/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2018 K. Lange * * Experimental rline replacement with syntax highlighting, based * on bim's highlighting and line editing. * */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ENTER_KEY '\n' #define BACKSPACE_KEY 0x08 #define DELETE_KEY 0x7F /** * Same structures as in bim. * A single character has: * - A codepoint (Unicode) of up to 21 bits. * - Flags for syntax highlighting. * - A display width for rendering. */ typedef struct { uint32_t display_width:4; uint32_t flags:7; uint32_t codepoint:21; } __attribute__((packed)) char_t; /** * We generally only have the one line, * but this matches bim for compatibility reasons. */ typedef struct { int available; int actual; int istate; char_t text[0]; } line_t; /** * We operate on a single line of text. * Maybe we can expand this in the future * for continuations of edits such as when * a quote is unclosed? */ static line_t * the_line = NULL; /** * Line editor state */ static int loading = 0; static int column = 0; static int offset = 0; static int width = 0; static int buf_size_max = 0; /** * Prompt strings. * Defaults to just a "> " prompt with no right side. * Support for right side prompts is important * for the ToaruOS shell. */ static int prompt_width = 2; static char * prompt = "> "; static int prompt_right_width = 0; static char * prompt_right = ""; int rline_exp_set_prompts(char * left, char * right, int left_width, int right_width) { prompt = left; prompt_right = right; prompt_width = left_width; prompt_right_width = right_width; return 0; } /** * Extra shell commands to highlight as keywords. * These are basically just copied from the * shell's tab completion database on startup. */ static char ** shell_commands = {0}; static int shell_commands_len = 0; int rline_exp_set_shell_commands(char ** cmds, int len) { shell_commands = cmds; shell_commands_len = len; return 0; } /** * Tab completion callback. * Compatible with the original rline version. */ static rline_callback_t tab_complete_func = NULL; int rline_exp_set_tab_complete_func(rline_callback_t func) { tab_complete_func = func; return 0; } static int _unget = -1; static void _ungetc(int c) { _unget = c; } static int getch(int immediate) { if (_unget != -1) { int out = _unget; _unget = -1; return out; } if (immediate) { return getc(stdin); } struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int ret = poll(fds,1,10); if (ret > 0 && fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { unsigned char buf[1]; read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, 1); return buf[0]; } else { return -1; } } /** * Convert from Unicode string to utf-8. */ static int to_eight(uint32_t codepoint, char * out) { memset(out, 0x00, 7); if (codepoint < 0x0080) { out[0] = (char)codepoint; } else if (codepoint < 0x0800) { out[0] = 0xC0 | (codepoint >> 6); out[1] = 0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F); } else if (codepoint < 0x10000) { out[0] = 0xE0 | (codepoint >> 12); out[1] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[2] = 0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F); } else if (codepoint < 0x200000) { out[0] = 0xF0 | (codepoint >> 18); out[1] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F); out[2] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[3] = 0x80 | ((codepoint) & 0x3F); } else if (codepoint < 0x4000000) { out[0] = 0xF8 | (codepoint >> 24); out[1] = 0x80 | (codepoint >> 18); out[2] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F); out[3] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[4] = 0x80 | ((codepoint) & 0x3F); } else { out[0] = 0xF8 | (codepoint >> 30); out[1] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 24) & 0x3F); out[2] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0x3F); out[3] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F); out[4] = 0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F); out[5] = 0x80 | ((codepoint) & 0x3F); } return strlen(out); } /** * Obtain codepoint display width. * * This is copied from bim. Supports a few useful * things like rendering escapes as codepoints. */ static int codepoint_width(wchar_t codepoint) { if (codepoint == '\t') { return 1; /* Recalculate later */ } if (codepoint < 32) { /* We render these as ^@ */ return 2; } if (codepoint == 0x7F) { /* Renders as ^? */ return 2; } if (codepoint > 0x7f && codepoint < 0xa0) { /* Upper control bytes */ return 4; } if (codepoint == 0xa0) { /* Non-breaking space _ */ return 1; } /* Skip wcwidth for anything under 256 */ if (codepoint > 256) { /* Higher codepoints may be wider (eg. Japanese) */ int out = wcwidth(codepoint); if (out >= 1) return out; /* Invalid character, render as [U+ABCD] or [U+ABCDEF] */ return (codepoint < 0x10000) ? 8 : 10; } return 1; } void recalculate_tabs(line_t * line) { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < line->actual; ++i) { if (line->text[i].codepoint == '\t') { line->text[i].display_width = 4 - (j % 4); } j += line->text[i].display_width; } } /** * Color themes have also been copied from bim. * * Slimmed down to only the ones we use for syntax * highlighting; the UI colors have been removed. */ static const char * COLOR_FG = "@9"; static const char * COLOR_BG = "@9"; static const char * COLOR_ALT_FG = "@5"; static const char * COLOR_ALT_BG = "@9"; static const char * COLOR_KEYWORD = "@4"; static const char * COLOR_STRING = "@2"; static const char * COLOR_COMMENT = "@5"; static const char * COLOR_TYPE = "@3"; static const char * COLOR_PRAGMA = "@1"; static const char * COLOR_NUMERAL = "@1"; static const char * COLOR_RED = "@1"; static const char * COLOR_GREEN = "@2"; /** * Themes are selected from the $RLINE_THEME * environment variable. */ static void rline_exp_load_colorscheme_default(void) { COLOR_FG = "@9"; COLOR_BG = "@9"; COLOR_ALT_FG = "@10"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "@9"; COLOR_KEYWORD = "@14"; COLOR_STRING = "@2"; COLOR_COMMENT = "@10"; COLOR_TYPE = "@3"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "@1"; COLOR_NUMERAL = "@1"; COLOR_RED = "@1"; COLOR_GREEN = "@2"; } static void rline_exp_load_colorscheme_sunsmoke(void) { COLOR_FG = "2;230;230;230"; COLOR_BG = "@9"; COLOR_ALT_FG = "2;122;122;122"; COLOR_ALT_BG = "2;46;43;46"; COLOR_KEYWORD = "2;51;162;230"; COLOR_STRING = "2;72;176;72"; COLOR_COMMENT = "2;158;153;129;3"; COLOR_TYPE = "2;230;206;110"; COLOR_PRAGMA = "2;194;70;54"; COLOR_NUMERAL = "2;230;43;127"; COLOR_RED = "2;222;53;53"; COLOR_GREEN = "2;55;167;0"; } /** * Syntax highlighting flags. */ #define FLAG_NONE 0 #define FLAG_KEYWORD 1 #define FLAG_STRING 2 #define FLAG_COMMENT 3 #define FLAG_TYPE 4 #define FLAG_PRAGMA 5 #define FLAG_NUMERAL 6 #define FLAG_SELECT 7 #define FLAG_STRING2 8 #define FLAG_DIFFPLUS 9 #define FLAG_DIFFMINUS 10 #define FLAG_CONTINUES (1 << 6) /** * Syntax definition for ToaruOS shell */ static char * syn_sh_keywords[] = { "cd","exit","export","help","history","if", "empty?","equals?","return","export-cmd", "source","exec","not","while","then","else", NULL, }; static int variable_char(uint8_t c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 1; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 1; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return 1; if (c == '_') return 1; if (c == '?') return 1; return 0; } static int syn_sh_extended(line_t * line, int i, int c, int last, int * out_left) { (void)last; if (c == '#' && last != '\\') { *out_left = (line->actual + 1) - i; return FLAG_COMMENT; } if (line->text[i].codepoint == '\'' && last != '\\') { int last = 0; for (int j = i+1; j < line->actual + 1; ++j) { int c = line->text[j].codepoint; if (last != '\\' && c == '\'') { *out_left = j - i; return FLAG_STRING; } if (last == '\\' && c == '\\') { last = 0; } last = c; } *out_left = (line->actual + 1) - i; /* unterminated string */ return FLAG_STRING; } if (line->text[i].codepoint == '$' && last != '\\') { if (i < line->actual - 1 && line->text[i+1].codepoint == '{') { int j = i + 2; for (; j < line->actual+1; ++j) { if (line->text[j].codepoint == '}') break; } *out_left = (j - i); return FLAG_NUMERAL; } int j = i + 1; for (; j < line->actual + 1; ++j) { if (!variable_char(line->text[j].codepoint)) break; } *out_left = (j - i) - 1; return FLAG_NUMERAL; } if (line->text[i].codepoint == '"' && last != '\\') { int last = 0; for (int j = i+1; j < line->actual + 1; ++j) { int c = line->text[j].codepoint; if (last != '\\' && c == '"') { *out_left = j - i; return FLAG_STRING; } if (last == '\\' && c == '\\') { last = 0; } last = c; } *out_left = (line->actual + 1) - i; /* unterminated string */ return FLAG_STRING; } return 0; } static int syn_sh_iskeywordchar(int c) { if (isalnum(c)) return 1; if (c == '-') return 1; if (c == '_') return 1; if (c == '?') return 1; return 0; } static char * syn_py_keywords[] = { "class","def","return","del","if","else","elif", "for","while","continue","break","assert", "as","and","or","except","finally","from", "global","import","in","is","lambda","with", "nonlocal","not","pass","raise","try","yield", NULL }; static char * syn_py_types[] = { "True","False","None", "object","set","dict","int","str","bytes", NULL }; int syn_c_iskeywordchar(int c) { if (isalnum(c)) return 1; if (c == '_') return 1; return 0; } static int syn_py_extended(line_t * line, int i, int c, int last, int * out_left) { if (i == 0 && c == 'i') { /* Check for import */ char * import = "import "; for (int j = 0; j < line->actual + 1; ++j) { if (import[j] == '\0') { *out_left = j - 2; return FLAG_PRAGMA; } if (line->text[j].codepoint != import[j]) break; } } if (c == '#') { *out_left = (line->actual + 1) - i; return FLAG_COMMENT; } if (c == '@') { for (int j = i+1; j < line->actual + 1; ++j) { if (!syn_c_iskeywordchar(line->text[j].codepoint)) { *out_left = j - i - 1; return FLAG_PRAGMA; } *out_left = (line->actual + 1) - i; return FLAG_PRAGMA; } } if ((!last || !syn_c_iskeywordchar(last)) && isdigit(c)) { if (c == '0' && i < line->actual - 1 && line->text[i+1].codepoint == 'x') { int j = 2; for (; i + j < line->actual && isxdigit(line->text[i+j].codepoint); ++j); if (i + j < line->actual && syn_c_iskeywordchar(line->text[i+j].codepoint)) { return FLAG_NONE; } *out_left = j - 1; return FLAG_NUMERAL; } else { int j = 1; while (i + j < line->actual && isdigit(line->text[i+j].codepoint)) { j++; } if (i + j < line->actual && syn_c_iskeywordchar(line->text[i+j].codepoint)) { return FLAG_NONE; } *out_left = j - 1; return FLAG_NUMERAL; } } if (line->text[i].codepoint == '\'') { if (i + 2 < line->actual && line->text[i+1].codepoint == '\'' && line->text[i+2].codepoint == '\'') { /* Begin multiline */ for (int j = i + 3; j < line->actual - 2; ++j) { if (line->text[j].codepoint == '\'' && line->text[j+1].codepoint == '\'' && line->text[j+2].codepoint == '\'') { *out_left = (j+2) - i; return FLAG_STRING; } } return FLAG_STRING | FLAG_CONTINUES; } int last = 0; for (int j = i+1; j < line->actual; ++j) { int c = line->text[j].codepoint; if (last != '\\' && c == '\'') { *out_left = j - i; return FLAG_STRING; } if (last == '\\' && c == '\\') { last = 0; } last = c; } *out_left = (line->actual + 1) - i; /* unterminated string */ return FLAG_STRING; } if (line->text[i].codepoint == '"') { if (i + 2 < line->actual && line->text[i+1].codepoint == '"' && line->text[i+2].codepoint == '"') { /* Begin multiline */ for (int j = i + 3; j < line->actual - 2; ++j) { if (line->text[j].codepoint == '"' && line->text[j+1].codepoint == '"' && line->text[j+2].codepoint == '"') { *out_left = (j+2) - i; return FLAG_STRING; } } return FLAG_STRING2 | FLAG_CONTINUES; } int last = 0; for (int j = i+1; j < line->actual; ++j) { int c = line->text[j].codepoint; if (last != '\\' && c == '"') { *out_left = j - i; return FLAG_STRING; } if (last == '\\' && c == '\\') { last = 0; } last = c; } *out_left = (line->actual + 1) - i; /* unterminated string */ return FLAG_STRING; } return 0; } static int syn_py_finish(line_t * line, int * left, int state) { /* TODO support multiline quotes */ if (state == (FLAG_STRING | FLAG_CONTINUES)) { for (int j = 0; j < line->actual - 2; ++j) { if (line->text[j].codepoint == '\'' && line->text[j+1].codepoint == '\'' && line->text[j+2].codepoint == '\'') { *left = (j+3); return FLAG_STRING; } } return FLAG_STRING | FLAG_CONTINUES; } if (state == (FLAG_STRING2 | FLAG_CONTINUES)) { for (int j = 0; j < line->actual - 2; ++j) { if (line->text[j].codepoint == '"' && line->text[j+1].codepoint == '"' && line->text[j+2].codepoint == '"') { *left = (j+3); return FLAG_STRING2; } } return FLAG_STRING2 | FLAG_CONTINUES; } return 0; } /** * Convert syntax hilighting flag to color code */ static const char * flag_to_color(int _flag) { int flag = _flag & 0x3F; switch (flag) { case FLAG_KEYWORD: return COLOR_KEYWORD; case FLAG_STRING: case FLAG_STRING2: /* allows python to differentiate " and ' */ return COLOR_STRING; case FLAG_COMMENT: return COLOR_COMMENT; case FLAG_TYPE: return COLOR_TYPE; case FLAG_NUMERAL: return COLOR_NUMERAL; case FLAG_PRAGMA: return COLOR_PRAGMA; case FLAG_DIFFPLUS: return COLOR_GREEN; case FLAG_DIFFMINUS: return COLOR_RED; case FLAG_SELECT: return COLOR_FG; default: return COLOR_FG; } } static struct syntax_definition { char * name; char ** keywords; char ** types; int (*extended)(line_t *, int, int, int, int *); int (*iskwchar)(int); int (*finishml)(line_t *, int *, int); /* TODO: How do we use this here? */ } syntaxes[] = { {"python",syn_py_keywords,syn_py_types,syn_py_extended,syn_c_iskeywordchar,syn_py_finish}, {"esh",syn_sh_keywords,NULL,syn_sh_extended,syn_sh_iskeywordchar,NULL}, {NULL} }; static struct syntax_definition * syntax; int rline_exp_set_syntax(char * name) { for (struct syntax_definition * s = syntaxes; s->name; ++s) { if (!strcmp(name,s->name)) { syntax = s; return 0; } } return 1; } /** * Compare a line against a list of keywords */ static int check_line(line_t * line, int c, char * str, int last) { if (syntax->iskwchar(last)) return 0; for (int i = c; i < line->actual; ++i, ++str) { if (*str == '\0' && !syntax->iskwchar(line->text[i].codepoint)) return 1; if (line->text[i].codepoint == *str) continue; return 0; } if (*str == '\0') return 1; return 0; } /** * Syntax highlighting * Slimmed down from the bim implementation a bit, * but generally compatible with the same definitions. * * Type highlighting has been removed as the sh highlighter * didn't use it. This should be made pluggable again, and * the bim syntax highlighters should probably be broken * out into dynamically-loaded libraries? */ static void recalculate_syntax(line_t * line) { if (!syntax) return; /* Start from the line's stored in initial state */ int state = line->istate; int left = 0; int last = 0; for (int i = 0; i < line->actual; last = line->text[i++].codepoint) { if (!left) state = 0; if (state) { /* Currently hilighting, have `left` characters remaining with this state */ left--; line->text[i].flags = state; if (!left) { /* Done hilighting this state, go back to parsing on next character */ state = 0; } /* If we are hilighting something, don't parse */ continue; } int c = line->text[i].codepoint; line->text[i].flags = FLAG_NONE; /* Language-specific syntax hilighting */ int s = syntax->extended(line,i,c,last,&left); if (s) { state = s; goto _continue; } /* Keywords */ if (syntax->keywords) { for (char ** kw = syntax->keywords; *kw; kw++) { int c = check_line(line, i, *kw, last); if (c == 1) { left = strlen(*kw)-1; state = FLAG_KEYWORD; goto _continue; } } } for (int s = 0; s < shell_commands_len; ++s) { int c = check_line(line, i, shell_commands[s], last); if (c == 1) { left = strlen(shell_commands[s])-1; state = FLAG_KEYWORD; goto _continue; } } if (syntax->types) { for (char ** kw = syntax->types; *kw; kw++) { int c = check_line(line, i, *kw, last); if (c == 1) { left = strlen(*kw)-1; state = FLAG_TYPE; goto _continue; } } } _continue: line->text[i].flags = state; } state = 0; } /** * Set colors */ static void set_colors(const char * fg, const char * bg) { printf("\033[22;23;"); if (*bg == '@') { int _bg = atoi(bg+1); if (_bg < 10) { printf("4%d;", _bg); } else { printf("10%d;", _bg-10); } } else { printf("48;%s;", bg); } if (*fg == '@') { int _fg = atoi(fg+1); if (_fg < 10) { printf("3%dm", _fg); } else { printf("9%dm", _fg-10); } } else { printf("38;%sm", fg); } fflush(stdout); } /** * Set just the foreground color * * (See set_colors above) */ static void set_fg_color(const char * fg) { printf("\033[22;23;"); if (*fg == '@') { int _fg = atoi(fg+1); if (_fg < 10) { printf("3%dm", _fg); } else { printf("9%dm", _fg-10); } } else { printf("38;%sm", fg); } fflush(stdout); } /** * Mostly copied from bim, but with some minor * alterations and removal of selection support. */ static void render_line(void) { printf("\033[?25l"); printf("\033[0m\r%s", prompt); if (offset && prompt_width) { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("\b<"); } int i = 0; /* Offset in char_t line data entries */ int j = 0; /* Offset in terminal cells */ const char * last_color = NULL; /* Set default text colors */ set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); /* * When we are rendering in the middle of a wide character, * we render -'s to fill the remaining amount of the * charater's width */ int remainder = 0; line_t * line = the_line; /* For each character in the line ... */ while (i < line->actual) { /* If there is remaining text... */ if (remainder) { /* If we should be drawing by now... */ if (j >= offset) { /* Fill remainder with -'s */ set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("-"); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } /* One less remaining width cell to fill */ remainder--; /* Terminal offset moves forward */ j++; /* * If this was the last remaining character, move to * the next codepoint in the line */ if (remainder == 0) { i++; } continue; } /* Get the next character to draw */ char_t c = line->text[i]; /* If we should be drawing by now... */ if (j >= offset) { /* If this character is going to fall off the edge of the screen... */ if (j - offset + c.display_width >= width - prompt_width) { /* We draw this with special colors so it isn't ambiguous */ set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); /* If it's wide, draw ---> as needed */ while (j - offset < width - prompt_width - 1) { printf("-"); j++; } /* End the line with a > to show it overflows */ printf(">"); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); j++; break; } /* Syntax hilighting */ const char * color = flag_to_color(c.flags); if (!last_color || strcmp(color, last_color)) { set_fg_color(color); last_color = color; } /* Render special characters */ if (c.codepoint == '\t') { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("»"); for (int i = 1; i < c.display_width; ++i) { printf("·"); } set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint < 32) { /* Codepoints under 32 to get converted to ^@ escapes */ set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("^%c", '@' + c.codepoint); set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint == 0x7f) { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("^?"); set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint > 0x7f && c.codepoint < 0xa0) { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("<%2x>", c.codepoint); set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.codepoint == 0xa0) { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("_"); set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.display_width == 8) { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("[U+%04x]", c.codepoint); set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); } else if (c.display_width == 10) { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("[U+%06x]", c.codepoint); set_colors(last_color ? last_color : COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); #if 0 } else if (c.codepoint == ' ' && i == line->actual - 1) { /* Special case: space at end of line */ set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("·"); set_colors(COLOR_FG, COLOR_BG); #endif } else { /* Normal characters get output */ char tmp[7]; /* Max six bytes, use 7 to ensure last is always nil */ to_eight(c.codepoint, tmp); printf("%s", tmp); } /* Advance the terminal cell offset by the render width of this character */ j += c.display_width; /* Advance to the next character */ i++; } else if (c.display_width > 1) { /* * If this is a wide character but we aren't ready to render yet, * we may need to draw some filler text for the remainder of its * width to ensure we don't jump around when horizontally scrolling * past wide characters. */ remainder = c.display_width - 1; j++; } else { /* Regular character, not ready to draw, advance without doing anything */ j++; i++; } } /* Fill to end right hand side */ for (; j < width + offset - prompt_width; ++j) { printf(" "); } /* Print right hand side */ printf("\033[0m%s", prompt_right); } /** * Create a line_t */ static line_t * line_create(void) { line_t * line = malloc(sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * 32); line->available = 32; line->actual = 0; line->istate = 0; return line; } /** * Insert a character into a line */ static line_t * line_insert(line_t * line, char_t c, int offset) { /* If there is not enough space... */ if (line->actual == line->available) { /* Expand the line buffer */ line->available *= 2; line = realloc(line, sizeof(line_t) + sizeof(char_t) * line->available); } /* If this was not the last character, then shift remaining characters forward. */ if (offset < line->actual) { memmove(&line->text[offset+1], &line->text[offset], sizeof(char_t) * (line->actual - offset)); } /* Insert the new character */ line->text[offset] = c; /* There is one new character in the line */ line->actual += 1; if (!loading) { recalculate_tabs(line); recalculate_syntax(line); } return line; } /** * Update terminal size * * We don't listen for sigwinch for various reasons... */ static void get_size(void) { struct winsize w; ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); width = w.ws_col - prompt_right_width; } /** * Place the cursor within the line */ static void place_cursor_actual(void) { int x = prompt_width + 1 - offset; for (int i = 0; i < column; ++i) { char_t * c = &the_line->text[i]; x += c->display_width; } if (x > width - 1) { /* Adjust the offset appropriately to scroll horizontally */ int diff = x - (width - 1); offset += diff; x -= diff; render_line(); } /* Same for scrolling horizontally to the left */ if (x < prompt_width + 1) { int diff = (prompt_width + 1) - x; offset -= diff; x += diff; render_line(); } printf("\033[?25h\033[%dG", x); fflush(stdout); } /** * Delete a character */ static void line_delete(line_t * line, int offset) { /* Can't delete character before start of line. */ if (offset == 0) return; /* If this isn't the last character, we need to move all subsequent characters backwards */ if (offset < line->actual) { memmove(&line->text[offset-1], &line->text[offset], sizeof(char_t) * (line->actual - offset)); } /* The line is one character shorter */ line->actual -= 1; if (!loading) { recalculate_tabs(line); recalculate_syntax(line); } } /** * Backspace from the cursor position */ static void delete_at_cursor(void) { if (column > 0) { line_delete(the_line, column); column--; if (offset > 0) offset--; } } /** * Delete whole word */ static void delete_word(void) { if (!the_line->actual) return; if (!column) return; do { if (column > 0) { line_delete(the_line, column); column--; if (offset > 0) offset--; } } while (column && the_line->text[column-1].codepoint != ' '); } /** * Insert at cursor position */ static void insert_char(uint32_t c) { char_t _c; _c.codepoint = c; _c.flags = 0; _c.display_width = codepoint_width(c); the_line = line_insert(the_line, _c, column); column++; } /** * Move cursor left */ static void cursor_left(void) { if (column > 0) column--; place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Move cursor right */ static void cursor_right(void) { if (column < the_line->actual) column++; place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Move cursor one whole word left */ static void word_left(void) { if (column == 0) return; column--; while (column && the_line->text[column].codepoint == ' ') { column--; } while (column > 0) { if (the_line->text[column-1].codepoint == ' ') break; column--; } place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Move cursor one whole word right */ static void word_right(void) { while (column < the_line->actual && the_line->text[column].codepoint == ' ') { column++; } while (column < the_line->actual) { column++; if (the_line->text[column].codepoint == ' ') break; } place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Move cursor to start of line */ static void cursor_home(void) { column = 0; place_cursor_actual(); } /* * Move cursor to end of line */ static void cursor_end(void) { column = the_line->actual; place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Temporary buffer for holding utf-8 data */ static char temp_buffer[1024]; /** * Cycle to previous history entry */ static void history_previous(void) { if (rline_scroll == 0) { /* Convert to temporaary buffer */ unsigned int off = 0; memset(temp_buffer, 0, sizeof(temp_buffer)); for (int j = 0; j < the_line->actual; j++) { char_t c = the_line->text[j]; off += to_eight(c.codepoint, &temp_buffer[off]); } } if (rline_scroll < rline_history_count) { rline_scroll++; /* Copy in from history */ the_line->actual = 0; column = 0; loading = 1; unsigned char * buf = (unsigned char *)rline_history_prev(rline_scroll); uint32_t istate = 0, c = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen((char *)buf); ++i) { if (!decode(&istate, &c, buf[i])) { insert_char(c); } } loading = 0; } /* Set cursor at end */ column = the_line->actual; offset = 0; recalculate_tabs(the_line); recalculate_syntax(the_line); render_line(); place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Cycle to next history entry */ static void history_next(void) { if (rline_scroll > 1) { rline_scroll--; /* Copy in from history */ the_line->actual = 0; column = 0; loading = 1; unsigned char * buf = (unsigned char *)rline_history_prev(rline_scroll); uint32_t istate = 0, c = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen((char *)buf); ++i) { if (!decode(&istate, &c, buf[i])) { insert_char(c); } } loading = 0; } else if (rline_scroll == 1) { /* Copy in from temp */ rline_scroll = 0; the_line->actual = 0; column = 0; loading = 1; char * buf = temp_buffer; uint32_t istate = 0, c = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(buf); ++i) { if (!decode(&istate, &c, buf[i])) { insert_char(c); } } loading = 0; } /* Set cursor at end */ column = the_line->actual; offset = 0; recalculate_tabs(the_line); recalculate_syntax(the_line); render_line(); place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Handle escape sequences (arrow keys, etc.) */ static int handle_escape(int * this_buf, int * timeout, int c) { if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c == '\033') { this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 1; } if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c != '[') { *timeout = 0; _ungetc(c); return 1; } if (*timeout >= 1 && this_buf[*timeout-1] == '\033' && c == '[') { *timeout = 1; this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 0; } if (*timeout >= 2 && this_buf[0] == '\033' && this_buf[1] == '[' && (isdigit(c) || c == ';')) { this_buf[*timeout] = c; (*timeout)++; return 0; } if (*timeout >= 2 && this_buf[0] == '\033' && this_buf[1] == '[') { switch (c) { case 'A': // up history_previous(); break; case 'B': // down history_next(); break; case 'C': // right if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '5') { word_right(); } else { cursor_right(); } break; case 'D': // left if (this_buf[*timeout-1] == '5') { word_left(); } else { cursor_left(); } break; case 'H': // home cursor_home(); break; case 'F': // end cursor_end(); break; case '~': switch (this_buf[*timeout-1]) { case '1': cursor_home(); break; case '3': /* Delete forward */ if (column < the_line->actual) { line_delete(the_line, column+1); if (offset > 0) offset--; } break; case '4': cursor_end(); break; } break; default: break; } *timeout = 0; return 0; } *timeout = 0; return 0; } static unsigned int _INTR, _EOF; static struct termios old; static void get_initial_termios(void) { tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, &old); _INTR = old.c_cc[VINTR]; _EOF = old.c_cc[VEOF]; } static void set_unbuffered(void) { struct termios new = old; new.c_lflag &= (~ICANON & ~ECHO); new.c_cc[VINTR] = 0; tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &new); } static void set_buffered(void) { tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &old); } static int tabbed; static void dummy_redraw(rline_context_t * context) { /* Do nothing */ } /** * Juggle our buffer with an rline context so we can * call original rline functions such as a tab-completion callback * or reverse search. */ static void call_rline_func(rline_callback_t func, rline_context_t * context) { /* Unicode parser state */ uint32_t istate = 0; uint32_t c; /* Don't let rline draw things */ context->quiet = 1; /* Allocate a temporary buffer */ context->buffer = malloc(buf_size_max); memset(context->buffer,0,buf_size_max); /* Convert current data to utf-8 */ unsigned int off = 0; for (int j = 0; j < the_line->actual; j++) { if (j == column) { /* Track cursor position */ context->offset = off; } char_t c = the_line->text[j]; off += to_eight(c.codepoint, &context->buffer[off]); } /* If the cursor was at the end, the loop above didn't catch it */ if (column == the_line->actual) context->offset = off; /* * Did we just press tab before this? This is actually managed * by the tab-completion function. */ context->tabbed = tabbed; /* Empty callbacks */ rline_callbacks_t tmp = {0}; /* * Because some clients expect this to be set... * (we don't need it, we'll redraw ourselves later) */ tmp.redraw_prompt = dummy_redraw; /* Setup context */ context->callbacks = &tmp; context->collected = off; context->buffer[off] = '\0'; context->requested = 1024; /* Reset colors (for tab completion candidates, etc. */ printf("\033[0m"); /* Call the function */ func(context); /* Now convert back */ loading = 1; int final_column = 0; the_line->actual = 0; column = 0; istate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < context->collected; ++i) { if (i == context->offset) { final_column = column; } if (!decode(&istate, &c, ((unsigned char *)context->buffer)[i])) { insert_char(c); } } free(context->buffer); /* Position cursor */ if (context->offset == context->collected) { column = the_line->actual; } else { column = final_column; } tabbed = context->tabbed; loading = 0; /* Recalculate + redraw */ recalculate_tabs(the_line); recalculate_syntax(the_line); render_line(); place_cursor_actual(); } /** * Perform actual interactive line editing. * * This is mostly a reimplementation of bim's * INSERT mode, but with some cleanups and fixes * to work on a single line and to add some new * key bindings we don't have in bim. */ static int read_line(void) { int cin; uint32_t c; int timeout = 0; int this_buf[20]; uint32_t istate = 0; int immediate = 1; set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); fprintf(stdout, "◄\033[0m"); /* TODO: This could be retrieved from an envvar */ for (int i = 0; i < width + prompt_right_width - 1; ++i) { fprintf(stdout, " "); } render_line(); place_cursor_actual(); while ((cin = getch(immediate))) { if (cin == -1) { immediate = 1; render_line(); place_cursor_actual(); continue; } get_size(); if (!decode(&istate, &c, cin)) { if (timeout == 0) { if (c != '\t') tabbed = 0; if (_INTR && c == _INTR) { set_colors(COLOR_ALT_FG, COLOR_ALT_BG); printf("^%c", (int)('@' + c)); printf("\033[0m"); loading = 1; the_line->actual = 0; column = 0; insert_char('\n'); immediate = 0; raise(SIGINT); return 1; } if (_EOF && c == _EOF) { if (column == 0 && the_line->actual == 0) { for (char *_c = rline_exit_string; *_c; ++_c) { insert_char(*_c); } render_line(); place_cursor_actual(); return 1; } else { /* Otherwise act like delete */ if (column < the_line->actual) { line_delete(the_line, column+1); if (offset > 0) offset--; immediate = 0; } continue; } } switch (c) { case '\033': if (timeout == 0) { this_buf[timeout] = c; timeout++; } break; case DELETE_KEY: case BACKSPACE_KEY: delete_at_cursor(); immediate = 0; break; case ENTER_KEY: /* Finished */ loading = 1; column = the_line->actual; insert_char('\n'); immediate = 0; return 1; case 22: /* ^V */ /* Don't bother with unicode, just take the next byte */ place_cursor_actual(); printf("^\b"); insert_char(getc(stdin)); immediate = 0; break; case 23: /* ^W */ delete_word(); immediate = 0; break; case 12: /* ^L - Repaint the whole screen */ printf("\033[2J\033[H"); render_line(); place_cursor_actual(); break; case 11: /* ^K - Clear to end */ the_line->actual = column; immediate = 0; break; case 21: /* ^U - Kill to beginning */ while (column) { delete_at_cursor(); } immediate = 0; break; case '\t': if (tab_complete_func) { /* Tab complete */ rline_context_t context = {0}; call_rline_func(tab_complete_func, &context); immediate = 0; } else { /* Insert tab character */ insert_char('\t'); immediate = 0; } break; case 18: { rline_context_t context = {0}; call_rline_func(rline_reverse_search, &context); if (!context.cancel) { return 1; } immediate = 0; } break; default: insert_char(c); immediate = 0; break; } } else { if (handle_escape(this_buf,&timeout,c)) { continue; } immediate = 0; } } else if (istate == UTF8_REJECT) { istate = 0; } } return 0; } /** * Read a line of text with interactive editing. */ int rline_experimental(char * buffer, int buf_size) { get_initial_termios(); set_unbuffered(); get_size(); column = 0; offset = 0; buf_size_max = buf_size; char * theme = getenv("RLINE_THEME"); if (theme && !strcmp(theme,"sunsmoke")) { /* TODO bring back theme tables */ rline_exp_load_colorscheme_sunsmoke(); } else { rline_exp_load_colorscheme_default(); } the_line = line_create(); loading = 0; read_line(); printf("\033[0m\n"); unsigned int off = 0; for (int j = 0; j < the_line->actual; j++) { char_t c = the_line->text[j]; off += to_eight(c.codepoint, &buffer[off]); } free(the_line); set_buffered(); return strlen(buffer); } void * rline_exp_for_python(void * _stdin, void * _stdout, char * prompt) { rline_exp_set_prompts(prompt, "", strlen(prompt), 0); char * buf = malloc(1024); memset(buf, 0, 1024); rline_exp_set_syntax("python"); rline_exit_string = ""; rline_experimental(buf, 1024); rline_history_insert(strdup(buf)); rline_scroll = 0; return buf; }