/* * cat * * Concatenates files together to standard output. * In a supporting terminal, you can then pipe * standard out to another file or other useful * things like that. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/pthread.h" int fd = 0; int child_pid = 0; void *print_serial_stuff(void * garbage) { child_pid = gettid(); while (1) { char x; read(fd, &x, 1); fputc(x, stdout); fflush(stdout); } pthread_exit(garbage); } struct termios old; void set_unbuffered() { tcgetattr(fileno(stdin), &old); struct termios new = old; new.c_lflag &= (~ICANON & ~ECHO); tcsetattr(fileno(stdin), TCSAFLUSH, &new); } void set_buffered() { tcsetattr(fileno(stdin), TCSAFLUSH, &old); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { pthread_t receive_thread; pthread_t flush_thread; char * device = argv[1]; if (argc < 1) { device = "/dev/ttyS0"; } set_unbuffered(); fd = open(device, 0, 0); pthread_create(&receive_thread, NULL, print_serial_stuff, NULL); while (1) { char c = fgetc(stdin); if (c == 27) { char x = fgetc(stdin); if (x == ']') { while (1) { printf("serial-console>\033[1561z "); set_buffered(); fflush(stdout); char line[1024]; fgets(line, 1024, stdin); int i = strlen(line); line[i-1] = '\0'; if (!strcmp(line, "quit")) { kill(child_pid, SIGKILL); printf("Waiting for threads to shut down...\n"); while (wait(NULL) != -1); printf("Exiting.\n"); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(line, "continue")) { set_unbuffered(); fflush(stdout); break; } } } else { ungetc(x, stdin); } } char buf[1] = {c}; write(fd, buf, 1); } close(fd); set_buffered(); return 0; } /* * vim:tabstop=4 * vim:noexpandtab * vim:shiftwidth=4 */