/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 K. Lange */ #include #include unsigned int hashmap_string_hash(void * _key) { unsigned int hash = 0; char * key = (char *)_key; int c; /* This is the so-called "sdbm" hash. It comes from a piece of * public domain code from a clone of ndbm. */ while ((c = *key++)) { hash = c + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash; } return hash; } int hashmap_string_comp(void * a, void * b) { return !strcmp(a,b); } void * hashmap_string_dupe(void * key) { return strdup(key); } unsigned int hashmap_int_hash(void * key) { return (unsigned int)key; } int hashmap_int_comp(void * a, void * b) { return (int)a == (int)b; } void * hashmap_int_dupe(void * key) { return key; } static void hashmap_int_free(void * ptr) { (void)ptr; return; } hashmap_t * hashmap_create(int size) { hashmap_t * map = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_t)); map->hash_func = &hashmap_string_hash; map->hash_comp = &hashmap_string_comp; map->hash_key_dup = &hashmap_string_dupe; map->hash_key_free = &free; map->hash_val_free = &free; map->size = size; map->entries = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_entry_t *) * size); memset(map->entries, 0x00, sizeof(hashmap_entry_t *) * size); return map; } hashmap_t * hashmap_create_int(int size) { hashmap_t * map = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_t)); map->hash_func = &hashmap_int_hash; map->hash_comp = &hashmap_int_comp; map->hash_key_dup = &hashmap_int_dupe; map->hash_key_free = &hashmap_int_free; map->hash_val_free = &free; map->size = size; map->entries = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_entry_t *) * size); memset(map->entries, 0x00, sizeof(hashmap_entry_t *) * size); return map; } void * hashmap_set(hashmap_t * map, void * key, void * value) { unsigned int hash = map->hash_func(key) % map->size; hashmap_entry_t * x = map->entries[hash]; if (!x) { hashmap_entry_t * e = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_entry_t)); e->key = map->hash_key_dup(key); e->value = value; e->next = NULL; map->entries[hash] = e; return NULL; } else { hashmap_entry_t * p = NULL; do { if (map->hash_comp(x->key, key)) { void * out = x->value; x->value = value; return out; } else { p = x; x = x->next; } } while (x); hashmap_entry_t * e = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_entry_t)); e->key = map->hash_key_dup(key); e->value = value; e->next = NULL; p->next = e; return NULL; } } void * hashmap_get(hashmap_t * map, void * key) { unsigned int hash = map->hash_func(key) % map->size; hashmap_entry_t * x = map->entries[hash]; if (!x) { return NULL; } else { do { if (map->hash_comp(x->key, key)) { return x->value; } x = x->next; } while (x); return NULL; } } void * hashmap_remove(hashmap_t * map, void * key) { unsigned int hash = map->hash_func(key) % map->size; hashmap_entry_t * x = map->entries[hash]; if (!x) { return NULL; } else { if (map->hash_comp(x->key, key)) { void * out = x->value; map->entries[hash] = x->next; map->hash_key_free(x->key); map->hash_val_free(x); return out; } else { hashmap_entry_t * p = x; x = x->next; do { if (map->hash_comp(x->key, key)) { void * out = x->value; p->next = x->next; map->hash_key_free(x->key); map->hash_val_free(x); return out; } p = x; x = x->next; } while (x); } return NULL; } } int hashmap_has(hashmap_t * map, void * key) { unsigned int hash = map->hash_func(key) % map->size; hashmap_entry_t * x = map->entries[hash]; if (!x) { return 0; } else { do { if (map->hash_comp(x->key, key)) { return 1; } x = x->next; } while (x); return 0; } } list_t * hashmap_keys(hashmap_t * map) { list_t * l = list_create(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->size; ++i) { hashmap_entry_t * x = map->entries[i]; while (x) { list_insert(l, x->key); x = x->next; } } return l; } list_t * hashmap_values(hashmap_t * map) { list_t * l = list_create(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->size; ++i) { hashmap_entry_t * x = map->entries[i]; while (x) { list_insert(l, x->value); x = x->next; } } return l; } void hashmap_free(hashmap_t * map) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->size; ++i) { hashmap_entry_t * x = map->entries[i], * p; while (x) { p = x; x = x->next; map->hash_key_free(p->key); map->hash_val_free(p); } } free(map->entries); } int hashmap_is_empty(hashmap_t * map) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->size; ++i) { if (map->entries[i]) return 0; } return 1; }