/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2018 K. Lange * * showdialog - show a window with a dialog prompt with buttons */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUTTON_HEIGHT 28 #define BUTTON_WIDTH 86 #define BUTTON_PADDING 14 static yutani_t * yctx; static yutani_window_t * window = NULL; static gfx_context_t * ctx = NULL; static sprite_t logo; static int32_t width = 600; static int32_t height = 150; static char * icon_path; static char * title_str; static char * copyright_str[20] = {NULL}; static void draw_string(int y, const char * string, int font, uint32_t color) { struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(window, &bounds); draw_sdf_string(ctx, bounds.left_width + 80, bounds.top_height + 30 + y, string, 16, color, font); } struct TTKButton _ok = {0}; struct TTKButton _cancel = {0}; static void redraw(void) { struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(window, &bounds); draw_fill(ctx, rgb(204,204,204)); draw_sprite(ctx, &logo, bounds.left_width + 20, bounds.top_height + 20); int offset = 0; for (char ** copy_str = copyright_str; *copy_str; ++copy_str) { if (**copy_str == '-') { offset += 10; } else if (**copy_str == '%') { draw_string(offset, *copy_str+1, SDF_FONT_THIN, rgb(0,0,255)); offset += 20; } else { draw_string(offset, *copy_str, SDF_FONT_THIN, rgb(0,0,0)); offset += 20; } } ttk_button_draw(ctx, &_ok); ttk_button_draw(ctx, &_cancel); window->decorator_flags |= DECOR_FLAG_NO_MAXIMIZE; render_decorations(window, ctx, title_str); flip(ctx); yutani_flip(yctx, window); } static void init_default(void) { title_str = "Dialog Prompt"; icon_path = "/usr/share/icons/48/folder.png"; copyright_str[0] = "This is a demonstration of a dialog box."; copyright_str[1] = "You can press \"Okay\" or \"Cancel\" or close the window."; } int in_button(struct TTKButton * button, struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * me) { if (me->new_y >= button->y && me->new_y < button->y + button->height) { if (me->new_x >= button->x && me->new_x < button->x + button->width) { return 1; } } return 0; } void setup_buttons(void) { struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(window, &bounds); _ok.title = "Okay"; _ok.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; _ok.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT; _ok.x = ctx->width - bounds.right_width - BUTTON_WIDTH - BUTTON_PADDING; _ok.y = ctx->height - bounds.bottom_height - BUTTON_HEIGHT - BUTTON_PADDING; _cancel.title = "Cancel"; _cancel.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; _cancel.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT; _cancel.x = ctx->width - bounds.right_width - BUTTON_WIDTH * 2 - BUTTON_PADDING * 2; _cancel.y = ctx->height - bounds.bottom_height - BUTTON_HEIGHT - BUTTON_PADDING; } void resize_finish(int w, int h) { yutani_window_resize_accept(yctx, window, w, h); reinit_graphics_yutani(ctx, window); width = w; height = h; setup_buttons(); redraw(); yutani_window_resize_done(yctx, window); } void set_hilight(struct TTKButton * button, int hilight) { if (!button && (_ok.hilight || _cancel.hilight)) { _ok.hilight = 0; _cancel.hilight = 0; redraw(); } else if (button && (button->hilight != hilight)) { _ok.hilight = 0; _cancel.hilight = 0; button->hilight = hilight; redraw(); } } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int req_center_x, req_center_y; yctx = yutani_init(); if (!yctx) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to connect to compositor\n", argv[0]); return 1; } init_decorations(); struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(NULL, &bounds); window = yutani_window_create_flags(yctx, width + bounds.width, height + bounds.height, YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_DIALOG_ANIMATION); req_center_x = yctx->display_width / 2; req_center_y = yctx->display_height / 2; if (argc < 2) { init_default(); } else if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments.\n"); return 1; } else { title_str = argv[1]; icon_path = argv[2]; int i = 0; char * me = argv[3], * end; do { copyright_str[i] = me; i++; end = strchr(me,'\n'); if (end) { *end = '\0'; me = end+1; } } while (end); if (argc > 6) { req_center_x = atoi(argv[5]); req_center_y = atoi(argv[6]); } } yutani_window_move(yctx, window, req_center_x - window->width / 2, req_center_y - window->height / 2); yutani_window_advertise_icon(yctx, window, title_str, "star"); ctx = init_graphics_yutani_double_buffer(window); setup_buttons(); load_sprite(&logo, icon_path); redraw(); struct TTKButton * _down_button = NULL; int playing = 1; int status = 0; while (playing) { yutani_msg_t * m = yutani_poll(yctx); while (m) { if (menu_process_event(yctx, m)) { redraw(); } switch (m->type) { case YUTANI_MSG_KEY_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke = (void*)m->data; if (ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN && ke->event.keycode == '\n') { playing = 0; status = 0; } else if (ke->event.action == KEY_ACTION_DOWN && ke->event.keycode == KEY_ESCAPE) { playing = 0; status = 2; } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGE: { struct yutani_msg_window_focus_change * wf = (void*)m->data; yutani_window_t * win = hashmap_get(yctx->windows, (void*)wf->wid); if (win) { win->focused = wf->focused; redraw(); } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_RESIZE_OFFER: { struct yutani_msg_window_resize * wr = (void*)m->data; resize_finish(wr->width, wr->height); } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_MOUSE_EVENT: { struct yutani_msg_window_mouse_event * me = (void*)m->data; if (me->wid == window->wid) { int result = decor_handle_event(yctx, m); switch (result) { case DECOR_CLOSE: playing = 0; status = 2; break; case DECOR_RIGHT: /* right click in decoration, show appropriate menu */ decor_show_default_menu(window, window->x + me->new_x, window->y + me->new_y); break; default: /* Other actions */ break; } struct decor_bounds bounds; decor_get_bounds(window, &bounds); if (me->new_y > bounds.top_height) { if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN) { if (in_button(&_ok, me)) { set_hilight(&_ok, 2); _down_button = &_ok; } else if (in_button(&_cancel, me)) { set_hilight(&_cancel, 2); _down_button = &_cancel; } } else if (me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_RAISE || me->command == YUTANI_MOUSE_EVENT_CLICK) { if (_down_button) { if (in_button(_down_button, me)) { if (_down_button == &_cancel) { playing = 0; status = 1; break; } else if (_down_button == &_ok) { playing = 0; status = 0; break; } _down_button->hilight = 0; } } _down_button = NULL; } if (!me->buttons & YUTANI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (in_button(&_ok, me)) { set_hilight(&_ok, 1); } else if (in_button(&_cancel, me)) { set_hilight(&_cancel, 1); } else { set_hilight(NULL,0); } } else if (_down_button) { if (in_button(_down_button, me)) { set_hilight(_down_button, 2); } else { set_hilight(NULL, 0); } } } } } break; case YUTANI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE: case YUTANI_MSG_SESSION_END: playing = 0; status = 2; break; default: break; } free(m); m = yutani_poll_async(yctx); } } yutani_close(yctx, window); return status; }