/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * * Terminal Emulator * * Graphical terminal emulator. * * Provides a number of features: * - Windowed and full screen modes * - Antialiased fonts * - Built-in fallback bitmap font * - ANSI escape support * - 256 colors * - [mouse support; incomplete] */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_CACHE_H #include #include "lib/wcwidth.h" #include "lib/utf8decode.h" #include "../kernel/include/mouse.h" #include "lib/graphics.h" #include "lib/window.h" #include "lib/decorations.h" #include "lib/pthread.h" #include "lib/kbd.h" #include "terminal-palette.h" #include "terminal-font.h" /* * If you're working on updating the terminal's handling of escapes, * switch this option to 1 to have it print an escaped bit of output * to the serial line, so you can examine exactly which codes were * processed. */ #define DEBUG_TERMINAL_WITH_SERIAL 0 #define USE_BELL 0 static int volatile lock = 0; static void spin_lock(int volatile * lock) { while(__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 0x01)) { syscall_yield(); } } static void spin_unlock(int volatile * lock) { __sync_lock_release(lock); } /* A terminal cell represents a single character on screen */ typedef struct _terminal_cell { uint16_t c; /* codepoint */ uint32_t fg; /* background indexed color */ uint32_t bg; /* foreground indexed color */ uint8_t flags; /* other flags */ } __attribute__((packed)) t_cell; /* master and slave pty descriptors */ static int fd_master, fd_slave; static FILE * terminal; int scale_fonts = 0; /* Whether fonts should be scaled */ float font_scaling = 1.0; /* How much they should be scaled by */ uint16_t term_width = 0; /* Width of the terminal (in cells) */ uint16_t term_height = 0; /* Height of the terminal (in cells) */ uint16_t font_size = 13; /* Font size according to Freetype */ uint16_t char_width = 8; /* Width of a cell in pixels */ uint16_t char_height = 12; /* Height of a cell in pixels */ uint16_t char_offset = 0; /* Offset of the font within the cell */ uint16_t csr_x = 0; /* Cursor X */ uint16_t csr_y = 0; /* Cursor Y */ t_cell * term_buffer = NULL; /* The terminal cell buffer */ uint32_t current_fg = 7; /* Current foreground color */ uint32_t current_bg = 0; /* Current background color */ uint8_t cursor_on = 1; /* Whether or not the cursor should be rendered */ window_t * window = NULL; /* GUI window */ uint8_t _windowed = 0; /* Whether or not we are running in the GUI enviornment */ uint8_t _vga_mode = 0; /* Whether or not we are in VGA mode XXX should be combined ^ */ uint8_t _login_shell = 0; /* Whether we're going to display a login shell or not */ uint8_t _use_freetype = 0; /* Whether we should use freetype or not XXX seriously, how about some flags */ uint8_t _unbuffered = 0; uint8_t _force_kernel = 0; uint8_t _hold_out = 0; /* state indicator on last cell ignore \n */ void reinit(); /* Defined way further down */ /* Cursor bink timer */ static unsigned int timer_tick = 0; #define TIMER_TICK 40 /* Mouse control */ #define MOUSE_SCALE 6 int32_t mouse_x; int32_t mouse_y; /* Some GUI-only options */ uint16_t window_width = 640; uint16_t window_height = 408; #define TERMINAL_TITLE_SIZE 512 char terminal_title[TERMINAL_TITLE_SIZE]; size_t terminal_title_length = 0; gfx_context_t * ctx; volatile int needs_redraw = 1; static void render_decors(); void term_clear(); void resize_callback(window_t * window); void dump_buffer(); /* Trigger to exit the terminal when the child process dies or * we otherwise receive an exit signal */ volatile int exit_application = 0; /* Triggers escape mode. */ #define ANSI_ESCAPE 27 /* Escape verify */ #define ANSI_BRACKET '[' #define ANSI_BRACKET_RIGHT ']' /* Anything in this range (should) exit escape mode. */ #define ANSI_LOW 'A' #define ANSI_HIGH 'z' /* Escape commands */ #define ANSI_CUU 'A' /* CUrsor Up */ #define ANSI_CUD 'B' /* CUrsor Down */ #define ANSI_CUF 'C' /* CUrsor Forward */ #define ANSI_CUB 'D' /* CUrsor Back */ #define ANSI_CNL 'E' /* Cursor Next Line */ #define ANSI_CPL 'F' /* Cursor Previous Line */ #define ANSI_CHA 'G' /* Cursor Horizontal Absolute */ #define ANSI_CUP 'H' /* CUrsor Position */ #define ANSI_ED 'J' /* Erase Data */ #define ANSI_EL 'K' /* Erase in Line */ #define ANSI_SU 'S' /* Scroll Up */ #define ANSI_SD 'T' /* Scroll Down */ #define ANSI_HVP 'f' /* Horizontal & Vertical Pos. XXX: SAME AS CUP */ #define ANSI_SGR 'm' /* Select Graphic Rendition */ #define ANSI_DSR 'n' /* Device Status Report XXX: Push to kgets() buffer? */ #define ANSI_SCP 's' /* Save Cursor Position */ #define ANSI_RCP 'u' /* Restore Cursor Position */ #define ANSI_HIDE 'l' /* DECTCEM - Hide Cursor */ #define ANSI_SHOW 'h' /* DECTCEM - Show Cursor */ /* Display flags */ #define ANSI_BOLD 0x01 #define ANSI_UNDERLINE 0x02 #define ANSI_ITALIC 0x04 #define ANSI_EXTRA 0x08 /* Character should use "extra" font (Japanese) */ #define ANSI_SPECBG 0x10 #define ANSI_OVERLINE 0x20 #define ANSI_WIDE 0x40 /* Character is double width */ #define ANSI_CROSS 0x80 /* And that's all I'm going to support */ /* Default color settings */ #define DEFAULT_FG 0x07 /* Index of default foreground */ #define DEFAULT_BG 0x10 /* Index of default background */ #define DEFAULT_FLAGS 0x00 /* Default flags for a cell */ #define DEFAULT_OPAC 0xF2 /* For background, default transparency */ #define ANSI_EXT_IOCTL 'z' /* These are special escapes only we support */ #define MAX_ARGS 1024 /* Returns the lower of two shorts */ uint16_t min(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } /* Returns the higher of two shorts */ uint16_t max(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } /* Performs low-level port I/O; used for VGA initialization */ void outb(unsigned char _data, unsigned short _port) { __asm__ __volatile__ ("outb %1, %0" : : "dN" (_port), "a" (_data)); } /* State machine status */ static struct _ansi_state { uint16_t x ; /* Current cursor location */ uint16_t y ; /* " " " */ uint16_t save_x; uint16_t save_y; uint32_t width ; uint32_t height; uint32_t fg ; /* Current foreground color */ uint32_t bg ; /* Current background color */ uint8_t flags ; /* Bright, etc. */ uint8_t escape; /* Escape status */ uint8_t local_echo; uint8_t buflen; /* Buffer Length */ char buffer[100]; /* Previous buffer */ } state; void (*ansi_writer)(char) = NULL; void (*ansi_set_color)(uint32_t, uint32_t) = NULL; void (*ansi_set_csr)(int,int) = NULL; int (*ansi_get_csr_x)(void) = NULL; int (*ansi_get_csr_y)(void) = NULL; void (*ansi_set_cell)(int,int,uint16_t) = NULL; void (*ansi_cls)(int) = NULL; void (*ansi_scroll)(int) = NULL; /* XXX: Needs verification, but I'm pretty sure this never gets called */ void (*redraw_cursor)(void) = NULL; /* Stuffs a string into the stdin of the terminal's child process * Useful for things like the ANSI DSR command. */ void input_buffer_stuff(char * str) { size_t s = strlen(str) + 1; write(fd_master, str, s); } /* Write the contents of the buffer, as they were all non-escaped data. */ void ansi_dump_buffer() { for (int i = 0; i < state.buflen; ++i) { ansi_writer(state.buffer[i]); } } /* Add to the internal buffer for the ANSI parser */ void ansi_buf_add(char c) { state.buffer[state.buflen] = c; state.buflen++; state.buffer[state.buflen] = '\0'; } static void _ansi_put(char c); static void ansi_put(char c) { spin_lock(&lock); _ansi_put(c); spin_unlock(&lock); } static void _ansi_put(char c) { switch (state.escape) { case 0: /* We are not escaped, check for escape character */ if (c == ANSI_ESCAPE) { /* * Enable escape mode, setup a buffer, * fill the buffer, get out of here. */ state.escape = 1; state.buflen = 0; ansi_buf_add(c); return; } else if (c == 0) { return; } else { ansi_writer(c); } break; case 1: /* We're ready for [ */ if (c == ANSI_BRACKET) { state.escape = 2; ansi_buf_add(c); } else if (c == ANSI_BRACKET_RIGHT) { state.escape = 3; ansi_buf_add(c); } else { /* This isn't a bracket, we're not actually escaped! * Get out of here! */ ansi_dump_buffer(); ansi_writer(c); state.escape = 0; state.buflen = 0; return; } break; case 2: if (c >= ANSI_LOW && c <= ANSI_HIGH) { /* Woah, woah, let's see here. */ char * pch; /* tokenizer pointer */ char * save; /* strtok_r pointer */ char * argv[MAX_ARGS]; /* escape arguments */ /* Get rid of the front of the buffer */ strtok_r(state.buffer,"[",&save); pch = strtok_r(NULL,";",&save); /* argc = Number of arguments, obviously */ int argc = 0; while (pch != NULL) { argv[argc] = (char *)pch; ++argc; if (argc > MAX_ARGS) break; pch = strtok_r(NULL,";",&save); } /* Alright, let's do this */ switch (c) { case ANSI_EXT_IOCTL: { if (argc > 0) { int arg = atoi(argv[0]); switch (arg) { case 1: redraw_cursor(); break; case 1001: /* Local Echo Off */ state.local_echo = 0; break; case 1002: /* Local Echo On */ state.local_echo = 1; break; case 1555: if (argc > 1) { scale_fonts = 1; font_scaling = atof(argv[1]); reinit(); } break; case 1560: _unbuffered = 1; dump_buffer(); break; case 1561: _unbuffered = 0; break; case 2000: if (_windowed) { window_disable_alpha(window); } break; case 2001: if (_windowed) { window_enable_alpha(window); } break; case 3000: if (_windowed) { if (argc > 2) { uint16_t win_id = window->bufid; int width = atoi(argv[1]) * char_width + decor_left_width + decor_right_width; int height = atoi(argv[2]) * char_height + decor_top_height + decor_bottom_height; window_resize(window, window->x, window->y, width, height); resize_callback(window); } } default: break; } } } break; case ANSI_SCP: { state.save_x = ansi_get_csr_x(); state.save_y = ansi_get_csr_y(); } break; case ANSI_RCP: { ansi_set_csr(state.save_x, state.save_y); } break; case ANSI_SGR: /* Set Graphics Rendition */ if (argc == 0) { /* Default = 0 */ argv[0] = "0"; argc = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { int arg = atoi(argv[i]); if (arg >= 100 && arg < 110) { /* Bright background */ state.bg = 8 + (arg - 100); state.flags |= ANSI_SPECBG; } else if (arg >= 90 && arg < 100) { /* Bright foreground */ state.fg = 8 + (arg - 90); } else if (arg >= 40 && arg < 49) { /* Set background */ state.bg = arg - 40; state.flags |= ANSI_SPECBG; } else if (arg == 49) { state.bg = DEFAULT_BG; state.flags &= ~ANSI_SPECBG; } else if (arg >= 30 && arg < 39) { /* Set Foreground */ state.fg = arg - 30; } else if (arg == 39) { /* Default Foreground */ state.fg = 7; } else if (arg == 9) { /* X-OUT */ state.flags |= ANSI_CROSS; } else if (arg == 7) { /* INVERT: Swap foreground / background */ uint32_t temp = state.fg; state.fg = state.bg; state.bg = temp; } else if (arg == 6) { /* proprietary RGBA color support */ if (i == 0) { break; } if (i < argc) { int r = atoi(argv[i+1]); int g = atoi(argv[i+2]); int b = atoi(argv[i+3]); int a = atoi(argv[i+4]); if (a == 0) a = 1; /* Override a = 0 */ uint32_t c = rgba(r,g,b,a); if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 48) { state.bg = c; state.flags |= ANSI_SPECBG; } else if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 38) { state.fg = c; } i += 4; } } else if (arg == 5) { /* Supposed to be blink; instead, support X-term 256 colors */ if (i == 0) { break; } if (i < argc) { if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 48) { /* Background to i+1 */ state.bg = atoi(argv[i+1]); state.flags |= ANSI_SPECBG; } else if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 38) { /* Foreground to i+1 */ state.fg = atoi(argv[i+1]); } ++i; } } else if (arg == 4) { /* UNDERLINE */ state.flags |= ANSI_UNDERLINE; } else if (arg == 3) { /* ITALIC: Oblique */ state.flags |= ANSI_ITALIC; } else if (arg == 2) { /* Konsole RGB color support */ if (i == 0) { break; } if (i < argc - 2) { int r = atoi(argv[i+1]); int g = atoi(argv[i+2]); int b = atoi(argv[i+3]); uint32_t c = rgb(r,g,b); if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 48) { /* Background to i+1 */ state.bg = c; state.flags |= ANSI_SPECBG; } else if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 38) { /* Foreground to i+1 */ state.fg = c; } i += 3; } } else if (arg == 1) { /* BOLD/BRIGHT: Brighten the output color */ state.flags |= ANSI_BOLD; } else if (arg == 0) { /* Reset everything */ state.fg = DEFAULT_FG; state.bg = DEFAULT_BG; state.flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS; } } break; case ANSI_SHOW: if (argc > 0) { if (!strcmp(argv[0], "?1049")) { ansi_cls(2); ansi_set_csr(0,0); } } break; case ANSI_CUF: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(min(ansi_get_csr_x() + i, state.width - 1), ansi_get_csr_y()); } break; case ANSI_CUU: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), max(ansi_get_csr_y() - i, 0)); } break; case ANSI_CUD: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), min(ansi_get_csr_y() + i, state.height - 1)); } break; case ANSI_CUB: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(max(ansi_get_csr_x() - i,0), ansi_get_csr_y()); } break; case ANSI_CHA: if (argc < 1) { ansi_set_csr(0,ansi_get_csr_y()); } else { ansi_set_csr(min(max(atoi(argv[0]), 1), state.width) - 1, ansi_get_csr_y()); } break; case ANSI_CUP: if (argc < 2) { ansi_set_csr(0,0); } else { ansi_set_csr(min(max(atoi(argv[1]), 1), state.width) - 1, min(max(atoi(argv[0]), 1), state.height) - 1); } break; case ANSI_ED: if (argc < 1) { ansi_cls(0); } else { ansi_cls(atoi(argv[0])); } break; case ANSI_EL: { int what = 0, x = 0, y = 0; if (argc >= 1) { what = atoi(argv[0]); } if (what == 0) { x = ansi_get_csr_x(); y = state.width; } else if (what == 1) { x = 0; y = ansi_get_csr_x(); } else if (what == 2) { x = 0; y = state.width; } for (int i = x; i < y; ++i) { ansi_set_cell(i, ansi_get_csr_y(), ' '); } } break; case ANSI_DSR: { char out[24]; sprintf(out, "\033[%d;%dR", csr_y + 1, csr_x + 1); input_buffer_stuff(out); } break; case ANSI_SU: { int how_many = 1; if (argc > 0) { how_many = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_scroll(how_many); } break; case ANSI_SD: { int how_many = 1; if (argc > 0) { how_many = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_scroll(-how_many); } break; case 'X': { int how_many = 1; if (argc > 0) { how_many = atoi(argv[0]); } for (int i = 0; i < how_many; ++i) { ansi_writer(' '); } } break; case 'd': if (argc < 1) { ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), 0); } else { ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), atoi(argv[0]) - 1); } break; default: /* Meh */ break; } /* Set the states */ if (state.flags & ANSI_BOLD && state.fg < 9) { ansi_set_color(state.fg % 8 + 8, state.bg); } else { ansi_set_color(state.fg, state.bg); } /* Clear out the buffer */ state.buflen = 0; state.escape = 0; return; } else { /* Still escaped */ ansi_buf_add(c); } break; case 3: if (c == '\007') { /* Tokenize on semicolons, like we always do */ char * pch; /* tokenizer pointer */ char * save; /* strtok_r pointer */ char * argv[MAX_ARGS]; /* escape arguments */ /* Get rid of the front of the buffer */ strtok_r(state.buffer,"]",&save); pch = strtok_r(NULL,";",&save); /* argc = Number of arguments, obviously */ int argc = 0; while (pch != NULL) { argv[argc] = (char *)pch; ++argc; if (argc > MAX_ARGS) break; pch = strtok_r(NULL,";",&save); } /* Start testing the first argument for what command to use */ if (argv[0]) { if (!strcmp(argv[0], "1")) { if (argc > 1) { int len = min(TERMINAL_TITLE_SIZE, strlen(argv[1])+1); memcpy(terminal_title, argv[1], len); terminal_title[len-1] = '\0'; terminal_title_length = len - 1; render_decors(); } } /* Currently, no other options */ } /* Clear out the buffer */ state.buflen = 0; state.escape = 0; return; } else { /* Still escaped */ ansi_buf_add(c); } break; } } void ansi_init(void (*writer)(char), int w, int y, void (*setcolor)(uint32_t, uint32_t), void (*setcsr)(int,int), int (*getcsrx)(void), int (*getcsry)(void), void (*setcell)(int,int,uint16_t), void (*cls)(int), void (*redraw_csr)(void), void (*scroll_term)(int)) { ansi_writer = writer; ansi_set_color = setcolor; ansi_set_csr = setcsr; ansi_get_csr_x = getcsrx; ansi_get_csr_y = getcsry; ansi_set_cell = setcell; ansi_cls = cls; redraw_cursor = redraw_csr; ansi_scroll = scroll_term; /* Terminal Defaults */ state.fg = DEFAULT_FG; /* Light grey */ state.bg = DEFAULT_BG; /* Black */ state.flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS; /* Nothing fancy*/ state.width = w; state.height = y; state.local_echo = 1; ansi_set_color(state.fg, state.bg); } static void render_decors() { if (_windowed) { if (terminal_title_length) { render_decorations(window, ctx, terminal_title); } else { render_decorations(window, ctx, "Terminal"); } } } static inline void term_set_point(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t color ) { if (_windowed) { GFX(ctx, (x+decor_left_width),(y+decor_top_height)) = color; } else { if (ctx->depth == 32) { GFX(ctx, x,y) = color; } else if (ctx->depth == 24) { ctx->backbuffer[((y) * ctx->width + x) * 3 + 2] = _RED(color); ctx->backbuffer[((y) * ctx->width + x) * 3 + 1] = _GRE(color); ctx->backbuffer[((y) * ctx->width + x) * 3 + 0] = _BLU(color); } } } /* FreeType text rendering */ FT_Library library; FT_Face face; FT_Face face_bold; FT_Face face_italic; FT_Face face_bold_italic; FT_Face face_extra; FT_GlyphSlot slot; FT_UInt glyph_index; void drawChar(FT_Bitmap * bitmap, int x, int y, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg) { int i, j, p, q; int x_max = x + bitmap->width; int y_max = y + bitmap->rows; for (j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++) { for ( i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++) { uint32_t a = _ALP(fg); a = (a * bitmap->buffer[q * bitmap->width + p]) / 255; uint32_t tmp = rgba(_RED(fg),_GRE(fg),_BLU(fg),a); term_set_point(i,j, alpha_blend_rgba(premultiply(bg), premultiply(tmp))); } } } unsigned short * textmemptr = (unsigned short *)0xB8000; void placech(unsigned char c, int x, int y, int attr) { unsigned short *where; unsigned att = attr << 8; where = textmemptr + (y * 80 + x); *where = c | att; } /* ANSI-to-VGA */ char vga_to_ansi[] = { 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8,12,10,14, 9,13,11,15 }; void resize_callback(window_t * window) { window_width = window->width - decor_left_width - decor_right_width; window_height = window->height - decor_top_height - decor_bottom_height; reinit_graphics_window(ctx, window); reinit(); } void focus_callback(window_t * window) { render_decors(); } void term_write_char( uint32_t val, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, uint8_t flags ) { uint32_t _fg, _bg; if (_vga_mode) { if (fg > 15) fg = 7; if (bg > 15) bg = 0; placech(val, x, y, (vga_to_ansi[fg] & 0xF) | (vga_to_ansi[bg] << 4)); /* Disable / update cursor? We have our own cursor... */ } else { if (fg < PALETTE_COLORS) { _fg = term_colors[fg]; _fg |= 0xFF << 24; } else { _fg = fg; } if (bg < PALETTE_COLORS) { _bg = term_colors[bg]; if (flags & ANSI_SPECBG) { _bg |= 0xFF << 24; } else { _bg |= DEFAULT_OPAC << 24; } } else { _bg = bg; } if (_use_freetype) { if (val == 0xFFFF) { return; } /* Unicode, do not redraw here */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < char_width; ++j) { term_set_point(x+j,y+i,premultiply(_bg)); } } if (flags & ANSI_WIDE) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = char_width; j < 2 * char_width; ++j) { term_set_point(x+j,y+i,premultiply(_bg)); } } } if (val < 32 || val == ' ') { return; } int pen_x = x; int pen_y = y + char_offset; int error; FT_Face * _font = NULL; if (flags & ANSI_EXTRA) { _font = &face_extra; } else if (flags & ANSI_BOLD && flags & ANSI_ITALIC) { _font = &face_bold_italic; } else if (flags & ANSI_ITALIC) { _font = &face_italic; } else if (flags & ANSI_BOLD) { _font = &face_bold; } else { _font = &face; } glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(*_font, val); if (glyph_index == 0) { glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face_extra, val); _font = &face_extra; } error = FT_Load_Glyph(*_font, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (error) { fprintf(terminal, "Error loading glyph: %d\n", val); }; slot = (*_font)->glyph; if (slot->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE) { error = FT_Render_Glyph((*_font)->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); if (error) return; } drawChar(&slot->bitmap, pen_x + slot->bitmap_left, pen_y - slot->bitmap_top, _fg, _bg); if (flags & ANSI_UNDERLINE) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_width; ++i) { term_set_point(x + i, y + char_offset + 2, _fg); } } if (flags & ANSI_CROSS) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_width; ++i) { term_set_point(x + i, y + char_offset - 5, _fg); } } } else { if (val > 128) { val = 4; } uint8_t * c = number_font[val]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < char_width; ++j) { if (c[i] & (1 << (8-j))) { term_set_point(x+j,y+i,_fg); } else { term_set_point(x+j,y+i,_bg); } } } } } needs_redraw = 1; } static void cell_set(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t c, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, uint8_t flags) { if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; t_cell * cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(t_cell)); cell->c = c; cell->fg = fg; cell->bg = bg; cell->flags = flags; } static void cell_redraw(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; t_cell * cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(t_cell)); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->fg, cell->bg, cell->flags); } } static void cell_redraw_inverted(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; t_cell * cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(t_cell)); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_FLAGS | ANSI_SPECBG); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->bg, cell->fg, cell->flags | ANSI_SPECBG); } } void draw_cursor() { if (!cursor_on) return; timer_tick = 0; cell_redraw_inverted(csr_x, csr_y); } void term_redraw_all() { for (uint16_t y = 0; y < term_height; ++y) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { cell_redraw(x,y); } } } void term_scroll(int how_much) { if (how_much >= term_height || -how_much >= term_height) { term_clear(); return; } if (how_much == 0) { return; } if (how_much > 0) { /* Shift terminal cells one row up */ memmove(term_buffer, (void *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + sizeof(t_cell) * term_width), sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * (term_height - how_much)); /* Reset the "new" row to clean cells */ memset((void *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * (term_height - how_much)), 0x0, sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * how_much); if (_vga_mode) { /* In VGA mode, we can very quickly just redraw everything */ term_redraw_all(); } else { /* In graphical modes, we will shift the graphics buffer up as necessary */ uintptr_t dst, src; size_t siz = char_height * (term_height - how_much) * GFX_W(ctx) * GFX_B(ctx); if (_windowed) { /* Windowed mode must take borders into account */ dst = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer + (GFX_W(ctx) * decor_top_height) * GFX_B(ctx); src = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer + (GFX_W(ctx) * (decor_top_height + char_height * how_much)) * GFX_B(ctx); } else { /* While fullscreen mode does not */ dst = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer; src = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer + (GFX_W(ctx) * char_height * how_much) * GFX_B(ctx); } /* Perform the shift */ memmove((void *)dst, (void *)src, siz); /* And redraw the new rows */ for (int i = 0; i < how_much; ++i) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { cell_redraw(x, term_height - how_much); } } } } else { how_much = -how_much; /* Shift terminal cells one row up */ memmove((void *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + sizeof(t_cell) * term_width), term_buffer, sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * (term_height - how_much)); /* Reset the "new" row to clean cells */ memset(term_buffer, 0x0, sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * how_much); if (_vga_mode) { /* In VGA mode, we can very quickly just redraw everything */ term_redraw_all(); } else { uintptr_t dst, src; size_t siz = char_height * (term_height - how_much) * GFX_W(ctx) * GFX_B(ctx); if (_windowed) { src = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer + (GFX_W(ctx) * decor_top_height) * GFX_B(ctx); dst = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer + (GFX_W(ctx) * (decor_top_height + char_height * how_much)) * GFX_B(ctx); } else { /* While fullscreen mode does not */ src = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer; dst = (uintptr_t)ctx->backbuffer + (GFX_W(ctx) * char_height * how_much) * GFX_B(ctx); } /* Perform the shift */ memmove((void *)dst, (void *)src, siz); /* And redraw the new rows */ for (int i = 0; i < how_much; ++i) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { cell_redraw(x, i); } } } } } uint32_t codepoint; uint32_t unicode_state = 0; int is_wide(uint32_t codepoint) { if (codepoint < 256) return 0; return mk_wcwidth_cjk(codepoint) == 2; } struct scrollback_row { unsigned short width; t_cell cells[]; }; #define MAX_SCROLLBACK 10240 list_t * scrollback_list = NULL; uint32_t scrollback_offset = 0; void save_scrollback() { /* Save the current top row for scrollback */ return; if (!scrollback_list) { scrollback_list = list_create(); } if (scrollback_list->length == MAX_SCROLLBACK) { free(list_dequeue(scrollback_list)); } struct scrollback_row * row = malloc(sizeof(struct scrollback_row) + sizeof(t_cell) * term_width + 20); row->width = term_width; for (int i = 0; i < term_width; ++i) { t_cell * cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (i) * sizeof(t_cell)); memcpy(&row->cells[i], cell, sizeof(t_cell)); } list_insert(scrollback_list, row); } #if 0 if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; t_cell * cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(t_cell)); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->fg, cell->bg, cell->flags); } #endif void redraw_scrollback() { return; if (!scrollback_offset) { term_redraw_all(); return; } if (scrollback_offset < term_height) { for (int i = scrollback_offset; i < term_height; i++) { int y = i - scrollback_offset; for (int x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { t_cell * cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(t_cell)); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, i * char_height, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, i * char_height, cell->fg, cell->bg, cell->flags); } } } node_t * node = scrollback_list->tail; for (int i = 0; i < scrollback_offset; ++i) { struct scrollback_row * row = (struct scrollback_row *)node->value; int y = scrollback_offset - 1 - i; int width = row->width; if (width > term_width) { width = term_width; } else { for (int x = row->width; x < term_width; ++x) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } } for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { t_cell * cell = &row->cells[x]; if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->fg, cell->bg, cell->flags); } } node = node->prev; } } else { node_t * node = scrollback_list->tail; for (int i = 0; i < scrollback_offset - term_height; ++i) { node = node->prev; } for (int i = scrollback_offset - term_height; i < scrollback_offset; ++i) { struct scrollback_row * row = (struct scrollback_row *)node->value; int y = scrollback_offset - 1 - i; int width = row->width; if (width > term_width) { width = term_width; } else { for (int x = row->width; x < term_width; ++x) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } } for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { t_cell * cell = &row->cells[x]; if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->fg, cell->bg, cell->flags); } } node = node->prev; } } } void term_write(char c) { cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); if (!decode(&unicode_state, &codepoint, (uint8_t)c)) { if (codepoint > 0xFFFF) { codepoint = '?'; c = '?'; } if (c == '\n') { if (csr_x == 0 && _hold_out) { _hold_out = 0; return; } csr_x = 0; ++csr_y; draw_cursor(); } else if (c == '\007') { /* bell */ #if USE_BELL for (int i = 0; i < term_height; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < term_width; ++j) { cell_redraw_inverted(j, i); } } /* XXX: sleep */ syscall_nanosleep(0,10); term_redraw_all(); #endif } else if (c == '\r') { cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x = 0; } else if (c == '\b') { if (csr_x > 0) { --csr_x; } cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); draw_cursor(); } else if (c == '\t') { csr_x += (8 - csr_x % 8); draw_cursor(); } else { int wide = is_wide(codepoint); uint8_t flags = state.flags; if (wide && csr_x == term_width - 1) { csr_x = 0; ++csr_y; } if (wide) { flags = flags | ANSI_WIDE; } cell_set(csr_x,csr_y, codepoint, current_fg, current_bg, flags); cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x++; if (wide && csr_x != term_width) { cell_set(csr_x, csr_y, 0xFFFF, current_fg, current_bg, state.flags); cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); cell_redraw(csr_x-1,csr_y); csr_x++; } } _hold_out = 0; if (csr_x == term_width) { _hold_out = 1; csr_x = 0; ++csr_y; } if (csr_y == term_height) { save_scrollback(); term_scroll(1); csr_y = term_height - 1; } } else if (unicode_state == UTF8_REJECT) { unicode_state = 0; } draw_cursor(); } void term_set_csr(int x, int y) { cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x = x; csr_y = y; draw_cursor(); } int term_get_csr_x() { return csr_x; } int term_get_csr_y() { return csr_y; } void term_set_csr_show(uint8_t on) { cursor_on = on; } void term_set_colors(uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg) { current_fg = fg; current_bg = bg; } void term_redraw_cursor() { if (term_buffer) { draw_cursor(); } } void flip_cursor() { static uint8_t cursor_flipped = 0; if (cursor_flipped) { cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); } else { cell_redraw_inverted(csr_x, csr_y); } cursor_flipped = 1 - cursor_flipped; } void term_set_cell(int x, int y, uint16_t c) { cell_set(x, y, c, current_fg, current_bg, state.flags); cell_redraw(x, y); } void term_redraw_cell(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; cell_redraw(x,y); } void term_clear(int i) { if (i == 2) { /* Oh dear */ csr_x = 0; csr_y = 0; memset((void *)term_buffer, 0x00, term_width * term_height * sizeof(t_cell)); if (_windowed) { render_decors(); } term_redraw_all(); } else if (i == 0) { for (int x = csr_x; x < term_width; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, csr_y, ' '); } for (int y = csr_y + 1; y < term_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, y, ' '); } } } else if (i == 1) { for (int y = 0; y < csr_y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, y, ' '); } } for (int x = 0; x < csr_x; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, csr_y, ' '); } } } char * loadMemFont(char * name, char * ident, size_t * size) { if (!_windowed) { FILE * f = fopen(name, "r"); size_t s = 0; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); s = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); char * font = malloc(s); fread(font, s, 1, f); fclose(f); *size = s; return font; } else { size_t s = 0; int error; char * font = (char *)syscall_shm_obtain(ident, &s); *size = s; return font; } } void setLoaded(int i, int yes) { uint32_t color = rgb(255,0,0); if (yes == 1) { color = rgb(0,255,0); } if (yes == 2) { color = rgb(0,0,255); } for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { for (uint32_t k = 0; k < 8; ++k) { term_set_point(i * 8 + j, k, color); } } } #define INPUT_SIZE 1024 char input_buffer[INPUT_SIZE]; int input_collected = 0; void clear_input() { memset(input_buffer, 0x0, INPUT_SIZE); input_collected = 0; } uint32_t child_pid = 0; int buffer_put(char c) { if (c == 8) { /* Backspace */ if (input_collected > 0) { input_collected--; input_buffer[input_collected] = '\0'; if (state.local_echo) { fprintf(terminal, "\010 \010"); fflush(terminal); } } return 0; } if (c == 3) { syscall_send_signal(child_pid, 2); return 1; } if (c < 10 || (c > 10 && c < 32) || c > 126) { return 0; } input_buffer[input_collected] = c; if (state.local_echo) { fprintf(terminal, "%c", c); fflush(terminal); } if (input_buffer[input_collected] == '\n') { input_collected++; return 1; } input_collected++; if (input_collected == INPUT_SIZE) { return 1; } return 0; } void handle_input(char c) { if (_unbuffered) { write(fd_master, &c, 1); } else { if (buffer_put(c)) { dump_buffer(); } } } void dump_buffer() { write(fd_master, input_buffer, input_collected); clear_input(); } void handle_input_s(char * c) { if (_unbuffered) { write(fd_master, c, strlen(c)); } else { while (*c) { handle_input(*c); c++; } } } void key_event(int ret, key_event_t * event) { if (ret) { handle_input(event->key); } else { if (event->action == KEY_ACTION_UP) return; switch (event->keycode) { case KEY_F1: handle_input_s("\033OP"); break; case KEY_F2: handle_input_s("\033OQ"); break; case KEY_F3: handle_input_s("\033OR"); break; case KEY_F4: handle_input_s("\033OS"); break; case KEY_F5: handle_input_s("\033[15~"); break; case KEY_F6: handle_input_s("\033[17~"); break; case KEY_F7: handle_input_s("\033[18~"); break; case KEY_F8: handle_input_s("\033[19~"); break; case KEY_F9: handle_input_s("\033[20~"); break; case KEY_F10: handle_input_s("\033[21~"); break; case KEY_F11: handle_input_s("\033[23~"); break; case KEY_F12: handle_input_s("\033[24~"); break; case KEY_ARROW_UP: handle_input_s("\033[A"); break; case KEY_ARROW_DOWN: handle_input_s("\033[B"); break; case KEY_ARROW_RIGHT: handle_input_s("\033[C"); break; case KEY_ARROW_LEFT: handle_input_s("\033[D"); break; case KEY_PAGE_UP: if (event->modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) { int i = 0; while (i < 5 && scrollback_list && scrollback_offset < scrollback_list->length) { scrollback_offset ++; i++; } redraw_scrollback(); } else { handle_input_s("\033[5~"); } break; case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: if (event->modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_SHIFT) { int i = 0; while (i < 5 && scrollback_list && scrollback_offset != 0) { scrollback_offset -= 1; i++; } redraw_scrollback(); } else { handle_input_s("\033[6~"); } break; } } } void * wait_for_exit(void * garbage) { syscall_wait(child_pid); /* Clean up */ exit_application = 1; /* Exit */ } void usage(char * argv[]) { printf( "Terminal Emulator\n" "\n" "usage: %s [-b] [-F] [-h]\n" "\n" " -F --fullscreen \033[3mRun in legacy fullscreen mode.\033[0m\n" " -b --bitmap \033[3mUse the integrated bitmap font.\033[0m\n" " -h --help \033[3mShow this help message.\033[0m\n" " -s --scale \033[3mScale the font in FreeType mode by a given amount.\033[0m\n" "\n" " This terminal emulator provides basic support for VT220 escapes and\n" " XTerm extensions, including 256 color support and font effects.\n", argv[0]); } void reinit() { if (_use_freetype) { /* Reset font sizes */ font_size = 13; char_height = 17; char_width = 8; char_offset = 13; if (scale_fonts) { /* Recalculate scaling */ font_size *= font_scaling; char_height *= font_scaling; char_width *= font_scaling; char_offset *= font_scaling; } /* Initialize the freetype font pixel sizes */ FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, font_size, font_size); FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face_bold, font_size, font_size); FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face_italic, font_size, font_size); FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face_bold_italic, font_size, font_size); FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face_extra, font_size, font_size); } int old_width = term_width; int old_height = term_height; if (_windowed) { term_width = window_width / char_width; term_height = window_height / char_height; } else if (_vga_mode) { if (!ctx) { /* This is only set so that the mouse scaling has only one code-path * so reallocating this for resizes is pointless as VGA mode will never * change its sizes. */ ctx = malloc(sizeof(gfx_context_t)); ctx->width = 800; ctx->height = 250; } /* Set the actual terminal size */ term_width = 80; term_height = 25; /* Set these to fake values, primarily for the mouse again */ char_width = 1; char_height = 1; } else { /* Non-windowed graphical mode */ term_width = ctx->width / char_width; term_height = ctx->height / char_height; } if (term_buffer) { t_cell * new_term_buffer = malloc(sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * term_height); memset(new_term_buffer, 0x0, sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * term_height); for (int row = 0; row < min(old_height, term_height); ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < min(old_width, term_width); ++col) { t_cell * old_cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (row * old_width + col) * sizeof(t_cell)); t_cell * new_cell = (t_cell *)((uintptr_t)new_term_buffer + (row * term_width + col) * sizeof(t_cell)); *new_cell = *old_cell; } } free(term_buffer); term_buffer = new_term_buffer; } else { term_buffer = malloc(sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * term_height); memset(term_buffer, 0x0, sizeof(t_cell) * term_width * term_height); } ansi_init(&term_write, term_width, term_height, &term_set_colors, &term_set_csr, &term_get_csr_x, &term_get_csr_y, &term_set_cell, &term_clear, &term_redraw_cursor, &term_scroll); mouse_x = ctx->width / 2; mouse_y = ctx->height / 2; if (!_vga_mode) { draw_fill(ctx, rgba(0,0,0, 0xbb)); render_decors(); term_redraw_all(); } struct winsize w; w.ws_row = term_height; w.ws_col = term_width; ioctl(fd_master, TIOCSWINSZ, &w); } #if DEBUG_TERMINAL_WITH_SERIAL DEFN_SYSCALL1(serial, 44, int); int serial_fd; void serial_put(uint8_t c) { if (c == '\033') { char out[3] = {'\\', 'E', 0}; write(serial_fd, out, 2); } else if (c < 32) { char out[5] = {'\\', '0' + ((c / 8) / 8) % 8, '0' + (c / 8) % 8, '0' + c % 8, 0}; write(serial_fd, out, 4); } else { char out[2] = {c, 0}; write(serial_fd, out, 1); } } #endif void * handle_incoming(void * garbage) { int mfd = syscall_mousedevice(); unsigned char buf[1024]; while (!exit_application) { struct stat _stat; fstat(mfd, &_stat); if (exit_application) { break; } if (_windowed) { w_keyboard_t * kbd = poll_keyboard(); if (kbd != NULL) { key_event(kbd->ret, &kbd->event); free(kbd); } } else { while (_stat.st_size >= sizeof(mouse_device_packet_t)) { mouse_device_packet_t * packet = (mouse_device_packet_t *)&buf; int r = read(mfd, buf, sizeof(mouse_device_packet_t)); if (packet->magic != MOUSE_MAGIC) { int r = read(mfd, buf, 1); goto fail_mouse; } cell_redraw(((mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE) * term_width) / ctx->width, ((mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE) * term_height) / ctx->height); /* Apply mouse movement */ int c, l; c = abs(packet->x_difference); l = 0; while (c >>= 1) { l++; } mouse_x += packet->x_difference * l; c = abs(packet->y_difference); l = 0; while (c >>= 1) { l++; } mouse_y -= packet->y_difference * l; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if (mouse_x >= ctx->width * MOUSE_SCALE) mouse_x = (ctx->width - char_width) * MOUSE_SCALE; if (mouse_y >= ctx->height * MOUSE_SCALE) mouse_y = (ctx->height - char_height) * MOUSE_SCALE; cell_redraw_inverted(((mouse_x / MOUSE_SCALE) * term_width) / ctx->width, ((mouse_y / MOUSE_SCALE) * term_height) / ctx->height); fstat(mfd, &_stat); } fail_mouse: fstat(0, &_stat); if (_stat.st_size) { size_t r = read(0, buf, min(_stat.st_size, 1024)); key_event_t event; for (size_t i = 0; i < r; ++i) { int ret = kbd_scancode(buf[i], &event); key_event(ret, &event); } } } } pthread_exit(0); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { _windowed = 1; _use_freetype = 1; _login_shell = 0; static struct option long_opts[] = { {"fullscreen", no_argument, 0, 'F'}, {"bitmap", no_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"vga", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"login", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"kernel", no_argument, 0, 'k'}, {"scale", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"geometry", required_argument, 0, 'g'}, {0,0,0,0} }; /* Read some arguments */ int index, c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "bhFVlks:g:", long_opts, &index)) != -1) { if (!c) { if (long_opts[index].flag == 0) { c = long_opts[index].val; } } switch (c) { case 'k': _force_kernel = 1; break; case 'l': _login_shell = 1; break; case 'V': _use_freetype = 0; _vga_mode = 1; _windowed = 0; break; case 'F': _windowed = 0; break; case 'b': _use_freetype = 0; break; case 'h': usage(argv); return 0; break; case 's': scale_fonts = 1; font_scaling = atof(optarg); break; case 'g': { char * c = strstr(optarg, "x"); if (c) { *c = '\0'; c++; window_width = atoi(optarg); window_height = atoi(c); } } break; case '?': break; default: break; } } #if DEBUG_TERMINAL_WITH_SERIAL serial_fd = syscall_serial(0x3F8); #endif putenv("TERM=toaru"); if (_windowed) { /* Initialize the windowing library */ setup_windowing(); int x = 20, y = 20; /* Create the window */ window = window_create(x,y, window_width + decor_left_width + decor_right_width, window_height + decor_top_height + decor_bottom_height); resize_window_callback = resize_callback; focus_changed_callback = focus_callback; window_enable_alpha(window); /* Initialize the decoration library */ init_decorations(); /* Initialize the graphics context */ ctx = init_graphics_window(window); /* Clear to black */ draw_fill(ctx, rgb(0,0,0)); } else if (_vga_mode) { /* Set some important VGA options */ int temp = 0xFFFF; outb(14, 0x3D4); outb(temp >> 8, 0x3D5); outb(15, 0x3D4); outb(temp, 0x3D5); } else { ctx = init_graphics_fullscreen(); } if (_use_freetype) { int error; error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library); if (error) return 1; char * font = NULL; size_t s; setLoaded(0,0); setLoaded(1,0); setLoaded(2,0); setLoaded(3,0); setLoaded(4,0); setLoaded(0,2); font = loadMemFont("/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf", WINS_SERVER_IDENTIFIER ".fonts.monospace", &s); error = FT_New_Memory_Face(library, font, s, 0, &face); if (error) return 1; setLoaded(0,1); setLoaded(1,2); font = loadMemFont("/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf", WINS_SERVER_IDENTIFIER ".fonts.monospace.bold", &s); error = FT_New_Memory_Face(library, font, s, 0, &face_bold); if (error) return 1; setLoaded(1,1); setLoaded(2,2); font = loadMemFont("/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf", WINS_SERVER_IDENTIFIER ".fonts.monospace.italic", &s); error = FT_New_Memory_Face(library, font, s, 0, &face_italic); if (error) return 1; setLoaded(2,1); setLoaded(3,2); font = loadMemFont("/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf", WINS_SERVER_IDENTIFIER ".fonts.monospace.bolditalic", &s); error = FT_New_Memory_Face(library, font, s, 0, &face_bold_italic); if (error) return 1; setLoaded(3,1); setLoaded(4,2); error = FT_New_Face(library, "/usr/share/fonts/VLGothic.ttf", 0, &face_extra); setLoaded(4,1); } syscall_openpty(&fd_master, &fd_slave, NULL, NULL, NULL); terminal = fdopen(fd_slave, "w"); reinit(); fflush(stdin); int pid = getpid(); uint32_t f = fork(); if (getpid() != pid) { syscall_dup2(fd_slave, 0); syscall_dup2(fd_slave, 1); syscall_dup2(fd_slave, 2); if (argv[optind] != NULL) { char * tokens[] = {argv[optind], NULL}; int i = execvp(tokens[0], tokens); printf("Failed to execute requested startup application `%s`!\n", argv[optind]); printf("Your system is now unusable, and a restart will not be attempted.\n"); syscall_print("core-tests : FATAL : Failed to execute requested startup binary.\n"); } else { /* * TODO: Check the public-readable passwd file to select which shell to run */ if (_login_shell) { char * tokens[] = {"/bin/login",NULL}; int i = execvp(tokens[0], tokens); } else { char * tokens[] = {"/bin/sh",NULL}; int i = execvp(tokens[0], tokens); } } exit_application = 1; return 1; } else { if (!_windowed || _force_kernel) { /* Request kernel output to this terminal */ //syscall_system_function(4, (char **)fd_slave); } child_pid = f; pthread_t wait_for_exit_thread; pthread_create(&wait_for_exit_thread, NULL, wait_for_exit, NULL); pthread_t handle_incoming_thread; pthread_create(&handle_incoming_thread, NULL, handle_incoming, NULL); unsigned char buf[1024]; struct stat _stat; while (!exit_application) { timer_tick++; if (timer_tick == (_windowed ? TIMER_TICK * 10 : TIMER_TICK)) { timer_tick = 0; flip_cursor(); } fstat(fd_master, &_stat); if (_stat.st_size) { int r = read(fd_master, buf, min(_stat.st_size, 1024)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < r; ++i) { ansi_put(buf[i]); #if DEBUG_TERMINAL_WITH_SERIAL serial_put(buf[i]); #endif } } syscall_yield(); } } if (_windowed) { teardown_windowing(); } return 0; }