ifeq ($(TOOLCHAIN),) ifeq ($(shell util/check.sh),y) export PATH := $(shell util/activate.sh) else FOO := $(shell util/prompt.sh) ifeq ($(shell util/check.sh),y) export PATH := $(shell util/activate.sh) else $(error "No toolchain, and you did not ask to build it.") endif endif endif # Prevents Make from removing intermediary files on failure .SECONDARY: # Disable built-in rules .SUFFIXES: all: image.iso TARGET_TRIPLET=i686-pc-toaru # Userspace flags CC=$(TARGET_TRIPLET)-gcc AR=$(TARGET_TRIPLET)-ar AS=$(TARGET_TRIPLET)-as CFLAGS= -O3 -g -std=gnu99 -I. -Iapps -pipe -mmmx -msse -msse2 -fplan9-extensions -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter ## # C library objects from libc/ C sources (and setjmp, which is assembly) LIBC_OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard libc/*.c)) LIBC_OBJS += $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard libc/*/*.c)) LIBC_OBJS += libc/setjmp.o LC=base/lib/libc.so ## # APPS = C sources from apps/ # APPS_X = binaries # APPS_Y = generated makefiles for binaries (except init) # APPS_SH = shell scripts to copy to base/bin/ and mark executable # APPS_SH_X = destinations for shell scripts APPS=$(patsubst apps/%.c,%,$(wildcard apps/*.c)) APPS_X=$(foreach app,$(APPS),base/bin/$(app)) APPS_Y=$(foreach app,$(filter-out init,$(APPS)),.make/$(app).mak) APPS_SH=$(patsubst apps/%.sh,%.sh,$(wildcard apps/*.sh)) APPS_SH_X=$(foreach app,$(APPS_SH),base/bin/$(app)) ## # LIBS = C sources from lib/ # LIBS_X = Shared libraries (.so) # LIBS_Y = Generated makefiles for libraries LIBS=$(patsubst lib/%.c,%,$(wildcard lib/*.c)) LIBS_X=$(foreach lib,$(LIBS),base/lib/libtoaru_$(lib).so) LIBS_Y=$(foreach lib,$(LIBS),.make/$(lib).lmak) ## # Files that must be present in the ramdisk (apps, libraries) RAMDISK_FILES= ${APPS_X} ${APPS_SH_X} ${LIBS_X} base/lib/ld.so base/lib/libm.so # Kernel / module flags ifeq (,${USE_CLANG}) KCC = $(TARGET_TRIPLET)-gcc LGCC = -lgcc else KCC = clang --target=i686-elf -static -Ibase/usr/include -nostdinc -mno-sse LGCC = -lgcc endif KAS = $(TARGET_TRIPLET)-as KLD = $(TARGET_TRIPLET)-ld KNM = $(TARGET_TRIPLET)-nm KCFLAGS = -O2 -std=c99 KCFLAGS += -finline-functions -ffreestanding KCFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-format KCFLAGS += -pedantic -fno-omit-frame-pointer KCFLAGS += -D_KERNEL_ KCFLAGS += -DKERNEL_GIT_TAG=$(shell util/make-version) KASFLAGS = --32 ## # Kernel objects from kernel/ C sources KERNEL_OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/*.c)) KERNEL_OBJS += $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/*/*.c)) KERNEL_OBJS += $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/*/*/*.c)) ## # Kernel objects from kernel/ assembly sources KERNEL_ASMOBJS = $(filter-out kernel/symbols.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(wildcard kernel/*.S))) # Kernel fatbase/kernel: ${KERNEL_ASMOBJS} ${KERNEL_OBJS} kernel/symbols.o ${KCC} -T kernel/link.ld ${KCFLAGS} -nostdlib -o $@ ${KERNEL_ASMOBJS} ${KERNEL_OBJS} kernel/symbols.o ${LGCC} ## # Symbol table for the kernel. Instead of relying on getting # the symbol table from our bootloader (eg. through ELF # headers provided via multiboot structure), we have a dedicated # object that build with all the symbols. This allows us to # build the kernel as a flat binary or load it with less-capable # multiboot loaders and still get symbols, which we need to # load kernel modules and link them properly. kernel/symbols.o: ${KERNEL_ASMOBJS} ${KERNEL_OBJS} util/generate_symbols.py -rm -f kernel/symbols.o ${KCC} -T kernel/link.ld ${KCFLAGS} -nostdlib -o .toaruos-kernel ${KERNEL_ASMOBJS} ${KERNEL_OBJS} ${LGCC} ${KNM} .toaruos-kernel -g | util/generate_symbols.py > kernel/symbols.S ${KAS} ${KASFLAGS} kernel/symbols.S -o $@ -rm -f .toaruos-kernel ## # version.o should be rebuilt whenever the kernel changes # in order to get fresh git commit hash information. kernel/sys/version.o: kernel/*/*.c kernel/*.c kernel/%.o: kernel/%.S ${KAS} ${ASFLAGS} $< -o $@ kernel/%.o: kernel/%.c ${HEADERS} ${KCC} ${KCFLAGS} -nostdlib -g -c -o $@ $< # Modules fatbase/mod: @mkdir -p $@ ## # Modules need to be installed on the boot image MODULES = $(patsubst modules/%.c,fatbase/mod/%.ko,$(wildcard modules/*.c)) HEADERS = $(wildcard base/usr/include/kernel/*.h base/usr/include/kernel/*/*.h) fatbase/mod/%.ko: modules/%.c ${HEADERS} | fatbase/mod ${KCC} -nostdlib ${KCFLAGS} -c -o $@ $< modules: ${MODULES} # Root Filesystem base/dev: mkdir -p $@ base/tmp: mkdir -p $@ base/proc: mkdir -p $@ base/bin: mkdir -p $@ base/lib: mkdir -p $@ base/cdrom: mkdir -p $@ base/var: mkdir -p $@ fatbase/efi/boot: mkdir -p $@ cdrom: mkdir -p $@ .make: mkdir -p .make dirs: base/dev base/tmp base/proc base/bin base/lib base/cdrom cdrom base/var fatbase/efi/boot .make # C Library crts: base/lib/crt0.o base/lib/crti.o base/lib/crtn.o | dirs base/lib/crt%.o: libc/crt%.S $(AS) -o $@ $< libc/setjmp.o: libc/setjmp.S $(AS) -o $@ $< libc/%.o: libc/%.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC -c -o $@ $< base/lib/libc.a: ${LIBC_OBJS} | dirs crts $(AR) cr $@ $^ base/lib/libc.so: ${LIBC_OBJS} | dirs crts $(CC) -nodefaultlibs -o $@ $(CFLAGS) -shared -fPIC $^ -lgcc base/lib/libm.so: util/lm.c | dirs crts $(CC) -nodefaultlibs -o $@ $(CFLAGS) -shared -fPIC $^ -lgcc # Userspace Linker/Loader base/lib/ld.so: linker/linker.c base/lib/libc.a | dirs $(CC) -static -Wl,-static $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -Os -T linker/link.ld $< # Shared Libraries .make/%.lmak: lib/%.c util/auto-dep.py | dirs crts util/auto-dep.py --makelib $< > $@ ifeq (,$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) -include ${LIBS_Y} endif # Init (static) base/bin/init: apps/init.c base/lib/libc.a | dirs $(CC) -static -Wl,-static $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< fatbase/netinit: util/netinit.c base/lib/libc.a | dirs $(CC) -static -Wl,-static $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< # Userspace applications .make/%.mak: apps/%.c util/auto-dep.py | dirs crts util/auto-dep.py --make $< > $@ ifeq (,$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) -include ${APPS_Y} endif base/bin/%.sh: apps/%.sh cp $< $@ chmod +x $@ # Ramdisk util/devtable: ${RAMDISK_FILES} $(shell find base) util/update-devtable.py util/update-devtable.py fatbase/ramdisk.img: ${RAMDISK_FILES} $(shell find base) Makefile util/devtable | dirs genext2fs -B 4096 -d base -D util/devtable -U -b `util/calc-size.sh` -N 2048 $@ # CD image ifeq (,$(wildcard /usr/lib32/crt0-efi-ia32.o)) $(error Missing GNU-EFI.) endif EFI_XORRISO=-eltorito-alt-boot -e fat.img -no-emul-boot -isohybrid-gpt-basdat EFI_BOOT=cdrom/fat.img EFI_UPDATE=util/update-extents.py image.iso: ${EFI_BOOT} cdrom/boot.sys fatbase/netinit ${MODULES} util/update-extents.py xorriso -as mkisofs -R -J -c bootcat \ -b boot.sys -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 24 \ ${EFI_XORRISO} \ -o image.iso cdrom ${EFI_UPDATE} # Boot loader ## # FAT EFI payload # This is the filesystem the EFI loaders see, so it must contain # the kernel, modules, and ramdisk, plus anything else we want # available to the bootloader (eg., netinit). cdrom/fat.img: fatbase/ramdisk.img ${MODULES} fatbase/kernel fatbase/netinit fatbase/efi/boot/bootia32.efi fatbase/efi/boot/bootx64.efi util/mkdisk.sh | dirs util/mkdisk.sh $@ fatbase ## # For EFI, we build two laoders: ia32 and x64 # We build them as ELF shared objects and the use objcopy to convert # them to PE executables / DLLs (as expected by EFI). EFI_CFLAGS=-fno-stack-protector -fpic -DEFI_PLATFORM -ffreestanding -fshort-wchar -I /usr/include/efi -mno-red-zone EFI_SECTIONS=-j .text -j .sdata -j .data -j .dynamic -j .dynsym -j .rel -j .rela -j .reloc # ia32 boot/efi.so: boot/cstuff.c boot/*.h $(CC) ${EFI_CFLAGS} -I /usr/include/efi/ia32 -c -o boot/efi.o $< $(LD) boot/efi.o /usr/lib32/crt0-efi-ia32.o -nostdlib -znocombreloc -T /usr/lib32/elf_ia32_efi.lds -shared -Bsymbolic -L /usr/lib32 -lefi -lgnuefi -o boot/efi.so fatbase/efi/boot/bootia32.efi: boot/efi.so objcopy ${EFI_SECTIONS} --target=efi-app-ia32 $< $@ # x64 boot/efi64.so: boot/cstuff.c boot/*.h gcc ${EFI_CFLAGS} -I /usr/include/efi/x86_64 -DEFI_FUNCTION_WRAPPER -c -o boot/efi64.o $< $(LD) boot/efi64.o /usr/lib/crt0-efi-x86_64.o -nostdlib -znocombreloc -T /usr/lib/elf_x86_64_efi.lds -shared -Bsymbolic -L /usr/lib -lefi -lgnuefi -o boot/efi64.so fatbase/efi/boot/bootx64.efi: boot/efi64.so objcopy ${EFI_SECTIONS} --target=efi-app-x86_64 $< $@ # BIOS loader cdrom/boot.sys: boot/boot.o boot/cstuff.o boot/link.ld | dirs ${KLD} -T boot/link.ld -o $@ boot/boot.o boot/cstuff.o boot/cstuff.o: boot/cstuff.c boot/*.h ${CC} -c -Os -o $@ $< boot/boot.o: boot/boot.S ${AS} -o $@ $< .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f base/lib/*.so rm -f base/lib/libc.a rm -f ${APPS_X} ${APPS_SH_X} rm -f libc/*.o libc/*/*.o rm -f image.iso rm -f fatbase/ramdisk.img rm -f cdrom/boot.sys rm -f boot/*.o rm -f boot/*.efi rm -f boot/*.so rm -f cdrom/fat.img cdrom/kernel cdrom/mod/* cdrom/ramdisk.img rm -f fatbase/kernel fatbase/efi/boot/bootia32.efi fatbase/efi/boot/bootx64.efi rm -f cdrom/netinit fatbase/netinit rm -f ${KERNEL_OBJS} ${KERNEL_ASMOBJS} kernel/symbols.o kernel/symbols.S rm -f base/lib/crt*.o rm -f ${MODULES} rm -f ${APPS_Y} ${LIBS_Y} ${EXT_LIBS_Y} ifneq (,$(findstring Microsoft,$(shell uname -r))) QEMU_ARGS=-serial mon:stdio -m 1G -rtc base=localtime -vnc :0 else ifeq (,${NO_KVM}) KVM=-enable-kvm else KVM= endif QEMU_ARGS=-serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk ${KVM} -rtc base=localtime endif .PHONY: run run: image.iso qemu-system-i386 -cdrom $< ${QEMU_ARGS} .PHONY: fast fast: image.iso qemu-system-i386 -cdrom $< ${QEMU_ARGS} \ -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=normal .PHONY: headless headless: image.iso @qemu-system-i386 -cdrom $< ${QEMU_ARGS} \ -nographic -no-reboot \ -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=headless .PHONY: shell shell: image.iso @qemu-system-i386 -cdrom $< ${QEMU_ARGS} \ -nographic -no-reboot \ -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=headless \ -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.forceuser,string=local \ -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.term,string=${TERM} /dev/null & \ stty raw -echo && nc -l 8090 && stty sane && wait .PHONY: efi64 efi64: image.iso qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom $< ${QEMU_ARGS} \ -bios /usr/share/qemu/OVMF.fd VMNAME=ToaruOS CD define virtualbox-runner = .PHONY: $1 $1: image.iso -VBoxManage unregistervm "$(VMNAME)" --delete VBoxManage createvm --name "$(VMNAME)" --ostype $2 --register VBoxManage modifyvm "$(VMNAME)" --memory 1024 --vram 32 --audio pulse --audiocontroller ac97 --bioslogodisplaytime 1 --bioslogofadeout off --bioslogofadein off --biosbootmenu disabled $3 VBoxManage storagectl "$(VMNAME)" --add ide --name "IDE" VBoxManage storageattach "$(VMNAME)" --storagectl "IDE" --port 0 --device 0 --medium $$(shell pwd)/image.iso --type dvddrive VBoxManage setextradata "$(VMNAME)" GUI/DefaultCloseAction PowerOff VBoxManage startvm "$(VMNAME)" --type separate endef $(eval $(call virtualbox-runner,virtualbox,"Other",)) $(eval $(call virtualbox-runner,virtualbox-efi,"Other",--firmware efi)) $(eval $(call virtualbox-runner,virtualbox-efi64,"Other_64",--firmware efi)) ## # Optional Extensions # # These optional extension libraries require third-party components to build, # but allow the native applications to make use of functionality such as # TrueType fonts or PNG images. You must have the necessary elements to build # these already installed into your sysroot for this to work. EXT_LIBS=$(patsubst ext/%.c,%,$(wildcard ext/*.c)) EXT_LIBS_X=$(foreach lib,$(EXT_LIBS),base/lib/libtoaru_$(lib).so) EXT_LIBS_Y=$(foreach lib,$(EXT_LIBS),.make/$(lib).elmak) .make/%.elmak: ext/%.c util/auto-dep.py | dirs util/auto-dep.py --makelib $< > $@ ifeq (,$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) -include ${EXT_LIBS_Y} endif # Freetype: Terminal text rendering backend ext-freetype: base/lib/libtoaru_ext_freetype_fonts.so # Cairo: Compositor rendering backend ext-cairo: base/lib/libtoaru_ext_cairo_renderer.so # Other extra stuff fatbase/extra/ungz: util/ungz.c $(CC) -o $@ $< -lz