/** * @file kernel/misc/fbterm.c * @brief Crude framebuffer terminal for 32bpp framebuffer devices. * * Provides a simple graphical text renderer for early startup, with * support for simple escape sequences, on top of a framebuffer set up * with the `lfbvideo` module. * * @copyright * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2021 K. Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include /* Whether to scroll or wrap when cursor reaches the bottom. */ static int fbterm_scroll = 0; static void (*write_char)(int, int, int, uint32_t) = NULL; static int (*get_width)(void) = NULL; static int (*get_height)(void) = NULL; static void (*scroll_terminal)(void) = NULL; static int x = 0; static int y = 0; static int term_state = 0; static char term_buf[1024] = {0}; static int term_buf_c = 0; /* Bitmap font details */ #include "../../apps/terminal-font.h" #define char_height LARGE_FONT_CELL_HEIGHT #define char_width LARGE_FONT_CELL_WIDTH /* Default colors */ #define BG_COLOR 0xFF000000 /* Background */ #define FG_COLOR 0xFFCCCCCC /* Main text color */ static uint32_t fg_color = FG_COLOR; static uint32_t bg_color = BG_COLOR; static inline void set_point(int x, int y, uint32_t value) { if (lfb_resolution_b == 32) { ((uint32_t*)lfb_vid_memory)[y * (lfb_resolution_s/4) + x] = value; #ifdef __aarch64__ /* TODO just map it uncached in the first place... */ asm volatile ("dc cvac, %0\n" :: "r"((uintptr_t)&((uint32_t*)lfb_vid_memory)[y * (lfb_resolution_s/4) + x]) : "memory"); #endif } else if (lfb_resolution_b == 24) { lfb_vid_memory[y * lfb_resolution_s + x * 3 + 0] = (value >> 0) & 0xFF; lfb_vid_memory[y * lfb_resolution_s + x * 3 + 1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; lfb_vid_memory[y * lfb_resolution_s + x * 3 + 2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; } } static void fb_write_char(int _x, int _y, int val, uint32_t color) { if (val > 128) { val = 4; } int x = 1 + _x * char_width; int y = _y * char_height; uint8_t * c = large_font[val]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < char_width; ++j) { if (c[i] & (1 << (LARGE_FONT_MASK-j))) { set_point(x+j,y+i,color); } else { set_point(x+j,y+i,bg_color); } } } } /** * @brief Basic 16-color ANSI palette with Tango colors. */ static uint32_t term_colors[] = { 0xFF000000, 0xFFCC0000, 0xFF4E9A06, 0xFFC4A000, 0xFF3465A4, 0xFF75507B, 0xFF06989A, 0xFFD3D7CF, 0xFF555753, 0xFFEF2929, 0xFF8AE234, 0xFFFCE94F, 0xFF729FCF, 0xFFAD7FA8, 0xFF34E2E2, 0xFFEEEEEC, }; static int fb_get_width(void) { return (lfb_resolution_x - 1) / char_width; } static int fb_get_height(void) { return lfb_resolution_y / char_height; } static void fb_scroll_terminal(void) { memmove(lfb_vid_memory, lfb_vid_memory + sizeof(uint32_t) * lfb_resolution_x * char_height, (lfb_resolution_y - char_height) * lfb_resolution_x * 4); memset(lfb_vid_memory + sizeof(uint32_t) * (lfb_resolution_y - char_height) * lfb_resolution_x, 0x00, char_height * lfb_resolution_x * 4); } static void draw_square(int x, int y) { int center_x = lfb_resolution_x / 2; int center_y = lfb_resolution_y / 2; for (size_t _y = 0; _y < 7; ++_y) { uint32_t color = 0xFF00B2FF - (y * 8 + _y) * 0x200; for (size_t _x = 0; _x < 7; ++_x) { set_point(center_x - 32 + x * 8 + _x, center_y - 32 + y * 8 + _y, color); } } } void fbterm_draw_logo(void) { uint64_t logo_squares = 0x981818181818FFFFUL; for (size_t y = 0; y < 8; ++y) { for (size_t x = 0; x < 8; ++x) { if (logo_squares & (1 << x)) { draw_square(x,y); } } logo_squares >>= 8; } } void fbterm_reset(void) { x = 0; y = 0; term_state = 0; fg_color = FG_COLOR; bg_color = BG_COLOR; } static void fbterm_init_framebuffer(void) { write_char = fb_write_char; get_width = fb_get_width; get_height = fb_get_height; scroll_terminal = fb_scroll_terminal; fbterm_draw_logo(); } static void ega_write_char(int x, int y, int ch, uint32_t color) { unsigned short att = 7 << 8; unsigned short *where = (unsigned short*)(mmu_map_from_physical(0xB8000)) + (y * 80 + x); *where = (ch & 0xFF) | att; } static int ega_get_width(void) { return 80; } static int ega_get_height(void) { return 25; } static void ega_scroll_terminal(void) { memmove(mmu_map_from_physical(0xB8000), (char*)mmu_map_from_physical(0xB8000) + sizeof(unsigned short) * 80, sizeof(unsigned short) * (80 * 24)); memset((char*)mmu_map_from_physical(0xB8000) + sizeof(unsigned short) * (80 * 24), 0x00, 80 * sizeof(unsigned short)); } static void fbterm_init_ega(void) { write_char = ega_write_char; get_width = ega_get_width; get_height = ega_get_height; scroll_terminal = ega_scroll_terminal; } static void cursor_update(void) { if (x >= get_width()) { x = 0; y++; } if (y >= get_height()) { if (fbterm_scroll) { y--; scroll_terminal(); } else { y = 0; } } } static void process_char(char ch) { if (term_state == 1) { if (ch == '[') { term_buf_c = 0; term_buf[term_buf_c] = '\0'; term_state = 2; } else { term_state = 0; process_char(ch); } return; } else if (term_state == 2) { if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) { /* do the thing */ switch (ch) { case 'm': { char * arg = &term_buf[0]; char * next; int argC = 0; int isBold = 0; do { next = strchr(arg, ';'); if (next) { *next = '\0'; next++; } int asInt = atoi(arg); if (asInt == 0) { fg_color = FG_COLOR; bg_color = BG_COLOR; isBold = 0; } else if (asInt == 1) { isBold = 1; } else if (asInt == 22) { fg_color = FG_COLOR; isBold = 0; } else if (asInt >= 30 && asInt <= 37) { fg_color = term_colors[asInt-30 + (isBold ? 8 : 0)]; } else if (asInt >= 90 && asInt <= 97) { fg_color = term_colors[asInt-90 + 8]; } else if (asInt >= 40 && asInt <= 47) { bg_color = term_colors[asInt-40 + (isBold ? 8 : 0)]; } else if (asInt >= 100 && asInt <= 107) { bg_color = term_colors[asInt-100 + 8]; } else if (asInt == 38) { fg_color = FG_COLOR; } else if (asInt == 48) { bg_color = BG_COLOR; } else if (asInt == 7) { uint32_t tmp = fg_color; fg_color = bg_color; bg_color = tmp; } arg = next; argC++; } while (arg); break; } case 'G': { /* Set cursor column */ x = atoi(term_buf) - 1; break; } case 'K': { if (atoi(term_buf) == 0) { for (int i = x; i < get_width(); ++i) { write_char(i,y,' ',bg_color); } } break; } } term_state = 0; } else { term_buf[term_buf_c++] = ch; term_buf[term_buf_c] = '\0'; } return; } else if (ch == '\033') { term_state = 1; return; } write_char(x,y,' ',bg_color); switch (ch) { case '\n': x = 0; y++; break; case '\r': x = 0; break; case '\b': if (x) { x--; write_char(x,y,' ',fg_color); } break; default: if ((unsigned int)ch > 127) return; write_char(x,y,ch,fg_color); x++; break; } cursor_update(); } static size_t (*previous_writer)(size_t,uint8_t*) = NULL; size_t fbterm_write(size_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { if (!buffer) return 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { process_char(buffer[i]); } if (previous_writer) previous_writer(size,buffer); return size; } void fbterm_initialize(void) { if (lfb_resolution_x) { if (args_present("fbterm-scroll")) { fbterm_scroll = 1; } fbterm_init_framebuffer(); } else { #ifdef __x86_64__ fbterm_scroll = 1; fbterm_init_ega(); #else return; #endif } previous_writer = printf_output; printf_output = fbterm_write; console_set_output(fbterm_write); dprintf("fbterm: Generic framebuffer text output enabled.\n"); }