/** * @brief Show processes sorted by resource usage. * * @copyright * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 K. Lange */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LINE_LEN 4096 enum header_columns { COLUMN_NONE, COLUMN_PID, COLUMN_TID, COLUMN_USER, COLUMN_VSZ, COLUMN_SHM, COLUMN_MEM, COLUMN_CPUA, COLUMN_CPU }; static hashmap_t * process_ents = NULL; static int cpu_count = 1; static int sort_column = COLUMN_CPU; static int show_help = 0; static const char * help_text[] = { "q: quit", "w: switch sort column", "h: show this help text", }; enum { FORMATTER_DECIMAL, FORMATTER_PERCENT, FORMATTER_STRING }; enum { SORT_ASC, SORT_DEC }; struct process { int uid, pid, tid, mem, vsz, shm, cpu, cpua; char * user; char * process; char * command_line; }; struct columns { const char * title; intptr_t member; int formatter; int width; int sort_order; } ColumnDescriptions[] = { [COLUMN_NONE] = {"", 0, 0, 0, 0}, [COLUMN_PID] = {"PID", offsetof(struct process, pid), FORMATTER_DECIMAL, 0, SORT_ASC}, [COLUMN_TID] = {"TID", offsetof(struct process, tid), FORMATTER_DECIMAL, 0, SORT_ASC}, [COLUMN_VSZ] = {"VSZ", offsetof(struct process, vsz), FORMATTER_DECIMAL, 0, SORT_DEC}, [COLUMN_SHM] = {"SHM", offsetof(struct process, shm), FORMATTER_DECIMAL, 0, SORT_DEC}, [COLUMN_MEM] = {"%MEM", offsetof(struct process, mem), FORMATTER_PERCENT, 0, SORT_DEC}, [COLUMN_CPU] = {"%CPU", offsetof(struct process, cpu), FORMATTER_PERCENT, 0, SORT_DEC}, [COLUMN_CPUA] = {"CPUA", offsetof(struct process, cpua), FORMATTER_PERCENT, 0, SORT_DEC}, [COLUMN_USER] = {"USER", offsetof(struct process, user), FORMATTER_STRING, 0, SORT_ASC}, }; static int columns[] = { COLUMN_PID, COLUMN_USER, COLUMN_VSZ, COLUMN_SHM, COLUMN_CPU, COLUMN_CPUA, COLUMN_MEM, COLUMN_NONE }; /** * @brief Print a single column to stdout with the appropriate formatter. */ static int print_column(struct process * proc, int column_id) { struct columns * column = &ColumnDescriptions[column_id]; switch (column->formatter) { case FORMATTER_DECIMAL: { int value = *(int*)((char *)proc + column->member); return printf("%*d ", column->width, value); } case FORMATTER_PERCENT: { int value = *(int*)((char *)proc + column->member); if (value >= 1000) { return printf("%*d ", column->width, value / 10); } else { return printf("%*d.%01d ", column->width - 2, value / 10, value % 10); } } case FORMATTER_STRING: { char * value = *(char**)((char *)proc + column->member); return printf("%-*s ", column->width, value); } default: return 0; } } /** * @brief Calculate the size of a formatted column. */ static int size_column(struct process * proc, int column_id) { char garbage[100]; struct columns * column = &ColumnDescriptions[column_id]; switch (column->formatter) { case FORMATTER_DECIMAL: { int value = *(int*)((char *)proc + column->member); return snprintf(garbage, 100, "%d", value); } case FORMATTER_PERCENT: { int value = *(int*)((char *)proc + column->member); if (value >= 1000) { return 3; } else { return snprintf(garbage, 100, "%d.%01d", value / 10, value % 10); } } case FORMATTER_STRING: { char * value = *(char**)((char *)proc + column->member); return strlen(value); } default: return 0; } } /** * @brief Print the column headings. */ void print_header(void) { printf("\033[44;30m"); for (int * c = columns; *c; ++c) { if (*c == sort_column) printf("\033[97m"); printf("%*s ", ColumnDescriptions[*c].width, ColumnDescriptions[*c].title); if (*c == sort_column) printf("\033[30m"); } if (sort_column == COLUMN_NONE) { printf("\033[1;97mCMD\033[30m"); } else { printf("CMD"); } printf("\033[K\033[0m\n"); } /** * @brief Reset column widths to the minimum required to fit their headings. */ void reset_column_widths(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ColumnDescriptions) / sizeof(*ColumnDescriptions); ++i) { ColumnDescriptions[i].width = strlen(ColumnDescriptions[i].title); } } /** * @brief Print one entry to stdout with the appropriate formatter. * * @p out Process entry to print. * @p width Total available screen width. */ void print_entry(struct process * out, int width) { int used = 0; for (int * c = columns; *c; ++c) { if (*c == sort_column) printf("\033[1m"); used += print_column(out, *c); if (*c == sort_column) printf("\033[0m"); } printf("%.*s\033[K\n", width - used, out->command_line ? out->command_line : out->process); } /** * @brief Given a process, expand any columns that need to be bigger to fit it. */ void update_column_widths(struct process * out) { int len; for (int * c = columns; *c; ++c) { if ((len = size_column(out, *c)) > ColumnDescriptions[*c].width) ColumnDescriptions[*c].width = len; } } /** * @brief Free resources used by a process entry. * * Frees any strings allocated for the process, as well * as the process struct itself. */ void free_entry(struct process * out) { if (out->command_line) free(out->command_line); if (out->process) free(out->process); if (out->user) free(out->user); free(out); } /** * @brief Given a UID, get the username. * * Always returns a string that must be freed. If the uid * could not be found in the passwd database, the uid itself * is formatted as a string for display. */ char * format_username(int uid) { static char tmp[100]; struct passwd * p = getpwuid(uid); if (p) { snprintf(tmp, 100, "%-8s", p->pw_name); } else { snprintf(tmp, 100, "%-8d", uid); } endpwent(); return strdup(tmp); } /** * @brief Find a process from its pid. * * Used for looking up the main thread's process entry when * collecting information for non-main threads, so we can * sum up CPU usage, which is reported in procfs per-thread. */ struct process * process_from_pid(pid_t pid) { return hashmap_get(process_ents, (void*)(uintptr_t)pid); } /** * @brief Collect information for a process from its procfs entry. * * @p dent Directory entry from calling readdir on /proc. * @returns Process information that must be freed by the caller. */ struct process * process_entry(struct dirent *dent) { char tmp[300]; FILE * f; char line[LINE_LEN]; int pid = 0, uid = 0, tgid = 0, mem = 0, shm = 0, vsz = 0, cpu = 0, cpua = 0; char name[100]; sprintf(tmp, "/proc/%s/status", dent->d_name); f = fopen(tmp, "r"); if (!f) { return NULL; } line[0] = 0; while (fgets(line, LINE_LEN, f) != NULL) { char * n = strstr(line,"\n"); if (n) { *n = '\0'; } char * tab = strstr(line,"\t"); if (tab) { *tab = '\0'; tab++; } if (strstr(line, "Pid:") == line) { pid = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "Uid:") == line) { uid = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "Tgid:") == line) { tgid = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "Name:") == line) { strcpy(name, tab); } else if (strstr(line, "VmSize:") == line) { vsz = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "RssShmem:") == line) { shm = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "MemPermille:") == line) { mem = atoi(tab); } else if (strstr(line, "CpuPermille:") == line) { cpu = strtoul(tab, &tab, 10); cpua = cpu; cpua += strtoul(tab, &tab, 10); cpua += strtoul(tab, &tab, 10); cpua += strtoul(tab, &tab, 10); cpua /= 4; } } fclose(f); if (tgid != pid) { /* Add this thread's CPU usage to the parent */ struct process * parent = process_from_pid(tgid); if (parent) { parent->cpu += cpu; parent->cpua += cpua; } return NULL; } struct process * out = malloc(sizeof(struct process)); out->uid = uid; out->pid = tgid; out->tid = pid; out->mem = mem; out->shm = shm; out->vsz = vsz; out->cpu = cpu; out->cpua = cpua; out->process = strdup(name); out->command_line = NULL; out->user = format_username(out->uid); hashmap_set(process_ents, (void*)(uintptr_t)pid, out); sprintf(tmp, "/proc/%s/cmdline", dent->d_name); f = fopen(tmp, "r"); char foo[1024]; int s = fread(foo, 1, 1024, f); if (s > 0) { out->command_line = malloc(s + 1); memset(out->command_line, 0, s + 1); memcpy(out->command_line, foo, s); for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) { if (out->command_line[i] == 30) { out->command_line[i] = ' '; } } } fclose(f); update_column_widths(out); return out; } /** * @brief Sort an array of process struct pointers using the * currently selected sort column. */ static int sort_processes(const void * a, const void * b) { struct process * left = *(struct process **)a; struct process * right = *(struct process **)b; struct columns * column = &ColumnDescriptions[sort_column]; if (sort_column == COLUMN_NONE) { return strcmp(left->command_line, right->command_line); } switch (column->formatter) { case FORMATTER_DECIMAL: case FORMATTER_PERCENT: { int a = *(int*)((char *)left + column->member); int b = *(int*)((char *)right + column->member); return (column->sort_order == SORT_ASC) ? (a - b) : (b - a); } case FORMATTER_STRING: { char * a = *(char **)((char *)left + column->member); char * b = *(char **)((char *)right + column->member); return (column->sort_order == SORT_ASC) ? strcmp(a,b) : strcmp(b,a); } default: return 0; } } /** * @brief Collect memory usage information from /proc/meminfo * * @p total (out) Total memory available in KiB * @p used (out) In-use memory in KiB */ static void get_mem_info(int * total, int * used) { FILE * f = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r"); if (!f) return; int free; char buf[1024] = {0}; fgets(buf, 1024, f); char * a, * b; a = strchr(buf, ' '); a++; b = strchr(a, '\n'); *b = '\0'; *total = atoi(a); fgets(buf, 1024, f); a = strchr(buf, ' '); a++; b = strchr(a, '\n'); *b = '\0'; free = atoi(a); *used = *total - free; fclose(f); } /** * @brief Collect CPU usage information from /proc/idle * * @p cpus (out) Array of CPU usage in permilles. */ static void get_cpu_info(int cpus[]) { FILE * f = fopen("/proc/idle","r"); char buf[4096]; fread(buf, 4096, 1, f); char * buffer = buf; for (int i = 0; i < cpu_count; ++i) { char * b = strchr(buffer, ':'); b++; cpus[i] = 1000 - atoi(b); if (cpus[i] < 0) cpus[i] = 0; buffer = strchr(b, '\n'); } fclose(f); } /** * @brief Obtain information on how much system memory is * being used for tmpfs blocks. */ static void get_tmpfs_info(size_t * size) { FILE * f = fopen("/proc/tmpfs", "r"); if (!f) return; char buf[1024] = {0}; fread(buf,1,1024,f); fclose(f); /* Should probably be looking for UsedBlocks: and advancing from there... */ char *b = strstr(buf, ":"); if (!b) return; b += 2; *size = strtoul(b,NULL,10) * 4; /* Expressed in pages, so * 4 for kilobytes */ } static int fill_colors[] = { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; /** * @brief Display a progress-bar-style usage meter. * * @p title Label to apply to the meter, shown on left. * @p label Label to show inside of the meter, show on the right. * @p width Available width to display the meter in, including title and frame. * @p count Number of values to display. * @p filled Values to stack in the meter. * @p maximum Maximum value of the meter. */ static void print_meter(const char * title, const char * label, int width, int count, int filled[], int maximum) { int available = width - strlen(title) - 4; int remaining = available; int fillSlots = 0; /* Count total fill slots */ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { filled[i] = filled[i] * available / maximum; if (filled[i] < 0) filled[i] = 0; if (filled[i] > remaining) filled[i] = remaining; fillSlots += filled[i]; remaining = available - fillSlots; } int emptSlots = available - fillSlots; printf("\033[1m%s [", title); char * fill = malloc(available + 1); size_t j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fillSlots; ++i, j++) fill[j] = '|'; for (int i = 0; i < emptSlots; ++i, j++) fill[j] = ' '; size_t l = strlen(label); if (available > (int)l) { sprintf(fill + available - l, "%s", label); } j = 0; for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c) { printf("\033[0;9%dm", fill_colors[c % (sizeof(fill_colors) / sizeof(int))]); for (int i = 0; i < filled[c]; ++i, j++) printf("%c",fill[j]); } printf("\033[90m"); for (int i = 0; i < emptSlots; ++i, j++) printf("%c",fill[j]); printf("\033[0;1m]\033[0m "); free(fill); } /** * @brief Switch sorting to the next column. */ static void next_sort_order(void) { size_t column_count = sizeof(columns)/sizeof(*columns); for (size_t i = 0; i < column_count; ++i) { if (columns[i] == sort_column) { sort_column = columns[(i + 1) % column_count]; return; } } } /** * @brief Switch sorting to the previous column. */ static void prev_sort_order(void) { size_t column_count = sizeof(columns)/sizeof(*columns); for (size_t i = 0; i < column_count; ++i) { if (columns[i] == sort_column) { sort_column = columns[(i + column_count - 1) % column_count]; return; } } } /** * @brief Gather and display one round of data. */ static int do_once(void) { /* Set minimum column widths to titles */ reset_column_widths(); /* Read the entries in the directory */ list_t * ents_list = list_create(); process_ents = hashmap_create_int(10); /* Scan /proc entries */ DIR * dirp = opendir("/proc"); struct dirent * dent = readdir(dirp); while (dent != NULL) { if (dent->d_name[0] >= '0' && dent->d_name[0] <= '9') { struct process * p = process_entry(dent); if (p) { list_insert(ents_list, (void *)p); } } dent = readdir(dirp); } closedir(dirp); /* Turn list into an array */ size_t count = ents_list->length; struct process ** processList = malloc(sizeof(struct process*) * count); size_t ent = 0; while (ents_list->length) { node_t * node = list_pop(ents_list); processList[ent] = node->value; free(node); ent++; } free(ents_list); /* Sort processes with the current sort column */ qsort(processList, count, sizeof(struct process*), sort_processes); /* Gather total memory usage /proc/meminfo */ int mem_total = 0, mem_used = 0; get_mem_info(&mem_total, &mem_used); size_t mem_tmpfs = 0; get_tmpfs_info(&mem_tmpfs); /* Gather per-CPU usage from /proc/idle */ int cpus[32]; get_cpu_info(cpus); /* Gather screen size */ struct winsize w; ioctl(STDERR_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); /* Figure out how we're going to lay out widgets */ int top_rows = 1 + cpu_count; int meter_width = w.ws_col / 2; int current_row = 0; int left_side = 1; /* Generate info rows */ int info_width = w.ws_col - meter_width; char info_row[5][100] = {0}; int info_rows = 0; if (info_width <= 30) { meter_width = w.ws_col; info_width = 0; } else { #define T_T "\033[94m" #define T_C "\033[0;1m" #define T_E "\033[0m" if (top_rows >= 1) { info_rows = 1; char tmp[256] = {0}; gethostname(tmp, 255); snprintf(info_row[0], 99, T_T "Hostname: " T_C "%.*s" T_E, info_width - 10, tmp); } if (top_rows >= 2) { info_rows = 2; char tmp[256] = {0}; char * format = "%a %b %d %T %Y %Z"; struct tm * timeinfo; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); timeinfo = localtime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec); strftime(tmp,255,format,timeinfo); snprintf(info_row[1], 99, T_T "Time: " T_C "%.*s" T_E, info_width - 6, tmp); } if (top_rows >= 3) { info_rows = 3; snprintf(info_row[2], 99, T_T "Tasks: " T_C "%lu" T_E, count); } } /* Reset cursor to upper left */ printf("\033[H"); /* Display CPU usage widgets */ for (int cpu = 0; cpu < cpu_count; ++cpu) { char name[20], usage[30]; sprintf(name, "%3d", cpu + 1); sprintf(usage, "%d.%01d%%", cpus[cpu] / 10, cpus[cpu] % 10); print_meter(name, usage, left_side ? meter_width : info_width, 1, (int[]){cpus[cpu]}, 1000); if (current_row < info_rows) { printf("%s\033[K\n", info_row[current_row]); current_row++; } else if (info_rows) { if (left_side) { left_side = 0; } else { left_side = 1; current_row++; } } else { current_row++; } } /* Display memory usage widget */ char memUsed[30]; sprintf(memUsed, "%dM/%dM", mem_used / 1024, mem_total / 1024); print_meter("Mem", memUsed, left_side ? meter_width : info_width, 2, (int[]){mem_used-mem_tmpfs,mem_tmpfs}, mem_total); if (left_side && current_row < info_rows) { printf("%s", info_row[current_row]); } current_row++; printf("\033[K\n"); /* Show column headers */ print_header(); int i = 0; /* Print entries, or help text lines */ if (show_help) { for (ent = 0; ent < sizeof(help_text) / sizeof(*help_text); ++i, ++ent) { if (i >= w.ws_row - current_row - 2) break; printf("%*s\033[K\n", (int)w.ws_col, help_text[ent]); } } else { for (ent = 0; ent < count; ++i, ++ent) { if (i >= w.ws_row - current_row - 2) break; print_entry(processList[ent], w.ws_col); } } /* Clear remaining screen lines */ for (; i < w.ws_row - current_row - 2; ++i) { printf("\033[K\n"); } /* Clean up process data from this round */ for (ent = 0; ent < count; ++ent) { free_entry(processList[ent]); } free(processList); hashmap_free(process_ents); free(process_ents); /* Wait for command or 2 seconds for next refresh... */ struct pollfd fds[1]; fds[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; fds[0].events = POLLIN; int ret = poll(fds,1,2000); if (ret > 0 && fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { int c = fgetc(stdin); if (c == 'q') return 0; if (c == 'w') next_sort_order(); if (c == 'W') prev_sort_order(); if (c == 'h') show_help = !show_help; } return 1; } struct termios old; void get_initial_termios(void) { tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, &old); } /** * @brief Switch to alt screen, turn on raw input. */ void set_unbuffered(void) { struct termios new = old; new.c_iflag &= (~ICRNL) & (~IXON); new.c_lflag &= (~ICANON) & (~ECHO); tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &new); printf("\033[?1049h\033[?25l\033[H\033[2J"); } /** * @brief Switch to main screen, re-enable buffering. */ void set_buffered(void) { printf("\033[H\033[2J\033[?25h\033[?1049l"); tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &old); } int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { /* Assume CPU count doesn't change... */ cpu_count = sysfunc(TOARU_SYS_FUNC_NPROC, NULL); /* Initialize terminal for alt screen */ get_initial_termios(); set_unbuffered(); /* Loop */ while (do_once()); /* Reset terminal */ set_buffered(); return 0; }