/** * @file kernel/net/e1000.c * @brief Intel Gigabit Ethernet device driver * * @copyright * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 K. Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INTS (ICR_LSC | ICR_RXO | ICR_RXT0 | ICR_TXQE | ICR_TXDW | ICR_ACK | ICR_RXDMT0 | ICR_SRPD) struct e1000_nic { struct EthernetDevice eth; uint32_t pci_device; uint16_t deviceid; uintptr_t mmio_addr; int irq_number; int has_eeprom; int rx_index; int tx_index; int link_status; spin_lock_t net_queue_lock; spin_lock_t alert_lock; spin_lock_t tx_lock; list_t * net_queue; list_t * rx_wait; list_t * alert_wait; uint8_t * rx_virt[E1000_NUM_RX_DESC]; uint8_t * tx_virt[E1000_NUM_TX_DESC]; struct e1000_rx_desc * rx; struct e1000_tx_desc * tx; uintptr_t rx_phys; uintptr_t tx_phys; }; static int device_count = 0; static struct e1000_nic * devices[32] = {NULL}; static uint32_t mmio_read32(uintptr_t addr) { return *((volatile uint32_t*)(addr)); } static void mmio_write32(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t val) { (*((volatile uint32_t*)(addr))) = val; } static void write_command(struct e1000_nic * device, uint16_t addr, uint32_t val) { mmio_write32(device->mmio_addr + addr, val); } static uint32_t read_command(struct e1000_nic * device, uint16_t addr) { return mmio_read32(device->mmio_addr + addr); } static void delay_yield(size_t subticks) { unsigned long s, ss; relative_time(0, subticks, &s, &ss); sleep_until((process_t *)this_core->current_process, s, ss); switch_task(0); } static struct ethernet_packet * dequeue_packet(struct e1000_nic * device) { spin_lock(device->net_queue_lock); while (!device->net_queue->length) { sleep_on_unlocking(device->rx_wait, &device->net_queue_lock); spin_lock(device->net_queue_lock); } node_t * n = list_dequeue(device->net_queue); spin_unlock(device->net_queue_lock); void* value = n->value; free(n); return value; } static int eeprom_detect(struct e1000_nic * device) { /* Definitely not */ if (device->deviceid == 0x10d3) return 0; write_command(device, E1000_REG_EEPROM, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 100000 && !device->has_eeprom; ++i) { uint32_t val = read_command(device, E1000_REG_EEPROM); if (val & 0x10) device->has_eeprom = 1; } return 0; } static uint16_t eeprom_read(struct e1000_nic * device, uint8_t addr) { uint32_t temp = 0; write_command(device, E1000_REG_EEPROM, 1 | ((uint32_t)(addr) << 8)); while (!((temp = read_command(device, E1000_REG_EEPROM)) & (1 << 4))); return (uint16_t)((temp >> 16) & 0xFFFF); } static void write_mac(struct e1000_nic * device) { uint32_t low, high; memcpy(&low, &device->eth.mac[0], 4); memcpy(&high,&device->eth.mac[4], 2); memset((uint8_t *)&high + 2, 0, 2); high |= 0x80000000; write_command(device, E1000_REG_RXADDR + 0, low); write_command(device, E1000_REG_RXADDR + 4, high); } static void read_mac(struct e1000_nic * device) { if (device->has_eeprom) { uint32_t t; t = eeprom_read(device, 0); device->eth.mac[0] = t & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[1] = t >> 8; t = eeprom_read(device, 1); device->eth.mac[2] = t & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[3] = t >> 8; t = eeprom_read(device, 2); device->eth.mac[4] = t & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[5] = t >> 8; } else { uint32_t mac_addr_low = *(uint32_t *)(device->mmio_addr + E1000_REG_RXADDR); uint32_t mac_addr_high = *(uint32_t *)(device->mmio_addr + E1000_REG_RXADDR + 4); device->eth.mac[0] = (mac_addr_low >> 0 ) & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[1] = (mac_addr_low >> 8 ) & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[2] = (mac_addr_low >> 16) & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[3] = (mac_addr_low >> 24) & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[4] = (mac_addr_high>> 0 ) & 0xFF; device->eth.mac[5] = (mac_addr_high>> 8 ) & 0xFF; } } static void e1000_alert_waiters(struct e1000_nic * nic) { spin_lock(nic->alert_lock); while (nic->alert_wait->head) { node_t * node = list_dequeue(nic->alert_wait); process_t * p = node->value; free(node); spin_unlock(nic->alert_lock); process_alert_node(p, nic->eth.device_node); spin_lock(nic->alert_lock); } spin_unlock(nic->alert_lock); } static void enqueue_packet(struct e1000_nic * device, void * buffer) { spin_lock(device->net_queue_lock); list_insert(device->net_queue, buffer); wakeup_queue(device->rx_wait); e1000_alert_waiters(device); spin_unlock(device->net_queue_lock); } static void e1000_handle(struct e1000_nic * nic, uint32_t status) { if (status & ICR_LSC) { nic->link_status= (read_command(nic, E1000_REG_STATUS) & (1 << 1)); } int rx_tail = read_command(nic, E1000_REG_RXDESCTAIL); int rx_head = read_command(nic, E1000_REG_RXDESCHEAD); int processed = 0; if (rx_tail != (rx_head - 1) % E1000_NUM_RX_DESC) { int i = rx_tail % E1000_NUM_RX_DESC; while (1) { if (nic->rx[i].status & 0x01) { uint8_t * pbuf = (uint8_t *)nic->rx_virt[i]; uint16_t plen = nic->rx[i].length; void * packet = malloc(8192); if (plen > 8192) { printf("??? plen is too big\n"); } memcpy(packet, pbuf, plen); nic->rx[i].status = 0; enqueue_packet(nic, packet); processed++; } else if (nic->rx[i].status) { nic->rx[i].status = 0; } i = (i + 1) % E1000_NUM_RX_DESC; if (i == (int)read_command(nic, E1000_REG_RXDESCHEAD)) { break; } write_command(nic, E1000_REG_RXDESCTAIL, i); } } } static int irq_handler(struct regs *r) { int irq = r->int_no - 32; int handled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { if (devices[i]->irq_number == irq) { uint32_t status = read_command(devices[i], E1000_REG_ICR); if (status) { write_command(devices[i], E1000_REG_ICR, status); e1000_handle(devices[i], status); if (!handled) { handled = 1; irq_ack(irq); } } } } return handled; } static void send_packet(struct e1000_nic * device, uint8_t* payload, size_t payload_size) { spin_lock(device->tx_lock); int tx_tail = read_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCTAIL); int tx_head = read_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCHEAD); int next_tx; if (tx_tail == tx_head) { next_tx = tx_head; } else { next_tx = tx_tail; if ((next_tx + 1) % E1000_NUM_TX_DESC == tx_head) { printf("e1000: Out of TX descriptors, must wait for card\n"); int timeout = 1000; do { switch_task(1); timeout--; if (timeout == 0) { spin_unlock(device->tx_lock); printf("e1000: wait for tx timed out, giving up\n"); return; } tx_head = read_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCHEAD); } while ((next_tx + 1) % E1000_NUM_TX_DESC == tx_head); } } device->tx_index = next_tx; memcpy(device->tx_virt[device->tx_index], payload, payload_size); device->tx[device->tx_index].length = payload_size; device->tx[device->tx_index].cmd = CMD_EOP | CMD_IFCS | CMD_RS; //| CMD_RPS; device->tx[device->tx_index].status = 0; device->tx_index = (next_tx + 1) % E1000_NUM_TX_DESC; write_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCTAIL, device->tx_index); spin_unlock(device->tx_lock); } static void init_rx(struct e1000_nic * device) { write_command(device, E1000_REG_RXDESCLO, device->rx_phys); write_command(device, E1000_REG_RXDESCHI, 0); write_command(device, E1000_REG_RXDESCLEN, E1000_NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc)); write_command(device, E1000_REG_RXDESCHEAD, 0); write_command(device, E1000_REG_RXDESCTAIL, E1000_NUM_RX_DESC - 1); device->rx_index = 0; write_command(device, E1000_REG_RCTRL, RCTL_EN | (1 << 2) | /* store bad packets */ (1 << 4) | /* multicast promiscuous */ (1 << 15) | /* broadcast accept */ (1 << 26) /* strip CRC */ ); } static void init_tx(struct e1000_nic * device) { write_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCLO, device->tx_phys); write_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCHI, 0); write_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCLEN, E1000_NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof(struct e1000_tx_desc)); write_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCHEAD, 0); write_command(device, E1000_REG_TXDESCTAIL, 0); device->tx_index = 0; write_command(device, E1000_REG_TCTRL, TCTL_EN | TCTL_PSP | read_command(device, E1000_REG_TCTRL)); } static int ioctl_e1000(fs_node_t * node, unsigned long request, void * argp) { struct e1000_nic * nic = node->device; switch (request) { case SIOCGIFHWADDR: /* fill argp with mac */ memcpy(argp, nic->eth.mac, 6); return 0; case SIOCGIFADDR: if (nic->eth.ipv4_addr == 0) return -ENOENT; memcpy(argp, &nic->eth.ipv4_addr, sizeof(nic->eth.ipv4_addr)); return 0; case SIOCSIFADDR: memcpy(&nic->eth.ipv4_addr, argp, sizeof(nic->eth.ipv4_addr)); return 0; case SIOCGIFNETMASK: if (nic->eth.ipv4_subnet == 0) return -ENOENT; memcpy(argp, &nic->eth.ipv4_subnet, sizeof(nic->eth.ipv4_subnet)); return 0; case SIOCSIFNETMASK: memcpy(&nic->eth.ipv4_subnet, argp, sizeof(nic->eth.ipv4_subnet)); return 0; case SIOCGIFGATEWAY: if (nic->eth.ipv4_subnet == 0) return -ENOENT; memcpy(argp, &nic->eth.ipv4_gateway, sizeof(nic->eth.ipv4_gateway)); return 0; case SIOCSIFGATEWAY: memcpy(&nic->eth.ipv4_gateway, argp, sizeof(nic->eth.ipv4_gateway)); net_arp_ask(nic->eth.ipv4_gateway, node); return 0; case SIOCGIFADDR6: return -ENOENT; case SIOCSIFADDR6: memcpy(&nic->eth.ipv6_addr, argp, sizeof(nic->eth.ipv6_addr)); return 0; case SIOCGIFFLAGS: { uint32_t * flags = argp; *flags = IFF_RUNNING; if (nic->link_status) *flags |= IFF_UP; /* We turn these on in our init_tx */ *flags |= IFF_BROADCAST; *flags |= IFF_MULTICAST; return 0; } case SIOCGIFMTU: { uint32_t * mtu = argp; *mtu = nic->eth.mtu; return 0; } default: return -EINVAL; } } static ssize_t write_e1000(fs_node_t *node, off_t offset, size_t size, uint8_t *buffer) { struct e1000_nic * nic = node->device; /* write packet */ send_packet(nic, buffer, size); return size; } static int check_e1000(fs_node_t *node) { struct e1000_nic * nic = node->device; return nic->net_queue->head ? 0 : 1; } static int wait_e1000(fs_node_t *node, void * process) { struct e1000_nic * nic = node->device; spin_lock(nic->alert_lock); if (!list_find(nic->alert_wait, process)) { list_insert(nic->alert_wait, process); } list_insert(((process_t *)process)->node_waits, nic->eth.device_node); spin_unlock(nic->alert_lock); return 0; } static void e1000_process(void * data) { struct e1000_nic * nic = data; while (1) { struct ethernet_packet * packet = dequeue_packet(nic); net_eth_handle(packet, nic->eth.device_node); } } static void e1000_init(struct e1000_nic * nic) { uint32_t e1000_device_pci = nic->pci_device; nic->rx_phys = mmu_allocate_a_frame() << 12; if (nic->rx_phys == 0) { printf("e1000[%s]: unable to allocate memory for buffers\n", nic->eth.if_name); switch_task(0); } nic->rx = mmu_map_mmio_region(nic->rx_phys, 4096); nic->tx_phys = nic->rx_phys + sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc) * E1000_NUM_RX_DESC; nic->tx = (void*)((char*)nic->rx + sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc) * E1000_NUM_RX_DESC); memset(nic->rx, 0, sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc) * E1000_NUM_RX_DESC); memset(nic->tx, 0, sizeof(struct e1000_tx_desc) * E1000_NUM_TX_DESC); /* Allocate buffers */ for (int i = 0; i < E1000_NUM_RX_DESC; ++i) { nic->rx[i].addr = mmu_allocate_n_frames(2) << 12; if (nic->rx[i].addr == 0) { printf("e1000[%s]: unable to allocate memory for receive buffer\n", nic->eth.if_name); switch_task(0); } //nic->rx_virt[i] = mmu_map_from_physical(nic->rx[i].addr); nic->rx_virt[i] = mmu_map_mmio_region(nic->rx[i].addr, 8192); mmu_frame_allocate(mmu_get_page((uintptr_t)nic->rx_virt[i],0),MMU_FLAG_WRITABLE|MMU_FLAG_WC); mmu_frame_allocate(mmu_get_page((uintptr_t)nic->rx_virt[i]+4096,0),MMU_FLAG_WRITABLE|MMU_FLAG_WC); nic->rx[i].status = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < E1000_NUM_TX_DESC; ++i) { nic->tx[i].addr = mmu_allocate_n_frames(2) << 12; if (nic->tx[i].addr == 0) { printf("e1000[%s]: unable to allocate memory for receive buffer\n", nic->eth.if_name); switch_task(0); } //nic->tx_virt[i] = mmu_map_from_physical(nic->tx[i].addr); nic->tx_virt[i] = mmu_map_mmio_region(nic->tx[i].addr, 8192); mmu_frame_allocate(mmu_get_page((uintptr_t)nic->tx_virt[i],0),MMU_FLAG_WRITABLE|MMU_FLAG_WC); mmu_frame_allocate(mmu_get_page((uintptr_t)nic->tx_virt[i]+4096,0),MMU_FLAG_WRITABLE|MMU_FLAG_WC); memset(nic->tx_virt[i], 0, 8192); nic->tx[i].status = 0; nic->tx[i].cmd = (1 << 0); } uint16_t command_reg = pci_read_field(e1000_device_pci, PCI_COMMAND, 2); command_reg |= (1 << 2); command_reg |= (1 << 0); pci_write_field(e1000_device_pci, PCI_COMMAND, 2, command_reg); delay_yield(10000); /* Is this size enough? */ uint32_t initial_bar = pci_read_field(e1000_device_pci, PCI_BAR0, 4); nic->mmio_addr = (uintptr_t)mmu_map_mmio_region(initial_bar, 0x8000); eeprom_detect(nic); read_mac(nic); write_mac(nic); uint32_t ctrl = read_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL); /* reset phy */ write_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL, ctrl | (0x80000000)); read_command(nic, E1000_REG_STATUS); delay_yield(10000); /* reset mac */ write_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL, ctrl | (0x04000000)); read_command(nic, E1000_REG_STATUS); delay_yield(10000); /* Reload EEPROM */ write_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL, ctrl | (0x00002000)); read_command(nic, E1000_REG_STATUS); delay_yield(20000); /* initialize */ write_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL, ctrl | (1 << 26)); delay_yield(10000); uint32_t status = read_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL); status |= (1 << 5); /* set auto speed detection */ status |= (1 << 6); /* set link up */ status &= ~(1 << 3); /* unset link reset */ status &= ~(1UL << 31UL); /* unset phy reset */ status &= ~(1 << 7); /* unset invert loss-of-signal */ write_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL, status); /* Disables flow control */ write_command(nic, 0x0028, 0); write_command(nic, 0x002c, 0); write_command(nic, 0x0030, 0); write_command(nic, 0x0170, 0); /* Unset flow control */ status = read_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL); status &= ~(1 << 30); write_command(nic, E1000_REG_CTRL, status); delay_yield(10000); nic->net_queue = list_create("e1000 net queue", nic); nic->rx_wait = list_create("e1000 rx sem", nic); nic->alert_wait = list_create("e1000 select waiters", nic); nic->irq_number = pci_get_interrupt(e1000_device_pci); irq_install_handler(nic->irq_number, irq_handler, nic->eth.if_name); for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { write_command(nic, 0x5200 + i * 4, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { read_command(nic, 0x4000 + i * 4); } init_rx(nic); init_tx(nic); write_command(nic, E1000_REG_RDTR, 0); write_command(nic, E1000_REG_ITR, 0); /* Twiddle interrupts */ write_command(nic, E1000_REG_IMC, 0xFFFFFFFF); write_command(nic, E1000_REG_IMS, INTS); delay_yield(10000); nic->link_status = (read_command(nic, E1000_REG_STATUS) & (1 << 1)); nic->eth.device_node = calloc(sizeof(fs_node_t),1); snprintf(nic->eth.device_node->name, 100, "%s", nic->eth.if_name); nic->eth.device_node->flags = FS_BLOCKDEVICE; /* NETDEVICE? */ nic->eth.device_node->mask = 0666; /* temporary; shouldn't be doing this with these device files */ nic->eth.device_node->ioctl = ioctl_e1000; nic->eth.device_node->write = write_e1000; nic->eth.device_node->selectcheck = check_e1000; nic->eth.device_node->selectwait = wait_e1000; nic->eth.device_node->device = nic; nic->eth.mtu = 1500; /* guess */ net_add_interface(nic->eth.if_name, nic->eth.device_node); char worker_name[34]; snprintf(worker_name, 33, "[%s]", nic->eth.if_name); spawn_worker_thread(e1000_process, worker_name, nic); } static void find_e1000(uint32_t device, uint16_t vendorid, uint16_t deviceid, void * found) { if ((vendorid == 0x8086) && (deviceid == 0x100e || deviceid == 0x1004 || deviceid == 0x100f || deviceid == 0x10ea || deviceid == 0x10d3)) { /* Allocate a device */ struct e1000_nic * nic = calloc(1,sizeof(struct e1000_nic)); nic->pci_device = device; nic->deviceid = deviceid; devices[device_count++] = nic; snprintf(nic->eth.if_name, 31, "enp%ds%d", (int)pci_extract_bus(device), (int)pci_extract_slot(device)); e1000_init(nic); *(int*)found = 1; } } static int e1000_install(int argc, char * argv[]) { uint32_t found = 0; pci_scan(&find_e1000, -1, &found); if (!found) { /* TODO: Clean up? Remove ourselves? */ return -ENODEV; } return 0; } static int fini(void) { /* TODO: Uninstall device */ return 0; } struct Module metadata = { .name = "e1000", .init = e1000_install, .fini = fini, };