/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2018 K. Lange * * file-browser - Graphical file manager. * * Based on the original Python implementation and inspired by * Nautilus and Thunar. Also provides a "wallpaper" mode for * managing the desktop backgrond. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define APPLICATION_TITLE "File Browser" #define SCROLL_AMOUNT 120 #define WALLPAPER_PATH "/usr/share/wallpaper.jpg" struct File { char name[256]; /* Displayed name (icon label) */ char icon[256]; /* Icon identifier */ char link[256]; /* Link target for symlinks */ char launcher[256]; /* Launcher spec */ char filename[256]; /* Actual filename for launchers */ char filetype[256]; /* Textual description of file type */ uint64_t size; /* File size */ int type; /* File type: 0 = normal, 1 = directory, 2 = launcher */ int selected; /* Selection status */ }; static yutani_t * yctx; static yutani_window_t * main_window; static gfx_context_t * ctx; static int application_running = 1; /* Big loop exit condition */ static int show_hidden = 0; /* Whether or not show hidden files */ static int scroll_offset = 0; /* How far the icon view should be scrolled */ static int available_height = 0; /* How much space is available in the main window for the icon view */ static int is_desktop_background = 0; /* If we're in desktop background mode */ static int menu_bar_height = MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 36; /* Height of the menu bar, if present - it's not in desktop mode */ static sprite_t * wallpaper_buffer = NULL; /* Prebaked wallpaper texture */ static sprite_t * wallpaper_old = NULL; static uint64_t timer = 0; static int restart = 0; static char title[512]; /* Application title bar */ static int FILE_HEIGHT = 80; /* Height of one row of icons */ static int FILE_WIDTH = 100; /* Width of one column of icons */ static int FILE_PTR_WIDTH = 1; /* How many icons wide the display should be */ static sprite_t * contents_sprite = NULL; /* Icon view rendering context */ static gfx_context_t * contents = NULL; /* Icon view rendering context */ static char * current_directory = NULL; /* Current directory path */ static int hilighted_offset = -1; /* Which file is hovered by the mouse */ static struct File ** file_pointers = NULL; /* List of file pointers */ static ssize_t file_pointers_len = 0; /* How many files are in the current list */ static uint64_t last_click = 0; /* For double click */ static int last_click_offset = -1; /* So that clicking two different things quickly doesn't count as a double click */ static char nav_bar[512] = {0}; //static int nav_bar_cursor = 0; static int nav_bar_focused = 0; static int _button_hilights[4] = {3,3,3,3}; static int _button_disabled[4] = {1,1,0,0}; static int _button_hover = -1; /* Menu bar entries */ static struct menu_bar menu_bar = {0}; static struct menu_bar_entries menu_entries[] = { {"File", "file"}, /* 0 */ {"Edit", "edit"}, /* 1 */ {"View", "view"}, /* 2 */ {"Go", "go"}, /* 3 */ {"Help", "help"}, /* 4 */ {NULL, NULL}, }; static struct MenuList * context_menu = NULL; /** * Accurate time comparison. * * These methods were taken from the compositor and * allow us to time double-clicks accurately. */ static uint64_t precise_current_time(void) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); time_t sec_diff = t.tv_sec; suseconds_t usec_diff = t.tv_usec; return (uint64_t)((uint64_t)sec_diff * 1000LL + usec_diff / 1000); } static uint64_t precise_time_since(uint64_t start_time) { uint64_t now = precise_current_time(); uint64_t diff = now - start_time; /* Milliseconds */ return diff; } /** * When in desktop mode, we fake decoration boundaries to * position the icon view correctly. When in normal mode, * we just passt through the actual bounds. */ static int _decor_get_bounds(yutani_window_t * win, struct decor_bounds * bounds) { if (is_desktop_background) { memset(bounds, 0, sizeof(struct decor_bounds)); bounds->top_height = 54; bounds->left_width = 20; return 0; } return decor_get_bounds(win, bounds); } /** * This should probably be in a yutani core library... * * If a down and up event were close enough together to be considered a click. */ static int _close_enough(struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * me) { if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_RAISE && sqrt(pow(me->new_x - me->old_x, 2) + pow(me->new_y - me->old_y, 2)) < 10) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Select view mode. */ #define VIEW_MODE_ICONS 0 #define VIEW_MODE_TILES 1 #define VIEW_MODE_LIST 2 static int view_mode = VIEW_MODE_ICONS; /** * Clear out the space for an icon. * We clear to transparent so that the desktop background can be shown in desktop mode. */ static void clear_offset(int offset) { /* From the flat array offset, figure out the x/y offset. */ int offset_y = offset / FILE_PTR_WIDTH; int offset_x = offset % FILE_PTR_WIDTH; draw_rectangle_solid(contents, offset_x * FILE_WIDTH, offset_y * FILE_HEIGHT, FILE_WIDTH, FILE_HEIGHT, rgba(0,0,0,0)); } static int print_human_readable_size(char * _out, size_t s) { if (s >= 1<<20) { size_t t = s / (1 << 20); return sprintf(_out, "%d.%1d MiB", (int)t, (int)(s - t * (1 << 20)) / ((1 << 20) / 10)); } else if (s >= 1<<10) { size_t t = s / (1 << 10); return sprintf(_out, "%d.%1d KiB", (int)t, (int)(s - t * (1 << 10)) / ((1 << 10) / 10)); } else { return sprintf(_out, "%d B", (int)s); } } #define HILIGHT_BORDER_TOP rgb(54,128,205) #define HILIGHT_GRADIENT_TOP rgb(93,163,236) #define HILIGHT_GRADIENT_BOTTOM rgb(56,137,220) #define HILIGHT_BORDER_BOTTOM rgb(47,106,167) /** * Draw an icon view entry */ static void draw_file(struct File * f, int offset) { /* From the flat array offset, figure out the x/y offset. */ int offset_y = offset / FILE_PTR_WIDTH; int offset_x = offset % FILE_PTR_WIDTH; int x = offset_x * FILE_WIDTH; int y = offset_y * FILE_HEIGHT; /* Load the icon sprite from the cache */ if (view_mode == VIEW_MODE_ICONS) { sprite_t * icon = icon_get_48(f->icon); /* If the display name is too long to fit, cut it with an ellipsis. */ int len = strlen(f->name); char * name = malloc(len + 4); memcpy(name, f->name, len + 1); int name_width; while ((name_width = draw_sdf_string_width(name, 16, SDF_FONT_THIN)) > FILE_WIDTH - 8 /* Padding */) { len--; name[len+0] = '.'; name[len+1] = '.'; name[len+2] = '.'; name[len+3] = '\0'; } /* Draw the icon */ int center_x_icon = (FILE_WIDTH - icon->width) / 2; int center_x_text = (FILE_WIDTH - name_width) / 2; draw_sprite(contents, icon, center_x_icon + x, y + 2); if (f->selected) { /* If this file is selected, paint the icon blue... */ if (main_window->focused) { draw_sprite_alpha_paint(contents, icon, center_x_icon + x, y + 2, 0.5, rgb(72,167,255)); } /* And draw the name with a blue background and white text */ draw_rounded_rectangle(contents, center_x_text + x - 2, y + 54, name_width + 6, 20, 3, rgb(72,167,255)); draw_sdf_string(contents, center_x_text + x, y + 54, name, 16, rgb(255,255,255), SDF_FONT_THIN); } else { if (is_desktop_background) { /* If this is the desktop view, white text with a drop shadow */ draw_sdf_string_stroke(contents, center_x_text + x + 1, y + 55, name, 16, rgba(0,0,0,120), SDF_FONT_THIN, 1.7, 0.5); draw_sdf_string(contents, center_x_text + x, y + 54, name, 16, rgb(255,255,255), SDF_FONT_THIN); } else { /* Otherwise, black text */ draw_sdf_string(contents, center_x_text + x, y + 54, name, 16, rgb(0,0,0), SDF_FONT_THIN); } } if (offset == hilighted_offset) { /* The hovered icon should have some added brightness, so paint it white */ draw_sprite_alpha_paint(contents, icon, center_x_icon + x, y + 2, 0.3, rgb(255,255,255)); } if (f->link[0]) { /* For symlinks, draw an indicator */ sprite_t * arrow = icon_get_16("forward"); draw_sprite(contents, arrow, center_x_icon + 32 + x, y + 32); } free(name); } else if (view_mode == VIEW_MODE_TILES) { sprite_t * icon = icon_get_48(f->icon); uint32_t text_color = rgb(0,0,0); /* If selected, draw background box */ if (f->selected) { struct gradient_definition edge = {FILE_HEIGHT - 4, y+2, HILIGHT_BORDER_TOP, HILIGHT_BORDER_BOTTOM}; struct gradient_definition body = {FILE_HEIGHT - 6, y+3, HILIGHT_GRADIENT_TOP, HILIGHT_GRADIENT_BOTTOM}; draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(contents, x + 2,y + 2, FILE_WIDTH-4, FILE_HEIGHT-4, 3, gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern, &edge); draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(contents, x + 3,y + 3, FILE_WIDTH-6, FILE_HEIGHT-6, 4, gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern, &body); text_color = rgb(255,255,255); } draw_sprite(contents, icon, x + 11, y + 11); if (offset == hilighted_offset) { /* The hovered icon should have some added brightness, so paint it white */ draw_sprite_alpha_paint(contents, icon, x + 11, y + 11, 0.3, rgb(255,255,255)); } int len = strlen(f->name); char * name = malloc(len + 4); memcpy(name, f->name, len + 1); int name_width; while ((name_width = draw_sdf_string_width(name, 16, SDF_FONT_BOLD)) > FILE_WIDTH - 81) { len--; name[len+0] = '.'; name[len+1] = '.'; name[len+2] = '.'; name[len+3] = '\0'; } if (f->type == 0) { draw_sdf_string(contents, x + 70, y + 8, name, 16, text_color, SDF_FONT_BOLD); draw_sdf_string(contents, x + 70, y + 25, f->filetype, 16, text_color, SDF_FONT_THIN); char line_three[48] = {0}; if (*f->link) { sprintf(line_three, "Symbolic link"); } else { print_human_readable_size(line_three, f->size); } draw_sdf_string(contents, x + 70, y + 42, line_three, 16, text_color, SDF_FONT_THIN); } else { draw_sdf_string(contents, x + 70, y + 15, name, 16, text_color, SDF_FONT_BOLD); draw_sdf_string(contents, x + 70, y + 32, f->filetype, 16, text_color, SDF_FONT_THIN); } free(name); } else if (view_mode == VIEW_MODE_LIST) { sprite_t * icon = icon_get_16(f->icon); uint32_t text_color = rgb(0,0,0); if (f->selected) { struct gradient_definition edge = {FILE_HEIGHT - 4, y+2, HILIGHT_BORDER_TOP, HILIGHT_BORDER_BOTTOM}; struct gradient_definition body = {FILE_HEIGHT - 6, y+3, HILIGHT_GRADIENT_TOP, HILIGHT_GRADIENT_BOTTOM}; draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(contents, x + 2,y + 2, FILE_WIDTH-4, FILE_HEIGHT-4, 3, gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern, &edge); draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(contents, x + 3,y + 3, FILE_WIDTH-6, FILE_HEIGHT-6, 4, gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern, &body); text_color = rgb(255,255,255); } else if (offset == hilighted_offset) { draw_rounded_rectangle(contents, x + 2, y + 2, FILE_WIDTH - 4, FILE_HEIGHT - 4, 3, rgb(180,180,180)); draw_rounded_rectangle(contents, x + 3, y + 3, FILE_WIDTH - 6, FILE_HEIGHT - 6, 4, rgb(255,255,255)); } if (icon->width != 16 || icon->height != 16) { draw_sprite_scaled(contents, icon, x + 4, y + 4, 16, 16); } else { draw_sprite(contents, icon, x + 4, y + 4); } int len = strlen(f->name); char * name = malloc(len + 4); memcpy(name, f->name, len + 1); int name_width; while ((name_width = draw_sdf_string_width(name, 16, SDF_FONT_THIN)) > FILE_WIDTH - 26) { len--; name[len+0] = '.'; name[len+1] = '.'; name[len+2] = '.'; name[len+3] = '\0'; } draw_sdf_string(contents, x + 24, y + 2, name, 16, text_color, SDF_FONT_THIN); } } /** * Get file from array offset, with bounds check */ static struct File * get_file_at_offset(int offset) { if (offset >= 0 && offset < file_pointers_len) { return file_pointers[offset]; } return NULL; } /** * Redraw all icon view entries */ static void redraw_files(void) { /* Fill to blank */ draw_fill(contents, rgba(0,0,0,0)); for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { draw_file(file_pointers[i], i); } } /** * Set the application title. */ static void set_title(char * directory) { /* Do nothing in desktop mode to avoid advertisement. */ if (is_desktop_background) return; /* If the directory name is set... */ if (directory) { sprintf(title, "%s - " APPLICATION_TITLE, directory); } else { /* Otherwise, just "File Browser" */ sprintf(title, APPLICATION_TITLE); } /* Advertise to the panel */ yutani_window_advertise_icon(yctx, main_window, title, "folder"); } /** * Check if a file name ends with an extension. * * Can also be used for exact matches. */ static int has_extension(struct File * f, char * extension) { int i = strlen(f->name); int j = strlen(extension); do { if (f->name[i] != (extension)[j]) break; if (j == 0) return 1; if (i == 0) break; i--; j--; } while (1); return 0; } static list_t * history_back; static list_t * history_forward; /** * Read the contents of a directory into the icon view. */ static void load_directory(const char * path, int modifies_history) { /* Free the current icon view entries */ if (file_pointers) { for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { free(file_pointers[i]); } free(file_pointers); } DIR * dirp = opendir(path); if (!dirp) { /** * TODO: This should probably show a dialog and then reload the current directory, * or maybe we should be checking this before clearing the current file pointers. */ file_pointers = NULL; file_pointers_len = 0; return; } if (modifies_history) { /* Clear forward history */ list_destroy(history_forward); list_free(history_forward); free(history_forward); history_forward = list_create(); /* Append current pointer */ if (current_directory) { list_insert(history_back, strdup(current_directory)); } } if (current_directory) { free(current_directory); } _button_disabled[0] = !(history_back->length); _button_disabled[1] = !(history_forward->length); _button_disabled[2] = 0; _button_disabled[3] = 0; char * home = getenv("HOME"); if (home && !strcmp(path, home)) { /* If the current directory is the user's homedir, present it that way in the title */ set_title("Home"); _button_disabled[3] = 1; } else if (!strcmp(path, "/")) { set_title("File System"); _button_disabled[2] = 1; } else { /* Otherwise use just the directory base name */ char * tmp = strdup(path); char * base = basename(tmp); set_title(base); free(tmp); } /* If we ended up in a path with //two/initial/slashes, fix that. */ if (path[0] == '/' && path[1] == '/') { current_directory = strdup(path+1); } else { current_directory = strdup(path); } strcpy(nav_bar, current_directory); /* TODO: Show relative time informaton... */ #if 0 /* Get the current time */ struct tm * timeinfo; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); //time(NULL); timeinfo = localtime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec); int this_year = timeinfo->tm_year; #endif list_t * file_list = list_create(); struct dirent * ent = readdir(dirp); while (ent != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] == '.' && (ent->d_name[1] == '\0' || (ent->d_name[1] == '.' && ent->d_name[2] == '\0'))) { /* skip . and .. */ ent = readdir(dirp); continue; } if (show_hidden || (ent->d_name[0] != '.')) { /* Set display name from file name */ struct File * f = malloc(sizeof(struct File)); sprintf(f->name, "%s", ent->d_name); /* snprintf? copy min()? */ struct stat statbuf; struct stat statbufl; /* Calculate absolute path to file */ char tmp[strlen(path)+strlen(ent->d_name)+2]; sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", path, ent->d_name); lstat(tmp, &statbuf); f->size = statbuf.st_size; /* Read link target for symlinks */ if (S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode)) { memcpy(&statbufl, &statbuf, sizeof(struct stat)); stat(tmp, &statbuf); readlink(tmp, f->link, 256); } else { f->link[0] = '\0'; } f->launcher[0] = '\0'; f->filetype[0] = '\0'; f->selected = 0; if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { /* Directory */ sprintf(f->icon, "folder"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Directory"); f->type = 1; } else { /* Regular file */ /* Default regular files to open in bim */ sprintf(f->launcher, "exec terminal bim"); if (is_desktop_background && has_extension(f, ".launcher")) { /* In desktop mode, read launchers specially */ FILE * file = fopen(tmp,"r"); char tbuf[1024]; while (!feof(file)) { fgets(tbuf, 1024, file); char * nl = strchr(tbuf,'\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; char * eq = strchr(tbuf,'='); if (!eq) continue; *eq = '\0'; eq++; if (!strcmp(tbuf, "icon")) { sprintf(f->icon, "%s", eq); } else if (!strcmp(tbuf, "run")) { sprintf(f->launcher, "%s #", eq); } else if (!strcmp(tbuf, "title")) { sprintf(f->name, eq); } } sprintf(f->filetype, "Launcher"); sprintf(f->filename, "%s", ent->d_name); f->type = 2; } else { /* Handle various file types */ if (has_extension(f, ".c")) { sprintf(f->icon, "c"); sprintf(f->filetype, "C Source"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".h")) { sprintf(f->icon, "h"); sprintf(f->filetype, "C Header"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".bmp")) { sprintf(f->icon, "image"); sprintf(f->launcher, "exec imgviewer"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Bitmap Image"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".jpg") || has_extension(f,".jpeg")) { sprintf(f->icon, "image"); sprintf(f->launcher, "exec imgviewer"); sprintf(f->filetype, "JPEG Image"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".sdf")) { sprintf(f->icon, "font"); sprintf(f->filetype, "SDF Font"); /* TODO: Font viewer for SDF and TrueType */ } else if (has_extension(f, ".ttf")) { sprintf(f->icon, "font"); sprintf(f->filetype, "TrueType Font"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".tgz") || has_extension(f, ".tar.gz")) { sprintf(f->icon, "package"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Compressed Archive File"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".tar")) { sprintf(f->icon, "package"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Archive File"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".sh")) { sprintf(f->icon, "sh"); if (statbuf.st_mode & 0111) { /* Make executable */ sprintf(f->launcher, "SELF"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Executable Shell Script"); } else { sprintf(f->filetype, "Shell Script"); } } else if (statbuf.st_mode & 0111) { /* Executable files - use their name for their icon, and launch themselves. */ sprintf(f->icon, "%s", f->name); sprintf(f->launcher, "SELF"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Executable"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".ko")) { sprintf(f->icon, "file"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Kernel Module"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".o")) { sprintf(f->icon, "file"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Object File"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".so")) { sprintf(f->icon, "file"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Shared Object File"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".S")) { sprintf(f->icon, "file"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Assembly Source"); } else if (has_extension(f, ".ld")) { sprintf(f->icon, "file"); sprintf(f->filetype, "Linker Script"); } else { sprintf(f->icon, "file"); sprintf(f->filetype, "File"); } f->type = 0; } } list_insert(file_list, f); } ent = readdir(dirp); } closedir(dirp); /* Store the entries in a flat array. */ file_pointers = malloc(sizeof(struct File *) * file_list->length); file_pointers_len = file_list->length; int i = 0; foreach (node, file_list) { file_pointers[i] = node->value; i++; } /* Free our temporary linked list */ list_free(file_list); free(file_list); /* Sort files */ int comparator(const void * c1, const void * c2) { const struct File * f1 = *(const struct File **)(c1); const struct File * f2 = *(const struct File **)(c2); /* Launchers before directories before files */ if (f1->type > f2->type) return -1; if (f2->type > f1->type) return 1; /* Launchers sorted by filename, not by display name */ if (f1->type == 2 && f2->type == 2) { return strcmp(f1->filename, f2->filename); } /* Files sorted by name */ return strcmp(f1->name, f2->name); } qsort(file_pointers, file_pointers_len, sizeof(struct File *), comparator); /* Reset scroll offset when navigating */ scroll_offset = 0; } /** * Resize and redraw the icon view */ static void reinitialize_contents(void) { /* If there already is a context, free it. */ if (contents) { free(contents); } /* If there already is a context buffer, free it. */ if (contents_sprite) { sprite_free(contents_sprite); } /* Get window bounds to determine how wide we can make our icon view */ struct decor_bounds bounds; _decor_get_bounds(main_window, &bounds); if (is_desktop_background) { /** * TODO: Actually calculate an optimal FILE_PTR_WIDTH or fix this to * work properly with vertical rows of files */ FILE_PTR_WIDTH = 1; } else if (view_mode == VIEW_MODE_LIST) { FILE_PTR_WIDTH = 1; FILE_WIDTH = (ctx->width - bounds.width); } else { FILE_PTR_WIDTH = (ctx->width - bounds.width) / FILE_WIDTH; } /* Calculate required height to fit files */ int calculated_height = (file_pointers_len / FILE_PTR_WIDTH + 1) * FILE_HEIGHT; /* Create buffer */ contents_sprite = create_sprite(FILE_PTR_WIDTH * FILE_WIDTH, calculated_height, ALPHA_EMBEDDED); contents = init_graphics_sprite(contents_sprite); /* Draw file entries */ redraw_files(); } #define BUTTON_SPACE 34 #define BUTTON_COUNT 4 static void _draw_buttons(struct decor_bounds bounds) { uint32_t gradient_top = rgb(59,59,59); uint32_t gradient_bot = rgb(40,40,40); for (int i = 0; i < 36; ++i) { uint32_t c = interp_colors(gradient_top, gradient_bot, i * 255 / 36); draw_rectangle(ctx, bounds.left_width, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + i, BUTTON_SPACE * BUTTON_COUNT, 1, c); //ctx->width - bounds.width, 1, c); } int x = 0; int i = 0; #define draw_button(label) do { \ struct TTKButton _up = {bounds.left_width + 2 + x,bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 2,32,32,"\033" label,_button_hilights[i] | (_button_disabled[i] << 8)}; \ ttk_button_draw(ctx, &_up); \ x += BUTTON_SPACE; i++; } while (0) draw_button("back"); draw_button("forward"); draw_button("up"); draw_button("home"); } static void _draw_nav_bar(struct decor_bounds bounds) { uint32_t gradient_top = rgb(59,59,59); uint32_t gradient_bot = rgb(40,40,40); int x = BUTTON_SPACE * BUTTON_COUNT; for (int i = 0; i < 36; ++i) { uint32_t c = interp_colors(gradient_top, gradient_bot, i * 255 / 36); draw_rectangle(ctx, bounds.left_width + BUTTON_SPACE * BUTTON_COUNT, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + i, ctx->width - bounds.width - BUTTON_SPACE * BUTTON_COUNT, 1, c); } if (nav_bar_focused) { struct gradient_definition edge = {28, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 3, rgb(0,120,220), rgb(0,120,220)}; draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(ctx, bounds.left_width + 2 + x + 1, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 4, main_window->width - bounds.width - x - 6, 26, 4, gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern, &edge); draw_rounded_rectangle(ctx, bounds.left_width + 2 + x + 3, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 6, main_window->width - bounds.width - x - 10, 22, 3, rgb(250,250,250)); } else { struct gradient_definition edge = {28, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 3, rgb(90,90,90), rgb(110,110,110)}; draw_rounded_rectangle_pattern(ctx, bounds.left_width + 2 + x + 1, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 4, main_window->width - bounds.width - x - 6, 26, 4, gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern, &edge); draw_rounded_rectangle(ctx, bounds.left_width + 2 + x + 2, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 5, main_window->width - bounds.width - x - 8, 24, 3, rgb(250,250,250)); } int max_width = main_window->width - bounds.width - x - 12; int len = strlen(nav_bar); char * name = malloc(len + 5); memcpy(name, nav_bar, len + 1); if (nav_bar_focused) { strcat(name,"|"); } int name_width; while ((name_width = draw_sdf_string_width(name, 16, SDF_FONT_THIN)) > max_width) { len--; name[len+0] = '.'; name[len+1] = '.'; name[len+2] = '.'; name[len+3] = '\0'; } draw_sdf_string(ctx, bounds.left_width + 2 + x + 5, bounds.top_height + MENU_BAR_HEIGHT + 8, name, 16, rgb(0,0,0), SDF_FONT_THIN); } static void _redraw_nav_bar(void) { struct decor_bounds bounds; _decor_get_bounds(main_window, &bounds); _draw_nav_bar(bounds); flip(ctx); yutani_flip(yctx, main_window); } /** * Redraw the entire window. */ static void redraw_window(void) { if (!is_desktop_background) { /* Clear to white and draw decorations */ draw_fill(ctx, rgb(255,255,255)); render_decorations(main_window, ctx, title); } else { /* Draw wallpaper in desktop mode */ if (wallpaper_old) { draw_sprite(ctx, wallpaper_old, 0, 0); uint64_t ellapsed = precise_time_since(timer); if (ellapsed > 1000) { free(wallpaper_old); wallpaper_old = NULL; draw_sprite(ctx, wallpaper_buffer, 0, 0); restart = 1; /* quietly restart */ } else { draw_sprite_alpha(ctx, wallpaper_buffer, 0, 0, (float)ellapsed / 1000.0); } } else { draw_sprite(ctx, wallpaper_buffer, 0, 0); } } struct decor_bounds bounds; _decor_get_bounds(main_window, &bounds); if (!is_desktop_background) { /* Position, size, and draw the menu bar */ menu_bar.x = bounds.left_width; menu_bar.y = bounds.top_height; menu_bar.width = ctx->width - bounds.width; menu_bar.window = main_window; menu_bar_render(&menu_bar, ctx); /* Draw toolbar */ _draw_buttons(bounds); _draw_nav_bar(bounds); } /* Draw the icon view, clipped to the viewport and scrolled appropriately. */ gfx_clear_clip(ctx); gfx_add_clip(ctx, bounds.left_width, bounds.top_height + menu_bar_height, ctx->width - bounds.width, available_height); draw_sprite(ctx, contents_sprite, bounds.left_width, bounds.top_height + menu_bar_height - scroll_offset); gfx_clear_clip(ctx); gfx_add_clip(ctx, 0, 0, ctx->width, ctx->height); /* Flip graphics context and inform compositor */ flip(ctx); yutani_flip(yctx, main_window); } /** * Loads and bakes the wallpaper to the appropriate size. */ static void draw_background(int width, int height) { /* If the wallpaper is already loaded, free it. */ if (wallpaper_buffer) { if (wallpaper_old) { free(wallpaper_old); } wallpaper_old = wallpaper_buffer; timer = precise_current_time(); } /* Open the wallpaper */ sprite_t * wallpaper = malloc(sizeof(sprite_t)); char * wallpaper_path = WALLPAPER_PATH; int free_it = 0; char * home = getenv("HOME"); if (home) { char tmp[512]; sprintf(tmp, "%s/.wallpaper.conf", home); FILE * c = fopen(tmp, "r"); if (c) { char line[1024]; while (!feof(c)) { fgets(line, 1024, c); char * nl = strchr(line, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; if (line[0] == ';') { continue; } if (strstr(line, "wallpaper=") == line) { free_it = 1; wallpaper_path = strdup(line+strlen("wallpaper=")); break; } } fclose(c); } } load_sprite_jpg(wallpaper, wallpaper_path); if (free_it) { free(wallpaper_path); } /* Create a new buffer to hold the baked wallpaper */ wallpaper_buffer = create_sprite(width, height, 0); gfx_context_t * ctx = init_graphics_sprite(wallpaper_buffer); /* Calculate the appropriate scaled size to fit the screen. */ float x = (float)width / (float)wallpaper->width; float y = (float)height / (float)wallpaper->height; int nh = (int)(x * (float)wallpaper->height); int nw = (int)(y * (float)wallpaper->width); /* Clear to black to avoid odd transparency issues along edges */ draw_fill(ctx, rgb(0,0,0)); /* Scale the wallpaper into the buffer. */ if (nw == wallpaper->width && nh == wallpaper->height) { /* No scaling necessary */ draw_sprite(ctx, wallpaper, 0, 0); } else if (nw >= width) { /* Scaled wallpaper is wider, height should match. */ draw_sprite_scaled(ctx, wallpaper, ((int)width - nw) / 2, 0, nw+2, height); } else { /* Scaled wallpaper is taller, width should match. */ draw_sprite_scaled(ctx, wallpaper, 0, ((int)height - nh) / 2, width+2, nh); } /* Free the original wallpaper. */ sprite_free(wallpaper); free(ctx); } /** * Resize window when asked by the compositor. */ static void resize_finish(int w, int h) { if (w < 300 || h < 300) { yutani_window_resize_offer(yctx, main_window, w < 300 ? 300 : w, h < 300 ? 300 : h); return; } int width_changed = (main_window->width != (unsigned int)w); yutani_window_resize_accept(yctx, main_window, w, h); reinit_graphics_yutani(ctx, main_window); struct decor_bounds bounds; _decor_get_bounds(main_window, &bounds); /* Recalculate available size */ available_height = ctx->height - menu_bar_height - bounds.height; /* If the width changed, we need to rebuild the icon view */ if (width_changed) { reinitialize_contents(); } /* Make sure we're not scrolled weirdly after resizing */ if (available_height > contents->height) { scroll_offset = 0; } else { if (scroll_offset > contents->height - available_height) { scroll_offset = contents->height - available_height; } } /* If the desktop background changes size, we have to reload and rescale the wallpaper */ if (is_desktop_background) { draw_background(w, h); } /* Redraw */ redraw_window(); yutani_window_resize_done(yctx, main_window); yutani_flip(yctx, main_window); } /* TODO: We don't have an input box yet. */ #if 0 static void _menu_action_input_path(struct MenuEntry * entry) { } #endif /* File > Exit */ static void _menu_action_exit(struct MenuEntry * entry) { application_running = 0; } /* Go > ... generic handler */ static void _menu_action_navigate(struct MenuEntry * entry) { /* go to entry->action */ struct MenuEntry_Normal * _entry = (void*)entry; load_directory(_entry->action, 1); reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } /* Go > Up */ static void _menu_action_up(struct MenuEntry * entry) { /* go up */ char * tmp = strdup(current_directory); char * dir = dirname(tmp); load_directory(dir, 1); reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } /* [Context] > Refresh */ static void _menu_action_refresh(struct MenuEntry * entry) { char * tmp = strdup(current_directory); load_directory(tmp, 0); reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } /* Help > Contents */ static void _menu_action_help(struct MenuEntry * entry) { /* show help documentation */ system("help-browser file-browser.trt &"); redraw_window(); } /* [Context] > Copy */ static void _menu_action_copy(struct MenuEntry * entry) { size_t output_size = 0; /* Calculate required space for the clipboard */ int base_is_root = !strcmp(current_directory, "/"); /* avoid redundant slash */ for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { if (file_pointers[i]->selected) { output_size += strlen(current_directory) + !base_is_root + strlen(file_pointers[i]->type == 2 ? file_pointers[i]->filename : file_pointers[i]->name) + 1; /* base / file \n */ } } /* Nothing to copy? */ if (!output_size) return; /* Create the clipboard contents as a LF-separated list of absolute paths */ char * clipboard = malloc(output_size+1); /* last nil */ clipboard[0] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { if (file_pointers[i]->selected) { strcat(clipboard, current_directory); if (!base_is_root) { strcat(clipboard, "/"); } strcat(clipboard, file_pointers[i]->type == 2 ? file_pointers[i]->filename : file_pointers[i]->name); strcat(clipboard, "\n"); } } if (clipboard[output_size-1] == '\n') { /* Remove trailing line feed */ clipboard[output_size-1] = '\0'; } yutani_set_clipboard(yctx, clipboard); free(clipboard); } static void _menu_action_paste(struct MenuEntry * entry) { yutani_special_request(yctx, NULL, YUTANI_SPECIAL_REQUEST_CLIPBOARD); } /* Help > About File Browser */ static void _menu_action_about(struct MenuEntry * entry) { /* Show About dialog */ char about_cmd[1024] = "\0"; strcat(about_cmd, "about \"About File Browser\" /usr/share/icons/48/folder.bmp \"ToaruOS File Browser\" \"(C) 2018 K. Lange\n-\nPart of ToaruOS, which is free software\nreleased under the NCSA/University of Illinois\nlicense.\n-\n%https://toaruos.org\n%https://github.com/klange/toaruos\" "); char coords[100]; sprintf(coords, "%d %d &", (int)main_window->x + (int)main_window->width / 2, (int)main_window->y + (int)main_window->height / 2); strcat(about_cmd, coords); system(about_cmd); redraw_window(); } /** * Generic application launcher - like system(), but without the wait. * Also sets the working directory to the currently-opened directory. */ static void launch_application(char * app) { if (!fork()) { if (current_directory) chdir(current_directory); char * tmp = malloc(strlen(app) + 10); sprintf(tmp, "%s", app); char * args[] = {"/bin/sh", "-c", tmp, NULL}; execvp(args[0], args); exit(1); } } /* Generic handler for various launcher menus */ static void launch_application_menu(struct MenuEntry * self) { struct MenuEntry_Normal * _self = (void *)self; launch_application((char *)_self->action); } /** * Perform the appropriate action to open a File */ static void open_file(struct File * f) { if (f->type == 1) { char tmp[1024]; if (is_desktop_background) { /* Always open directories in new file browser windows when launched from desktop */ sprintf(tmp,"file-browser \"%s/%s\"", current_directory, f->name); launch_application(tmp); } else { /* In normal mode, navigate to this directory. */ sprintf(tmp,"%s/%s", current_directory, f->name); load_directory(tmp, 1); reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } } else if (f->launcher[0]) { char tmp[4096]; if (!strcmp(f->launcher, "SELF")) { /* "SELF" launchers are for binaries. */ sprintf(tmp, "exec ./%s", f->name); } else { /* Other launchers shouuld take file names as arguments. * NOTE: If you don't want the file name, you can append # to your launcher. * Since it's parsed by the shell, this will yield a comment. */ sprintf(tmp, "%s \"%s\"", f->launcher, f->name); } launch_application(tmp); } } /* [Context] > Open */ static void _menu_action_open(struct MenuEntry * self) { for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { if (file_pointers[i]->selected) { open_file(file_pointers[i]); } } } /* [Context] > Edit in Bim */ static void _menu_action_edit(struct MenuEntry * self) { for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { if (file_pointers[i]->selected) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp, "exec terminal bim \"%s\"", file_pointers[i]->type == 2 ? file_pointers[i]->filename : file_pointers[i]->name); launch_application(tmp); } } } /* View > (Show/Hide) Hidden Files */ static void _menu_action_toggle_hidden(struct MenuEntry * self) { show_hidden = !show_hidden; menu_update_title(self, show_hidden ? "Hide Hidden Files" : "Show Hidden Files"); _menu_action_refresh(NULL); } static void _menu_action_select_all(struct MenuEntry * self) { for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { file_pointers[i]->selected = 1; } reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } static void set_view_mode(int mode) { switch (mode) { default: case VIEW_MODE_ICONS: FILE_HEIGHT = 80; FILE_WIDTH = 100; view_mode = VIEW_MODE_ICONS; break; case VIEW_MODE_TILES: FILE_HEIGHT = 70; FILE_WIDTH = 260; view_mode = VIEW_MODE_TILES; break; case VIEW_MODE_LIST: FILE_HEIGHT = 24; FILE_WIDTH = 100; /* Readjusts elsewhere */ view_mode = VIEW_MODE_LIST; break; } reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } static void _menu_action_view_mode(struct MenuEntry * entry) { struct MenuEntry_Normal * _entry = (void*)entry; int mode = VIEW_MODE_ICONS; if (!strcmp(_entry->action, "icons")) { mode = VIEW_MODE_ICONS; } else if (!strcmp(_entry->action, "tiles")) { mode = VIEW_MODE_TILES; } else if (!strcmp(_entry->action, "list")) { mode = VIEW_MODE_LIST; } set_view_mode(mode); } static void handle_clipboard(char * contents) { fprintf(stderr, "Received clipboard:\n%s\n",contents); char * file = contents; while (file && *file) { char * next_file = strchr(file, '\n'); if (next_file) { *next_file = '\0'; next_file++; } /* determine if the destination already exists */ char * cheap_basename = strrchr(file, '/'); if (!cheap_basename) cheap_basename = file; else cheap_basename++; char destination[4096]; sprintf(destination, "%s/%s", current_directory, cheap_basename); struct stat statbuf; if (!stat(destination, &statbuf)) { char message[4096]; sprintf(message, "showdialog \"File Browser\" /usr/share/icons/48/folder.bmp \"Not overwriting file '%s'.\"", cheap_basename); launch_application(message); } else { char cp[1024]; sprintf(cp, "cp -r \"%s\" \"%s\"", file, current_directory); if (system(cp)) { char message[4096]; sprintf(message, "showdialog \"File Browser\" /usr/share/icons/48/folder.bmp \"Error copying file '%s'.\"", cheap_basename); launch_application(message); } } file = next_file; } _menu_action_refresh(NULL); } /** * Toggle the selected status of the highlighted icon. * * When Ctrl is held, the current selection is maintained. */ static void toggle_selected(int hilighted_offset, int modifiers) { struct File * f = get_file_at_offset(hilighted_offset); /* No file at this offset, do nothing. */ if (!f) return; /* Toggle selection of the current file */ f->selected = !f->selected; /* If Ctrl wasn't held, unselect everything else. */ if (!(modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL)) { for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { if (file_pointers[i] != f && file_pointers[i]->selected) { file_pointers[i]->selected = 0; clear_offset(i); draw_file(file_pointers[i], i); } } } /* Redraw the file */ clear_offset(hilighted_offset); draw_file(f, hilighted_offset); /* And repaint the window */ redraw_window(); } static int _down_button = -1; static void _set_hilight(int index, int hilight) { int _update = 0; if (_button_hover != index || (_button_hover == index && index != -1 && _button_hilights[index] != hilight)) { if (_button_hover != -1 && _button_hilights[_button_hover] != 3) { _button_hilights[_button_hover] = 3; _update = 1; } _button_hover = index; if (index != -1 && !_button_disabled[index]) { _button_hilights[_button_hover] = hilight; _update = 1; } if (_update) { redraw_window(); } } } static void _handle_button_press(int index) { if (index != -1 && _button_disabled[index]) return; /* can't click disabled buttons */ switch (index) { case 0: /* Back */ if (history_back->length) { list_insert(history_forward, strdup(current_directory)); node_t * next = list_pop(history_back); load_directory(next->value, 0); free(next->value); free(next); reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } break; case 1: /* Forward */ if (history_forward->length) { list_insert(history_back, strdup(current_directory)); node_t * next = list_pop(history_forward); load_directory(next->value, 0); free(next->value); free(next); reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } break; case 2: /* Up */ _menu_action_up(NULL); break; case 3: /* Home */ { struct MenuEntry_Normal _fake = {.action = getenv("HOME") }; _menu_action_navigate(&_fake); } break; default: /* ??? */ break; } } static void _scroll_up(void) { scroll_offset -= SCROLL_AMOUNT; if (scroll_offset < 0) { scroll_offset = 0; } } static void _scroll_down(void) { if (available_height > contents->height) { scroll_offset = 0; } else { scroll_offset += SCROLL_AMOUNT; if (scroll_offset > contents->height - available_height) { scroll_offset = contents->height - available_height; } } } /** * Desktop mode responsds to sig_usr2 by returning to * the bottom of the Z-order stack. */ static void sig_usr2(int sig) { yutani_set_stack(yctx, main_window, YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM); _menu_action_refresh(NULL); signal(SIGUSR2, sig_usr2); } static void sig_usr1(int sig) { yutani_window_resize_offer(yctx, main_window, yctx->display_width, yctx->display_height); signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1); } static void arrow_select(int x, int y) { if (!file_pointers_len) return; /* Find first selected */ int selected = -1; for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { if (file_pointers[i]->selected) { selected = i; } file_pointers[i]->selected = 0; } if (selected == -1) { selected = 0; } else { int offset_y = selected / FILE_PTR_WIDTH; int offset_x = selected % FILE_PTR_WIDTH; offset_y += y; offset_x += x; if (offset_x >= FILE_PTR_WIDTH) { offset_x = FILE_PTR_WIDTH - 1; } if (offset_x < 0) { offset_x = 0; } if (offset_y < 0) { offset_y = 0; } selected = offset_y * FILE_PTR_WIDTH + offset_x; if (selected >= file_pointers_len) selected = file_pointers_len - 1; if (selected < 0) selected = 0; } int offset_y = selected / FILE_PTR_WIDTH; if (offset_y * FILE_HEIGHT < scroll_offset) { scroll_offset = offset_y * FILE_HEIGHT; } if (offset_y * FILE_HEIGHT + FILE_HEIGHT > scroll_offset + available_height) { scroll_offset = offset_y * FILE_HEIGHT + FILE_HEIGHT - available_height; } file_pointers[selected]->selected = 1; reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { yctx = yutani_init(); init_decorations(); int arg_ind = 1; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--wallpaper")) { is_desktop_background = 1; menu_bar_height = 0; signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1); signal(SIGUSR2, sig_usr2); draw_background(yctx->display_width, yctx->display_height); main_window = yutani_window_create_flags(yctx, yctx->display_width, yctx->display_height, YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_NO_STEAL_FOCUS); yutani_window_move(yctx, main_window, 0, 0); yutani_set_stack(yctx, main_window, YUTANI_ZORDER_BOTTOM); arg_ind++; FILE * f = fopen("/var/run/.wallpaper.pid", "w"); fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(f); } else { main_window = yutani_window_create(yctx, 800, 600); yutani_window_move(yctx, main_window, yctx->display_width / 2 - main_window->width / 2, yctx->display_height / 2 - main_window->height / 2); } if (arg_ind < argc) { chdir(argv[arg_ind]); } ctx = init_graphics_yutani_double_buffer(main_window); struct decor_bounds bounds; _decor_get_bounds(main_window, &bounds); set_title(NULL); menu_bar.entries = menu_entries; menu_bar.redraw_callback = redraw_window; menu_bar.set = menu_set_create(); struct MenuList * m = menu_create(); /* File */ menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal("exit",NULL,"Exit", _menu_action_exit)); menu_set_insert(menu_bar.set, "file", m); m = menu_create(); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Copy",_menu_action_copy)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Paste",_menu_action_paste)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_separator()); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Select all",_menu_action_select_all)); menu_set_insert(menu_bar.set, "edit", m); m = menu_create(); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal("refresh",NULL,"Refresh", _menu_action_refresh)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_separator()); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,"icons","Show Icons", _menu_action_view_mode)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,"tiles","Show Tiles", _menu_action_view_mode)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,"list","Show List", _menu_action_view_mode)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_separator()); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Show Hidden Files", _menu_action_toggle_hidden)); menu_set_insert(menu_bar.set, "view", m); m = menu_create(); /* Go */ /* TODO implement input dialog for Path... */ #if 0 menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal("open",NULL,"Path...", _menu_action_input_path)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_separator()); #endif menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal("home",getenv("HOME"),"Home",_menu_action_navigate)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal(NULL,"/","File System",_menu_action_navigate)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal("up",NULL,"Up",_menu_action_up)); menu_set_insert(menu_bar.set, "go", m); m = menu_create(); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal("help",NULL,"Contents",_menu_action_help)); menu_insert(m, menu_create_separator()); menu_insert(m, menu_create_normal("star",NULL,"About " APPLICATION_TITLE,_menu_action_about)); menu_set_insert(menu_bar.set, "help", m); available_height = ctx->height - menu_bar_height - bounds.height; context_menu = menu_create(); /* Right-click menu */ menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Open",_menu_action_open)); menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Edit in Bim",_menu_action_edit)); menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_separator()); menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Copy",_menu_action_copy)); menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_normal(NULL,NULL,"Paste",_menu_action_paste)); menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_separator()); if (!is_desktop_background) { menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_normal("up",NULL,"Up",_menu_action_up)); } menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_normal("refresh",NULL,"Refresh",_menu_action_refresh)); menu_insert(context_menu, menu_create_normal("utilities-terminal","terminal","Open Terminal",launch_application_menu)); history_back = list_create(); history_forward = list_create(); /* Load the current working directory */ char tmp[1024]; getcwd(tmp, 1024); load_directory(tmp, 1); /* Draw files */ reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); while (application_running) { waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG); int fds[1] = {fileno(yctx->sock)}; int index = fswait2(1,fds,wallpaper_old ? 10 : 200); if (restart) { execvp(argv[0],argv); return 1; } if (index == 1) { if (wallpaper_old) { redraw_window(); } continue; } yutani_msg_t * m = yutani_poll(yctx); while (m) { int redraw = 0; if (menu_process_event(yctx, m)) { redraw = 1; } switch (m->type) { case YUTANI_MSG_WELCOME: if (is_desktop_background) { yutani_window_resize_offer(yctx, main_window, yctx->display_width, yctx->display_height); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_KEY_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke = (void*)m->data; if (ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN && ke->wid == main_window->wid) { if (nav_bar_focused) { switch (ke->event.key) { case KEY_ESCAPE: nav_bar_focused = 0; redraw_window(); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (strlen(nav_bar)) { nav_bar[strlen(nav_bar)-1] = '\0'; _redraw_nav_bar(); } break; case KEY_CTRL_W: if (strlen(nav_bar)) { if (nav_bar[strlen(nav_bar)-1] == '/') { nav_bar[strlen(nav_bar)-1] = '\0'; } while (nav_bar[strlen(nav_bar)-1] != '/' && strlen(nav_bar)) { nav_bar[strlen(nav_bar)-1] = '\0'; } _redraw_nav_bar(); } break; case '\n': nav_bar_focused = 0; char * tmp = strdup(nav_bar); load_directory(tmp, 1); reinitialize_contents(); redraw_window(); break; default: if (isgraph(ke->event.key)) { char tmp[2] = {ke->event.key, 0}; strcat(nav_bar, tmp); _redraw_nav_bar(); } break; } break; } switch (ke->event.keycode) { case KEY_PAGE_UP: _scroll_up(); redraw = 1; break; case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: _scroll_down(); redraw = 1; break; /* if not focused on anything focusable */ case KEY_ARROW_DOWN: arrow_select(0,1); break; case KEY_ARROW_UP: arrow_select(0,-1); break; case KEY_ARROW_LEFT: arrow_select(-1,0); break; case KEY_ARROW_RIGHT: arrow_select(1,0); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: _menu_action_up(NULL); break; case '\n': _menu_action_open(NULL); break; case 'l': if (ke->event.modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL && !is_desktop_background) { nav_bar_focused = 1; redraw_window(); } break; case 'f': if (ke->event.modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT && !is_desktop_background) { menu_bar_show_menu(yctx,main_window,&menu_bar,-1,&menu_entries[0]); } break; case 'e': if (ke->event.modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT && !is_desktop_background) { menu_bar_show_menu(yctx,main_window,&menu_bar,-1,&menu_entries[1]); } break; case 'v': if (ke->event.modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT && !is_desktop_background) { menu_bar_show_menu(yctx,main_window,&menu_bar,-1,&menu_entries[2]); } break; case 'g': if (ke->event.modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT && !is_desktop_background) { menu_bar_show_menu(yctx,main_window,&menu_bar,-1,&menu_entries[3]); } break; case 'h': if (ke->event.modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT && !is_desktop_background) { menu_bar_show_menu(yctx,main_window,&menu_bar,-1,&menu_entries[4]); } break; case 'q': if (!is_desktop_background) { _menu_action_exit(NULL); } break; default: break; } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGE: { struct yutani_msg_window_focus_change * wf = (void*)m->data; yutani_window_t * win = hashmap_get(yctx->windows, (void*)wf->wid); if (win == main_window) { win->focused = wf->focused; redraw_files(); redraw = 1; } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void*)m->data; if (wr->wid == main_window->wid) { resize_finish(wr->width, wr->height); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_CLIPBOARD: { struct yutani_msg_clipboard * cb = (void *)m->data; char * selection_text; if (*cb->content == '\002') { int size = atoi(&cb->content[2]); FILE * clipboard = yutani_open_clipboard(yctx); selection_text = malloc(size + 1); fread(selection_text, 1, size, clipboard); selection_text[size] = '\0'; fclose(clipboard); } else { selection_text = malloc(cb->size+1); memcpy(selection_text, cb->content, cb->size); selection_text[cb->size] = '\0'; } handle_clipboard(selection_text); free(selection_text); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_MOUSE_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * me = (void*)m->data; yutani_window_t * win = hashmap_get(yctx->windows, (void*)me->wid); struct decor_bounds bounds; _decor_get_bounds(win, &bounds); if (win == main_window) { int result = decor_handle_event(yctx, m); switch (result) { case DECOR_CLOSE: _menu_action_exit(NULL); break; case DECOR_RIGHT: /* right click in decoration, show appropriate menu */ decor_show_default_menu(main_window, main_window->x + me->new_x, main_window->y + me->new_y); break; default: /* Other actions */ break; } /* Menu bar */ menu_bar_mouse_event(yctx, main_window, &menu_bar, me, me->new_x, me->new_y); if (menu_bar_height && me->new_y > (int)(bounds.top_height + menu_bar_height - 36) && me->new_y < (int)(bounds.top_height + menu_bar_height) && me->new_x > (int)(bounds.left_width) && me->new_x < (int)(main_window->width - bounds.right_width)) { int x = me->new_x - bounds.left_width - 2; if (x >= 0) { int i = x / 34; if (i < 4) { if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN) { _set_hilight(i, 2); nav_bar_focused = 0; _down_button = i; } else if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_RAISE || me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_CLICK) { if (_down_button != -1 && _down_button == i) { _handle_button_press(i); _set_hilight(i, 1); } _down_button = -1; } else { if (!(me->buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) { _set_hilight(i, 1); } else { if (_down_button == i) { _set_hilight(i, 2); } else if (_down_button != -1) { _set_hilight(_down_button, 3); } } } } else { _set_hilight(-1,0); if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN) { if (!nav_bar_focused) { nav_bar_focused = 1; redraw = 1; } } } } } else { if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN) { if (nav_bar_focused) { nav_bar_focused = 0; redraw = 1; } } if (_button_hover != -1) { _button_hilights[_button_hover] = 3; _button_hover = -1; redraw = 1; /* Double redraw ??? */ } } if (me->new_y > (int)(bounds.top_height + menu_bar_height) && me->new_y < (int)(main_window->height - bounds.bottom_height) && me->new_x > (int)(bounds.left_width) && me->new_x < (int)(main_window->width - bounds.right_width) && me->command != YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_LEAVE) { if (me->buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP) { /* Scroll up */ _scroll_up(); redraw = 1; } else if (me->buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN) { _scroll_down(); redraw = 1; } /* Get offset into contents */ int y_into = me->new_y - bounds.top_height - menu_bar_height + scroll_offset; int x_into = me->new_x - bounds.left_width; int offset = (y_into / FILE_HEIGHT) * FILE_PTR_WIDTH + x_into / FILE_WIDTH; if (x_into > FILE_PTR_WIDTH * FILE_WIDTH) { offset = -1; } if (offset != hilighted_offset) { int old_offset = hilighted_offset; hilighted_offset = offset; if (old_offset != -1) { clear_offset(old_offset); struct File * f = get_file_at_offset(old_offset); if (f) { clear_offset(old_offset); draw_file(f, old_offset); } } struct File * f = get_file_at_offset(hilighted_offset); if (f) { clear_offset(hilighted_offset); draw_file(f, hilighted_offset); } redraw = 1; } if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_CLICK || _close_enough(me)) { struct File * f = get_file_at_offset(hilighted_offset); if (f) { if (last_click_offset == hilighted_offset && precise_time_since(last_click) < 400) { open_file(f); last_click = 0; } else { last_click = precise_current_time(); last_click_offset = hilighted_offset; toggle_selected(hilighted_offset, me->modifiers); } } else { if (!(me->modifiers & YUTANI_KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL)) { for (int i = 0; i < file_pointers_len; ++i) { if (file_pointers[i]->selected) { file_pointers[i]->selected = 0; clear_offset(i); draw_file(file_pointers[i], i); } } redraw = 1; } } } else if (me->buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) { if (!context_menu->window) { struct File * f = get_file_at_offset(hilighted_offset); if (f && !f->selected) { toggle_selected(hilighted_offset, me->modifiers); } menu_show(context_menu, main_window->ctx); yutani_window_move(main_window->ctx, context_menu->window, me->new_x + main_window->x, me->new_y + main_window->y); } } } else { int old_offset = hilighted_offset; hilighted_offset = -1; if (old_offset != -1) { clear_offset(old_offset); struct File * f = get_file_at_offset(old_offset); if (f) { clear_offset(old_offset); draw_file(f, old_offset); } redraw = 1; } } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE: case YUTANI_MSG_SESSION_END: _menu_action_exit(NULL); break; default: break; } if (redraw || wallpaper_old) { redraw_window(); } free(m); m = yutani_poll_async(yctx); } } }