/* * Terminal Emulator */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #define FONT_SIZE 13 /* Binary Literals */ #define b(x) ((uint8_t)b_(0 ## x ## uL)) #define b_(x) ((x & 1) | (x >> 2 & 2) | (x >> 4 & 4) | (x >> 6 & 8) | (x >> 8 & 16) | (x >> 10 & 32) | (x >> 12 & 64) | (x >> 14 & 128)) /* Triggers escape mode. */ #define ANSI_ESCAPE 27 /* Escape verify */ #define ANSI_BRACKET '[' /* Anything in this range (should) exit escape mode. */ #define ANSI_LOW 'A' #define ANSI_HIGH 'z' /* Escape commands */ #define ANSI_CUU 'A' /* CUrsor Up */ #define ANSI_CUD 'B' /* CUrsor Down */ #define ANSI_CUF 'C' /* CUrsor Forward */ #define ANSI_CUB 'D' /* CUrsor Back */ #define ANSI_CNL 'E' /* Cursor Next Line */ #define ANSI_CPL 'F' /* Cursor Previous Line */ #define ANSI_CHA 'G' /* Cursor Horizontal Absolute */ #define ANSI_CUP 'H' /* CUrsor Position */ #define ANSI_ED 'J' /* Erase Data */ #define ANSI_EL 'K' /* Erase in Line */ #define ANSI_SU 'S' /* Scroll Up */ #define ANSI_SD 'T' /* Scroll Down */ #define ANSI_HVP 'f' /* Horizontal & Vertical Pos. XXX: SAME AS CUP */ #define ANSI_SGR 'm' /* Select Graphic Rendition */ #define ANSI_DSR 'n' /* Device Status Report XXX: Push to kgets() buffer? */ #define ANSI_SCP 's' /* Save Cursor Position */ #define ANSI_RCP 'u' /* Restore Cursor Position */ #define ANSI_HIDE 'l' /* DECTCEM - Hide Cursor */ #define ANSI_SHOW 'h' /* DECTCEM - Show Cursor */ /* Display flags */ #define ANSI_BOLD 0x01 #define ANSI_UNDERLINE 0x02 #define ANSI_ITALIC 0x04 #define ANSI_FRAKTUR 0x08 /* As if I'll ever implement that */ #define ANSI_DOUBLEU 0x10 #define ANSI_OVERLINE 0x20 #define ANSI_BLINK 0x40 #define ANSI_CROSS 0x80 /* And that's all I'm going to support */ #define DEFAULT_FG 0x07 #define DEFAULT_BG 0x10 #define DEFAULT_FLAGS 0x00 uint16_t min(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } uint16_t max(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } uint8_t _use_freetype = 0; /* State machine status */ static struct _ansi_state { uint16_t x ; /* Current cursor location */ uint16_t y ; /* " " " */ uint16_t save_x; uint16_t save_y; uint32_t width ; uint32_t height; uint8_t fg ; /* Current foreground color */ uint8_t bg ; /* Current background color */ uint8_t flags ; /* Bright, etc. */ uint8_t escape; /* Escape status */ uint8_t buflen; /* Buffer Length */ char buffer[100]; /* Previous buffer */ } state; void (*ansi_writer)(char) = NULL; void (*ansi_set_color)(unsigned char, unsigned char) = NULL; void (*ansi_set_csr)(int,int) = NULL; int (*ansi_get_csr_x)(void) = NULL; int (*ansi_get_csr_y)(void) = NULL; void (*ansi_set_cell)(int,int,char) = NULL; void (*ansi_cls)(void) = NULL; void (*redraw_cursor)(void) = NULL; static struct { uint16_t x; uint16_t y; } saved_state; void ansi_dump_buffer() { for (int i = 0; i < state.buflen; ++i) { ansi_writer(state.buffer[i]); } } void ansi_buf_add( char c ) { state.buffer[state.buflen] = c; state.buflen++; state.buffer[state.buflen] = '\0'; } void ansi_put( char c ) { switch (state.escape) { case 0: /* We are not escaped, check for escape character */ if (c == ANSI_ESCAPE) { /* * Enable escape mode, setup a buffer, * fill the buffer, get out of here. */ state.escape = 1; state.buflen = 0; ansi_buf_add(c); return; } else { ansi_writer(c); } break; case 1: /* We're ready for [ */ if (c == ANSI_BRACKET) { state.escape = 2; ansi_buf_add(c); } else { /* This isn't a bracket, we're not actually escaped! * Get out of here! */ ansi_dump_buffer(); ansi_writer(c); state.escape = 0; state.buflen = 0; return; } break; case 2: if (c >= ANSI_LOW && c <= ANSI_HIGH) { /* Woah, woah, let's see here. */ char * pch; /* tokenizer pointer */ char * save; /* strtok_r pointer */ char * argv[1024]; /* escape arguments */ /* Get rid of the front of the buffer */ strtok_r(state.buffer,"[",&save); pch = strtok_r(NULL,";",&save); /* argc = Number of arguments, obviously */ int argc = 0; while (pch != NULL) { argv[argc] = (char *)pch; ++argc; pch = strtok_r(NULL,";",&save); } argv[argc] = NULL; /* Alright, let's do this */ switch (c) { case ANSI_SCP: { saved_state.x = ansi_get_csr_x(); saved_state.y = ansi_get_csr_y(); } break; case ANSI_RCP: { ansi_set_csr(saved_state.x, saved_state.y); } break; case ANSI_SGR: /* Set Graphics Rendition */ if (argc == 0) { /* Default = 0 */ argv[0] = "0"; argc = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { int arg = atoi(argv[i]); if (arg >= 100 && arg < 110) { /* Bright background */ state.bg = 8 + (arg - 100); } else if (arg >= 90 && arg < 100) { /* Bright foreground */ state.fg = 8 + (arg - 90); } else if (arg >= 40 && arg < 49) { /* Set background */ state.bg = arg - 40; } else if (arg == 49) { state.bg = 0; } else if (arg >= 30 && arg < 39) { /* Set Foreground */ state.fg = arg - 30; } else if (arg == 39) { /* Default Foreground */ state.fg = 7; } else if (arg == 20) { /* FRAKTUR: Like old German stuff */ state.flags |= ANSI_FRAKTUR; } else if (arg == 9) { /* X-OUT */ state.flags |= ANSI_CROSS; } else if (arg == 7) { /* INVERT: Swap foreground / background */ uint8_t temp = state.fg; state.fg = state.bg; state.bg = temp; } else if (arg == 5) { /* BLINK: I have no idea how I'm going to make this work! */ state.flags |= ANSI_BLINK; if (i == 0) { break; } if (i < argc) { if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 48) { /* Background to i+1 */ state.bg = atoi(argv[i+1]); } else if (atoi(argv[i-1]) == 38) { /* Foreground to i+1 */ state.fg = atoi(argv[i+1]); } ++i; } } else if (arg == 4) { /* UNDERLINE */ state.flags |= ANSI_UNDERLINE; } else if (arg == 3) { /* ITALIC: Oblique */ state.flags |= ANSI_ITALIC; } else if (arg == 1) { /* BOLD/BRIGHT: Brighten the output color */ state.flags |= ANSI_BOLD; } else if (arg == 0) { /* Reset everything */ state.fg = DEFAULT_FG; state.bg = DEFAULT_BG; state.flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS; } } break; case ANSI_SHOW: if (!strcmp(argv[0], "?1049")) { ansi_cls(); ansi_set_csr(0,0); } break; case ANSI_CUF: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(min(ansi_get_csr_x() + i, state.width - 1), ansi_get_csr_y()); } break; case ANSI_CUU: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), max(ansi_get_csr_y() - i, 0)); } break; case ANSI_CUD: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), min(ansi_get_csr_y() + i, state.height - 1)); } break; case ANSI_CUB: { int i = 1; if (argc) { i = atoi(argv[0]); } ansi_set_csr(max(ansi_get_csr_x() - i,0), ansi_get_csr_y()); } break; case ANSI_CUP: if (argc < 2) { ansi_set_csr(0,0); break; } ansi_set_csr(min(max(atoi(argv[1]), 1), state.width) - 1, min(max(atoi(argv[0]), 1), state.height) - 1); break; case ANSI_ED: ansi_cls(); break; case ANSI_EL: { int what = 0, x = 0, y = 0; if (argc >= 1) { what = atoi(argv[0]); } if (what == 0) { x = ansi_get_csr_x(); y = state.width; } else if (what == 1) { x = 0; y = ansi_get_csr_x(); } else if (what == 2) { x = 0; y = state.width; } for (int i = x; i < y; ++i) { ansi_set_cell(i, ansi_get_csr_y(), ' '); } } break; case 'X': { int how_many = 1; if (argc >= 1) { how_many = atoi(argv[0]); } for (int i = 0; i < how_many; ++i) { ansi_writer(' '); } } break; case 'd': if (argc < 1) { ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), 0); } else { ansi_set_csr(ansi_get_csr_x(), atoi(argv[0]) - 1); } break; default: /* Meh */ break; } /* Set the states */ if (state.flags & ANSI_BOLD && state.fg < 9) { ansi_set_color(state.fg % 8 + 8, state.bg); } else { ansi_set_color(state.fg, state.bg); } /* Clear out the buffer */ state.buflen = 0; state.escape = 0; return; } else { /* Still escaped */ ansi_buf_add(c); } break; } } void ansi_init(void (*writer)(char), int w, int y, void (*setcolor)(unsigned char, unsigned char), void (*setcsr)(int,int), int (*getcsrx)(void), int (*getcsry)(void), void (*setcell)(int,int,char), void (*cls)(void), void (*redraw_csr)(void)) { ansi_writer = writer; ansi_set_color = setcolor; ansi_set_csr = setcsr; ansi_get_csr_x = getcsrx; ansi_get_csr_y = getcsry; ansi_set_cell = setcell; ansi_cls = cls; redraw_cursor = redraw_csr; /* Terminal Defaults */ state.fg = DEFAULT_FG; /* Light grey */ state.bg = DEFAULT_BG; /* Black */ state.flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS; /* Nothing fancy*/ state.width = w; state.height = y; ansi_set_color(state.fg, state.bg); } void ansi_print(char * c) { uint32_t len = strlen(c); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ansi_put(c[i]); } } /* * Some of the system calls for the graphics * functionality. */ DEFN_SYSCALL0(getgraphicsaddress, 11); DEFN_SYSCALL1(kbd_mode, 12, int); DEFN_SYSCALL0(kbd_get, 13); DEFN_SYSCALL1(setgraphicsoffset, 16, int); DEFN_SYSCALL0(getgraphicswidth, 18); DEFN_SYSCALL0(getgraphicsheight, 19); DEFN_SYSCALL0(getgraphicsdepth, 20); uint16_t graphics_width = 0; uint16_t graphics_height = 0; uint16_t graphics_depth = 0; #define GFX_W graphics_width /* Display width */ #define GFX_H graphics_height /* Display height */ #define GFX_B (graphics_depth / 8) /* Display byte depth */ #define _RED(color) ((color & 0x00FF0000) / 0x10000) #define _GRE(color) ((color & 0x0000FF00) / 0x100) #define _BLU(color) ((color & 0x000000FF) / 0x1) /* * Macros make verything easier. */ #define GFX(x,y) *((uint32_t *)&gfx_mem[(GFX_W * (y) + (x)) * GFX_B]) uint32_t rgb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return (r * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + (b * 0x1); } uint32_t alpha_blend(uint32_t bottom, uint32_t top, uint32_t mask) { float a = _RED(mask) / 256.0; uint8_t red = _RED(bottom) * (1.0 - a) + _RED(top) * a; uint8_t gre = _GRE(bottom) * (1.0 - a) + _GRE(top) * a; uint8_t blu = _BLU(bottom) * (1.0 - a) + _BLU(top) * a; return rgb(red,gre,blu); } /* Pointer to graphics memory */ uint8_t * gfx_mem; uint16_t term_width = 0; uint16_t term_height = 0; uint16_t char_width = 8; uint16_t char_height = 12; uint16_t char_offset = 0; uint16_t csr_x = 0; uint16_t csr_y = 0; uint8_t * term_buffer = NULL; uint8_t current_fg = 7; uint8_t current_bg = 0; uint16_t current_scroll = 0; uint8_t cursor_on = 1; uint32_t term_colors[256] = { /* black */ 0x2e3436, /* red */ 0xcc0000, /* green */ 0x3e9a06, /* brown */ 0xc4a000, /* navy */ 0x3465a4, /* purple */ 0x75507b, /* d cyan */ 0x06989a, /* gray */ 0xeeeeec, /* d gray */ 0x555753, /* red */ 0xef2929, /* green */ 0x8ae234, /* yellow */ 0xfce94f, /* blue */ 0x729fcf, /* magenta*/ 0xad7fa8, /* cyan */ 0x34e2e2, /* white */ 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 0x00005f, 0x000087, 0x0000af, 0x0000d7, 0x0000ff, 0x005f00, 0x005f5f, 0x005f87, 0x005faf, 0x005fd7, 0x005fff, 0x008700, 0x00875f, 0x008787, 0x0087af, 0x0087d7, 0x0087ff, 0x00af00, 0x00af5f, 0x00af87, 0x00afaf, 0x00afd7, 0x00afff, 0x00d700, 0x00d75f, 0x00d787, 0x00d7af, 0x00d7d7, 0x00d7ff, 0x00ff00, 0x00ff5f, 0x00ff87, 0x00ffaf, 0x00ffd7, 0x00ffff, 0x5f0000, 0x5f005f, 0x5f0087, 0x5f00af, 0x5f00d7, 0x5f00ff, 0x5f5f00, 0x5f5f5f, 0x5f5f87, 0x5f5faf, 0x5f5fd7, 0x5f5fff, 0x5f8700, 0x5f875f, 0x5f8787, 0x5f87af, 0x5f87d7, 0x5f87ff, 0x5faf00, 0x5faf5f, 0x5faf87, 0x5fafaf, 0x5fafd7, 0x5fafff, 0x5fd700, 0x5fd75f, 0x5fd787, 0x5fd7af, 0x5fd7d7, 0x5fd7ff, 0x5fff00, 0x5fff5f, 0x5fff87, 0x5fffaf, 0x5fffd7, 0x5fffff, 0x870000, 0x87005f, 0x870087, 0x8700af, 0x8700d7, 0x8700ff, 0x875f00, 0x875f5f, 0x875f87, 0x875faf, 0x875fd7, 0x875fff, 0x878700, 0x87875f, 0x878787, 0x8787af, 0x8787d7, 0x8787ff, 0x87af00, 0x87af5f, 0x87af87, 0x87afaf, 0x87afd7, 0x87afff, 0x87d700, 0x87d75f, 0x87d787, 0x87d7af, 0x87d7d7, 0x87d7ff, 0x87ff00, 0x87ff5f, 0x87ff87, 0x87ffaf, 0x87ffd7, 0x87ffff, 0xaf0000, 0xaf005f, 0xaf0087, 0xaf00af, 0xaf00d7, 0xaf00ff, 0xaf5f00, 0xaf5f5f, 0xaf5f87, 0xaf5faf, 0xaf5fd7, 0xaf5fff, 0xaf8700, 0xaf875f, 0xaf8787, 0xaf87af, 0xaf87d7, 0xaf87ff, 0xafaf00, 0xafaf5f, 0xafaf87, 0xafafaf, 0xafafd7, 0xafafff, 0xafd700, 0xafd75f, 0xafd787, 0xafd7af, 0xafd7d7, 0xafd7ff, 0xafff00, 0xafff5f, 0xafff87, 0xafffaf, 0xafffd7, 0xafffff, 0xd70000, 0xd7005f, 0xd70087, 0xd700af, 0xd700d7, 0xd700ff, 0xd75f00, 0xd75f5f, 0xd75f87, 0xd75faf, 0xd75fd7, 0xd75fff, 0xd78700, 0xd7875f, 0xd78787, 0xd787af, 0xd787d7, 0xd787ff, 0xd7af00, 0xd7af5f, 0xd7af87, 0xd7afaf, 0xd7afd7, 0xd7afff, 0xd7d700, 0xd7d75f, 0xd7d787, 0xd7d7af, 0xd7d7d7, 0xd7d7ff, 0xd7ff00, 0xd7ff5f, 0xd7ff87, 0xd7ffaf, 0xd7ffd7, 0xd7ffff, 0xff0000, 0xff005f, 0xff0087, 0xff00af, 0xff00d7, 0xff00ff, 0xff5f00, 0xff5f5f, 0xff5f87, 0xff5faf, 0xff5fd7, 0xff5fff, 0xff8700, 0xff875f, 0xff8787, 0xff87af, 0xff87d7, 0xff87ff, 0xffaf00, 0xffaf5f, 0xffaf87, 0xffafaf, 0xffafd7, 0xffafff, 0xffd700, 0xffd75f, 0xffd787, 0xffd7af, 0xffd7d7, 0xffd7ff, 0xffff00, 0xffff5f, 0xffff87, 0xffffaf, 0xffffd7, 0xffffff, 0x080808, 0x121212, 0x1c1c1c, 0x262626, 0x303030, 0x3a3a3a, 0x444444, 0x4e4e4e, 0x585858, 0x626262, 0x6c6c6c, 0x767676, 0x808080, 0x8a8a8a, 0x949494, 0x9e9e9e, 0xa8a8a8, 0xb2b2b2, 0xbcbcbc, 0xc6c6c6, 0xd0d0d0, 0xdadada, 0xe4e4e4, 0xeeeeee, }; static inline void term_set_point( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t color ) { if (graphics_depth == 32) { GFX(x,y) = color; } else { printf("Unsupported mode!\n"); } } static inline void term_set_point_bg( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t color ) { #if 0 if (!color && wallpaper && y < wallpaper->height && x < wallpaper->width) { term_set_point(x,y,wallpaper->bitmap[wallpaper->width * y + x]); } else { #endif term_set_point(x,y,color); #if 0 } #endif } uint8_t number_font[][12] = { { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111110), b(11000011), b(10000001), /* 4 */ b(10100101), b(10000001), b(10111101), b(10011001), /* 8 */ b(11000011), b(01111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111110), b(11111111), b(11111111), /* 4 */ b(11011011), b(11111111), b(11000011), b(11100111), /* 8 */ b(11111111), b(01111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(01000100), b(11101110), /* 4 */ b(11111110), b(11111110), b(11111110), b(01111100), /* 8 */ b(00111000), b(00010000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00010000), b(00111000), b(01111100), /* 4 */ b(11111110), b(11111110), b(01111100), b(00111000), /* 8 */ b(00010000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00111100), b(00111100), /* 4 */ b(11111111), b(11100111), b(11100111), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(01111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00111100), b(01111110), /* 4 */ b(11111111), b(11111111), b(01111110), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(01111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00111100), b(01111110), b(01111110), b(00111100), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(11111111), b(11111111), b(11111111), b(11111111), /* 4 */ b(11000011), b(10000001), b(10000001), b(11000011), /* 8 */ b(11111111), b(11111111), b(11111111), b(11111111) /* 01 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00111100), b(01111110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01000010), b(01000010), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01111110), b(00111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(11111111), b(11111111), b(11000011), b(10000001), /* 4 */ b(10011001), b(10111101), b(10111101), b(10011001), /* 8 */ b(10000001), b(11000011), b(11111111), b(11111111) /* 01 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111110), b(00001110), b(00111010), /* 4 */ b(01110010), b(11111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111100), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(00111100), b(00011000), b(01111110), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011111), b(00011001), b(00011001), /* 4 */ b(00011111), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(01111000), /* 8 */ b(11111000), b(01110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111111), b(01100011), b(01111111), /* 4 */ b(01100011), b(01100011), b(01100011), b(01100111), /* 8 */ b(11100111), b(11100110), b(11000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00011000), b(11011011), /* 4 */ b(01111110), b(11100111), b(11100111), b(01111110), /* 8 */ b(11011011), b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(10000000), b(11000000), b(11100000), /* 4 */ b(11111000), b(11111110), b(11111000), b(11100000), /* 8 */ b(11000000), b(10000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000010), b(00000110), b(00001110), /* 4 */ b(00111110), b(11111110), b(00111110), b(00001110), /* 8 */ b(00000110), b(00000010), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00111100), b(01111110), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(01111110), /* 8 */ b(00111100), b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01100110), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(01100110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111111), b(11011011), b(11011011), /* 4 */ b(11011011), b(01111011), b(00011011), b(00011011), /* 8 */ b(00011011), b(00011011), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111110), b(01100011), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(00111100), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(00111100), /* 8 */ b(00001100), b(11000110), b(01111110), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(11111110), /* 8 */ b(11111110), b(11111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00111100), b(01111110), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(01111110), /* 8 */ b(00111100), b(00011000), b(01111110), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00111100), b(01111110), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(01111110), /* 8 */ b(00111100), b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00011000), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(11111110), b(00001100), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(01100000), b(11111110), b(01100000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11000000), b(11000000), b(11111110), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00100100), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(11111111), b(01100110), b(00100100), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00010000), b(00010000), /* 4 */ b(00111000), b(00111000), b(01111100), b(01111100), /* 8 */ b(11111110), b(11111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(11111110), b(11111110), /* 4 */ b(01111100), b(01111100), b(00111000), b(00111000), /* 8 */ b(00010000), b(00010000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00110000), b(01111000), b(01111000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00000000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(00100100), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01101100), b(01101100), b(11111110), /* 4 */ b(01101100), b(01101100), b(01101100), b(11111110), /* 8 */ b(01101100), b(01101100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00110000), b(00110000), b(01111100), b(11000000), /* 4 */ b(11000000), b(01111000), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 8 */ b(11111000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(11000100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00110000), b(01100000), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(10001100), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01110000), b(11011000), b(11011000), /* 4 */ b(01110000), b(11111010), b(11011110), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11011100), b(01110110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(01100000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00001100), b(00011000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(01100000), b(01100000), b(01100000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(00001100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01100000), b(00110000), b(00011000), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(00001100), b(00001100), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(01100000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(00111100), b(11111111), b(00111100), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /** 4 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(01111110), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00111000), b(00111000), b(01100000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(11111110), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00111000), b(00111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000010), b(00000110), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(00011000), b(00110000), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(11000000), b(10000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111100), b(11000110), b(11001110), /* 4 */ b(11011110), b(11010110), b(11110110), b(11100110), /* 8 */ b(11000110), b(01111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00010000), b(00110000), b(11110000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(11111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(00011000), b(00110000), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(11111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(11001100), b(00001100), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(00111000), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00001100), b(00011100), b(00111100), /* 4 */ b(01101100), b(11001100), b(11111110), b(00001100), /* 8 */ b(00001100), b(00011110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111100), b(11000000), b(11000000), /* 4 */ b(11000000), b(11111000), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111000), b(01100000), b(11000000), /* 4 */ b(11000000), b(11111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111110), b(11000110), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(00000110), b(00001100), b(00011000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(01111100), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(01110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00111000), /* 4 */ b(00111000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00111000), /* 8 */ b(00111000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00111000), /* 4 */ b(00111000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00111000), /* 8 */ b(00111000), b(00011000), b(00110000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00001100), b(00011000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(01100000), b(11000000), b(01100000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(00001100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01111110), b(00000000), b(01111110), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01100000), b(00110000), b(00011000), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(00000110), b(00001100), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(01100000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(11001100), b(00001100), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111100), b(11000110), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(11011110), b(11010110), b(11011110), b(11000000), /* 8 */ b(11000000), b(01111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00110000), b(01111000), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11111100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111100), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01111100), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111100), b(01100110), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(11000000), b(11000000), b(11000000), b(11000110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(00111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111000), b(01101100), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01101100), b(11111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111110), b(01100010), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(01100100), b(01111100), b(01100100), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(01100010), b(11111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111110), b(01100110), b(01100010), /* 4 */ b(01100100), b(01111100), b(01100100), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(01100000), b(11110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111100), b(01100110), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(11000000), b(11000000), b(11001110), b(11000110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(00111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(11111100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011110), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(00001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11100110), b(01100110), b(01101100), /* 4 */ b(01101100), b(01111000), b(01101100), b(01101100), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11100110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11110000), b(01100000), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(01100000), b(01100000), b(01100010), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11000110), b(11101110), b(11111110), /* 4 */ b(11111110), b(11010110), b(11000110), b(11000110), /* 8 */ b(11000110), b(11000110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11000110), b(11000110), b(11100110), /* 4 */ b(11110110), b(11111110), b(11011110), b(11001110), /* 8 */ b(11000110), b(11000110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111000), b(01101100), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(11000110), b(11000110), b(11000110), b(11000110), /* 8 */ b(01101100), b(00111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111100), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01111100), b(01100000), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(01100000), b(11110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111000), b(01101100), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(11000110), b(11000110), b(11001110), b(11011110), /* 8 */ b(01111100), b(00001100), b(00011110), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111100), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01111100), b(01101100), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11100110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11000000), b(01110000), b(00011000), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111100), b(10110100), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(01111000), b(00110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11000110), b(11000110), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(11000110), b(11010110), b(11010110), b(01101100), /* 8 */ b(01101100), b(01101100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(01111000), b(00110000), b(01111000), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111110), b(11001110), b(10011000), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00110000), b(01100000), b(01100010), /* 8 */ b(11000110), b(11111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111100), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(00111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(10000000), b(11000000), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00011000), b(00001100), b(00000110), /* 8 */ b(00000010), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111100), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 4 */ b(00001100), b(00001100), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 8 */ b(00001100), b(00111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00010000), b(00111000), b(01101100), b(11000110), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(11111111), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00110000), b(00110000), b(00011000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01111000), b(00001100), b(01111100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01110110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11100000), b(01100000), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(01111100), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11011100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11000000), b(11000000), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011100), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 4 */ b(01111100), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01110110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11111100), b(11000000), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00111000), b(01101100), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(01100000), b(11111000), b(01100000), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(01100000), b(11110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01110110), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(01111100), b(00001100), b(11001100), b(01111000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11100000), b(01100000), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(01101100), b(01110110), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11100110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01111000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(01111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00001100), b(00001100), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(00011100), b(00001100), b(00001100), b(00001100), /* 8 */ b(00001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(01111000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11100000), b(01100000), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01101100), b(01111000), b(01101100), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11100110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01111000), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(01111110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11111100), b(11010110), b(11010110), b(11010110), /* 8 */ b(11010110), b(11000110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01111000), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11011100), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(01111100), b(01100000), b(11110000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01110110), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111100), b(00001100), b(00011110) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11101100), b(01101110), b(01110110), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(01100000), b(11110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01111000), b(11001100), b(01100000), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00100000), b(01100000), /* 4 */ b(11111100), b(01100000), b(01100000), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(01101100), b(00111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(11001100), b(01110110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), b(11001100), /* 8 */ b(01111000), b(00110000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11000110), b(11000110), b(11010110), b(11010110), /* 8 */ b(01101100), b(01101100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11000110), b(01101100), b(00111000), b(00111000), /* 8 */ b(01101100), b(11000110), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 8 */ b(00111100), b(00001100), b(00011000), b(11110000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 4 */ b(11111100), b(10001100), b(00011000), b(01100000), /* 8 */ b(11000100), b(11111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011100), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(01100000), b(11000000), b(01100000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(00011100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00011000), b(00011000), /* 8 */ b(00011000), b(00011000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11100000), b(00110000), b(00110000), /* 4 */ b(00011000), b(00001100), b(00011000), b(00110000), /* 8 */ b(00110000), b(11100000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01110011), b(11011010), b(11001110), /* 4 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), /* 8 */ b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00010000), /* 4 */ b(00111000), b(01101100), b(11000110), b(11000110), /* 8 */ b(11111110), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01000100), b(01101100), b(00111000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(01100000), b(11000000), b(11000000), /* 8 */ b(01100000), b(00111000), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(00110000), b(00110000), b(11111110), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00110000), b(01111010), b(10110110), /* 8 */ b(01111100), b(00110010), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(11111110), b(00001100), b(00011000), /* 4 */ b(00110000), b(00011000), b(00001100), b(01110110), /* 8 */ b(11000110), b(01111100), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, { b(00000000), b(01100110), b(01100110), b(01100110), /* 4 */ b(01100110), b(00000000), b(00000000), b(00111100), /* 8 */ b(01100110), b(11000011), b(00000000), b(00000000) /* 12 */ }, }; FT_Library library; FT_Face face; FT_Face face_bold; FT_Face face_italic; FT_Face face_bold_italic; FT_GlyphSlot slot; FT_UInt glyph_index; void drawChar(FT_Bitmap * bitmap, int x, int y, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg) { int i, j, p, q; int x_max = x + bitmap->width; int y_max = y + bitmap->rows; for (j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++) { for ( i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++) { //GFX(i,j) = alpha_blend(GFX(i,j),rgb(0xff,0xff,0xff),rgb(bitmap->buffer[q * bitmap->width + p],0,0)); GFX(i,j) = alpha_blend(bg, fg, rgb(bitmap->buffer[q * bitmap->width + p],0,0)); } } } void term_write_char( uint8_t val, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, uint8_t flags ) { if (val < 32 || val > 126) { return; } if (_use_freetype) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < char_width; ++j) { term_set_point(x+j,y+i,bg); } } int pen_x = x; int pen_y = y + char_offset; int error; FT_Face * _font = NULL; if (flags & ANSI_BOLD && flags & ANSI_ITALIC) { _font = &face_bold_italic; } else if (flags & ANSI_ITALIC) { _font = &face_italic; } else if (flags & ANSI_BOLD) { _font = &face_bold; } else { _font = &face; } glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(*_font, val); error = FT_Load_Glyph(*_font, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (error) return; error = FT_Render_Glyph((*_font)->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); if (error) return; slot = (*_font)->glyph; drawChar(&slot->bitmap, pen_x + slot->bitmap_left, pen_y - slot->bitmap_top, fg, bg); if (flags & ANSI_UNDERLINE) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_width; ++i) { term_set_point(x + i, y + char_offset + 2, fg); } } if (flags & ANSI_CROSS) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_width; ++i) { term_set_point(x + i, y + char_offset - 5, fg); } } } else { uint8_t * c = number_font[val]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < char_height; ++i) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < char_width; ++j) { if (c[i] & (1 << (8-j))) { term_set_point(x+j,y+i,fg); } else { term_set_point_bg(x+j,y+i,bg); } } } } } static void cell_set(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t c, uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg, uint8_t flags) { uint8_t * cell = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * 4); cell[0] = c; cell[1] = fg; cell[2] = bg; cell[3] = flags; } static uint16_t cell_ch(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { uint8_t * cell = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * 4); return cell[0]; } static uint16_t cell_fg(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { uint8_t * cell = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * 4); return cell[1]; } static uint16_t cell_bg(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { uint8_t * cell = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * 4); return cell[2]; } static void cell_redraw(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { uint8_t * cell = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * 4); term_write_char(cell[0], x * char_width, y * char_height, term_colors[cell[1]], term_colors[cell[2]], cell[3]); } static void cell_redraw_inverted(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { uint8_t * cell = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * 4); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, term_colors[DEFAULT_BG], term_colors[DEFAULT_FG], DEFAULT_FLAGS); } else { term_write_char(cell[0], x * char_width, y * char_height, term_colors[cell[2]], term_colors[cell[1]], cell[3]); } } void draw_cursor() { if (!cursor_on) return; #if 0 for (uint32_t x = 0; x < char_width; ++x) { term_set_point(csr_x * char_width + x, csr_y * char_height + (char_height - 1), term_colors[current_fg]); } #else cell_redraw_inverted(csr_x, csr_y); #endif } void term_redraw_all() { for (uint16_t y = 0; y < term_height; ++y) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { cell_redraw(x,y); } } } void term_term_scroll() { for (uint16_t y = 0; y < term_height - 1; ++y) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { cell_set(x,y,cell_ch(x,y+1),cell_fg(x,y+1),cell_bg(x,y+1), 0); } } for (uint16_t x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { cell_set(x, term_height-1,' ',current_fg, current_bg,0); } term_redraw_all(); } void term_write(char c) { cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); if (c == '\n') { for (uint16_t i = csr_x; i < term_width; ++i) { /* I like this behaviour */ cell_set(i, csr_y, ' ',current_fg, current_bg, state.flags); cell_redraw(i, csr_y); } csr_x = 0; ++csr_y; } else if (c == '\r') { cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x = 0; } else if (c == '\b') { --csr_x; cell_set(csr_x, csr_y, ' ',current_fg, current_bg, state.flags); cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); } else if (c == '\t') { csr_x = (csr_x + 8) & ~(8 - 1); } else { cell_set(csr_x,csr_y, c, current_fg, current_bg, state.flags); cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x++; } if (csr_x == term_width) { csr_x = 0; ++csr_y; } if (csr_y == term_height) { term_term_scroll(); csr_y = term_height - 1; } draw_cursor(); } void term_set_csr(int x, int y) { cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x = x; csr_y = y; } int term_get_csr_x() { return csr_x; } int term_get_csr_y() { return csr_y; } void term_set_csr_show(uint8_t on) { cursor_on = on; } void term_set_colors(uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg) { current_fg = fg; current_bg = bg; } void term_reset_colors() { current_fg = 7; current_bg = 0; } void term_redraw_cursor() { if (term_buffer) { draw_cursor(); } } void term_set_cell(int x, int y, char c) { cell_set(x, y, c, current_fg, current_bg, 0); cell_redraw(x, y); } void term_redraw_cell(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; cell_redraw(x,y); } void term_term_clear() { /* Oh dear */ csr_x = 0; csr_y = 0; memset((void *)term_buffer, 0x00, term_width * term_height * sizeof(uint8_t) * 4); term_redraw_all(); } void cat(char * file) { FILE * f = fopen(file, "rb"); if (!f) { ansi_print("Failed to open file, so skipping that part.\n"); return; } size_t len = 0; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); char * buffer = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * len); fread(buffer, 1, len, f); fclose(f); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ansi_put(buffer[i]); } free(buffer); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { graphics_width = syscall_getgraphicswidth(); graphics_height = syscall_getgraphicsheight(); graphics_depth = syscall_getgraphicsdepth(); gfx_mem = (void *)syscall_getgraphicsaddress(); if (argc > 1) { /* Read some arguments */ int index, c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "fh")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'f': _use_freetype = 1; break; case 'h': printf("terminal - ansi graphical terminal\n"); printf(" -f Run with freetype enabled.\n"); printf(" -h Print this help text.\n"); return 0; break; default: break; } } } if (_use_freetype) { int error; error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library); if (error) return 1; error = FT_New_Face(library, "/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf", 0, &face); if (error) return 1; error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE); if (error) return 1; error = FT_New_Face(library, "/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf", 0, &face_bold); if (error) return 1; error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face_bold, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE); if (error) return 1; error = FT_New_Face(library, "/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf", 0, &face_italic); if (error) return 1; error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face_italic, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE); if (error) return 1; error = FT_New_Face(library, "/usr/share/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf", 0, &face_bold_italic); if (error) return 1; error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face_bold_italic, FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE); if (error) return 1; char_height = 17; char_width = 8; char_offset = 13; } term_width = graphics_width / char_width; term_height = graphics_height / char_height; term_buffer = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * term_width * term_height); ansi_init(&term_write, term_width, term_height, &term_set_colors, &term_set_csr, &term_get_csr_x, &term_get_csr_y, &term_set_cell, &term_term_clear, &term_redraw_cursor); ansi_print("Hello World!\nThis is a test.\n\033[1;32mHello and thank you\n\033[0mDone.\n"); return 0; #if 0 cat("/etc/.vim"); fgetc(stdin); #endif ansi_print("\033[H\033[2J"); cat("/etc/color-test"); ansi_print("\033[1m[\033[1;33mklange \033[1;32mpiko \033[1;31m01/23 \033[1;34m22:33:27 \033[1;32mgit\033[1;33m master\033[0m \033[0m~/osdev\033[1m]\033[0m\n\033[1;32m$\033[0m exit"); ansi_print("\n\033[1mBold \033[0m\033[3mItalic \033[1mBolid+Italic\033[0m\033[0m \033[4mUnderline\033[0m \033[9mX-Out\033[0m \033[1;3;4;9mEverything\033[0m\n"); fgetc(stdin); return 0; }