; ToAruOS Start Up / Entry Point ; ; This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms ; of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md ; Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Kevin Lange ; BITS 32 ALIGN 4 SECTION .multiboot mboot: ; Multiboot headers: ; Page aligned loading, please MULTIBOOT_PAGE_ALIGN equ 1<<0 ; We require memory information MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO equ 1<<1 ; We would really, really like graphics... MULTIBOOT_USE_GFX equ 1<<2 ; We are multiboot compatible! MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC equ 0x1BADB002 ; Load up those flags. MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS equ MULTIBOOT_PAGE_ALIGN | MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO | MULTIBOOT_USE_GFX ; Checksum the result MULTIBOOT_CHECKSUM equ -(MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC + MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS) ; Load the headers into the binary image. dd MULTIBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC dd MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS dd MULTIBOOT_CHECKSUM dd 0x00000000 ; header_addr dd 0x00000000 ; load_addr dd 0x00000000 ; load_end_addr dd 0x00000000 ; bss_end_addr dd 0x00000000 ; entry_addr ; Graphics requests dd 0x00000000 ; 0 = linear graphics dd 0 dd 0 dd 32 ; Set me to 32 or else. SECTION .text ; Some external references. extern code, bss, end ; Main entrypoint global start start: ; Set up stack pointer. mov esp, 0x7FFFF push esp ; Push the incoming mulitboot headers push eax ; Header magic push ebx ; Header pointer ; Disable interrupts cli ; Call the C entry extern kmain call kmain jmp $ ; Global Descriptor Table global gdt_flush extern gp gdt_flush: ; Load the GDT lgdt [gp] ; Flush the values to 0x10 mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ss, ax jmp 0x08:flush2 flush2: ret ; Interrupt Descriptor Table global idt_load extern idtp idt_load: lidt [idtp] ret ; Return to Userspace (from thread creation) global return_to_userspace return_to_userspace: pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 8 iret ; Interrupt Service Routines %macro ISR_NOERR 1 global _isr%1 _isr%1: cli push byte 0 push byte %1 jmp isr_common_stub %endmacro %macro ISR_ERR 1 global _isr%1 _isr%1: cli push byte %1 jmp isr_common_stub %endmacro %macro IRQ_ENTRY 2 global _irq%1 _irq%1: cli push byte 0 push byte %2 jmp irq_common_stub %endmacro ; Standard X86 interrupt service routines ISR_NOERR 0 ISR_NOERR 1 ISR_NOERR 2 ISR_NOERR 3 ISR_NOERR 4 ISR_NOERR 5 ISR_NOERR 6 ISR_NOERR 7 ISR_ERR 8 ISR_NOERR 9 ISR_ERR 10 ISR_ERR 11 ISR_ERR 12 ISR_ERR 13 ISR_ERR 14 ISR_NOERR 15 ISR_NOERR 16 ISR_NOERR 17 ISR_NOERR 18 ISR_NOERR 19 ISR_NOERR 20 ISR_NOERR 21 ISR_NOERR 22 ISR_NOERR 23 ISR_NOERR 24 ISR_NOERR 25 ISR_NOERR 26 ISR_NOERR 27 ISR_NOERR 28 ISR_NOERR 29 ISR_NOERR 30 ISR_NOERR 31 ISR_NOERR 127 ; Interrupt Requests IRQ_ENTRY 0, 32 IRQ_ENTRY 1, 33 IRQ_ENTRY 2, 34 IRQ_ENTRY 3, 35 IRQ_ENTRY 4, 36 IRQ_ENTRY 5, 37 IRQ_ENTRY 6, 38 IRQ_ENTRY 7, 39 IRQ_ENTRY 8, 40 IRQ_ENTRY 9, 41 IRQ_ENTRY 10, 42 IRQ_ENTRY 11, 43 IRQ_ENTRY 12, 44 IRQ_ENTRY 13, 45 IRQ_ENTRY 14, 46 IRQ_ENTRY 15, 47 ; Interrupt handlers extern fault_handler isr_common_stub: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov eax, esp push eax ; Call the C kernel fault handler mov eax, fault_handler call eax pop eax pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 8 iret extern irq_handler irq_common_stub: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov eax, esp push eax ; Call the C kernel hardware interrupt handler mov eax, irq_handler call eax pop eax pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 8 iret global read_eip read_eip: ; Clever girl pop eax jmp eax global copy_page_physical copy_page_physical: push ebx pushf cli mov ebx, [esp+12] mov ecx, [esp+16] mov edx, cr0 and edx, 0x7FFFFFFF mov cr0, edx mov edx, 0x400 .page_loop: mov eax, [ebx] mov [ecx], eax add ebx, 4 add ecx, 4 dec edx jnz .page_loop mov edx, cr0 or edx, 0x80000000 mov cr0, edx popf pop ebx ret global tss_flush tss_flush: mov ax, 0x2B ltr ax ret ; BSS Section SECTION .bss resb 8192 ; 8KB of memory reserved