/* This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms * of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md * Copyright (C) 2014 Kevin Lange */ /* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * * Terminal Emulator - VGA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/utf8decode.h" #include "lib/pthread.h" #include "lib/kbd.h" #include "lib/graphics.h" #include "gui/terminal/vga-palette.h" #include "gui/terminal/lib/termemu.h" #define USE_BELL 0 /* master and slave pty descriptors */ static int fd_master, fd_slave; static FILE * terminal; uint16_t term_width = 80; /* Width of the terminal (in cells) */ uint16_t term_height = 25; /* Height of the terminal (in cells) */ uint16_t csr_x = 0; /* Cursor X */ uint16_t csr_y = 0; /* Cursor Y */ term_cell_t * term_buffer = NULL; /* The terminal cell buffer */ uint32_t current_fg = 7; /* Current foreground color */ uint32_t current_bg = 0; /* Current background color */ uint8_t cursor_on = 1; /* Whether or not the cursor should be rendered */ uint8_t _login_shell = 0; /* Whether we're going to display a login shell or not */ uint8_t _hold_out = 0; /* state indicator on last cell ignore \n */ #define char_width 1 #define char_height 1 term_state_t * ansi_state = NULL; void reinit(); /* Defined way further down */ void term_redraw_cursor(); /* Cursor bink timer */ static unsigned int timer_tick = 0; void term_clear(); void dump_buffer(); wchar_t box_chars_in[] = L"▒␉␌␍␊°±␤␋┘┐┌└┼⎺⎻─⎼⎽├┤┴┬│≤≥"; wchar_t box_chars_out[] = {176,0,0,0,0,248,241,0,0,217,191,218,192,197,196,196,196,196,196,195,180,193,194,179,243,242}; static int color_distance(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { int a_r = (a & 0xFF0000) >> 16; int a_g = (a & 0xFF00) >> 8; int a_b = (a & 0xFF); int b_r = (b & 0xFF0000) >> 16; int b_g = (b & 0xFF00) >> 8; int b_b = (b & 0xFF); int distance = 0; distance += abs(a_r - b_r) * 3; distance += abs(a_g - b_g) * 6; distance += abs(a_b - b_b) * 10; return distance; } static uint32_t vga_base_colors[] = { 0x000000, 0xAA0000, 0x00AA00, 0xAA5500, 0x0000AA, 0xAA00AA, 0x00AAAA, 0xAAAAAA, 0x555555, 0xFF5555, 0x55AA55, 0xFFFF55, 0x5555FF, 0xFF55FF, 0x55FFFF, 0xFFFFFF, }; static int is_gray(uint32_t a) { int a_r = (a & 0xFF0000) >> 16; int a_g = (a & 0xFF00) >> 8; int a_b = (a & 0xFF); return (a_r == a_g && a_g == a_b); } static int best_match(uint32_t a) { int best_distance = INT32_MAX; int best_index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { if (is_gray(a) && !is_gray(vga_base_colors[j])); int distance = color_distance(a, vga_base_colors[j]); if (distance < best_distance) { best_index = j; best_distance = distance; } } return best_index; } volatile int exit_application = 0; static void set_term_font_size(float s) { /* do nothing */ } /* Returns the lower of two shorts */ uint16_t min(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } /* Returns the higher of two shorts */ uint16_t max(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } void set_title(char * c) { /* Do nothing */ } void input_buffer_stuff(char * str) { size_t s = strlen(str) + 1; write(fd_master, str, s); } unsigned short * textmemptr = (unsigned short *)0xB8000; void placech(unsigned char c, int x, int y, int attr) { unsigned short *where; unsigned att = attr << 8; where = textmemptr + (y * 80 + x); *where = c | att; } /* ANSI-to-VGA */ char vga_to_ansi[] = { 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8,12,10,14, 9,13,11,15 }; uint32_t ununicode(uint32_t c) { wchar_t * w = box_chars_in; while (*w) { if (*w == c) { return box_chars_out[w-box_chars_in]; } w++; } return 4; } void term_write_char( uint32_t val, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, uint8_t flags ) { if (val > 128) val = ununicode(val); if (fg > 256) { fg = best_match(fg); } if (bg > 256) { bg = best_match(bg); } if (fg > 16) { fg = vga_colors[fg]; } if (bg > 16) { bg = vga_colors[bg]; } if (fg == 16) fg = 0; if (bg == 16) bg = 0; placech(val, x, y, (vga_to_ansi[fg] & 0xF) | (vga_to_ansi[bg] << 4)); } static void cell_set(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t c, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, uint8_t flags) { if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; term_cell_t * cell = (term_cell_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(term_cell_t)); cell->c = c; cell->fg = fg; cell->bg = bg; cell->flags = flags; } static void cell_redraw(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; term_cell_t * cell = (term_cell_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(term_cell_t)); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, TERM_DEFAULT_FG, TERM_DEFAULT_BG, TERM_DEFAULT_FLAGS); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->fg, cell->bg, cell->flags); } } static void cell_redraw_inverted(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; term_cell_t * cell = (term_cell_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(term_cell_t)); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, TERM_DEFAULT_BG, TERM_DEFAULT_FG, TERM_DEFAULT_FLAGS | ANSI_SPECBG); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->bg, cell->fg, cell->flags | ANSI_SPECBG); } } static void cell_redraw_box(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; term_cell_t * cell = (term_cell_t *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + (y * term_width + x) * sizeof(term_cell_t)); if (((uint32_t *)cell)[0] == 0x00000000) { term_write_char(' ', x * char_width, y * char_height, TERM_DEFAULT_FG, TERM_DEFAULT_BG, TERM_DEFAULT_FLAGS | ANSI_BORDER); } else { term_write_char(cell->c, x * char_width, y * char_height, cell->fg, cell->bg, cell->flags | ANSI_BORDER); } } void outb(unsigned char _data, unsigned short _port) { __asm__ __volatile__ ("outb %1, %0" : : "dN" (_port), "a" (_data)); } void render_cursor() { unsigned int tmp = csr_y * 80 + csr_x; outb(14, 0x3D4); outb(tmp >> 8, 0x3D5); outb(15, 0x3D4); outb(tmp, 0x3D5); } void draw_cursor() { if (!cursor_on) return; timer_tick = 0; render_cursor(); } void term_redraw_all() { for (uint16_t y = 0; y < term_height; ++y) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { cell_redraw(x,y); } } } void term_scroll(int how_much) { if (how_much >= term_height || -how_much >= term_height) { term_clear(); return; } if (how_much == 0) { return; } if (how_much > 0) { /* Shift terminal cells one row up */ memmove(term_buffer, (void *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width), sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width * (term_height - how_much)); /* Reset the "new" row to clean cells */ memset((void *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width * (term_height - how_much)), 0x0, sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width * how_much); term_redraw_all(); } else { how_much = -how_much; /* Shift terminal cells one row up */ memmove((void *)((uintptr_t)term_buffer + sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width), term_buffer, sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width * (term_height - how_much)); /* Reset the "new" row to clean cells */ memset(term_buffer, 0x0, sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width * how_much); term_redraw_all(); } } int is_wide(uint32_t codepoint) { if (codepoint < 256) return 0; return wcwidth(codepoint) == 2; } void term_write(char c) { static uint32_t codepoint = 0; static uint32_t unicode_state = 0; cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); if (!decode(&unicode_state, &codepoint, (uint8_t)c)) { if (c == '\r') { csr_x = 0; return; } if (csr_x == term_width) { csr_x = 0; ++csr_y; } if (csr_y == term_height) { term_scroll(1); csr_y = term_height - 1; } if (c == '\n') { if (csr_x == 0 && _hold_out) { _hold_out = 0; return; } ++csr_y; if (csr_y == term_height) { term_scroll(1); csr_y = term_height - 1; } draw_cursor(); } else if (c == '\007') { /* bell */ #if USE_BELL for (int i = 0; i < term_height; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < term_width; ++j) { cell_redraw_inverted(j, i); } } syscall_nanosleep(0,10); term_redraw_all(); #endif } else if (c == '\b') { if (csr_x > 0) { --csr_x; } cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); draw_cursor(); } else if (c == '\t') { csr_x += (8 - csr_x % 8); draw_cursor(); } else { int wide = is_wide(codepoint); uint8_t flags = ansi_state->flags; if (wide && csr_x == term_width - 1) { csr_x = 0; ++csr_y; } if (wide) { flags = flags | ANSI_WIDE; } cell_set(csr_x,csr_y, codepoint, current_fg, current_bg, flags); cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x++; if (wide && csr_x != term_width) { cell_set(csr_x, csr_y, 0xFFFF, current_fg, current_bg, ansi_state->flags); cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); cell_redraw(csr_x-1,csr_y); csr_x++; } } } else if (unicode_state == UTF8_REJECT) { unicode_state = 0; } draw_cursor(); } void term_set_csr(int x, int y) { cell_redraw(csr_x,csr_y); csr_x = x; csr_y = y; draw_cursor(); } int term_get_csr_x() { return csr_x; } int term_get_csr_y() { return csr_y; } void term_set_csr_show(uint8_t on) { cursor_on = on; } void term_set_colors(uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg) { current_fg = fg; current_bg = bg; } void term_redraw_cursor() { if (term_buffer) { draw_cursor(); } } void flip_cursor() { static uint8_t cursor_flipped = 0; if (cursor_flipped) { cell_redraw(csr_x, csr_y); } else { render_cursor(); } cursor_flipped = 1 - cursor_flipped; } void term_set_cell(int x, int y, uint32_t c) { cell_set(x, y, c, current_fg, current_bg, ansi_state->flags); cell_redraw(x, y); } void term_redraw_cell(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= term_width || y >= term_height) return; cell_redraw(x,y); } void term_clear(int i) { if (i == 2) { /* Oh dear */ csr_x = 0; csr_y = 0; memset((void *)term_buffer, 0x00, term_width * term_height * sizeof(term_cell_t)); term_redraw_all(); } else if (i == 0) { for (int x = csr_x; x < term_width; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, csr_y, ' '); } for (int y = csr_y + 1; y < term_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, y, ' '); } } } else if (i == 1) { for (int y = 0; y < csr_y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < term_width; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, y, ' '); } } for (int x = 0; x < csr_x; ++x) { term_set_cell(x, csr_y, ' '); } } } #define INPUT_SIZE 1024 char input_buffer[INPUT_SIZE]; int input_collected = 0; void clear_input() { memset(input_buffer, 0x0, INPUT_SIZE); input_collected = 0; } uint32_t child_pid = 0; void handle_input(char c) { write(fd_master, &c, 1); } void handle_input_s(char * c) { write(fd_master, c, strlen(c)); } void key_event(int ret, key_event_t * event) { if (ret) { if (event->modifiers & KEY_MOD_LEFT_ALT || event->modifiers & KEY_MOD_RIGHT_ALT) { handle_input('\033'); } handle_input(event->key); } else { if (event->action == KEY_ACTION_UP) return; switch (event->keycode) { case KEY_F1: handle_input_s("\033OP"); break; case KEY_F2: handle_input_s("\033OQ"); break; case KEY_F3: handle_input_s("\033OR"); break; case KEY_F4: handle_input_s("\033OS"); break; case KEY_F5: handle_input_s("\033[15~"); break; case KEY_F6: handle_input_s("\033[17~"); break; case KEY_F7: handle_input_s("\033[18~"); break; case KEY_F8: handle_input_s("\033[19~"); break; case KEY_F9: handle_input_s("\033[20~"); break; case KEY_F10: handle_input_s("\033[21~"); break; case KEY_F11: handle_input_s("\033[23~"); break; case KEY_F12: /* XXX This is for testing only */ handle_input_s("テスト"); //handle_input_s("\033[24~"); break; case KEY_ARROW_UP: handle_input_s("\033[A"); break; case KEY_ARROW_DOWN: handle_input_s("\033[B"); break; case KEY_ARROW_RIGHT: handle_input_s("\033[C"); break; case KEY_ARROW_LEFT: handle_input_s("\033[D"); break; case KEY_PAGE_UP: handle_input_s("\033[5~"); break; case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: handle_input_s("\033[6~"); break; } } } void * wait_for_exit(void * garbage) { int pid; do { pid = waitpid(-1, NULL, 0); } while (pid == -1 && errno == EINTR); /* Clean up */ exit_application = 1; /* Exit */ char exit_message[] = "[Process terminated]\n"; write(fd_slave, exit_message, sizeof(exit_message)); } void usage(char * argv[]) { printf( "VGA Terminal Emulator\n" "\n" "usage: %s [-b] [-F] [-h]\n" "\n" " -h --help \033[3mShow this help message.\033[0m\n" "\n", argv[0]); } term_callbacks_t term_callbacks = { /* writer*/ &term_write, /* set_color*/ &term_set_colors, /* set_csr*/ &term_set_csr, /* get_csr_x*/ &term_get_csr_x, /* get_csr_y*/ &term_get_csr_y, /* set_cell*/ &term_set_cell, /* cls*/ &term_clear, /* scroll*/ &term_scroll, /* redraw_cursor*/ &term_redraw_cursor, /* input_buffer_stuff*/ &input_buffer_stuff, /* set_font_size*/ &set_term_font_size, /* set_title*/ &set_title, }; void reinit(int send_sig) { if (term_buffer) { /* Do nothing */ } else { term_buffer = malloc(sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width * term_height); memset(term_buffer, 0x0, sizeof(term_cell_t) * term_width * term_height); } ansi_state = ansi_init(ansi_state, term_width, term_height, &term_callbacks); term_redraw_all(); } void * handle_incoming(void * garbage) { int kfd = open("/dev/kbd", O_RDONLY); key_event_t event; char c; key_event_state_t kbd_state = {0}; while (!exit_application) { int r = read(kfd, &c, 1); if (r > 0) { int ret = kbd_scancode(&kbd_state, c, &event); key_event(ret, &event); } } pthread_exit(0); } void * blink_cursor(void * garbage) { while (!exit_application) { timer_tick++; if (timer_tick == 3) { timer_tick = 0; flip_cursor(); } usleep(90000); } pthread_exit(0); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { _login_shell = 0; static struct option long_opts[] = { {"login", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {0,0,0,0} }; /* Read some arguments */ int index, c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hl", long_opts, &index)) != -1) { if (!c) { if (long_opts[index].flag == 0) { c = long_opts[index].val; } } switch (c) { case 'l': _login_shell = 1; break; case 'h': usage(argv); return 0; break; case '?': break; default: break; } } putenv("TERM=toaru"); syscall_openpty(&fd_master, &fd_slave, NULL, NULL, NULL); terminal = fdopen(fd_slave, "w"); reinit(0); fflush(stdin); int pid = getpid(); uint32_t f = fork(); if (getpid() != pid) { dup2(fd_slave, 0); dup2(fd_slave, 1); dup2(fd_slave, 2); if (argv[optind] != NULL) { char * tokens[] = {argv[optind], NULL}; int i = execvp(tokens[0], tokens); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to launch requested startup application.\n"); } else { /* * TODO: Check the public-readable passwd file to select which shell to run */ if (_login_shell) { char * tokens[] = {"/bin/login",NULL}; int i = execvp(tokens[0], tokens); } else { char * tokens[] = {"/bin/sh",NULL}; int i = execvp(tokens[0], tokens); } } exit_application = 1; return 1; } else { child_pid = f; pthread_t wait_for_exit_thread; pthread_create(&wait_for_exit_thread, NULL, wait_for_exit, NULL); pthread_t handle_incoming_thread; pthread_create(&handle_incoming_thread, NULL, handle_incoming, NULL); pthread_t cursor_blink_thread; pthread_create(&cursor_blink_thread, NULL, blink_cursor, NULL); unsigned char buf[1024]; while (!exit_application) { int r = read(fd_master, buf, 1024); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < r; ++i) { ansi_put(ansi_state, buf[i]); } } } return 0; }