/* vim: ts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab * * This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2018 K. Lange * * Port of the original ToaruOS Python text_region library to C. * * Allows for the display of rich text with multiple varied formats, * as well as carat positioning, reflow, links, images, and so on. */ #include #include #include int tr_font_get_width(struct TR_Font * font, char * string) { return draw_sdf_string_width(string, font->size, font->typeface); } int tr_font_write(struct TR_Font * font, gfx_context_t * ctx, int x, int y, char * string) { return draw_sdf_string(ctx, x, y, string, font->size, font->color, font->typeface); } void tr_textunit_set_tag_group(struct TR_TextUnit * self, list_t * tag_group) { if (!self->tag_group) { self->tag_group = tag_group; list_insert(tag_group, self); } else { /* Already in a tag group, this is wrong */ } } void tr_textunit_set_font(struct TR_TextUnit * self, struct TR_Font * font) { self->font = font; self->width = tr_font_get_width(font, self->string); } void tr_textunit_set_extra(struct TR_TextUnit * self, char * key, void * data) { if (!self->extra) { self->extra = hashmap_create(10); } hashmap_set(self->extra, key, data); } void tr_textregion_set_alignment(struct TR_TextRegion * self, int align) { self->align = align; } void tr_textregion_set_valignment(struct TR_TextRegion * self, int align) { self->valign = align; } void tr_textregion_set_max_lines(struct TR_TextRegion * self, int max_lines) { self->max_lines = max_lines; tr_textregion_reflow(self); } int tr_textregion_get_visible_lines(struct TR_TextRegion * self) { return self->height / self->line_height; } void tr_textregion_reflow(struct TR_TextRegion * self) { if (self->lines) { fprintf(stderr, "Need to clean out lines\n"); #if 0 list_destroy(self->lines); list_free(self->lines); free(self->lines); #endif } #if 0 self->lines = list_create(); int current_width = 0; list_t * current_units = list_create(); struct TR_TextUnit * leftover = NULL; int i = 0; while (i < self->text_units #endif }