#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Harness for running QEMU and communicating window sizes through serial. """ import subprocess import asyncio import time import sys from Xlib.display import Display from Xlib.protocol.event import KeyPress, KeyRelease from Xlib.XK import string_to_keysym import Xlib qemu_bin = 'qemu-system-i386' qemu = subprocess.Popen([ qemu_bin, '-enable-kvm', '-cdrom','image.iso', # 1GB of RAM '-m','1G', # Enable audio '-soundhw','ac97,pcspk', # The GTK interface does not play well, force SDL '-display', 'sdl', # /dev/ttyS0 is stdio multiplexed with monitor '-serial', 'mon:stdio', # /dev/ttyS1 is TCP connection to the harness '-serial','tcp::4444,server,nowait', # Add a VGA card with 32mb of video RAM '-device', 'VGA,id=video0,vgamem_mb=32', # Set the fwcfg flag so our userspace app recognizes us '-fw_cfg','name=opt/org.toaruos.displayharness,string=1', # Boot directly to graphical mode '-fw_cfg','name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=normal' ]) # Give QEMU some time to start up and create a window. time.sleep(1) # Find the QEMU window... def findQEMU(window): try: x = window.get_wm_name() if 'QEMU' in x: return window except: pass children = window.query_tree().children for w in children: x = findQEMU(w) if x: return x return None display = Display() root = display.screen().root qemu_win = findQEMU(root) def send_key(key, state, up=False): """Send a key press or release to the QEMU window.""" time.sleep(0.1) t = KeyPress if up: t = KeyRelease sym = string_to_keysym(key) ke = t( time=int(time.time()), root=display.screen().root, window=qemu_win, same_screen=0, child=Xlib.X.NONE, root_x = 0, root_y = 0, event_x = 0, event_y = 0, state = 0xc, detail = display.keysym_to_keycode(sym) ) qemu_win.send_event(ke) display.flush() class Client(asyncio.Protocol): def connection_made(self, transport): asyncio.ensure_future(heartbeat(transport)) def data_received(self, data): if 'X' in data.decode('utf-8'): # Send Ctrl-Alt-u send_key('Control_L',0x00) send_key('Alt_L',0x04) send_key('u',0x0c) send_key('u',0x0c,True) send_key('Alt_L',0x0c,True) send_key('Control_L',0x04,True) async def heartbeat(transport): """Heartbeat process checks window size every second and sends update signal.""" w = 0 h = 0 while 1: await asyncio.sleep(1) try: g = qemu_win.get_geometry() except Xlib.error.BadDrawable: print("QEMU window is gone, exiting.") asyncio.get_event_loop().call_soon(sys.exit, 0) return if g.width != w or g.height != h: transport.write(("geometry-changed %d %d\n" % (g.width,g.height)).encode('utf-8')) w = g.width h = g.height loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() coro = loop.create_connection(Client,'',4444) asyncio.ensure_future(coro) loop.run_forever() loop.close()