insert(line_t * line, char_t c, int offset, int lineno) { if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_INSERT; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno = lineno; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset = offset; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.codepoint = c.codepoint; HIST_APPEND(e); } /* If there is not enough space... */ if (line->actual == line->available) { /* Expand the line buffer */ if (line->available == 0) { line->available = 8; } else { line->available *= 2; } line = realloc(line, sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * line->available); } /* If this was not the last character, then shift remaining characters forward. */ if (offset < line->actual) { memmove(&line->text[offset+1], &line->text[offset], sizeof(char_t) * (line->actual - offset)); } /* Insert the new character */ line->text[offset] = c; /* There is one new character in the line */ line->actual += 1; if (!env->loading) { line->rev_status = 2; /* Modified */ recalculate_tabs(line); recalculate_syntax(line, lineno); } return line; } /** * Delete a character from a line */ void line_delete(line_t * line, int offset, int lineno) { /* Can't delete character before start of line. */ if (offset == 0) return; if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_DELETE; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno = lineno; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset = offset; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.old_codepoint = line->text[offset-1].codepoint; HIST_APPEND(e); } /* If this isn't the last character, we need to move all subsequent characters backwards */ if (offset < line->actual) { memmove(&line->text[offset-1], &line->text[offset], sizeof(char_t) * (line->actual - offset)); } /* The line is one character shorter */ line->actual -= 1; line->rev_status = 2; recalculate_tabs(line); recalculate_syntax(line, lineno); } /** * Replace a character in a line */ void line_replace(line_t * line, char_t _c, int offset, int lineno) { if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_REPLACE; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno = lineno; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset = offset; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.codepoint = _c.codepoint; e->contents.insert_delete_replace.old_codepoint = line->text[offset].codepoint; HIST_APPEND(e); } line->text[offset] = _c; if (!env->loading) { line->rev_status = 2; /* Modified */ recalculate_tabs(line); recalculate_syntax(line, lineno); } } /** * Remove a line from the active buffer */ line_t ** remove_line(line_t ** lines, int offset) { /* If there is only one line, clear it instead of removing it. */ if (env->line_count == 1) { while (lines[offset]->actual > 0) { line_delete(lines[offset], lines[offset]->actual, offset); } return lines; } if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_REMOVE_LINE; e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno = offset; e->contents.remove_replace_line.old_contents = malloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * lines[offset]->available); memcpy(e->contents.remove_replace_line.old_contents, lines[offset], sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * lines[offset]->available); HIST_APPEND(e); } /* Otherwise, free the data used by the line */ free(lines[offset]); /* Move other lines up */ if (offset < env->line_count-1) { memmove(&lines[offset], &lines[offset+1], sizeof(line_t *) * (env->line_count - (offset - 1))); lines[env->line_count-1] = NULL; } /* There is one less line */ env->line_count -= 1; return lines; } /** * Add a new line to the active buffer. */ line_t ** add_line(line_t ** lines, int offset) { /* Invalid offset? */ if (offset > env->line_count) return lines; if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_ADD_LINE; e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno = offset; HIST_APPEND(e); } /* Not enough space */ if (env->line_count == env->line_avail) { /* Allocate more space */ env->line_avail *= 2; lines = realloc(lines, sizeof(line_t *) * env->line_avail); } /* If this isn't the last line, move other lines down */ if (offset < env->line_count) { memmove(&lines[offset+1], &lines[offset], sizeof(line_t *) * (env->line_count - offset)); } /* Allocate the new line */ lines[offset] = calloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * 32, 1); lines[offset]->available = 32; /* There is one new line */ env->line_count += 1; env->lines = lines; if (!env->loading) { lines[offset]->rev_status = 2; /* Modified */ } if (offset > 0 && !env->loading) { recalculate_syntax(lines[offset-1],offset-1); } return lines; } /** * Replace a line with data from another line (used by paste to paste yanked lines) */ void replace_line(line_t ** lines, int offset, line_t * replacement) { if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_REPLACE_LINE; e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno = offset; e->contents.remove_replace_line.old_contents = malloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * lines[offset]->available); memcpy(e->contents.remove_replace_line.old_contents, lines[offset], sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * lines[offset]->available); e->contents.remove_replace_line.contents = malloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * replacement->available); memcpy(e->contents.remove_replace_line.contents, replacement, sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * replacement->available); HIST_APPEND(e); } if (lines[offset]->available < replacement->actual) { lines[offset] = realloc(lines[offset], sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * replacement->available); lines[offset]->available = replacement->available; } lines[offset]->actual = replacement->actual; memcpy(&lines[offset]->text, &replacement->text, sizeof(char_t) * replacement->actual); if (!env->loading) { lines[offset]->rev_status = 2; recalculate_syntax(lines[offset],offset); } } /** * Merge two consecutive lines. * lineb is the offset of the second line. */ line_t ** merge_lines(line_t ** lines, int lineb) { /* linea is the line immediately before lineb */ int linea = lineb - 1; if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_MERGE_LINES; e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno = lineb; e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.split = env->lines[linea]->actual; HIST_APPEND(e); } /* If there isn't enough space in linea hold both... */ while (lines[linea]->available < lines[linea]->actual + lines[lineb]->actual) { /* ... allocate more space until it fits */ if (lines[linea]->available == 0) { lines[linea]->available = 8; } else { lines[linea]->available *= 2; } /* XXX why not just do this once after calculating appropriate size */ lines[linea] = realloc(lines[linea], sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * lines[linea]->available); } /* Copy the second line into the first line */ memcpy(&lines[linea]->text[lines[linea]->actual], &lines[lineb]->text, sizeof(char_t) * lines[lineb]->actual); /* The first line is now longer */ lines[linea]->actual = lines[linea]->actual + lines[lineb]->actual; if (!env->loading) { lines[linea]->rev_status = 2; recalculate_tabs(lines[linea]); recalculate_syntax(lines[linea], linea); } /* Remove the second line */ free(lines[lineb]); /* Move other lines up */ if (lineb < env->line_count) { memmove(&lines[lineb], &lines[lineb+1], sizeof(line_t *) * (env->line_count - (lineb - 1))); lines[env->line_count-1] = NULL; } /* There is one less line */ env->line_count -= 1; return lines; } /** * Split a line into two lines at the given column */ line_t ** split_line(line_t ** lines, int line, int split) { /* If we're trying to split from the start, just add a new blank line before */ if (split == 0) { return add_line(lines, line); } if (!env->loading && global_config.history_enabled) { history_t * e = malloc(sizeof(history_t)); e->type = HISTORY_SPLIT_LINE; e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno = line; e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.split = split; HIST_APPEND(e); } /* Allocate more space as needed */ if (env->line_count == env->line_avail) { env->line_avail *= 2; lines = realloc(lines, sizeof(line_t *) * env->line_avail); } /* Shift later lines down */ if (line < env->line_count) { memmove(&lines[line+2], &lines[line+1], sizeof(line_t *) * (env->line_count - line)); } /* I have no idea what this is doing */ int remaining = lines[line]->actual - split; int v = remaining; v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; /* Allocate space for the new line */ lines[line+1] = calloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * v, 1); lines[line+1]->available = v; lines[line+1]->actual = remaining; /* Move the data from the old line into the new line */ memmove(lines[line+1]->text, &lines[line]->text[split], sizeof(char_t) * remaining); lines[line]->actual = split; if (!env->loading) { lines[line]->rev_status = 2; lines[line+1]->rev_status = 2; recalculate_tabs(lines[line]); recalculate_tabs(lines[line+1]); recalculate_syntax(lines[line], line); recalculate_syntax(lines[line+1], line+1); } /* There is one new line */ env->line_count += 1; /* We may have reallocated lines */ return lines; } /** * Understand spaces and comments and check if the previous line * ended with a brace or a colon. */ int line_ends_with_brace(line_t * line) { int i = line->actual-1; while (i >= 0) { if ((line->text[i].flags & 0x1F) == FLAG_COMMENT || line->text[i].codepoint == ' ') { i--; } else { break; } } if (i < 0) return 0; return (line->text[i].codepoint == '{' || line->text[i].codepoint == ':'); } int line_is_comment(line_t * line) { if (!env->syntax) return 0; if (!strcmp(env->syntax->name,"c")) { if (line->istate == 1) return 1; } else if (!strcmp(env->syntax->name,"java")) { if (line->istate == 1) return 1; } else if (!strcmp(env->syntax->name,"rust")) { if (line->istate > 0) return 1; } return 0; } /** * Add indentation from the previous (temporally) line */ void add_indent(int new_line, int old_line, int ignore_brace) { if (env->indent) { int changed = 0; if (old_line < new_line && line_is_comment(env->lines[new_line])) { for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[old_line]->actual; ++i) { if (env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == '/') { if (env->lines[old_line]->text[i+1].codepoint == '*') { /* Insert ' * ' */ char_t space = {1,FLAG_COMMENT,' '}; char_t asterisk = {1,FLAG_COMMENT,'*'}; env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],space,i,new_line); env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],asterisk,i+1,new_line); env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],space,i+2,new_line); env->col_no += 3; } break; } else if (env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == ' ' && env->lines[old_line]->text[i+1].codepoint == '*') { /* Insert ' * ' */ char_t space = {1,FLAG_COMMENT,' '}; char_t asterisk = {1,FLAG_COMMENT,'*'}; env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],space,i,new_line); env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],asterisk,i+1,new_line); env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],space,i+2,new_line); env->col_no += 3; break; } else if (env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == ' ' || env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == '\t' || env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == '*') { env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],env->lines[old_line]->text[i],i,new_line); env->col_no++; changed = 1; } else { break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[old_line]->actual; ++i) { if (old_line < new_line && i == env->lines[old_line]->actual - 3 && env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == ' ' && env->lines[old_line]->text[i+1].codepoint == '*' && env->lines[old_line]->text[i+2].codepoint == '/') { break; } else if (env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == ' ' || env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint == '\t') { env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line],env->lines[old_line]->text[i],i,new_line); env->col_no++; changed = 1; } else { break; } } } if (old_line < new_line && !ignore_brace && line_ends_with_brace(env->lines[old_line])) { if (env->tabs) { char_t c; c.codepoint = '\t'; c.display_width = env->tabstop; env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line], c, env->col_no-1, new_line); env->col_no++; changed = 1; } else { for (int j = 0; j < env->tabstop; ++j) { char_t c; c.codepoint = ' '; c.display_width = 1; c.flags = FLAG_SELECT; env->lines[new_line] = line_insert(env->lines[new_line], c, env->col_no-1, new_line); env->col_no++; } changed = 1; } } int was_whitespace = 1; for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[old_line]->actual; ++i) { if (env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint != ' ' && env->lines[old_line]->text[i].codepoint != '\t') { was_whitespace = 0; break; } } if (was_whitespace) { while (env->lines[old_line]->actual) { line_delete(env->lines[old_line], env->lines[old_line]->actual, old_line); } } if (changed) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[new_line],new_line); } } } /** * Initialize a buffer with default values */ void setup_buffer(buffer_t * env) { /* If this buffer was already initialized, clear out its line data */ if (env->lines) { for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { free(env->lines[i]); } free(env->lines); } /* Default state parameters */ env->line_no = 1; /* Default cursor position */ env->col_no = 1; env->line_count = 1; /* Buffers always have at least one line */ env->modified = 0; env->readonly = 0; env->offset = 0; env->line_avail = 8; /* Default line buffer capacity */ env->tabs = 1; /* Tabs by default */ env->tabstop = 4; /* Tab stop width */ env->indent = 1; /* Auto-indent by default */ env->history = malloc(sizeof(struct history)); memset(env->history, 0, sizeof(struct history)); env->last_save_history = env->history; /* Allocate line buffer */ env->lines = malloc(sizeof(line_t *) * env->line_avail); /* Initialize the first line */ env->lines[0] = calloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * 32, 1); env->lines[0]->available = 32; } /** * Toggle buffered / unbuffered modes */ struct termios old; void get_initial_termios(void) { tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, &old); } void set_unbuffered(void) { struct termios new = old; new.c_iflag &= (~ICRNL); new.c_lflag &= (~ICANON) & (~ECHO); new.c_cc[VINTR] = 0; tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &new); } void set_buffered(void) { tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &old); } /** * Convert codepoint to utf-8 string */ int to_eight(uint32_t codepoint, char * out) { memset(out, 0x00, 7); if (codepoint < 0x0080) { out[0] = (char)codepoint; } else if (codepoint < 0x0800) { out[0] = 0xC0 | (codepoint >> 6); out[1] = 0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F); } else if (codepoint < 0x10000) { out[0] = 0xE0 | (codepoint >> 12); out[1] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[2] = 0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F); } else if (codepoint < 0x200000) { out[0] = 0xF0 | (codepoint >> 18); out[1] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F); out[2] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[3] = 0x80 | ((codepoint) & 0x3F); } else if (codepoint < 0x4000000) { out[0] = 0xF8 | (codepoint >> 24); out[1] = 0x80 | (codepoint >> 18); out[2] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F); out[3] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[4] = 0x80 | ((codepoint) & 0x3F); } else { out[0] = 0xF8 | (codepoint >> 30); out[1] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 24) & 0x3F); out[2] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0x3F); out[3] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F); out[4] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[5] = 0x80 | ((codepoint) & 0x3F); } return strlen(out); } /** * Get the presentation width of a codepoint */ int codepoint_width(wchar_t codepoint) { if (codepoint == '\t') { return 1; /* Recalculate later */ } if (codepoint < 32) { /* We render these as ^@ */ return 2; } if (codepoint == 0x7F) { /* Renders as ^? */ return 2; } if (codepoint > 0x7f && codepoint < 0xa0) { /* Upper control bytes */ return 4; } if (codepoint == 0xa0) { /* Non-breaking space _ */ return 1; } /* Skip wcwidth for anything under 256 */ if (codepoint > 256) { if (global_config.can_unicode) { /* Higher codepoints may be wider (eg. Japanese) */ int out = wcwidth(codepoint); if (out >= 1) return out; } /* Invalid character, render as [U+ABCD] or [U+ABCDEF] */ return (codepoint < 0x10000) ? 8 : 10; } return 1; } /** * Move the terminal cursor */ void place_cursor(int x, int y) { printf("\033[%d;%dH", y, x); } /** * Set text colors * * Normally, text colors are just strings, but if they * start with @ they will be parsed as integers * representing one of the 16 standard colors, suitable * for terminals without support for the 256- or 24-bit * color modes. */ void set_colors(const char * fg, const char * bg) { printf("\033[22;23;24;"); if (*bg == '@') { int _bg = atoi(bg+1); if (_bg < 10) { printf("4%d;", _bg); } else { printf("10%d;", _bg-10); } } else { printf("48;%s;", bg); } if (*fg == '@') { int _fg = atoi(fg+1); if (_fg < 10) { printf("3%dm", _fg); } else { printf("9%dm", _fg-10); } } else { printf("38;%sm", fg); } } /** * Set just the foreground color * * (See set_colors above) */ void set_fg_color(const char * fg) { printf("\033[22;23;24;"); if (*fg == '@') { int _fg = atoi(fg+1); if (_fg < 10) { printf("3%dm", _fg); } else { printf("9%dm", _fg-10); } } else { printf("38;%sm", fg); } } /** * Clear the rest of this line */ void clear_to_end(void) { if (global_config.can_bce) { printf("\033[K"); } } /** * For terminals without bce, * prepaint the whole line, so we don't have to track * where the cursor is for everything. Inefficient, * but effective. */ void paint_line(const char * bg) { if (!global_config.can_bce) { set_colors(COLOR_FG, bg); for (int i = 0; i < global_config.term_width; ++i) { printf(" "); } printf("\r"); } } /** * Enable bold text display */ void set_bold(void) { printf("\033[1m"); } /** * Disable bold */ void unset_bold(void) { printf("\033[22m"); } /** * Enable underlined text display */ void set_underline(void) { printf("\033[4m"); } /** * Disable underlined text display */ void unset_underline(void) { printf("\033[24m"); } /** * Reset text display attributes */ void reset(void) { printf("\033[0m"); } /** * Clear the entire screen */ void clear_screen(void) { printf("\033[H\033[2J"); } /** * Hide the cursor */ void hide_cursor(void) { if (global_config.can_hideshow) { printf("\033[?25l"); } } /** * Show the cursor */ void show_cursor(void) { if (global_config.can_hideshow) { printf("\033[?25h"); } } /** * Request mouse events */ void mouse_enable(void) { if (global_config.can_mouse) { printf("\033[?1000h"); } } /** * Stop mouse events */ void mouse_disable(void) { if (global_config.can_mouse) { printf("\033[?1000l"); } } /** * Shift the screen up one line */ void shift_up(int amount) { printf("\033[%dS", amount); } /** * Shift the screen down one line. */ void shift_down(int amount) { printf("\033[%dT", amount); } /** * Switch to the alternate terminal screen. */ void set_alternate_screen(void) { if (global_config.can_altscreen) { printf("\033[?1049h"); } } /** * Restore the standard terminal screen. */ void unset_alternate_screen(void) { if (global_config.can_altscreen) { printf("\033[?1049l"); } } /** * Get the name of just a file from a full path. * Returns a pointer within the original string. */ char * file_basename(char * file) { char * c = strrchr(file, '/'); if (!c) return file; return (c+1); } /** * Print a tab name with fixed width and modifiers * into an output buffer and return the written width. * * TODO this isn't unicode/display-width aware, so it returns * byte lengths and doesn't limit the width of the file * properly if it has wide characters. FIXME */ int draw_tab_name(buffer_t * _env, char * out) { return sprintf(out, "%s %.40s ", _env->modified ? " +" : "", _env->file_name ? file_basename(_env->file_name) : "[No Name]"); } /** * Redaw the tabbar, with a tab for each buffer. * * The active buffer is highlighted. */ void redraw_tabbar(void) { /* Hide cursor while rendering UI */ hide_cursor(); /* Move to upper left */ place_cursor(1,1); paint_line(COLOR_TABBAR_BG); /* For each buffer... */ int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buffers_len; i++) { buffer_t * _env = buffers[i]; if (_env == env) { /* If this is the active buffer, hilight it */ reset(); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); set_bold(); } else { /* Otherwise use default tab color */ reset(); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_TAB_BG); set_underline(); } char title[64]; int size = draw_tab_name(_env, title); if (offset + size >= global_config.term_width) { if (global_config.term_width - offset - 1 > 0) { printf("%*s", global_config.term_width - offset - 1, title); } break; } else { printf("%s", title); } offset += size; } /* Reset bold/underline */ reset(); /* Fill the rest of the tab bar */ set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_TABBAR_BG); clear_to_end(); } /** * Braindead log10 implementation for the line numbers */ int log_base_10(unsigned int v) { int r = (v >= 1000000000) ? 9 : (v >= 100000000) ? 8 : (v >= 10000000) ? 7 : (v >= 1000000) ? 6 : (v >= 100000) ? 5 : (v >= 10000) ? 4 : (v >= 1000) ? 3 : (v >= 100) ? 2 : (v >= 10) ? 1 : 0; return r; } /** * Render a line of text * * This handles rendering the actual text content. A full line of text * also includes a line number and some padding. * * width: width of the text display region (term width - line number width) * offset: how many cells into the line to start rendering at */ void render_line(line_t * line, int width, int offset, int line_no) { int i = 0; /* Offset in char_t line data entries */ int j = 0; /* Offset in terminal cells */ const char * last_color = NULL; int was_selecting = 0, was_searching = 0; /* Set default text colors */ set_colors(COLOR_FG, line->is_current ? COLOR_ALT_BG : COLOR_BG); /* * When we are rendering in the middle of a wide character, * we render -'s to fill the remaining amount of the * charater's width */ int remainder = 0; int is_spaces = 1; /* For each character in the line ... */ while (i < line->actual) { /* If there is remaining text... */ if (remainder) { /* If we should be drawing by now... */ if (j >= offset) { /* Fill remainder with -'s */ set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("-"); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } /* One less remaining width cell to fill */ remainder--; /* Terminal offset moves forward */ j++; /* * If this was the last remaining character, move to * the next codepoint in the line */ if (remainder == 0) { i++; } continue; } /* Get the next character to draw */ char_t c = line->text[i]; if (c.codepoint != ' ') is_spaces = 0; /* If we should be drawing by now... */ if (j >= offset) { /* If this character is going to fall off the edge of the screen... */ if (j - offset + c.display_width >= width) { /* We draw this with special colors so it isn't ambiguous */ set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); /* If it's wide, draw ---> as needed */ while (j - offset < width - 1) { printf("-"); j++; } /* End the line with a > to show it overflows */ printf(">"); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); return; } /* Syntax hilighting */ const char * color = flag_to_color(c.flags); if (c.flags & FLAG_SELECT) { set_colors(COLOR_SELECTFG, COLOR_SELECTBG); was_selecting = 1; } else if ((c.flags & FLAG_SEARCH) || (c.flags == FLAG_NOTICE)) { set_colors(COLOR_SEARCH_FG, COLOR_SEARCH_BG); was_searching = 1; } else if (c.flags == FLAG_ERROR) { set_colors(COLOR_ERROR_FG, COLOR_ERROR_BG); was_searching = 1; /* co-opting this should work... */ } else { if (was_selecting || was_searching) { was_selecting = 0; was_searching = 0; set_colors(color, line->is_current ? COLOR_ALT_BG : COLOR_BG); last_color = color; } else if (!last_color || strcmp(color, last_color)) { set_fg_color(color); last_color = color; } } if ((env->mode == MODE_COL_SELECTION || env->mode == MODE_COL_INSERT) && line_no >= ((env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->start_line : env->line_no) && line_no <= ((env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->line_no : env->start_line) && ((j == env->sel_col) || (j < env->sel_col && j + c.display_width > env->sel_col))) { set_colors(COLOR_SELECTFG, COLOR_SELECTBG); was_selecting = 1; } #define _set_colors(fg,bg) \ if (!(c.flags & FLAG_SELECT) && !(was_selecting)) { \ set_colors(fg,(line->is_current && bg == COLOR_BG) ? COLOR_ALT_BG : bg); \ } /* Render special characters */ if (c.codepoint == '\t') { _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); if (global_config.can_unicode) { printf("»"); for (int i = 1; i < c.display_width; ++i) { printf("·"); } } else { printf(">"); for (int i = 1; i < c.display_width; ++i) { printf("-"); } } _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint < 32) { /* Codepoints under 32 to get converted to ^@ escapes */ _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("^%c", '@' + c.codepoint); _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint == 0x7f) { _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("^?"); _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint > 0x7f && c.codepoint < 0xa0) { _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("<%2x>", c.codepoint); _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint == 0xa0) { _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("_"); _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.display_width == 8) { _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("[U+%04x]", c.codepoint); _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.display_width == 10) { _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("[U+%06x]", c.codepoint); _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (i > 0 && is_spaces && c.codepoint == ' ' && !(i % env->tabstop)) { _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_BG); /* Normal background so this is more subtle */ if (global_config.can_unicode) { printf("▏"); } else { printf("|"); } _set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint == ' ' && i == line->actual - 1) { /* Special case: space at end of line */ _set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); if (global_config.can_unicode) { printf("·"); } else { printf("-"); } _set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else { /* Normal characters get output */ char tmp[7]; /* Max six bytes, use 7 to ensure last is always nil */ to_eight(c.codepoint, tmp); printf("%s", tmp); } /* Advance the terminal cell offset by the render width of this character */ j += c.display_width; /* Advance to the next character */ i++; } else if (c.display_width > 1) { /* * If this is a wide character but we aren't ready to render yet, * we may need to draw some filler text for the remainder of its * width to ensure we don't jump around when horizontally scrolling * past wide characters. */ remainder = c.display_width - 1; j++; } else { /* Regular character, not ready to draw, advance without doing anything */ j++; i++; } } if (env->mode != MODE_LINE_SELECTION) { if (line->is_current) { set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); } else { set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } } else { if (!line->actual) { if (env->line_no == line_no || (env->start_line > env->line_no && (line_no >= env->line_no && line_no <= env->start_line)) || (env->start_line < env->line_no && (line_no >= env->start_line && line_no <= env->line_no))) { set_colors(COLOR_SELECTFG, COLOR_SELECTBG); } } } if ((env->mode == MODE_COL_SELECTION || env->mode == MODE_COL_INSERT) && line_no >= ((env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->start_line : env->line_no) && line_no <= ((env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->line_no : env->start_line) && j <= env->sel_col && env->sel_col < width) { set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); while (j < env->sel_col) { printf(" "); j++; } set_colors(COLOR_SELECTFG, COLOR_SELECTBG); printf(" "); j++; set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } if (env->left + env->width == global_config.term_width && global_config.can_bce) { clear_to_end(); } else { /* Paint the rest of the line */ for (; j - offset < width; ++j) { printf(" "); } } } /** * Get the width of the line number region */ int num_width(void) { int w = log_base_10(env->line_count) + 1; if (w < 2) return 2; return w; } /** * Draw the gutter and line numbers. */ void draw_line_number(int x) { /* Draw the line number */ if (env->lines[x]->is_current) { set_colors(COLOR_NUMBER_BG, COLOR_NUMBER_FG); } else { set_colors(COLOR_NUMBER_FG, COLOR_NUMBER_BG); } int num_size = num_width(); for (int y = 0; y < num_size - log_base_10(x + 1); ++y) { printf(" "); } printf("%d%c", x + 1, (x+1 == env->line_no && env->coffset > 0) ? '<' : ' '); } /** * Used to highlight the current line after moving the cursor. */ void recalculate_current_line(void) { if (!global_config.hilight_current_line) return; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { if (env->lines[i]->is_current && i != env->line_no-1) { env->lines[i]->is_current = 0; if ((i) - env->offset > -1 && (i) - env->offset - 1 < global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 2) { redraw_line((i) - env->offset, i); } } else if (i == env->line_no-1 && !env->lines[i]->is_current) { env->lines[i]->is_current = 1; if ((i) - env->offset > -1 && (i) - env->offset - 1 < global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 2) { redraw_line((i) - env->offset, i); } } } } /** * Redraw line. * * This draws the line number as well as the actual text. * j = screen-relative line offset. */ void redraw_line(int j, int x) { if (env->loading) return; /* Hide cursor when drawing */ hide_cursor(); /* Move cursor to upper left most cell of this line */ place_cursor(1 + env->left,2 + j); /* Draw a gutter on the left. */ switch (env->lines[x]->rev_status) { case 1: set_colors(COLOR_NUMBER_FG, COLOR_GREEN); printf(" "); break; case 2: set_colors(COLOR_NUMBER_FG, global_config.color_gutter ? COLOR_SEARCH_BG : COLOR_ALT_FG); printf(" "); break; case 3: set_colors(COLOR_NUMBER_FG, COLOR_KEYWORD); printf(" "); break; case 4: set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_RED); printf("▆"); break; case 5: set_colors(COLOR_KEYWORD, COLOR_RED); printf("▆"); break; default: set_colors(COLOR_NUMBER_FG, COLOR_ALT_FG); printf(" "); break; } draw_line_number(x); /* * Draw the line text * If this is the active line, the current character cell offset should be used. * (Non-active lines are not shifted and always render from the start of the line) */ render_line(env->lines[x], env->width - 3 - num_width(), (x + 1 == env->line_no) ? env->coffset : 0, x+1); } /** * Draw a ~ line where there is no buffer text. */ void draw_excess_line(int j) { place_cursor(1+env->left,2 + j); paint_line(COLOR_ALT_BG); set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("~"); if (env->left + env->width == global_config.term_width && global_config.can_bce) { clear_to_end(); } else { /* Paint the rest of the line */ for (int x = 1; x < env->width; ++x) { printf(" "); } } } /** * Redraw the entire text area */ void redraw_text(void) { /* Hide cursor while rendering */ hide_cursor(); /* Figure out the available size of the text region */ int l = global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1; int j = 0; /* Draw each line */ for (int x = env->offset; j < l && x < env->line_count; x++) { redraw_line(j,x); j++; } /* Draw the rest of the text region as ~ lines */ for (; j < l; ++j) { draw_excess_line(j); } } static int view_left_offset = 0; static int view_right_offset = 0; /** * When in split view, draw the other buffer. * Has special handling for when the split is * on a single buffer. */ void redraw_alt_buffer(buffer_t * buf) { if (left_buffer == right_buffer) { /* draw the opposite view */ int left, width, offset; left = env->left; width = env->width; offset = env->offset; if (left == 0) { /* Draw the right side */ env->left = width; env->width = global_config.term_width - width; env->offset = view_right_offset; view_left_offset = offset; } else { env->left = 0; env->width = global_config.term_width * global_config.split_percent / 100; env->offset = view_left_offset; view_right_offset = offset; } redraw_text(); env->left = left; env->width = width; env->offset = offset; } /* Swap out active buffer */ buffer_t * tmp = env; env = buf; /* Redraw text */ redraw_text(); /* Return original active buffer */ env = tmp; } /** * Draw the status bar * * The status bar shows the name of the file, whether it has modifications, * and (in the future) what syntax highlighting mode is enabled. * * The right side of the tatus bar shows the line number and column. */ void redraw_statusbar(void) { /* Hide cursor while rendering */ hide_cursor(); /* Move cursor to the status bar line (second from bottom */ place_cursor(1, global_config.term_height - 1); /* Set background colors for status line */ paint_line(COLOR_STATUS_BG); set_colors(COLOR_STATUS_FG, COLOR_STATUS_BG); /* Print the file name */ char status_bits[1024] = {0}; /* Sane maximum */ char * s = status_bits; if (env->syntax) { s += snprintf(s, 100, "[%s]", env->syntax->name); } /* Print file status indicators */ if (env->modified) { s += snprintf(s, 5, "[+]"); } if (env->readonly) { s += snprintf(s, 6, "[ro]"); } s += snprintf(s, 2, " "); if (env->tabs) { s += snprintf(s, 20, "[tabs]"); } else { s += snprintf(s, 20, "[spaces=%d]", env->tabstop); } if (global_config.yanks) { s += snprintf(s, 20, "[y:%ld]", global_config.yank_count); } if (env->indent) { s += snprintf(s, 20, "[indent]"); } /* Pre-render the right hand side of the status bar */ char right_hand[1024]; snprintf(right_hand, 1024, "Line %d/%d Col: %d ", env->line_no, env->line_count, env->col_no); if (env->file_name) { int len = strlen(env->file_name); int i = 0; while (len > 5 && len > (int)global_config.term_width - (int)strlen(right_hand) - (int)strlen(status_bits) - 5) { len--; i += 1; } printf("%s%s", i > 0 ? "<" : "", env->file_name + i); } else { printf("[No Name]"); } printf(" "); printf("%s", status_bits); /* Clear the rest of the status bar */ clear_to_end(); /* Move the cursor appropriately to draw it */ place_cursor(global_config.term_width - strlen(right_hand), global_config.term_height - 1); /* TODO: What if we're localized and this has wide chars? */ printf("%s",right_hand); } /** * Draw the command line * * The command line either has input from the user (:quit, :!make, etc.) * or shows the INSERT (or VISUAL in the future) mode name. */ void redraw_commandline(void) { /* Hide cursor while rendering */ hide_cursor(); /* Move cursor to the last line */ place_cursor(1, global_config.term_height); /* Set background color */ paint_line(COLOR_BG); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); /* If we are in an edit mode, note that. */ if (env->mode == MODE_INSERT) { set_bold(); printf("-- INSERT --"); clear_to_end(); unset_bold(); } else if (env->mode == MODE_LINE_SELECTION) { set_bold(); printf("-- LINE SELECTION -- (%d:%d)", (env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->start_line : env->line_no, (env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->line_no : env->start_line ); clear_to_end(); unset_bold(); } else if (env->mode == MODE_COL_SELECTION) { set_bold(); printf("-- COL SELECTION -- (%d:%d %d)", (env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->start_line : env->line_no, (env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->line_no : env->start_line, (env->sel_col) ); clear_to_end(); unset_bold(); } else if (env->mode == MODE_COL_INSERT) { set_bold(); printf("-- COL INSERT -- (%d:%d %d)", (env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->start_line : env->line_no, (env->start_line < env->line_no) ? env->line_no : env->start_line, (env->sel_col) ); clear_to_end(); unset_bold(); } else if (env->mode == MODE_REPLACE) { set_bold(); printf("-- REPLACE --"); clear_to_end(); unset_bold(); } else if (env->mode == MODE_CHAR_SELECTION) { set_bold(); printf("-- CHAR SELECTION -- "); clear_to_end(); reset(); } else { clear_to_end(); } } /** * Draw a message on the command line. */ void render_commandline_message(char * message, ...) { /* varargs setup */ va_list args; va_start(args, message); char buf[1024]; /* Process format string */ vsnprintf(buf, 1024, message, args); va_end(args); /* Hide cursor while rendering */ hide_cursor(); /* Move cursor to the last line */ place_cursor(1, global_config.term_height); /* Set background color */ paint_line(COLOR_BG); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); printf("%s", buf); /* Clear the rest of the status bar */ clear_to_end(); } /** * Draw all screen elements */ void redraw_all(void) { redraw_tabbar(); redraw_text(); if (left_buffer) { redraw_alt_buffer(left_buffer == env ? right_buffer : left_buffer); } redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); } /** * Redraw all screen elements except the other split view. */ void redraw_most(void) { redraw_tabbar(); redraw_text(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); } /** * Disable screen splitting. */ void unsplit(void) { if (left_buffer) { left_buffer->left = 0; left_buffer->width = global_config.term_width; } if (right_buffer) { right_buffer->left = 0; right_buffer->width = global_config.term_width; } left_buffer = NULL; right_buffer = NULL; redraw_all(); } /** * Update the terminal title bar */ void update_title(void) { if (!global_config.can_title) return; char cwd[1024] = {'/',0}; getcwd(cwd, 1024); for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { printf("\033]%d;%s%s (%s) - Bim\007", i, env->file_name ? env->file_name : "[No Name]", env->modified ? " +" : "", cwd); } } /** * Mark this buffer as modified and * redraw the status and tabbar if needed. */ void set_modified(void) { /* If it was already marked modified, no need to do anything */ if (env->modified) return; /* Mark as modified */ env->modified = 1; /* Redraw some things */ update_title(); redraw_tabbar(); redraw_statusbar(); } /** * Draw a message on the status line */ void render_status_message(char * message, ...) { /* varargs setup */ va_list args; va_start(args, message); char buf[1024]; /* Process format string */ vsnprintf(buf, 1024, message, args); va_end(args); /* Hide cursor while rendering */ hide_cursor(); /* Move cursor to the status bar line (second from bottom */ place_cursor(1, global_config.term_height - 1); /* Set background colors for status line */ paint_line(COLOR_STATUS_BG); set_colors(COLOR_STATUS_FG, COLOR_STATUS_BG); printf("%s", buf); /* Clear the rest of the status bar */ clear_to_end(); } /** * Draw an errormessage to the command line. */ void render_error(char * message, ...) { /* varargs setup */ va_list args; va_start(args, message); char buf[1024]; /* Process format string */ vsnprintf(buf, 1024, message, args); va_end(args); /* Hide cursor while rendering */ hide_cursor(); /* Move cursor to the command line */ place_cursor(1, global_config.term_height); /* Set appropriate error message colors */ set_colors(COLOR_ERROR_FG, COLOR_ERROR_BG); /* Draw the message */ printf("%s", buf); } char * paren_pairs = "()[]{}<>"; void find_matching_paren(int * out_line, int * out_col, int in_col); int is_paren(int c) { char * p = paren_pairs; while (*p) { if (c == *p) return 1; p++; } return 0; } /** * If the config option is enabled, find the matching * paren character and highlight it with the SELECT * colors, clearing out other SELECT values. As we * co-opt the SELECT flag, don't do this in selection * modes - only in normal and insert modes. */ void highlight_matching_paren(void) { if (env->mode == MODE_LINE_SELECTION || env->mode == MODE_CHAR_SELECTION) return; if (!global_config.highlight_parens) return; int line = -1, col = -1; if (env->line_no <= env->line_count && env->col_no <= env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual && is_paren(env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-1].codepoint)) { find_matching_paren(&line, &col, 1); if (line != -1) env->highlighting_paren = 1; } else if (env->line_no <= env->line_count && env->col_no > 1 && is_paren(env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-2].codepoint)) { find_matching_paren(&line, &col, 2); if (line != -1) env->highlighting_paren = 1; } if (!env->highlighting_paren) return; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { int redraw = 0; for (int j = 0; j < env->lines[i]->actual; ++j) { if (i == line-1 && j == col-1) { env->lines[line-1]->text[col-1].flags |= FLAG_SELECT; redraw = 1; continue; } if (env->lines[i]->text[j].flags & FLAG_SELECT) { redraw = 1; } env->lines[i]->text[j].flags &= (~FLAG_SELECT); } if (redraw) { if ((i) - env->offset > -1 && (i) - env->offset - 1 < global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 2) { redraw_line((i) - env->offset, i); } } } if (line == -1) env->highlighting_paren = 0; } /** * Move the cursor to the appropriate location based * on where it is in the text region. * * This does some additional math to set the text * region horizontal offset. */ void place_cursor_actual(void) { /* Invalid positions */ if (env->line_no < 1) env->line_no = 1; if (env->col_no < 1) env->col_no = 1; /* Account for the left hand gutter */ int num_size = num_width() + 3; int x = num_size + 1 - env->coffset; /* Determine where the cursor is physically */ for (int i = 0; i < env->col_no - 1; ++i) { char_t * c = &env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i]; x += c->display_width; } /* y is a bit easier to calculate */ int y = env->line_no - env->offset + 1; int needs_redraw = 0; while (y < 2 + global_config.cursor_padding && env->offset > 0) { y++; env->offset--; needs_redraw = 1; } while (y > global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - global_config.cursor_padding) { y--; env->offset++; needs_redraw = 1; } if (needs_redraw) { redraw_text(); redraw_tabbar(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); } /* If the cursor has gone off screen to the right... */ if (x > env->width - 1) { /* Adjust the offset appropriately to scroll horizontally */ int diff = x - (env->width - 1); env->coffset += diff; x -= diff; redraw_text(); } /* Same for scrolling horizontally to the left */ if (x < num_size + 1) { int diff = (num_size + 1) - x; env->coffset -= diff; x += diff; redraw_text(); } highlight_matching_paren(); recalculate_current_line(); /* Move the actual terminal cursor */ place_cursor(x+env->left,y); /* Show the cursor */ show_cursor(); } /** * If the screen is split, update the split sizes based * on the new terminal width and the user's split_percent setting. */ void update_split_size(void) { if (!left_buffer) return; if (left_buffer == right_buffer) { if (left_buffer->left == 0) { left_buffer->width = global_config.term_width * global_config.split_percent / 100; } else { right_buffer->left = global_config.term_width * global_config.split_percent / 100; right_buffer->width = global_config.term_width - right_buffer->left; } return; } left_buffer->left = 0; left_buffer->width = global_config.term_width * global_config.split_percent / 100; right_buffer->left = left_buffer->width; right_buffer->width = global_config.term_width - left_buffer->width; } /** * Update screen size */ void update_screen_size(void) { struct winsize w; ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); global_config.term_width = w.ws_col; global_config.term_height = w.ws_row; if (env) { if (left_buffer) { update_split_size(); } else if (env != left_buffer && env != right_buffer) { env->width = w.ws_col; } } for (int i = 0; i < buffers_len; ++i) { if (buffers[i] != left_buffer && buffers[i] != right_buffer) { buffers[i]->width = w.ws_col; } } } /** * Handle terminal size changes */ void SIGWINCH_handler(int sig) { (void)sig; update_screen_size(); redraw_all(); signal(SIGWINCH, SIGWINCH_handler); } /** * Handle suspend */ void SIGTSTP_handler(int sig) { (void)sig; mouse_disable(); set_buffered(); reset(); clear_screen(); show_cursor(); unset_alternate_screen(); fflush(stdout); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); raise(SIGTSTP); } void SIGCONT_handler(int sig) { (void)sig; set_alternate_screen(); set_unbuffered(); mouse_enable(); redraw_all(); signal(SIGCONT, SIGCONT_handler); signal(SIGTSTP, SIGTSTP_handler); } /** * Move the cursor to a specific line. */ void goto_line(int line) { /* Respect file bounds */ if (line < 1) line = 1; if (line > env->line_count) line = env->line_count; /* Move the cursor / text region offsets */ env->coffset = 0; env->offset = line - 1; env->line_no = line; env->col_no = 1; redraw_most(); } /** * UTF-8 parser state */ static uint32_t codepoint_r; static uint32_t state = 0; #define UTF8_ACCEPT 0 #define UTF8_REJECT 1 static inline uint32_t decode(uint32_t* state, uint32_t* codep, uint32_t byte) { static int state_table[32] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 0xxxxxxx */ 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, /* 10xxxxxx */ 2,2,2,2, /* 110xxxxx */ 3,3, /* 1110xxxx */ 4, /* 11110xxx */ 1 /* 11111xxx */ }; static int mask_bytes[32] = { 0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F, 0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F, 0x0F,0x0F, 0x07, 0x00 }; static int next[5] = { 0, 1, 0, 2, 3 }; if (*state == UTF8_ACCEPT) { *codep = byte & mask_bytes[byte >> 3]; *state = state_table[byte >> 3]; } else if (*state > 0) { *codep = (byte & 0x3F) | (*codep << 6); *state = next[*state]; } return *state; } /** * Processs (part of) a file and add it to a buffer. */ void add_buffer(uint8_t * buf, int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (!decode(&state, &codepoint_r, buf[i])) { uint32_t c = codepoint_r; if (c == '\n') { env->lines = add_line(env->lines, env->line_no); env->col_no = 1; env->line_no += 1; } else { char_t _c; _c.codepoint = (uint32_t)c; _c.flags = 0; _c.display_width = codepoint_width((wchar_t)c); line_t * line = env->lines[env->line_no - 1]; line_t * nline = line_insert(line, _c, env->col_no - 1, env->line_no-1); if (line != nline) { env->lines[env->line_no - 1] = nline; } env->col_no += 1; } } else if (state == UTF8_REJECT) { state = 0; } } } /** * Find a syntax highlighter for the given filename. */ struct syntax_definition * match_syntax(char * file) { for (struct syntax_definition * s = syntaxes; s->name; ++s) { for (char ** ext = s->ext; *ext; ++ext) { int i = strlen(file); int j = strlen(*ext); do { if (file[i] != (*ext)[j]) break; if (j == 0) return s; if (i == 0) break; i--; j--; } while (1); } } return NULL; } /** * Set the syntax configuration by the name of the syntax highlighter. */ void set_syntax_by_name(const char * name) { if (!strcmp(name,"none")) { for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { env->lines[i]->istate = 0; for (int j = 0; j < env->lines[i]->actual; ++j) { env->lines[i]->text[j].flags = 0; } } redraw_all(); return; } for (struct syntax_definition * s = syntaxes; s->name; ++s) { if (!strcmp(name,s->name)) { env->syntax = s; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { env->lines[i]->istate = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } redraw_all(); return; } } render_error("unrecognized syntax type"); } /** * Check if a string is all numbers. */ int is_all_numbers(const char * c) { while (*c) { if (!isdigit(*c)) return 0; c++; } return 1; } /** * Create a new buffer from a file. */ void open_file(char * file) { env = buffer_new(); env->width = global_config.term_width; env->left = 0; env->loading = 1; setup_buffer(env); FILE * f; int init_line = -1; if (!strcmp(file,"-")) { /** * Read file from stdin. stderr provides terminal input. */ if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { if (buffers_len == 1) { quit("stdin is a terminal and you tried to open -; not letting you do that"); } close_buffer(); render_error("stdin is a terminal and you tried to open -; not letting you do that"); return; } f = stdin; env->modified = 1; } else { char * l = strrchr(file, ':'); if (l && is_all_numbers(l+1)) { *l = '\0'; l++; init_line = atoi(l); } struct stat statbuf; if (!stat(file, &statbuf) && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { DIR * dirp = opendir(file); if (!dirp) { env->loading = 0; return; } struct dirent * ent = readdir(dirp); while (ent) { add_buffer((unsigned char*)ent->d_name, strlen(ent->d_name)); add_buffer((unsigned char*)"\n",1); ent = readdir(dirp); } closedir(dirp); env->file_name = strdup(file); env->readonly = 1; env->loading = 0; return; } f = fopen(file, "r"); env->file_name = strdup(file); } if (!f) { if (global_config.hilight_on_open) { env->syntax = match_syntax(file); } env->loading = 0; if (global_config.go_to_line) { goto_line(1); } if (env->syntax && env->syntax->prefers_spaces) { env->tabs = 0; } return; } uint8_t buf[BLOCK_SIZE]; state = 0; while (!feof(f) && !ferror(f)) { size_t r = fread(buf, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, f); add_buffer(buf, r); } if (ferror(f)) { env->loading = 0; return; } if (env->line_no && env->lines[env->line_no-1] && env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual == 0) { /* Remove blank line from end */ env->lines = remove_line(env->lines, env->line_no-1); } if (global_config.hilight_on_open) { env->syntax = match_syntax(file); if (!env->syntax && global_config.syntax_fallback) { set_syntax_by_name(global_config.syntax_fallback); } for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } } /* Try to automatically figure out tabs vs. spaces */ int tabs = 0, spaces = 0; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { if (env->lines[i]->actual > 1) { /* Make sure line has at least some text on it */ if (env->lines[i]->text[0].codepoint == '\t') tabs++; if (env->lines[i]->text[0].codepoint == ' ' && env->lines[i]->text[1].codepoint == ' ') /* Ignore spaces at the start of asterisky C comments */ spaces++; } } if (spaces > tabs) { env->tabs = 0; } /* TODO figure out tabstop for spaces? */ env->loading = 0; if (global_config.check_git) { env->checkgitstatusonwrite = 1; git_examine(file); } for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_tabs(env->lines[i]); } if (global_config.go_to_line) { if (init_line != -1) { goto_line(init_line); } else { env->line_no = 1; env->col_no = 1; fetch_from_biminfo(env); place_cursor_actual(); redraw_all(); set_preferred_column(); } } fclose(f); } /** * Clean up the terminal and exit the editor. */ void quit(const char * message) { mouse_disable(); set_buffered(); reset(); clear_screen(); show_cursor(); unset_alternate_screen(); if (message) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", message); } exit(0); } /** * Try to quit, but don't continue if there are * modified buffers open. */ void try_quit(void) { for (int i = 0; i < buffers_len; i++ ) { buffer_t * _env = buffers[i]; if (_env->modified) { if (_env->file_name) { render_error("Modifications made to file `%s` in tab %d. Aborting.", _env->file_name, i+1); } else { render_error("Unsaved new file in tab %d. Aborting.", i+1); } return; } } /* Close all buffers */ while (buffers_len) { buffer_close(buffers[0]); } quit(NULL); } /** * Switch to the previous buffer */ void previous_tab(void) { buffer_t * last = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < buffers_len; i++) { buffer_t * _env = buffers[i]; if (_env == env) { if (last) { /* Wrap around */ env = last; if (left_buffer && (left_buffer != env && right_buffer != env)) unsplit(); redraw_all(); update_title(); return; } else { env = buffers[buffers_len-1]; if (left_buffer && (left_buffer != env && right_buffer != env)) unsplit(); redraw_all(); update_title(); return; } } last = _env; } } /** * Switch to the next buffer */ void next_tab(void) { for (int i = 0; i < buffers_len; i++) { buffer_t * _env = buffers[i]; if (_env == env) { if (i != buffers_len - 1) { env = buffers[i+1]; if (left_buffer && (left_buffer != env && right_buffer != env)) unsplit(); redraw_all(); update_title(); return; } else { /* Wrap around */ env = buffers[0]; if (left_buffer && (left_buffer != env && right_buffer != env)) unsplit(); redraw_all(); update_title(); return; } } } } /** * Check for modified lines in a file by examining `git diff` output. * This can be enabled globally in bimrc or per environment with the 'git' option. */ int git_examine(char * filename) { if (env->modified) return 1; #ifndef __toaru__ int fds[2]; pipe(fds); int child = fork(); if (child == 0) { FILE * dev_null = fopen("/dev/null","w"); close(fds[0]); dup2(fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fileno(dev_null), STDERR_FILENO); char * args[] = {"git","--no-pager","diff","-U0","--no-color","--",filename,NULL}; exit(execvp("git",args)); } else if (child < 0) { return 1; } close(fds[1]); FILE * f = fdopen(fds[0],"r"); int line_offset = 0; while (!feof(f)) { int c = fgetc(f); if (c < 0) break; if (c == '@' && line_offset == 0) { /* Read line offset, count */ if (fgetc(f) == '@' && fgetc(f) == ' ' && fgetc(f) == '-') { /* This algorithm is borrowed from Kakoune and only requires us to parse the @@ line */ int from_line = 0; int from_count = 0; int to_line = 0; int to_count = 0; fscanf(f,"%d",&from_line); if (fgetc(f) == ',') { fscanf(f,"%d",&from_count); } else { from_count = 1; } fscanf(f,"%d",&to_line); if (fgetc(f) == ',') { fscanf(f,"%d",&to_count); } else { to_count = 1; } if (to_line > env->line_count) continue; if (from_count == 0 && to_count > 0) { /* No -, all + means all of to_count is green */ for (int i = 0; i < to_count; ++i) { env->lines[to_line+i-1]->rev_status = 1; /* Green */ } } else if (from_count > 0 && to_count == 0) { /* * No +, all - means we have a deletion. We mark the next line such that it has a red bar at the top * Note that to_line is one lower than the affacted line, so we don't need to mes with indexes. */ if (to_line >= env->line_count) continue; env->lines[to_line]->rev_status = 4; /* Red */ } else if (from_count > 0 && from_count == to_count) { /* from = to, all modified */ for (int i = 0; i < to_count; ++i) { env->lines[to_line+i-1]->rev_status = 3; /* Blue */ } } else if (from_count > 0 && from_count < to_count) { /* from < to, some modified, some added */ for (int i = 0; i < from_count; ++i) { env->lines[to_line+i-1]->rev_status = 3; /* Blue */ } for (int i = from_count; i < to_count; ++i) { env->lines[to_line+i-1]->rev_status = 1; /* Green */ } } else if (to_count > 0 && from_count > to_count) { /* from > to, we deleted but also modified some lines */ env->lines[to_line-1]->rev_status = 5; /* Red + Blue */ for (int i = 1; i < to_count-1; ++i) { env->lines[to_line+i-1]->rev_status = 3; /* Blue */ } } } } if (c == '\n') { line_offset = 0; continue; } line_offset++; } fclose(f); #endif return 0; } /** * Write active buffer to file */ void write_file(char * file) { if (!file) { render_error("Need a file to write to."); return; } FILE * f = fopen(file, "w+"); if (!f) { render_error("Failed to open file for writing."); return; } /* Go through each line and convert it back to UTF-8 */ int i, j; for (i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { line_t * line = env->lines[i]; line->rev_status = 0; for (j = 0; j < line->actual; j++) { char_t c = line->text[j]; if (c.codepoint == 0) { char buf[1] = {0}; fwrite(buf, 1, 1, f); } else { char tmp[8] = {0}; int i = to_eight(c.codepoint, tmp); fwrite(tmp, i, 1, f); } } fputc('\n', f); } fclose(f); /* Mark it no longer modified */ env->modified = 0; env->last_save_history = env->history; /* If there was no file name set, set one */ if (!env->file_name) { env->file_name = malloc(strlen(file) + 1); memcpy(env->file_name, file, strlen(file) + 1); } if (env->checkgitstatusonwrite) { git_examine(file); } update_title(); redraw_all(); } /** * Close the active buffer */ void close_buffer(void) { buffer_t * previous_env = env; buffer_t * new_env = buffer_close(env); if (new_env == previous_env) { /* ?? Failed to close buffer */ render_error("lolwat"); } if (left_buffer && env == left_buffer) { left_buffer = NULL; right_buffer->left = 0; right_buffer->width = global_config.term_width; right_buffer = NULL; } else if (left_buffer && env == right_buffer) { right_buffer = NULL; left_buffer->left = 0; left_buffer->width = global_config.term_width; left_buffer = NULL; } /* No more buffers, exit */ if (!new_env) { quit(NULL); } /* Set the new active buffer */ env = new_env; /* Redraw the screen */ redraw_all(); update_title(); } /** * Set the visual column the cursor should attempt to keep * when moving up and down based on where the cursor currently is. * This should happen whenever the user intentionally changes * the cursor's horizontal positioning, such as with left/right * arrow keys, word-move, search, mouse, etc. */ void set_preferred_column(void) { int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual && i < env->col_no-1; ++i) { c += env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i].display_width; } env->preferred_column = c; } /** * Move the cursor down one line in the text region */ void cursor_down(void) { /* If this isn't already the last line... */ if (env->line_no < env->line_count) { /* Move the cursor down */ env->line_no += 1; /* Try to place the cursor horizontally at the preferred column */ int _x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; ++i) { char_t * c = &env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i]; _x += c->display_width; env->col_no = i+1; if (_x > env->preferred_column) { break; } } if (env->mode == MODE_INSERT && _x <= env->preferred_column) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + 1; } /* * If the horizontal cursor position exceeds the width the new line, * then move the cursor left to the extent of the new line. * * If we're in insert mode, we can go one cell beyond the end of the line */ if (env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + (env->mode == MODE_INSERT)) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + (env->mode == MODE_INSERT); if (env->col_no == 0) env->col_no = 1; } if (env->loading) return; /* * If the screen was scrolled horizontally, unscroll it; * if it will be scrolled on this line as well, that will * be handled by place_cursor_actual */ int redraw = 0; if (env->coffset != 0) { env->coffset = 0; redraw = 1; } /* If we've scrolled past the bottom of the screen, scroll the screen */ if (env->line_no > env->offset + global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1 - global_config.cursor_padding) { env->offset += 1; /* Tell terminal to scroll */ if (global_config.can_scroll && !left_buffer) { shift_up(1); /* A new line appears on screen at the bottom, draw it */ int l = global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1; if (env->offset + l < env->line_count + 1) { redraw_line(l-1, env->offset + l-1); } else { draw_excess_line(l - 1); } } else { redraw_text(); } redraw_tabbar(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); place_cursor_actual(); return; } else if (redraw) { /* Otherwise, if we need to redraw because of coffset change, do that */ redraw_text(); } set_history_break(); /* Update the status bar */ redraw_statusbar(); /* Place the terminal cursor again */ place_cursor_actual(); } } /** * Move the cursor up one line in the text region */ void cursor_up(void) { /* If this isn't the first line already */ if (env->line_no > 1) { /* Move the cursor down */ env->line_no -= 1; /* Try to place the cursor horizontally at the preferred column */ int _x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; ++i) { char_t * c = &env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i]; _x += c->display_width; env->col_no = i+1; if (_x > env->preferred_column) { break; } } if (env->mode == MODE_INSERT && _x <= env->preferred_column) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + 1; } /* * If the horizontal cursor position exceeds the width the new line, * then move the cursor left to the extent of the new line. * * If we're in insert mode, we can go one cell beyond the end of the line */ if (env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + (env->mode == MODE_INSERT)) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + (env->mode == MODE_INSERT); if (env->col_no == 0) env->col_no = 1; } if (env->loading) return; /* * If the screen was scrolled horizontally, unscroll it; * if it will be scrolled on this line as well, that will * be handled by place_cursor_actual */ int redraw = 0; if (env->coffset != 0) { env->coffset = 0; redraw = 1; } int e = (env->offset == 0) ? env->offset : env->offset + global_config.cursor_padding; if (env->line_no <= e) { env->offset -= 1; /* Tell terminal to scroll */ if (global_config.can_scroll && !left_buffer) { shift_down(1); /* * The line at the top of the screen should always be real * so we can just call redraw_line here */ redraw_line(0,env->offset); } else { redraw_text(); } redraw_tabbar(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); place_cursor_actual(); return; } else if (redraw) { /* Otherwise, if we need to redraw because of coffset change, do that */ redraw_text(); } set_history_break(); /* Update the status bar */ redraw_statusbar(); /* Place the terminal cursor again */ place_cursor_actual(); } } /** * Move the cursor one column left. */ void cursor_left(void) { if (env->col_no > 1) { env->col_no -= 1; /* Update the status bar */ redraw_statusbar(); /* Place the terminal cursor again */ place_cursor_actual(); } set_history_break(); set_preferred_column(); } /** * Move the cursor one column right. */ void cursor_right(void) { /* If this isn't already the rightmost column we can reach on this line in this mode... */ if (env->col_no < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + !!(env->mode == MODE_INSERT)) { env->col_no += 1; /* Update the status bar */ redraw_statusbar(); /* Place the terminal cursor again */ place_cursor_actual(); } set_history_break(); set_preferred_column(); } /** * Move the cursor to the fron the of the line */ void cursor_home(void) { env->col_no = 1; set_history_break(); set_preferred_column(); /* Update the status bar */ redraw_statusbar(); /* Place the terminal cursor again */ place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Move the cursor to the end of the line. * * In INSERT mode, moves one cell right of the end of the line. * In NORMAL mode, moves the cursor to the last occupied cell. */ void cursor_end(void) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual+!!(env->mode == MODE_INSERT); set_history_break(); set_preferred_column(); /* Update the status bar */ redraw_statusbar(); /* Place the terminal cursor again */ place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Leave INSERT mode * * If the cursor is too far right, adjust it. * Redraw the command line. */ void leave_insert(void) { if (env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; if (env->col_no == 0) env->col_no = 1; set_preferred_column(); } set_history_break(); env->mode = MODE_NORMAL; redraw_commandline(); } /** * Helper for handling smart case sensitivity. */ int search_matches(uint32_t a, uint32_t b, int mode) { if (mode == 0) { return a == b; } else if (mode == 1) { return tolower(a) == tolower(b); } return 0; } /** * Replace text on a given line with other text. */ void perform_replacement(int line_no, uint32_t * needle, uint32_t * replacement, int col, int ignorecase, int *out_col) { line_t * line = env->lines[line_no-1]; int j = col; while (j < line->actual + 1) { int k = j; uint32_t * match = needle; while (k < line->actual + 1) { if (*match == '\0') { /* Perform replacement */ for (uint32_t * n = needle; *n; ++n) { line_delete(line, j+1, line_no-1); } int t = 0; for (uint32_t * r = replacement; *r; ++r) { char_t _c; _c.codepoint = *r; _c.flags = 0; _c.display_width = codepoint_width(*r); line_t * nline = line_insert(line, _c, j + t, line_no -1); if (line != nline) { env->lines[line_no-1] = nline; line = nline; } t++; } *out_col = j + t; set_modified(); return; } if (k == line->actual) break; if (!(search_matches(*match, line->text[k].codepoint, ignorecase))) break; match++; k++; } j++; } *out_col = -1; } #define COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX 255 char * command_history[COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX] = {NULL}; /** * Add a command to the history. If that command was * already in history, it is moved to the front of the list; * otherwise, the whole list is shifted backwards and * overflow is freed up. */ void insert_command_history(char * cmd) { /* See if this is already in the history. */ size_t amount_to_shift = COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX - 1; for (int i = 0; i < COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX && command_history[i]; ++i) { if (!strcmp(command_history[i], cmd)) { free(command_history[i]); amount_to_shift = i; break; } } /* Remove last entry that will roll off the stack */ if (amount_to_shift == COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX - 1) { if (command_history[COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX-1]) free(command_history[COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX-1]); } /* Roll the history */ memmove(&command_history[1], &command_history[0], sizeof(char *) * (amount_to_shift)); command_history[0] = strdup(cmd); } /** * Add a raw string to a buffer. Convenience wrapper * for add_buffer for nil-terminated strings. */ static void add_string(char * string) { add_buffer((uint8_t*)string,strlen(string)); } static uint32_t term_colors[] = { 0x000000, 0xcc0000, 0x3e9a06, 0xc4a000, 0x3465a4, 0x75507b, 0x06989a, 0xeeeeec, 0x555753, 0xef2929, 0x8ae234, 0xfce94f, 0x729fcf, 0xad7fa8, 0x34e2e2, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 0x00005f, 0x000087, 0x0000af, 0x0000d7, 0x0000ff, 0x005f00, 0x005f5f, 0x005f87, 0x005faf, 0x005fd7, 0x005fff, 0x008700, 0x00875f, 0x008787, 0x0087af, 0x0087d7, 0x0087ff, 0x00af00, 0x00af5f, 0x00af87, 0x00afaf, 0x00afd7, 0x00afff, 0x00d700, 0x00d75f, 0x00d787, 0x00d7af, 0x00d7d7, 0x00d7ff, 0x00ff00, 0x00ff5f, 0x00ff87, 0x00ffaf, 0x00ffd7, 0x00ffff, 0x5f0000, 0x5f005f, 0x5f0087, 0x5f00af, 0x5f00d7, 0x5f00ff, 0x5f5f00, 0x5f5f5f, 0x5f5f87, 0x5f5faf, 0x5f5fd7, 0x5f5fff, 0x5f8700, 0x5f875f, 0x5f8787, 0x5f87af, 0x5f87d7, 0x5f87ff, 0x5faf00, 0x5faf5f, 0x5faf87, 0x5fafaf, 0x5fafd7, 0x5fafff, 0x5fd700, 0x5fd75f, 0x5fd787, 0x5fd7af, 0x5fd7d7, 0x5fd7ff, 0x5fff00, 0x5fff5f, 0x5fff87, 0x5fffaf, 0x5fffd7, 0x5fffff, 0x870000, 0x87005f, 0x870087, 0x8700af, 0x8700d7, 0x8700ff, 0x875f00, 0x875f5f, 0x875f87, 0x875faf, 0x875fd7, 0x875fff, 0x878700, 0x87875f, 0x878787, 0x8787af, 0x8787d7, 0x8787ff, 0x87af00, 0x87af5f, 0x87af87, 0x87afaf, 0x87afd7, 0x87afff, 0x87d700, 0x87d75f, 0x87d787, 0x87d7af, 0x87d7d7, 0x87d7ff, 0x87ff00, 0x87ff5f, 0x87ff87, 0x87ffaf, 0x87ffd7, 0x87ffff, 0xaf0000, 0xaf005f, 0xaf0087, 0xaf00af, 0xaf00d7, 0xaf00ff, 0xaf5f00, 0xaf5f5f, 0xaf5f87, 0xaf5faf, 0xaf5fd7, 0xaf5fff, 0xaf8700, 0xaf875f, 0xaf8787, 0xaf87af, 0xaf87d7, 0xaf87ff, 0xafaf00, 0xafaf5f, 0xafaf87, 0xafafaf, 0xafafd7, 0xafafff, 0xafd700, 0xafd75f, 0xafd787, 0xafd7af, 0xafd7d7, 0xafd7ff, 0xafff00, 0xafff5f, 0xafff87, 0xafffaf, 0xafffd7, 0xafffff, 0xd70000, 0xd7005f, 0xd70087, 0xd700af, 0xd700d7, 0xd700ff, 0xd75f00, 0xd75f5f, 0xd75f87, 0xd75faf, 0xd75fd7, 0xd75fff, 0xd78700, 0xd7875f, 0xd78787, 0xd787af, 0xd787d7, 0xd787ff, 0xd7af00, 0xd7af5f, 0xd7af87, 0xd7afaf, 0xd7afd7, 0xd7afff, 0xd7d700, 0xd7d75f, 0xd7d787, 0xd7d7af, 0xd7d7d7, 0xd7d7ff, 0xd7ff00, 0xd7ff5f, 0xd7ff87, 0xd7ffaf, 0xd7ffd7, 0xd7ffff, 0xff0000, 0xff005f, 0xff0087, 0xff00af, 0xff00d7, 0xff00ff, 0xff5f00, 0xff5f5f, 0xff5f87, 0xff5faf, 0xff5fd7, 0xff5fff, 0xff8700, 0xff875f, 0xff8787, 0xff87af, 0xff87d7, 0xff87ff, 0xffaf00, 0xffaf5f, 0xffaf87, 0xffafaf, 0xffafd7, 0xffafff, 0xffd700, 0xffd75f, 0xffd787, 0xffd7af, 0xffd7d7, 0xffd7ff, 0xffff00, 0xffff5f, 0xffff87, 0xffffaf, 0xffffd7, 0xffffff, 0x080808, 0x121212, 0x1c1c1c, 0x262626, 0x303030, 0x3a3a3a, 0x444444, 0x4e4e4e, 0x585858, 0x626262, 0x6c6c6c, 0x767676, 0x808080, 0x8a8a8a, 0x949494, 0x9e9e9e, 0xa8a8a8, 0xb2b2b2, 0xbcbcbc, 0xc6c6c6, 0xd0d0d0, 0xdadada, 0xe4e4e4, 0xeeeeee, }; /** * Convert a color setting from terminal format * to a hexadecimal color code and add it to the current * buffer. This is used for HTML conversion, but could * possibly be used for other purposes. */ static void html_convert_color(const char * color_string) { char tmp[100]; if (!strncmp(color_string,"2;",2)) { /* 24-bit color */ int red, green, blue; sscanf(color_string+2,"%d;%d;%d",&red,&green,&blue); sprintf(tmp, "#%02x%02x%02x;", red,green,blue); } else if (!strncmp(color_string,"5;",2)) { /* 256 colors; needs lookup table */ int index; sscanf(color_string+2,"%d",&index); sprintf(tmp,"#%06x;", (unsigned int)term_colors[(index >= 0 && index <= 255) ? index : 0]); } else { /* 16 colors; needs lookup table */ int index; uint32_t color; sscanf(color_string+1,"%d",&index); if (index >= 10) { index -= 10; color = term_colors[index+8]; } else if (index == 9) { color = term_colors[0]; } else { color = term_colors[index]; } sprintf(tmp,"#%06x;", (unsigned int)color); } add_string(tmp); char * italic = strstr(color_string,";3"); if (italic && italic[2] == '\0') { add_string(" font-style: oblique;"); } char * bold = strstr(color_string,";1"); if (bold && bold[2] == '\0') { add_string(" font-weight: bold;"); } char * underline = strstr(color_string,";4"); if (underline && underline[2] == '\0') { add_string(" font-decoration: underline;"); } } /** * Based on vim's :TOhtml * Convert syntax-highlighted buffer contents to HTML. */ void convert_to_html(void) { buffer_t * old = env; env = buffer_new(); setup_buffer(env); env->loading = 1; add_string("\n"); add_string("\n"); add_string(" \n"); add_string(" \n"); if (old->file_name) { add_string(" "); add_string(file_basename(old->file_name)); add_string("\n"); } add_string(" \n"); add_string(" \n"); add_string("

	for (int i = 0; i < old->line_count; ++i) {
		char tmp[100];
		sprintf(tmp, "", i+1, i+1);
		int last_flag = -1;
		int opened = 0;
		int all_spaces = 1;
		for (int j = 0; j < old->lines[i]->actual; ++j) {
			char_t c = old->lines[i]->text[j];

			if (c.codepoint != ' ') all_spaces = 0;

			if (last_flag == -1 || last_flag != (c.flags & 0x1F)) {
				if (opened) add_string("");
				opened = 1;
				char tmp[100];
				sprintf(tmp, "", c.flags & 0x1F);
				last_flag = (c.flags & 0x1F);

			if (c.codepoint == '<') {
			} else if (c.codepoint == '>') {
			} else if (c.codepoint == '&') {
			} else if (c.codepoint == '\t') {
				char tmp[100];
				sprintf(tmp, "	",c.display_width);
			} else if (j > 0 && c.codepoint == ' ' && all_spaces && !(j % old->tabstop)) {
				add_string(" ");
			} else {
				char tmp[7] = {0}; /* Max six bytes, use 7 to ensure last is always nil */
				to_eight(c.codepoint, tmp);
		if (opened) {
		} else {

\n"); add_string("\n"); env->loading = 0; env->modified = 1; if (old->file_name) { char * base = file_basename(old->file_name); char * tmp = malloc(strlen(base) + 5); *tmp = '\0'; strcat(tmp, base); strcat(tmp, ".htm"); env->file_name = tmp; } for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_tabs(env->lines[i]); } env->syntax = match_syntax(".htm"); for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } redraw_all(); } /** * Process a user command. */ void process_command(char * cmd) { /* Special case ! to run shell commands without parsing tokens */ int c; /* Add command to history */ insert_command_history(cmd); if (*cmd == '!') { /* Reset and draw some line feeds */ reset(); printf("\n\n"); /* Set buffered for shell application */ set_buffered(); /* Call the shell and wait for completion */ system(&cmd[1]); /* Return to the editor, wait for user to press enter. */ set_unbuffered(); printf("\n\nPress ENTER to continue."); while ((c = bim_getch(), c != ENTER_KEY && c != LINE_FEED)); /* Redraw the screen */ redraw_all(); /* Done processing command */ return; } /* Arguments aren't really tokenized, but the first command before a space is extracted */ char *argv[3]; /* If a specific command wants to tokenize further, it can do that later. */ int argc = 0; if (*cmd) argc++; int i = 0; char tmp[512] = {0}; /* Collect up until first space for argv[0] */ for (char * c = cmd; *c; ++c) { if (i == 511) break; if (*c == ' ') { tmp[i] = '\0'; argv[1] = c+1; if (*argv[1]) argc++; break; } else { tmp[i] = *c; } i++; } argv[0] = tmp; argv[argc] = NULL; if (argc < 1) { /* no op */ return; } int all_lines = 0; if (argv[0][0] == '%') { all_lines = 1; argv[0]++; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "e")) { /* e: edit file */ if (argc > 1) { /* This actually opens a new tab */ open_file(argv[1]); update_title(); } else { if (env->modified) { render_error("File is modified, can not reload."); return; } buffer_t * old_env = env; open_file(env->file_name); buffer_t * new_env = env; env = old_env; #define SWAP(T,a,b) do { T x = a; a = b; b = x; } while (0) SWAP(line_t **, env->lines, new_env->lines); SWAP(int, env->line_count, new_env->line_count); SWAP(int, env->line_avail, new_env->line_avail); buffer_close(new_env); /* Should probably also free, this needs editing. */ redraw_all(); } } else if (argv[0][0] == 's' && !isalpha(argv[0][1])) { if (!argv[0][1]) { render_error("expected substitution argument"); return; } /* Substitution */ int range_top, range_bot; if (env->mode == MODE_LINE_SELECTION) { range_top = env->start_line < env->line_no ? env->start_line : env->line_no; range_bot = env->start_line < env->line_no ? env->line_no : env->start_line; } else if (all_lines) { range_top = 1; range_bot = env->line_count; } else { range_top = env->line_no; range_bot = env->line_no; } /* Determine replacement parameters */ char divider = cmd[1]; char * needle = &cmd[2]; char * c = needle; char * replacement = NULL; char * options = ""; while (*c) { if (*c == divider) { *c = '\0'; replacement = c + 1; break; } c++; } if (!replacement) { render_error("nothing to replace with"); return; } c = replacement; while (*c) { if (*c == divider) { *c = '\0'; options = c + 1; break; } c++; } int global = 0; int case_insensitive = 0; /* Parse options */ while (*options) { switch (*options) { case 'g': global = 1; break; case 'i': case_insensitive = 1; break; } options++; } uint32_t * needle_c = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * (strlen(needle) + 1)); uint32_t * replacement_c = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * (strlen(replacement) + 1)); { int i = 0; uint32_t c, state = 0; for (char * cin = needle; *cin; cin++) { if (!decode(&state, &c, *cin)) { needle_c[i] = c; i++; } else if (state == UTF8_REJECT) { state = 0; } } needle_c[i] = 0; i = 0; c = 0; state = 0; for (char * cin = replacement; *cin; cin++) { if (!decode(&state, &c, *cin)) { replacement_c[i] = c; i++; } else if (state == UTF8_REJECT) { state = 0; } } replacement_c[i] = 0; } int replacements = 0; for (int line = range_top; line <= range_bot; ++line) { int col = 0; while (col != -1) { perform_replacement(line, needle_c, replacement_c, col, case_insensitive, &col); if (col != -1) replacements++; if (!global) break; } } free(needle_c); free(replacement_c); if (replacements) { render_status_message("replaced %d instance%s of %s", replacements, replacements == 1 ? "" : "s", needle); set_history_break(); redraw_text(); } else { render_error("Pattern not found: %s", needle); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "tabnew")) { if (argc > 1) { open_file(argv[1]); update_title(); } else { env = buffer_new(); setup_buffer(env); redraw_all(); update_title(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "w")) { /* w: write file */ if (argc > 1) { write_file(argv[1]); } else { write_file(env->file_name); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "history")) { render_commandline_message(""); /* To clear command line */ for (int i = COMMAND_HISTORY_MAX; i > 1; --i) { if (command_history[i-1]) render_commandline_message("%d:%s\n", i-1, command_history[i-1]); } render_commandline_message("\n"); redraw_tabbar(); redraw_commandline(); int c; while ((c = bim_getch())== -1); bim_unget(c); redraw_all(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "wq")) { /* wq: write file and close buffer; if there's no file to write to, may do weird things */ write_file(env->file_name); close_buffer(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "q")) { /* close buffer if unmodified */ if (left_buffer && left_buffer == right_buffer) { unsplit(); return; } if (env->modified) { render_error("No write since last change. Use :q! to force exit."); } else { close_buffer(); } update_title(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "q!")) { /* close buffer without warning if unmodified */ close_buffer(); update_title(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "qa") || !strcmp(argv[0], "qall")) { /* Close all */ try_quit(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "qa!")) { /* Forcefully exit editor */ while (buffers_len) { buffer_close(buffers[0]); } quit(NULL); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "tabp")) { /* Next tab */ previous_tab(); update_title(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "tabn")) { /* Previous tab */ next_tab(); update_title(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "git")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("git=%d", env->checkgitstatusonwrite); } else { env->checkgitstatusonwrite = !!atoi(argv[1]); if (env->checkgitstatusonwrite && !env->modified && env->file_name) { git_examine(env->file_name); redraw_text(); } } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "colorgutter")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("colorgutter=%d", global_config.color_gutter); } else { global_config.color_gutter = !!atoi(argv[1]); redraw_text(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "indent")) { env->indent = 1; redraw_statusbar(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "noindent")) { env->indent = 0; redraw_statusbar(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "cursorcolumn")) { render_status_message("cursorcolumn=%d", env->preferred_column); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "noh")) { if (global_config.search) { free(global_config.search); global_config.search = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } redraw_text(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "help")) { /* * The repeated calls to redraw_commandline here make use * of scrolling to draw this multiline help message on * the same background as the command line. */ render_commandline_message(""); /* To clear command line */ render_commandline_message("\n"); #ifdef __toaru__ render_commandline_message(" \033[1mbim - The standard ToaruOS Text Editor\033[22m\n"); #else render_commandline_message(" \033[1mbim - a text editor \033[22m\n"); #endif render_commandline_message("\n"); render_commandline_message(" Available commands:\n"); render_commandline_message(" Quit with \033[3m:q\033[23m, \033[3m:qa\033[23m, \033[3m:q!\033[23m, \033[3m:qa!\033[23m\n"); render_commandline_message(" Write out with \033[3m:w \033[4mfile\033[24;23m\n"); render_commandline_message(" Set syntax with \033[3m:syntax \033[4mlanguage\033[24;23m\n"); render_commandline_message(" Open a new tab with \033[3m:e \033[4mpath/to/file\033[24;23m\n"); render_commandline_message(" \033[3m:tabn\033[23m and \033[3m:tabp\033[23m can be used to switch tabs\n"); render_commandline_message(" Set the color scheme with \033[3m:theme \033[4mtheme\033[24;23m\n"); render_commandline_message(" Set the behavior of the tab key with \033[3m:tabs\033[23m or \033[3m:spaces\033[23m\n"); render_commandline_message(" Set tabstop with \033[3m:tabstop \033[4mwidth\033[24;23m\n"); render_commandline_message("\n"); render_commandline_message(" %s\n", BIM_COPYRIGHT); render_commandline_message("\n"); /* Redrawing the tabbar makes it look like we just shifted the whole view up */ redraw_tabbar(); redraw_commandline(); /* Wait for a character so we can redraw the screen before continuing */ int c; while ((c = bim_getch())== -1); /* Make sure that key press actually gets used */ bim_unget(c); /* * Redraw everything to hide the help message and get the * upper few lines of text on screen again */ redraw_all(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "theme") || !strcmp(argv[0],"colorscheme")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("theme=%s", current_theme); return; } for (struct theme_def * d = themes; d->name; ++d) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], d->name)) { d->load(); redraw_all(); return; } } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "splitpercent")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("splitpercent=%d", global_config.split_percent); return; } else { global_config.split_percent = atoi(argv[1]); if (left_buffer) { update_split_size(); redraw_all(); } } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "split")) { /* Force split the current buffer; will become unsplit under certain circumstances */ buffer_t * original = env; if (argc > 1) { int is_not_number = 0; for (char * c = argv[1]; *c; ++c) is_not_number |= !isdigit(*c); if (is_not_number) { open_file(argv[1]); right_buffer = buffers[buffers_len-1]; } else { int other = atoi(argv[1]); if (other >= buffers_len || other < 0) { render_error("Invalid buffer number: %d", other); return; } right_buffer = buffers[other]; } } else { right_buffer = original; } left_buffer = original; update_split_size(); redraw_all(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "unsplit")) { unsplit(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "syntax")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("syntax=%s", env->syntax ? env->syntax->name : "none"); return; } set_syntax_by_name(argv[1]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "recalc")) { for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { env->lines[i]->istate = 0; } env->loading = 1; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } env->loading = 0; redraw_all(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "tabs")) { env->tabs = 1; redraw_statusbar(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "spaces")) { env->tabs = 0; redraw_statusbar(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "tabstop")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("tabstop=%d", env->tabstop); } else { int t = atoi(argv[1]); if (t > 0 && t < 32) { env->tabstop = t; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_tabs(env->lines[i]); } redraw_all(); } else { render_error("Invalid tabstop: %s", argv[1]); } } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "clearyank")) { if (global_config.yanks) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < global_config.yank_count; ++i) { free(global_config.yanks[i]); } free(global_config.yanks); global_config.yanks = NULL; global_config.yank_count = 0; redraw_statusbar(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "padding")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("padding=%d", global_config.cursor_padding); } else { global_config.cursor_padding = atoi(argv[1]); place_cursor_actual(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "smartcase")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("smartcase=%d", global_config.smart_case); } else { global_config.smart_case = atoi(argv[1]); place_cursor_actual(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "hlparen")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("hlparen=%d", global_config.highlight_parens); } else { global_config.highlight_parens = atoi(argv[1]); for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } redraw_text(); place_cursor_actual(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "hlcurrent")) { if (argc < 2) { render_status_message("hlcurrent=%d", global_config.hilight_current_line); } else { global_config.hilight_current_line = atoi(argv[1]); if (!global_config.hilight_current_line) { for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { env->lines[i]->is_current = 0; } } redraw_text(); place_cursor_actual(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[0],"TOhtml") || !strcmp(argv[0],"tohtml")) { /* TOhtml is for vim compatibility */ convert_to_html(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0],"buffers")) { for (int i = 0; i < buffers_len; ++i) { render_commandline_message("%d: %s\n", i, buffers[i]->file_name ? buffers[i]->file_name : "(no name)"); } redraw_tabbar(); redraw_commandline(); int c; while ((c = bim_getch())== -1); bim_unget(c); redraw_all(); } else if (isdigit(*argv[0])) { /* Go to line number */ goto_line(atoi(argv[0])); } else { /* Unrecognized command */ render_error("Not an editor command: %s", argv[0]); } } /** * Tab completion for command mode. */ void command_tab_complete(char * buffer) { /* Figure out which argument this is and where it starts */ int arg = 0; char * buf = strdup(buffer); char * b = buf; char * args[32]; int candidate_count= 0; int candidate_space = 4; char ** candidates = malloc(sizeof(char*)*candidate_space); /* Accept whitespace before first argument */ while (*b == ' ') b++; char * start = b; args[0] = start; while (*b && *b != ' ') b++; while (*b) { while (*b == ' ') { *b = '\0'; b++; } start = b; arg++; if (arg < 32) { args[arg] = start; } while (*b && *b != ' ') b++; } /** * Check a possible candidate and add it to the * candidates list, expanding as necessary, * if it matches for the current argument. */ #define add_candidate(candidate) \ do { \ char * _arg = args[arg]; \ int r = strncmp(_arg, candidate, strlen(_arg)); \ if (!r) { \ if (candidate_count == candidate_space) { \ candidate_space *= 2; \ candidates = realloc(candidates,sizeof(char *) * candidate_space); \ } \ candidates[candidate_count] = strdup(candidate); \ candidate_count++; \ } \ } while (0) if (arg == 0) { /* Complete command names */ add_candidate("help"); add_candidate("recalc"); add_candidate("syntax"); add_candidate("tabn"); add_candidate("tabp"); add_candidate("tabnew"); add_candidate("theme"); add_candidate("colorscheme"); add_candidate("tabs"); add_candidate("tabstop"); add_candidate("spaces"); add_candidate("noh"); add_candidate("clearyank"); add_candidate("indent"); add_candidate("noindent"); add_candidate("padding"); add_candidate("hlparen"); add_candidate("hlcurrent"); add_candidate("cursorcolumn"); add_candidate("smartcase"); add_candidate("split"); add_candidate("splitpercent"); add_candidate("unsplit"); add_candidate("git"); add_candidate("colorgutter"); add_candidate("tohtml"); add_candidate("buffers"); add_candidate("s/"); goto _accept_candidate; } if (arg == 1 && !strcmp(args[0], "syntax")) { /* Complete syntax options */ add_candidate("none"); for (struct syntax_definition * s = syntaxes; s->name; ++s) { add_candidate(s->name); } goto _accept_candidate; } if (arg == 1 && (!strcmp(args[0], "theme") || !strcmp(args[0], "colorscheme"))) { /* Complete color theme names */ for (struct theme_def * s = themes; s->name; ++s) { add_candidate(s->name); } goto _accept_candidate; } if (arg == 1 && (!strcmp(args[0], "e") || !strcmp(args[0], "tabnew") || !strcmp(args[0],"split") || !strcmp(args[0],"w"))) { /* Complete file paths */ /* First, find the deepest directory match */ char * tmp = strdup(args[arg]); char * last_slash = strrchr(tmp, '/'); DIR * dirp; if (last_slash) { *last_slash = '\0'; if (last_slash == tmp) { /* Started with slash, and it was the only slash */ dirp = opendir("/"); } else { dirp = opendir(tmp); } } else { /* No directory match, completing from current directory */ dirp = opendir("."); tmp[0] = '\0'; } if (!dirp) { /* Directory match doesn't exist, no candidates to populate */ free(tmp); goto done; } struct dirent * ent = readdir(dirp); while (ent != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] != '.' || (last_slash ? (last_slash[1] == '.') : (tmp[0] == '.'))) { struct stat statbuf; /* Figure out if this file is a directory */ if (last_slash) { char * x = malloc(strlen(tmp) + 1 + strlen(ent->d_name) + 1); snprintf(x, strlen(tmp) + 1 + strlen(ent->d_name) + 1, "%s/%s",tmp,ent->d_name); stat(x, &statbuf); free(x); } else { stat(ent->d_name, &statbuf); } /* Build the complete argument name to tab complete */ char s[1024] = {0}; if (last_slash == tmp) { strcat(s,"/"); } else if (*tmp) { strcat(s,tmp); strcat(s,"/"); } strcat(s,ent->d_name); /* * If it is a directory, add a / to the end so the next completion * attempt will complete the directory's contents. */ if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { strcat(s,"/"); } add_candidate(s); } ent = readdir(dirp); } closedir(dirp); free(tmp); goto _accept_candidate; } _accept_candidate: if (candidate_count == 0) { redraw_statusbar(); goto done; } if (candidate_count == 1) { /* Only one completion possibility */ redraw_statusbar(); /* Fill out the rest of the command */ char * cstart = (buffer) + (start - buf); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(candidates[0]); ++i) { *cstart = candidates[0][i]; cstart++; } *cstart = '\0'; } else { /* Print candidates in status bar */ char * tmp = malloc(global_config.term_width+1); memset(tmp, 0, global_config.term_width+1); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; ++i) { if (offset + 1 + (signed)strlen(candidates[i]) > global_config.term_width - 5) { strcat(tmp, "..."); break; } if (offset > 0) { strcat(tmp, " "); offset++; } strcat(tmp, candidates[i]); offset += strlen(candidates[i]); } render_status_message("%s", tmp); free(tmp); /* Complete to longest common substring */ char * cstart = (buffer) + (start - buf); for (int i = 0; i < 1023 /* max length of command */; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < candidate_count; ++j) { if (candidates[0][i] != candidates[j][i]) goto _reject; } *cstart = candidates[0][i]; cstart++; } /* End of longest common substring */ _reject: *cstart = '\0'; /* Just make sure the buffer doesn't end on an incomplete multibyte sequence */ if (start > buf) { /* Start point needs to be something other than first byte */ char * tmp = cstart - 1; if ((*tmp & 0xC0) == 0x80) { /* Count back until we find the start byte and make sure we have the right number */ int count = 1; int x = 0; while (tmp >= start) { x++; tmp--; if ((*tmp & 0xC0) == 0x80) { count++; } else if ((*tmp & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { /* How many should we have? */ int i = 1; int j = *tmp; while (j & 0x20) { i += 1; j <<= 1; } if (count != i) { *tmp = '\0'; break; } break; } else { /* This isn't right, we had a bad multibyte sequence? Or someone is typing Latin-1. */ tmp++; *tmp = '\0'; break; } } } else if ((*tmp & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { *tmp = '\0'; } } } /* Free candidates */ for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; ++i) { free(candidates[i]); } /* Redraw command line */ done: redraw_commandline(); printf(":%s", buffer); free(candidates); free(buf); } /** * Handle complex keyboard escapes when taking in a command. * This allows us to not muck up the command input and also * handle things like up/down arrow keys to go through history. */ int handle_command_escape(int * this_buf, int * timeout, int c) { if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c == '\033') { this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 1; } if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c != '[') { *timeout = 0; bim_unget(c); return 1; } if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c == '[') { *timeout = 1; this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 0; } if (*timeout >= 2 && this_buf[0] == '\033' && this_buf[1] == '[' && (isdigit(c) || c == ';')) { this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 0; } if (*timeout >= 2 && this_buf[0] == '\033' && this_buf[1] == '[') { int out = 0; switch (c) { case 'M': out = 2; break; case 'A': // up case 'B': // down case 'C': // right case 'D': // left case 'H': // home case 'F': // end out = c; break; } *timeout = 0; return out; } *timeout = 0; return 0; } /** * Command mode * * Accept a user command and then process it and * return to normal mode. * * TODO: We only have basic line editing here; it might be * nice to add more advanced line editing, like cursor * movement, tab completion, etc. This is easier than * with the shell since we have a lot more control over * where the command input bar is rendered. */ void command_mode(void) { int c; char buffer[1024] = {0}; int buffer_len = 0; int _redraw_on_byte = 0; int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; redraw_commandline(); printf(":"); show_cursor(); int history_point = -1; while ((c = bim_getch())) { if (c == -1) { if (timeout && this_buf[timeout-1] == '\033') { return; } timeout = 0; continue; } else { if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': /* Escape, cancel command */ if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case ENTER_KEY: case LINE_FEED: /* Enter, run command */ process_command(buffer); return; case '\t': /* Handle tab completion */ command_tab_complete(buffer); buffer_len = strlen(buffer); break; case BACKSPACE_KEY: case DELETE_KEY: /* Backspace, delete last character in command buffer */ if (buffer_len > 0) { do { buffer_len--; if ((buffer[buffer_len] & 0xC0) != 0x80) { buffer[buffer_len] = '\0'; break; } } while (1); goto _redraw_buffer; } else { /* If backspaced through entire command, cancel command mode */ redraw_commandline(); return; } break; case 23: while (buffer_len >0 && (buffer[buffer_len-1] == ' ' || buffer[buffer_len-1] == '/')) { buffer_len--; buffer[buffer_len] = '\0'; } while (buffer_len > 0 && buffer[buffer_len-1] != ' ' && buffer[buffer_len-1] != '/') { buffer_len--; buffer[buffer_len] = '\0'; } goto _redraw_buffer; default: /* Regular character */ buffer[buffer_len] = c; buffer_len++; if ((c & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { /* This is the start of a UTF-8 character; how many bytes do we need? */ int i = 1; int j = c; while (j & 0x20) { i += 1; j <<= 1; } _redraw_on_byte = i; } else if ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80 && _redraw_on_byte) { _redraw_on_byte--; if (_redraw_on_byte == 0) { goto _redraw_buffer; } } else { printf("%c", c); } break; } } else { switch (handle_command_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c)) { case 1: bim_unget(c); return; case 'A': /* Load from history */ if (command_history[history_point+1]) { memcpy(buffer, command_history[history_point+1], strlen(command_history[history_point+1])+1); history_point++; buffer_len = strlen(buffer); } goto _redraw_buffer; case 'B': if (history_point > 0) { history_point--; memcpy(buffer, command_history[history_point], strlen(command_history[history_point])+1); } else { history_point = -1; memset(buffer, 0, 1000); } buffer_len = strlen(buffer); goto _redraw_buffer; case 'C': case 'D': case 'H': case 'F': render_status_message("line editing not supported in command mode (sorry)"); goto _redraw_buffer; } } show_cursor(); continue; _redraw_buffer: redraw_commandline(); printf(":%s", buffer); show_cursor(); } } } /** * Determine whether a string should be searched * case-sensitive or not based on whether it contains * any upper-case letters. */ int smart_case(uint32_t * str) { if (!global_config.smart_case) return 0; for (uint32_t * s = str; *s; ++s) { if (tolower(*s) != (int)*s) { return 0; } } return 1; } /** * Search forward from the given cursor position * to find a basic search match. * * This could be more complicated... */ void find_match(int from_line, int from_col, int * out_line, int * out_col, uint32_t * str) { int col = from_col; int ignorecase = smart_case(str); for (int i = from_line; i <= env->line_count; ++i) { line_t * line = env->lines[i - 1]; int j = col - 1; while (j < line->actual + 1) { int k = j; uint32_t * match = str; while (k < line->actual + 1) { if (*match == '\0') { *out_line = i; *out_col = j + 1; return; } if (k == line->actual) break; if (!(search_matches(*match, line->text[k].codepoint, ignorecase))) break; match++; k++; } j++; } col = 0; } } /** * Search backwards for matching string. */ void find_match_backwards(int from_line, int from_col, int * out_line, int * out_col, uint32_t * str) { int col = from_col; int ignorecase = smart_case(str); for (int i = from_line; i >= 1; --i) { line_t * line = env->lines[i-1]; int j = col - 1; while (j > -1) { int k = j; uint32_t * match = str; while (k < line->actual + 1) { if (*match == '\0') { *out_line = i; *out_col = j + 1; return; } if (k == line->actual) break; if (!(search_matches(*match, line->text[k].codepoint, ignorecase))) break; match++; k++; } j--; } col = (i > 1) ? (env->lines[i-2]->actual) : -1; } } /** * Re-mark search matches while editing text. * This gets called after recalculate_syntax, so it works as we're typing or * whenever syntax calculation would redraw other lines. * XXX There's a bunch of code duplication between the (now three) search match functions. * and search should be improved to support regex anyway, so this needs to be fixed. */ void rehilight_search(line_t * line) { if (!global_config.search) return; int j = 0; int ignorecase = smart_case(global_config.search); while (j < line->actual) { int k = j; uint32_t * match = global_config.search; while (k < line->actual+1) { if (*match == '\0') { for (int i = j; i < k; ++i) { line->text[i].flags |= FLAG_SEARCH; } break; } if (k == line->actual) break; if (!(search_matches(*match, line->text[k].codepoint, ignorecase))) break; match++; k++; } j++; } } /** * Draw the matched search result. */ void draw_search_match(uint32_t * buffer, int redraw_buffer) { for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < env->lines[i]->actual; ++j) { env->lines[i]->text[j].flags &= (~FLAG_SEARCH); } } int line = -1, col = -1, _line = 1, _col = 1; do { find_match(_line, _col, &line, &col, buffer); if (line != -1) { line_t * l = env->lines[line-1]; uint32_t * t = buffer; for (int i = col; *t; ++i, ++t) { l->text[i-1].flags |= FLAG_SEARCH; } } _line = line; _col = col+1; line = -1; col = -1; } while (_line != -1); redraw_text(); place_cursor_actual(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); if (redraw_buffer != -1) { printf(redraw_buffer == 1 ? "/" : "?"); uint32_t * c = buffer; while (*c) { char tmp[7] = {0}; /* Max six bytes, use 7 to ensure last is always nil */ to_eight(*c, tmp); printf("%s", tmp); c++; } } } /** * Search mode * * Search text for substring match. */ void search_mode(int direction) { uint32_t c; uint32_t buffer[1024] = {0}; int buffer_len = 0; /* utf-8 decoding */ /* Remember where the cursor is so we can cancel */ int prev_line = env->line_no; int prev_col = env->col_no; int prev_coffset = env->coffset; int prev_offset = env->offset; redraw_commandline(); printf(direction == 1 ? "/" : "?"); if (global_config.search) { printf("\0337"); set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_BG); uint32_t * c = global_config.search; while (*c) { char tmp[7] = {0}; /* Max six bytes, use 7 to ensure last is always nil */ to_eight(*c, tmp); printf("%s", tmp); c++; } printf("\0338"); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } show_cursor(); uint32_t state = 0; int cin; while ((cin = bim_getch())) { if (cin == -1) { /* Time out */ continue; } if (!decode(&state, &c, cin)) { if (c == '\033') { /* Cancel search */ env->line_no = prev_line; env->col_no = prev_col; /* Unhighlight search matches */ for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < env->lines[i]->actual; ++j) { env->lines[i]->text[j].flags &= (~FLAG_SEARCH); } rehilight_search(env->lines[i]); } redraw_all(); break; } else if (c == ENTER_KEY || c == LINE_FEED) { /* Exit search */ if (!buffer_len) { if (global_config.search) { search_next(); } break; } if (global_config.search) { free(global_config.search); } global_config.search = malloc((buffer_len + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(global_config.search, buffer, (buffer_len + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); break; } else if (c == BACKSPACE_KEY || c == DELETE_KEY) { /* Backspace, delete last character in search buffer */ if (buffer_len > 0) { buffer_len -= 1; buffer[buffer_len] = '\0'; /* Search from beginning to find first match */ int line = -1, col = -1; if (direction == 1) { find_match(prev_line, prev_col, &line, &col, buffer); } else { find_match_backwards(prev_line, prev_col, &line, &col, buffer); } if (line != -1) { env->col_no = col; env->line_no = line; set_preferred_column(); } draw_search_match(buffer, direction); } else { /* If backspaced through entire search term, cancel search */ redraw_commandline(); env->coffset = prev_coffset; env->offset = prev_offset; env->col_no = prev_col; set_preferred_column(); env->line_no = prev_line; redraw_all(); break; } } else { /* Regular character */ buffer[buffer_len] = c; buffer_len++; buffer[buffer_len] = '\0'; char tmp[7] = {0}; /* Max six bytes, use 7 to ensure last is always nil */ to_eight(c, tmp); printf("%s", tmp); /* Find the next search match */ int line = -1, col = -1; if (direction == 1) { find_match(prev_line, prev_col, &line, &col, buffer); } else { find_match_backwards(prev_line, prev_col, &line, &col, buffer); } if (line != -1) { env->col_no = col; env->line_no = line; set_preferred_column(); } else { env->coffset = prev_coffset; env->offset = prev_offset; env->col_no = prev_col; set_preferred_column(); env->line_no = prev_line; } draw_search_match(buffer, direction); } show_cursor(); } else if (state == UTF8_REJECT) { state = 0; } } } /** * Find the next search result, or loop back around if at the end. */ void search_next(void) { if (!global_config.search) return; if (env->coffset) env->coffset = 0; int line = -1, col = -1; find_match(env->line_no, env->col_no+1, &line, &col, global_config.search); if (line == -1) { find_match(1,1, &line, &col, global_config.search); if (line == -1) return; } env->col_no = col; env->line_no = line; set_preferred_column(); draw_search_match(global_config.search, -1); } /** * Find the previous search result, or loop to the end of the file. */ void search_prev(void) { if (!global_config.search) return; if (env->coffset) env->coffset = 0; int line = -1, col = -1; find_match_backwards(env->line_no, env->col_no-1, &line, &col, global_config.search); if (line == -1) { find_match_backwards(env->line_count, env->lines[env->line_count-1]->actual, &line, &col, global_config.search); if (line == -1) return; } env->col_no = col; env->line_no = line; set_preferred_column(); draw_search_match(global_config.search, -1); } /** * Find the matching paren for this one. * * This approach skips having to do its own syntax parsing * to deal with, eg., erroneous parens in comments. It does * this by finding the matching paren with the same flag * value, thus parens in strings will match, parens outside * of strings will match, but parens in strings won't * match parens outside of strings and so on. */ void find_matching_paren(int * out_line, int * out_col, int in_col) { if (env->col_no - in_col + 1 > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) { return; /* Invalid cursor position */ } /* TODO: vim can find the nearest paren to start searching from, we need to be on one right now */ int paren_match = 0; int direction = 0; int start = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-in_col].codepoint; int flags = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-in_col].flags & 0x1F; int count = 0; /* TODO what about unicode parens? */ for (int i = 0; paren_pairs[i]; ++i) { if (start == paren_pairs[i]) { direction = (i % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1; paren_match = paren_pairs[(i % 2 == 0) ? (i+1) : (i-1)]; break; } } if (!paren_match) return; /* Scan for match */ int line = env->line_no; int col = env->col_no - in_col + 1; do { while (col > 0 && col < env->lines[line-1]->actual + 1) { /* Only match on same syntax */ if ((env->lines[line-1]->text[col-1].flags & 0x1F) == flags) { /* Count up on same direction */ if (env->lines[line-1]->text[col-1].codepoint == start) count++; /* Count down on opposite direction */ if (env->lines[line-1]->text[col-1].codepoint == paren_match) { count--; /* When count == 0 we have a match */ if (count == 0) goto _match_found; } } col += direction; } line += direction; /* Reached first/last line with no match */ if (line == 0 || line == env->line_count + 1) { return; } /* Reset column to start/end of line, depending on direction */ if (direction > 0) { col = 1; } else { col = env->lines[line-1]->actual; } } while (1); _match_found: *out_line = line; *out_col = col; } /** * Switch to the left split view * (Primarily to handle cases where the left and right are the same buffer) */ void use_left_buffer(void) { if (left_buffer == right_buffer && env->left != 0) { view_right_offset = env->offset; env->width = env->left; env->left = 0; env->offset = view_left_offset; } env = left_buffer; update_title(); } /** * Switch to the right split view * (Primarily to handle cases where the left and right are the same buffer) */ void use_right_buffer(void) { if (left_buffer == right_buffer && env->left == 0) { view_left_offset = env->offset; env->left = env->width; env->width = global_config.term_width - env->width; env->offset = view_right_offset; } env = right_buffer; update_title(); } /** * Handle mouse event */ void handle_mouse(void) { int buttons = bim_getch() - 32; int x = bim_getch() - 32; int y = bim_getch() - 32; if (buttons == 64) { /* Scroll up */ if (global_config.shift_scrolling) { env->loading = 1; int shifted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < global_config.scroll_amount; ++i) { if (env->offset > 0) { env->offset--; if (env->line_no > env->offset + global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1 - global_config.cursor_padding) { cursor_up(); } shifted++; } } env->loading = 0; if (!shifted) return; if (global_config.can_scroll && !left_buffer) { shift_down(shifted); for (int i = 0; i < shifted; ++i) { redraw_line(i,env->offset+i); } } else { redraw_text(); } redraw_tabbar(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); place_cursor_actual(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < global_config.scroll_amount; ++i) { cursor_up(); } } return; } else if (buttons == 65) { /* Scroll down */ if (global_config.shift_scrolling) { env->loading = 1; int shifted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < global_config.scroll_amount; ++i) { if (env->offset < env->line_count-1) { env->offset++; int e = (env->offset == 0) ? env->offset : env->offset + global_config.cursor_padding; if (env->line_no <= e) { cursor_down(); } shifted++; } } env->loading = 0; if (!shifted) return; if (global_config.can_scroll && !left_buffer) { shift_up(shifted); int l = global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1; for (int i = 0; i < shifted; ++i) { if (env->offset + l - i < env->line_count + 1) { redraw_line(l-1-i, env->offset + l-1-i); } else { draw_excess_line(l - 1 - i); } } } else { redraw_text(); } redraw_tabbar(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); place_cursor_actual(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < global_config.scroll_amount; ++i) { cursor_down(); } } return; } else if (buttons == 3) { /* Move cursor to position */ if (x < 0) return; if (y < 0) return; if (y == 1) { /* Pick from tabs */ int _x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buffers_len; i++) { buffer_t * _env = buffers[i]; char tmp[64]; _x += draw_tab_name(_env, tmp); if (_x >= x) { if (left_buffer && buffers[i] != left_buffer && buffers[i] != right_buffer) unsplit(); env = buffers[i]; redraw_all(); update_title(); return; } } return; } if (env->mode == MODE_NORMAL || env->mode == MODE_INSERT) { int current_mode = env->mode; if (x < env->left && env == right_buffer) { use_left_buffer(); } else if (x > env->width && env == left_buffer) { use_right_buffer(); } env->mode = current_mode; redraw_all(); } if (env->left) { x -= env->left; } /* Figure out y coordinate */ int line_no = y + env->offset - 1; int col_no = -1; if (line_no > env->line_count) { line_no = env->line_count; } if (line_no != env->line_no) { env->coffset = 0; } /* Account for the left hand gutter */ int num_size = num_width() + 3; int _x = num_size - (line_no == env->line_no ? env->coffset : 0); /* Determine where the cursor is physically */ for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[line_no-1]->actual; ++i) { char_t * c = &env->lines[line_no-1]->text[i]; _x += c->display_width; if (_x > x-1) { col_no = i+1; break; } } if (col_no == -1 || col_no > env->lines[line_no-1]->actual) { col_no = env->lines[line_no-1]->actual; } env->line_no = line_no; env->col_no = col_no; set_history_break(); set_preferred_column(); place_cursor_actual(); } return; } /** * Append a character at the current cursor point. */ void insert_char(unsigned int c) { if (!c) { render_error("Inserted nil byte?"); return; } char_t _c; _c.codepoint = c; _c.flags = 0; _c.display_width = codepoint_width(c); line_t * line = env->lines[env->line_no - 1]; line_t * nline = line_insert(line, _c, env->col_no - 1, env->line_no - 1); if (line != nline) { env->lines[env->line_no - 1] = nline; } env->col_no += 1; set_modified(); } /** * Replace a single character at the current cursor point */ void replace_char(unsigned int c) { if (env->col_no < 1 || env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) return; char_t _c; _c.codepoint = c; _c.flags = 0; _c.display_width = codepoint_width(c); line_replace(env->lines[env->line_no-1], _c, env->col_no-1, env->line_no-1); redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); set_modified(); } /** * Undo a history entry. */ void undo_history(void) { if (!global_config.history_enabled) return; env->loading = 1; history_t * e = env->history; if (e->type == HISTORY_SENTINEL) { env->loading = 0; render_commandline_message("Already at oldest change"); return; } int count_chars = 0; int count_lines = 0; do { if (e->type == HISTORY_SENTINEL) break; switch (e->type) { case HISTORY_INSERT: /* Delete */ line_delete( env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno], e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset+1, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno ); count_chars++; break; case HISTORY_DELETE: { char_t _c = {codepoint_width(e->contents.insert_delete_replace.old_codepoint),0,e->contents.insert_delete_replace.old_codepoint}; env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno] = line_insert( env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno], _c, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset-1, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno ); } count_chars++; break; case HISTORY_REPLACE: { char_t _o = {codepoint_width(e->contents.insert_delete_replace.old_codepoint),0,e->contents.insert_delete_replace.old_codepoint}; line_replace( env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno], _o, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno ); } count_chars++; break; case HISTORY_REMOVE_LINE: env->lines = add_line(env->lines, e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno); replace_line(env->lines, e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno, e->contents.remove_replace_line.old_contents); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_ADD_LINE: env->lines = remove_line(env->lines, e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_REPLACE_LINE: replace_line(env->lines, e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno, e->contents.remove_replace_line.old_contents); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_SPLIT_LINE: env->lines = merge_lines(env->lines, e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno+1); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_MERGE_LINES: env->lines = split_line(env->lines, e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno-1, e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.split); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_BREAK: /* Ignore break */ break; default: render_error("Unknown type %d!\n", e->type); break; } env->line_no = env->history->line; env->col_no = env->history->col; env->history = e->previous; e = env->history; } while (e->type != HISTORY_BREAK); if (env->line_no > env->line_count) env->line_no = env->line_count; if (env->line_no < 1) env->line_no = 1; if (env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; if (env->col_no < 1) env->col_no = 1; env->modified = (env->history != env->last_save_history); env->loading = 0; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { env->lines[i]->istate = 0; recalculate_tabs(env->lines[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } place_cursor_actual(); update_title(); redraw_all(); render_commandline_message("%d character%s, %d line%s changed", count_chars, (count_chars == 1) ? "" : "s", count_lines, (count_lines == 1) ? "" : "s"); } /** * Replay a history entry. */ void redo_history(void) { if (!global_config.history_enabled) return; env->loading = 1; history_t * e = env->history->next; if (!e) { env->loading = 0; render_commandline_message("Already at newest change"); return; } int count_chars = 0; int count_lines = 0; while (e) { if (e->type == HISTORY_BREAK) { env->history = e; break; } switch (e->type) { case HISTORY_INSERT: { char_t _c = {codepoint_width(e->contents.insert_delete_replace.codepoint),0,e->contents.insert_delete_replace.codepoint}; env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno] = line_insert( env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno], _c, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno ); } count_chars++; break; case HISTORY_DELETE: /* Delete */ line_delete( env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno], e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno ); count_chars++; break; case HISTORY_REPLACE: { char_t _o = {codepoint_width(e->contents.insert_delete_replace.codepoint),0,e->contents.insert_delete_replace.codepoint}; line_replace( env->lines[e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno], _o, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.offset, e->contents.insert_delete_replace.lineno ); } count_chars++; break; case HISTORY_ADD_LINE: env->lines = add_line(env->lines, e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_REMOVE_LINE: env->lines = remove_line(env->lines, e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_REPLACE_LINE: replace_line(env->lines, e->contents.remove_replace_line.lineno, e->contents.remove_replace_line.contents); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_MERGE_LINES: env->lines = merge_lines(env->lines, e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_SPLIT_LINE: env->lines = split_line(env->lines, e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.lineno, e->contents.add_merge_split_lines.split); count_lines++; break; case HISTORY_BREAK: /* Ignore break */ break; default: render_error("Unknown type %d!\n", e->type); break; } env->history = e; e = e->next; } env->line_no = env->history->line; env->col_no = env->history->col; if (env->line_no > env->line_count) env->line_no = env->line_count; if (env->line_no < 1) env->line_no = 1; if (env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; if (env->col_no < 1) env->col_no = 1; env->modified = (env->history != env->last_save_history); env->loading = 0; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { env->lines[i]->istate = 0; recalculate_tabs(env->lines[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } place_cursor_actual(); update_title(); redraw_all(); render_commandline_message("%d character%s, %d line%s changed", count_chars, (count_chars == 1) ? "" : "s", count_lines, (count_lines == 1) ? "" : "s"); } /** * Move the cursor the start of the previous word. */ void word_left(void) { int line_no = env->line_no; int col_no = env->col_no; do { col_no--; while (col_no == 0) { line_no--; if (line_no == 0) { goto_line(1); set_preferred_column(); return; } col_no = env->lines[line_no-1]->actual; } } while (isspace(env->lines[line_no-1]->text[col_no-1].codepoint)); do { col_no--; if (col_no == 0) { col_no = 1; break; } if (col_no == 1) { env->col_no = 1; env->line_no = line_no; set_preferred_column(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); return; } } while (!isspace(env->lines[line_no-1]->text[col_no-1].codepoint)); env->col_no = col_no; env->line_no = line_no; set_preferred_column(); cursor_right(); } /** * Word right */ void word_right(void) { int line_no = env->line_no; int col_no = env->col_no; do { col_no++; if (col_no > env->lines[line_no-1]->actual) { line_no++; if (line_no > env->line_count) { env->line_no = env->line_count; env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; set_preferred_column(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); return; } col_no = 0; break; } } while (!isspace(env->lines[line_no-1]->text[col_no-1].codepoint)); do { col_no++; while (col_no > env->lines[line_no-1]->actual) { line_no++; if (line_no >= env->line_count) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_count-1]->actual; env->line_no = env->line_count; set_preferred_column(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); return; } col_no = 1; } } while (isspace(env->lines[line_no-1]->text[col_no-1].codepoint)); env->col_no = col_no; env->line_no = line_no; set_preferred_column(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); return; } /** * Backspace from the current cursor position. */ void delete_at_cursor(void) { if (env->col_no > 1) { line_delete(env->lines[env->line_no - 1], env->col_no - 1, env->line_no - 1); env->col_no -= 1; if (env->coffset > 0) env->coffset--; redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); set_modified(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); } else if (env->line_no > 1) { int tmp = env->lines[env->line_no - 2]->actual; merge_lines(env->lines, env->line_no - 1); env->line_no -= 1; env->col_no = tmp+1; set_preferred_column(); redraw_text(); set_modified(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); } } int is_whitespace(int codepoint) { return codepoint == ' ' || codepoint == '\t'; } int is_normal(int codepoint) { return isalnum(codepoint) || codepoint == '_'; } int is_special(int codepoint) { return !is_normal(codepoint) && !is_whitespace(codepoint); } /** * Delete a "word"; the logic here is a bit complex, but it attempts to do * what vim does when you hit ^W (and it's what we bind ^W to as well) */ void delete_word(void) { if (!env->lines[env->line_no-1]) return; if (env->col_no > 1) { /* Start by deleting whitespace */ while (env->col_no > 1 && is_whitespace(env->lines[env->line_no - 1]->text[env->col_no - 2].codepoint)) { line_delete(env->lines[env->line_no - 1], env->col_no - 1, env->line_no - 1); env->col_no -= 1; if (env->coffset > 0) env->coffset--; } int (*inverse_comparator)(int) = is_special; if (env->col_no > 1 && is_special(env->lines[env->line_no - 1]->text[env->col_no - 2].codepoint)) { inverse_comparator = is_normal; } do { if (env->col_no > 1) { line_delete(env->lines[env->line_no - 1], env->col_no - 1, env->line_no - 1); env->col_no -= 1; if (env->coffset > 0) env->coffset--; } } while (env->col_no > 1 && !is_whitespace(env->lines[env->line_no - 1]->text[env->col_no - 2].codepoint) && !inverse_comparator(env->lines[env->line_no - 1]->text[env->col_no - 2].codepoint)); set_preferred_column(); redraw_text(); set_modified(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); } } /** * Break the current line in two at the current cursor position. */ void insert_line_feed(void) { if (env->col_no == env->lines[env->line_no - 1]->actual + 1) { env->lines = add_line(env->lines, env->line_no); } else { env->lines = split_line(env->lines, env->line_no-1, env->col_no - 1); } env->col_no = 1; env->line_no += 1; set_preferred_column(); add_indent(env->line_no-1,env->line_no-2,0); if (env->line_no > env->offset + global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { env->offset += 1; } set_modified(); } /** * Yank lines between line start and line end (which may be in either order) */ void yank_lines(int start, int end) { if (global_config.yanks) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < global_config.yank_count; ++i) { free(global_config.yanks[i]); } free(global_config.yanks); } int lines_to_yank; int start_point; if (start <= end) { lines_to_yank = end - start + 1; start_point = start - 1; } else { lines_to_yank = start - end + 1; start_point = end - 1; } global_config.yanks = malloc(sizeof(line_t *) * lines_to_yank); global_config.yank_count = lines_to_yank; global_config.yank_is_full_lines = 1; for (int i = 0; i < lines_to_yank; ++i) { global_config.yanks[i] = malloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * (env->lines[start_point+i]->available)); global_config.yanks[i]->available = env->lines[start_point+i]->available; global_config.yanks[i]->actual = env->lines[start_point+i]->actual; global_config.yanks[i]->istate = 0; memcpy(&global_config.yanks[i]->text, &env->lines[start_point+i]->text, sizeof(char_t) * (env->lines[start_point+i]->actual)); for (int j = 0; j < global_config.yanks[i]->actual; ++j) { global_config.yanks[i]->text[j].flags = 0; } } } /** * Helper to yank part of a line into a new yank line. */ void yank_partial_line(int yank_no, int line_no, int start_off, int count) { global_config.yanks[yank_no] = malloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * (count + 1)); global_config.yanks[yank_no]->available = count + 1; /* ensure extra space */ global_config.yanks[yank_no]->actual = count; global_config.yanks[yank_no]->istate = 0; memcpy(&global_config.yanks[yank_no]->text, &env->lines[line_no]->text[start_off], sizeof(char_t) * count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { global_config.yanks[yank_no]->text[i].flags = 0; } } /** * Yank text... */ void yank_text(int start_line, int start_col, int end_line, int end_col) { if (global_config.yanks) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < global_config.yank_count; ++i) { free(global_config.yanks[i]); } free(global_config.yanks); } int lines_to_yank = end_line - start_line + 1; int start_point = start_line - 1; global_config.yanks = malloc(sizeof(line_t *) * lines_to_yank); global_config.yank_count = lines_to_yank; global_config.yank_is_full_lines = 0; if (lines_to_yank == 1) { yank_partial_line(0, start_point, start_col - 1, (end_col - start_col + 1)); } else { yank_partial_line(0, start_point, start_col - 1, (env->lines[start_point]->actual - start_col + 1)); /* Yank middle lines */ for (int i = 1; i < lines_to_yank - 1; ++i) { global_config.yanks[i] = malloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * (env->lines[start_point+i]->available)); global_config.yanks[i]->available = env->lines[start_point+i]->available; global_config.yanks[i]->actual = env->lines[start_point+i]->actual; global_config.yanks[i]->istate = 0; memcpy(&global_config.yanks[i]->text, &env->lines[start_point+i]->text, sizeof(char_t) * (env->lines[start_point+i]->actual)); for (int j = 0; j < global_config.yanks[i]->actual; ++j) { global_config.yanks[i]->text[j].flags = 0; } } /* Yank end line */ yank_partial_line(lines_to_yank-1, end_line - 1, 0, end_col); } } /** * Handle shared escape keys (mostly navigation) */ int handle_escape(int * this_buf, int * timeout, int c) { if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c == '\033') { this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 1; } if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c != '[') { *timeout = 0; bim_unget(c); return 1; } if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c == '[') { *timeout = 1; this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 0; } if (*timeout >= 2 && this_buf[0] == '\033' && this_buf[1] == '[' && (isdigit(c) || c == ';')) { this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 0; } if (*timeout >= 2 && this_buf[0] == '\033' && this_buf[1] == '[') { switch (c) { case 'M': handle_mouse(); break; case 'A': // up cursor_up(); break; case 'B': // down cursor_down(); break; case 'C': // right if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '5') { word_right(); } else if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '3') { global_config.split_percent += 1; update_split_size(); redraw_all(); } else if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '4') { use_right_buffer(); redraw_all(); } else { cursor_right(); } break; case 'D': // left if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '5') { word_left(); } else if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '3') { global_config.split_percent -= 1; update_split_size(); redraw_all(); } else if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '4') { use_left_buffer(); redraw_all(); } else { cursor_left(); } break; case 'H': // home cursor_home(); break; case 'F': // end cursor_end(); break; case 'I': goto_line(env->line_no - (global_config.term_height - 6)); break; case 'G': goto_line(env->line_no + global_config.term_height - 6); break; case 'Z': /* Shift tab */ if (env->mode == MODE_LINE_SELECTION) { *timeout = 0; return 'Z'; } break; case '~': switch (this_buf[*timeout-1]) { case '1': cursor_home(); break; case '3': if (env->mode == MODE_INSERT || env->mode == MODE_REPLACE) { if (env->col_no < env->lines[env->line_no - 1]->actual + 1) { line_delete(env->lines[env->line_no - 1], env->col_no, env->line_no - 1); redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); set_modified(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); } else if (env->line_no < env->line_count) { merge_lines(env->lines, env->line_no); redraw_text(); set_modified(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); } } break; case '4': cursor_end(); break; case '5': goto_line(env->line_no - (global_config.term_height - 6)); break; case '6': goto_line(env->line_no + global_config.term_height - 6); break; } break; default: render_error("Unrecognized escape sequence identifier: %c", c); break; } *timeout = 0; return 0; } *timeout = 0; return 0; } /** * Search for the word under the cursor */ void search_under_cursor(void) { /* Figure out size */ int c_before = 0; int c_after = 0; int i = env->col_no; while (i > 0) { if (!c_keyword_qualifier(env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i-1].codepoint)) break; c_before++; i--; } i = env->col_no+1; while (i < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual+1) { if (!c_keyword_qualifier(env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i-1].codepoint)) break; c_after++; i++; } if (!c_before && !c_after) return; /* Populate with characters */ if (global_config.search) free(global_config.search); global_config.search = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * (c_before+c_after+1)); int j = 0; while (c_before) { global_config.search[j] = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-c_before].codepoint; c_before--; j++; } int x = 0; while (c_after) { global_config.search[j] = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no+x].codepoint; j++; x++; c_after--; } global_config.search[j] = 0; /* Find it */ search_next(); } /** * Standard navigation shared by normal, line, and char selection. */ void handle_navigation(int c) { switch (c) { case 2: /* ctrl-b = page up */ goto_line(env->line_no - (global_config.term_height - 6)); break; case 6: /* ctrl-f = page down */ goto_line(env->line_no + global_config.term_height - 6); break; case ':': /* Switch to command mode */ command_mode(); break; case '/': /* Switch to search mode */ search_mode(1); break; case '?': /* Switch to search mode */ search_mode(0); break; case 'n': /* Jump to next search result */ search_next(); break; case 'N': /* Jump backwards to previous search result */ search_prev(); break; case 'j': /* Move cursor down */ cursor_down(); break; case 'k': /* Move cursor up */ cursor_up(); break; case 'h': /* Move cursor left */ cursor_left(); break; case 'l': /* Move cursor right*/ cursor_right(); break; case 'w': /* Move cursor one word right */ word_right(); break; case 'G': /* Go to end of file */ goto_line(env->line_count); break; case '*': /* Search for word under cursor */ search_under_cursor(); break; case ' ': /* Jump forward several lines */ goto_line(env->line_no + global_config.term_height - 6); break; case '%': /* Jump to matching brace/bracket */ if (env->mode == MODE_LINE_SELECTION || env->mode == MODE_CHAR_SELECTION) { /* These modes need to recalculate syntax as find_matching_brace uses it to find appropriate match */ for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } } { int paren_line = -1, paren_col = -1; find_matching_paren(&paren_line, &paren_col, 1); if (paren_line != -1) { env->line_no = paren_line; env->col_no = paren_col; set_preferred_column(); place_cursor_actual(); redraw_statusbar(); } } break; case '{': /* Jump to previous blank line */ env->col_no = 1; if (env->line_no == 1) break; do { env->line_no--; if (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual == 0) break; } while (env->line_no > 1); set_preferred_column(); redraw_statusbar(); break; case '}': /* Jump to next blank line */ env->col_no = 1; if (env->line_no == env->line_count) break; do { env->line_no++; if (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual == 0) break; } while (env->line_no < env->line_count); set_preferred_column(); redraw_statusbar(); break; case '$': /* Move cursor to end of line */ cursor_end(); break; case '^': case '0': /* Move cursor to beginning of line */ cursor_home(); break; } } /** * Macro for redrawing selected lines with appropriate highlighting. */ #define _redraw_line(line, force_start_line) \ do { \ if (!(force_start_line) && (line) == env->start_line) break; \ if ((line) > env->line_count + 1) { \ if ((line) - env->offset - 1 < global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { \ draw_excess_line((line) - env->offset - 1); \ } \ break; \ } \ if ((env->line_no < env->start_line && ((line) < env->line_no || (line) > env->start_line)) || \ (env->line_no > env->start_line && ((line) > env->line_no || (line) < env->start_line)) || \ (env->line_no == env->start_line && (line) != env->start_line)) { \ recalculate_syntax(env->lines[(line)-1],(line)-1); \ } else { \ for (int j = 0; j < env->lines[(line)-1]->actual; ++j) { \ env->lines[(line)-1]->text[j].flags |= FLAG_SELECT; \ } \ } \ if ((line) - env->offset + 1 > 1 && \ (line) - env->offset - 1< global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { \ redraw_line((line) - env->offset - 1, (line)-1); \ } \ } while (0) /** * Adjust indentation on selected lines. */ void adjust_indent(int start_line, int direction) { int lines_to_cover = 0; int start_point = 0; if (start_line <= env->line_no) { start_point = start_line - 1; lines_to_cover = env->line_no - start_line + 1; } else { start_point = env->line_no - 1; lines_to_cover = start_line - env->line_no + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < lines_to_cover; ++i) { if ((direction == -1) && env->lines[start_point + i]->actual < 1) continue; if (direction == -1) { if (env->tabs) { if (env->lines[start_point + i]->text[0].codepoint == '\t') { line_delete(env->lines[start_point + i],1,start_point+i); _redraw_line(start_point+i+1,1); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < env->tabstop; ++j) { if (env->lines[start_point + i]->text[0].codepoint == ' ') { line_delete(env->lines[start_point + i],1,start_point+i); } } _redraw_line(start_point+i+1,1); } } else if (direction == 1) { if (env->tabs) { char_t c; c.codepoint = '\t'; c.display_width = env->tabstop; c.flags = FLAG_SELECT; env->lines[start_point + i] = line_insert(env->lines[start_point + i], c, 0, start_point + i); } else { for (int j = 0; j < env->tabstop; ++j) { char_t c; c.codepoint = ' '; c.display_width = 1; c.flags = FLAG_SELECT; env->lines[start_point + i] = line_insert(env->lines[start_point + i], c, 0, start_point + i); } } _redraw_line(start_point+i+1,1); } } if (env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; } set_preferred_column(); set_modified(); } /** * LINE SELECTION mode * * Equivalent to visual line in vim; selects lines of texts. */ void line_selection_mode(void) { env->start_line = env->line_no; int prev_line = env->start_line; env->mode = MODE_LINE_SELECTION; redraw_commandline(); int c; int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; for (int j = 0; j < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; ++j) { env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[j].flags |= FLAG_SELECT; } redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); while ((c = bim_getch())) { if (c == -1) { if (timeout && this_buf[timeout-1] == '\033') { goto _leave_select_line; } timeout = 0; continue; } else { if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case DELETE_KEY: case BACKSPACE_KEY: cursor_left(); break; case '\t': if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; adjust_indent(env->start_line, 1); break; case 'V': goto _leave_select_line; case 'y': yank_lines(env->start_line, env->line_no); goto _leave_select_line; case 'D': case 'd': if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; yank_lines(env->start_line, env->line_no); if (env->start_line <= env->line_no) { int lines_to_delete = env->line_no - env->start_line + 1; for (int i = 0; i < lines_to_delete; ++i) { env->lines = remove_line(env->lines, env->start_line-1); } env->line_no = env->start_line; } else { int lines_to_delete = env->start_line - env->line_no + 1; for (int i = 0; i < lines_to_delete; ++i) { env->lines = remove_line(env->lines, env->line_no-1); } } if (env->line_no > env->line_count) { env->line_no = env->line_count; } if (env->col_no > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) { env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; } set_preferred_column(); set_modified(); goto _leave_select_line; case ':': /* Handle command mode specially for redraw */ command_mode(); goto _leave_select_line; default: handle_navigation(c); break; } } else { switch (handle_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c)) { case 1: bim_unget(c); goto _leave_select_line; case 'Z': /* Unindent */ if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; adjust_indent(env->start_line, -1); break; } } /* Mark current line */ _redraw_line(env->line_no,0); /* Properly mark everything in the span we just moved through */ if (prev_line < env->line_no) { for (int i = prev_line; i < env->line_no; ++i) { _redraw_line(i,0); } prev_line = env->line_no; } else if (prev_line > env->line_no) { for (int i = env->line_no + 1; i <= prev_line; ++i) { _redraw_line(i,0); } prev_line = env->line_no; } redraw_commandline(); place_cursor_actual(); continue; _readonly: render_error("Buffer is read-only"); } } _leave_select_line: set_history_break(); env->mode = MODE_NORMAL; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } redraw_all(); } #define _redraw_line_col(line, force_start_line) \ do {\ if (!(force_start_line) && (line) == env->start_line) break; \ if ((line) > env->line_count + 1) { \ if ((line) - env->offset - 1 < global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { \ draw_excess_line((line) - env->offset - 1); \ } \ break; \ } \ if ((line) - env->offset + 1 > 1 && \ (line) - env->offset - 1< global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { \ redraw_line((line) - env->offset - 1, (line)-1); \ } \ } while (0) /** * COL INSERT MODE * * Allows entering text on multiple lines simultaneously. * A full multi-cursor insert mode would be way cooler, but * this is all we need for my general use case of vim's BLOCK modes. */ void col_insert_mode(void) { if (env->start_line < env->line_no) { /* swap */ int tmp = env->line_no; env->line_no = env->start_line; env->start_line = tmp; } /* Set column to preferred_column */ env->mode = MODE_COL_INSERT; redraw_commandline(); place_cursor_actual(); int cin; uint32_t c; int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; uint32_t istate = 0; int redraw = 0; while ((cin = bim_getch_timeout((redraw ? 10 : 200)))) { if (cin == -1) { if (redraw) { if (redraw & 2) { redraw_text(); } else { redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); } redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); redraw = 0; } if (timeout && this_buf[timeout-1] == '\033') { return; } timeout = 0; continue; } if (!decode(&istate, &c, cin)) { if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case 3: /* ^C */ return; case DELETE_KEY: case BACKSPACE_KEY: if (env->sel_col > 0) { int prev_width = 0; for (int i = env->line_no; i <= env->start_line; i++) { line_t * line = env->lines[i - 1]; int _x = 0; int col = 1; int j = 0; for (; j < line->actual; ++j) { char_t * c = &line->text[j]; _x += c->display_width; col = j+1; if (_x > env->sel_col) break; prev_width = c->display_width; } if ((_x == env->sel_col && j == line->actual)) { line_delete(line, line->actual, i - 1); set_modified(); } else if (_x > env->sel_col) { line_delete(line, col - 1, i - 1); set_modified(); } } env->sel_col -= prev_width; env->col_no--; redraw_text(); } break; case ENTER_KEY: case LINE_FEED: /* do nothing in these cases */ break; case 23: /* ^W */ break; case 22: /* ^V */ render_commandline_message("^V"); while ((cin = bim_getch()) == -1); c = cin; redraw_commandline(); /* fallthrough */ default: /* Okay, this is going to duplicate a lot of insert_char */ if (c) { char_t _c; _c.codepoint = c; _c.flags = 0; _c.display_width = codepoint_width(c); int inserted_width = 0; /* For each line */ for (int i = env->line_no; i <= env->start_line; i++) { line_t * line = env->lines[i - 1]; int _x = 0; int col = 1; int j = 0; for (; j < line->actual; ++j) { char_t * c = &line->text[j]; _x += c->display_width; col = j+1; if (_x > env->sel_col) break; } if ((_x == env->sel_col && j == line->actual)) { _x = env->sel_col + 1; col = line->actual + 1; } if (_x > env->sel_col) { line_t * nline = line_insert(line, _c, col - 1, i - 1); if (line != nline) { env->lines[i - 1] = nline; line = nline; } set_modified(); } recalculate_tabs(line); inserted_width = line->text[col-1].display_width; } env->sel_col += inserted_width; env->col_no++; redraw_text(); } } } else { /* Don't handle escapes */ } } else if (istate == UTF8_REJECT) { istate = 0; } } } /** * COL SELECTION mode * * Limited selection mode for doing inserts on multiple lines. * Experimental. Based on how I usually use vim's VISUAL BLOCK mode. */ void col_selection_mode(void) { env->start_line = env->line_no; env->sel_col = env->preferred_column; int prev_line = env->start_line; env->mode = MODE_COL_SELECTION; redraw_commandline(); int c; int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; while ((c = bim_getch())) { if (c == -1) { if (timeout && this_buf[timeout-1] == '\033') { goto _leave_select_col; } timeout = 0; continue; } else { if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case 'I': if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; col_insert_mode(); goto _leave_select_col; case 'a': if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; env->sel_col += 1; redraw_text(); col_insert_mode(); goto _leave_select_col; case ':': command_mode(); goto _leave_select_col; default: handle_navigation(c); break; } } else { switch (handle_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c)) { case 1: bim_unget(c); goto _leave_select_col; /* Doesn't support anything else. */ } } } _redraw_line_col(env->line_no, 0); /* Properly mark everything in the span we just moved through */ if (prev_line < env->line_no) { for (int i = prev_line; i < env->line_no; ++i) { _redraw_line_col(i,0); } prev_line = env->line_no; } else if (prev_line > env->line_no) { for (int i = env->line_no + 1; i <= prev_line; ++i) { _redraw_line_col(i,0); } prev_line = env->line_no; } /* prev_line... */ redraw_commandline(); place_cursor_actual(); continue; _readonly: render_error("Buffer is read-only."); } _leave_select_col: set_history_break(); env->mode = MODE_NORMAL; redraw_all(); } /** * Determine if a column + line number are within range of the * current character selection specified by start_line, etc. * * Used to determine how syntax flags should be set when redrawing * selected text in CHAR SELECTION mode. */ int point_in_range(int start_line, int end_line, int start_col, int end_col, int line, int col) { if (start_line == end_line) { if ( end_col < start_col) { int tmp = end_col; end_col = start_col; start_col = tmp; } return (col >= start_col && col <= end_col); } if (start_line > end_line) { int tmp = end_line; end_line = start_line; start_line = tmp; tmp = end_col; end_col = start_col; start_col = tmp; } if (line < start_line || line > end_line) return 0; if (line == start_line) { return col >= start_col; } if (line == end_line) { return col <= end_col; } return 1; } #define _redraw_line_char(line, force_start_line) \ do { \ if (!(force_start_line) && (line) == start_line) break; \ if ((line) > env->line_count + 1) { \ if ((line) - env->offset - 1 < global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { \ draw_excess_line((line) - env->offset - 1); \ } \ break; \ } \ if ((env->line_no < start_line && ((line) < env->line_no || (line) > start_line)) || \ (env->line_no > start_line && ((line) > env->line_no || (line) < start_line)) || \ (env->line_no == start_line && (line) != start_line)) { \ /* Line is completely outside selection */ \ recalculate_syntax(env->lines[(line)-1],(line)-1); \ } else { \ if ((line) == start_line || (line) == env->line_no) { \ recalculate_syntax(env->lines[(line)-1],(line)-1); \ } \ for (int j = 0; j < env->lines[(line)-1]->actual; ++j) { \ if (point_in_range(start_line, env->line_no,start_col, env->col_no, (line), j+1)) { \ env->lines[(line)-1]->text[j].flags |= FLAG_SELECT; \ } \ } \ } \ if ((line) - env->offset + 1 > 1 && \ (line) - env->offset - 1< global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { \ redraw_line((line) - env->offset - 1, (line)-1); \ } \ } while (0) /** * CHAR SELECTION mode. */ void char_selection_mode(void) { int start_line = env->line_no; int start_col = env->col_no; int prev_line = start_line; env->mode = MODE_CHAR_SELECTION; redraw_commandline(); int c; int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; /* Select single character */ env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-1].flags |= FLAG_SELECT; redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); while ((c = bim_getch())) { if (c == -1) { if (timeout && this_buf[timeout-1] == '\033') { goto _leave_select_char; } timeout = 0; continue; } else { if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case DELETE_KEY: case BACKSPACE_KEY: cursor_left(); break; case 'v': goto _leave_select_char; case 'y': { int end_line = env->line_no; int end_col = env->col_no; if (start_line == end_line) { if (start_col > end_col) { int tmp = start_col; start_col = end_col; end_col = tmp; } } else if (start_line > end_line) { int tmp = start_line; start_line = end_line; end_line = tmp; tmp = start_col; start_col = end_col; end_col = tmp; } yank_text(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col); } goto _leave_select_char; case 'D': case 'd': if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; { int end_line = env->line_no; int end_col = env->col_no; if (start_line == end_line) { if (start_col > end_col) { int tmp = start_col; start_col = end_col; end_col = tmp; } yank_text(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col); for (int i = start_col; i <= end_col; ++i) { line_delete(env->lines[start_line-1], start_col, start_line - 1); } env->col_no = start_col; } else { if (start_line > end_line) { int tmp = start_line; start_line = end_line; end_line = tmp; tmp = start_col; start_col = end_col; end_col = tmp; } /* Copy lines */ yank_text(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col); /* Delete lines */ for (int i = start_line+1; i < end_line; ++i) { env->lines = remove_line(env->lines, start_line); } /* end_line is no longer valid; should be start_line+1*/ /* Delete from start_col forward */ int tmp = env->lines[start_line-1]->actual; for (int i = start_col; i <= tmp; ++i) { line_delete(env->lines[start_line-1], start_col, start_line - 1); } for (int i = 1; i <= end_col; ++i) { line_delete(env->lines[start_line], 1, start_line); } /* Merge start and end lines */ merge_lines(env->lines, start_line); env->line_no = start_line; env->col_no = start_col; } } if (env->line_no > env->line_count) { env->line_no = env->line_count; } set_preferred_column(); set_modified(); goto _leave_select_char; case ':': command_mode(); goto _leave_select_char; default: handle_navigation(c); break; } } else { switch (handle_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c)) { case 1: bim_unget(c); goto _leave_select_char; } } /* Mark current line */ _redraw_line_char(env->line_no,1); /* Properly mark everything in the span we just moved through */ if (prev_line < env->line_no) { for (int i = prev_line; i < env->line_no; ++i) { _redraw_line_char(i,1); } prev_line = env->line_no; } else if (prev_line > env->line_no) { for (int i = env->line_no + 1; i <= prev_line; ++i) { _redraw_line_char(i,1); } prev_line = env->line_no; } place_cursor_actual(); continue; _readonly: render_error("Buffer is read-only"); } } _leave_select_char: set_history_break(); env->mode = MODE_NORMAL; for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } redraw_all(); } struct completion_match { char * string; char * file; }; void free_completion_match(struct completion_match * match) { if (match->string) free(match->string); if (match->file) free(match->file); } /** * Read ctags file to find matches for a symbol */ int read_tags(uint32_t * comp, struct completion_match **matches, int * matches_count) { int matches_len = 4; *matches_count = 0; *matches = malloc(sizeof(struct completion_match) * (matches_len)); FILE * tags = fopen("tags","r"); if (!tags) return 1; char tmp[4096]; /* max line */ while (!feof(tags) && fgets(tmp, 4096, tags)) { if (tmp[0] == '!') continue; int i = 0; while (comp[i] && comp[i] == (unsigned int)tmp[i]) i++; if (comp[i] == '\0') { int j = i; while (tmp[j] != '\t' && tmp[j] != '\n' && tmp[j] != '\0') j++; tmp[j] = '\0'; j++; char * file = &tmp[j]; while (tmp[j] != '\t' && tmp[j] != '\n' && tmp[j] != '\0') j++; tmp[j] = '\0'; j++; /* Dedup */ #if 0 int match_found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < *matches_count; ++i) { if (!strcmp((*matches)[i].string, tmp)) { match_found = 1; break; } } if (match_found) continue; #endif if (*matches_count == matches_len) { matches_len *= 2; *matches = realloc(*matches, sizeof(struct completion_match) * (matches_len)); } (*matches)[*matches_count].string = strdup(tmp); (*matches)[*matches_count].file = strdup(file); (*matches_count)++; } } fclose(tags); return 0; } /** * Draw an autocomplete popover with matches. */ void draw_completion_matches(uint32_t * tmp, struct completion_match *matches, int matches_count, int index) { int original_length = 0; while (tmp[original_length]) original_length++; int max_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matches_count; ++i) { /* TODO unicode width */ unsigned int my_width = strlen(matches[i].string) + (matches[i].file ? strlen(matches[i].file) + 1 : 0); if (my_width > (unsigned int)max_width) { max_width = my_width; } } /* Figure out how much space we have to display the window */ int cursor_y = env->line_no - env->offset + 1; int max_y = global_config.term_height - 2 - cursor_y; /* Find a good place to put the box horizontally */ int num_size = num_width() + 3; int x = num_size + 1 - env->coffset; /* Determine where the cursor is physically */ for (int i = 0; i < env->col_no - 1 - original_length; ++i) { char_t * c = &env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i]; x += c->display_width; } int box_width = max_width; int box_x = x; int box_y = cursor_y+1; if (max_width > env->width - num_width()) { box_width = env->width - num_width(); box_x = 1; } else if (env->width - x < max_width) { box_width = max_width; box_x = env->width - max_width; } int max_count = (max_y < matches_count) ? max_y - 1 : matches_count; for (int x = index; x < max_count+index; ++x) { int i = x % matches_count; place_cursor(box_x, box_y+x-index); set_colors(COLOR_KEYWORD, COLOR_STATUS_BG); /* TODO wide characters */ int match_width = strlen(matches[i].string); int file_width = matches[i].file ? strlen(matches[i].file) : 0; for (int j = 0; j < box_width; ++j) { if (j == original_length) set_colors(i == index ? COLOR_NUMERAL : COLOR_STATUS_FG, COLOR_STATUS_BG); if (j == match_width) set_colors(COLOR_TYPE, COLOR_STATUS_BG); if (j < match_width) printf("%c", matches[i].string[j]); else if (j > match_width && j - match_width - 1 < file_width) printf("%c", matches[i].file[j-match_width-1]); else printf(" "); } } if (max_count == 0) { place_cursor(box_x, box_y); set_colors(COLOR_STATUS_FG, COLOR_STATUS_BG); printf(" (no matches) "); } else if (max_count != matches_count) { place_cursor(box_x, box_y+max_count); set_colors(COLOR_STATUS_FG, COLOR_STATUS_BG); printf(" (%d more) ", matches_count-max_count); } } /** * Autocomplete words (function/variable names, etc.) in input mode. */ int omni_complete(void) { int c; /* Pull the word from before the cursor */ int c_before = 0; int i = env->col_no-1; while (i > 0) { if (!c_keyword_qualifier(env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i-1].codepoint)) break; c_before++; i--; } /* Populate with characters */ uint32_t * tmp = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * (c_before+1)); int j = 0; while (c_before) { tmp[j] = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-c_before-1].codepoint; c_before--; j++; } tmp[j] = 0; /* * TODO matches should probably be a struct with more data than just * the matching string; maybe offset where the needle was found, * class information, source file information - anything we can extract * from ctags, but also other information for other sources of completion. */ struct completion_match *matches; int matches_count; /* TODO just reading ctags is rather mediocre; can we do something cool here? */ if (read_tags(tmp, &matches, &matches_count)) goto _completion_done; /* Draw box with matches at cursor-width(tmp) */ draw_completion_matches(tmp, matches, matches_count, 0); int retval = 0; int index = 0; _completion_done: place_cursor_actual(); while (1) { c = bim_getch(); if (c == -1) continue; if (matches_count < 1) { redraw_all(); break; } if (c == 15) { index = (index + 1) % matches_count; draw_completion_matches(tmp, matches, matches_count, index); place_cursor_actual(); continue; } else if (c == '\t') { for (unsigned int i = j; i < strlen(matches[index].string); ++i) { insert_char(matches[index].string[i]); } set_preferred_column(); redraw_text(); place_cursor_actual(); goto _finish_completion; } else if (isgraph(c) && c != '}') { /* insert and continue matching */ insert_char(c); set_preferred_column(); redraw_text(); place_cursor_actual(); retval = 1; goto _finish_completion; } else if (c == DELETE_KEY || c == BACKSPACE_KEY) { delete_at_cursor(); set_preferred_column(); redraw_text(); place_cursor_actual(); retval = 1; goto _finish_completion; } /* TODO: Keyboard navigation of the matches list would be nice */ redraw_all(); break; } bim_unget(c); _finish_completion: for (int i = 0; i < matches_count; ++i) { free_completion_match(&matches[i]); } free(matches); free(tmp); return retval; } /** * INSERT mode * * Accept input into the text buffer. */ void insert_mode(void) { int cin; uint32_t c; /* Set mode line */ env->mode = MODE_INSERT; redraw_commandline(); /* Place the cursor in the text area */ place_cursor_actual(); int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; uint32_t istate = 0; int redraw = 0; while ((cin = bim_getch_timeout((redraw ? 10 : 200)))) { if (cin == -1) { if (redraw) { if (redraw & 2) { redraw_text(); } else { redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); } redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); redraw = 0; } if (timeout && this_buf[timeout-1] == '\033') { leave_insert(); return; } timeout = 0; continue; } if (!decode(&istate, &c, cin)) { if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case 3: /* ^C */ leave_insert(); return; case DELETE_KEY: case BACKSPACE_KEY: if (!env->tabs && env->col_no > 1) { int i; for (i = 0; i < env->col_no-1; ++i) { if (!is_whitespace(env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i].codepoint)) break; } if (i == env->col_no-1) { /* Backspace until aligned */ delete_at_cursor(); while (env->col_no > 1 && (env->col_no-1) % env->tabstop) { delete_at_cursor(); } redraw |= 2; break; /* out of case */ } } delete_at_cursor(); break; case ENTER_KEY: case LINE_FEED: if (env->indent) { if ((env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-2].flags & 0x1F) == FLAG_COMMENT && (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-2].codepoint == ' ') && (env->col_no > 3) && (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-3].codepoint == '*')) { delete_at_cursor(); } } insert_line_feed(); redraw |= 2; break; case 15: /* ^O */ while (omni_complete() == 1); break; case 22: /* ^V */ /* Insert next byte raw */ { /* Indicate we're in literal mode */ render_commandline_message("^V"); /* Put the cursor back into the text field */ place_cursor_actual(); /* Get next character */ while ((cin = bim_getch()) == -1); /* Insert literal */ insert_char(cin); /* Redraw INSERT */ redraw_commandline(); /* Draw text */ redraw |= 1; } break; case 23: /* ^W */ delete_word(); set_preferred_column(); break; case '\t': if (env->tabs) { insert_char('\t'); } else { for (int i = 0; i < env->tabstop; ++i) { insert_char(' '); } } redraw |= 1; set_preferred_column(); break; case '/': if (env->indent) { if ((env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-2].flags & 0x1F) == FLAG_COMMENT && (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-2].codepoint == ' ') && (env->col_no > 3) && (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[env->col_no-3].codepoint == '*')) { env->col_no--; replace_char('/'); env->col_no++; place_cursor_actual(); break; } } goto _just_insert; case '}': if (env->indent) { int was_whitespace = 1; for (int i = 0; i < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; ++i) { if (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i].codepoint != ' ' && env->lines[env->line_no-1]->text[i].codepoint != '\t') { was_whitespace = 0; break; } } insert_char('}'); if (was_whitespace) { int line = -1, col = -1; env->col_no--; find_matching_paren(&line,&col, 1); if (line != -1) { while (env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual) { line_delete(env->lines[env->line_no-1], env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual, env->line_no-1); } add_indent(env->line_no-1,line-1,1); env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + 1; insert_char('}'); } } set_preferred_column(); redraw |= 1; break; } /* fallthrough */ default: _just_insert: insert_char(c); set_preferred_column(); redraw |= 1; break; } } else { if (handle_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c)) { bim_unget(c); leave_insert(); return; } } } else if (istate == UTF8_REJECT) { istate = 0; } } } /** * REPLACE mode * * Like insert, but replaces characters. */ void replace_mode(void) { int cin; uint32_t c; /* Set mode line */ env->mode = MODE_REPLACE; redraw_commandline(); /* Place the cursor in the text area */ place_cursor_actual(); int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; uint32_t istate = 0; while ((cin = bim_getch())) { if (cin == -1) { if (timeout && this_buf[timeout-1] == '\033') { leave_insert(); return; } timeout = 0; continue; } if (!decode(&istate, &c, cin)) { if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case DELETE_KEY: case BACKSPACE_KEY: if (env->line_no > 1 && env->col_no == 1) { env->line_no--; env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; set_preferred_column(); place_cursor_actual(); } else { cursor_left(); } break; case ENTER_KEY: case LINE_FEED: insert_line_feed(); redraw_text(); set_modified(); redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); break; default: if (env->col_no <= env->lines[env->line_no - 1]->actual) { replace_char(c); env->col_no += 1; } else { insert_char(c); redraw_line(env->line_no - env->offset - 1, env->line_no-1); } redraw_statusbar(); place_cursor_actual(); break; } } else { if (handle_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c)) { bim_unget(c); leave_insert(); return; } } } else if (istate == UTF8_REJECT) { istate = 0; } } } /** * Handler for 'r'; takes in input to replace a single * character in the document. Handles Unicode, so we * can replace a character with complex input. Also * handles ^V so we can replace with escape sequences * we would otherwise gobble up. */ void replace_one(void) { /* Read one character and replace */ render_commandline_message("r"); uint32_t state = 0; int cin; uint32_t c; while ((cin = bim_getch())) { if (cin == -1) continue; if (!decode(&state, &c, cin)) { if (c == '\033') { return; } else if (c == 22) { /* ctrl-v */ render_commandline_message("r ^V"); while ((cin = bim_getch()) == -1); replace_char(cin); return; } else { replace_char(c); return; } } } return; } /** * NORMAL mode * * Default editor mode - just cursor navigation and keybinds * to enter the other modes. */ void normal_mode(void) { while (1) { place_cursor_actual(); int c; int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; while ((c = bim_getch())) { if (c == -1) { /* getch timed out, nothing to do in normal mode */ continue; } if (timeout == 0) { switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case DELETE_KEY: case BACKSPACE_KEY: if (env->line_no > 1 && env->col_no == 1) { env->line_no--; env->col_no = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual; set_preferred_column(); place_cursor_actual(); } else { cursor_left(); } break; case 'V': /* Enter LINE SELECTION mode */ line_selection_mode(); break; case 'v': /* Enter CHAR SELECTION mode */ char_selection_mode(); break; case 22: /* ctrl-v, enter COL SELECTION mode */ set_preferred_column(); col_selection_mode(); break; case 'O': /* Append line before and enter INSERT mode */ { if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; env->lines = add_line(env->lines, env->line_no-1); env->col_no = 1; add_indent(env->line_no-1,env->line_no,0); redraw_text(); set_preferred_column(); set_modified(); place_cursor_actual(); goto _insert; } case 'o': /* Append line after and enter INSERT mode */ { if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; env->lines = add_line(env->lines, env->line_no); env->col_no = 1; env->line_no += 1; add_indent(env->line_no-1,env->line_no-2,0); set_preferred_column(); if (env->line_no > env->offset + global_config.term_height - global_config.bottom_size - 1) { env->offset += 1; } redraw_text(); set_modified(); place_cursor_actual(); goto _insert; } case 'a': /* Enter INSERT mode with cursor after current position */ if (env->col_no < env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + 1) { env->col_no += 1; } goto _insert; case 'P': /* Paste before */ case 'p': /* Paste after */ if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; if (global_config.yanks) { if (!global_config.yank_is_full_lines) { /* Handle P for paste before, p for past after */ int target_column = (c == 'P' ? (env->col_no) : (env->col_no+1)); if (target_column > env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + 1) { target_column = env->lines[env->line_no-1]->actual + 1; } if (global_config.yank_count > 1) { /* Spit the current line at the current position */ env->lines = split_line(env->lines, env->line_no - 1, target_column - 1); /* Split after */ } /* Insert first line at current position */ for (int i = 0; i < global_config.yanks[0]->actual; ++i) { env->lines[env->line_no - 1] = line_insert(env->lines[env->line_no - 1], global_config.yanks[0]->text[i], target_column + i - 1, env->line_no - 1); } if (global_config.yank_count > 1) { /* Insert full lines */ for (unsigned int i = 1; i < global_config.yank_count - 1; ++i) { env->lines = add_line(env->lines, env->line_no); } for (unsigned int i = 1; i < global_config.yank_count - 1; ++i) { replace_line(env->lines, env->line_no + i - 1, global_config.yanks[i]); } /* Insert characters from last line into (what was) the next line */ for (int i = 0; i < global_config.yanks[global_config.yank_count-1]->actual; ++i) { env->lines[env->line_no + global_config.yank_count - 2] = line_insert(env->lines[env->line_no + global_config.yank_count - 2], global_config.yanks[global_config.yank_count-1]->text[i], i, env->line_no + global_config.yank_count - 2); } } } else { /* Insert full lines */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < global_config.yank_count; ++i) { env->lines = add_line(env->lines, env->line_no - (c == 'P' ? 1 : 0)); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < global_config.yank_count; ++i) { replace_line(env->lines, env->line_no - (c == 'P' ? 1 : 0) + i, global_config.yanks[i]); } } /* Recalculate whole document syntax */ for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { env->lines[i]->istate = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { recalculate_syntax(env->lines[i],i); } if (c == 'p') { if (global_config.yank_is_full_lines) { env->line_no += 1; } else { if (global_config.yank_count == 1) { env->col_no = env->col_no + global_config.yanks[0]->actual; } else { env->line_no = env->line_no + global_config.yank_count - 1; env->col_no = global_config.yanks[global_config.yank_count-1]->actual; } } } set_history_break(); set_modified(); redraw_all(); } break; case 'r': /* Replace with next */ replace_one(); redraw_commandline(); break; case 'u': /* Undo one block of history */ undo_history(); break; case 18: /* ^R - Redo one block of history */ redo_history(); break; case 12: /* ^L - Repaint the whole screen */ redraw_all(); break; case 'i': /* Enter INSERT mode */ _insert: if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; insert_mode(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); timeout = 0; break; case 'R': /* Enter REPLACE mode */ if (env->readonly) goto _readonly; replace_mode(); redraw_statusbar(); redraw_commandline(); timeout = 0; break; _readonly: render_error("Buffer is read-only"); break; default: handle_navigation(c); break; } } else { handle_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c); } place_cursor_actual(); } } } /** * Show help text for -? */ static void show_usage(char * argv[]) { #define _s "\033[3m" #define _e "\033[0m\n" printf( "bim - Text editor\n" "\n" "usage: %s [options] [file]\n" " %s [options] -- -\n" "\n" " -R " _s "open initial buffer read-only" _e " -O " _s "set various options:" _e " noscroll " _s "disable terminal scrolling" _e " noaltscreen " _s "disable alternate screen buffer" _e " nomouse " _s "disable mouse support" _e " nounicode " _s "disable unicode display" _e " nobright " _s "disable bright next" _e " nohideshow " _s "disable togglging cursor visibility" _e " nosyntax " _s "disable syntax highlighting on load" _e " notitle " _s "disable title-setting escapes" _e " history " _s "enable experimental undo/redo" _e " -c,-C " _s "print file to stdout with syntax hilighting" _e " " _s "-C includes line numbers, -c does not" _e " -u " _s "override bimrc file" _e " -? " _s "show this help text" _e " --version " _s "show version information and available plugins" _e "\n", argv[0], argv[0]); #undef _e #undef _s } /** * Load bimrc configuration file. * * At the moment, this a simple key=value list. */ void load_bimrc(void) { if (!global_config.bimrc_path) return; /* Default is ~/.bimrc */ char * tmp = strdup(global_config.bimrc_path); if (!*tmp) { free(tmp); return; } /* Parse ~ at the front of the path. */ if (*tmp == '~') { char path[1024] = {0}; char * home = getenv("HOME"); if (!home) { /* $HOME is unset? */ free(tmp); return; } /* New path is $HOME/.bimrc */ snprintf(path, 1024, "%s%s", home, tmp+1); free(tmp); tmp = strdup(path); } /* Try to open the file */ FILE * bimrc = fopen(tmp, "r"); free(tmp); if (!bimrc) { /* No bimrc, or bad permissions */ return; } /* Parse through lines */ char line[1024]; while (!feof(bimrc)) { char * l = fgets(line, 1023, bimrc); /* Ignore bad lines */ if (!l) break; if (!*l) continue; if (*l == '\n') continue; /* Ignore comment lines */ if (*l == '#') continue; /* Remove linefeed at the end */ char *nl = strstr(l,"\n"); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; /* Extract value from keypair, if available * (I foresee options without values in the future) */ char *value= strstr(l,"="); if (value) { *value = '\0'; value++; } /* theme=... */ if (!strcmp(l,"theme") && value) { /* Examine available themes for a match. */ for (struct theme_def * d = themes; d->name; ++d) { if (!strcmp(value, d->name)) { d->load(); break; } } } /* enable history (experimental) */ if (!strcmp(l,"history")) { global_config.history_enabled = (value ? atoi(value) : 1); } /* padding= */ if (!strcmp(l,"padding") && value) { global_config.cursor_padding = atoi(value); } if (!strcmp(l,"hlparen") && value) { global_config.highlight_parens = atoi(value); } /* Disable hilighting of current line */ if (!strcmp(l,"hlcurrent") && value) { global_config.hilight_current_line = atoi(value); } if (!strcmp(l,"splitpercent") && value) { global_config.split_percent = atoi(value); } if (!strcmp(l,"shiftscrolling")) { global_config.shift_scrolling = (value ? atoi(value) : 1); } if (!strcmp(l,"scrollamount") && value) { global_config.scroll_amount = atoi(value); } if (!strcmp(l,"git") && value) { global_config.check_git = !!atoi(value); } if (!strcmp(l,"colorgutter") && value) { global_config.color_gutter = !!atoi(value); } } fclose(bimrc); } /** * Set some default values when certain terminals are detected. */ void detect_weird_terminals(void) { char * term = getenv("TERM"); if (term && !strcmp(term,"linux")) { /* Linux VTs can't scroll. */ global_config.can_scroll = 0; } if (term && !strcmp(term,"cons25")) { /* Dragonfly BSD console */ global_config.can_hideshow = 0; global_config.can_altscreen = 0; global_config.can_mouse = 0; global_config.can_unicode = 0; global_config.can_bright = 0; } if (term && !strcmp(term,"sortix")) { /* sortix will spew title escapes to the screen, no good */ global_config.can_title = 0; } if (term && strstr(term,"tmux") == term) { global_config.can_scroll = 0; global_config.can_bce = 0; } if (term && strstr(term,"screen") == term) { /* unfortunately */ global_config.can_24bit = 0; global_config.can_italic = 0; } if (term && strstr(term,"toaru-vga") == term) { global_config.can_24bit = 0; /* Also not strictly true */ global_config.can_256color = 0; /* Not strictly true */ } } /** * Run global initialization tasks */ void initialize(void) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); detect_weird_terminals(); load_colorscheme_ansi(); load_bimrc(); buffers_avail = 4; buffers = malloc(sizeof(buffer_t *) * buffers_avail); } /** * Initialize terminal for editor display. */ void init_terminal(void) { if (!isatty(STDIN_FILENO) && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { global_config.tty_in = STDERR_FILENO; } set_alternate_screen(); update_screen_size(); get_initial_termios(); set_unbuffered(); mouse_enable(); signal(SIGWINCH, SIGWINCH_handler); signal(SIGCONT, SIGCONT_handler); signal(SIGTSTP, SIGTSTP_handler); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "?c:C:u:RS:O:-:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'R': global_config.initial_file_is_read_only = 1; break; case 'c': case 'C': /* Print file to stdout using our syntax highlighting and color theme */ initialize(); global_config.go_to_line = 0; open_file(optarg); for (int i = 0; i < env->line_count; ++i) { if (opt == 'C') { draw_line_number(i); } render_line(env->lines[i], 6 * (env->lines[i]->actual + 1), 0, i + 1); reset(); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } return 0; case 'u': global_config.bimrc_path = optarg; break; case 'S': global_config.syntax_fallback = optarg; break; case 'O': /* Set various display options */ if (!strcmp(optarg,"noaltscreen")) global_config.can_altscreen = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"noscroll")) global_config.can_scroll = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"nomouse")) global_config.can_mouse = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"nounicode")) global_config.can_unicode = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"nobright")) global_config.can_bright = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"nohideshow")) global_config.can_hideshow = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"nosyntax")) global_config.hilight_on_open = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"nohistory")) global_config.history_enabled = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"notitle")) global_config.can_title = 0; else if (!strcmp(optarg,"nobce")) global_config.can_bce = 0; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized -O option: %s\n", argv[0], optarg); return 1; } break; case '-': if (!strcmp(optarg,"version")) { fprintf(stderr, "bim %s %s\n", BIM_VERSION, BIM_COPYRIGHT); fprintf(stderr, " Available syntax highlighters:"); for (struct syntax_definition * s = syntaxes; s->name; ++s) { fprintf(stderr, " %s", s->name); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Available color themes:"); for (struct theme_def * d = themes; d->name; ++d) { fprintf(stderr, " %s", d->name); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(optarg,"help")) { show_usage(argv); return 0; } else if (strlen(optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "bim: unrecognized option `%s'\n", optarg); return 1; } /* Else, this is -- to indicate end of arguments */ break; case '?': show_usage(argv); return 0; } } /* Set up terminal */ initialize(); init_terminal(); /* Open file */ if (argc > optind) { while (argc > optind) { open_file(argv[optind]); update_title(); if (global_config.initial_file_is_read_only) { env->readonly = 1; } optind++; } env = buffers[0]; } else { env = buffer_new(); setup_buffer(env); } update_title(); /* Draw the screen once */ redraw_all(); /* Start accepting key commands */ normal_mode(); return 0; }