/* * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2021 K. Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int left, top, width, height; static yutani_t * yctx; static yutani_window_t * wina; static gfx_context_t * ctx_base; static gfx_context_t * ctx_cpu; static gfx_context_t * ctx_mem; static gfx_context_t * ctx_net; static int left_pad = 0; static int h_pad = 0; static int top_pad = 19; static int bottom_pad = 34; static int graph_height; static struct TT_Font * tt_thin = NULL; static struct TT_Font * tt_bold = NULL; uint32_t hsv_to_rgb(float h, float s, float v) { float c = v * s; float hp = fmod(h, 2 * M_PI); float x = c * (1.0 - fabs(fmod(hp / 1.0472, 2) - 1.0)); float m = v - c; float rp, gp, bp; if (hp <= 1.0472) { rp = c; gp = x; bp = 0; } else if (hp <= 2.0944) { rp = x; gp = c; bp = 0; } else if (hp <= 3.1416) { rp = 0; gp = c; bp = x; } else if (hp <= 4.1888) { rp = 0; gp = x; bp = c; } else if (hp <= 5.2360) { rp = x; gp = 0; bp = c; } else { rp = c; gp = 0; bp = x; } return rgb((rp + m) * 255, (gp + m) * 255, (bp + m) * 255); } static int should_exit = 0; static clock_t last_redraw = 0; static int cpu_count = 1; int cpus[32] = {0}; static void get_cpu_info(int cpus[]) { FILE * f = fopen("/proc/idle","r"); char buf[4096]; fread(buf, 4096, 1, f); char * buffer = buf; for (int i = 0; i < cpu_count; ++i) { /* pid */ char * a = strchr(buffer, ':'); a++; cpus[i] = strtoul(a, &a, 10); cpus[i] += strtoul(a, &a, 10); cpus[i] += strtoul(a, &a, 10); cpus[i] += strtoul(a, &a, 10); cpus[i] /= 4; if (cpus[i] < 0) cpus[i] = 0; if (cpus[i] > 1000) cpus[i] = 1000; buffer = strchr(a, '\n'); } fclose(f); } static uint32_t colors[32]; static uint32_t if_colors[32]; #define EASE_WIDTH 8 static void shift_graph(gfx_context_t * ctx) { for (int y = 0; y < ctx->height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < ctx->width - 1; ++x) { GFX(ctx,x,y) = GFX(ctx,x+1,y); } for (int w = 1; w < 2; ++w) { GFX(ctx,ctx->width-w,y) = rgb(0xF8,0xF8,0xF8); } } } extern struct TT_Contour * tt_contour_start(float x, float y); extern struct TT_Shape * tt_contour_finish(struct TT_Contour * in); extern struct TT_Contour * tt_contour_line_to(struct TT_Contour * shape, float x, float y); extern void tt_path_paint(gfx_context_t * ctx, const struct TT_Shape * shape, uint32_t color); extern void tt_contour_stroke_bounded(gfx_context_t * ctx, struct TT_Contour * in, uint32_t color, float width, int x_0, int y_0, int w, int h); static void graph_between(gfx_context_t * ctx, size_t old, size_t new, size_t scale, uint32_t color, int direction) { static float factor[EASE_WIDTH] = {0.0}; if (factor[0] == 0.0) { for (int i = 0; i < EASE_WIDTH; ++i) { factor[i] = (cos(M_PI * ((float)i / (float)(EASE_WIDTH-1))) + 1.0) / 2.0; } } static float samples[EASE_WIDTH]; for (int i = 0; i < EASE_WIDTH; ++i) { size_t value = old * factor[i] + new * (1.0 - factor[i]); samples[i] = (direction == 0) ? (value * (ctx->height - 1) / (float)scale) : ((scale - value) * (ctx->height - 1) / (float)scale); } /* Main line */ struct TT_Contour * contour = tt_contour_start(ctx->width - EASE_WIDTH, samples[0]); for (int i = 1; i < EASE_WIDTH; ++i) { contour = tt_contour_line_to(contour, ctx->width - EASE_WIDTH + i, samples[i]); } /* Now slow stroke, but only within these bounds */ tt_contour_stroke_bounded(ctx, contour, color, 0.5, ctx->width - EASE_WIDTH, 0, EASE_WIDTH - 1, ctx->height); /* Now finish the lower part of the graph */ contour = tt_contour_line_to(contour, ctx->width - 1, ctx->height); contour = tt_contour_line_to(contour, ctx->width - EASE_WIDTH, ctx->height); struct TT_Shape * shape = tt_contour_finish(contour); uint32_t c = premultiply(rgba(_RED(color),_GRE(color),_BLU(color),_ALP(color) * 0.25)); tt_path_paint(ctx, shape, c); free(shape); free(contour); } static void next_cpu(gfx_context_t * ctx) { int cpus_new[32]; get_cpu_info(cpus_new); for (int i = 0; i < cpu_count; ++i) { graph_between(ctx, cpus[i], cpus_new[i], 1000, colors[i], 0); } memcpy(cpus, cpus_new, sizeof(cpus_new)); } static void get_mem_info(int * total, int * used) { FILE * f = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r"); if (!f) return; int free; char buf[1024] = {0}; fgets(buf, 1024, f); char * a, * b; a = strchr(buf, ' '); a++; b = strchr(a, '\n'); *b = '\0'; *total = atoi(a); fgets(buf, 1024, f); a = strchr(buf, ' '); a++; b = strchr(a, '\n'); *b = '\0'; free = atoi(a); *used = *total - free; fclose(f); } static void next_mem(gfx_context_t * ctx) { static int total = 0; static int old_use = 0; int mem_use = 0; get_mem_info(&total, &mem_use); if (!old_use) { old_use = mem_use; return; } graph_between(ctx, old_use, mem_use, total, rgb(250,110,240), 1); old_use = mem_use; } static char ifnames[32][256]; static int count_interfaces(void) { int count = 0; DIR * d = opendir("/dev/net"); if (!d) { return 0; } struct dirent * ent; while ((ent = readdir(d))) { if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; snprintf(ifnames[count>>1], 255, ent->d_name); count += 2; } closedir(d); return count; } static void refresh_interfaces(size_t ifs[32]) { int ind = 0; DIR * d = opendir("/dev/net"); if (!d) return; struct dirent * ent; while ((ent = readdir(d))) { if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; char if_path[1024]; snprintf(if_path, 1023, "/dev/net/%s", ent->d_name); int netdev = open(if_path, O_RDWR); if (netdev < 0) { continue; } netif_counters_t counts; if (!ioctl(netdev, SIOCGIFCOUNTS, &counts)) { ifs[ind + 0] = counts.rx_bytes; ifs[ind + 1] = counts.tx_bytes; ind += 2; } } closedir(d); } static int if_count = -1; static void next_net(gfx_context_t * ctx) { static size_t old_ifs[32]; static size_t old_use[32]; static clock_t ticks_last = 0; size_t new_ifs[32]; size_t new_use[32]; if (!ticks_last) { ticks_last = times(NULL); refresh_interfaces(old_ifs); return; } clock_t ticks_now = times(NULL); refresh_interfaces(new_ifs); for (int i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) { /* Kilobits... */ new_use[i] = (new_ifs[i] - old_ifs[i]) * 8 / 1024; new_use[i] *= CLOCKS_PER_SEC; new_use[i] /= (ticks_now - ticks_last); /* Relative to 300mbps... */ graph_between(ctx, old_use[i], new_use[i], 300 * 1024, if_colors[i], 1); } memcpy(old_ifs, new_ifs, sizeof(new_ifs)); memcpy(old_use, new_use, sizeof(new_ifs)); ticks_last = ticks_now; } static void demarcate(gfx_context_t * ctx) { for (int y = 0; y < ctx->height; ++y) { GFX(ctx,ctx->width - 1,y) = rgb(127,127,127); } } static char * ellipsify(char * input, int font_size, struct TT_Font * font, int max_width, int * out_width) { int len = strlen(input); char * out = malloc(len + 4); memcpy(out, input, len + 1); int width; tt_set_size(font, font_size); while ((width = tt_string_width(font, out)) > max_width) { len--; out[len+0] = '.'; out[len+1] = '.'; out[len+2] = '.'; out[len+3] = '\0'; } if (out_width) *out_width = width; return out; } static void draw_legend_element(int which, int count, int index, uint32_t color, char * label) { struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(wina, &bounds); /* Available display width */ int legend_width = ctx_base->width - bounds.width - 40; if (legend_width <= 0) return; /* Calculate graph offset from the usual rule */ int y = bounds.top_height + (which + 1) * (top_pad + graph_height) + which * bottom_pad + 4; /* Space to give to each unit. */ int unit_width = legend_width / count; /* Left offset of this unit */ int unit_x = unit_width * index + bounds.left_width + 10; /* First draw blob */ draw_rounded_rectangle(ctx_base, unit_x, y, 20, 20, 5, color); if (unit_width > 22) { char * label_cropped = ellipsify(label, 12, tt_thin, unit_width - 22, NULL); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, 22 + unit_x, y + 14, label_cropped, rgb(0,0,0)); } } static void draw_legend_cpu(void) { for (int i = 0; i < cpu_count; ++i) { char _cpu_name[] = "CPU "; sprintf(_cpu_name, "CPU %d", i+1); draw_legend_element(0, cpu_count, i, colors[i], _cpu_name); } } static void draw_legend_mem(void) { draw_legend_element(1, 1, 0, rgb(250,110,240), "Memory Usage"); } static void draw_legend_net(void) { for (int i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) { char _net_name[300]; sprintf(_net_name, "%s (%s)", (i & 1) ? "TX" : "RX", ifnames[i>>1]); draw_legend_element(2, if_count, i, if_colors[i], _net_name); } } static void refresh(clock_t ticks) { static int poll_tick = 0; static clock_t last_line = 0; /* Shift graphs */ shift_graph(ctx_cpu); shift_graph(ctx_mem); shift_graph(ctx_net); if (ticks > last_line + CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 10) { demarcate(ctx_cpu); demarcate(ctx_mem); demarcate(ctx_net); last_line = ticks; } if (poll_tick == (EASE_WIDTH-2)) { next_cpu(ctx_cpu); next_mem(ctx_mem); next_net(ctx_net); poll_tick = 0; } else { poll_tick++; } flip(ctx_base); yutani_flip(yctx, wina); last_redraw = ticks; } static void initial_stuff(void) { struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(wina, &bounds); graph_height = (height - top_pad * 3 - bottom_pad * 3) / 3; draw_fill(ctx_base, rgb(204,204,204)); ctx_cpu = init_graphics_subregion(ctx_base, bounds.left_width + left_pad, bounds.top_height + top_pad, width - h_pad, graph_height); ctx_mem = init_graphics_subregion(ctx_base, bounds.left_width + left_pad, bounds.top_height + 2 * top_pad + graph_height + bottom_pad, width - h_pad, graph_height); ctx_net = init_graphics_subregion(ctx_base, bounds.left_width + left_pad, bounds.top_height + 3 * top_pad + 2 * graph_height + 2 * bottom_pad, width - h_pad, graph_height); draw_fill(ctx_cpu, rgb(0xF8,0xF8,0xF8)); draw_fill(ctx_mem, rgb(0xF8,0xF8,0xF8)); draw_fill(ctx_net, rgb(0xF8,0xF8,0xF8)); tt_set_size(tt_bold, 13); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_bold, bounds.left_width + 3, bounds.top_height + 14, "CPU", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_bold, bounds.left_width + 3, bounds.top_height + (top_pad + bottom_pad + graph_height) + 14, "Memory", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_bold, bounds.left_width + 3, bounds.top_height + 2 * (top_pad + bottom_pad + graph_height) + 14, "Network", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_set_size(tt_thin, 10); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, bounds.left_width + width - 30, bounds.top_height + 17, "100%", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, bounds.left_width + width - 30, bounds.top_height + (top_pad + bottom_pad + graph_height) + 17, "100%", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, bounds.left_width + width - 50, bounds.top_height + 2 * (top_pad + bottom_pad + graph_height) + 17, "300mbps", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, bounds.left_width + width - 25, bounds.top_height + top_pad + graph_height + 13, "0%", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, bounds.left_width + width - 25, bounds.top_height + 2 * (top_pad + graph_height) + bottom_pad + 13, "0%", rgb(0,0,0)); tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, bounds.left_width + width - 40, bounds.top_height + 3 * (top_pad + graph_height) + 2 * bottom_pad + 13, "0mbps", rgb(0,0,0)); render_decorations(wina, ctx_base, "System Monitor"); draw_legend_cpu(); draw_legend_mem(); draw_legend_net(); } void resize_finish(int w, int h) { if (w < 300) w = 300; if (h < 300) h = 300; free(ctx_cpu); free(ctx_mem); free(ctx_net); yutani_window_resize_accept(yctx, wina, w, h); reinit_graphics_yutani(ctx_base, wina); struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(wina, &bounds); width = w - bounds.left_width - bounds.right_width; height = h - bounds.top_height - bounds.bottom_height; initial_stuff(); flip(ctx_base); yutani_window_resize_done(yctx, wina); } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { left = 100; top = 100; width = 640; height = 480; cpu_count = sysfunc(TOARU_SYS_FUNC_NPROC, NULL); yctx = yutani_init(); if (!yctx) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to connect to compositor\n", argv[0]); return 1; } srand(time(NULL)); for (int i = 0; i < cpu_count; ++i) { colors[i] = hsv_to_rgb((float)i / (float)cpu_count * 6.24, 0.9, 0.9); } init_decorations(); struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(NULL, &bounds); wina = yutani_window_create(yctx, width + bounds.width, height + bounds.height); yutani_window_move(yctx, wina, left, top); yutani_window_advertise_icon(yctx, wina, "System Monitor", "system-monitor"); ctx_base = init_graphics_yutani_double_buffer(wina); tt_thin = tt_font_from_shm("sans-serif"); tt_bold = tt_font_from_shm("sans-serif.bold"); get_cpu_info(cpus); if_count = count_interfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) { if_colors[i] = hsv_to_rgb((float)i / (float)(if_count)* 6.24 + 0.2, 0.9, 0.9); } initial_stuff(); refresh(times(NULL)); while (!should_exit) { int fds[1] = {fileno(yctx->sock)}; int index = fswait2(1,fds,20); if (index == 0) { yutani_msg_t * m = yutani_poll(yctx); while (m) { if (menu_process_event(yctx, m)) { /* just decorations should be fine */ render_decorations(wina, ctx_base, "System Monitor"); flip(ctx_base); yutani_flip(yctx, wina); } switch (m->type) { case YUTANI_MSG_KEY_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke = (void*)m->data; if (ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN && ke->event.keycode == 'q') { should_exit = 1; sched_yield(); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGE: { struct yutani_msg_window_focus_change * wf = (void*)m->data; yutani_window_t * win = hashmap_get(yctx->windows, (void*)(uintptr_t)wf->wid); if (win == wina) { win->focused = wf->focused; render_decorations(wina, ctx_base, "System Monitor"); flip(ctx_base); yutani_flip(yctx, wina); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void*)m->data; resize_finish(wr->width, wr->height); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_MOUSE_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * me = (void*)m->data; yutani_window_t * win = hashmap_get(yctx->windows, (void*)(uintptr_t)me->wid); if (win == wina) { int result = decor_handle_event(yctx, m); switch (result) { case DECOR_CLOSE: should_exit = 1; break; case DECOR_RIGHT: /* right click in decoration, show appropriate menu */ decor_show_default_menu(wina, wina->x + me->new_x, wina->y + me->new_y); break; default: /* Other actions */ break; } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE: case YUTANI_MSG_SESSION_END: should_exit = 1; break; default: break; } free(m); m = yutani_poll_async(yctx); } } clock_t ticks = times(NULL); if (ticks > last_redraw + CLOCKS_PER_SEC/12) { refresh(ticks); } } yutani_close(yctx, wina); return 0; }