#!/bin/bash # Build Dependencies Checker # ToAruOS Kernel / Userspace function INFO { echo -e "\033[34;1minfo\033[0m $1" >&2 } function WARN { echo -e "\033[33;1mwarning\033[0m $1" >&2 } function ERROR { echo -e "\033[31;1merror\033[0m $1" >&2 } function BAIL { exit 1 } INFO "Checking for required tools (one-time check)..." if [ -z `which cc` ] ; then ERROR "No compiler found" INFO "You will need a compiler to build the cross toolchain, we recommend gcc." BAIL fi if [ -z `which genext2fs` ] ; then ERROR "Missing genext2fs" INFO "You can probably get it from a package of the same name." BAIL fi if [ -z `which qemu-system-i386` ] ; then ERROR "Missing qemu" INFO "You can probably install it from a package of the same name." fi