#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <_xlog.h> struct _FILE { int fd; char * read_buf; int available; int offset; int read_from; int ungetc; int eof; int bufsiz; }; FILE _stdin = { .fd = 0, .read_buf = NULL, .available = 0, .offset = 0, .read_from = 0, .ungetc = -1, .eof = 0, .bufsiz = BUFSIZ, }; FILE _stdout = { .fd = 1, .read_buf = NULL, .available = 0, .offset = 0, .read_from = 0, .ungetc = -1, .eof = 0, .bufsiz = BUFSIZ, }; FILE _stderr = { .fd = 2, .read_buf = NULL, .available = 0, .offset = 0, .read_from = 0, .ungetc = -1, .eof = 0, .bufsiz = BUFSIZ, }; FILE * stdin = &_stdin; FILE * stdout = &_stdout; FILE * stderr = &_stderr; void __stdio_init_buffers(void) { _stdin.read_buf = malloc(BUFSIZ); //_stdout.read_buf = malloc(BUFSIZ); //_stderr.read_buf = malloc(BUFSIZ); } #if 0 static char * stream_id(FILE * stream) { static char out[] = "stream\0\0\0\0\0\0"; if (stream == &_stdin) return "stdin"; if (stream == &_stdout) return "stdout"; if (stream == &_stderr) return "stderr"; sprintf(out, "stream %d", fileno(stream)); return out; } #endif extern char * _argv_0; int setvbuf(FILE * stream, char * buf, int mode, size_t size) { if (mode != _IOLBF) { return -1; /* Unsupported */ } if (buf) { if (stream->read_buf) { free(stream->read_buf); } stream->read_buf = buf; stream->bufsiz = size; } return 0; } static size_t read_bytes(FILE * f, char * out, size_t len) { size_t r_out = 0; //fprintf(stderr, "%s: Read %d bytes from %s\n", _argv_0, len, stream_id(f)); //fprintf(stderr, "%s: off[%d] avail[%d] read[%d]\n", _argv_0, f->offset, f->available, f->read_from); while (len > 0) { if (f->ungetc >= 0) { *out = f->ungetc; len--; out++; r_out++; f->ungetc = -1; continue; } if (f->available == 0) { if (f->offset == f->bufsiz) { f->offset = 0; } ssize_t r = read(fileno(f), &f->read_buf[f->offset], f->bufsiz - f->offset); if (r < 0) { //fprintf(stderr, "error condition\n"); return r_out; } else { f->read_from = f->offset; f->available = r; f->offset += f->available; } } if (f->available == 0) { /* EOF condition */ //fprintf(stderr, "%s: no bytes available, returning read value of %d\n", _argv_0, r_out); f->eof = 1; return r_out; } //fprintf(stderr, "%s: reading until %d reaches %d or %d reaches 0\n", _argv_0, f->read_from, f->offset, len); while (f->read_from < f->offset && len > 0 && f->available > 0) { *out = f->read_buf[f->read_from]; len--; f->read_from++; f->available--; out++; r_out += 1; } } //fprintf(stderr, "%s: read completed, returning read value of %d\n", _argv_0, r_out); return r_out; } static void parse_mode(const char * mode, int * flags_, int * mask_) { const char * x = mode; int flags = 0; int mask = 0644; while (*x) { if (*x == 'a') { flags |= O_WRONLY; flags |= O_APPEND; flags |= O_CREAT; } if (*x == 'w') { flags |= O_WRONLY; flags |= O_CREAT; flags |= O_TRUNC; mask = 0666; } if (*x == '+') { flags |= O_RDWR; flags &= ~(O_APPEND); /* uh... */ } ++x; } *flags_ = flags; *mask_ = mask; } FILE * fopen(const char *path, const char *mode) { int flags, mask; parse_mode(mode, &flags, &mask); int fd = syscall_open(path, flags, mask); if (fd < 0) { errno = -fd; return NULL; } FILE * out = malloc(sizeof(FILE)); out->fd = fd; out->read_buf = malloc(BUFSIZ); out->bufsiz = BUFSIZ; out->available = 0; out->read_from = 0; out->offset = 0; out->ungetc = -1; out->eof = 0; return out; } /* This is very wrong */ FILE * freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE * stream) { if (path) { if (stream) { fclose(stream); } int flags, mask; parse_mode(mode, &flags, &mask); int fd = syscall_open(path, flags, mask); stream->fd = fd; stream->available = 0; stream->read_from = 0; stream->offset = 0; stream->ungetc = -1; stream->eof = 0; if (fd < 0) { errno = -fd; return NULL; } } return stream; } int ungetc(int c, FILE * stream) { if (stream->ungetc > 0) return EOF; return (stream->ungetc = c); } FILE * fdopen(int fd, const char *mode){ FILE * out = malloc(sizeof(FILE)); out->fd = fd; out->read_buf = malloc(BUFSIZ); out->bufsiz = BUFSIZ; out->available = 0; out->read_from = 0; out->offset = 0; out->ungetc = -1; out->eof = 0; return out; } int _fwouldblock(FILE * stream) { return !stream->available; } int fclose(FILE * stream) { int out = syscall_close(stream->fd); free(stream->read_buf); if (stream == &_stdin || stream == &_stdout || stream == &_stderr) { return out; } else { free(stream); return out; } } int fseek(FILE * stream, long offset, int whence) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s: seek called, resetting\n", _argv_0); stream->offset = 0; stream->read_from = 0; stream->available = 0; stream->ungetc = -1; stream->eof = 0; int resp = syscall_lseek(stream->fd,offset,whence); if (resp < 0) { errno = -resp; return -1; } return 0; } long ftell(FILE * stream) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s: tell called, resetting\n", _argv_0); stream->offset = 0; stream->read_from = 0; stream->available = 0; stream->ungetc = -1; stream->eof = 0; long resp = syscall_lseek(stream->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (resp < 0) { errno = -resp; return -1; } return resp; } size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream) { char * tracking = (char*)ptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < nmemb; ++i) { int r = read_bytes(stream, tracking, size); if (r < 0) { return -1; } tracking += r; if (r < (int)size) { return i; } } return nmemb; } size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream) { size_t out_size = size * nmemb; int r = syscall_write(stream->fd, (void*)ptr, out_size); if (r < 0) { errno = -r; return -1; } return r / size; } int fileno(FILE * stream) { return stream->fd; } int fflush(FILE * stream) { return 0; } int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream) { fwrite(s, strlen(s), 1, stream); /* eof? */ return 0; } int fputc(int c, FILE *stream) { char data[] = {c}; fwrite(data, 1, 1, stream); return c; } int putc(int c, FILE *stream) __attribute__((weak, alias("fputc"))); int fgetc(FILE * stream) { char buf[1]; int r; r = fread(buf, 1, 1, stream); if (r < 0) { stream->eof = 1; return EOF; } else if (r == 0) { stream->eof = 1; return EOF; } return (unsigned char)buf[0]; } int getc(FILE * stream) __attribute__((weak, alias("fgetc"))); int getchar(void) { return fgetc(stdin); } char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream) { int c; char * out = s; while ((c = fgetc(stream)) > 0) { *s++ = c; size--; if (size == 0) { return out; } *s = '\0'; if (c == '\n') { return out; } } if (c == EOF) { stream->eof = 1; if (out == s) { return NULL; } else { return out; } } return NULL; } int putchar(int c) { return fputc(c, stdout); } void rewind(FILE *stream) { fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET); } void setbuf(FILE * stream, char * buf) { // ... } int feof(FILE * stream) { return stream->eof; } void clearerr(FILE * stream) { stream->eof = 0; } int ferror(FILE * stream) { return 0; /* TODO */ }