/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 K. Lange * * The default "fancy" decorations theme. * * Based on an old gtk-window-decorator theme I used to use many, * many years ago. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INACTIVE 10 #define TTK_FANCY_PATH "/usr/share/ttk/" static int u_height = 33; static int ul_width = 10; static int ur_width = 10; static int mr_width = 6; static int l_height = 9; static int ll_width = 9; static int lr_width = 9; static sprite_t * sprites[20]; #define TEXT_OFFSET ((window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILED) ? 5 : 10) #define BUTTON_OFFSET ((window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILED) ? 5 : 0) static int _have_freetype = 0; static void (*freetype_set_font_face)(int face) = NULL; static void (*freetype_set_font_size)(int size) = NULL; static int (*freetype_draw_string)(gfx_context_t * ctx, int x, int y, uint32_t fg, const char * s) = NULL; static int (*freetype_draw_string_width)(char * s) = NULL; static void init_sprite(int id, char * path) { sprites[id] = malloc(sizeof(sprite_t)); load_sprite(sprites[id], path); sprites[id]->alpha = ALPHA_EMBEDDED; } static int get_bounds_fancy(yutani_window_t * window, struct decor_bounds * bounds) { if (window == NULL || !(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILED)) { bounds->top_height = 33; bounds->bottom_height = 6; bounds->left_width = 6; bounds->right_width = 6; } else { /* Any "exposed" edge gets an extra pixel. */ bounds->top_height = 27 + !(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_UP); bounds->bottom_height = !(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_DOWN); bounds->left_width = !(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_LEFT); bounds->right_width = !(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_RIGHT); } bounds->width = bounds->left_width + bounds->right_width; bounds->height = bounds->top_height + bounds->bottom_height; return 0; } static void render_decorations_fancy(yutani_window_t * window, gfx_context_t * ctx, char * title, int decors_active) { int width = window->width; int height = window->height; struct decor_bounds bounds; get_bounds_fancy(window, &bounds); for (int j = 0; j < (int)bounds.top_height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { GFX(ctx,i,j) = 0; } } if (decors_active == DECOR_INACTIVE) decors_active = INACTIVE; if ((window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILED)) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 1], i, -6 + !(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_UP)); } uint32_t clear_color = rgb(62,62,62); if (!(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_DOWN)) { /* Draw bottom line */ for (int i = 0; i < (int)window->width; ++i) { GFX(ctx,i,window->height-1) = clear_color; } } if (!(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_LEFT)) { /* Draw left line */ for (int i = 0; i < (int)window->height; ++i) { GFX(ctx,0,i) = clear_color; } } if (!(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_TILE_RIGHT)) { /* Draw right line */ for (int i = 0; i < (int)window->height; ++i) { GFX(ctx,window->width-1,i) = clear_color; } } } else { uint32_t clear_color = 0x000000; for (int j = (int)bounds.top_height; j < height - (int)bounds.bottom_height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)bounds.left_width; ++i) { GFX(ctx,i,j) = clear_color; } for (int i = width - (int)bounds.right_width; i < width; ++i) { GFX(ctx,i,j) = clear_color; } } for (int j = height - (int)bounds.bottom_height; j < height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { GFX(ctx,i,j) = clear_color; } } draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 0], 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < width - (ul_width + ur_width); ++i) { draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 1], i + ul_width, 0); } draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 2], width - ur_width, 0); for (int i = 0; i < height - (u_height + l_height); ++i) { draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 3], 0, i + u_height); draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 4], width - mr_width, i + u_height); } draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 5], 0, height - l_height); for (int i = 0; i < width - (ll_width + lr_width); ++i) { draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 6], i + ll_width, height - l_height); } draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 7], width - lr_width, height - l_height); } char * tmp_title = strdup(title); int t_l = strlen(tmp_title); #define EXTRA_SPACE 120 uint32_t title_color = (decors_active == 0) ? rgb(226,226,226) : rgb(147,147,147); if (_have_freetype) { freetype_set_font_face(1); /* regular non-monospace */ freetype_set_font_size(12); if (freetype_draw_string_width(tmp_title) + EXTRA_SPACE > width) { while (t_l >= 0 && (freetype_draw_string_width(tmp_title) + EXTRA_SPACE > width)) { tmp_title[t_l] = '\0'; t_l--; } } if (*tmp_title) { int title_offset = (width / 2) - (freetype_draw_string_width(tmp_title) / 2); freetype_draw_string(ctx, title_offset, TEXT_OFFSET + 14, title_color, tmp_title); } } else { if (draw_sdf_string_width(tmp_title, 18, SDF_FONT_BOLD) + EXTRA_SPACE > width) { while (t_l >= 0 && (draw_sdf_string_width(tmp_title, 18, SDF_FONT_BOLD) + EXTRA_SPACE > width)) { tmp_title[t_l] = '\0'; t_l--; } } if (*tmp_title) { int title_offset = (width / 2) - (draw_sdf_string_width(tmp_title, 18, SDF_FONT_BOLD) / 2); draw_sdf_string(ctx, title_offset, TEXT_OFFSET, tmp_title, 18, title_color, SDF_FONT_BOLD); } } free(tmp_title); /* Buttons */ draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 8], width - 28 + BUTTON_OFFSET, 16 - BUTTON_OFFSET); if (!(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_NO_MAXIMIZE)) { draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[decors_active + 9], width - 50 + BUTTON_OFFSET, 16 - BUTTON_OFFSET); } } static int check_button_press_fancy(yutani_window_t * window, int x, int y) { if (x >= (int)window->width - 28 + BUTTON_OFFSET && x <= (int)window->width - 18 + BUTTON_OFFSET && y >= 16 && y <= 26) { return DECOR_CLOSE; } if (!(window->decorator_flags & DECOR_FLAG_NO_MAXIMIZE)) { if (x >= (int)window->width - 50 + BUTTON_OFFSET && x <= (int)window->width - 40 + BUTTON_OFFSET && y >= 16 && y <= 26) { return DECOR_MAXIMIZE; } } return 0; } void decor_init() { init_sprite(0, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/ul.bmp"); init_sprite(1, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/um.bmp"); init_sprite(2, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/ur.bmp"); init_sprite(3, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/ml.bmp"); init_sprite(4, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/mr.bmp"); init_sprite(5, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/ll.bmp"); init_sprite(6, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/lm.bmp"); init_sprite(7, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/lr.bmp"); init_sprite(8, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/button-close.bmp"); init_sprite(9, TTK_FANCY_PATH "active/button-maximize.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 0, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/ul.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 1, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/um.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 2, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/ur.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 3, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/ml.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 4, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/mr.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 5, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/ll.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 6, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/lm.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 7, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/lr.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 8, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/button-close.bmp"); init_sprite(INACTIVE + 9, TTK_FANCY_PATH "inactive/button-maximize.bmp"); decor_render_decorations = render_decorations_fancy; decor_check_button_press = check_button_press_fancy; decor_get_bounds = get_bounds_fancy; void * freetype = dlopen("libtoaru_ext_freetype_fonts.so", 0); if (freetype) { _have_freetype = 1; freetype_set_font_face = dlsym(freetype, "freetype_set_font_face"); freetype_set_font_size = dlsym(freetype, "freetype_set_font_size"); freetype_draw_string = dlsym(freetype, "freetype_draw_string"); freetype_draw_string_width = dlsym(freetype, "freetype_draw_string_width"); } }