#include #include #include #include #include #include /* 1KB */ #define BLOCKSIZE 1024 #define TMPFS_TYPE_FILE 1 #define TMPFS_TYPE_DIR 2 static uint8_t volatile lock = 0; struct tmpfs_file { char * name; int type; int mask; int uid; int gid; unsigned int atime; unsigned int mtime; unsigned int ctime; size_t length; size_t block_count; size_t pointers; char ** blocks; }; struct tmpfs_dir; struct tmpfs_dir { char * name; int type; int mask; int uid; int gid; unsigned int atime; unsigned int mtime; unsigned int ctime; list_t * files; struct tmpfs_dir * parent; }; struct tmpfs_dir * tmpfs_root = NULL; static fs_node_t * tmpfs_from_dir(struct tmpfs_dir * d); static struct tmpfs_file * tmpfs_file_new(char * name) { spin_lock(&lock); struct tmpfs_file * t = malloc(sizeof(struct tmpfs_file)); t->name = strdup(name); t->type = TMPFS_TYPE_FILE; t->length = 0; t->pointers = 2; t->block_count = 0; t->mask = 0; t->uid = 0; t->gid = 0; t->atime = now(); t->mtime = t->atime; t->ctime = t->atime; t->blocks = malloc(t->pointers * sizeof(char *)); for (size_t i = 0; i < t->pointers; ++i) { t->blocks[i] = NULL; } spin_unlock(&lock); return t; } static struct tmpfs_dir * tmpfs_dir_new(char * name, struct tmpfs_dir * parent) { spin_lock(&lock); struct tmpfs_dir * d = malloc(sizeof(struct tmpfs_dir)); d->name = strdup(name); d->type = TMPFS_TYPE_DIR; d->mask = 0; d->uid = 0; d->gid = 0; d->atime = now(); d->mtime = d->atime; d->ctime = d->atime; d->files = list_create(); spin_unlock(&lock); return d; } static void tmpfs_file_free(struct tmpfs_file * t) { for (size_t i = 0; i < t->block_count; ++i) { free(t->blocks[i]); } } static void tmpfs_file_blocks_embiggen(struct tmpfs_file * t) { t->pointers *= 2; debug_print(INFO, "Embiggening file %s to %d blocks", t->name, t->pointers); t->blocks = realloc(t->blocks, sizeof(char *) * t->pointers); } static char * tmpfs_file_getset_block(struct tmpfs_file * t, size_t blockid, int create) { debug_print(INFO, "Reading block %d from file %s", blockid, t->name); if (create) { spin_lock(&lock); while (blockid >= t->pointers) { tmpfs_file_blocks_embiggen(t); } while (blockid >= t->block_count) { debug_print(INFO, "Allocating block %d for file %s", blockid, t->name); t->blocks[t->block_count] = malloc(BLOCKSIZE); t->block_count += 1; } spin_unlock(&lock); } else { if (blockid >= t->block_count) { debug_print(CRITICAL, "This will probably end badly."); return NULL; } } debug_print(WARNING, "Using block %d->0x%x (of %d) on file %s", blockid, t->blocks[blockid], t->block_count, t->name); return t->blocks[blockid]; } static uint32_t read_tmpfs(fs_node_t *node, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)(node->device); t->atime = now(); uint32_t end; if (offset + size > t->length) { end = t->length; } else { end = offset + size; } debug_print(INFO, "reading from %d to %d", offset, end); uint32_t start_block = offset / BLOCKSIZE; uint32_t end_block = end / BLOCKSIZE; uint32_t end_size = end - end_block * BLOCKSIZE; uint32_t size_to_read = end - offset; if (start_block == end_block && offset == end) return 0; if (end_size == 0) { end_block--; } if (start_block == end_block) { void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, start_block, 0); memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t)buf) + (offset % BLOCKSIZE)), size_to_read); return size_to_read; } else { uint32_t block_offset; uint32_t blocks_read = 0; for (block_offset = start_block; block_offset < end_block; block_offset++, blocks_read++) { if (block_offset == start_block) { void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, block_offset, 0); memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t)buf) + (offset % BLOCKSIZE)), BLOCKSIZE - (offset % BLOCKSIZE)); } else { void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, block_offset, 0); memcpy(buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (offset % BLOCKSIZE), buf, BLOCKSIZE); } } void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, end_block, 0); memcpy(buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (offset % BLOCKSIZE), buf, end_size); } return size_to_read; } static uint32_t write_tmpfs(fs_node_t *node, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)(node->device); t->atime = now(); t->mtime = t->atime; uint32_t end; if (offset + size > t->length) { t->length = offset + size; } end = offset + size; uint32_t start_block = offset / BLOCKSIZE; uint32_t end_block = end / BLOCKSIZE; uint32_t end_size = end - end_block * BLOCKSIZE; uint32_t size_to_read = end - offset; if (end_size == 0) { end_block--; } if (start_block == end_block) { void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, start_block, 1); memcpy((uint8_t *)(((uint32_t)buf) + (offset % BLOCKSIZE)), buffer, size_to_read); return size_to_read; } else { uint32_t block_offset; uint32_t blocks_read = 0; for (block_offset = start_block; block_offset < end_block; block_offset++, blocks_read++) { if (block_offset == start_block) { void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, block_offset, 1); memcpy((uint8_t *)(((uint32_t)buf) + (offset % BLOCKSIZE)), buffer, BLOCKSIZE - (offset % BLOCKSIZE)); } else { void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, block_offset, 1); memcpy(buf, buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (offset % BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE); } } void *buf = tmpfs_file_getset_block(t, end_block, 1); memcpy(buf, buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (offset % BLOCKSIZE), end_size); } return size_to_read; } static int chmod_tmpfs(fs_node_t * node, int mode) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)(node->device); /* XXX permissions */ t->mask = mode; return 0; } static void open_tmpfs(fs_node_t * node, unsigned int flags) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)(node->device); debug_print(WARNING, "---- Opened TMPFS file %s with flags 0x%x ----", t->name, flags); if (flags & O_TRUNC) { debug_print(WARNING, "Truncating file %s", t->name); for (size_t i = 0; i < t->block_count; ++i) { free(t->blocks[i]); t->blocks[i] = 0; } t->block_count = 0; t->length = 0; } return; } static fs_node_t * tmpfs_from_file(struct tmpfs_file * t) { fs_node_t * fnode = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t)); memset(fnode, 0x00, sizeof(fs_node_t)); fnode->inode = 0; strcpy(fnode->name, t->name); fnode->device = t; fnode->mask = t->mask; fnode->uid = t->uid; fnode->gid = t->gid; fnode->atime = t->atime; fnode->ctime = t->ctime; fnode->mtime = t->mtime; fnode->flags = FS_FILE; fnode->read = read_tmpfs; fnode->write = write_tmpfs; fnode->open = open_tmpfs; fnode->close = NULL; fnode->readdir = NULL; fnode->finddir = NULL; fnode->chmod = chmod_tmpfs; fnode->length = t->length; return fnode; } static struct dirent * readdir_tmpfs(fs_node_t *node, uint32_t index) { struct tmpfs_dir * d = (struct tmpfs_dir *)node->device; uint32_t i = 0; debug_print(NOTICE, "tmpfs - readdir id=%d", index); if (index >= d->files->length) return NULL; foreach(f, d->files) { if (i == index) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)f->value; struct dirent * out = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent)); memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(struct dirent)); out->ino = (uint32_t)t; strcpy(out->name, t->name); return out; } else { ++i; } } return NULL; } static fs_node_t * finddir_tmpfs(fs_node_t * node, char * name) { if (!name) return NULL; struct tmpfs_dir * d = (struct tmpfs_dir *)node->device; spin_lock(&lock); foreach(f, d->files) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)f->value; if (!strcmp(name, t->name)) { spin_unlock(&lock); switch (t->type) { case TMPFS_TYPE_FILE: return tmpfs_from_file(t); case TMPFS_TYPE_DIR: return tmpfs_from_dir((struct tmpfs_dir *)t); } } } spin_unlock(&lock); return NULL; } static void unlink_tmpfs(fs_node_t * node, char * name) { struct tmpfs_dir * d = (struct tmpfs_dir *)node->device; int i = -1, j = 0; spin_lock(&lock); foreach(f, d->files) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)f->value; if (!strcmp(name, t->name)) { tmpfs_file_free(t); free(t); i = j; break; } j++; } if (i >= 0) { list_remove(d->files, i); } spin_unlock(&lock); return; } static void create_tmpfs(fs_node_t *parent, char *name, uint16_t permission) { if (!name) return; struct tmpfs_dir * d = (struct tmpfs_dir *)parent->device; debug_print(CRITICAL, "Creating TMPFS file %s in %s", name, d->name); spin_lock(&lock); foreach(f, d->files) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)f->value; if (!strcmp(name, t->name)) { spin_unlock(&lock); debug_print(WARNING, "... already exists."); return; /* Already exists */ } } spin_unlock(&lock); debug_print(NOTICE, "... creating a new file."); struct tmpfs_file * t = tmpfs_file_new(name); t->mask = permission; t->uid = current_process->user; t->gid = current_process->user; list_insert(d->files, t); } static void mkdir_tmpfs(fs_node_t * parent, char * name, uint16_t permission) { if (!name) return; struct tmpfs_dir * d = (struct tmpfs_dir *)parent->device; debug_print(CRITICAL, "Creating TMPFS directory %s (in %s)", name, d->name); spin_lock(&lock); foreach(f, d->files) { struct tmpfs_file * t = (struct tmpfs_file *)f->value; if (!strcmp(name, t->name)) { spin_unlock(&lock); debug_print(WARNING, "... already exists."); return; /* Already exists */ } } spin_unlock(&lock); debug_print(NOTICE, "... creating a new directory."); struct tmpfs_dir * out = tmpfs_dir_new(name, d); out->mask = permission; out->uid = current_process->user; out->gid = current_process->user; list_insert(d->files, out); } static fs_node_t * tmpfs_from_dir(struct tmpfs_dir * d) { fs_node_t * fnode = malloc(sizeof(fs_node_t)); memset(fnode, 0x00, sizeof(fs_node_t)); fnode->inode = 0; strcpy(fnode->name, "tmp"); fnode->mask = d->mask; fnode->uid = d->uid; fnode->gid = d->gid; fnode->device = d; fnode->atime = d->atime; fnode->mtime = d->mtime; fnode->ctime = d->ctime; fnode->flags = FS_DIRECTORY; fnode->read = NULL; fnode->write = NULL; fnode->open = NULL; fnode->close = NULL; fnode->readdir = readdir_tmpfs; fnode->finddir = finddir_tmpfs; fnode->create = create_tmpfs; fnode->unlink = unlink_tmpfs; fnode->mkdir = mkdir_tmpfs; return fnode; } static fs_node_t * tmpfs_create(void) { tmpfs_root = tmpfs_dir_new("tmp", NULL); tmpfs_root->mask = 0777; tmpfs_root->uid = 0; tmpfs_root->gid = 0; return tmpfs_from_dir(tmpfs_root); } static int tmpfs_initialize(void) { vfs_mount("/tmp", tmpfs_create()); return 0; } static int tmpfs_finalize(void) { return 0; } MODULE_DEF(tmpfs, tmpfs_initialize, tmpfs_finalize);