/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 K. Lange * * julia - Julia Fractal Generator * * This is the updated windowed version of the * julia fractal generator demo. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GFX_(xpt, ypt) (GFX(ctx,xpt+decor_left_width,ypt+decor_top_height)) /* Pointer to graphics memory */ static yutani_t * yctx; static yutani_window_t * window = NULL; static gfx_context_t * ctx = NULL; static int decor_left_width = 0; static int decor_top_height = 0; static int decor_right_width = 0; static int decor_bottom_height = 0; static int decor_width = 0; static int decor_height = 0; /* Julia fractals elements */ float conx = -0.752; /* real part of c */ float cony = 0.117; /* imag part of c */ float Maxx = 2; /* X bounds */ float Minx = -2; float Maxy = 1; /* Y bounds */ float Miny = -1; float pixcorx; /* Internal values */ float pixcory; float rotation = 4.1888; /* Blue */ int maxiter = 1000; /* Iteration levels */ uint32_t * palette = NULL; static uint32_t hsv_to_rgb(float h, float s, float v) { float c = v * s; float hp = fmod(h, 2 * M_PI); float x = c * (1.0 - fabs(fmod(hp / 1.0472, 2) - 1.0)); float m = v - c; float rp, gp, bp; if (hp <= 1.0472) { rp = c; gp = x; bp = 0; } else if (hp <= 2.0944) { rp = x; gp = c; bp = 0; } else if (hp <= 3.1416) { rp = 0; gp = c; bp = x; } else if (hp <= 4.1888) { rp = 0; gp = x; bp = c; } else if (hp <= 5.2360) { rp = x; gp = 0; bp = c; } else { rp = c; gp = 0; bp = x; } return rgb((rp + m) * 255, (gp + m) * 255, (bp + m) * 255); } static uint32_t hue_palette(int k) { double ratio = (double)k / (double)maxiter; double hue = sin(ratio * M_PI / 2.0); return hsv_to_rgb(4.18879 * hue + rotation, 1.0, 1.0); } static uint32_t rhue_palette(int k) { double ratio = (double)k / (double)maxiter; double hue = sin(ratio * M_PI / 2.0); return hsv_to_rgb(-4.18879 * hue + rotation, 1.0, 1.0); } static uint32_t bnw_palette(int k) { return rgb(255 * k / maxiter, 255 * k / maxiter, 255 * k / maxiter); } static uint32_t mix(uint32_t base, uint32_t mixer, float ratio) { return rgb( _RED(base) * (1.0 - ratio) + _RED(mixer) * (ratio), _GRE(base) * (1.0 - ratio) + _GRE(mixer) * (ratio), _BLU(base) * (1.0 - ratio) + _BLU(mixer) * (ratio)); } static uint32_t wiki_palette(int k) { double ratio = (double)k / (double)maxiter; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(14,21,101), rgb(40,100,200), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(40,100,200), rgb(90,200,225), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(90,200,225), rgb(255,255,255), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(255,255,255), rgb(255,255,100), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(255,255,100), rgb(255,255,0), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(255,255,0), rgb(255,120,0), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(255,120,0), rgb(255,0,0), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(255,0,0), rgb(0,0,0), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; if (i < 99) { if (ratio <= 0.025) return mix(rgb(0,0,0), rgb(14,21,101), ratio / 0.025); ratio -= 0.025; ratio /= 0.975; } } return rgb(0,0,0); } static uint32_t (*palette_funcs[])(int) = { wiki_palette, hue_palette, rhue_palette, bnw_palette, }; static int current_palette = 0; static void initialize_palette(void) { if (!palette) { palette = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * (maxiter + 1)); } for (int k = 0; k < maxiter; ++k) { palette[k] = palette_funcs[current_palette](k); } palette[maxiter] = rgb(0,0,0); } static void next_palette(void) { current_palette = (current_palette + 1) % (sizeof(palette_funcs) / sizeof(*palette_funcs)); initialize_palette(); } int left = 40; int top = 40; int width = 300; int height = 300; static uint32_t julia(int xpt, int ypt) { long double x = xpt * pixcorx + Minx; long double y = Maxy - ypt * pixcory; long double xnew = 0; long double ynew = 0; int k = 0; for (k = 0; k < maxiter; k++) { xnew = x * x - y * y + conx; ynew = 2 * x * y + cony; x = xnew; y = ynew; if ((x * x + y * y) > 4.0) break; } return palette[k]; } #define T_I "\033[3m" #define T_N "\033[0m" void usage(char * argv[]) { printf( "Julia fractal generator.\n" "\n" "usage: %s [-i " T_I "iterations" T_N "] [-x " T_I "minx" T_N "]\n" " [-X " T_I "maxx" T_N "] [-c " T_I "real" T_N "] [-C " T_I "imag" T_N "]\n" " [-W " T_I "width" T_N "] [-H " T_I "height" T_N "] [-h]\n" "\n" " -i --iterations " T_I "Number of iterations to run" T_N "\n" " -x --minx " T_I "Minimum X value" T_N "\n" " -X --maxx " T_I "Maximum X value" T_N "\n" " -c --creal " T_I "Real component of c" T_N "\n" " -C --cimag " T_I "Imaginary component of c" T_N "\n" " -r --rotate " T_I "Hue rotation for color mapping" T_N "\n" " -W --width " T_I "Window width" T_N "\n" " -H --height " T_I "Window height" T_N "\n" " -h --help " T_I "Show this help message." T_N "\n", argv[0]); } static void decors() { render_decorations(window, ctx, "Julia Fractals"); } void redraw() { float _x = Maxx - Minx; float _y = _x / width * height; Miny = 0 - _y / 2; Maxy = _y / 2; decors(); pixcorx = (Maxx - Minx) / width; pixcory = (Maxy - Miny) / height; clock_t time_before = clock(); for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { GFX_(i,j) = julia(i,j); } yutani_flip_region(yctx, window, decor_left_width, decor_top_height + j, width, 1); } clock_t time_after = clock(); char description[100]; snprintf(description, 100, "c = %g + %gi, %ld ms", conx, cony, (time_after - time_before) / 1000); markup_draw_string(ctx, decor_left_width + 2, window->height - decor_bottom_height - 2, description, rgb(255,255,255)); } void resize_finish(int w, int h) { yutani_window_resize_accept(yctx, window, w, h); reinit_graphics_yutani(ctx, window); struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(window, &bounds); decor_left_width = bounds.left_width; decor_top_height = bounds.top_height; decor_right_width = bounds.right_width; decor_bottom_height = bounds.bottom_height; decor_width = bounds.width; decor_height = bounds.height; width = w - decor_left_width - decor_right_width; height = h - decor_top_height - decor_bottom_height; draw_fill(ctx, rgb(0,0,0)); decors(); yutani_window_resize_done(yctx, window); redraw(); yutani_flip(yctx, window); } static double amount(struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke) { double basis = 0.001; if (ke->event.modifiers & (KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT | KEY_MOD_RIGHT_SHIFT)) basis *= 10.0; if (ke->event.modifiers & (KEY_MOD_LEFT_CTRL | KEY_MOD_RIGHT_CTRL)) basis *= 5.0; return basis; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { static struct option long_opts[] = { {"iterations", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"minx", required_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"maxx", required_argument, 0, 'X'}, {"creal", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"cimag", required_argument, 0, 'C'}, {"rotate", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"width", required_argument, 0, 'W'}, {"height", required_argument, 0, 'H'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {0,0,0,0} }; if (argc > 1) { /* Read some arguments */ int index, c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "ni:x:X:c:C:W:H:h", long_opts, &index)) != -1) { if (!c) { if (long_opts[index].flag == 0) { c = long_opts[index].val; } } switch (c) { case 'i': maxiter = atoi(optarg); if (maxiter < 10) maxiter = 10; if (maxiter > 1000) maxiter = 1000; break; case 'x': Minx = atof(optarg); break; case 'X': Maxx = atof(optarg); break; case 'c': conx = atof(optarg); break; case 'C': cony = atof(optarg); break; case 'r': rotation = atof(optarg); break; case 'W': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': height = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(argv); exit(0); break; default: break; } } } yctx = yutani_init(); if (!yctx) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to connect to compositor\n", argv[0]); return 1; } init_decorations(); struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(NULL, &bounds); decor_left_width = bounds.left_width; decor_top_height = bounds.top_height; decor_right_width = bounds.right_width; decor_bottom_height = bounds.bottom_height; decor_width = bounds.width; decor_height = bounds.height; window = yutani_window_create(yctx, width + decor_width, height + decor_height); yutani_window_move(yctx, window, left, top); yutani_window_advertise_icon(yctx, window, "Julia Fractals", "julia"); ctx = init_graphics_yutani(window); initialize_palette(); redraw(); yutani_flip(yctx, window); int playing = 1; int needs_redraw = 0; while (playing) { yutani_msg_t * m = yutani_poll(yctx); while (m) { if (menu_process_event(yctx, m)) { /* just decorations should be fine */ decors(); yutani_flip(yctx, window); } switch (m->type) { case YUTANI_MSG_KEY_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke = (void*)m->data; if (ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN) { switch (ke->event.keycode) { case 'q': playing = 0; break; case KEY_ARROW_LEFT: conx -= amount(ke); needs_redraw = 1; break; case KEY_ARROW_RIGHT: conx += amount(ke); needs_redraw = 1; break; case KEY_ARROW_UP: cony += amount(ke); needs_redraw = 1; break; case KEY_ARROW_DOWN: cony -= amount(ke); needs_redraw = 1; break; case 'p': next_palette(); needs_redraw = 1; break; } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGE: { struct yutani_msg_window_focus_change * wf = (void*)m->data; yutani_window_t * win = hashmap_get(yctx->windows, (void*)(uintptr_t)wf->wid); if (win && win == window) { win->focused = wf->focused; decors(); yutani_flip(yctx, window); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void*)m->data; resize_finish(wr->width, wr->height); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_MOUSE_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * me = (void*)m->data; int result = decor_handle_event(yctx, m); switch (result) { case DECOR_CLOSE: playing = 0; break; case DECOR_RIGHT: /* right click in decoration, show appropriate menu */ decor_show_default_menu(window, window->x + me->new_x, window->y + me->new_y); break; default: /* Other actions */ break; } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE: case YUTANI_MSG_SESSION_END: playing = 0; break; default: break; } free(m); m = yutani_poll_async(yctx); } if (needs_redraw) { redraw(); yutani_flip(yctx, window); needs_redraw = 0; } } yutani_close(yctx, window); return 0; }