/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2014-2018 K. Lange * * pstree - Display a tree of running process * */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <toaru/list.h> #include <toaru/tree.h> typedef struct process { int pid; int ppid; int tgid; char name[100]; char path[200]; } p_t; #define LINE_LEN 4096 p_t * build_entry(struct dirent * dent) { char tmp[300]; FILE * f; char line[LINE_LEN]; sprintf(tmp, "/proc/%s/status", dent->d_name); f = fopen(tmp, "r"); p_t * proc = malloc(sizeof(p_t)); while (fgets(line, LINE_LEN, f) != NULL) { char * n = strstr(line,"\n"); if (n) { *n = '\0'; } char * tab = strstr(line,"\t"); if (tab) { *tab = '\0'; tab++; } if (strstr(line, "Pid:") == line) { proc->pid = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "PPid:") == line) { proc->ppid = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "Tgid:") == line) { proc->tgid = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "Name:") == line) { strcpy(proc->name, tab); } else if (strstr(line, "Path:") == line) { strcpy(proc->path, tab); } } if (strstr(proc->name,"python") == proc->name) { char * name = proc->path + strlen(proc->path) - 1; while (1) { if (*name == '/') { name++; break; } if (name == proc->name) break; name--; } memcpy(proc->name, name, strlen(name)+1); } if (proc->tgid != proc->pid) { char tmp[100] = {0}; sprintf(tmp, "{%s}", proc->name); memcpy(proc->name, tmp, strlen(tmp)+1); } fclose(f); return proc; } uint8_t find_pid(void * proc_v, void * pid_v) { p_t * p = proc_v; pid_t i = (pid_t)(uintptr_t)pid_v; return (uint8_t)(p->pid == i); } void print_process_tree_node(tree_node_t * node, size_t depth, int indented, int more, char lines[]) { p_t * proc = node->value; for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(proc->name)+3; ++i) { lines[depth+i] = 0; } if (!indented && depth) { if (more) { printf("─┬─"); lines[depth+1] = 1; } else { printf("───"); } depth += 3; } else if (depth) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)depth; ++i) { if (lines[i]) { printf("│"); } else { printf(" "); } } if (more) { printf(" ├─"); lines[depth+1] = 1; } else { printf(" └─"); } depth += 3; } printf(proc->name); if (!node->children->length) { printf("\n"); } else { depth += strlen(proc->name); int t = 0; foreach(child, node->children) { /* Recursively print the children */ print_process_tree_node(child->value, depth, !!(t), ((t+1)!=(int)node->children->length), lines); t++; } } for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(proc->name)+3; ++i) { lines[depth+i] = 0; } } int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { /* Open the directory */ DIR * dirp = opendir("/proc"); /* Read the entries in the directory */ tree_t * procs = tree_create(); struct dirent * ent = readdir(dirp); while (ent != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] >= '0' && ent->d_name[0] <= '9') { p_t * proc = build_entry(ent); if (proc->ppid == 0 && proc->pid == 1) { tree_set_root(procs, proc); } else { tree_node_t * parent = tree_find(procs,(void *)(uintptr_t)proc->ppid,find_pid); if (parent) { tree_node_insert_child(procs, parent, proc); } } } ent = readdir(dirp); } closedir(dirp); char lines[500] = {0}; print_process_tree_node(procs->root, 0, 0, 0, lines); return 0; } /* * vim: tabstop=4 * vim: shiftwidth=4 * vim: noexpandtab */