#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TTY_BUFFER_SIZE 512 typedef struct pty { /* the PTY number */ int name; /* Master and slave endpoints */ fs_node_t * master; fs_node_t * slave; /* term io "window size" struct (width/height) */ struct winsize size; /* termios data structure */ struct termios tios; /* directional pipes */ ring_buffer_t * in; ring_buffer_t * out; char * canon_buffer; size_t canon_bufsize; size_t canon_buflen; pid_t ct_proc; /* Controlling process (shell) */ pid_t fg_proc; /* Foreground process (might also be shell) */ } pty_t; list_t * pty_list = NULL; #define IN(character) ring_buffer_write(pty->in, 1, (uint8_t *)&(character)) #define OUT(character) ring_buffer_write(pty->out, 1, (uint8_t *)&(character)) static void dump_input_buffer(pty_t * pty) { char * c = pty->canon_buffer; while (pty->canon_buflen > 0) { IN(*c); pty->canon_buflen--; c++; } } static void clear_input_buffer(pty_t * pty) { pty->canon_buflen = 0; pty->canon_buffer[0] = '\0'; } static void output_process(pty_t * pty, uint8_t c) { if (c == '\n' && (pty->tios.c_oflag & ONLCR)) { uint8_t d = '\r'; OUT(d); } OUT(c); } static void input_process(pty_t * pty, uint8_t c) { if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ICANON) { debug_print(INFO, "Processing for character %d in canon mode", c); if (c == pty->tios.c_cc[VKILL]) { while (pty->canon_buflen > 0) { pty->canon_buflen--; pty->canon_buffer[pty->canon_buflen] = '\0'; if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ECHO) { output_process(pty, '\010'); output_process(pty, ' '); output_process(pty, '\010'); } } return; } if (c == pty->tios.c_cc[VERASE]) { /* Backspace */ if (pty->canon_buflen > 0) { pty->canon_buflen--; pty->canon_buffer[pty->canon_buflen] = '\0'; if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ECHO) { output_process(pty, '\010'); output_process(pty, ' '); output_process(pty, '\010'); } } return; } if (c == pty->tios.c_cc[VINTR]) { if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ECHO) { output_process(pty, '^'); output_process(pty, '@' + c); output_process(pty, '\n'); } clear_input_buffer(pty); if (pty->fg_proc) { send_signal(pty->fg_proc, SIGINT); } return; } if (c == pty->tios.c_cc[VQUIT]) { if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ECHO) { output_process(pty, '^'); output_process(pty, '@' + c); output_process(pty, '\n'); } clear_input_buffer(pty); if (pty->fg_proc) { send_signal(pty->fg_proc, SIGQUIT); } return; } pty->canon_buffer[pty->canon_buflen] = c; if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ECHO) { output_process(pty, c); } if (pty->canon_buffer[pty->canon_buflen] == '\n') { pty->canon_buflen++; dump_input_buffer(pty); return; } if (pty->canon_buflen == pty->canon_bufsize) { dump_input_buffer(pty); return; } pty->canon_buflen++; return; } else if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ECHO) { output_process(pty, c); } IN(c); } int pty_ioctl(pty_t * pty, int request, void * argp) { debug_print(INFO, "Incoming IOCTL request %d", request); switch (request) { case IOCTLDTYPE: /* * This is a special toaru-specific call to get a simple * integer that describes the kind of device this is. * It's more specific than just "character device" or "file", * but for here we just need to say we're a TTY. */ return IOCTL_DTYPE_TTY; case TIOCSWINSZ: if (!argp) return -1; validate(argp); memcpy(&pty->size, argp, sizeof(struct winsize)); /* TODO send sigwinch to fg_prog */ return 0; case TIOCGWINSZ: if (!argp) return -1; validate(argp); memcpy(argp, &pty->size, sizeof(struct winsize)); return 0; case TCGETS: if (!argp) return -1; validate(argp); memcpy(argp, &pty->tios, sizeof(struct termios)); return 0; case TIOCSPGRP: if (!argp) return -1; validate(argp); pty->fg_proc = *(pid_t *)argp; debug_print(NOTICE, "Setting PTY group to %d", pty->fg_proc); return 0; case TIOCGPGRP: if (!argp) return -1; validate(argp); *(pid_t *)argp = pty->fg_proc; return 0; case TCSETS: case TCSETSW: case TCSETSF: if (!argp) return -1; validate(argp); if (!(((struct termios *)argp)->c_lflag & ICANON) && (pty->tios.c_lflag & ICANON)) { /* Switch out of canonical mode, the dump the input buffer */ dump_input_buffer(pty); } memcpy(&pty->tios, argp, sizeof(struct termios)); return 0; default: return -1; /* TODO EINV... something or other */ } return -1; } #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) uint32_t read_pty_master(fs_node_t * node, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; /* Standard pipe read */ return ring_buffer_read(pty->out, size, buffer); } uint32_t write_pty_master(fs_node_t * node, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; size_t l = 0; for (uint8_t * c = buffer; l < size; ++c, ++l) { input_process(pty, *c); } return l; } void open_pty_master(fs_node_t * node, unsigned int flags) { return; } void close_pty_master(fs_node_t * node) { return; } uint32_t read_pty_slave(fs_node_t * node, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; if (pty->tios.c_lflag & ICANON) { return ring_buffer_read(pty->in, size, buffer); } else { if (pty->tios.c_cc[VMIN] == 0) { return ring_buffer_read(pty->in, MIN(size, ring_buffer_unread(pty->in)), buffer); } else { return ring_buffer_read(pty->in, MIN(pty->tios.c_cc[VMIN], size), buffer); } } } uint32_t write_pty_slave(fs_node_t * node, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; size_t l = 0; for (uint8_t * c = buffer; l < size; ++c, ++l) { output_process(pty, *c); } return l; } void open_pty_slave(fs_node_t * node, unsigned int flags) { return; } void close_pty_slave(fs_node_t * node) { return; } /* * These are separate functions just in case I ever feel the need to do * things differently in the slave or master. */ int ioctl_pty_master(fs_node_t * node, int request, void * argp) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; return pty_ioctl(pty, request, argp); } int ioctl_pty_slave(fs_node_t * node, int request, void * argp) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; return pty_ioctl(pty, request, argp); } int pty_available_input(fs_node_t * node) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; return ring_buffer_unread(pty->in); } int pty_available_output(fs_node_t * node) { pty_t * pty = (pty_t *)node->device; return ring_buffer_unread(pty->out); } fs_node_t * pty_master_create(pty_t * pty) { fs_node_t * fnode = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t)); memset(fnode, 0x00, sizeof(fs_node_t)); fnode->name[0] = '\0'; sprintf(fnode->name, "pty master"); fnode->uid = 0; fnode->gid = 0; fnode->flags = FS_PIPE; fnode->read = read_pty_master; fnode->write = write_pty_master; fnode->open = open_pty_master; fnode->close = close_pty_master; fnode->readdir = NULL; fnode->finddir = NULL; fnode->ioctl = ioctl_pty_master; fnode->get_size = pty_available_output; fnode->device = pty; return fnode; } fs_node_t * pty_slave_create(pty_t * pty) { fs_node_t * fnode = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t)); memset(fnode, 0x00, sizeof(fs_node_t)); fnode->name[0] = '\0'; sprintf(fnode->name, "pty slave"); fnode->uid = 0; fnode->gid = 0; fnode->flags = FS_PIPE; fnode->read = read_pty_slave; fnode->write = write_pty_slave; fnode->open = open_pty_slave; fnode->close = close_pty_slave; fnode->readdir = NULL; fnode->finddir = NULL; fnode->ioctl = ioctl_pty_slave; fnode->get_size = pty_available_input; fnode->device = pty; return fnode; } void pty_install(void) { pty_list = list_create(); } pty_t * pty_new(struct winsize * size) { pty_t * pty = malloc(sizeof(pty_t)); /* stdin linkage; characters from terminal → PTY slave */ pty->in = ring_buffer_create(TTY_BUFFER_SIZE); pty->out = ring_buffer_create(TTY_BUFFER_SIZE); /* Master endpoint - writes go to stdin, reads come from stdout */ pty->master = pty_master_create(pty); /* Slave endpoint, reads come from stdin, writes go to stdout */ pty->slave = pty_slave_create(pty); /* TODO PTY name */ pty->name = 0; if (size) { memcpy(&pty->size, size, sizeof(struct winsize)); } else { /* Sane defaults */ pty->size.ws_row = 25; pty->size.ws_col = 80; } /* Controlling and foreground processes are set to 0 by default */ pty->ct_proc = 0; pty->fg_proc = 0; pty->tios.c_iflag = ICRNL | BRKINT; pty->tios.c_oflag = ONLCR | OPOST; pty->tios.c_lflag = ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN; pty->tios.c_cflag = CREAD; pty->tios.c_cc[VEOF] = 4; /* ^D */ pty->tios.c_cc[VEOL] = 0; /* Not set */ pty->tios.c_cc[VERASE] = '\b'; pty->tios.c_cc[VINTR] = 3; /* ^C */ pty->tios.c_cc[VKILL] = 21; /* ^U */ pty->tios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; pty->tios.c_cc[VQUIT] = 28; /* ^\ */ pty->tios.c_cc[VSTART] = 17; /* ^Q */ pty->tios.c_cc[VSTOP] = 19; /* ^S */ pty->tios.c_cc[VSUSP] = 26; /* ^Z */ pty->tios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; pty->canon_buffer = malloc(TTY_BUFFER_SIZE); pty->canon_bufsize = TTY_BUFFER_SIZE; pty->canon_buflen = 0; return pty; } int openpty(int * master, int * slave, char * name, void * _ign0, void * size) { /* We require a place to put these when we are done. */ if (!master || !slave) return -1; if (validate_safe(master) || validate_safe(slave)) return -1; if (validate_safe(size)) return -1; /* Create a new pseudo terminal */ pty_t * pty = pty_new(size); /* Append the master and slave to the calling process */ *master = process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, pty->master); *slave = process_append_fd((process_t *)current_process, pty->slave); /* Return success */ return 0; }