/* This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2014 Kevin Lange */ /* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * * Toast (Notification) Daemon * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/yutani.h" #include "lib/graphics.h" #include "lib/shmemfonts.h" #include "lib/pex.h" #include "lib/pthread.h" #include "lib/spinlock.h" #include "lib/toastd.h" static yutani_t * yctx; static list_t * notifications; static FILE * toastd_server; static int notification_lock = 0; static int exit_app = 0; static sprite_t * toast_bg; #define TOASTD_NAME "toastd" #define TOAST_WIDTH 310 #define TOAST_HEIGHT 110 #define TOAST_PAD 8 #define TOAST_TEXT_X 10 #define TOAST_HEAD_Y 22 #define TOAST_BODY_Y 40 #define TOAST_LINE_HT 14 #define TOAST_HEAD_S 14 #define TOAST_BODY_S 12 #define TOAST_OFFSET_X 20 #define TOAST_OFFSET_Y 30 typedef struct { int ttl; char * title; char * content; yutani_window_t * window; int stack; } notification_int_t; static void add_toast(notification_t * incoming) { notification_int_t * toast = malloc(sizeof(notification_int_t)); toast->ttl = incoming->ttl + time(NULL); toast->title = strdup(incoming->strings); toast->content = strdup(incoming->strings + 1 + strlen(incoming->strings)); fprintf(stderr, "ttl=%d, title=\"%s\" content=\"%s\"\n", toast->ttl, toast->title, toast->content); spin_lock(¬ification_lock); toast->window = yutani_window_create(yctx, TOAST_WIDTH, TOAST_HEIGHT); /* Find best location */ int i = 0, hit_something = 1; while (hit_something) { hit_something = 0; foreach(node, notifications) { notification_int_t * toast = node->value; if (toast->stack == i) { i++; hit_something = 1; } } } toast->stack = i; yutani_window_move(yctx, toast->window, yctx->display_width - TOAST_WIDTH - TOAST_OFFSET_X, TOAST_OFFSET_Y + (TOAST_HEIGHT + TOAST_PAD) * i); gfx_context_t * ctx = init_graphics_yutani(toast->window); draw_sprite(ctx, toast_bg, 0, 0); set_font_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF_BOLD); set_font_size(TOAST_HEAD_S); draw_string(ctx, TOAST_TEXT_X, TOAST_HEAD_Y, rgb(255,255,255), toast->title); char * str = toast->content; char * end = toast->content + strlen(toast->content); unsigned int line = 0; while (str) { if (line == 5) break; char * next = strstr(str, "\n"); if (next) { next[0] = '\0'; next++; } set_font_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF); set_font_size(TOAST_BODY_S); draw_string(ctx, TOAST_TEXT_X, TOAST_BODY_Y + line * TOAST_LINE_HT, rgb(255,255,255), str); str = next; line++; } free(ctx); yutani_flip(yctx, toast->window); list_insert(notifications, toast); spin_unlock(¬ification_lock); } static void * toastd_handler(void * garbage) { (void)garbage; setenv("TOASTD", TOASTD_NAME, 1); toastd_server = pex_bind(TOASTD_NAME); while (!exit_app) { pex_packet_t * p = calloc(PACKET_SIZE, 1); if (pex_listen(toastd_server, p) > 0) { if (p->size == 0) { /* Connection closed notification */ free(p); continue; } notification_t * toast = (void *)p->data; add_toast(toast); free(p); } } } void sig_pass(int sig) { (void)sig; } static void * closer_handler(void * garbage) { signal(SIGWINCH, sig_pass); while (!exit_app) { time_t now = time(NULL); spin_lock(¬ification_lock); list_t * tmp = list_create(); foreach(node, notifications) { notification_int_t * toast = node->value; if (toast->window && toast->ttl <= now) { yutani_close(yctx, toast->window); free(toast->title); free(toast->content); list_insert(tmp, node); } } foreach(node, tmp) { list_delete(notifications, node->value); } list_free(tmp); free(tmp); spin_unlock(¬ification_lock); usleep(500000); } foreach(node, notifications) { notification_int_t * toast = node->value; if (toast->window) { yutani_close(yctx, toast->window); } } } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { yctx = yutani_init(); notifications = list_create(); toast_bg = malloc(sizeof(sprite_t)); load_sprite_png(toast_bg, "/usr/share/ttk/toast/default.png"); init_shmemfonts(); pthread_t toastd_thread; pthread_create(&toastd_thread, NULL, toastd_handler, NULL); pthread_t closer_thread; pthread_create(&closer_thread, NULL, closer_handler, NULL); while (!exit_app) { yutani_msg_t * m = yutani_poll(yctx); if (m) { switch (m->type) { case YUTANI_MSG_SESSION_END: exit_app = 1; break; } free(m); } } pthread_kill(toastd_thread, SIGINT); pthread_kill(closer_thread, SIGWINCH); return 0; }