#include #include #include #include #include #include #define SYMBOLTABLE_HASHMAP_SIZE 10 #define MODULE_HASHMAP_SIZE 10 static hashmap_t * symboltable = NULL; static hashmap_t * modules = NULL; typedef struct { uintptr_t addr; char name[]; } kernel_symbol_t; extern char kernel_symbols_start[]; extern char kernel_symbols_end[]; int module_quickcheck(void * blob) { Elf32_Header * target = (Elf32_Header *)blob; if (target->e_ident[0] != ELFMAG0 || target->e_ident[1] != ELFMAG1 || target->e_ident[2] != ELFMAG2 || target->e_ident[3] != ELFMAG3) { return 0; } return 1; } void * module_load_direct(void * blob, size_t length) { Elf32_Header * target = (Elf32_Header *)blob; if (target->e_ident[0] != ELFMAG0 || target->e_ident[1] != ELFMAG1 || target->e_ident[2] != ELFMAG2 || target->e_ident[3] != ELFMAG3) { debug_print(ERROR, "Module is not a valid ELF object."); goto mod_load_error_unload; } char * shstrtab = NULL; char * symstrtab = NULL; Elf32_Shdr * sym_shdr = NULL; char * deps = NULL; size_t deps_length = 0; /* TODO: Actually load the ELF somewhere! This is moronic, you're not initializing a BSS! */ /* (and maybe keep the elf header somewhere) */ { unsigned int i = 0; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (unsigned int)target->e_shentsize * target->e_shnum; x += target->e_shentsize) { Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + x)); if (i == target->e_shstrndx) { shstrtab = (char *)((uintptr_t)target + shdr->sh_offset); } i++; } } if (!shstrtab) { debug_print(ERROR, "Could not locate module section header string table."); goto mod_load_error_unload; } { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (unsigned int)target->e_shentsize * target->e_shnum; x += target->e_shentsize) { Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + x)); if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_STRTAB && (!strcmp((char *)((uintptr_t)shstrtab + shdr->sh_name), ".strtab"))) { symstrtab = (char *)((uintptr_t)target + shdr->sh_offset); } } } if (!shstrtab) { debug_print(ERROR, "Could not locate module symbol string table."); goto mod_load_error_unload; } { debug_print(INFO, "Checking dependencies."); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (unsigned int)target->e_shentsize * target->e_shnum; x += target->e_shentsize) { Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + x)); if ((!strcmp((char *)((uintptr_t)shstrtab + shdr->sh_name), "moddeps"))) { deps = (char*)((Elf32_Addr)target + shdr->sh_offset); deps_length = shdr->sh_size; unsigned int i = 0; while (i < deps_length) { if (strlen(&deps[i]) && !hashmap_get(modules, &deps[i])) { debug_print(ERROR, " %s - not loaded", &deps[i]); goto mod_load_error_unload; } debug_print(INFO, " %s", &deps[i]); i += strlen(&deps[i]) + 1; } } } } { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (unsigned int)target->e_shentsize * target->e_shnum; x += target->e_shentsize) { Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + x)); if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) { sym_shdr = shdr; } } } if (!sym_shdr) { debug_print(ERROR, "Could not locate section for symbol table."); goto mod_load_error_unload; } { debug_print(INFO, "Loading sections."); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (unsigned int)target->e_shentsize * target->e_shnum; x += target->e_shentsize) { Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + x)); if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_NOBITS) { shdr->sh_addr = (Elf32_Addr)malloc(shdr->sh_size); memset((void *)shdr->sh_addr, 0x00, shdr->sh_size); } else { shdr->sh_addr = (Elf32_Addr)target + shdr->sh_offset; } } } int undefined = 0; hashmap_t * local_symbols = hashmap_create(10); { Elf32_Sym * table = (Elf32_Sym *)((uintptr_t)target + sym_shdr->sh_offset); while ((uintptr_t)table - ((uintptr_t)target + sym_shdr->sh_offset) < sym_shdr->sh_size) { if (table->st_name) { if (ELF32_ST_BIND(table->st_info) == STB_GLOBAL) { char * name = (char *)((uintptr_t)symstrtab + table->st_name); if (table->st_shndx == 0) { if (!hashmap_get(symboltable, name)) { debug_print(ERROR, "Unresolved symbol in module: %s", name); undefined = 1; } } else { Elf32_Shdr * s = NULL; { int i = 0; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (unsigned int)target->e_shentsize * target->e_shnum; x += target->e_shentsize) { Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + x)); if (i == table->st_shndx) { s = shdr; break; } i++; } } if (s) { uintptr_t final = s->sh_addr + table->st_value; hashmap_set(symboltable, name, (void *)final); hashmap_set(local_symbols, name, (void *)final); } } } } table++; } } if (undefined) { debug_print(ERROR, "This module is faulty! Verify it specifies all of its"); debug_print(ERROR, "dependencies properly with MODULE_DEPENDS."); goto mod_load_error; } { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (unsigned int)target->e_shentsize * target->e_shnum; x += target->e_shentsize) { Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + x)); if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_REL) { Elf32_Rel * section_rel = (void *)(shdr->sh_addr); Elf32_Rel * table = section_rel; Elf32_Sym * symtable = (Elf32_Sym *)(sym_shdr->sh_addr); while ((uintptr_t)table - (shdr->sh_addr) < shdr->sh_size) { Elf32_Sym * sym = &symtable[ELF32_R_SYM(table->r_info)]; Elf32_Shdr * rs = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + shdr->sh_info * target->e_shentsize)); uintptr_t addend = 0; uintptr_t place = 0; uintptr_t symbol = 0; uintptr_t *ptr = NULL; if (ELF32_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION) { Elf32_Shdr * s = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uintptr_t)target + (target->e_shoff + sym->st_shndx * target->e_shentsize)); ptr = (uintptr_t *)(table->r_offset + rs->sh_addr); addend = *ptr; place = (uintptr_t)ptr; symbol = s->sh_addr; } else { char * name = (char *)((uintptr_t)symstrtab + sym->st_name); ptr = (uintptr_t *)(table->r_offset + rs->sh_addr); addend = *ptr; place = (uintptr_t)ptr; symbol = (uintptr_t)hashmap_get(symboltable, name); } switch (ELF32_R_TYPE(table->r_info)) { case 1: *ptr = addend + symbol; break; case 2: *ptr = addend + symbol - place; break; default: debug_print(ERROR, "Unsupported relocation type: %d", ELF32_R_TYPE(table->r_info)); goto mod_load_error; } table++; } } } } debug_print(INFO, "Locating module information..."); module_defs * mod_info = NULL; list_t * hash_keys = hashmap_keys(local_symbols); foreach(_key, hash_keys) { char * key = (char *)_key->value; if (startswith(key, "module_info_")) { mod_info = hashmap_get(local_symbols, key); } } list_free(hash_keys); free(hash_keys); if (!mod_info) { debug_print(ERROR, "Failed to locate module information structure!"); goto mod_load_error; } mod_info->initialize(); debug_print(NOTICE, "Finished loading module %s", mod_info->name); /* We don't do this anymore * TODO: Do this in the module unload function hashmap_free(local_symbols); free(local_symbols); */ module_data_t * mod_data = malloc(sizeof(module_data_t)); mod_data->mod_info = mod_info; mod_data->bin_data = target; mod_data->symbols = local_symbols; mod_data->end = (uintptr_t)target + length; mod_data->deps = deps; mod_data->deps_length = deps_length; hashmap_set(modules, mod_info->name, (void *)mod_data); return mod_data; mod_load_error_unload: return (void *)-1; mod_load_error: return NULL; } /** * Install a module from a file and return * a pointer to its module_info structure. */ void * module_load(char * filename) { fs_node_t * file = kopen(filename, 0); if (!file) { debug_print(ERROR, "Failed to load module: %s", filename); return NULL; } debug_print(NOTICE, "Attempting to load kernel module: %s", filename); void * blob = (void *)kvmalloc(file->length); read_fs(file, 0, file->length, (uint8_t *)blob); void * result = module_load_direct(blob, file->length); if (result == (void *)-1) { debug_print(ERROR, "Error loading module."); free(blob); result = NULL; } close_fs(file); return result; } /** * Remove a loaded module. */ void module_unload(char * name) { /* XXX: Lookup the module by name and verify it has no dependencies loaded. */ /* XXX: Call module_info->finish() */ /* XXX: Unmap symbols defined the module that weren't otherwise defined. */ /* XXX: Deallocate the regions the module was mapped into */ } void modules_install(void) { /* Initialize the symboltable, we use a hashmap of symbols to addresses */ symboltable = hashmap_create(SYMBOLTABLE_HASHMAP_SIZE); /* Load all of the kernel symbols into the symboltable */ kernel_symbol_t * k = (kernel_symbol_t *)&kernel_symbols_start; while ((uintptr_t)k < (uintptr_t)&kernel_symbols_end) { hashmap_set(symboltable, k->name, (void *)k->addr); k = (kernel_symbol_t *)((uintptr_t)k + sizeof(kernel_symbol_t) + strlen(k->name) + 1); } /* Also add the kernel_symbol_start and kernel_symbol_end (these were excluded from the generator) */ hashmap_set(symboltable, "kernel_symbols_start", &kernel_symbols_start); hashmap_set(symboltable, "kernel_symbols_end", &kernel_symbols_end); /* Initialize the module name -> object hashmap */ modules = hashmap_create(MODULE_HASHMAP_SIZE); } /* Accessors. */ hashmap_t * modules_get_list(void) { return modules; } hashmap_t * modules_get_symbols(void) { return symboltable; }