/** * @brief grep - mediocre grep * * Based on the regex search matcher in bim. * * @copyright * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2022 K. Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LINE_SIZE 4096 static int invert = 0; static int ignorecase = 0; static int quiet = 0; static int only_matching = 0; static int counts = 0; struct MatchQualifier { int (*matchFunc)(struct MatchQualifier*,char,int); union { char matchChar; struct { char * start; char * end; } matchSquares; }; }; /** * Helper for handling smart case sensitivity. */ int match_char(struct MatchQualifier * self, char b, int mode) { if (mode == 0) { return self->matchChar == b; } else if (mode == 1) { return tolower(self->matchChar) == tolower(b); } return 0; } int match_squares(struct MatchQualifier * self, char c, int mode) { char * start = self->matchSquares.start; char * end = self->matchSquares.end; char * t = start; int good = 1; if (*t == '^') { t++; good = 0; } while (t != end) { char test = *t++; if (test == '\\' && *t && strchr("\\]",*t)) { test = *t++; } else if (test == '\\' && *t == 't') { test = '\t'; t++; } if (*t == '-') { t++; if (t == end) return 0; char right = *t++; if (right == '\\' && *t && strchr("\\]",*t)) { right = *t++; } else if (right == '\\' && *t == 't') { right = '\t'; t++; } if (mode ? (tolower(c) >= tolower(test) && tolower(c) <= tolower(right)) : (c >= test && c <= right)) return good; } else { if (mode ? (tolower(c) == tolower(test)) : (c == test)) return good; } } return !good; } int match_dot(struct MatchQualifier * self, char c, int mode) { return 1; } struct BackRef { int start; int len; uint32_t * copy; }; struct Line { int actual; char * text; }; #define MAX_REFS 10 int regex_matches(struct Line * line, int j, char * needle, int ignorecase, int *len, char **needleout, int refindex, struct BackRef * refs) { int k = j; char * match = needle; if (*match == '^') { if (j != 0) return 0; match++; } while (k < line->actual + 1) { if (needleout && *match == ')') { *needleout = match + 1; if (len) *len = k - j; return 1; } if (*match == '\0') { if (needleout) return 0; if (len) *len = k - j; return 1; } if (*match == '$') { if (k != line->actual) return 0; match++; continue; } if (k == line->actual) break; struct MatchQualifier matcher = {match_char, .matchChar=*match}; if (*match == '.') { matcher.matchFunc = match_dot; match++; } else if (*match == '\\' && strchr("$^/\\.[?]*+()",match[1]) != NULL) { matcher.matchChar = match[1]; match += 2; } else if (*match == '\\' && match[1] == 't') { matcher.matchChar = '\t'; match += 2; } else if (*match == '[') { char * s = match+1; char * e = s; while (*e && *e != ']') { if (*e == '\\' && e[1] == ']') e++; e++; } if (!*e) break; /* fail match on unterminated [] sequence */ match = e + 1; matcher.matchFunc = match_squares; matcher.matchSquares.start = s; matcher.matchSquares.end = e; } else if (*match == '(') { match++; int _len; char * newmatch; if (!regex_matches(line, k, match, ignorecase, &_len, &newmatch, 0, NULL)) break; match = newmatch; if (refindex && refindex < MAX_REFS) { refs[refindex].start = k; refs[refindex].len = _len; refindex++; } k += _len; continue; } else { match++; } if (*match == '?') { /* Optional */ match++; if (matcher.matchFunc(&matcher, line->text[k], ignorecase)) { int _len; if (regex_matches(line,k+1,match,ignorecase,&_len, needleout, refindex, refs)) { if (len) *len = _len + k + 1 - j; return 1; } } continue; } else if (*match == '+' || *match == '*') { /* Must match at least one */ if (*match == '+') { if (!matcher.matchFunc(&matcher, line->text[k], ignorecase)) break; k++; } /* Match any */ match++; int greedy = 1; if (*match == '?') { /* non-greedy */ match++; greedy = 0; } int _j = k; while (_j < line->actual + 1) { int _len; if (!greedy && regex_matches(line, _j, match, ignorecase, &_len, needleout, refindex, refs)) { if (len) *len = _len + _j - j; return 1; } if (_j < line->actual && !matcher.matchFunc(&matcher, line->text[_j], ignorecase)) break; _j++; } if (!greedy) return 0; while (_j >= k) { int _len; if (regex_matches(line, _j, match, ignorecase, &_len, needleout, refindex, refs)) { if (len) *len = _len + _j - j; return 1; } _j--; } return 0; } else { if (!matcher.matchFunc(&matcher, line->text[k], ignorecase)) break; k++; } } return 0; } int subsearch_matches(struct Line * line, int j, char * needle, int *len) { return regex_matches(line, j, needle, ignorecase, len, NULL, 0, NULL); } int usage(char ** argv) { #define _I "\033[3m" #define _E "\033[0m\n" fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-ivqoc] PATTERN [FILE...]\n" "\n" " Supported options:\n" " -c " _I "Instead of printing matches, print counts of matched lines." _E " -i " _I "Ignore case in input and pattern." _E " -o " _I "Print only the matching parts of each line, separating\n" " each match with a line feed." _E " -q " _I "Exit immediately with 0 when a match (or, with -v,\n" " non-match) is found, do not print matches." _E " -v " _I "Invert match - print lines that do not match pattern." _E "\n" " Supported regex syntax:\n" " [abc] " _I "Match one of a set of characters." _E " [a-z] " _I "Match one from a range of characters." _E " (abc) " _I "Match a group; does nothing here, supported for compatibility\n" " with bim and a possible future sed implementation." _E " . " _I "Match any single character." _E " ^ " _I "Match the start of the line." _E " $ " _I "Match the end of the line." _E "\n" " Modifiers (can be combined with [], ., and single characters):\n" " ? " _I "Match optionally" _E " * " _I "Match any number of occurances" _E " + " _I "Match at least one occurance" _E " *? +? " _I "Non-greedy match variants of * and +" _E "\n" " Some characters can be escaped in the pattern with \\.\n" " The regex engine is not Unicode-aware.\n", argv[0]); #undef _I #undef _E return 1; } #define LINE_SIZE 4096 int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "?hivqoc")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': case '?': return usage(argv); case 'i': ignorecase = 1; break; case 'v': invert = 1; break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'o': only_matching = 1; break; case 'c': counts = 1; break; } } if (optind == argc) return usage(argv); char * needle = argv[optind]; char buf[LINE_SIZE]; int ret = 1; int is_tty = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO); optind++; int showFilenames = (optind + 1 != argc); do { FILE * input = stdin; int count = 0; if (optind < argc && strcmp(argv[optind],"-")) { input = fopen(argv[optind], "r"); if (!input) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", argv[0], argv[optind], strerror(errno)); return 1; } } const char * filename = input == stdin ? "(standard input)" : argv[optind]; while (fgets(buf, LINE_SIZE, input)) { int lineLength = strlen(buf); if (lineLength && buf[lineLength-1] == '\n') { lineLength--; } struct Line line = { lineLength, buf }; if (!invert) { int lastMatch = 0; for (int j = 0; j < lineLength;) { int len; if (subsearch_matches(&line, j, needle, &len)) { ret = 0; if (counts) { count++; break; } if (quiet) goto _done; if (only_matching) { if (showFilenames) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", filename); fprintf(stdout, "%.*s\n", len, buf + j); } else { if (lastMatch == 0 && showFilenames) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", filename); fprintf(stdout, "%.*s%s%.*s%s", j - lastMatch, buf + lastMatch, is_tty ? "\033[1;31m" : "", len, buf + j, is_tty ? "\033[0m" : ""); } lastMatch = j + len; j = lastMatch; } else { j++; } } if (counts) continue; if (!only_matching && lastMatch) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", buf + lastMatch); } } else { int matched = 0; for (int j = 0; j < lineLength; ++j) { if (subsearch_matches(&line, j, needle, NULL)) { matched = 1; break; } } if (matched) continue; ret = 0; if (counts) { count++; continue; } if (quiet) goto _done; if (showFilenames) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", filename); fprintf(stdout, "%s", buf); } } _done: (void)0; if (input != stdin) fclose(input); if (counts) { if (showFilenames) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", filename); fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", count); } optind++; } while (optind < argc); return ret; }