/* * The ToAru Sample Game * * This is the updated, windowed version of the sample RPG */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/window.h" #include "lib/graphics.h" #include "lib/decorations.h" sprite_t * sprites[128]; window_t * window; gfx_context_t * ctx; #define WINDOW_SIZE 224 int out_of_bounds(int x, int y) { if (x < ctx->width / 2 - WINDOW_SIZE) return 1; if (x >= ctx->width / 2 + WINDOW_SIZE) return 1; if (y < ctx->height / 2 - WINDOW_SIZE) return 1; if (y >= ctx->height / 2 + WINDOW_SIZE) return 1; return 0; } /* RPG Mapping Bits */ struct { int width; int height; char * buffer; int size; } map; void load_map(char * filename) { FILE * f = fopen(filename, "r"); char tmp[256]; fgets(tmp, 255, f); map.width = atoi(tmp); fgets(tmp, 256, f); map.height = atoi(tmp); map.size = map.height * map.width; map.buffer = malloc(map.size); fread(map.buffer, map.size, 1, f); fclose(f); } char cell(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= map.width || y >= map.height) { return 'A'; /* The abyss is trees! */ } return (map.buffer[y * map.width + x]); } #define VIEW_SIZE 4 #define CELL_SIZE 64 int my_x = 2; int my_y = 2; int direction = 0; int offset_x = 0; int offset_y = 0; int offset_iter = 0; int map_x; int map_y; int raw_x_offset = 0; int raw_y_offset = 0; void render_map(int x, int y) { int i = 0; for (int _y = y - VIEW_SIZE; _y <= y + VIEW_SIZE; ++_y) { int j = 0; for (int _x = x - VIEW_SIZE; _x <= x + VIEW_SIZE; ++_x) { char c = cell(_x,_y); int sprite; switch (c) { case '\n': case 'A': sprite = 1; break; case '.': sprite = 2; break; case 'W': sprite = 3; break; default: sprite = 0; break; } draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[sprite], decor_left_width + raw_x_offset + map_x + offset_x * offset_iter + j * CELL_SIZE, decor_top_height + raw_y_offset + map_y + offset_y * offset_iter + i * CELL_SIZE); ++j; } ++i; } } void display() { render_map(my_x,my_y); draw_sprite(ctx, sprites[124 + direction], decor_left_width + raw_x_offset + map_x + CELL_SIZE * 4, decor_top_height + raw_y_offset + map_y + CELL_SIZE * 4); render_decorations(window, ctx, "RPG Demo"); flip(ctx); } void transition(int nx, int ny) { if (nx < my_x) { offset_x = 1; offset_y = 0; } else if (ny < my_y) { offset_x = 0; offset_y = 1; } else if (nx > my_x) { offset_x = -1; offset_y = 0; } else if (ny > my_y) { offset_x = 0; offset_y = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 2) { offset_iter = i; display(); } offset_iter = 0; offset_x = 0; offset_y = 0; my_x = nx; my_y = ny; display(); } void move(int cx, int cy) { int nx = my_x + cx; int ny = my_y + cy; if (cx == 1) { if (direction != 1) { direction = 1; display(); return; } } else if (cx == -1) { if (direction != 2) { direction = 2; display(); return; } } else if (cy == 1) { if (direction != 0) { direction = 0; display(); return; } } else if (cy == -1) { if (direction != 3) { direction = 3; display(); return; } } switch (cell(nx,ny)) { case '_': case '.': transition(nx,ny); break; default: break; } display(); } /* woah */ char font_buffer[400000]; sprite_t alpha_tmp; void init_sprite(int i, char * filename, char * alpha) { sprites[i] = malloc(sizeof(sprite_t)); load_sprite(sprites[i], filename); if (alpha) { sprites[i]->alpha = ALPHA_MASK; load_sprite(&alpha_tmp, alpha); sprites[i]->masks = alpha_tmp.bitmap; } else { sprites[i]->alpha = ALPHA_INDEXED; } sprites[i]->blank = 0x0; } void resize_callback(window_t * win) { int _width = win->width - decor_left_width - decor_right_width; int _height = win->height - decor_top_height - decor_bottom_height; raw_x_offset = _width / 2 - WINDOW_SIZE; raw_y_offset = _height / 2 - WINDOW_SIZE; reinit_graphics_window(ctx, window); draw_fill(ctx, rgb(0,0,0)); display(); } void focus_callback() { display(); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { setup_windowing(); resize_window_callback = resize_callback; window = window_create(10,10, 2 * WINDOW_SIZE, 2 * WINDOW_SIZE); ctx = init_graphics_window_double_buffer(window); draw_fill(ctx,rgb(0,0,0)); init_decorations(); focus_changed_callback = focus_callback; map_x = WINDOW_SIZE - (64 * 9) / 2; map_y = WINDOW_SIZE - (64 * 9) / 2; printf("Loading sprites...\n"); init_sprite(0, "/etc/game/0.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(1, "/etc/game/1.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(2, "/etc/game/2.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(3, "/etc/game/3.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(4, "/etc/game/4.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(5, "/etc/game/5.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(6, "/etc/game/6.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(7, "/etc/game/7.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(124, "/etc/game/remilia.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(125, "/etc/game/remilia_r.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(126, "/etc/game/remilia_l.bmp", NULL); init_sprite(127, "/etc/game/remilia_f.bmp", NULL); load_map("/etc/game/map"); printf("%d x %d\n", map.width, map.height); display(); int playing = 1; while (playing) { char ch = 0; w_keyboard_t * kbd = poll_keyboard(); ch = kbd->key; free(kbd); switch (ch) { case 'q': playing = 0; break; case 'a': move(-1,0); /* left */ break; case 'd': move(1,0); /* right */ break; case 's': move(0,1); /* Down */ break; case 'w': move(0,-1); /* Up */ break; default: break; } } teardown_windowing(); return 0; }