#!/bin/bash for f in $(find kernel userspace modules | fgrep '.c'); do echo -n "Looking at '$f'... " if ! grep -q "Copyright" $f; then echo "needs headers... " authors=$(mktemp) echo "/* This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms" >> $authors echo " * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md" >> $authors last_user="X" last_sdate="X" last_edate="X" while read -r line; do auth_user=$(echo "$line" | cut -d" " -f1) auth_date=$(echo "$line" | cut -d" " -f2) if [ "$last_user" != "$auth_user" ]; then if [ "$last_user" != "X" ]; then if [ "$last_edate" == $last_sdate ]; then echo " * Copyright (C) $last_sdate $last_user" >> $authors else echo " * Copyright (C) $last_sdate-$last_edate $last_user" >> $authors fi fi last_sdate=$auth_date last_user=$auth_user fi last_edate=$auth_date last_user=$auth_user done < <(git log --date=short --pretty=format:"%an %ad" "$f" | sed 's/-..-..//' | sort | uniq; echo "-") echo " */" >> $authors tmpfile=$(mktemp) cat "$authors" "$f" > "$tmpfile" mv "$tmpfile" "$f" rm $authors else echo "-- already has license headers" fi done