/** * @brief Generic Graphics library for ToaruOS * * @copyright * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2012-2021 K. Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(NO_SSE) && defined(__x86_64__) #include #include #endif #include #include static inline int32_t min(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } static inline int32_t max(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } static inline uint16_t min16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } static inline uint16_t max16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } #define fmax(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define fmin(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) static inline int _is_in_clip(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t y) { if (!ctx->clips) return 1; if (y < 0 || y >= ctx->clips_size) return 1; return ctx->clips[y]; } void gfx_add_clip(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h) { (void)x; (void)w; // TODO Horizontal clipping if (!ctx->clips) { ctx->clips = malloc(ctx->height); memset(ctx->clips, 0, ctx->height); ctx->clips_size = ctx->height; } for (int i = max(y,0); i < min(y+h,ctx->clips_size); ++i) { ctx->clips[i] = 1; } } void gfx_clear_clip(gfx_context_t * ctx) { if (ctx->clips) { memset(ctx->clips, 0, ctx->clips_size); } } void gfx_no_clip(gfx_context_t * ctx) { void * tmp = ctx->clips; if (!tmp) return; ctx->clips = NULL; free(tmp); } /* Pointer to graphics memory */ void flip(gfx_context_t * ctx) { if (ctx->clips) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->height; ++i) { if (_is_in_clip(ctx,i)) { memcpy(&ctx->buffer[i*GFX_S(ctx)], &ctx->backbuffer[i*GFX_S(ctx)], 4 * ctx->width); } } } else { memcpy(ctx->buffer, ctx->backbuffer, ctx->size); } } void gfx_flip_24bit(gfx_context_t * ctx) { for (size_t y = 0; y < ctx->height; ++y) { if (_is_in_clip(ctx,y)) { for (size_t x = 0; x < ctx->width; ++x) { ((uint8_t*)ctx->buffer)[y * ctx->_true_stride + x * 3] = ((uint8_t*)ctx->backbuffer)[y * ctx->stride + x * 4]; ((uint8_t*)ctx->buffer)[y * ctx->_true_stride + x * 3+1] = ((uint8_t*)ctx->backbuffer)[y * ctx->stride + x * 4+1]; ((uint8_t*)ctx->buffer)[y * ctx->_true_stride + x * 3+2] = ((uint8_t*)ctx->backbuffer)[y * ctx->stride + x * 4+2]; } } } } void clearbuffer(gfx_context_t * ctx) { memset(ctx->backbuffer, 0, ctx->size); } /* Deprecated */ static int framebuffer_fd = 0; gfx_context_t * init_graphics_fullscreen() { gfx_context_t * out = malloc(sizeof(gfx_context_t)); out->clips = NULL; out->buffer = NULL; if (!framebuffer_fd) { framebuffer_fd = open("/dev/fb0", 0, 0); } if (framebuffer_fd < 0) { /* oh shit */ free(out); return NULL; } ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_WIDTH, &out->width); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_HEIGHT, &out->height); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_DEPTH, &out->depth); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_STRIDE, &out->stride); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_ADDR, &out->buffer); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_SIGNAL, NULL); out->size = GFX_H(out) * GFX_S(out); if (out->depth == 24) { out->depth = 32; out->_true_stride = out->stride; out->stride = 4 * GFX_W(out); out->size = 0; } out->backbuffer = out->buffer; return out; } uint32_t framebuffer_stride(void) { uint32_t stride; ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_STRIDE, &stride); return stride; } gfx_context_t * init_graphics_fullscreen_double_buffer() { gfx_context_t * out = init_graphics_fullscreen(); if (!out) return NULL; out->backbuffer = malloc(GFX_S(out) * GFX_H(out)); return out; } gfx_context_t * init_graphics_subregion(gfx_context_t * base, int x, int y, int width, int height) { gfx_context_t * out = malloc(sizeof(gfx_context_t)); out->clips = NULL; out->depth = 32; out->width = width; out->height = height; out->stride = base->stride; out->backbuffer = base->backbuffer + (base->stride * y) + x * 4; out->buffer = base->buffer + (base->stride * y) + x * 4; if (base->clips) { for (int _y = 0; _y < height; ++_y) { if (_is_in_clip(base, y + _y)) { gfx_add_clip(out,0,_y,width,1); } } } out->size = 0; /* don't allow flip or clear operations */ return out; } void reinit_graphics_fullscreen(gfx_context_t * out) { ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_WIDTH, &out->width); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_HEIGHT, &out->height); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_DEPTH, &out->depth); ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_STRIDE, &out->stride); out->size = GFX_H(out) * GFX_S(out); if (out->clips && out->clips_size != out->height) { free(out->clips); out->clips = NULL; out->clips_size = 0; } if (out->buffer != out->backbuffer) { ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_ADDR, &out->buffer); out->backbuffer = realloc(out->backbuffer, GFX_S(out) * GFX_H(out)); } else { ioctl(framebuffer_fd, IO_VID_ADDR, &out->buffer); out->backbuffer = out->buffer; } } gfx_context_t * init_graphics_sprite(sprite_t * sprite) { gfx_context_t * out = malloc(sizeof(gfx_context_t)); out->clips = NULL; out->width = sprite->width; out->stride = sprite->width * sizeof(uint32_t); out->height = sprite->height; out->depth = 32; out->size = GFX_H(out) * GFX_W(out) * GFX_B(out); out->buffer = (char *)sprite->bitmap; out->backbuffer = out->buffer; return out; } sprite_t * create_sprite(size_t width, size_t height, int alpha) { sprite_t * out = malloc(sizeof(sprite_t)); /* uint16_t width; uint16_t height; uint32_t * bitmap; uint32_t * masks; uint32_t blank; uint8_t alpha; */ out->width = width; out->height = height; out->bitmap = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * out->width * out->height); out->masks = NULL; out->blank = 0x00000000; out->alpha = alpha; return out; } void sprite_free(sprite_t * sprite) { if (sprite->masks) { free(sprite->masks); } free(sprite->bitmap); free(sprite); } inline uint32_t rgb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return 0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b); } inline uint32_t rgba(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) { return (a << 24U) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b); } uint32_t alpha_blend(uint32_t bottom, uint32_t top, uint32_t mask) { uint8_t a = _RED(mask); uint8_t red = (_RED(bottom) * (255 - a) + _RED(top) * a) / 255; uint8_t gre = (_GRE(bottom) * (255 - a) + _GRE(top) * a) / 255; uint8_t blu = (_BLU(bottom) * (255 - a) + _BLU(top) * a) / 255; uint8_t alp = (int)a + (int)_ALP(bottom) > 255 ? 255 : a + _ALP(bottom); return rgba(red,gre,blu, alp); } inline uint32_t alpha_blend_rgba(uint32_t bottom, uint32_t top) { if (_ALP(bottom) == 0) return top; if (_ALP(top) == 255) return top; if (_ALP(top) == 0) return bottom; uint8_t a = _ALP(top); uint16_t t = 0xFF ^ a; uint8_t d_r = _RED(top) + (((uint32_t)(_RED(bottom) * t + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); uint8_t d_g = _GRE(top) + (((uint32_t)(_GRE(bottom) * t + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); uint8_t d_b = _BLU(top) + (((uint32_t)(_BLU(bottom) * t + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); uint8_t d_a = _ALP(top) + (((uint32_t)(_ALP(bottom) * t + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); return rgba(d_r, d_g, d_b, d_a); } uint32_t premultiply(uint32_t color) { uint16_t a = _ALP(color); uint16_t r = _RED(color); uint16_t g = _GRE(color); uint16_t b = _BLU(color); r = r * a / 255; g = g * a / 255; b = b * a / 255; return rgba(r,g,b,a); } static inline int clamp(int a, int l, int h) { return a < l ? l : (a > h ? h : a); } static void _box_blur_horizontal(gfx_context_t * _src, int radius) { int w = _src->width; int h = _src->height; int half_radius = radius / 2; uint32_t * out_color = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), w); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { int hits = 0; int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; int a = 0; for (int x = -half_radius; x < w; x++) { int old_p = x - half_radius - 1; if (old_p >= 0) { uint32_t col = GFX(_src, clamp(old_p,0,w-1), y); if (col) { r -= _RED(col); g -= _GRE(col); b -= _BLU(col); a -= _ALP(col); } hits--; } int newPixel = x + half_radius; if (newPixel < w) { uint32_t col = GFX(_src, clamp(newPixel,0,w-1), y); if (col != 0) { r += _RED(col); g += _GRE(col); b += _BLU(col); a += _ALP(col); } hits++; } if (x >= 0 && x < w) { out_color[x] = rgba(r / hits, g / hits, b / hits, a / hits); } } if (!_is_in_clip(_src, y)) continue; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { GFX(_src,x,y) = out_color[x]; } } free(out_color); } static void _box_blur_vertical(gfx_context_t * _src, int radius) { int w = _src->width; int h = _src->height; int half_radius = radius / 2; uint32_t * out_color = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), h); for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int hits = 0; int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; int a = 0; for (int y = -half_radius; y < h; y++) { int old_p = y - half_radius - 1; if (old_p >= 0) { uint32_t col = GFX(_src,x,clamp(old_p,0,h-1)); if (col != 0) { r -= _RED(col); g -= _GRE(col); b -= _BLU(col); a -= _ALP(col); } hits--; } int newPixel = y + half_radius; if (newPixel < h) { uint32_t col = GFX(_src,x,clamp(newPixel,0,h-1)); if (col != 0) { r += _RED(col); g += _GRE(col); b += _BLU(col); a += _ALP(col); } hits++; } if (y >= 0 && y < h) { out_color[y] = rgba(r / hits, g / hits, b / hits, a / hits); } } for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (!_is_in_clip(_src, y)) continue; GFX(_src,x,y) = out_color[y]; } } free(out_color); } void blur_context_box(gfx_context_t * _src, int radius) { _box_blur_horizontal(_src,radius); _box_blur_vertical(_src,radius); } void blur_from_into(gfx_context_t * _src, gfx_context_t * _dest, int radius) { draw_fill(_dest, rgb(255,0,0)); } static int (*load_sprite_jpg)(sprite_t *, const char *) = NULL; static int (*load_sprite_png)(sprite_t *, const char *) = NULL; static void _load_format_libraries() { void * _lib_jpeg = dlopen("libtoaru_jpeg.so", 0); if (_lib_jpeg) load_sprite_jpg = dlsym(_lib_jpeg, "load_sprite_jpg"); void * _lib_png = dlopen("libtoaru_png.so", 0); if (_lib_png) load_sprite_png = dlsym(_lib_png, "load_sprite_png"); } static const char * extension_from_filename(const char * filename) { const char * ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (ext && *ext == '.') return ext + 1; return ""; } int load_sprite(sprite_t * sprite, const char * filename) { static int librariesLoaded = 0; if (!librariesLoaded) { _load_format_libraries(); librariesLoaded = 1; } const char * ext = extension_from_filename(filename); if (!strcmp(ext,"png") || !strcmp(ext,"sdf")) return load_sprite_png ? load_sprite_png(sprite, filename) : 1; if (!strcmp(ext,"jpg") || !strcmp(ext,"jpeg")) return load_sprite_jpg ? load_sprite_jpg(sprite, filename) : 1; /* Fall back to bitmap */ return load_sprite_bmp(sprite, filename); } int load_sprite_bmp(sprite_t * sprite, const char * filename) { /* Open the requested binary */ FILE * image = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!image) return 1; size_t image_size= 0; fseek(image, 0, SEEK_END); image_size = ftell(image); fseek(image, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Alright, we have the length */ char * bufferb = malloc(image_size); fread(bufferb, image_size, 1, image); if (bufferb[0] == 'B' && bufferb[1] == 'M') { /* Bitmaps */ uint16_t x = 0; /* -> 212 */ uint16_t y = 0; /* -> 68 */ /* Get the width / height of the image */ signed int *bufferi = (signed int *)((uintptr_t)bufferb + 2); uint32_t width = bufferi[4]; uint32_t height = bufferi[5]; uint16_t bpp = bufferi[6] / 0x10000; uint32_t row_width = (bpp * width + 31) / 32 * 4; /* Skip right to the important part */ size_t i = bufferi[2]; sprite->width = width; sprite->height = height; sprite->bitmap = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * width * height); sprite->masks = NULL; int alpha_after = ((unsigned char *)&bufferi[13])[2] == 0xFF; #define _BMP_A 0x1000000 #define _BMP_R 0x1 #define _BMP_G 0x100 #define _BMP_B 0x10000 if (bpp == 32) { sprite->alpha = ALPHA_EMBEDDED; } for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (i > image_size) goto _cleanup_sprite; /* Extract the color */ uint32_t color; if (bpp == 24) { color = (bufferb[i + 3 * x] & 0xFF) + (bufferb[i+1 + 3 * x] & 0xFF) * 0x100 + (bufferb[i+2 + 3 * x] & 0xFF) * 0x10000 + 0xFF000000; } else if (bpp == 32 && alpha_after == 0) { color = (bufferb[i + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_A + (bufferb[i+1 + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_R + (bufferb[i+2 + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_G + (bufferb[i+3 + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_B; color = premultiply(color); } else if (bpp == 32 && alpha_after == 1) { color = (bufferb[i + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_R + (bufferb[i+1 + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_G + (bufferb[i+2 + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_B + (bufferb[i+3 + 4 * x] & 0xFF) * _BMP_A; color = premultiply(color); } else { color = rgb(bufferb[i + x],bufferb[i + x],bufferb[i + x]); /* Unsupported */ } /* Set our point */ sprite->bitmap[(height - y - 1) * width + x] = color; } i += row_width; } } else { /* Assume targa; limited support */ struct Header { uint8_t id_length; uint8_t color_map_type; uint8_t image_type; uint16_t color_map_first_entry; uint16_t color_map_length; uint8_t color_map_entry_size; uint16_t x_origin; uint16_t y_origin; uint16_t width; uint16_t height; uint8_t depth; uint8_t descriptor; } __attribute__((packed)); struct Header * header = (struct Header *)bufferb; if (header->id_length || header->color_map_type || (header->image_type != 2)) { /* Unable to parse */ goto _cleanup_sprite; } sprite->width = header->width; sprite->height = header->height; sprite->bitmap = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * sprite->width * sprite->height); sprite->masks = NULL; uint16_t x = 0; uint16_t y = 0; int i = sizeof(struct Header); if (header->depth == 24) { for (y = 0; y < sprite->height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < sprite->width; ++x) { uint32_t color = rgb( bufferb[i+2 + 3 * x], bufferb[i+1 + 3 * x], bufferb[i + 3 * x]); sprite->bitmap[(sprite->height - y - 1) * sprite->width + x] = color; } i += sprite->width * 3; } } else if (header->depth == 32) { for (y = 0; y < sprite->height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < sprite->width; ++x) { uint32_t color = rgba( bufferb[i+2 + 4 * x], bufferb[i+1 + 4 * x], bufferb[i + 4 * x], bufferb[i+3 + 4 * x]); sprite->bitmap[(sprite->height - y - 1) * sprite->width + x] = color; } i += sprite->width * 4; } } } _cleanup_sprite: fclose(image); free(bufferb); return 0; } #if !defined(NO_SSE) && defined(__x86_64__) static __m128i mask00ff; static __m128i mask0080; static __m128i mask0101; __attribute__((constructor)) static void _masks(void) { mask00ff = _mm_set1_epi16(0x00FF); mask0080 = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0080); mask0101 = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0101); } __attribute__((__force_align_arg_pointer__)) #endif void draw_sprite(gfx_context_t * ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, int32_t x, int32_t y) { int32_t _left = max(x, 0); int32_t _top = max(y, 0); int32_t _right = min(x + sprite->width, ctx->width - 1); int32_t _bottom = min(y + sprite->height, ctx->height - 1); if (sprite->alpha == ALPHA_EMBEDDED) { /* Alpha embedded is the most important step. */ for (uint16_t _y = 0; _y < sprite->height; ++_y) { if (y + _y < _top) continue; if (y + _y > _bottom) break; if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, y + _y)) continue; #if defined(NO_SSE) || !defined(__x86_64__) for (uint16_t _x = 0; _x < sprite->width; ++_x) { if (x + _x < _left || x + _x > _right || y + _y < _top || y + _y > _bottom) continue; GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y), SPRITE(sprite, _x, _y)); } #else uint16_t _x = (x < _left) ? _left - x : 0; /* Ensure alignment */ for (; _x < sprite->width && x + _x <= _right; ++_x) { if (!((uintptr_t)&GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) & 15)) break; GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y), SPRITE(sprite, _x, _y)); } for (; _x < sprite->width - 3 && x + _x + 3 <= _right; _x += 4) { __m128i d = _mm_load_si128((void *)&GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y)); __m128i s = _mm_loadu_si128((void *)&SPRITE(sprite, _x, _y)); __m128i d_l, d_h; __m128i s_l, s_h; // unpack destination d_l = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(d, _mm_setzero_si128()); d_h = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(d, _mm_setzero_si128()); // unpack source s_l = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(s, _mm_setzero_si128()); s_h = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(s, _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i a_l, a_h; __m128i t_l, t_h; // extract source alpha RGBA → AAAA a_l = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(s_l, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,3,3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,3,3)); a_h = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(s_h, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,3,3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,3,3)); // negate source alpha t_l = _mm_xor_si128(a_l, mask00ff); t_h = _mm_xor_si128(a_h, mask00ff); // apply source alpha to destination d_l = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_mullo_epi16(d_l,t_l),mask0080),mask0101); d_h = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_mullo_epi16(d_h,t_h),mask0080),mask0101); // combine source and destination d_l = _mm_adds_epu8(s_l,d_l); d_h = _mm_adds_epu8(s_h,d_h); // pack low + high and write back to memory _mm_storeu_si128((void*)&GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y), _mm_packus_epi16(d_l,d_h)); } for (; _x < sprite->width && x + _x <= _right; ++_x) { GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y), SPRITE(sprite, _x, _y)); } #endif } } else if (sprite->alpha == ALPHA_OPAQUE) { for (uint16_t _y = 0; _y < sprite->height; ++_y) { if (y + _y < _top) continue; if (y + _y > _bottom) break; if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, y + _y)) continue; for (uint16_t _x = (x < _left) ? _left - x : 0; _x < sprite->width && x + _x <= _right; ++_x) { GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) = SPRITE(sprite, _x, _y) | 0xFF000000; } } } } void draw_line(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t x0, int32_t x1, int32_t y0, int32_t y1, uint32_t color) { int deltax = abs(x1 - x0); int deltay = abs(y1 - y0); int sx = (x0 < x1) ? 1 : -1; int sy = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1; int error = deltax - deltay; while (1) { if (x0 >= 0 && y0 >= 0 && x0 < ctx->width && y0 < ctx->height) { GFX(ctx, x0, y0) = color; } if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) break; int e2 = 2 * error; if (e2 > -deltay) { error -= deltay; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < deltax) { error += deltax; y0 += sy; } } } void draw_line_thick(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t x0, int32_t x1, int32_t y0, int32_t y1, uint32_t color, char thickness) { int deltax = abs(x1 - x0); int deltay = abs(y1 - y0); int sx = (x0 < x1) ? 1 : -1; int sy = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1; int error = deltax - deltay; while (1) { for (char j = -thickness; j <= thickness; ++j) { for (char i = -thickness; i <= thickness; ++i) { if (x0 + i >= 0 && x0 + i < ctx->width && y0 + j >= 0 && y0 + j < ctx->height) { GFX(ctx, x0 + i, y0 + j) = color; } } } if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) break; int e2 = 2 * error; if (e2 > -deltay) { error -= deltay; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < deltax) { error += deltax; y0 += sy; } } } void draw_fill(gfx_context_t * ctx, uint32_t color) { for (uint16_t y = 0; y < ctx->height; ++y) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < ctx->width; ++x) { GFX(ctx, x, y) = color; } } } static inline int out_of_bounds(const sprite_t * tex, int x, int y) { return x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= tex->width || y >= tex->height; } /** * @brief Use bilinear interpolation to get a blended color at the point u,v */ #if 1 static inline uint32_t linear_interp(uint32_t left, uint32_t right, uint16_t pr) { uint16_t pl = 0xFF ^ pr; uint8_t d_r = (((uint32_t)(_RED(right) * pr + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL) + (((uint32_t)(_RED(left) * pl + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); uint8_t d_g = (((uint32_t)(_GRE(right) * pr + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL) + (((uint32_t)(_GRE(left) * pl + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); uint8_t d_b = (((uint32_t)(_BLU(right) * pr + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL) + (((uint32_t)(_BLU(left) * pl + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); uint8_t d_a = (((uint32_t)(_ALP(right) * pr + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL) + (((uint32_t)(_ALP(left) * pl + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL); return rgba(d_r, d_g, d_b, d_a); } __attribute__((hot)) static inline uint32_t gfx_bilinear_interpolation(const sprite_t * tex, double u, double v) { int x = (int)(u + 2.0) - 2; int y = (int)(v + 2.0) - 2; uint32_t ul = out_of_bounds(tex,x,y) ? 0 : SPRITE(tex,x,y); uint32_t ur = out_of_bounds(tex,x+1,y) ? 0 : SPRITE(tex,x+1,y); uint32_t ll = out_of_bounds(tex,x,y+1) ? 0 : SPRITE(tex,x,y+1); uint32_t lr = out_of_bounds(tex,x+1,y+1) ? 0 : SPRITE(tex,x+1,y+1); if ((ul | ur | ll | lr) == 0) return 0; uint8_t u_ratio = (u - x) * 0xFF; uint8_t v_ratio = (v - y) * 0xFF; uint32_t top = linear_interp(ul,ur,u_ratio); uint32_t bot = linear_interp(ll,lr,u_ratio); return linear_interp(top,bot,v_ratio); } #else static uint32_t gfx_bilinear_interpolation(const sprite_t * tex, double u, double v) { return out_of_bounds(tex,u,v) ? 0 : SPRITE(tex,(unsigned int)u,(unsigned int)v); } #endif static inline void apply_alpha_vector(uint32_t * pixels, size_t width, uint8_t alpha) { size_t i = 0; #if !defined(NO_SSE) && defined(__x86_64__) __m128i alp = _mm_set_epi16(alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha); while (i + 3 < width) { __m128i p = _mm_load_si128((void*)&pixels[i]); __m128i d_l, d_h; d_l = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(p, _mm_setzero_si128()),alp),mask0080),mask0101); d_h = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi8(p, _mm_setzero_si128()),alp),mask0080),mask0101); _mm_storeu_si128((void*)&pixels[i], _mm_packus_epi16(d_l,d_h)); i += 4; } #endif while (i < width) { uint8_t r = _RED(pixels[i]); uint8_t g = _GRE(pixels[i]); uint8_t b = _BLU(pixels[i]); uint8_t a = _ALP(pixels[i]); r = (((uint16_t)r * alpha + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL; g = (((uint16_t)g * alpha + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL; b = (((uint16_t)b * alpha + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL; a = (((uint16_t)a * alpha + 0x80) * 0x101) >> 16UL; pixels[i] = rgba(r,g,b,a); i++; } } void draw_sprite_alpha(gfx_context_t * ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, int32_t x, int32_t y, float alpha) { int32_t _left = max(x, 0); int32_t _top = max(y, 0); int32_t _right = min(x + sprite->width, ctx->width); int32_t _bottom = min(y + sprite->height, ctx->height); sprite_t * scanline = create_sprite(_right - _left, 1, ALPHA_EMBEDDED); uint8_t alp = alpha * 255; for (uint16_t _y = 0; _y < sprite->height; ++_y) { if (y + _y < _top) continue; if (y + _y >= _bottom) break; if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, y + _y)) continue; for (uint16_t _x = (x < _left) ? _left - x : 0; _x < sprite->width && x + _x < _right; ++_x) { SPRITE(scanline,_x + x - _left,0) = SPRITE(sprite, _x, _y); } apply_alpha_vector(scanline->bitmap, scanline->width, alp); draw_sprite(ctx,scanline,_left,y + _y); } sprite_free(scanline); } void draw_sprite_alpha_paint(gfx_context_t * ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, int32_t x, int32_t y, float alpha, uint32_t c) { int32_t _left = max(x, 0); int32_t _top = max(y, 0); int32_t _right = min(x + sprite->width, ctx->width); int32_t _bottom = min(y + sprite->height, ctx->height); for (uint16_t _y = 0; _y < sprite->height; ++_y) { if (y + _y < _top) continue; if (y + _y >= _bottom) break; if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, y + _y)) continue; for (uint16_t _x = (x < _left) ? _left - x : 0; _x < sprite->width && x + _x < _right; ++_x) { /* Get the alpha from the sprite at this pixel */ float n_alpha = alpha * ((float)_ALP(SPRITE(sprite, _x, _y)) / 255.0); uint32_t f_color = premultiply((c & 0xFFFFFF) | ((uint32_t)(255 * n_alpha) << 24)); f_color = (f_color & 0xFFFFFF) | ((uint32_t)(n_alpha * _ALP(c)) << 24); GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y), f_color); } } } static void apply_matrix(double x, double y, gfx_matrix_t matrix, double *out_x, double *out_y) { *out_x = matrix[0][0] * x + matrix[0][1] * y + matrix[0][2]; *out_y = matrix[1][0] * x + matrix[1][1] * y + matrix[1][2]; } void gfx_apply_matrix(double x, double y, gfx_matrix_t matrix, double *out_x, double *out_y) { apply_matrix(x,y,matrix,out_x,out_y); } static void multiply_matrix(gfx_matrix_t x, gfx_matrix_t y) { double a = x[0][0]; double b = x[0][1]; double c = x[0][2]; double d = x[1][0]; double e = x[1][1]; double f = x[1][2]; double g = y[0][0]; double h = y[0][1]; double i = y[0][2]; double j = y[1][0]; double k = y[1][1]; double l = y[1][2]; x[0][0] = a * g + b * j; x[0][1] = a * h + b * k; x[0][2] = a * i + b * l + c; x[1][0] = d * g + e * j; x[1][1] = d * h + e * k; x[1][2] = d * i + e * l + f; } void gfx_matrix_identity(gfx_matrix_t matrix) { matrix[0][0] = 1; matrix[0][1] = 0; matrix[0][2] = 0; matrix[1][0] = 0; matrix[1][1] = 1; matrix[1][2] = 0; } void gfx_matrix_scale(gfx_matrix_t matrix, double x, double y) { multiply_matrix(matrix, (gfx_matrix_t){ {x, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, y, 0.0}, }); } void gfx_matrix_shear(gfx_matrix_t matrix, double x, double y) { multiply_matrix(matrix, (gfx_matrix_t){ {1.0, x, 0.0}, {y, 1.0, 0.0}, }); } void gfx_matrix_rotate(gfx_matrix_t matrix, double r) { multiply_matrix(matrix, (gfx_matrix_t){ { cos(r), -sin(r), 0.0}, { sin(r), cos(r), 0.0}, }); } void gfx_matrix_translate(gfx_matrix_t matrix, double x, double y) { multiply_matrix(matrix, (gfx_matrix_t){ { 1.0, 0.0, x }, { 0.0, 1.0, y }, }); } static double matrix_det(gfx_matrix_t matrix) { double a = matrix[0][0]; double b = matrix[0][1]; double d = matrix[1][0]; double e = matrix[1][1]; return a * e - b * d; } int gfx_matrix_invert(gfx_matrix_t m, gfx_matrix_t inverse) { double det = matrix_det(m); if (det == 0.0) return 1; double a = m[0][0]; double b = m[0][1]; double c = m[1][0]; double d = m[1][1]; double tx = m[0][2]; double ty = m[1][2]; inverse[0][0] = d * (1.0 / det); inverse[0][1] = -b * (1.0 / det); inverse[1][0] = -c * (1.0 / det); inverse[1][1] = a * (1.0 / det); inverse[0][2] = (b * ty - d * tx) / det; inverse[1][2] = (c * tx - a * ty) / det; return 0; } /** * @brief Draw a sprite into a context, applying a transformation matrix. * * Uses the affine transformaton matrix @p matrix to draw @p sprite into @p ctx. */ void draw_sprite_transform(gfx_context_t * ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, gfx_matrix_t matrix, float alpha) { double inverse[2][3]; /* Calculate the inverse matrix for use in calculating sprite * coordinate from screen coordinate. */ gfx_matrix_invert(matrix, inverse); /* Use primary matrix to obtain corners of the transformed * sprite in screen coordinates. */ double ul_x, ul_y; double ll_x, ll_y; double ur_x, ur_y; double lr_x, lr_y; apply_matrix(0, 0, matrix, &ul_x, &ul_y); apply_matrix(0, sprite->height, matrix, &ll_x, &ll_y); apply_matrix(sprite->width, 0, matrix, &ur_x, &ur_y); apply_matrix(sprite->width, sprite->height, matrix, &lr_x, &lr_y); /* Use the corners to calculate bounds within the target context. */ int32_t _left = clamp(fmin(fmin(ul_x, ll_x), fmin(ur_x, lr_x)), 0, ctx->width); int32_t _top = clamp(fmin(fmin(ul_y, ll_y), fmin(ur_y, lr_y)), 0, ctx->height); int32_t _right = clamp(fmax(fmax(ul_x+1, ll_x+1), fmax(ur_x+1, lr_x+1)), 0, ctx->width); int32_t _bottom = clamp(fmax(fmax(ul_y+1, ll_y+1), fmax(ur_y+1, lr_y+1)), 0, ctx->height); sprite_t * scanline = create_sprite(_right - _left, 1, ALPHA_EMBEDDED); uint8_t alp = alpha * 255; double filter_x, filter_y, filter_dxx, filter_dxy, filter_dyx, filter_dyy; gfx_apply_matrix(_left, _top, inverse, &filter_x, &filter_y); gfx_apply_matrix(_left+1, _top, inverse, &filter_dxx, &filter_dxy); filter_dxx -= filter_x; filter_dxy -= filter_y; gfx_apply_matrix(_left, _top+1, inverse, &filter_dyx, &filter_dyy); filter_dyx -= filter_x; filter_dyy -= filter_y; for (int32_t _y = _top; _y < _bottom; ++_y) { float u = filter_x; float v = filter_y; filter_x += filter_dyx; filter_y += filter_dyy; if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, _y)) continue; for (int32_t _x = _left; _x < _right; ++_x) { SPRITE(scanline,_x - _left,0) = gfx_bilinear_interpolation(sprite, u, v); u += filter_dxx; v += filter_dxy; } apply_alpha_vector(scanline->bitmap, scanline->width, alp); draw_sprite(ctx,scanline,_left,_y); } sprite_free(scanline); } void draw_sprite_transform_blur(gfx_context_t * ctx, gfx_context_t * blur_ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, gfx_matrix_t matrix, float alpha, uint8_t threshold) { double inverse[2][3]; /* Calculate the inverse matrix for use in calculating sprite * coordinate from screen coordinate. */ gfx_matrix_invert(matrix, inverse); /* Use primary matrix to obtain corners of the transformed * sprite in screen coordinates. */ double ul_x, ul_y; double ll_x, ll_y; double ur_x, ur_y; double lr_x, lr_y; apply_matrix(0, 0, matrix, &ul_x, &ul_y); apply_matrix(0, sprite->height, matrix, &ll_x, &ll_y); apply_matrix(sprite->width, 0, matrix, &ur_x, &ur_y); apply_matrix(sprite->width, sprite->height, matrix, &lr_x, &lr_y); /* Use the corners to calculate bounds within the target context. */ int32_t _left = clamp(fmin(fmin(ul_x, ll_x), fmin(ur_x, lr_x)), 0, ctx->width); int32_t _top = clamp(fmin(fmin(ul_y, ll_y), fmin(ur_y, lr_y)), 0, ctx->height); int32_t _right = clamp(fmax(fmax(ul_x+1, ll_x+1), fmax(ur_x+1, lr_x+1)), 0, ctx->width); int32_t _bottom = clamp(fmax(fmax(ul_y+1, ll_y+1), fmax(ur_y+1, lr_y+1)), 0, ctx->height); blur_ctx->clips_size = ctx->clips_size; blur_ctx->clips = ctx->clips; blur_ctx->backbuffer = ctx->backbuffer; gfx_context_t * f = init_graphics_subregion(blur_ctx, _left, _top, _right - _left, _bottom - _top); flip(f); f->backbuffer = f->buffer; blur_context_box(f, 10); free(f); blur_ctx->backbuffer = blur_ctx->buffer; blur_ctx->clips_size = 0; blur_ctx->clips = NULL; sprite_t * scanline = create_sprite(_right - _left, 1, ALPHA_EMBEDDED); sprite_t * blurline = create_sprite(_right - _left, 1, ALPHA_EMBEDDED); uint8_t alp = alpha * 255; double filter_x, filter_y, filter_dxx, filter_dxy, filter_dyx, filter_dyy; gfx_apply_matrix(_left, _top, inverse, &filter_x, &filter_y); gfx_apply_matrix(_left+1, _top, inverse, &filter_dxx, &filter_dxy); filter_dxx -= filter_x; filter_dxy -= filter_y; gfx_apply_matrix(_left, _top+1, inverse, &filter_dyx, &filter_dyy); filter_dyx -= filter_x; filter_dyy -= filter_y; for (int32_t _y = _top; _y < _bottom; ++_y) { float u = filter_x; float v = filter_y; filter_x += filter_dyx; filter_y += filter_dyy; if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, _y)) continue; for (int32_t _x = _left; _x < _right; ++_x) { SPRITE(scanline,_x - _left,0) = gfx_bilinear_interpolation(sprite, u, v); SPRITE(blurline,_x - _left,0) = (_ALP(SPRITE(scanline,_x - _left,0)) > threshold) ? GFX(blur_ctx,_x,_y) : 0; u += filter_dxx; v += filter_dxy; } apply_alpha_vector(blurline->bitmap, blurline->width, alp); apply_alpha_vector(scanline->bitmap, scanline->width, alp); draw_sprite(ctx,blurline,_left,_y); draw_sprite(ctx,scanline,_left,_y); } sprite_free(scanline); sprite_free(blurline); } void draw_sprite_rotate(gfx_context_t * ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, int32_t x, int32_t y, float rotation, float alpha) { gfx_matrix_t m; gfx_matrix_identity(m); gfx_matrix_translate(m, x + sprite->width / 2, y + sprite->height / 2); gfx_matrix_rotate(m, rotation); gfx_matrix_translate(m, -sprite->width / 2, -sprite->height / 2); draw_sprite_transform(ctx,sprite,m,alpha); } void draw_sprite_scaled(gfx_context_t * ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) { gfx_matrix_t m; gfx_matrix_identity(m); gfx_matrix_translate(m, x, y); gfx_matrix_scale(m, (double)width / (double)sprite->width, (double)height / (double)sprite->height); draw_sprite_transform(ctx,sprite,m,1.0); } void draw_sprite_scaled_alpha(gfx_context_t * ctx, const sprite_t * sprite, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, float alpha) { gfx_matrix_t m; gfx_matrix_identity(m); gfx_matrix_translate(m, x, y); gfx_matrix_scale(m, (double)width / (double)sprite->width, (double)height / (double)sprite->height); draw_sprite_transform(ctx,sprite,m,alpha); } uint32_t interp_colors(uint32_t bottom, uint32_t top, uint8_t interp) { uint8_t red = (_RED(bottom) * (255 - interp) + _RED(top) * interp) / 255; uint8_t gre = (_GRE(bottom) * (255 - interp) + _GRE(top) * interp) / 255; uint8_t blu = (_BLU(bottom) * (255 - interp) + _BLU(top) * interp) / 255; uint8_t alp = (_ALP(bottom) * (255 - interp) + _ALP(top) * interp) / 255; return rgba(red,gre,blu, alp); } void draw_rectangle(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t color) { int32_t _left = max(x, 0); int32_t _top = max(y, 0); int32_t _right = min(x + width, ctx->width - 1); int32_t _bottom = min(y + height, ctx->height - 1); for (uint16_t _y = 0; _y < height; ++_y) { if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, y + _y)) continue; for (uint16_t _x = 0; _x < width; ++_x) { if (x + _x < _left || x + _x > _right || y + _y < _top || y + _y > _bottom) continue; GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y), color); } } } void draw_rectangle_solid(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t color) { int32_t _left = max(x, 0); int32_t _top = max(y, 0); int32_t _right = min(x + width, ctx->width - 1); int32_t _bottom = min(y + height, ctx->height - 1); for (uint16_t _y = 0; _y < height; ++_y) { if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, y + _y)) continue; for (uint16_t _x = 0; _x < width; ++_x) { if (x + _x < _left || x + _x > _right || y + _y < _top || y + _y > _bottom) continue; GFX(ctx, x + _x, y + _y) = color; } } } uint32_t gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern(int32_t x, int32_t y, double alpha, void * extra) { struct gradient_definition * gradient = extra; int base_r = _RED(gradient->top), base_g = _GRE(gradient->top), base_b = _BLU(gradient->top); int last_r = _RED(gradient->bottom), last_g = _GRE(gradient->bottom), last_b = _BLU(gradient->bottom); double gradpoint = (double)(y - (gradient->y)) / (double)gradient->height; if (alpha > 1.0) alpha = 1.0; if (alpha < 0.0) alpha = 0.0; return premultiply(rgba( base_r * (1.0 - gradpoint) + last_r * (gradpoint), base_g * (1.0 - gradpoint) + last_g * (gradpoint), base_b * (1.0 - gradpoint) + last_b * (gradpoint), alpha * 255)); } float gfx_point_distance(const struct gfx_point * a, const struct gfx_point * b) { return sqrt((a->x - b->x) * (a->x - b->x) + (a->y - b->y) * (a->y - b->y)); } void draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, int radius, uint32_t (*pattern)(int32_t x, int32_t y, double alpha, void * extra), void * extra) { /* Draw a rounded rectangle */ if (radius > width / 2) { radius = width / 2; } if (radius > height / 2) { radius = height / 2; } for (int row = y; row < y + height; row++){ if (row < 0) continue; if (row >= ctx->height) break; for (int col = x; col < x + width; col++) { if (col < 0) continue; if (col >= ctx->width) break; if ((col < x + radius || col > x + width - radius - 1) && (row < y + radius || row > y + height - radius - 1)) { continue; } GFX(ctx, col, row) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, col, row), pattern(col,row,1.0,extra)); } } struct gfx_point origin = {0.0,0.0}; for (int py = 0; py < radius + 1; ++py) { for (int px = 0; px < radius + 1; ++px) { struct gfx_point this = {px,py}; float dist = gfx_point_distance(&origin,&this); if (dist > (double)radius) continue; float alpha = 1.0; if (dist > (double)(radius-1)) { alpha = 1.0 - (dist - (double)(radius-1)); } int _x = clamp(x + width - radius + px, 0, ctx->width-1); int _y = clamp(y + height - radius + py, 0, ctx->height-1); int _z = clamp(y + radius - py - 1, 0, ctx->height-1); GFX(ctx, _x, _y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, _x, _y), pattern(_x,_y,alpha,extra)); GFX(ctx, _x, _z) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, _x, _z), pattern(_x,_z,alpha,extra)); _x = clamp(x + radius - px - 1, 0, ctx->width-1); GFX(ctx, _x, _y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, _x, _y), pattern(_x,_y,alpha,extra)); GFX(ctx, _x, _z) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx, _x, _z), pattern(_x,_z,alpha,extra)); } } } uint32_t gfx_fill_pattern(int32_t x, int32_t y, double alpha, void * extra) { if (alpha > 1.0) alpha = 1.0; if (alpha < 0.0) alpha = 0.0; uint32_t c = *(uint32_t*)extra; return premultiply(rgba(_RED(c),_GRE(c),_BLU(c),(int)((double)_ALP(c) * alpha))); } void draw_rounded_rectangle(gfx_context_t * ctx, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, int radius, uint32_t color) { draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(ctx,x,y,width,height,radius,gfx_fill_pattern,&color); } float gfx_point_distance_squared(const struct gfx_point * a, const struct gfx_point * b) { return (a->x - b->x) * (a->x - b->x) + (a->y - b->y) * (a->y - b->y); } float gfx_point_dot(const struct gfx_point * a, const struct gfx_point * b) { return (a->x * b->x) + (a->y * b->y); } struct gfx_point gfx_point_sub(const struct gfx_point * a, const struct gfx_point * b) { struct gfx_point p = {a->x - b->x, a->y - b->y}; return p; } struct gfx_point gfx_point_add(const struct gfx_point * a, const struct gfx_point * b) { struct gfx_point p = {a->x + b->x, a->y + b->y}; return p; } float gfx_line_distance(const struct gfx_point * p, const struct gfx_point * v, const struct gfx_point * w) { float lengthlength = gfx_point_distance_squared(v,w); if (lengthlength == 0.0) return gfx_point_distance(p, v); /* point */ struct gfx_point p_v = gfx_point_sub(p,v); struct gfx_point w_v = gfx_point_sub(w,v); float tmp = gfx_point_dot(&p_v,&w_v) / lengthlength; tmp = fmin(1.0,tmp); float t = fmax(0.0, tmp); w_v.x *= t; w_v.y *= t; struct gfx_point v_t = gfx_point_add(v, &w_v); return gfx_point_distance(p, &v_t); } /** * This is slow, but it works... * * Maybe acceptable for baked UI elements? */ void draw_line_aa_points(gfx_context_t * ctx, struct gfx_point *v, struct gfx_point *w, uint32_t color, float thickness) { /* Calculate viable bounds */ int x_0 = max(min(v->x - thickness - 1, w->x - thickness - 1), 0); int x_1 = min(max(v->x + thickness + 1, w->x + thickness + 1), ctx->width); int y_0 = max(min(v->y - thickness - 1, w->y - thickness - 1), 0); int y_1 = min(max(v->y + thickness + 1, w->y + thickness + 1), ctx->height); for (int y = y_0; y < y_1; ++y) { for (int x = x_0; x < x_1; ++x) { struct gfx_point p = {x,y}; float d = gfx_line_distance(&p,v,w); if (d < thickness + 0.5) { if (d < thickness - 0.5) { GFX(ctx,x,y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx,x,y), color); } else { float alpha = 1.0 - (d - thickness + 0.5); GFX(ctx,x,y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx,x,y), premultiply(rgba(_RED(color),_GRE(color),_BLU(color),(int)((double)_ALP(color) * alpha)))); } } } } } void draw_line_aa(gfx_context_t * ctx, int x_1, int x_2, int y_1, int y_2, uint32_t color, float thickness) { struct gfx_point v = {(float)x_1, (float)y_1}; struct gfx_point w = {(float)x_2, (float)y_2}; draw_line_aa_points(ctx,&v,&w,color,thickness); }