/* This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2013 Kevin Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_SPEED 2 #define INITIAL_SNOW 40 #define INCREMENTAL_SNOW 10 #define BUFFER_SIZE 10 #define BLANK_SPACE " " #define NUM_FLAKE_TEXTURES 4 char * flake_textures[] = { "❄", "❅", "❆", "*", }; typedef struct { int width; int height; char ** backingstore; } screen_t; typedef struct { char * display; signed short x; signed short y; signed char speed; char gravity; } flake_t; screen_t * init_screen() { char * term = getenv("TERM"); screen_t * screen = malloc(sizeof(screen_t)); struct winsize w; ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); screen->width = w.ws_col; screen->height = w.ws_row; screen->backingstore = malloc(sizeof(char *) * screen->width * screen->height); return screen; } flake_t * make_some_flakes(screen_t * screen, int how_many) { flake_t * out = malloc(sizeof(flake_t) * (how_many + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < how_many; ++i) { out[i].display = flake_textures[rand() % NUM_FLAKE_TEXTURES]; out[i].x = rand() % screen->width; out[i].y = -(rand() % BUFFER_SIZE); out[i].speed = rand() % MAX_SPEED - (MAX_SPEED / 2); out[i].gravity = 1; } out[how_many].display = NULL; return out; } flake_t * add_flakes(screen_t * screen, flake_t * flakes, int how_many) { flake_t * more = make_some_flakes(screen, how_many); int len = 0; for (; flakes[len].display; ++len); flakes = realloc(flakes, sizeof(flake_t) * (how_many + len + 1)); memcpy(&flakes[len], more, sizeof(flake_t) * (how_many + 1)); free(more); return flakes; } int detect_collisions(screen_t * screen, flake_t * flakes, int i) { int x = flakes[i].x; int y = flakes[i].y; if (flakes[i].y >= screen->height - 1) { flakes[i].gravity = 0; return 1; } for (int j = 0; flakes[j].display; ++j) { if (flakes[j].gravity) continue; if (flakes[j].x == x && flakes[j].y == (y + 1)) { flakes[i].gravity = 0; return 1; } } return 0; } void update_flakes(screen_t * screen, flake_t * flakes) { for (int i = 0; flakes[i].display; ++i) { if (flakes[i].gravity) { flakes[i].x += flakes[i].speed; if (flakes[i].x < 0) { flakes[i].x = screen->width - 1; } else if (flakes[i].x >= screen->width) { flakes[i].x = 0; } if (!detect_collisions(screen, flakes, i)) { flakes[i].y += flakes[i].gravity; } } } } void write_screen(screen_t * screen, flake_t * flakes) { for (int y = 0; y < screen->height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < screen->width; ++x) { screen->backingstore[x + y * screen->width] = BLANK_SPACE; } } for (int i = 0; flakes[i].display; ++i) { if (flakes[i].y >= 0 && flakes[i].y < screen->height && flakes[i].x >= 0 && flakes[i].x < screen->width) { screen->backingstore[flakes[i].x + flakes[i].y * screen->width] = flakes[i].display; } } } void flip_screen(screen_t * screen) { printf("\033[H"); for (int y = 0; y < screen->height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < screen->width; ++x) { if ((y == screen->height - 1) && (x == screen->width - 1)) { fflush(stdout); return; } printf("%s", screen->backingstore[x + y * screen->width]); } printf("\n"); } } int main(int argc, char * argv) { screen_t * main_screen = init_screen(); flake_t * flakes = make_some_flakes(main_screen, INITIAL_SNOW); for (;;) { write_screen(main_screen, flakes); flip_screen(main_screen); update_flakes(main_screen, flakes); flakes = add_flakes(main_screen, flakes, INCREMENTAL_SNOW); usleep(90000); } return 0; }